Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 18, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Do Seventh Day Adventists Repair
The Breach, and Restore the
Paths to Dwell In?
"If the Foundation be Destroyed
What Shall the Righteous Dor"
Righteousness before God is found
in walking by faith in all the com
mandments and ordinances of the
Lord blameless.
"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy
voice like a trumpet and show thy
people their transgressions and the
house of Jacob their sins." Luke 1:6;
Isa. 53: 1.
"Let no man deceive you by any
means; for (before the kingdom is re
deemed, Luke 21: 26; Eph. 1: 14)
there shall come a falling away first,
and that man of sin be revealed (who
thought to change the appointed ordi
nances and the laws of God) the son
of perdition; who opposeth and exalt
eth himself above all that is called
God, or that is worshiped, so that he
as God sitteth in the temple of God,
showing himself that he is' God." See
the apostle Paul's comment on Daniel
7: 25; 2 Thess. 2.
In this paper we will not comment
on any declarations made in Daniel
7: 25, save on the changes of "times"
or appointed ordinances, to learn
what has not been done by those who
make the claim that they are "The re
pairers of the breach, the restorers of
paths to dwell in."
"And he shall think to change times
and laws'." A more literal translat
ion would read: And he shall think to
change ordinances and laws; namely,
the ordinance of baptism (Matt. 28:
19; Mark 16, 16) feet washing (John
13) the Lord'B supper (Matt. 26: 28)
and "laws" both greatest and least
of the commandments. Lev. 19: 27;
Ex. 20: 8-11; Matt. 5: 19.
The Ordinance of Baptism, A memo
rial of Redemption
"Baptized for the remission of sins
that are passed through the forbear
ance of God." Acts 8: 38; Rom. 3: 25;
"We are buried with Him by baptism
into his death, in the likeness of his
death." "And they went down into the
water and he baptized Him."
Rom. 6:4, 5; Acts 8: 38.
From the New Testament we may
learn that at baptism a transfer of
sins is made (see Isa. 53: 12) and the
gift of the Spirit of God's wisdom and
energy, the Holy Ghost is given, and
our name written in the Lamb's Book
of Life. Thus, being "born of the wat
er and of the Spirit," we enter the
way of life. John 3:5 Acts 2:38. Hav
ing complied with the requirements of
the gospel we are made to "rejoice,
because our names are written in
heaven," "in the Book of Life." Luke
10: 20; Phil. 4:8.
The Ordinance of Judgment, or Feet
"But now I have written unto you
not to keep company, if any man that
is called a brother be a fornicator (as
married to whom he ought not to be)
or covetous or an idolater (anything
is an idol that is loved more than Me,'
said Christ, and 'he is not worthy of
Me') or a railer, or a drunkard, or an
extortioner: with such an one no not
to eat. . . .Do ye not judge them that
are within ? . . . . Therefore put away
from yourselves that wicked person."
"Ho that is spiritual judgeth all
things." I Cor. 2: 15; 5, 1, 11-13.
"When a righteous man doth turn
from his righteousness, and commit
iniquity," "he is an adversary," "be
ing dead in trespasses and sins." Ez.
3 20; Eph 2: 1. "Agree with thine ad
versary," or "his blood will I require
at thy hand." "To bring about an a-
greoment, Go tell him his fault be
tween thee and him ulone; if he will
hoar thee thou hast guincd thy broth
er. If he rofuse to hour the pleadings
of his brethren and the strong testi
mony of the Scriptures at the mouth
of his pastor (Eze. 44: 23) in the
presence ot the congregation, reluso
to wash his feet, judge him as unwor
thy of fellowship. If incorrigible, let
him be unto theo as a heathen man
and a publican;" " outside of the
camp shull his habitation be." If he
should atterwunl repent, "confirm
your lovo toward him:" "restore him
back into the fold. Matt. 6: 25; 18:
15-18; Lev. 13: 46; 2 Cor. 2:8. Paul
highly commended such a church as
this. 2 Cor. 7: 8-11.
