OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIPA, FEB. 21, 1913 CLEAN-UP UM BRELLA Buy one of Our Guaranteed Um brellas and save 20c on the dollar We MUST close out our entire stock of this year's Umbrellas before May 1st. . Come early while the selection is good. Regular $1.00 Umbrellas now 80c Other prices up to $6.00 & $7.00 BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN OREGON CITY JEWELERS SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER OREGON CITY. Miss Nan Cochran Local Editor C. Richter, of Union Hall, was in this city Saturday. Three cans of corn or tomatoes 25c at Seeley's. Ed Hornshuh, of Homedale, was in Oregon City Saturday. Peter Bohlander and wife, were in Oregon City Saturday. Roy Baker, of Hazeldale, was in Oregon City Thursday. Theodore Miller, of Carus, was in Oregon City Thursday. A. Larkins, a merchant of Clarkes, was in Oregon City Friday. - Frank Engle, of Central Point, was in Oregon City Saturday, Fred Kamerath and wife, of Shubol, were in Oregon City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Cassaday, of Carus, were in Oregon City Friday. Louis Funk, a prominent resident of Redlands, was in this city Friday. Chris Muralt, of Homedale, trans acted business in this city Saturday. Ferris Mayfield, of Highland, was in Oregon City Thursday on business. Floy Stewart, of Carus, was among the Oregon City visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bruner, of Clarkes, were in Oregon City Friday. William Jones and son, Merrill, of Eldorado, were in Oregon City Thurs day.. Ed Cox of Barton, was among those coming to Oregon City as visitors Friday. A. P. Schneider, the merchant of Beaver Creek, was in Oregon City Saturday. Valentine Bohlander, of Beaver Creek, transacted business in this city Saturday. Born, to the wife of George Dam bach, Saturday morning, February 15, a daughter. James Bell, a well known resident of Sandy, was in Oregon City on bus iness Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stryker, of El dorado, were in Oregon City Thurs day, as visitors. Thomas Evans, of Hazeldale, was in Oregon City Thursday on his way to Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones of Eldo rado, were transacting business in this city Thursday. Mrs. Henry Wettzler, of ' Jennings Lodge, was in Oregon City Saturday, the guest of Mrs. L. G. Ice. W. R. Allen, of Oak Grove, was in Oregon City transacting business at the Court house Friday. Henry Hettman, of Shubel, was in this city Friday. Mr. Hettman is a well known farmer of Shubel. Theodore Osmund, who has been at Salem, attending the legislative ses sion, has returned to Oregon City. Mr. Wallace, of Clarkes, accompan ied bv his son. Louis, also of that place, were in Oregon City Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard and son Ottie, and their grandson, of Canm, were visiting in this city Saturday. Arnold Berthold, of Eldorado, was in Oregon City Friday. Mr. Berthold is engaged in farming at Eldorado. Jacob Grossmueller, of Shubel, one of the well known farmers of that place was in Oregon City Ihursday This week we have some fine APPLES at. 65c to $1.25 a box. C-mt HERS for your apples. A good many people are using our SPECIAL Coffee. It is FINE and the price is not high 35c a pound. Yes, we are selling more of that. BLUE JUBBON BREAD every day, and there is a reason, Try our Bulk OLIVES, 25 cents pint.. DnTATfllT at fcS cents oer j r uiv r w r . " I hundred. I THE HUB GROCERY I 7th and Center Streets thehub SALE OF s M. J. Lee of Canby, was in Oregon City Saturday. Compound (same as Cottolene) 51b. pail 60c; 10 lb. pail $1.15 at Seeley's. Mrs. Herman, of Molalla, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Mrs. E. S. Warren, of Oak Grove, was in Oregon City Saturday. Raymond Caufield spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Louis Henderson. W. R. Hurst, of Aurora, was trans acting business in Oregon City Satur day. Mrs. George Shepherd, who has been ill with typhoid fever, is improv ing rapidly. Mrs. W. W. H. Samson, who has been visiting relatives near Barlow, has returned to her home in this city. Mrs. Coyle, of White Salmon, was in Oregon City on business Friday, re turning to her home Saturday morn ing. Mrs. VanBrakle, of Portland, was the guest of Mrs. Lena Charman. Mrs VanBrakle formerly resided in Ore gon City. Miss Augusta Meyers, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Zorn, at Champoeg, Ore., returned to her home Thursday. Wanted Young person to copy in formation from public records at Court House. Address K. E. Pusey, 316 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Emerey Noble and family, who have resided at Gladstone moved to Oregon City Monday and are taking up their residence near Fifth and High Street. The Oregon State Veteran Drum Corps will be in Oregon City on theJ fourth of March next and they will tell the boys at Meade Post about "The Girl I left Behind Me." Judge Thomas F. Ryan, formerly of Oregon City, but now of Salem, be ing Assistant State Treasurer, was in Oregon City Saturday attending to legal busines. Miss Mildred Kruse, teacher in the Blind School at Salem, arrived in Ore gon City Friday evening and spent Saturday and Sunday with her moth er, Mrs. Anna Kruse. Dr. M. C. Strickland, who