OREGOH CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEB 28 1913 AMERICA FOR AMERICANS. Cut out the Toadyism and Bending to the Foreign Leeches. I am not vain enough to think that I can convert many persons to my way of thought on this question, and am well enough informed on the gen eral trend of ideas of my fellowmen to know to a certamity that few per sons among those who read this item will agree with the ideas which I hope to express clear enough to those of you who will give me thoughtful at tention, that I might at least hope for your commendation. I also feel sure that in time to "come where one agrees now ten will, after a lapse of years. I shall also try to avoid a feeling of spleen on the question, and appeal to your calm reason. First I want to say that my ideal of human society would know no nat ional boundaries, as we understand them at present; that I hold to the theory of cosmopolitism. That the word foreigner is useless to a happy state of society. We are informed by some press re ports that a person who is generally known as Alphonso the twelfth, is contemplating a visit to this part of the globe, which we call "our coun try." I quote from the Orcgonian: "He would be met with marked courtesy by the united States government, The big guns at Sandy Hook would boom forth a noisy welcome and his vessel doubtless would be convoyed by a flotilla of cruisers. A reception committee of distinguished citizens would escort him to his lodgings." Now carefully note the quotation. It is not contended that his individ ual achievements would call for more notice than any other brainless loaf er, only that he exercised sufficient forethought to become the son of his supposed father. It is of no concern of ours whether the report of his filthy amorous escapades be true or not. If true he is certainly entitled to , the greatest attention our best people can give him, provided they do so as individuals or social groups; it is of no concern of any one else in Hail Columbia. If, however, the big guns at Sandy Hook, burn up a lot of powder, which is charged up to the citizens of this republic; if our war vessels burn up a lot of coal to escort him about; I, as a lore and unimportant citizen will put in a vigorous, 'though unheard and unheeded protest. It is not powder and coal alone that is burned up, but human lives; is a contention which may be disputed by such as see fit to expose their lack of ability to think. I am aware that people are ready to reply that he is "the official representative of a frien dly notion," which statement is sub ject for debate, though of slight im portance. Let me here call your attention to one important national idea: thut our army and navy is maintained at a great cost and the efTort is put forth to obtain the best men physic ally for the service, to protect Amer ica against the foreigner. Now then, this army and navy is called unon to serve this foreigner, in fact to protect mis ioreigner from improbable harm and what is really important, to keep a lot of cheap American toadies at a safe distance. There are among those of Bmall number who read this who are great jingoeB, when it comes to those per sons who were born abroad and can speak more lunguages than one, are frequently slurred for such accident of birth.Yet when some persons should come to the locality who is so useless that in order to be noticed must have some title and gaudy trap pings your necKs pull out a rod in in length and your adorution is boundless. I for one hold to the opinion that , a president or other public official wno would order such official demon stration is a TRAITOR to his country, iiu i care not wno the official may be, or to what political party he may an mine. Not many years ago a German Geek" paid a visit to the graft head quarters at Washington and we were informed by the press that two lines or soldiers and police stretched from tne depot to the white house, forming one solid guard for this royal vermin. Ihis, I say, was an insult to every American citizen, especially when we were iniormed that our American citizen could not go through the "dead lines" without a pass from some high official. How do you like it, you liberty loving Americans? A saur-krauter is your superior. Can you see the class character of this government you are nicely taxed to keep up to show the foreigners a good time? or how much will it take to convince you that you arc nobody? After the foregoing was written I found a nice and friendly criticism in regard to my observations on milit aryism so I will digress from my orig inal line of thought just to put the supposition to my critic in the same friendly spirit. Suppose you were in the army serv ice and this "gringo" would come over and you were ordered by your super ior (?) officer to go out with fixed bayonet to guard him like Prince Henry was, so as to keep your fellow- citizens at a distance; keep then) off me streets winch they and you had built? Would it occur to your patriot ic minu mat tnis lono foreigner was of more importance than muny thous ands of us "free Americans" or would you endorse your superiors? luiucm iimi i come in lor niv iuu siinre 01 criticism because I do not not endorse all the humbug our government onictals pull over on us; nave Deen tola mat by rights I de deserve hanging as