6 OREGON CITY COURIER," .'FRIDAY MARCH 7 1913. sarcdkerof (SuaranteedSTiour WILHOIT. and then you can be sure of good bread, good cake, pies, or biscuits. Your money back if you're not entirely satisfied with ii'wwmnv- iff. IT TAKES A GOOD FLOUK to back up such a guarantee. And Drifted Snow Flour will stand the test. It is the result of the best efforts of expert millers and will make good baking a certainty for you Remember, your money back if not ENTIRELY SATISFIED. ORDEK A SACK FR'JM YOUR GROCER TODAY Sperry Flour Co., Tacoma " wTi is on the boom. Several new dwellings will be erect ed in the near future. we are expecting to elect a new mayor and city council at a special lection in the near future. After our election a special session will be held and the subject of pavements and sidewalks will be given consideration John Latky made a trip to Portland last week. James Niehelson is in Oregon City this week. Mrs. E. Wyland was called away last Saturday by the severe illness of her daughter, Mrs. S. Jones of near Mt. Angel. Hiram Edwards, our poultry man, has a nice lot of spring frys .ready for the market' Grandpa Wazing visited home folks up on Pumpkin Ridge Sunday. Sunday school was well attended at the regular session last week. Grandma Groshong visited her daughter, Mrs. Sharp Sunday. The pie social given by the school pupils Saturday evening was very well attended and the pies were very valuable. Work on the new road was sus pended a few days on account of rain recently. Miss Ethel Crites was down in town last week. Your correspondent and his old dough beater were out driving Sun. day afternoon and made a call on the city judge while in town. We have de cided to incorporate our town and will get our improvements under headway as quickly as possible. Resolutions. Whereas it having pleased an all wise Providence to remove from our midst our beloved Brother, B. F. Smith, and whereas by the death of our beloved brother, this Lodge has lost a true and consistent member, and the community a loyal, honored, and upright citizen. Therefore bo it resolved that the charter of this Lodge be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, and this lodge extend the heartfelt sympathy to the mourning widow and relatives of our beloved brother. Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions e spread upon the minutes of this lodge, a copy be sent to the widow of deceased, and a copy to the following named papers: The Oregonian, the Journal and the Oregon City Enterprise. P. J. SCHNEIDER. F. S. HART. W. F. SMITH. Committee. TWILIGHT. Evangelistic Services. The revival services at the Metho dist Episcopal church have been con tinued every evening this week, and will be throughout next week and probably over Easter Sunday and no time is set for closing, and will not be, as the pastor, under whose direc tion they are being field, believes in the Grant style of campaign, in fol lowing indications, and pushing the battle to a finish. The attendance has increased, the interest has deepened, and the move ment has advanced with every ser vice. There are indications of a great awakening. Special attention is being given to the music for these meetings, and some of the "olden time" songs that thrill the souls of the people as the fife and drum stirred the men of war as they marched to the battle front, will be sung. You will miss it if you do not attend. The Sunday evening service will be one of the greatest yet held. Watch the press for some surprises. This Children Cry for Fletcher's is no ordinary revival: it is a cam- The entire McCord family enjoyed paign for the overthrow of the a light touch of lagrippe since my strongholds of unrighteousness, and CASES OF CRUELTY. What Humane Society Finds at Bar ton, Lents and other Places. During the past week the Clacka mas County Humane Society has had numerous complaints of cruelty to horses and it is the intention of this organization to bring the guilty par ties to justice and to put a stop to the cruelty of the dumb animals. Miss Anita McCarver, who is pres ident of the Clackamas Humane Soc iety, Adam Wilkinson and E. G. Cau f ield, active members, whose efforts have been untiring in looking after the intrests and care of dumb ani mals would appreciate the assistance of those who know of cruel actions of drivers or owners of horses. Their ' names will not be divulged but those who are guilty will be brought to to justice. Clackamas Humane Soci ety has not the means of paying a sal ary to an officer and it is necessary for the members to take complaints into- their own hands and if any mon ey is required for travelling expenses to investigate complaints that have been made or for services of a vet erinary