Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 21, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Women in middle age often complain of hot flahe. They are at that stage
of life when their delicate organism needs a tonio and helping-hand which only Dr.
Pieree'i Favorite Prescription can give them. Many women suffer needlessly from
girlhood to womanhood and from motherhood to old age-with backaohe, dizzi
ness or headache. A woman often becomes sleepless, nervous, " broken-down,'
Irritable and feels tired from morning to night. When pains and aches rack tba
womanly system at frequent intervals, asi your neighbor about t
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Mag. J. ImhoF, of 821 S. Ben talon Street, Baltimore, ma., w:
wrote yoa about nine months ago, telling you of ray condition. I have a
Unebabyg-irl-she welehed nine pounds when born. She Is my third child
and the strongest of them alL My suffering was only for two hours. I
took several bottles of 'Favorite Prescription' and one of Dr. Pierce's
Smart-Weed. I never had a well day before I took your medicines. I was
surprised how well I felt-could eat-was always hungry, and never had a
sick stomach. The nurse who was with me said the medicine was wonder
ful because I got along so nicely after having had so much trouble before.
She Intends to recommend it to all her suffering patients. Everybody Is
astonished at me because 1 only weignea ius pounae oei -
weigh 186. 1 have had several ladies come to me and auk about Dr. Pierce's
medicine. I am willing to recommend It to an wno suner aim tp.
If any want Information I will be glaa to give ii mem.
Mas. iMBor ft Child,
And a Public Dock is One of the Nec
essary Foundations.
The public dock matter has come
very much alive since its 18 years
sleep, and everything now points to
quick action to bring about this long
needed public project, for the reason
that the business interests of the city
are almost unanimous for it and the
general public is signing the petition
almost as fast as presented.
Mr. McBain stated before the Live
Wires Tuesday that every business
man, with two exceptions, had
signed this petition asking the city
council to take up the matter and pro
vide a public free dock and fix the
location and regulation as they might
think best, and this with the large
petition of residents from all parts of
the city would, it would seem, be suf
ficient backing to go ahead with a
project we should have had 15 years
We improve a certain city street. It
costs more money in two blocks than
the dock would ever cost, and yet its
benefit is almost entirely confined to
that street.
We have expended over a quarter
million of dollars in street improve
ments and a $5,000 public dock would
have done more for the city's growth
and business than this huge sum.
We are not arguing against street
improvements, but we are arguing for
a city of 20,000, and we will have that
sized city when we shape for it and
go after things and make it.
Wanted To know of a desireable
ranch of 20 to 40 acres, for sale at a
bargain price on good road near Ore
gon City. Prefer one with spring wat
er. Address Courier.
Wanted: Representative to sell the
best Accident and Health policy. Must
furnish bond; loafers not wanted. A
liberal contract to the right party. Ad
dress S. Steger, 710 Spalding Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
Fruit trees, rose bushes and
fancy shrubbery at half regular
prioe. Heat two year fruit trees
at Ion centa each. II. J. Bigger,
9th and Centre. Street, Oregon
S. C. R. I. Red eggs $1.50 per 13
2 fine cockerels for sale yet, also a
few pullets. MRS. S. A. STRONG,
Oregon City, Rt. 3.
Many a Suffering Woman
Drags herself painfully through her
daily tasks suffering from backache,
headache, nervousness) and loss of
sleep,- not knowing that her ills are
due to kidney and bladder troubles;
Foleq Kidney Pills give quick relief
from pain and misery, a prompt re
turn to health and strength. No wo
man who suffers can afford to over
look Foley Kidney Pills.
John II. Sievers, J. P.
From a list of one dozen applic
ants John II. Sievers won out before
the county court for the appointment
as Justice of the Peace in this city,
to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of W. II. Samson.
Sievers is a young law graduate, a
fellow full of push and ambition; a
hard worker, a genial, accomodating
man, and he has a host of loyal friends
in this city who just know he will
make good.
He will soon have a convenient just
ice office provided and he will have all
records arranged for public inspection.