a traitor but let me give you my narrow plnnk plat form in one sentence. AMERICA FOR AMERICANS. Perhaps that is treasonable, if so I want some one of you patriots, if you are sufficiently intelligent, to come to my grave with a nice little pine board, upon which you yourself have written the only necessary word TRAITOR, for I dis pute the right of a bunch of bum pol iticians to put any foreigner upon a mare honorable place than the hum blest citizen of this alleged republic. Now I will pass that part of jingo and will pursue the course of this : perfumed crabhouse on the Spanish body politic. As ruler of Spain he is guilty of the murder of Ferrer, whose only offence was to open up schools so that people in that illiterate coun try would learn to read; to advance to a higher human plane. Of course ignorance is tyrany's best whip. It may be said that is none of our af fair, which is true, but we might just as well bear that in mind when this government of ours proposes to tax us to show him honors. , Aside from all that, I believe in permitting him, or anyone else, to pass to and about this country in ab solute peace, provided they observe the same rules of conduct which we apply to ourselves ;and I hope he will come to Portland, where according to his liking among our best people who have made the Y. M. C. A. build ing famous lately. Then it might also be proper to call out the famous road-house militia company to pro tect this sacred leech from contamin ation with the vulgar mob of the Am erican working man. JOHN F. STARK MOLALLA. (Too late for last week.) School was closed this Monday on account of scarlet fever, which has developed in the home of W. T. Ech erd. Solon, the eldest son was working for W. A. Sharer, where they had the fever and probably brought it home. Several have oeen exposed and it may be some time before school may be safely opened again. More precaution should be exercised in re gard to such diseases. Prof .C. I. Lewis and assistant, of the division of horticulture, will be in Molalla, Thursday March 6, to give demonstrations at the Fagan Or chards so the extension division of 0. A. C. has notified Molalla Grange No. 310. Let all that are interested in bet ter fruit in the Molalla valley turn out on this date and have a close distance talk with the expert and carry away any infofmation that may be impart ed- on that occasion. When you come into town by rail you will be entering Molalla through what appears to be the back yard of the present town, so to see our front yard it will be necessary for you to stop off and look around, until we get another frontage built on. Molalla is to have a newspaper right away off. "Old No. 1." building is to be the house of publication. This This is proper to have all pioneer en terprises pass along the way to fume through this building, and some day twill make a suitable picture for the first home of MoluIIa's first puper. Our brother scribe of Liberal, rath er intimates that the "mail stage has not been able to reach Molalla for somo reason or other lately. Now be it known that L. Waldron, our star mail carrier, has been SEEN coming in the old way as a trusty guardian of Uncle Sam's mail matter every day in the week the whole muddy winter long, what more could any man do? though very difficult the job many seem to any one. not accustomed to such gigantic undertakings. Yes sir, Waldron gets the mail to Moliilla if it takes three relays to do it, we get our mail all the same. The small-pox patients have about recovered at Orin Cuttings. They seem to have had a very mild form. The infant child of Royal David son's died last week and for a while the mother was in a critical condit ion, but she is now reported to be out of dugner and getting along well. Now H. A. Kayler conies forth with another 5 and a half acre addit ion to Molalla, situated just west and adjoining the school property. Heck & Co. will gladly tell anyone interested all about it. A new livery barn has been com menced building on tho South Ecast corner of the Kayler Addition to Mo lalla by a Mr. Hubbard. Shoemaker and Jackson have the carpenter con tract of building. C. A. Jackson is building a resi dence in tho Rubbin's addition to Mo lalla. Geo. W. Gregory was hiiving the rubbish cleared off his most desireable lots recently. LIFE OR DEATH. There is no Hell of Torture, Hell is Punishment by Death. v Editor Courier: In the Courier of Feb. 14th appear ed an article on "Hell' which I read with more than the usual interest, from the fact that your position, while contrary to much that is taught, is in strict accord with the Bible. The doctrines of eternal torment for the lost is opposed by every fact of science, makes a fiend of an all wise Creator, and Is contrary to the entire scripture from Genesis to Rev elation. In tfce Old Testament the word Hell is translated from the Hebrew word "Sheol" which means the place of the dead, or the death state, all good, bad and indifferent go there at death. Ec cle. 3-20. This word "Sheol" occurs 85 times in the Old Testament. It is translated "Hell" 31 times, "Grave" 31 times and "Pit 3 times in the King James translation. It is NOT a a place of torment or of consciousness and the wise men tell us in Eccl. 9- 10, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might: