Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 04, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Tfi9 Inauguration of Messiah's
Kingdom Will Eclipse
All Others.
It Will Be a Marriage Feast and an In
augural Ceremony Combined Jetus'
Victory Through Death Constituted
Hit Divine Election to Be King of
Kings and Lord of Lords Immed
ately He Betrothed a Bride Eighteen
Centuries of Wedding Garment Prep
Washington, D.
C, March 0. Pas
tor Russell arrlv
ed here this morn
lng on bla return
from Panama
Kingston, Havana,
Key West, Tampa
and Pensacola. Ills
coming was eager
ly awaited by the
Washington Tem
ple Congregation
He took for bis
text Jesus' words,
"When the Sou of Man shall come In
His glory, and all the holy angels with
IXim, then shall lie sit upon tho Throne
of His glory." "(Matthew 25:31.) He
When six thousand years ago man
transgressed the Divine command and
came under the sentence, "Dying, thou
shalt die," he was cast out of Eden,
that lo the unprepared earth he might
pay the death penalty, with labor and
sweat of face going down to the tomb.
Even then, In the declaration that the
Seed of the woman would eventually
bruise the serpent's bend, God Implied
an ultimate victory for humanity, over
Satan and sin and Its death penalty,
Later, God's Covenant with Abraham
told that the victory would come
through his posterity, but still did not
explain how. Centuries later, Abra
ham's favored posterity became the
Jewish nation, and came Into covenant
relationship with God through Moses,
the mediator of the Law Covenant.
Their hope was that they could so thor
oughly keep God's Law as to merit
everlasting life; and that learning how
to practise this self-control, and gain
the victory over sin, they would be
competent to teach all nations, and to
deliver mankind from sin and death.
However, centuries of effort proved
that none were nhle to keep the Divine
Law satisfactorily; for all continued
to die.
The next Divine lesson was one of
faith In God. Israel could not keep
the Law Covenant satisfactorily could
not, therefore, have everlasting life,
Hence they could not teach others to
do what they could not do. The les
son of faith was that they should look
forward to a coming Messiah, "A
Prince and a Savior." Through IIIui
all the promises would be fulfilled.
For centuries they waited for Him,
and sought to apply Moses' words: "A
Prophet shall the Lord your God raise
up unto you from amongst your breth
ren, like unto me the antitype of
Moses; nim shall ye hear In all
things whatsoever Ho shftll say unto
you. And every soul which
will not lumr that Prophet, shall be
destroyed from among the people."
Acts 3:22, 23.
Various were the hopes and lmagln
lngs respecting Messiah. He wus to
be the antitype of both David and Sol
omon, tho nntltypo of Aaron and Mel-
chlzedok very great! ne was to reign
from sea to seu. (Psulm 72:8.) Ultl
nintoly, so successful would bo Ills
reign that tho knowledge of the Lord
should fill the whole earth, as the wa
ters cover the deep. (Hahakkuk 2:14.)
Not only Israel would be blessed by
Him, but nil nations, peoples, kindreds
and tongues. Unto III in every knee
would bow and every tongue con-
fess, to the glory of God. Phlllpplons
2:10, 11.
Tho hearts of Israel looked forward
with prldo to that duy when Messiah
would exalt them very highly In the
earth and associate them with Himself
in tho ruling nml blessing of all people.
Ah! they thought, the Inauguration day
will come, when as King of kings and
Lord of lords Israel's Messiah will
wield a scepter which all will recognizo
and under which all will receive a
blessing! These good hopes held to
gether the "chosen people," as no oth
er nation or people hnve ever beeu hold
together. They are waiting still,
though disconcerted by tho length of
tlmo and by the various evidences that
others nre In some respects more fa
vored than themselves.
Messiah and the Jubilra at Hand.
At last Israel's Ptnr of Hope Is ris
ing! At lust the prophecies tell that
tho morning of joy Is about to dawn
and "the desire of all nations Bhall
come." Not merely .lews are claiming
that Messiah's Pay Is nigh, and that
the Divine blessing is about to come
upon Jerusalem and all the people of
God, but Christ In u filble students see
the same. Mohammedans are rhiliu
lng the same. Free Masons are claim
ing the same. All men are in expecta
tion of something wonderful, Just at
tho door.