surgeon, which is often the case, the members either have to pay out of their own pocket books or tie pend on the treasury of the society, As tho dues of the society are .only 50 cents pcr,.yeiir and as it hus all ready erected two fine public drink ing fountains in this city it does not have much in the treasury Tho members are now antieipalimj; erecting a fountuin on Twelfth and Main St., where at trie present time is much travel und no doubt will be one of tho most prominent location to erect a fountain. This will be con structed of concrete. It is also intend ed to have a concrete drinking trough at Mountain View. The present trough at that place is in a rather delupidated condition. Arrangements will soon be made to give an entertainment in this city by members of the Clackumns Humane Society, when Romo of the local favorites will take part. The proceeds of this entertainment will go toward erecting the fountains and drinking truotfh. Among the recent complaints that have been made and are being inves tigatcd by Miss McCarver, Mr. Cau field and Mr. Wilkinson are cruelties to animals at lumber mill near Barton and Lents. After being informed of tho fact, Mr. Wilkinson left on Thurs day and found the conditions at those places really worso than was repre sentcd. Five dead horses were lying unburied, partly devoured by animals within throe . hundred yards where men were working, and tho stench from the dead animals wiis foul. Five other horses were found in n terrible condition from the bruital boatings they had received from the drivers. It is prolicide that those will haave to be killed to end their misery. Inquiry was made by Mr. Wilkinson as to what caused tho death of the five horses but very little satisfaction could be got by him. Some stated that the horses had died from overwork, 'while others stated "they just died." The terrible torture those poor ani muls had to undergo before death re lieved their sufferings no doubt can not be described, and this society is to see that this cruelty must bo stup ed immediately. Word has been sent to the Portland Humane Society, as it and as soon as the society is informed of cruel treatment towards the horses and oxen, the guilty parties will be given the full extent of the law. It is the intention of the Clackamas County Humane Society to do its duty. This organization has many friends who are not members but who are willing to assist in the humane work. Mr. Wilkinson was called to Cane mah a few days ago upon complaint of several parties, stating that a horse was suffering at that place, and need ed attention. Mr. Wilkinson immediat ely went to that place taking with him a veterinary surgeon, in the hopes of saving the animal's life, but on reach ing the place the veterinary surgeon ound the horse in ahopeless condit ion and soon he had it out of its mis ery. Upon investigation it was found that the horse was allowed to stand unprotected in the open air during the recent cold weather wnen the ground was covered with snow, the owners stating that it was tied to the sht'l tered side of the wagon, and caused it to have paralysis of the back. If the animal had been given, the proper rare it wouiu not navo been necessary to have a veterinary surgeon end its me. Complaint is being made of several teamsters driving horses up tho steep grades in this city. The wagons are filled with gravel and some of the drivers do not realize the load the animals are pulling. Some of these drivers seem to realize it is "smart'' to sauce the officers of the Humane boeiety, but this will no longer be tolerated and the police of the city are to be notified if this is repeated and the driver either fined or "jailed." no can take his choice, A driver of a team was recently amusing nimselt by. beating his hors es in the faces with a board while they were trying to pull a load up a hill in this city. Miss McCurver. who was passing in that direction and wit nessing his ill treatment to his bread winners, compelled him to desist his actions, It has been a noticeable fact of the Clackamas County Humane Society mat there are many owners and dnv ers of horses in this city who give the animals proper attention and kind ness in their part and every day you may see these humane people resting uieir horses on the hillsides while thev are being driven with heavy loads and also giving them water at the drink ing fountains in the city, to nuench their thirst. Acts like this are ap preciated by tho members of the soc iety and no doubt by tho poor dumb minimis, who are performing their labors. At the last meeting of the Clacka mas County Humane Society it was decided by tho members, to have each one secure five members at 50 cents a year. Several have already secured the desired number and no doubt at the next meeting there will bo a large lilition to tho members list. If tho cruelty to animals at Bar? ton, Lents and Union Mills is not dis- j ontinued the Society will hold a spec ial meeting and send a special olfic- r to those places. Since the organization of tho Clack amas County Humane Society in this ity much good has been accomplished WILSONVILLE, M. E. Young visited Oregon City Monday. E. White, our faithful janitor at the M. E. church has been confined to his home the past week with la grippe. Mr. Joe Thornton has been on the sick list the last few days, but is out again. