OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, MAY, 1913 Below you will find a large number of professional and business cards and advertisements that will be of great interest to every reader of the Ladies's issue of the Oregon City Courier, and you will find it to your advantage to file this page for reference 12 J. L. Swafford Sells Farms, Fruit Lands, Small CLYDE MOUNT J. E. HEDGES I The latest Styles in Millinery at I Paul Fischer Tracts City Property, Etc. T x A x Moderate Prices ' Dentist Attorney at Law M. r r , , .u Attorney If you want reliableinformation write flflasonjc Biding Oregon City, Of egOn Weinhard Building - Oregon MISS I. (jOlaSmitn Beaver Bldg. OREGON CITY, OREGON 8th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY H. L. l. l. pickens Hicks & Brownell o. d. eby ' Dimick & Dimick H. P. Brightbill MARTIN'S Dentist lawyers Attorney at Law Lawyers fg c , a ir r i ci Weinhard Building Beaver BulIdinK . ' p. nA 5, 10 and 15 Cent Store ORFrnN rlTY nprrnN OREGON CIT Y,- - -OREGON Oregon City, Oregon Phone " 613Main Street Beaver Bldg. OREGON CITY, OREGON . Andresen Building RnQ . OREGON CITY, . OREGON OREGON CITY """" """" """""""" " " . . . W. S. EDDY, V. 5., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chi cago, is established at Fashion Stable, Fifth St., between Main and Water Sts. Both Telephones Office Pacific, Main 65; Home A 95. Res.Phone Home B284 Office Phones Home A200 Pac. M. 10 DR. NEHRBAS, DENTIST At Bridge Corner Over Andresen, th eJeweler Rooms 9, 10, 11, and 12. Waiting Room with Dr. Strickland OREGON CITY, OREGON W. C. Green Censorial Parlor Best Shave and Half Cat In the City Cranium Manipulation and 7th and Center Sti. OREGON CITY Oregon City Abstract Company 617 Main St. Only Up-to-Date Abstract in Clack amas County Phone M. 3851 Home Bill OREGON CITY ORE. Phones Farmers 811 Main 2921 Gladstone Lumber Co. (Incorporated) Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealers All Kinds of Builders' Supplies Portland Office 515 Couch Bldg . Phone A7594 PARKPLACE- OREGON Satisfactory settlement of all losses makes satisfied Policyholders. Satis fied policy holders are our best adver tisement. Our policyholders are all satisfied. E. H. Cooper THE INSURANCE MAN Enterprice bldg., Oregon City, Ore. Laton Beauty Parlor MAYME METZLAR Face and Scalp Massage and Treat ment, Hairdressing, Manicuring, Sup erflous hair removed successfully. Hair Work A Specialty 709 7th Street OREGON CITY Chas. Surfus Cement Finisher and Jobber Cement Foundations, Walks, Steps, Basements, Floors, Retaining Walls, Etc. Phone Main 2353 OREGON CITY BROWNELL & STONE Lawyers Caufleld Bldg. Oregon City OREGON COMPLIMENTS OF CITY ICE & COLD STORAGE 201, 12th Street Wm. Mclarty Ladies' and Gents' Tailor Andresen Building, Cor, 7th and Main OREGON CITY, OR. The Spa Confectienery MISS S. NEWTON HOME MADE CANDIES Sodas and Ice Cream 7t hStreet OREGON CITY E.L.JOHNSON Barber Main St. Near 8th H. J, BIGGER FLORIST Flowering Plants Bulbs, Etc Oruamental Trees and Shrubs 8th and Center Streets Oregon City Hats with Individuality, Dash and Style, without the usual high Prices at Miss Bluhm's 709 Seventh St., Oregon City Elite Dressmaking Parlors ORDERS TAKEN ON MONDAYS ONLY Eighth and Van Buren Streets Nelson & Catto CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS New work or Repair Estimates given Prices right Phono 1983 SCHOENBORN has Good Groceries CORNERED At 7th and Center Sts., Oregon City BOTH PHONES Capital $50,000.00 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY mm OUR. FINER SENSES DEMAND PERFECT REST FOR OUR DEPARTED DEAD ( fljrrl I' D. C. LATOURETTE President M. D. LATOURETTE, Vice Pres. F.J.MEYER, Cashitr A Strong, Live, Progressive Institution, of fering a Service which meets with ev ery legitimate requirement Conducting a Legitimate Commercial Banking Business Continues to offer to conservative customers adequate facilities and perfect service ACCOUNTS INVITED Banking Hours 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. Lpe uniy national mnk m I Oregon City and Clackamas Co. X A FOR SALE EDISON PHONOGRAPH With Records, all in good condition PRICE $18.00 Phone Pacific 2172 T Or Call at 816 Madison Street Owning Your Home If mxmm LtTWHMHWIIIIIltaiaitfi Is made possible to people of small income by easy pay ments. We are offering in South Oregon City new 5-room residence, with three lots, for $1400; small payment down, balance monthly installments. Located three blocks from good school and store, within walking distance from Main street. Several workman employed in the mills are en joying their homrs in this tract. ENQUIRE OF F.R.ANDREWS At South Oregon City Creen House, near Mt. Pleasant School The "Portland" Concrete Burial Vault Is an Everlasting, Imperishable Container for the casket which people nowadays are provid ing. Address: J. O. STAATS Corner 4th and Jefferson Sts. OREGON CITY, ORE. Home Phone B-248 M& Albright Take your grocery wants to this store and they will help you solve the high cost of living. They will endeavor to show you the goods that will most please you, and you may rest assured the price willje right. A trial solicited Phone Main 271 JVilkinson & Baxter FLORISTS Main Street, next door to the Star Theatre OREGON CITY, ORE. Zanal Pure Food Products FLAVORING EXTRACTS IN SANITARY TUBES- NON-ALCO-HOLIC HIGHLY CONCENTRATED.. .25 cento a Tube-Equal in QUANTITY to the contents of 5 ordinary bottles of Extract. Sold Direct to Costi mers Only Good AGENTS WANTED on Salary and Commission. . MRS. ROSALIE COULDING, -:- STATE AGENT 617 Main St, Oregon City Ground floor Beaver Building Tel .A-247 The STORE WITH A HELPING HAND 805 Seventh Street OREGON CITY, OREGON J. H. cTWATTLEY Dealer in New and Second Hand FURNITURE Ranges $10.00 to $57.50; Cook Stoves $4 to $20; Heatrs Cheap to close out. Galvanized Wash Tubs 50c to $1.60; Tin and Galvaniied Boilers $1 to $1.50; Copper Boilers $3. to $5; Copper Tea Kettles 75c to $1.25. Good Stove Pipe 15c; Pol ished Stove Pipe 20c Dressers, $3.50 to $16.50 Side Boards.... $7.50 to $13.50 Kitchen Safes and Cup boards $3.50 to $8.50 Kitchen Queens. . . .1.00 to 4.50 Kitchen Cabinets $9 to $12.50 Dining Room chairs. JO to 2.25 Iron Beds uo to 7.50 Steel Frame Springs 4.00 to 5.00 Wood Frame Springs 75 to 3.75 Baby Cribs 3.50 to 8.25 Baby Carts UO to 10.50 7ti St. Neat J. Q. Adams Oregon'City, Ore.