He that is of "quick understanding"
will read the declaration of the pronh
ets of our Lord, and of his apostles
as lollows:
lie that is unclean "by trespasses
and sins (for example, divorccd-mar
ried) and is accepted at the ordinance
of feet washing while living in sin,
the Church "biddcth him Godspeed
and is partaker of his evil deeds." A
little leaven leaveneth the whole
lump." "For whosoever shall keep the
whole law, and yet offend in ouo point,
he is guilty of all." Such are partak
ers with adulterers, und when "all
things aro ready," they make excuse
and judgo themselves unworthy of
eternal life, because of their defile
ment. Ps. 50: 18; Hag. 2: 13, 11; Luke
14: 17-20; Jas. 2:10; 2 John 11; Matt.
12: 37.
Some who 'know not tho Scriptures'
justify themselves in washing the feet
of open transgressors because Jesus
washed Judas' feet. Though Jesus
was tempted (Luke 22) he had not
yet accepted tho price of betrayal. It
was after the supper was ended and
tho covenant blood had cut him off
from eternal life, that Jesus said to
him, "What thou doost, do quickly."
John 13: 27; see Jas. 1:15. Seventh
day Adventists hold no such doctrine.
The Ordinance of Justification, or the
Lord's Supper: This Do for Remem
brance of Me.
Satan tempted David to sin against
the Lord in numbering Israel, and for
this many were destroyed. David
sorely repented and confessed his
transgression, offered the covenant
blood, and the sword of Justice was
put" into the sheath thereof." 1 Chron
"If that nation, against whom I
have pronounced, turn from evil, I
will turn from the chastisement that
I thought to do unto them;" "and
without the shedding of blood is no
remission;" "this is my blood of the
new covenant which is shed for many
for the remission of sin." But the law
Inf atonement) worketh wrath a-
gainst the transgressor to cut him off
if he is not found blameless herein.
Jer. 18:8 Heb. 9: 22; Rom. 4: 14; Gen.
17: 14; Numb. 9: 13.
Seven Day Adventists ten us inat
the remission of sins is not accomp
lished until near the end of the world.
Daniel 8:14.
Who Are Called the Least in the
Kingdom of Heaven?
"Doth not even nature itself teach
you, that if a man have long hair, it is
a shame unto him ? But if a woman
have lone hair it is a glory to her;
for her hair is given her for a cover-
ins." "But if it be a shame for a wo
man to be shorn or shaven, let her be
covered." 1 Cor. 11: 6, 10, 14, 15.
If the man is "the glory of God"
and the woman "the glory of man
what about the law that says, "neith
er shalt thou mar the corners of thy
The Son of man was the glory of
God, "our example." But who would
countenance the idea of a shaved
Christ? Beardless men are "effemin
ate" of feature, womanish. The apos-
tie Paul classes them with tornicators,
idolators, adulterers, thieves and
drunkards, "and shall not inherit the
kingdom of God." 1 Cor. 6: 9. If there
had been no law enacted, and witness
ed to in nature by a beard on the man
and not on the woman, then there
would be no transgression. "The
Scriptures cannot be broken;" "The
Scriptures must be fultilled." John 1U
35; Mark 14 37. Sin is the transgress
ion of the law," and law broken de
mands punishment. 1 John 3: 4; Rev.
21: 8. If the kingdom is to be secured
it must be by a church whose pastors
will effectually withstand the cus
toms of the world; who will stand on
the word in least as well as in the
greatest of the Commandments.
What a motley crowd pastors and
laymen make today; de-whiskered,
"effeminate" womanish; thus declar
ing that Jehovah made the beard in
vain, charging him with foolishness
(Job '1:22) and resenting what he in
his wisdom has established. Look at
them: full side whiskers and bare
chin, chin whiskers, mutton chops,
sideburns, mustache, vandyke, goatee,
imperial and old goat whiskers thru
out rank and file. "Example is more
forcible than precept." There are bad
examples that lead to the loss
of eternal life; follow not in the God
defying fashion of illustrious predec
essors. "Hear tho.word of the Lord, ye that
tremble at his word: Your brethren
that hate you, that cast you out for
my Name's sake (and my name is on
the altar," Deut. 12: 11,) said let the
Lord be gjorified; and he shall ap
pear to your joy and they shall be
ashamed." "Weighed in the balance
and found wanting," they receive the
mark of the beast, and hell fire. Isa.