Tho blessings multiplied upon us in
the Inventions of the last lialf-century
all bespeak the New Dispensation, the
reign of the King of kings. And if tho
preparation are on so grand n scale,
what will be the grandeur of the
auaurallnn vnd of the reign Itself!
Truly'the Scriptures say that "eye hath
not seen, nor car beard the things that
Qod hath lu reservation for them that
love Iliin." t Corinthians 2:9.
Inauguration Scene of Our Text.
Leading In the grand procession pic
ture Is The Son of Mau, following
whom will bo all the holy messengers;
but with II I in upon Ills glorious
Throne will bo His Bride class-a
saintly few. Thus It la written. "When
Christ shall appear, then
shall ye also appear wltb liiin in glo
ry" (Colossians 3:4); again, "To him
that overcometh will 1 grant to sit
with Me In My Tbrone."-Uevelation
Through the Prophets of old the pic
ture was given us of the triumphal en
trance of Messiah, saying, "Lift up
your heads, O ye gates; and be ye
lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the
King of glory shall come In
Jehovah of Hosts, He Is the King of
glory." (Psalm 24:7, 10.) It Is Jeho
vah's Kingdom thnt Is to be establish
ed when Messiah comes; for Messiah
Is tho godlike One, Jehovah's Repre
sentative, who for a thousand years
will rule the world for the abolishment
of sin and death, and the uplifting of
Israel and nil the nations.
Messiah is spoken of as the Seed of
David, who should inherit his throne.
(Luke 1:31-33.) He who was accord
ing to the flesh David's Son is accord
ing to the Spirit David's Lord, and He
it is that shall sit upon the Throne.
But as the throne upon which David
sat was the Throne of Jehovah, so the
Throne of Messiah will be Jehovah's
Throne also.
"Oh, that will be a crowning
Such as earth has never known,
When Christ His Kingdom shall receive.
Before the great white Throne!"
Grand as have been the inaugural
services of the past week, they were as
nothing In contrast with the glorious
crowning Day for which the earth has
been waiting six thousand years. Hap
py, earnest nnd hopeful as were the
faces that greeted the President, the
picture was tame as compared with the
light and Joy and confidence that will
fill the world when mankind come to
realize that during the past six thou
sand years God has been making prep
aration for this great Day that is even
now dawning.
Then gratitude will go up to the
Lord from faithful hearts. Then truly
on the grandest possible scale all that
trust In Messiah will shout, "Hosanna
to the Son of Dnvld! Blessed is He
that cometh In the name of the Lord!
Hosanna. In the highest!" Then Mes
siah will take His Kingdom as God's
Representative, Ills Holy One to rule
tho earth, and to dispense the blessings
which God promised in the Abrahamic
Covenant and reiterated "by the mouth
of nil His Holy Prophets since the
world began."
Wherein Dthe Jews Fail?
The Jews did not fail. All the prom
ises of God made to them are still
theirs. He never offered them spiritual
fuvors. He never suggested that He
would take them to Heaven. The
strongest promise made, even to Abra
ham, was that all the land which could
be seen would he given to him and to
his seed. All the blessings of Israel
were to come through Messiah, whose
Kingdom Is about to he inaugurated.
What God did for the Jews at the
First Advent of Jesus was something
more than He ever proml. ed to do for
them. He foretold through the Proph
ets that Messiah would suffer; yea, that
"as Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, eveu so must the Son of
Mnn be lifted up." The Jews merely
fulfilled a part of the Divine Program.
Had Messiah gone to another nation.
doubtless there would have been simi
To Our Friends
You know us. You know we
afford to go back on our word.
this money-back-if-not-satlsfled
We honestly believe we havs the
best bowel remedy ever mads the
most pleaiant-to-tsks, moat par
nsnsntly beneficial Uiative for relief
from the miseries sad dangers arising
from constipation.