Children dry
Work on the Big Cyanide Plant Will
Commence Next Month.
After months of hard work the cy
anide plant for Ogle Mine is now a go,
and the Fairclough boys give it out
and wil start next month on putting
in the 100 ton cyanide plant.
There is little doubt of a rich tut
ure for Ogle Mine. It is no wild cat
scheme. For eight years it has beei
developed and the ore is there, years
and years of it, and it is in sight, it
has been assayed time and again it
is there.
Work will have to be commenced in
April and in order to complete it be
fore winter, and the company will get
on the work at once.
And when this plant gets to work
ing and there will be no more stock
for sale, here is betting that a lot of
men in this county will call for the
kicking machine.
Stock in a gold mine that has gold
is like a back pension being handed a
man. The Ogle mine has gold, and
some the lucky stock owner will thank
the day he took a chance.
Another Grange Credit
Thousands of rural schools In a
number .of states began the teaching
of agriculture In the fall. The grange
has been an earnest advocate of this.
So far as we know, the first agitation
for the teaching of agriculture In the
rural schools was started by T. B. Har
well at the national grange meeting,
November, 1878.
Public Comfort Room.
A new Idea now being talked up by
gome of the granges Is the establish
ment of a public comfort room In the
city where most of them do their trad
ing, where the farmer's family can feel
they are free to go and rest or pass tho
Children Cry
When baby suffers from eczema or
some itching skin trouble, use Doan's
Ointment. A little of itf goe sa long
wy and it is safe for children. 50c a
box at all stores.
Constipation causes headache, in
digestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For
a mud, opening medicine use Doan i
regulets. 25c a box at all stores.
Never can tell when you'll mash
finger or suffer a cut, bruise burn or
scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely
on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your
druggist sells it. 25c and 50c.
Prof. Tooze Wants to Know.
There are hundreds of children in
our several schools to whom boiled
water is served under a decided incon
We hear statement after statement
that the state board of health reports
our water as safe, but Mr. Tooze
wants to KNOW it is safe, and Wed.
nesday night he asked the council to
instruct the recorder to have the board
rf health mak an official annouv'
ment to the city, that the school
may know the condition of the water
and not have to stand over the chil
dren with a club to prevent their
drinking the water.
Masonic Dance April 7.
The Masonic Order has arranged
for their annual ball to be given at
Busch's hall Monday April 7, and in
vitations ill be soon sent out. The
committee is working to make 'this a
season's event.
Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured.
There is nothing more discourag
ing than a chronic disorder of the
stomach. Is it not suprising that that
many suffer for years with such an
ailment when a permanent cure is
within their reach and may be had for
a trifle? "About one year ago," says
P. H. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich.,
bought a package o fChamberlain's
Tablets and since using them I have
felt perfectly well. I had previously
used any number of different medi
cines, but none of them were of any
lasting benefit." For sale by Huntley
Bros. Co.
Money to Loan.
Oregon City Abstract Co., 617
Main street.
An Epidemic of Coughing.
is sweeping over the town and young
and old are alike affected. Foley s
Honey and Tar Compound is a quick
and safe reliable family medicine for
coughs and colds. A. S. Jones of Lee
Jharmacy, Chico, Calif., says: "Fol
ey's Honey and Tar Compound has no
equal, and I recommend it as contain
ing no narcotics or other harmful
properties." For sale by Huntley
Bros. Co.
'ii. w j-i v Mm.m
The Mill Behind
the Flour
When your grocer delivers to your
door a sack of
Drifted Snow Flour
you know that he is ready to take it back again at the
full purchase price if it proves unsatisfactory in any
way. We stand behind the grocer. You take no risk
in buying "Drifted Snow" its a flour of certainties.
Good baking results are absolutely guaranteed.
Drifted Snow Flour is the product of one of the
oldest and largest flour mills on the Coast a mill
with a good reputation and the flour must be of a
high quality to be up to the standard of this big mill.
Order a sack from your grocer and make good bak
ing SURE.