66: 5; Rev. 19; 20.
More Unsound Doctrine.
Is the Memorial of Creation Also a
Memorial of Redemption?
"Thy name (and thy name is on the
altar,) O Lord, endureth forever, and
thy memorial, O Lord, throughout all
generations. Ps. 135: 13; Rev. 5:9.
What do S. D. A. writers say?
The papacy has taken hold of the
fourth commandment, torn from its
place the Sabbath of Jehovah, the
only memorial the great God ever
gave to man, erected in its place a
rival institution (Sunday) to serve
another purpose." Eld. Uriah Smith in
Prophecy of Daniel.
"And as in the beginning the Sab
bath was the sign of his creative pow
er, so now in these days it is also a
sign of his work in redemption. And
thus tho original Sabbath stands for
ever as tho memorial of God and His
Son." Eld. G. C. Tenny in Land and
Can the premises of these writers
and pastors be sustained by the Scrip
tures? They have not shown, neither
can it bo proven that tho Sabbath is
a memorial of redemption, nor the
ONLY memorial Jehovah gave to
man. Thoir arguments prove how er
roneous is their opinion. "That which
proves too much, proves nothing."
"That which is over-done, is un-done."
False interpretations of the Script
ures will forestall the sealing of the
remnant people, prevent the redemp
tion of the purchased possession and
the resurrection of the saints unto
eternal life, make invalid the oath of
God and overthrow the universe; for
if God's ' Word is not vindicated in
truth (in the remnant there is no lie)
his oath will witness against him; he
will bo found a liar; and all liars
shall have their part in the lake of
fire." Rev. 21: 8.
"Let us hear tho conclusion of the
whole matter: Fear God and keep his
commandments; for this is tho wholo
duty of. man. For God shall bring ev
ery work into judgement with every
secret thing, whether it be good or
evil." Eccl. 12: 13, 14.
How's This?
Wo oftor One llumlrotl I)lliini IlrwnM lor ftny
enso of otUrrb Uuxt nuuiot lw curvU by UuU'a
Uitarrli Cure,
F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
V tha umlrralKiutl, Irnvn known V, J. Chonoy
for tho lust IB yrnra, nml bdlevo Itiui porfivtly hon
onblo In nil bushiww tnuiutums nml flmuiclnlly
nolo to carry out Any oblljtutlonH uitule by Ills firm.
National Hank or ommkhck,
TuhMn, Ohio.
Hull's Oatnrrh Cure 18 taken tnu-rminy, act Inn
tllnvtlv ntidii tho IiUhmI nml iiiiuimi jmrfttrH nf tin
tynlnn, 'lVHtlmtmlalH wnt free. Frlco 75 owiU per
uouu. jhoiu uy iui intfKi'i.
Tako Hull's Family I'liu lor constlnntlon.
For earache, toochache, pains,
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem
edy for emergencies.
OF MARCH, 1913.
Ron dDistrict No. 2.
Beall and Company $30.29
Eilly Jonos $10.00
M. S. Shearer $3.60
J. W. Bennett $:!0.00
Herman Gerhardua $0.00
H. Siebert v.Sfb.uu
Joe Pilster
Lee Stradley 6-M
Henry Bock ?4-00
C. V. Sunday .NN NN $4.00
C. V. Sunday ?4-00
R. H. King 2.UU
Leslie Dallas $2.50
Cecil Young ?2.00
Herman Ritzean 8.00
W. W. Cooke . .....5.00
Marion Johnston 4.00
P. A. Hunter 4.00
P. O. Coke ....5.00
Lester Newell 4.00
M. V. Newell 4.00
Chris Eckert 4.00
Earl Shearer 5.00
S. C. Young 4-00
Hup-h Lave 4-00
Herman Ritzean 2.00
District No. 3.