We wouldn't say this if we didn't
believe it to be true. We wouldn't
risk our reputation by making such
ststsments did we not feel sure you
would find them trus.
Our faith is built both on the
knowledge of what Htxall Orderlies
ara made of and ou observation of
very many severe oaaea iu which they
slave proven their merit.
Try them at Our Risk
If they do not abundantly prove
their merit with you also if you
are not eatirely lauaflad with them
we will refuad your money and we
will do that on your mere aay-ao.
We don't aak you to riak a penny,
lan't that fairf
Juat let the bowels fall la properly
doing their work Just let their
action be delayed and Incomplete
sod the entire system and erery
thai organ suffers. Wastes that
CAUTION: Pleass bsar in miad that Rexall Ordsrlies are not sold by all drug
gists. Ycu can buy Kaxall Ordsrlisa only at The Rsiall Stores.
You caa buy Kexall Ordsrlies la this community only at our item
The ffoall, Store
I nure la a R.U Store Id naarly evsry town and olty In the United Statu, Cauda and
Great Drltuln. There ti s difftraut H.xall K.mftdy for nearly .vary ordinary humaa ill-
eeoh eapeolally designed lor tUa partiyuUr 111 for Vhloh It la raoommaaiiaU.
The Rexall Store are America's Greatest Drug: Store
isuei.ua ii man.
1 T .
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,-t-Jitr 1
IW 1
PL. v -
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Just received one carload of Wire
Fence, and we will sell our 48-inch
as usual for 35c per rod in spite
of the advance.
llth and Main Sts.
lar resuirs. .vo otuer nTTflon, ' indeed,
was so well prepared as the Jews by
Divine instruction through the Law
and the Prophets.
What God did for that nation more
than He promised to do was that He
gave them an opportunity of becoming
more than the natural seed of Abra
ham. He gave them the opportunity of
becoming spirit beings members of
Spiritual Israel. So many as received
Jesus, and became consecrated to be
Ills disciples, were received of the
Futher. begotten of the Holy Spirit, re
ceived Into the family of God as Spir
itual Israelites, us the Spiritual Seed of
Abraham. Hut these were few.
Then Divine favor turned to the Gen
tiles, and gave to them a similar oppor
tunity of coming into membership with
the Spiritual Seed of Abraham. This
work litis required nearly nineteen cen
turies and Is now about completed. In
other words, we understand that the
Messiah class is about complete Jesus
the. Head, faithful Jews next, the faith
ful from the Gentiles next.
Jesus the Head long ago entered into
His glory. Some of His members have
already entered in, and soon the last
members will pass beyond the veil.
Then the preparatory work of making
up the Messianic class will be com
pleted. Immediately on the Inauguration of
The Messiah, His work of ruling and
blessing will begin. At that point ac
cording to the Scriptures, Natural Is
rael will return to God's favor, and be
granted the chief blessing under the
new administration. And through the
Kingdom of Israel, as the earthly rep
resentative of Messiah's invisible, Spir
itual Kingdom, the blessing of Jeho
vah will reach to all the families of the
earth.-Genesls 12:3; 22:17, 18.
What Israel Did Not See.
The Jewish people failed to note
those portions of prophecy which fore
told Messiah's sufferings. As a sheep
before her shearers is dumb, so He
would neither open His mouth nor use
any of His superior powers to hinder
the accomplishment of God's will in re
spect to His death. (Isaiah 53:7.1 The
chastisement for human sin was borne
by Him, in order that, as man's Re
deemer, He might have the right to
forgive human sin and to raise man
kind out of their degradation and bring
them back Into harmony with God's
Law, fully justified through the blood
of the Redeemer. Not only the Jews
failed to see the necessity for a dying
Savior, but the whole Gentile world
may be said to equally fail to grasp the
Import of Jesus' death.
The death of Jesus was necessary for
two reasons: (1) As man's redemption
price; (2) As evidencing His own fnlth
fulness to God, Uls own loyalty even
unto death, and consequently Ills right
to the Divine promise of a glorious ex
altation, compensating His devotion,
His self-sacrifice, and honoring His
name above every name making Him
partaker of the Divine nature. With
out His redemptive work, the penalty
of Divine Justice would have rested
forever upon the human race, and
and Neighbors
would not that we could not
Nor can you afford to Ignore
offer on this splendid laxative. .
should bavs been dispelled remain
to poison the systsm.
