Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 18, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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In the" Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Ollie Matheson, Plaintiff,
vs. '
William M. Matheson, Defendant.
To William M. Matheson, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed again
st you in the above named suit, on or
before the 10th day of May, 1913,
said date being the expiration of six
full weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail to so
appear or naswer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
m her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
)f matrimony and marriage contract
heretofore and now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, and for
the care, custody and control of Mel
ville Matheson and Russell Matheson,
ninor children 01 plaintitt and de
fendant herein and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
neem just and equitable.
This summons is published by or-
Jer of the Kon. R. B. Beatie, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas,
which said order was made and enter-
eded on March "20th, 1913. Date of
first publication of this summons is
March 28th, 1913, and the date of the
last publication thereof is May 9th,
1913, which publication shall be made
once a week for six consecutive weeks
after the first publication of said
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Sophia Folsom, Plaintiff, vs. B. S.
Folsom, Defendant.
To B. S.' Folsom, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint- filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the 19th
day of April 1913, and if you fail to
appear and answer, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief pray
ed for in her complaint, to-wit: For
a decree dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, and for other equitable
This summons is issued and pub
lished in pursuance of an order of the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas,
made and entered on the 6th day of
March, 1913, specifying that the same
be published for six successive weeks,
and ordering March 7th, 1913, as the
date of first publication and April. 18,
1913, as the date of the last publica
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Sale
In the County Court of the State of
Oreg8n, Tor Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Guardian
ship of' George B. Thomas and
Rhoda Thomas, his wife, (insane per
(insane persons.)
Notice is hereby given, that pur
suant fo the order of the County
Court of the County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, made on the 24th
day of February, 1913, in the matter
of the estates of George B. Thomas
and Rhoda Thomas, his wife, insane
persons, the undersigned will sell at
private sale, as a whole, to the high
est bidder, upon the terms and condit
ions hereinafter mentioned, and sub
ject to confirmation by said County
Court, on or after the 5th day of May
1913, all the right, interest and es
tate of the said George B Thomas and
Rhoda Thomas, insane persons in and
to that certain piece, lot or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Situate in Clackamas County, State
of Oregon, to-wit: The East half (E.
.) of the North East quarter (N. E.
y4) of Section One (1) Tp. 2 S. R. 4
E. Willamette Meridian; except the
following: Being a part of the East
half of the North East quarter of Sec
tion One (1) in Township Two (2)
South of Range Four (4) East of the
Willamette Meridian, particularly de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a point 250 feet South of the N. E.
corner of the S. E. quarter of the N.
E. quarter of said Section One in T.
2 S. R. 4 E. of the W. M., thence
South 150 feet; thence North 80 deg.
West 1330 feet to the West line of
said South East quarter of the North
East quarter of said section one;
thence North 500 feet; thence South
80 deg. East 300 feet; thence South
200 feet; thence South 80 deg. East
730 feet; thence South 150 feet;
thence South 80 deg. East 300 feet to
the place of beginning, containing
9.40 acres, more or less.' '
Terms and conditions of sale: Two
Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) cash at
the time of sale, and the balance upon
confirmation of said sale by the court.
Bids"6r offers must be in writing and
may be left at the office of .Gilbert L.
Hedges, Attorney, in the Weinhard
Bldg., 8th & Main Streets, Oregon
City, Oregon, or may be delivered to
said guardian personally.
Dated, April 5th, 1913.
Guardian of the persons and estates
of George B. Thomas and Rhoda
Thomas, his wife, (insane persons.)
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas, ex
ecutor of the estate of Joseph Bruce,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby re
quired to present them to me at my
office in the Beaver Building, Oregon
City, Oregon, properly verified as by
law required, within six months from
the date hereof.
Date of the first publication April
11, 1913.
Executrix of the estate of Joseph
Bruce, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Crystal A. Corner, Plaintiff,
Harry L. Corner Defendant.
To Harry L. Corner, the defendant
above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on, or before, the expiration of
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit,
on or ber.?re the 19th day of April,
1913, and if you fail to answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
in her complaint filed fierein, to-wit:
That the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between plaintiff and defend
ant be dissolved, and for such other
and further relief as to the Court
may seem just and equitable in the
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the Circuit Court for the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, and said order was made and
dated the 3rd day of March, 1913, and
the date of the first publication of
this summons is the 7th day of March
1913, and the last date of publication
April 18, 1913.