S. C. Young 12.00
Herman Ritzean 8.00
J. C. Elliott and Co., 17.80
J. A." Adams and Co., 17.70
W. W. Cooke, - .'45.60
Herman Gerhardus 32.25
H. Siebert 30.75
Joe Pilster -24.40
Henry Bock I9-50
Harold Hilleary 6.00
Leslie Dallas 20.00
V. Gustavason 6.00
R. IL King 21.75
C. V. Sunday 19-50
Lee Stradley 26.25
flecil Youne 950
Marion Johnston 9.50
P. O. Cooke 40.00
Earl Shearer $38.00
Chris Eckert 32.00
Fred Eckert 24.00
M. V. Newell 44.00
J. II. Bowerman 16.00
Herman Ritzean 64.00
Hugh Laye 26.00
P. A. Hunter ...20.00
District No. 5.
Beall and Co 65.50
W. E. Wheeler 6.00
H. A. Beck 4.00
John Myers 2.00
C. Lekberg 2.00
J. Imel a70
M. H. Wheeler 5.25
District No. 6.
Nick Schmitz 28.10
Chas. Krebs Jr., 8.75
Herman Krebs 6.00
Chas. Brookman 4.00
District No. 7.
Takao Bros. Lumber Co 68.33
Ed Ten Eyck 7.00
Henry Aschoff . 1-00
Geo. Gibbons 2.00
Otto Aschoff 10.00
M. Cooke 6.00
E. R. Leaf 22.50
District No. 9.
A. M. Jannsen 35.00
J. Marshall 12.00
T. Harders 17.00
H. Schmidt 10.00
E. Grafenhein , 16.00
G. Zwiermann 18.00
E. Guber 12.00
W. Lins 16.00
F. Ochs 14.00
II. Joyner 9.00
H. Reimers 10.00
F. Ahnert 4.00
R. Miller 3.00
II. Johnson 8.00
Beall & Co .....64.95
L. S. Baker 4.00
District No. 11.
Wilson & Cooke ..3.35
District No. 12
Harry Babler 11.00
Henry Babler 9.25
Coast Culvert & Flume Co 20.89
Pope & Co., , 25.93
Scripture & Beauliau 8.50
Oregon City Eneerprise 5.00
District No. 14.
E. Harrington 32.20
District No. 15.
Wilson & Cooke 2.20
Williams Bros. Transfer Co 7.00
Wm. Fine 5.00
G. Grossenbacher 4.00
S. W. Davis 3.00
Walter Johnson 4.00
District No. 16.
Owen G. Thomas 3.80
Wilson & Cooke 1.50
T. W. Blanchard 12.00
Geo. Kelland 13.50
J. R. Cawthon 16.00
Wm. Gutperlet 15.00
Aug. Staehely 22.50
Herm. Staehely 2.00
Frank Engel 14.00
Henry Engel 9.00
E. Gelbrich 11.25
D. Critcser 10.00
N. Norton 3.00
District No. 17.
E. Craund 10.00
R. C. Brodie 10.00
F. Brandes 10.00
F. A. Needham 2.50
I). R. Dimick 11.25
P. Ruchi 8.00
E. M. Haines 11.00
E. Griffon 3.50
District No. 18.
F. Kamrath 4.50
District No .19.
E. P. Berdine 36.00
Eddie Berdine 13.00
F. Churchill 5.00
L. C. Churchill 24.00
R. P. Walles 20.00
T. Fish 40.00
F. Murry 12.00
O. Davis 4.00
M. Jones 2.00
S. Macdonald 2.00
P. Walker 8.00
C. Smith 10.00
S. Smith 10.00
II. Seive 4.00
G. Seive 4.00
A. Erickson 4.00
M. Short 5.00
N. Darnell 6.00
A. Mallette 2.00
II. Walles 3.00
E. Foust 3.00
M. Husk 12.80
District No. 20.
Oregon City Eenterprise 5.00
Carl Stromgreen 2.00
P. F. Tutz 2.25
C. M. Bergman 1.00
J. l'utz 3.75
District No. 23.