Headaches, biliousness, nsrrous
neas and other tormenting and eeri
oua ilia are common when the bowels
fail to act daily as naturs intended.
All this may bs avoided, if you will
accept our advice.
taste Juat like candy. They are
soothing and easy in action. They
do not cause griping, nausea, purg
ing or excessive looseneea. They
tend to tone and strengthen inteatinal
nervea and muscles.
they promptly
relieve constipation, and help to I
md to dot
manenuy overcome it.
Rexall Ordsrlies promote battel
spirits and better health. In all of
these things they are vastly superior
to old-faahioned, harsh salts and
other purgatives, which are not only
unpleasant to take but which usually
leave the bowrls in worse condition
than before. We particularly recera
mend Hexall Ordsrlies for children,
aged and delicate persons.
Rsxali Orderlies come In vest
pocket tin boxes. 13 tablati, 10o
30 tablets, 25o: 80 tablets, 60c.
i i n imna.nn Slips
It f 5. '
i X - . i
Ore&on Qity, Ore.
lf! lllll 111! Pimm Ji Jiaa
none could nave been resurrected from
the dead. The sentence of death upon
man would bring him to the same con
dition of nonentity as the dying of the
brute accomplishes in him. But God
knew In advance of His own purpose
to arrange for mankind the payment
of the penalty through His Son, who
died, the Just for the unjust, to bring
them back Into harmony with God,
It is for this reason that none living
prior to Jesus were accepted to sonship
In God's family, after Tather Adam
lost that privilege through disobedi
ence. Only after the redemption could
the Invitation to sonship be extended.
Those who accepted needed to wait
until Pentecost to receive it. They
waited until Jesus, who died for their
sins, ascended up on High to make
reconciliation on our behalf. Forth
with the Father accepted all who came
unto Him through Christ, und the Holy
Spirit came upon such. Inducting them
Into the Divine family as sons.
The difference between the Church
and the world is that the Church is
called out from the world now, when
everything Is unfavorable, while Satan
Is unbound, while ignorance and su
perstitlon hold sway, and while the
reign of sin and death is In progress,
These circumstances make for the
Church a narrow way of self-sacrifice
In walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
But because of this severer trial of the
narrow way. the Church is to have the
superior blessing also glory, honor,
Immortality, Divine nature, the First
Besurrection from earthly to Heaven
ly conditions.
Then will come the general blessing
which God has provided, through Mes
slab's sacrifice, for the world. All sin
ned in the one man Adam. All have
been redeemed by the other Man-
Christ Jesus. (1 Corinthians 15:21.)
All are to be awakened from the sleep
of death. All are to have a full op
portunity to come to a knowledge of
the Truth. And all are to be given
everlasting life, who develop the spir
it of holiness. Only the incorrigible,
those who love Iniquity and bate right
eousness, will eventually be sentenced
to the Second Death, from which there
will be no recovery.
Necessity For Christ's Reign.
More and more we realize that edu
cation will not do for the world all
that we once hoped. Many of us hoped
that the educntion of the heathen would
make saints of them, forgetting that
education in the home-land has not
made saints very generally. There are
good people, moral people, trustworthy
people, who are not Christians at ail.
But they are the exceptions. The ma
jority of people are not sufllclently
strong of character to stunil thus alone
without the help of Christ.
The great mass of mankind seem to
need something In the way of chastise
ment, punishment, to offset the down
ward tendencies of their own fallen
flesh. A few possibly have been re
strained by the absurd teaching of
eternal tormpjit at the hands of de
mons, presented for a long time In the
name of Christianity. But the major
ity reason that whoever else gets
these experiences, they will not. Thus
we find thnt nearly all the murderers
Imprisoned are such as hnve known the
erroneous teaching of eternal torment,
and yet hnve been unabashed thereby.