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin and family are to move on a farm near Aurora this week. Mr. Rankin has very poor health and Mrs. Rankin expects to work. Mr. and Mrs. Schull and family have moved into the Biggs home. Mrs. E. C. McKinney and the little girls are about laid up with grippe. Mrs. McKinney is almost worn out over the care and death of her aged mother, Mrs. Doward, who pass away Monday last at the age of years. Mrs. Wheaton's father. Mr. Welch of Malloy, died last wek at the age of 85 years. Interment was made Pleasant Hill cfmetery Thursday. Grandpa Todd fell on the frostj walk Tuesday morning and broke hit arm. Grandpa is up in the 80 s so will probably go pretty hard. Grand pa was taken to the St. Vincent hos pital in Portland. Miss Mattie Hayman, sister of Mrs, Norris Young, is improving so rapidly from her recent illness of typhoid fe ver that she will be able to resume her duties in the New Era school by the first of April. The basket social at Malloy school last week was a great success. $47 60 was cleared. Mr. W. B. Rand, father of Mr, Bert Rand, who was stricken with appo- plexy at the home of his son Bert near here last week while on a visit. is much improved, and is able to be about his home in Portland. The many friends here of Mrs. Geo, Gould of Salem are expecting a visit from her this week. , The Parent-Teachers' Association of Malloy, met Friday at their school house with a splendid attend ance. Mrs. iv. li. late, presiuent oi the Oregon Congress of Mothers, gave them a splendid talk on child wel fare. Mrs. Dr. Brown and Mrs. M. C. Young of Wilsonville were also present and gave some good talks, Mrs. Young spoke on "Habits Formed at Home, and Mrs. Brown spoke on the training of the child between the ages of 2 and 6. Our basketball team goes to Fores Grove Friday evening, accompanied by a few of our ladies. There will be an entertainment and shadow social at the Wilsonville school Saturday evening. The farmors expect to meet Friday evening m the A. U. W. W. nan lor purpose of organizing a local of the Farmer s Society of Equity. GREENWOOD. is understood that a company of that by tho members. At each meeting, city is contracting for tho timber shipped out of that section. There is no doubt but that action will be taken by the Portland Society as well as the Clackamas County Society, and the parties guilty of such dastardly treatment brought to justice. One wo man residing in that Rection stated that she saw ono of the drivers beat his horse in such a terrible manner that the poor animal fell to the ground three times in succession ex hausted. At Lents it was also found that horses vyere being ill treated. A call came from Union Mills, Clackamas County, stating thut sev eral oxen at a sawmill, were being mistreated and Mr. Wilkinson went to that place Friday and found two of the animals covered with welts and bruises. From all appearances the an imals looked as though they hud been gouged with sharp sticks. The flesh was torn on tneir Douies, nu m nioi fha lacerations were deep in the flesh, almost to the ribs. The own ers of these animals were given a se vere reprimanding, and if they con tinue in their brutal treatment aewm. against 'them will be immediately taken by .the society. A sharp lookout is to be made at all of these places when the reports are read by the sec retary, Mrs. K. G. Caufield, they .show of the number of complaints that have been utlentred to and tho members are gratified to know that they are helping out a good cause. If you are interested m this cause why not send in your name with your 50 cents for a year's dues? A receipt for your money will be forwarded to you The meetings are always hold at the Hank of Oregon City, which is cen trally located. The youngest member of tho Clack amas County Humane Society is lit tle Edward Labowiteh, of Concord Sation, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Labowiteh. This little fellow is a pupil of the Oak Grove school, and is one of tho brightest and most attractive little fellows attending