Sperry Flour Company, Tacoma
The Open Door
Bv the electro-maimetlc telegraph an
operator can exactly locate a fracture In
a submarine cable nearly 3000 miles long.
A fow fossils sent to an expert geologist
enable him to accurately determine the
rock formation from which they are
taken. This ho can describe as perfectly
as If the rocky formation was before him
on tne table.
So, also, In medical science. Disease
has certain unmistakable signs or symp
toms, uy reason oi mis lact tuo pnysi
clans and specialists connected with Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute at Buffalo, are enabled to accu
rately detormino the nature of many
enronic disoases witnout seeing ana per
sonally examining their patients. In rec
oenizinir disease without a personal exam
ination of the patient, thev do not claim
to possess miraculous powers. They ob
tain tneir Knowieuge oi tne patient s dis
ease by practical and well-established
Srlnciples of modern science. Certain
iseasos display certain peculiar traits.
Subjected to scientific analysis thoy fur
nish abundant data to sulde the judg
ment of tho skillful practitioner. This
method of treating nationta at a distance.
by mall, has been so successful that there
Is scarcely a city or a vlllioge in the
united states mat is not represented Dy
one or more cases upon the records of
practice at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute. Such rare cases as can
not be troated In this way, which require
suralcal operations or careiui aiter-treat-
ment, or electrical therapeutics, receive
the services of the most skillful specialists
at tne institution.
Dr. It. V. Pierce long ago established
this Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti
tute with a full Staff of Physicians who
were expert in their specialties. These
physicians may bo consulted, by letter,
free and without chargo whatever, if you
wish a specialist's advice upon any
chronic malady. The same system of
"speclalltos" Is observed as in the depart
ments of a medical college Tho professor
who would assume to lecture in all depart
ments with equal ease and proficiency
would be severely ridiculed by his col
leagues, and it Is just as absured to sup
pose that tho general practitioner can
keep himsolf Informed of the many new
methods of treatment that ore being con
stantly devised ond adopted In the several
dopartmonts of Mcdlclno and Surgery.
People who have been patients at Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.,
have much to say In regard to this won
derfully equipped Sanitarium, where all
the latest electrical apparatus, as well as
electric water baths, Turkish baths, static
electric machines, high-frequency cur
rent, and other most modem nud up-toi
date apparatus are used for tho euro of
chronic diseases. The treatment of tho
chronic diseases that aro peculiar to
women have for many years been a largo
factor In the cures effected at the Inva
lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
Tne violet-ray treatment, which Is
another Interesting proceeding. Is came d
out by concentrating tho light, rich in
tne violet or chemical ravs. trom an arc
light with a spocluUy prciiartd carbon.
uoon any portion or tnn body that imiv bo
the soat of pain. SulTerers from neural
gia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains, sprains,
also from those oliscuro exhausting pains
(the origin of which cannot at times bo
accurately dotorminod) frequently lind
immediate relief from a single treatment
and usually with a little persistence in
tho use of this aid, comfortable health or
perfect recovery is obtained.
men. mere is tno incandescent cht
bath, consisting of a cabinet In which tho
mitiont Is bathed In tho combined ravs
of many electric lights. It has pro
duced really wonderful results in diabetes,
sciatica, rheumatism, obesity, amr-min,
and somo forms of kidney and heart
trouble. It has also proven va nabin in
chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and
the various skin diseases. As a general
hygienic moasuro Itsetliclencycan scarce
ly be over-estimated.
In medicine there has been rapid and
real progress during recent years, and Dr.
l'loreo has kept up with the times In that
ho has had tho manufacture and lucredi-
onts in his well-known remedies Improved
in a modern laboratory ny sullied cliem-
ists, tho greatest euro Ixiing exercised to
see that tho Ingredients entering Into his
woll-known medicines nr. rierce's f a
vorite Prescription as well as the'Hiolden
Mcdlca Discovery " aro extracted from
tho bust variety of native medicinal roots,
gathered with great care and at the proper
season of tho year, so that their medici
nal properties may no most reliable.