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Elmer F. Butzer, Plaintiff, vs.
Maud L. Butzer, Defendant.
To Maud L. Butzer, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint in the
above entitled suit filed against you
on or before six weeks after the
wit: The 9th day of May, 1913, and
if you fail to so appear and answer,
the plaintiff for want thereof, will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in said suit, to-wit:
for a judgment and decree against
you that the bonds of matrimony be
tween the plaintiff and the defend
ant be dissolved, and that the plain-
tiii be awarded tne care, custody and
control of Lawrence F. Butzer. the
minor child of plaintiff and defend
ant, and for such other and further
relief as to this Honorable court may
seem just nad equitable.
lhis summons is published pursu
ant to an order made on the 26th day
of March, 1913, by the Honorable J.
U. Lampbell, judge of the Circuit
court of the State of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas.
Ihe date of the first Dubhcation of
this summons is March 28, 1913, and
the date of the last publication is
May 9, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Elizabeth Harris. Plaintiff, vs. Ar
thur Harris, Defendant.
To Arthur Harris, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint in the above en
titled suit on or before the expiration
of six weeks after the first publication
of this summons, that being the time
prescribed in the order for publica
tion of the same, and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint in the said suit, to-wit: For a
decree dissolving the marriage con
tract and bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between the
plaintiff and yourself and giving to
plaintiff the care and custody of her
two minor children, Cecile May Har
ris and Arthur F. Harris.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made by the Honorable J.
U. Campbell, Judge of said court, da
ted the 12th day of March, 1913, and
the date of the first publication of this
summons being the 14th day of March
1913, and the last, the 25th day of
April, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of C. H.
Giger, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been, by order of the
county court of Clackamas county,
State of Oregon, appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of C. H. Giger,
deceased. Any and all persons hold
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same to
the undersigned at her farm near
Marquam, in Clackamas county, State
of Oregon, op or before six months
from and after the date of this notice,
properly verified with vouchers as by
law provided.
Dated and first published March 21,
Administratrix of the Estate or C. H.
Giger, deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Ad
ministratrix. Send Now
for Free
...UimULI" IMMj HI' wmwi'lipi.w HP P .'"lil 'I'HIWI
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
Ashley & Rumelin, bankers, a cor
poration, Plaintiff, vs. W. B. Ham, El
la Ham and Ethel Aldham, Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 7th day of March, 1913, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 15th day of February,
1913, in favor of Ashley & Rumelin,
bankers, a corporation, Plaintiff, and
against W. B. Ham, Ella Ham, and
Ethel Aldham, Defendants for the sum
of $300.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the 16th day of June 1912, and
the further sum of $15.10 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate in the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, towit:
Beginning at a point on the S. side
of the County Road which would be by
a line drawn S. 63 rods W from rock
marked "H" locating the center See.
15 T. 2 S. R. 3 E. of the W. M., thence
S. to the right bank of Deep Creek;
thence up the right bank of Deep
Creek to a tract of land sold to Deem
er and Roberts; thence N. 49 degrees
W. to the County Road; thence West
erly along said road to place of be
ginning, containing 12 acres more or
less in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
19th day of April, 1913, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court house in the city
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S. gold com cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
B. B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., March 19th,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Amelia McCullough, Plaintiff, '
S. A. McCullough, Defendant.
To S. A. McCullough, the above nam
ed defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, within
six weeks from Saturday March 21st,
1913, which is the date of the first
publication hereof, and if you fail to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
plaintiff will take a default against
you and will apply to the Court for a
decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and devorcing
plaintiff from defendant, and for such
other relief as may to the Court
seem just and proper. Service of this
Summons is made upon you by pub
lication by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court for
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
made on the 21st day of February, 19-
13, directing that said publication be
made in the Oregon City Courier, a
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished at Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, and that said pub
lication be made once a week for six
consecutive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of 1st publication March 21st,
Date of last publication May 2, 19
13. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. John J. Ramser, Plaintiff vs. Margar
et Ramser. Defendant.