that institut ion. Even before Edward became a member of the Society he took an in terest in dumb animals and since he has had his "name among the other members, he has taken unusual act ive interest and makes his reports and complaints to the President, Miss Mc Carver. The little fellow is the poss essor of several pets at his home, and they are tenderly looked after by their little master. One of the social events of the sea son was a dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Braker Saturday evening, March 1. the evening was pent with dancing and games. Sup per was served. Besides the young people of Greenwood, several loads lime over from Mount Pleasant. Mr. William Casady has traded his shingle mill for an automobile. It is reported that Mr. Cahill has sold his place of 150 acres for $7,000 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith have mov ed to Canby where Mr. Smith has ac cepted a position on tho railroad that is being built from Canby to Molalla. Miss Mae Clark of Mt. Pleasant spent a few days in Greenwood this week visiting friends. Mr. Teague of Portland, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Fasctman for the past week, has re turned home. EAGLE CREEK. Ed Douglass, who has been sick with the measles the past week, was out riding Monday. A. J. Chapman of Pendleton is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. R. B. Gibson. Miss Meda Murphey is working for Mrs. H. G. Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Udell and children vi sited with James Gibson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass were itacada visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor called on Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson Sunday even ing. H. S. Gibson made a brief business visit to Portland the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett enter-1 tained A. J. Chapman and Mrs. Gib son at dinner Saturday. last communication, but with others similarly afflicted and previously no ted, are much improved. Most of the late winter seeding has been completed, ana our yoemanry are making preparations for spring work. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmiedecke and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harvey and son Bert, were six o'clock dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelland Saturday night, after which a pleasant evening was passed with the hosts. The din ner served was certainly both plenti ful and delicious and the appetites, especially arranged for, were more than satisfied. The Community Club meets Satur day night at the usual hour. The lit erary entertainment is in the hands of a German which indicates a Dutch lung as a part of the program. Mrs. Blakamer of Woodburn, a. sis ter of Mrs. J. L. Bently, visited the latter's home over Sunday. A number of our citizen? retentlv became members of the Ivlt. Pleasant Society of Equity. It is a daily event to see an auto mobile mired in t,e mud iust south oi tne scnool ryuildine. It is not de sired that tr.,s item reach the eyes of our county court nor our supervisor, Unfortunately we failed to vote a special road tax this year, and as consequence cannot expect any favor from either Jinks. Tom Kelland has upwards of 300 cords of wood for summer delivery. Will Uncle Sam, after suggesting a fair hearing for Madero, calmly pass up his cold blooded murder at the hands of the new president of Mexi co? the capture of men for the Kingdom. Dr. Ford believes fore in the power of Jesus Christ through the gospel to reform men, regenerate society, and drive out law breaking and law break ers, and to save the youth from ways that are dark and work degradation, then in detective forces, police pow ers nd peace officers, and invited the co-operation of all Christian people in this movement. Meeting for men in. i Woodman Hall at 3'oclock Sunday oe-1 side the regular morning and evening services at tne cnurcn. Tho Hind You nave Always Bong-lit, and which has been In use for over 80 years, has borne me signature or. ana lias been maao unaer nis per ISrf. tf- sonal supervision since Its infancy. 