(Irodt euro Is exorcised not te over en-
courago thoso who consult the specialists
of this institution that no false hopes
may bo raised.
Dr. force's Common Sense medical
Adviser Is sent free on receipt of stamps
to uav expense of niaillnir onlv. Send 31
one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound,
Write the Invalids' Hotel and Stirirleul
Institute. Pr. R. V. Pierce, President, at
Buffalo, N. Y.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
R. Gouge, Plaintiff vs. Texie Gouge,
To Texie Gouge, above named De
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint in the above en
titled suit on or before six weeks after
the first publication of this sum
mons, to-wit: On the 3rd day of May,
1913, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, as fol
lows, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony existing between you and
the plaintiff, and for such other and
further relief as to this Honorable
Court as may seem meet and equit
This summons is published pursu
ant to an roder made by the Honorable
U. Campbell, judge of the Circuit
court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas on the 18th day
of March, 1913.
The dute of the first publication of
this summons being March 21, 1913,
and the date of the last publication be
ing May 2, 1913.
Attorneys for Tlaintiff.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of C. H.
Giger, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been, by order of the
county court of Clackamas county,
State of Oregon, appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of C. H. Giger,
deceased. Any and all persons hold
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same to
the undersigned at her farm near
Marquam, in Clackamas county, State
of Oregon, on or before six months
from and after the date of this notice,
properly verified with vouchers as by
law provided.
Dated and first published March 21,
Administratrix of the Estate or C. H.
Giger, deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Administratrix.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah
In the matter of the Estate of J.
K. Miller, deceased.
Under and by authority of an order
granted by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Multnomah, dated the 18th day of
November, 1912, I, the undersigned
Administratrix of said estate will sell
at private sale, the following descrih
ed real property belonging to the es-
tate of J. K. Miller, deceased, to-wit:
Lot Thirty (30) in Oregon Homes,
Clackamas County, Oregon, according
to the duly recorded plat thereof; the
sale of the said property will be made
on and after the 19th day of April,
1913, and the terms of said sale are
for cash to the highest bidder. Bids
will be received by the said Admin
istratrix at the office of Hall & Flied
ner, attorneys at 222 Fliedner Build
ing and 6510 Foster Road, Portland,
Oregon, and at the office of the Ore
gon City Courier, Oregon City, Ore
gon. N. A. PAYNE,
Date of first publication, March 21,
Date of last publication, April 18, 1913
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Ashley & Rumelin, bankers, a cor
poration, Plaintiff, vs. W. B. Ham, El
la Ham and Ethel Aldham, Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss. -
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 7th day of March, 1913, upon a
judgment reridered and entered in said
court on the 15th day of February,
1913, in favor of Ashley & Rumelin,
bankers, a corporation, Plaintiff, and
against W. B. Ham, Ella Ham, and
Ethel Aldham, Defendants for the sum
of $300.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the 16th day of June 1912, and
the further sum of $15.10 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate in the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, towit:
Beginning at a point on the S. side
of the County Road which would be by
a line drawn S. 63 rods W from rock
marked "H" locating the center See.
15 T. 2 S. R. 3 E. of the W. M., thence
S. to the right bank of Deep Creek;
thence up the right bank of Deep
Creek to a tract of land sold to Deem
er and Roberts; thence N. 49 degrees
W. to the County Road; thence West
erly along said road to place of be
ginning, containing 12 acres more or
less in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
19th day of April, 1913, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court house in the city
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
B. B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., March 19th,
Straight & Salisbury
Agents for the celebrated
LEADER Water Systems
We also carry
A full line of MYERS pumps and
Spray Pumps.
Wo mako a specialty of installing
Water Systems and Plumb- . .
ing in the country
20 Main St. Phone Z68Z
Dr. L. G. ICE
Beaver Building Oregon City
Phones Pacific 1221- Home A 19
Deutscher Advokat
Administration and probate matters a
Room 8 Beaver Building
Main SL Oregon City
New Dress Goods Are Here
The best of all the various weaves-and colorings in accord with incoming styles for
the new season. Among them are many surprising and pleasing novelties which we
are glad to be abler to show in advance of the demand, for it enables a woman to de
cide leisurely after careful comparison and mature consideration, which is the only
real and true way to buy dress goods satisfaction. Here you'll find satisfaction in
style, quality and price.