To Margaret Ramser, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to apear and
answer the complaint in the above en
titled suit filed against you, on or be
fore six weeks after the first publi
cation of this summons, to-wit: The
7th day of March, 1913, and if you
fail to so appear and answer, for went
thprpof. the nlaintiff will aDDlv to the
Court for the relief demanded in said
suit, as follows:
For a decree dissolving the bonds ol
matrimony between you and the
plaintiff and for such other and fur
ther relief as to this Honorable Court
may seem just and equitable.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made by the Honorable J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the state of Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas, on the 4th day
of March, 1913.
The date of the first publication of
this summons being March 7, 1913,
and the date of the last publication
being April 18, 1913.
U'Ren & Schuebel,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administratrix of the es
tate of Albert F. Turner, deceased,
has filed her final account with the
County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, and that the Judge
of said court has set Monday, April
28th, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, as the time for
hearing the said report, at which
time all persons interested are hereby
notified to be present and make ob
jections to said report if any there be.
Dated this 4th day of April, 1913.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Albert F. Turner, deceased.
Gilbert L. Hedges,
Attorney. ,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas
Lewis Pitts and Jennie Pitts his wife,
Josiah Laney, Defendants.
To Josiah Laney the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon
vou are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint in the above
entitled suit on or before six weeks
after the . first - publication of this
summons to-wit: On the 26th day of
May, 1913, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said com
plaint, as follows, to-wit:
That defendant be debarred from
claiming any interest m the following
described tract of land situated in
Clackamas Co., Ore, described as com
mencing in the South boundary of
claim No. 44 in 3 :5 K. -i East of
W M. in the section lino between sec
tions 25 and 26 in said township and
range, thence Jiast along South boun
dary of said claim No. 44 to the road
leading from Oregon City to Molalla
River, thence South to South or left
bank of Parrot Craok thence down
said left of Parrot Creek w;th its
meanders to the next boundary of
said section twenty-five thence north
along said section line to the place of
This summons is published pursu
ant to an order made by the Honor
able J. U. Campbell, judge of the Cir
cuit court of the State ot Oregon, for
the jCounty of Clackamas on the 9th
day of April 1913.
The date of the first publication of
this sumons being April 18th, 1913,
and the date of the last publication
being May 23, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. M. Morehead, as guardian of the
person and estate of John L. Brown,
an insane person, Plaintiff, vs. Jos
eph A. Epler, Defendant.
To Joseph A. Epler, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: iou rae hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled act
ion on or before six weeks after the
date of the first publication of this
summons, to-wit: the 16th day o fMay
,1913, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, the plaintiff for want thereof
will demand judgment against you
for the' sum of $1094.04, and for the
further sum of $150 for plaintiff's
attorney's fees and for interest on
said sums at 6 per cent per annum
from the date of filing said complaint,
being the 14th day of March, 1913,
and for his costs and disbursements
in this action. You are further noti
fied that a Writ of Attachment has
been issued out of this Court and lev
ied upon your real property in said
County of Clackamas at the instance
of the plaintiff.
This summons is published pursu
ant to an order made in the above en
titled cause by the Honorable R. B.
Beatie, county judge of said County
of Clackamas, in the absence from
Clackamas county of the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, judge of the circuit
court of the State of Oregon for said
county of Clackamas on the 3rd day
of April, 1913.
The date of the first publication of
this summons being April 4, and the
date of the last publication being May
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah.
In the matter of the Estate of J.
K. Miller, deceased.
Under and by authority of an order
granted by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Multnomah, dated the 18th day of
November, 1912, I, the undersigned
Administratrix of said estate will sell
at private sale, the following describ
ed real property belonging to the es
tate of J. K. Miller, deceased, to-wit:
Lot Thirty (30) in Oregon Homes,
Clackamas County, Oregon, according
to the duly recorded plat thereof; the
sale of the said property will be made
on and after the 19th day of April,
1913, and the terms of said sale are
for. cash to the highest bidder. Bids
will be received by the said Admin
istratrix at the office of Hall & Flied
ner, attorneys at 222 Fliedner Build
ing and 6510 Foster Road, Portland,
Oregon, and at the office of the Ore
gon City Courier, Oregon City, Ore
gon. N. A. PAYNE,
Date of first publication, March 21,
Date of last publication, April 18, 1913
Attorneys at Law
Will practice in all courts, make
collections and settlements of es
tates, furnish abstracts of title,
and lend you money, or lend your
money on first mortgage. Office
In Enterprise Bldg.', Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Administration and probate matters a
Room 8 Beaver Building
Main St. Oregon City
Oregon City, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon,
John W. Kinzel, Plaintiff,
Elizabeth Kinzel, Defendant.