7cucU4!, AUow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against ExporkPOnU What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrijs, it is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Uarcotio substance. Its age is its gvmruntee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss-, For more than thirty years It has been In constant oso for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Co.Vlc, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Pood, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bcars the Signature of The Causes of Rheumatism. Stomach trouble, lazy liver and de ranged kidneys are the cause of rheu matism. Get your stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels in healthy condition by taking Electric Bitters, and you will not be troubled with the pains or rheumatism.' Charles B. Allen, a school principal of Sylvania, Ga., who suffered indescribable torture from rheumatism, liver and stomach trou ble and diseased kidneys, writes: "All remedies failed until I used Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this won derful remedy cured me completely." Maybe your rheumatic pains come from stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Electric Bitters will give you prompt relief. 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by Huntley Bros. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Pneumonia Follows Cold. but never follows tb',. use of Foley's Honey and Tar. Compound. It stops the cough, hea'. a the sore and inflam ed air 'passages, and strengthens the lungs. T'lle genuine is in a yellow pucifge with beehive on carton. Re- I'lse substitutes. For sale by Hunt ley Bros. Co. Si What Colton Equity is Doing. Coilton local met March 1st, after giving in the want and sale list as follows: Emile Peterson has for sale two tons of artichokes; C. L. Stand inger has cedar fence posts for sale cheap; U. S. Dix has for sale an 1100 pound 3-year-old horse; W. S. Gor- bett, 2 40-acre tracts of land, cheap and easy terms. We then discussed marketing our eggs direct to Portland and it seems as if it will be a very easy thing to do now. Colton local met March 1 and took up the subject of marketing our eggs direct to the consumer and decided to do this by putting on a stage to run from Colton to Oregon City semi-weekly. Splendid Creamery Showing. An inspection of the books and the business of the Clear Creek Creamery Company was made by William Grisenthwaite of Beaver Creek and Mrs. Anna Hughes of Redland, with the following showing and compari sons: Butter, made in 1911, lbs 215,154 Butter made 1912, lbs 293,646 Increase for the year .... 72,492 Total disbursement of butter fat to patrons, 1911 $95,472.87 Total disbursements of butter fat to patrons, 1912 $66,621.47 Cost of manufacture: Year 1911 3 9-10c per lb. Year 1912 3 3-10c per lb. The Kind You Dave Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUMMY STNCCT, NSW YORK CITY. .egrsianon Division Favored. The Malarkey and McColloch reso lution, carrying a proposed constitu tional amendment, dividing the ses sions of the legislature, passed the senate despite some opposition. The proposed amendment provides that bills be Introduced for the first 20 days only, these 20 days to be followed by an adjournment of not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days, and tho balance of the session to be devoted to consideration of legislation. Money to Loan. Oregon City Abstract Co., 617 Main street. H-M-M-1-M-M- TO ATTRACT TRADE. A merchant to be successful must not depend on hit regular " trade alone, but must be con- stantly reaching out after new J customers. Make your store so . . attractive that when a new fam- ily comes to town the first plac ) j they will want to go will be to your store. l"!"!"! 1 1 1 1 1 4 I t I Safeguarding Pedestrians. In Lyons, France, an older has been Issued forbidding portable advertise ments on days when there Is a bleb wind. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The Easy Laxative la justice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies, your money back if you don't like them. They are a candy con fection that really do give easy relief from constipation. persons as well as for the most robust. They sot toward relieving eonstipa- Good health is largely dependent upon the bowels. When they become sluggish the waste material that is thrown off by the system accumu lates. This condition generates poiaens which circulate throughout the body, tending to create coated tongue, bad breath, headache, dull brain action, nervousness, biliousness and other annoyances. Avoid harsh cathartics and physics. They give but temporary relief. They often aggravate the real trouble. They are particularly bad for chil dren, delicate or aged persons. Come in tablet form, taste just like candy and are noted for their easy, soothing action upon the bowels. Thsy don't purgs, gripe, cause nausea, looseness, nor tne inconven iences attendant upon the use of purgatives. Their action is io pleas ant that the taking of Rexall Order lies almost becomes a desire instead of a duty. Children like Rexall Orderlies. They are ideal for aged or delicate tion, and also to overcome its cause and to make unnecessary the fre quent use of laxatives. They serve to tone and strengthen