In other words, they hnve given an
outward assent to the teaching, but
really have never bellevedt'lt or been
Influence by It
What the world needs Is a strong
government, which will hold in re
straint the weaker and baser elements
of society, and seek to help them up
out of their difficulties. But no gov
ernment yet devised is either strong
enough or wise enough to accomplish
much along these lines. This is evi
denced by the fact that crime increases
In proportion with Intelligence: so
much so thnt. using all of our modern
appliances telephones, telegraphs, dic
tographs, etc. we are scarcely able to
keep even with law breakers.
All who have anything to do with
police affair shudder at the thought of
what might occur should thp time ever
come when the majority of a city
should become stubborn and vicious
through lack of work, want of bread,
etc. They tell us that such conditions
would let loose the tiger of human pas
sions as It has never before been known
in the world; for the tiger Is now edu
cated, nnd the masses are on a par
with the masters -social, financial and
What we need Is Messiah's Kingdom
the very Kingdom described to us In
the Word of God. Ills rule will be that
of Justice and equity, and will give a
fair opportunity to the poor nnd the
needy. (Psalm 72:4.) His Kingdom
will subdue vice and crush It out, and
punish sin, In both rich and poor. His
Kingdom will lay righteousness to the
line and Justice to the plummet, and
will sweep away the refuge of lies and
subterfuges under which Injustice Is
now sn often cloaked. Xo wonder the
Scriptures tell us that Messlnh's King
dom 'will ln "the desire of all peoples!"
-Hnggnl 2:7: Isnlnh 28:17.
he quickest and curest cure for
burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflam
mation and all skin diseases in Buck
len's Arnica Salve. In four days it
cured L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of
a sore on his ankle which pained him
so he could hardly walk. Should be in
every house. Only 25c. Recommended
by Huntley Bros. Co.
For earache. toochache. nains.
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem
edy for emergencies.
March Term, 1913.
In the matter of J. L. Hendry et al,
for a County Road; It appearing to
the Court that the description given
In the petition for said road is de
IT IS ORDERED that the same be,
and hereby Is dismissed.
In the matter of a deed from J.
Coleman Mark et al, to Clackamas
County for road purposes.
IT IS ORDERED that Baid deed be,
and the same Is hereby accepted.
In the matter of the subscription
list of the resident In district No.
19 for the opening of the D. N. Trul
linger Road,
IT IS ORDERED that the amounts
so subacribed, be worked out under
the direction of E. p. Berdine, Super
visor cif said district.
In the matter of the Plats of Carl
suhe, Willamette Heights and Sara
toga Park; said plats being approved
by the County Assessor and Survey
or, IT IS ORDERED that said plats be,
and the same are hereby approved
and ordered filed with the Recorder.
In the matter of the Claims against
Clackamas County.
IT IS ORDERED, that said claims
be examined, corrected and paid as
In the matter of the petition of J,
c. jacK, Assessor, asking that a re
bate 'of $12.73 be made by the County
to Thomas J. Noud, on account of
an error on the assessment rolls. The
Court being fully advised in the prem
ises, IT IS ORDERED that the County
Clerk draw a warrant on the General
Fund of Clackamas County in favor
of Thomas J. Noud for $12.73 as a re
bate for the overpayment of taxes.
In the matter of the petition of A.
W. Cheney for tax rebate.
IT IS ORDERED that said petition
be laid over for further report from
the sheriff.
In the matter of the petition of A.
L. Reed et al, for the vacation of cer
tain streets in MinthQrn Addition to
IT IS ORDERED that said petition
be and the same hereby is laid over.
In the matter of the offer of the
property owners in Clackamas Coun
ty to donate $1000.00 toward building
rock road from the Molalla Road,
West to the Davis Road.
IT IS ORDERED, that the proposi
tion be accepted, and that the Court
meet this subscription with an equal
amount, out of the General Road
Fund, The flOOO.OO so subscribed, to
be fully paid before any money from
the General Road fund is expended on
said road.
In the matter of the petition for
bridge across the Clackamas River be
tween the electric bridge and the
mouth of said river.