To Elizabeth Kinzel, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 25th day of April, 1913,
to-wit: within six weeks from the
first day of publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to answer or
otherwise appear in this suit, the
plaintiff will apply to this court .for
the relief prayed for in the plaintiff's
complaint herein, to-wit: for a decree
dissolving the bonds f matrimony
now existing between you and the
plaintiff herein and for such other and
further relief as may seem equitable
and just.
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. J, U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled court, which or
der is dated the 11th day of March
Date of first publication March 14,
Date of first publication April 25,
Plaintiff's attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Lyda C. Bailey, Plaintiff, ,
William J. Bailey, Defendant.
To William J. Bailey, Defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the complaint
of the Plaintiff in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the 26th
day of April, A. D. 1913, and if you
do not so appear and answer the
Plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in the complaint
which is for a decree of the above en
titled Court forever dissolving the
marriage contract here-to-fore and
now existing between you and the
plaintiff, Lyda C. Bailey, and for
such other relief as the Court may
think proper. This summons is herved
upon you by publication by order of
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, duly
made and entered on the 11th day of
March A. D. directing that the same
be published in the Oregon City Cour
ier once a week for six successiive
weeks and the date of the first pub
lication hereof is of date the 14th
day of March A. D. 1913, and the last
publication April 25, 1913.
Attorney for plaintiff, 421 Mohawk
Building, Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Victor B. Reed, Plaintiff, vs. Cath
arine C. Reed, Defendant,
To Catharine C. Reed, the above nam
ed defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 25th day of April, 1913,
said date being after the expiration of
six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
in said complaint, to-wit: For a de
cree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between yourself
and the plaintiff, and for such other
and further relief as to the Louit
seems equitable.
This summons is published by order
of Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit court for the county of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, which or
der was made and entered on the 12th
day of March, 1913, and the time pre
scribed for publication is six weeks,
beginning with the issue of March 14,
1913, and continuing each weeK there
after to and including April !oth
Johnson and Stout,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
William Jethro Walters, riainuu,
vs. Anna Sheeler Walters, Defendant.
To Anna Sheeler Walters, the defend
ant, above named:
In the -name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court ana
cause within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, namely, within six weeks from
the 14th day of March, 1913, that be
ing the time fixed by thee ourt for
you to appear and answer, and if you
fail to so appear, lor wane inereoi
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed lor in nis compmmv,
to-wit: For a decree against you for
iver dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between you and
ilia nlaintiff herein on the grounds of
cruel and inhuman treatment, and for
such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem just and equitable in
the premises.
This summons is served upon you
by publication once a week for six
consecutive weeks, by order of the
Hon. J. U. Camnbell. Judge of tne
above entitled Court, made and enter
ed in said suit on the 13th day of
March, 1913.
T. M. MUKKip,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of the first publication, March
14, 1913. Date of the last publication
April 25, 1913.
lWn40LDS If TBIAt BOTTlt fm.l
Off rfCJfYc Kcrwis
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of. Clackamas.
R. Gouge, Plaintiff vs. Texie Gouge,
To Texie Gouge, above named De
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint in the above en
titled suit on or before six weeks after
the first publication of this sum
mons, to-wit: On the 3rd day of May,
1913, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, as fol
lows, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony existing between you and
the plaintiff, and for such other and
further relief as to this Honorable
Court as may seem meet and equit
able. This summons is published pursu
ant to an roder made by the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, judge of the Circuit
court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas on .the 18th day
of March, 1913.
The date of the first publication of
this summons being March 21, 1913,
and the date of the last publication be
ing May 2, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the county court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas Ex
ecutrix of the estate of Mike Sporls
ky, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them to me at the
office of U'Ren and Schuebel, Oregon
City, Ore., properly verified as by law
required, within six months from the
date hereof.