for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave (sheol) whither thou goest." In the New Testament the word Hell is translated 10 times from the Greek word Hades, which has the same meaning as Sheol in the Heb rew, 11 times from Gehenna, a Greek corruption of the Hebrew phrase "Valley of Heinman" and once from "Tartaroo." The Valley of Heinman was just outside of the city of Jerus alem and was used for a city crema tory, where the refuse from the city was burned. It did not act upon the THE KIND THAT COUNT MOUNTAIN VIEW. Writer Says these Sermons Would Fill the Churches. Editor Courier: I heard a sermon and such a ser mon as one would long to hear again. And it came from the inspiration of one who has heard "The call of the Carpenter," Sunday evening at the congregational church. The subject was the labor problem and from intuiton I followed the path to the steeple the first time in years. if one could be assured the spiritual nutrition in every church every Sun day church pews jvoud pay dividends to society in pricele'ss gems of man hood and womanhood that would pass as legal tender through any bank of eternal rewards. One thought is labor has its intrin sic reward in creating health and hap piness in the results of personal ef fort. Another A laborer represents so much capital which should be above par compared to the value of a few pieces of silver. Nearly all are laborers but few are the parasites. The hand of labor represents a Cemetery is worth to the nation and is entitled to the protection of that nation of which it is a part. -This land of labor which is so eager to promote his brother's inter est in Union, should not be made a victim of the machine he has built,' Our part of the city has several sick people in it at present. Mrs. A. Mautz continues very feeble; Mrs. Nichols is laid up with rheumatism; Mrs. Will May with bronchitis; Mrs. Shepherd with pneumonia; Mrs. E. D. Barto with lagrippe and a number of chil dren have been out of school a few days with a light attack of measles Wanda Hickman and Mrs. Bluhm's children are at present out of school, The young people of Mountain View gave a basket social at Curran's Hall last Friday night, the proceeds of which were for the benefit of the Proffitt family on Molalla Ave. $35 were raised which will be used for this afflicted family. Mr. Proffitt has been a very sick man for several weeks and kind-hearted neighbors have been helping them- financially and other wise, The Aid Society met at Mrs. Llew- ellen's and made clothing for the fam ily, Two tracts of land have been sold the past week by Miss Holmes to par. ties of Polanders, who will build on them this season. The sidewalk along Mountain View getting badly broken by boys either riding or driving hors es to and fro from pasture. This should be stopped. Mr. J. Haskell is building a wood shed in the rear of his new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Burr are living in the house on Duane St., lately vacated by h'ut have leisure to be a husband to j Roy Campbell, that wife and a father to those chil- Miss Mary Confer visited in Port- dren; to be son to those, as a man land a few days last week. awake in the light of day. Pearl and Ruby Francis, nurses in And all this in modern commer- the Good Samaritan Hospital in Port cialized Sodom. It is not to be in this land, spent Sunday with their parents town that conditions will permit of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Francis. WILHOIT. Road working is the event of the day. Mrs. Milstead, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. M. Nichelson, has returned to Eastern Oregon. Calavan, the school supervisor, was seen on the streets of our town last we ek. The work on the new road into Wil hoit is progressing nicely. George and A. M, Groshong, are grubbing. Clarence Vorheis drove out to Mt, Angel Sunday. Sunday School was well attended last Sunday. J. O. Lager, our school man, made a business trip to Portland Saturday. Edd Ringstad has been on the sick list for some days. The club dances at Wilhoit every two weeks are grand successes. frank Grays family are most all sick this week. The two Mr. .Olson's from the mountains, attended the dance Satur day night. Joe Iowa visited home folks Sun day. Our saw-mill is running all the time with a full crew of men. Earl Groshong is attending school at Scott s. Mrs. Vorheis visited Mrs. Crouse Sunday. Chas. Early drives almost every week with freight from Wilhoit. Professor Lager was over on Rock Creek Sunday. Frank Holt is putting some new fence around his place. Floyd Ferguson has resigned his position as engineer at the mill and is working on the road. Grandpa Sharp left Monday for Eastern Oregon. Petty Thievery at (Tie Heights. Thievery still seems to go on. as some short time ago a little store on the heights had a number of articles stolen, the store owned by V. Baker. Later he had another call. This tune taking a piece of canvas that Mr. Baker used to throw over his wagon as a slight shelter from the rain. Now we think such doings show slack management somewhere. Is it fault with the law? No, then it must be something wrong with the home training or well, we won't just place that part of it, but it looks bad that a fellow has to put a lock and chain on such small tilings that they may not be stolen. We think if