the nerves and muscles of the bowels and asso ciate organs or glands. Make Us Prove It We guarantee to refund every penny paid us for Rexall Orderlies if they do not give entire satisfaction. We ask no promises and we in no way obligate you. Your mere word is sufficient for us to promptly and cheerfully refund the money. Doesn't that prove that Rexall Orderlies must be right? You must know ws would not dare make such a promise unless we were positively certain that Kexall Orderlies will do all we claim for them. There is no money risk attached to a trial of Rexall Orderlies, and in Juatics to yourself, you should not hesitate to test them. Rexall Orderlies come in conven ient vest-pocket siss tin boxes; 12 tablets, 10c; 38 tablets, 25c; 80 tablets, 60c CAUTION: Ptoses bear in mind that Rexall Remedies are not sold by all drug (ists. You ran buy Rexall Orderlies only at The Rexall Stores. You can buy Rexall Orderlies u this community only at our store: OREGON CITY HUNTLEY BROS. CO. The axatl store OREGON PLAN YOUR TRIP THROUGH CALIFORNIA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE & FLOWERS VIA THE IVJl SUNSET I (ogden&shastaI I I I ROUTES f I A THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE ROUTE You Can See in California Attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels, hot springs and out-door 'sports. .At Pasadena the world-famed ostrich farms and magnificent homes. At San Bernardino and Riverside the Orange Groves. At Cat alina the wonderful submarine gardens, and at various other points atractions that delight the eye and inform the mind. Low One Way or Round Trip Fares: Round trip tickets to Los Angeles on sale daily with long return limit and stop-overs at will. If you wish to go still further south or east, tickets via all rail, or rail and steamer thru New Orleans can ' be secured at reasonable rates. Further particulars on application to any agent. Ask for descriptive literature on California, or "Wayside Notes," describing trip to San Francisco and to New Orleans. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon .s 3 FOR MEN Tame Is a Reisll Store In nearly every town and elty In the United States, Cansda and G'est Hriuin. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill eaon especially designed for the particular ill (or wnioa it is recommended. The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug; Stores) "Our Personal Guarantee to all Skin Snflerers" We have been In business in this town for some time, and we are looking to build up trade by always advising our patrons tigux. So when we tell you that we have found the eczema remedy and that we Hand back of It with the manufacturers Iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves on can depend upon It that we Rive our dvlce not In order to sels a few bottles of medicine to skin sufferers, but be- use we know how it will helD our business If we help our patrons. We keen In stock and sell, all the well known skin remedies. But we will say this: if you are suffering from any kind of skin trouble, ecsema. rsorlaiOs, ranh or tetter. w want you to try a full site bottle of t' L). I. Jr.acriptlon. And, U It does no o Jt wrk, this bottle will cost you nothing. Tou alone to judge. Again and again we iiave seen how a few drops of this simple waah applied to the skin, takes away the Itch, in stantly. And the cures all seem to be permanent, D. D. D. Prescription made by the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago. Is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wintergreen and other healing, soothing, coolintr ingredients. And If you are Just craiy with Itch, you will feel soothed and cooled, the Itch absolutely washed away the moment you applied this D. D. D. We have mad fast friends of more than one family by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try It now on our positive no-par guarantee. Jonea Drug Company, Oregon City. A QUICK SAFE AND PRIVATE TREATMENT Thousands have used and found it the one best remedy PHfP flf Discharges, inflammation aud Irritation of the Kid 1 JUW neys, Bladder ud Urinary Organs, permanently ere Thf RflT flf lieved in 2 to 5 daj j. Warranted harmless, Non-inie ev a n tive, Stricture impossible. Bona-fide Guarantee to cure 50 CapS r money back Sold by JONES DRUG CO., (Inc.) Oregon City, Ore oreot pos tpatd in The Safety Remedy Co., Canlon resident . T. MEYER, Cash THE FiRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank) Transaota a General Banking Bus Iness Open from 0 a. m. to 3 Phone 1121 Res. 1833 Office in Favorite Cigar Store Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving a Specialty ' Freight and Parcels Delivered Prices reasnnaW Satisfaction Guarantee