V. Berg 38.00
Ray Fish 24.0(5
G. Loveland 21.00
V. Skinner 20.00
D. lleppler 32.00
G. ritintz 22.00
II. R. Zimmerman 24.00
E. Pratt 82.00
F. Rnchert 18.50
C. Potwin 16.00
S. II. France 12.00
Lettman .....12.00
Matt Ban 6.00
Watts 16.00
Bachert 16.00
A. Pratt 14.00
R. W. Zimmerman 32.10
Erickson & Wrolstad 63.00
G. A. Ehlin 65
District No. 24.
Carlton & Rosekrans Co., 5.50
Will Jackson 4.00
Chas. Harnack 14.00
Simon B. Yoder 4.00
John Gailer 6.00
R. Fredrickson 8.00
Albin Fredrickson 7.00
John Rogie 4.00
George Brocket 12.00
Ralph Ackerson 12.00
Solen Kinzer 4.So
Carl Sether 4.00
George Sether 2.00
Leonard Askin 4.25
Ernest Stewe 6.50
Clarence Johnson" 5.00
Chas. Wolfer 3.75
J. Loffgren ..4.00
J. Cameron '8.00
August Pottratz ......4.00
Philip Mohr 4.00
Fred Mohr 2.U0
Arthur Harnack ..6.25
C. E. Mitts 52.00
District No. 25.
Ed Gibson 8.00
Willie Gilbrich 2.00
Ralph Gribble 6.00
Andy Gribble 6.00
Ensley Gribble 18.00
A. D. Gribble ...16.00
Charlie Gelbrich 5.25
Charlie Morris 4.00
Bill Reynolds 2.50
Chris Lorenz "..4.00
John Graves, 8.00
John Walch 11.50
Lenord Walch 11.50
Ed Graves 44.75
G. W. Schramlin . . .' 11.45
G. A. Ehlin 4.70
District No. 26.
Thos. Miller 4.00
R. V. Stubbs 4.00
Claude Marsh ....8.00
W. W. Everhart 12.50
Max Huse 51)
District No. 28.
Oregon City Enterprise 5.00
Robbins Bros lb.bo
Clarence Vorheis 25.00
Ray Wyland 20.00
Al. Wyand 28.00
Charlie Earley 16.00
Charley Slaughter 16.00
Frank Koike 6.00
Ed Crite 11.00
Leslie Shank 27.00
W. W. Bird 12.50
Perry Vorheis 15.00
Ben Wade 10.00
H. B. Wade 10.00
Andy Mazingo 10.00
Earl Bird 8.00
Blaine Bird 8.00
Ralph Slaughter 8.00
Ed Wyland 8.00
Floyd Ferguson 8.00
Frank Scott 6.00
Jess Bagley 6.00
H. Wilson 3.00
L. D. Shank 20.00
District No. 29.
W. A. Rogers 37.50
Mark Haley 10.50
J. Resch 4.00
Sidney Graham 7.00
S. L. Prahl 4.00
W. Sprolsky 12.00
John Smith 20.00
District No. 30
A. Neilson 10.00
Ed Wanker 5.00
District No. 31.
R. De Neui 35.75
C. C. Schroeder ..34.00
J. Bushbaum 30.00
R. Bushbaum 21.00
E. Athey 19.00
L. Schaber 6.00
C. Thomson 10.00
V. Thomson 20.00
R. Thomson 20.00
S. Turner 32.00
P. T. Silvey 8.00
M. Alagith 9.50
N. G.l Shaver 8.00
District No. 32.
H. Heater 12.00
C. J. Calkins 4.00
A. Voss 4.00
J. E. Morback 70
A. Holznagle 4.00
W. C. Heater 15.00
District No. 33.
Horner Bros 28.00
Otto Kletch 4.50
I. M. Parks 5.25
W. A. Jones 6.50
District No. 34.