Date of first publication March 28,
Executrix of the estate of Mike
Sporalsky, deceased.
U'Ren and Schuebel,
. Attorneys for Executrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Edward S. Backstrand and Sigrid
Backstrand Plaintiffs,
B. F. Hart and E. R. Hart, husband
and wife, Ethel A. Hart Lomman,
R. V. Lomman, husband and wife,
I. T. Hart and Clara Hart, husband
and wife, Emma Jonsrud, George
H. Root, Defendants.
I. T. Hart and Clara Hart, and all
others unknown.
In the name of the State of Oregon
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the am
ended complaint filed against you in
the above entitled court on or before
the 28th day of April, 1913, which is
six weeks after the 14th day of March
1913, the day of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail so
to appear and answer the plaintiffs
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in their complaint, to-wit:
1st that the Court decree that the
mortgage made, by B. F. Hart and
E. R. Hart to Edward S. Backstrand
and Sigrid Backstrand on the 23rd
day of February, 1911, mortgaging
and conveying the West half of the
Southwest quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section Six, Township Two,
South of Range Five East of the Will
amette Meridian, situated in Clacka
mas County, Oregon, be reformed and
corrected and made to conform to the
agreements and intentions of the par
ties thereto and to properly describe
the real property intended to be mort
gaged and conveyed by said parties
and decreeing that it was not the in
tention of said parties or any of them
to mortgage and convey in and by the
mortgage and conveyance said parcel
of land last above described, but that
it was the intention of all the said
parties to convey the West half of the
Southwest quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section Six Township three
South of Range Five, East of the
Willamette Meridian, situated in
Clackamas County State of Oregon.
And that the said description first
above named be reformed so as to
read as the second description last
above named in conformity with the
intentions of the parties hereto.
2d For a decree that the plaintiffs
recover of you and each of you the
sum of eight hundred dollurs with in
terest thereon at the rate of 7 per
cent por annum from the 23rd day
of January 1911, and the further sum
of $150.00 attorneys' fees and for
their costs and disbursements herein,
and that plaintiffs' mortgage up
on the West half of the Southwest
quarter of the Northeast quarter of
Section Six, Township Three, South of
Range Five, East of the Willamette
Meridian, situated In Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, be decreed
a first lien on said property, and for
the usual decree of foreclosure of said
mortcaee. and that the said mort
gaged premises be decreed to be sold
in the manner provided by law and ac
cording to the rules of this Court, and
that the proceeds arising therefrom
be applied, first to the pluintiffs costs
and disbursements accrued herein
and plaintiffs, attorneys fees and the
amount due plaintiffs herein by virtue
of their said mortgage and the re
mainder, if any be applied as to the
Court mav seem meet and equitable
And vou and each of you be forever
and foreclosed of all right, title and
interest , which you or either of you
have in said property, save only the
statutory right of redemption.
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, duly made
and entered on the 10th day of March
1913, and the said order directs pub
lication of this summons once a week
for six weeks
The first date of publication of this
summons is the 14th day of Mnrch,
Attorney for plaintiffs.
Want a good stock farm not far
from Oregon City on good road. Have
the money and will consider a bar
gain. State price and terms.
B 40 Courier.
John Irvin 1.70
Chas. Bronson ; 1.70
A. G. Ames 9.20
Jesse Stubbs 1.70
Chas. DuBoise 1.70
James Smith 1.70
S. Lovelace 1.70
W. H. Kandle 1.70
Chas. Kandle 1.70
Frank Thomas 1.50
Clyde Sailing ...1.60
U. S. Morgan 1.20
L. M. Henthorn 1.20
Lloyd Yocum 1.20
H. J. Chevron 1.20
L. H. McKenna 1.20
P. F. Standish 1.60
Di E. Frost 6.80
A. G. Ames 1.25
The Western Union Tel. Co., 75
Fashion Livery Stable 6.50
F. A. Miles ".92.70
E. T. Mass 38.30 '
R. A. Junken 1.25
D. E. Frost 17.90
Collection of Taxes
Cis. B. Pratt 79.80
Ona Renner 39.80
Rose Justin 40.65
Kathryn Sinnott 39.65
Maud Moran 77.00
Ernest Mass, Jr., 4N4N4.N4N4495.00
R. A. Junken 83.60
J. O. Staats 78.60
G. F. Johnson .21.20
F. W. Greenman 28.20
B. J. Staats 40.00
H. S. Daulton 52.00
W. L. Mulvey 10.00
Edith Smith 65.00
Louise Cochran 65.00
'Alice Dwiggins 52.00
J. A. Tufts 2.00
Bernice Warren 4.00
Wm. J. Wilson 6.40
Dr. Guy Mount 5.00
Supt. of Schools.