a lot of those boys were rounded up and sent to the reform school or the pen for a while it might make better men of them. A. READER. IS the time to make PREPARATIONS. Put in your MYERS. WAY UNL0ADER NOW, and you will be in tip top shape to handle your crop this year. Take our advice and come in and look them over next time you are in town. A Let of Time is Lost Through BAD DOOR. HANGERS. Hang your doors on MYERS STAYGN HANGERS or the new Tubular Track Hanger and you will have NO MORE TROUBLE This is another matter that should be attended to before the busy season CHAMPION MOWERS, BINDERS, RAKESTAKE THE BEST PAY US A VISIT Stockholders Special Meeting. A special meeting of the stock holders the Clackamas County Fair Association will be held at the Court house in Oregon City, Saturday, March 8th, at 11 A. M. for the pur poso of electing two directors. The by-laws may be amended or other business coming regularly before the meeting transacted. M. J. LEE, Secretary. W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY, OR. Canby Hdwe. & Imp. Co. CANBY, OR. F. E. Walling, a farmer living near Yukon, Mo., strongly recommends Foley's Honey & Tar Compound and says: "I have been advised by my family doctor to use Foley's Honey & Tar Compound for my children when there was a cough medicine needed. I recommend it to others." Huntley Bros. Suprise Your Friends. For four weeks regularly use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They stimulate the liver, improve digestion, remove blood impurities, pimples and erupt ions disappear from your face and body and you feel better. Begin at once. Buy at Huntley Bros. garbage as a PRESERVATIVE, but CONSUMED IT. This is the Hell re ferred to by our Savior in Matt 5-22 and 2'.),:S0, Matt. 10-28; 23-15; 33 etc. Tartaroo in II Peter 2-4 has refer ence to the angels that sinned and not to human beings. Punishment of the wicked h plainly set forth in the scripture tnit that punishment is not TORTURE but DEATH Romans 6-23. "The wages of sin is death," James 1-15, "Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death." IVath is the great enemy of the human race, it came into the world because of sin. The scripture points the way to escape eternal death thru the Lord Jesus Christ, and obtain, in stead the life everlasting. Man brought the death penalty upon him self by transgressing Divine Law a loving heavenly father at once pro vided a way of escape trom the pen ally of sin through "the seed of the woman to bruise the sernent's head," and we read that "the p'.ft of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.". It is not merely a question of hap piness or misery, felicity or torture; it is a question of Life or Death, and it is up to us to choose which we will have. J. O. STAATS. workers forming habis of intellectual f Mrs. Grady, of Mt. Hood St., is vis banqueting or they and their masters j iting her son and family at Sunny- migni oe lined up to where they could side. hear "Verily I say unto you ye are the Gods also." John 10-23. P. W. MEREDITH GREENWOOD. Dr. King's New Discovery. Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, re lieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, always used. Buy it at Huntley Bros. Mrs. Kirmse and children of Canby, were visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. James E. Smith Sunday. Mr. Knowles is having quite a lot of clearing done on his place this spring. Mr. Wm. Caseday had the misfor tune to have his fingers injured in the shingle mill last week. A few of our young people attend ed the dance at Oregon City Satur day evening. There was a basket social held at the Central Point church Saturday ev ening. It is reported to have been a social and financial success. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles and family, were visiting at the home of Mr. Rob ert Clark of Mt. Pleasant Sunday. Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. There is nothing more discouraging than a chronic disorder of the stom ach. Is it not suprising that many suffer foryears with such an ailment when a permanent cure is within their reach and may be had for a trifle? "About one year ago," says P. H. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I bought a package of Chamberlain's Tablets, and since using them I have felt per fectly well. I had previously used any number of different medicines, but If the residents of Oregon City would beautify the grounds around their residences they would have a city beautiful and no place needs it more than Molalla Ave. This thor oughfare is one of the most traveled of any in the city and during all seas ons of the year people walk to the cemetery. If we had nice, clean walks and every home present a tidy ap pearance it would be comfortnig to everyone. Some people feel that just live in a house as a shelter is all that is necessary. We hope to see Eastham School grounds made into a beautiful park, and no prettier place could be found on the hill. Get the children interested in the beauties of these parks and it will lessen the de sire to mud the seats, break sidewalks and mar trees. It shows what the par ents' pride is when we see the work of children in such conduct. They surely had no training at home. We would like to see a better legis lature next time than the present one has