C. Zimmerman 69.10
E. Tiedman 47.50
F. Sinclair 58.00
O. Tonkins 47.00
E. Gross 36.50
J. Rineman 31.50
C. Pendo 84.00
H. Melvin 37.50
O. Melvin 34.50
R. Parker ..30.50
D. Howell 38.50
G. Hordt 34.00
T. Lawrence 36.00
W. Richter 5.00
Sherpard 36.50
Kaghery ....33.50
Badorff 22.50
Lites 15.33
Larson 7.25
Bacon 7.25
Edmonds 7.50
Dickens 87.25 ; Otto Striker 27.50
Zimerman 89.00! Albert Sehoenborn 20.00
Miller 66.00 Evan Lewis 25.00
McNeil ; ..74.76 Herman Fischer 17.50
Tarker 22.50 j Dix Brothers 4.60
Shaw 6.66 'A. Mather 49.40
Elliot 1.00, Maple & Masteron- 35.38
Colson 22.50 Coast Culvert & Flume Co 530.54
Ross 18.50 A. Mather 22.85
Johnson 18.50 Falvoline Oil Co., 11.00
M. Colson 18.50 i B. F. WatU 6.00
Parker : 20.00 O. Mahlor 18.00
Priester 2.50 I T. Thyker 6.00
Wilson & Cooke 62.80
Beall & Company 23.80
Scripture & Beaulieu 65
Buffalo Steam Roller Co., 2.20
O. G. Thomas 29.00
J. Cameron 30.00
E. Richson 35.00
W. Kaiser 65.00
District No. 36.
K. Greagerson 18.35
John McKensie 4.00
R. Mitchel 10.00
Grover Pomeroy 10.00
George Doseon 6.00
Louis Rail 20.00
District No. 37.
C. W. Kruse 45.00
P. A. Anderson 42.00
W. Sewell 51
J. J. Krause
W. Wilmot
C. Leglsr
Western Clay Co.,
Geo. B. Rate & Co.,
J. J. Kuaus
P. G. Anderson ...
Wm. Sewell
"" 11.25
y'" 1.25
R. Butch
, Co
Geo. B. Rate Co
A. Mather
District No. 38.
V. Munger
Baumgartner 6
H. Rosenberry iM
District No. 40.
Mather 52.85
Floyd Davis
W. H. Stone
C. O. Davis
District No. 41
A. J. Morrison
IVjT TTrtHoorravfl
"f 6 j nr
Wm. Updegrave
Victor Bodley
Donald Bodley
Alfred Shirley
Joseph DeShazer 2.50
TV. AlUVlfor LOO
John Allfolter
John Bews
T.oo Pnnner
C. A. Keith U f
P. R. Meinig u-ii
District No. 42.
Loe . .
o nA
Giger "
Westbostad 12-"
G. Yoder 10-00
Mr. Hide .
P Samson
Mr. Roberts ;2-??
J. U. Watson
District No. 46.
Melvin Leach 6.00
Otto Nelson 2.00
Jerry Hemingway 2 00
Joe Day 2.00
B. Heighten 4-00
Delmer Heighten 2-0
Orvel Watts
Irwin Hauk
Wilson & Cooke
D. H. Watts
District No. 48,
P. R. Meinig
James Lamper
Carl Alt
VvrA Koenecker
W. L. Wilkins 22-0l)
Williard Borholm 8.00
J. G. DeShazer 7.00
District No. 49.
Cary's Mercantile Co., 20.88
McCurdy Lumber & Hdwe. Co., ..3.00
a H. Davis -uu
H. O. Sanford H-00
G. H. Sanford H-00
Otis Wagner ...9.00
G. T. Hunt 2.'o
Paul Saurer ".uu
Ben. T. Rawlins l-o"
District No. 50.
C. R. Thorpe & Co 16.60
District No. 51.
A. L. Heacock 27.50
G. DeYoung 15-00
Jake DeYoung $..4.00
O. Gran 12.00
Aug. Wedin 2-00
Atig. Olson 2-00
A. Shepherd 15-00
L. Norquist 6.00
Will Teevin 32.00
Chas..Proebstel 1 10.00
Ernest Boese 6.00
Frank Metzger 1-00
Richard Witzel 1-00
John Teevin 2.00
J. C. Elliott & Co. 41.50
Metzger Bros 9.70
Columbia Hdwe.- Co 6.60
Carl Wolfagen & Son 4.65
J. E. Siefer 7.00
District No. 54.
