8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY MAY 2 1913. o 0 renter st &VHI51 than The. i cl thes is what you s&ve by securing H??C Green Trading Stamps. They are given by Oregon City's leading merchants Mid the leading stores in over 700 Cities of the United States to induce cash trading. Thousands of handsome premiums are given for the filled stamp books at no cost to yon. iicy are your Discount for Paying Cash. H&C Stamp Books ase easy to fill Yoof soap wrappers, tobacco tags, Hamilton coupons and thousands of other trademarks may be exchanged at tie Premium Parlor located in BANNON & CO'S. for .ZffC Stamps. Stamps secured anywhere are good and redeemable at any ol our Stamp Parlors. Your purchases need not be confined to one storeask for them of yoor grocer, yoar batcher, and at any store where you do your trading. Watch for the nu merous double stamp days.--"RED LETTER DAYS". You will be astonished how easily and quickly you can fill your books. The following Oregon Qty Stores Give ?C Green Stamps: Our Anniversary Sa IS NOW ON We are offering wonderful Bargains Thru out the Store and give Double (Oreen Stamps During the days of the Sale ANNON & COMPANY Oregon City's Fastest Growing Store Mail rder Hal Of buying groceries is said to be "the seed of indigestion" Indiges tion or not, there isn't a mail order house in the United States that will give you full weight a't any lower prices than are marked upon our goods, leaving out of the argument entirely the question of high standard quality. Fourteen ounces doesn't make a pound on our scales, and we don't sell 20c coffee claiming it is our best 30c grade reduced to a bnrgain price. We would be glad to match our lower priced goods against those of any mail order house for both qualiiy and price. Come and see for yourself. J. ESEELEY CKOCER ml SMH. Green Stamps are your dis count for Paying Cash FREE STAMPS CUT OUT THIS COUPON I SBI. &sree Stamps free If presented upon making a purchase amounting to 50 cents or more These Stamps will be given in addition to the regular stamps given with each purchase GOOD UNTIL JUNE 1st 1913 BANNON & COMPANY MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING sit i-j. J j j S.&H. Green Stamps are your dis count for Paying Cash FREE STAMPS CUT OUT THIS COUPON 10 S&H Green Stamps Free If presented upon making a pot chase amounting to 50 cents or more These stamps will be given in addition to the regular stamps given with " each purchase . GOOD UNTIL JUNE 1st, 1913 JONES DRUG COt Main Street, Oregon City THE SPRAYING SEASON IS HERE NOW ! WE HAVE THE LIME AND SUL PHUR SPRAY ALL RUBBER GOODS Reduced One-Fourth this week. Accuracy ALWAYS in Prescriptions! Jergens' Soaps Special Armour's Soaps, Special, 7 for 25c - 4 for 25c Jones Drug Company Ask for HVt Green Trading Stamps Carry This Pen In Your LIST of placet you could carry a Jack Knife Safety Pen without leaf of iu leaking ; In your trousers pocket In your collar box. Upside down in your white veal pocket In your change pocket. In your grip. Behind your ear. In your hat. In your cigarette case. In the envelope ttith your girl's letter. Etc, etc, ad lib. For this pen in any pocket, in any position, refines to leak. Writes like a breeze 1 Get one on trial from your dealer. Return it any time within 1 0 dayiif you find a place it will leak in. We authorize dealer to refund. Prices; $2.50 up. If your dealer doesn't keep Parkers, write us today for catalog. PARKER PEN COMPANY Mill St, Janesviile, Wis. PARKER Jack Knife Safety FOUNTAIN PEN "&1 Motto, Attention Don't fail to visit Our Boys' Department. Wc are featuring absolutely the best boys' clothes on the mar ket for 'the least money. The most wonderful and most Tiarmless GOCYCLE given free with every $10 worth of purchases in our boys' department PRICE BROS., PROPER CLOTHES FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN, AND BOYS 6th and Main Street, Oregon City S.&H. Green Stamps are your dis count for Paying Cash FREE STAMPS CUT OUT THIS COUPON Ten S&H Green Stamps Free If presented upon making a purchase amounting to 50 cents or more These stamps will be given in addition to the regular stamps given with each purchase GOOD UNTIL JUNE 1st, 1913 THE GROCER Opp. Court House J. E. SEELEY S.&H. Green Stamps are your dis count for Paying Cash FREE STAMPS CUT OUT THIS COUPON TEN S&H GREEN STAMPS fKEE If presented upon making a purchase amounting to 7, 50 cents or more These stamps will be given in addition to the regular stamps given with each purchase GOOD UUTIL JUNE 1st, 1913 PRICE BROTHERS CLOTHIERS 6th & Main I