M Cfl YARD FOR WOOL CORDUROV Homespuns, Diagonals, Scotch Mix
y la UU tures, and a great many other high-grade fabrics shown in the. latest of
Spring colorings. Pure wool fabrics that will give lasling satisfaction. All are fully
60 inches wide.
C9 fill YARD F0R SILK AND WOOL AOVELTIES-Swivd Striped India
y&aUU Twills, English Worsteds, etc., shown in the popular striped styles; also
Homespuns, Cheviots and double weight Two-toned Diagonal Coatings, etc., in width
from 54 to 58 inches.
New Black and White Shepherd Checks; AH Widths, AH Size Checks, AH Prices.
This popular fabric is shown here in all size checks and in all widths. It is a closely
woven material that is very durable and one that washes well. The 36-inch width is
priced at 45c a yard, 42-inch at 50c, the 50-inch at 75c, and 54-inch at $1.00 yard.
ARD FOR' ENGLISH VO'LES shown in silk striped styles in the most
desired shades for evening wear. It is a very fashionable fabric full 40 inches
New Cream-Colored Serges 85c to $2.00 Yard An unsurpassed showing of the
fashionable new Cream Colored Serges. They come in black and colored stripes in
many styles pin stripes, Pekin Btripes, novelty graduated stripes, etc, You have
choice of many qualities from 44 to 66 inches wide at 85c up to $2.00 a Yard.
t1 OK YARD FOR SILK AND WOOL POPLINS the genuine Killarneen
I um) Poplins, shown in the new street and evening shades. Extremely high
grade fabric full 42 inches wide.
Novelty Colored Fabrics at $1.00 a Yard. At this price you may choose from
pure wool fabrics of medium weight in widths from 45 to 54 inches, and in all the
new colorings. Especially attractive are the new silk striped styles, the new novelty
Vigereant Suitings and Wool Crash Weaves.
Money to Loan.
I have various sums of money
on hand to loan on real property,
for long or short periods of time.
WM. HAMMOND, Lawyer.
Bearer Bldg., Oregon City.
Graduate (with honors) of Ontario
Veterinary College, Toronto, Ontario.
angus Mcdonald
Veterinary Surgeon
Sixteen years experience: Treats all
diseases of domesticated animals ac
cording to the latest improved method
Office 6th and Water Sts.
Phones, Main 118; B-9. Res. phone M.
1101. Residence 612 Center St. Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Elizabeth Harris, Plaintiff, vs. Ar
thur Harris, Defendant.
To Arthur Harris, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint in the above en
titled suit on or before the expiration
of six weeks after the first publication
of this summons, that being the time
prescribed in the order for publica
tion of the same, and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint in the said suit, to-wit: For a
decree dissolving the marriage con
tract and bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between the
plaintiff and yourself and giving lo
plaintiff the care and custody of . her
two minor children, Cecile May Har
ris and Arthur F. Harris.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made by the Honorable J.
U. Campbell, Judge of said court, da
ted the 12th day of March, 1913, and
the date of the first publication of this
summons being the 14th day of March
1913, and the last, the 25th day of
April, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
-"It bends
with your foot"
That is why so many women
you meet will wear no other
That is why Madame
Gad 8 Id, the famous opera
singer, carries a .supply of
these shoes to Europe with
her every summer.
That is why Mabel Talia
ferro, favorite young star of
the American stage, 6ays:
"Sinct I learnt J what Red
Cross comfort means, I hate
tt think of putting on a stiff
soli shot."
And that is why we recommend
it as the shoe for you.
Come in tomorrow and see the at
tractive Spring and Summer styles in
all the most popular leathers and ma
terials. Oxfords $3 JO and tt.
Hik Shots $4, $4 JO and $5.
I n a ni
Masonic Temple Bldg., Oregon City