been, and while there are good men there we fear they have been sadly in the minority. Guess we had better send some ladies as senators and representatives next time and no doubt there would be a change for the better. W. S. Skelton, a merchant at Stan $100.00 for the relief a single box of Foley Kidney Pills gave him. "I had a severe attack of kidney trouble with sharp pains through my back and single could haddly straighten up. A none of them were of any lasting box of Foley Kidney Pills entirely re- benei it. t or sale by Huntley Eros, heved me. Huntley Bros, yThe Lull Before The Storm I mr jl A its. 7AT7 B R msm&mm A EAGLE CREEK. IB This is fine weather we are enjoy ing at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, Claude Woodle, Miss Echo Githens and Mrs. B. Gibs'on dined and spent the ev ening with Mr. and Mrs. Murphy last Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Douglass went home last Friday to visit with her parents for a few days. Mrs. Guy Woodle called on Mrs. J. P. Stahl Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn of Stev enson, Wash., have been the guests of of Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass the past few days. Mrs. Dunn is a sis ter of Mrs. Douglass. Last Wednesday Miss Gena M. Hol land, of Spokane, and Oren P. Ball ou, of Eeagle Creek, were married in Oregon City, W. II. H. Samson per forming the ceremony. They will re side in Eagle Creek. Mrs. Viola Douglass was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett, over Sunday night. Mrs. Manane, having received word that herd father had had a stroke of paralysis, left Sunday for his bedside. . LIBERAL. What beautiful winter weatherl Roads are drying ana the farmers are busy plouwing and seeding. Stock of all kinds have winered so far. N. Farr has a fine lot of lambs from his bunch of ewes and they are doing well so far. Beef cattle are scarce and also mut ton sheep. Hogs are being hauled alive to Canby and shipped to tne Union Meat Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Nebras, of Oregon City, were visiting S. Knght last Sunday. ' George Donnelly was in Oregon City Monday on business. S. F. Burn's fine cow got choked on a potatoe, Dr. Morey was called and with a rubber hose soon releived her. ..Miss Floda Burns was out from Portland visiting her parents for a few days. W. J. E. Vick is agent for the Buik auto this year and is doing some rustling. Wallace Cole, of Oregon City, is making some nice improvements on his farm and is clearing up a piece of new land for potatoes. He is a rustler. M. C. Gregory is going to put out 15 acres of corn this year and is plow inc his Ground to be worked in the proper shape to replow before seeding time intime in May. The field mice are by the millions and are destroying the clover that was sown last spring. Ihey seem to eat it out by the roots.. Several are going to try poisoning them with cal omel on grains of wheat covered with a mixture of molasses. SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bit ters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sick ly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thou sands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them.:,Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50e. at Huntley Bros. Yield to Vinol. The medical profession dp not be lieve that consumption Is Inherited but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to that disease. A prominent citizen of Evansville, Ind., writes: "I was in ror nva c;ouths fcich pulmonary trouole, and . had the best of doctors; I had hemorr hages and was In a very bad way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vinol, and I feel that It saved my life. It is all you recommend it to be. I believe it is the greatest medi cine on earth. I have advised others to try Vinol, and they have had the same results." (Name furnished on request.) Vinol soothes and heals the inflamed surfaces and allays the cough. Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient strength to throw off Incipient pulmo nary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned If It does not help you. Huntley Bros. Co., Druggists Oregon City Oregon. BROWNELL & STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon Conductor S. L. Miller, Norfolk, Nebr., on Bonnesteel Division of C & N. W. Ry. Co., recommends Foley Kidney Pills and says: "I have used Foley Kidney Pills with very satis factory results and endorse their use trouble. They are all right." Huntley Bros. Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phones Pacific, 1221. Home A 19 PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutscher Advokat Room 8 Beaver Building Main St. Oregon City The Best Light AT THE Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable fof homes, offices, shops and other places needing light. Electric ity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any re quired amount of light. Furthermore electric lamps can be located in any place, thus affording any desired dis tribution of light. No other lamps possess these qual ifications, therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replac ing all others in modern establish ments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH , ALDER. PORTLAND Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131