F. B. Guthrie 1.30
Margaret Curran 140.80
J. E. Calavan 119.00
D. E. Frost 4.32
T. J. Gary ..16.12
H. M. James 133.40
The Laemmle Film Serv Alliance 2.85
C. R. James . 3.50
Clara Mitchell 52.00
Gertie Wilson' 52.00
Morieta Hickman 6.00
H. W. Koehler 18.00
Louis Funk 12.00
B. L. Hagemann ..; 39.00
N. R. Graham 15.00
Charles Thompson 42.00
R. A. Junken 18.00
E. W. Randolph , 30.00
Henry Meldrum 4.00
Kilham Stationary & Print. Co, 11.40.
D. Thompson Meldrum 80.60
Paul Dunn ... 33.60
Bud Thomspon 33.60
Harry Gray 23.75
Fruit Inspector
0. E. Freytag 12.60
Board of Health
City of Oregon City 13.75
C. II. Dauchy ...44.50
W. J. Wilson 9.00
Current Expense.
Huntley Bros. Co 29.20
Board of Water Commissioners. 15.00
Home Telephone Co., 17.35
Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co., ...18.00
Court House
Portland. Ry. L.& P. Co 6.00
W. M. Knoop 6.50
Seeley's 4.75
The Peoples Brush Factory 7.00
E. T. Mass 122..02.
County Poor
Louis Noble Jr., . v 37.25
Wm. Gardner 3.50
Palace Meat Market 1.20
Colin Mclvcr 10.00
Mrs. Jane Mclver 5.00
Mrs. Clay Green 16.00
IL D. Aden 10.15
Cottage Undertaking Parlors ...12.50
Farr Brothers 20.00
F. T. Barlow 40.00
Wm. Hammond 60.00
F. J. Ilarkenrider 5.00
Oregon City Hospital 11.00
Mrs. G. E. Woodward 20.00
Fred Clack 7.00
P. M. Doyle -....5.00
Denis Donovan 12.50
C. R. Thorpe & Co 18.00
Patton Home 26.99
A. Kink & Co 22.55
II. D. Harms .....6.00
Beverlin's Grocery 18.20
Mrs. W. F. Adams 5.00
Fashion Livery Stable ..8.00
A. R. Stevens 6.00
Mrs. Emma E. Milsted 20.00
Carrie Allen 15.00
A. J. Rosenthal 20.00
Indigent Soldier Fund
James R. Flower 15.00
Charles E. Jerrett 5.00
Christopher Mills 10.00
II. L. Hull 1.50
Dr. Guy Mount 5.00
Hugh S. Mount 5.00
II. II. Hughes 8.00
Printing & Advertising
Oregon City Courier Pub. Co., ..44.60
Oregon City Enterprise 626.00
Wild Animal Bounty
T. F. Wilcox 1.50
William Norris 1.50
John Linhart 3.50
L. C. Lowe 2.00
Adolph Aschoff 3.50
L. G. Rcesland 2.00
Isaac Callahan 1.50
J. A. Marchbank 2.00
Peter Dooghe J.B0
Henry Reimer 3.00
Robert Miller 1.50
N. E. Stingley .. .1.50
B. C. Falmer .10.00
A. J. Romestch 2.00
Juvenile Court
D. E. Frost 10 30
Mrs. C. J. Parker 20.89
Timber Cruising
O. S. Boyles 175.35
M. G. Nease 5,406.72
General Roads
Wilson & Cooke 75
A. Gebhardt 332.06
O. Peters 17.50
C. C. Schroeder 18.00
J. Bushbaum 12.00
R. Bushbaum 12.00
E. A they 8.00
R. DeNeui 15.00
M. Alagith 6.00
V. Thomson 8.00
C'ty of Oregon City 8,079.18