IT IS ORDERED that said petition
be, and the same hereby is laid over,
In the matter of the Official Bond
of E. M, Kellogg, Justice of the Peace
district No. 3, of Clackamas County,
ORDERED, that said bond be, and
the same hereby is approved. "
In the matter of the appointment of
Frank Ervine, A. G. Ames, G. R. Mil
ler and August Gebhardt as deputy
sheriffs for Clackamas County.
IT IS ORDERED that the said ap
pointments are hereby confirmed.
In the matter of the petition of
Robert Ginther for a ditch across
school groundB.
IT IS ORDERED, that said petition
be, and the same is hereby continued
In the matter of the bond of J. T.
Fullam, Jesse, Cox a"nd John Earth,
Road Supervisors.
IT IS ORDERED, that said bonds
be, and the same are hereby approv
In the matter of the appointment
of A. L. Reed as Constable for Jus
tice District No. 3.
ORDERED, that said A. L. Reed be,
and he Is hereby appointed Constable
for said district.
In the matter of a deed from Philip
M. Wagner and wife to Clackamas
County for road purposes.
ORDERED, that said deed be, and
hereby Is accepted.
In the matter of the petition of the
legal voters of Justice district No. 15
for the appointment of Solon Klnier
ag Justice of the Peace, In place of
B. F. Smith, deceased.
IT IS ORDERED, that Solon Kln-
zer be, and he Is hereby appointed
Justice of the Peace for said district
In the matter of the cancellation of
the tax of Mrs. Emma Milstead for
the year 1912. The Court being ful
ly 'advised in the premises,
IT IS ORDERED, that the tax as
sessed against Mrs. Emma MIlBtead
for said year, 1912, be and tha same
is hereby cancelled.
In the matter of Mrs. Emma Mil
stead, an Indigent person. The Court
being fully advised,
IT IS ORDERED that the County
Clerk draw a warrant on the General
Fund of Clackamas County In favor
of said Emma Milstead for the sum
of Twenty dollars, to assist her In
caring for her children.
In the matter of the building of a
bridge on the Oatfield road near Ev
ergreen stntion.
IT IS ORDERED, That the County
Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed
to advertise for bids for the construc
tion of a bridge at the above named
point, the same to be of re-lnforced
concrete, steel or wooden. The bids
to be received not later than April 1,
1913 at five o'oclock. The same to be
accompanied by a certified check for
ten per cent of the amount of such
n the matter of the appointment
of a Constable for Justice district No.
14, Clackamas County.
IT IS ORDERED, that Edwin Bates
be, and he Is hereby appointed Con
stable for said district
Iu the matter of the claim of Kr
ry& Kerr for rebate of tax. The Court
being fully advised in the premises,
IT IS ORDERED, that said claim
be and the same is hereby allowed.
In the matter of the application of
Carl A. Forsberg for a refund of mon
ey paid the County on his road bond,
In the proceeding to locate the Carl
A. Forsberg road, and the Court be
ing fully advised In the premises,
IT IS ORDERED, that tnt County
Children Cry
The Rind Ton Have Always
in use lor over HO years, bag borne the signature ol
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-,
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The mother's Friend.
) Bears the
The Kind You Save Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Cleric draw a warrant on the General
Fund in favor of Carl A. Forsberg for
the sum of J67.10.
In the matter of advertising Clack
amas County by the Oregon City Com
mercial Club, and the payment there
of. IT IS ORDERED, that the County
Clerk draw a warrant on the General
fund in favor of the Oregon City Com
mercial Club in the sum of $150.00
for said advertising purposes.
In the matter of the petition of E.
T. Mass, Sheriff, for the rebate of tax
Uu kcuuiii vi uouu.e assessmem
made on certificate No. 870, assessed
to R. H. Coshun; and the court being
fully advised in the premises.