D. D. Hosterler 14.87
J. L. Stanton 2.00
W. F. Stanton 2.25
District No. 57.
S. J. Lantz 8.00
Otto Bixel 14.00
E. Bixel 14.00
Wm. H. Stuwe 41.00
C. Christner 15.75
E. Burkholder ....7.00
O. R. Stoufer 5.25
M. F. Lantz .'..1.75
Will Roth 6.00
David Westberg ....2.00
M. G. Smith 8.50
G. W. Schramlin 6.25
S. N. Strubhar 2.00
P. L. Schmale 23.05
District No. 58.
Paul Klein 2.25
The Barton Lumber Co., 18.40
D. L. Davis H-50
John Miller 36.25
B. L. King 13.00
Carl Mumpower 4.00
Ross Crafton 4.00
T. Brown 43.00
Ed. Cox .30.00
John Wymore 15.00
ROADS W. A. Winder 32.00
W. H .Matoon 27.00
R: B. Beatie 7.50
N. Blair 32.50
W. F. Haberlach 69.95
Wilson & Cookke 12.95
Robert Sehoenborn 27.50
W. F. Stanton 191.75
K. Gregerson 7.10
W. Flegle 22.00
W. G. Calvin 10.00
(Linn Calvin 18.00
1 Blaine Calvin 6.00
Bud Kent 6.00
J. L. Stanton 12.00
Clyde Kunze 12.00
P. R. Meinig 30.50
Firwood Lumber Co. 252.81
Stefani Lumber Co. 127.33
John Green 30.00
Chas. Shockley 18.00
Lester Riggs 16.00
John Heft 40.00
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always
In use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
F.TnnriniontH that trifle with and endaneer the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare-,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Peverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving, healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
iBears .the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Couitfy Court.
W. H. Matoon 20.40
N. Blair 20.40
J. C. Elliott 1-00
J. D. Pfeiffer 4.10
W. M. Stone 3.00
James McNeil 3.00
M. Justin 3.00
Wm. Morey 4.10
C. J. Skeen 4.10
H. H. Dahl 4.10
Jack Davis .1.70
E. L. Johnson 3.00
H. L. Hull 3.00
W. S. Eddy 3.00
M. Amrine 3.00
Mattie Summerfield :..3.50
Circuit Court
Emily Cooke 3.70
D. E. Frost 1.40
Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. ...1.50
Lowest Cost
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most
suitable for homes, offices, shops and
other places needing light. Electric
ity can be used in any quantity, large
or small, thereby furnishing any re
quired amount of light. Furthermore
electric lamps can be located in any
place, thus affording any desired dis
tribution of light.
No other lamps possess these qual
ifications, therefore it is not surprising
that electric lamps are rapidly replac
ing all others in modern establish
ments. Portland Railway, Light &
Powe Company
Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131
C. D. LATOURETTE, President F. J .MEYER, Cashier.
the first national bank
(Successor Commercial Bank)
Transacts a General Banking Bus Iness Open from 0 a. m. to 3
Office phones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751
' Home B251, D251
Office 612 Main Street
Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty
Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common
Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature ot
- ana nas Deen maae nnaer ms per
fjvj j f sonal fiupervision since its infancy
Signature of
Justice Peace Dlst. No.
John N. Sievers 10.70
D. E. Frost 21.10
August Bolle 2.30
Alex DeFord 1-90
W. W. Smith 1-90
Clayton Pierce 1-90
James Dunmire Sr., 1-90
Fred Bailey 2-10
Frank Lucas 1-90
C. R. Livesay 1-40
J. L. Swafford 1-20
George Gardner 1.20
Lee French 1.20
W. E. Niles 1-40
Chas. F. Terrell 1-20
Fred Marshall 390
George Clark 3.90
Mr. Ludou 3.90
Paul C. Fischer 1.00
W. Givens 17.20
Edwin Bates 10-70
(Continued on Page 7.)