IT IS ORDERED, that the County
Clerk draw a warrant on the General
Fund in favor of R. G. Coshun foi
$35.48, that being the amount paid by
M. Coshun for said certificate.
In the matter of the appointment
of a Justice of the Peace, district No,
4, Clackamas County, Oregon, to fill
the unexpired term of W. W. H. Sam
son, deceased, the court having con
sidered the applications of different
persons for said office, ,
IT IS ORDERED, that John N. Slev-
ers of Gladstone precinct be, and here
by is appointed Justice of the Peace
for said District No. 4.
In the matter of the special road tax
voted by a number of the road di.
tricts In Clackamas County, Oregon,
for the year 1912.
the Court f.ad that our Superior Court
has decided that all special taxes
heretofore levied are illegal, and fur
ther that a curative has recently been
passed by the Legislature, designed
to cure the defect in the former law
and to make legal the levies hereto
fore made, and the Court not bein;;
fully advised owing to decisions liable
to be made by our courts on this cur
ative act. It is deemed advisable to
hold tact all special money heretofore
paid on the 1912 tax, of which may
hereafter be paid on the 1912 tax, un
til the matter Is fully determined.
IT IS ORDERED, that the County
Clerk notfy all the road supervisors
having special levies for the year 1912
that their tax is not available for work
until the further order of this court.
and they are hereby Instructed to
draw no warrants on their special fund
until the court deems the matter, ful
ly settled and adjudicated.
In the matter of the warrant drawn
in favor of Wm. Owlngs, at the regu
lar March term of this court. Said
warrant being No. 45351, which war
rant was erroneously Issued.
IT IS ORDERED, that said warrant
be and the same is hereby cancelled
and held for naught.
In the matter of the Wm. F. Doug
lass Road No. 779, and the John Brad
bury Road No. 804,
IT IS ORDERED that said roads be
opened and the same be and are here
by declared to be County Roads and
that Road No. 804 be 40 feet in width.
THE FiRST national bank
(Successor Commercial Bank)
Transacts a General Banking Bus Iness Open from 0 a. m. to 3
Phone 1121
Res. 1833
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving a Specialty
Freight and Parcels Delivered
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
ana lias been made under his per
Jy ' sonal supervision since its infancy.
cCCcJUM, Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
Children Cry
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
E''zabeth Harris, Plaintiff, vs. Ar
thur Harris, Defendant.
To Arthur Harris, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe complaint in the above en
titled suit on or before the expiration
6f six weekg after the first publication
0f this summons, that being the time
prescribed in the order for publica
tion of the same, and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint in the said suit, to-wit: For a
decree dissolving the marriage con
tract and bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between the
plaintiff and yourself and giving to
plaintiff the care and custody of her
two minor children, Cecile May Har
ris and Arthur F. Harris.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made by the Honorable J.
U. Campbell, Judge of said court, da
ted the 12th day of March, 1913, and
the date of the first publication of this
summons being the 14th day of March
1913, and the last, the 25th day of
April, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
ERTY. In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah.
In the matter of the Estate of J.
K. Miller, deceased.
Under and by authority of an order
granted by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Multnomah, dated the 18th day of
November, 1912, I, the undersigned
Administratrix of said estate will sell
at private sale, the following describ
ed real property belonging to the es
tate of J. K. Miller, deceased, to-wit:
Lot Thirty (30) in Oregon Homes,
Clackamas County, Oregon, according
to the duly recorded plat thereof; the
sale of the said property will be made
on and after the 19th day of April,
1913, and the terms of said sale are
for cash to the highest bidder. Bids
will be received by the said Admin
istratrix at the office of Hall & Flied-
ner, attorneys at 222 Fliedner Build
ing and 6510 Foster Road, Portland,
Oregon, and at the office of the Ore
gon City Courier, Oregon City, Ore
Date of first publication, March 21,
Date of last publication, April 18, 1913
governor Files Exposition Bill.
The governor vetoed the Rogue riv
er fishing bill aud the bill allowing
voters to vote for all candidates as
delegates to national conventions or
presidential electors, but did the un
expected in filing the Pnnama-nacifl
Fjrnsitim nrproi'ir.tlon billJ
. 1. MEYER, Caah
Wice in Favorite Ciear Store
Opposite Masonic building
Prices reasonable and
Satisfaction Guarantee