went to Riddle, Southern Oregon Saturday evening on busoiness, returned to Or egon City Monday morning. While at Riddle Dr. Strickland was the guest of Dr. Joe Welch, formery a dentist of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris and baby, will soon move to Oregon City, to make their future home. Mrs. Mor ris is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Califf, who returned to Oregon City several weeks ago from Caza- dero. Mr. Morris resided at Parkplace before moving to Caazadero. N. E. Bauer, of Oklahoma, was in Oregon City Friday, leaving here by the Molalla auto stage for Molalla, where he went on business. Mr. Ba uer will probably invest in property at that place. George Osborn, who has been spending several months at Manitoba Canada, in company with his wife, returned to Oregon City Sunday morning having been called here by the death of his father, George P. Osborn, who died in this city ,Wed esday. Mrs. Osborn will remain for several months visiting with her mother in Manitoba. Mrs. Mary Hurley, who formerly resided in Oregon City and who spent the winter at Risley, with her daugh ter, Mrs. A. Labowitch, who recently left for her home at Coronado, Calif ornia, has reached her home safely, and much improved in health. Mrs. Hurley was in very poor health dur ing her stay in Oregon. She also vis ited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Mc- Carver, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pratt left Sat urday for Corvallis on the steamer Ramona, and will visit at Salem with Mrs. Pratt's sister, Mrs. Babcock, on their return. They will be gone about a week. Mr. Pratt is just recovering from a siege of typhoid fever and will resume his duties as agent of the Ore gon City Transportation Company about March 1st. R. P. Walsh, of Ketchikan, Alaska, was in Oregon City Friday visiting friends and also transacting business. Mr. Walsh formerly resided at Mil waukee before going; to Alaska and resided in this city when a boy. He is the senior member of the Walsh Moore Canning Company at Kitch- ikan. a large establishment for pack ine salmon. The firm, since starting into business in the North,- has es tablished a eood trade. The Coin Brand Salmon is put up by this Co Mr. Walsh was accompanied to Port land by his wife, and after visiting in that city until Tuesday of this week, left for Mt. Angel, where they will visit Mrs. Walsh's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mickels. They will return to Alaska in June. Fels Naptha soap 5c a bar at Seel- ey 8. Lyman Andredws, formerly of Mt. Pleasant, but now of Concord, was in Oregon City Saturday. Wanted to buy a cheap horse, weight about 1,000. Write F. Bom bard, Oregon City Rt. 3, Box 54. Misa Myrtle Cross is ill at her home on Fifth sr.d High Street, with a se vere attack of measles. E. C. Warren, a prominent business man of Oak Grove, was in Oregon City Friday evening. W. W. Bowen, of Portland, a well known business man of that city, was in Oregon City Saturday. Come with me to see Phyliss, the farmer's daughter at Shively's Opera house next Wednesday, February 26. Everybody is going. Mrs. Nellie McCord, of Crook Co., has arrived in Oregon City and is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stevens of Maple Lane George Schmidt, of Shubel, accom panied by his father, Mr. Schmidt, al so of that place,' were transacting business in this city Saturday. Mrs. Lamont and two children, of Portland, who have been visiting with Mrs. Lamont's mother, Mrs. Rosina Fouts, have returned to their homes. Howard Zinser has arrived in Ore gon City, and is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. C. Zinser. He will remain here for several months. Charles Barto, employed in the F. B. Schoenborn grocery store, who has been ill with lagrippe and bronchit is, has imprived so that he is able to be out again. Miss Bessie Sargeson, of Seattle, Wash., who has been the guest of Miss Edith Smith at Gladstone for the past six weeks, left for her home Saturday evening. Sidney Brown, 7-year old son of the editor, just recovered from bron chitis, has whooping cough and meas les. The boy says he wishes he could have scarlet fever too, and "be done with it." Mrs. A. W. Cheney, a former resi dent of Oregon City, but now of Port land, was visiting her brother, Louis Doolittle, and friends, in this city Thursday. 10 bars laundry soap 25c at Seeleys. Mr. and Mrs. V. Harris and family, who have resided in the Harris res idence at Seventh and Main Street, have vacated this house and taken rooms in their new apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stewart, of Portland, were in Oregon City Satur day and Sunday, the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warner. Mrv and Mrs. Chas. Babcock, of Portland, were in Oregon City Sun day, the guests of the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Babcock of Thirteenth and Washington street. James Church, a former resident of Oregon City, but now connected with the Portland Flouring Mills at Sal em, who has been in Oregon City and Gladstone, at the latter place visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Church, has returned to his home. Mrs. William Wilson and son, of Portland, were visiting friends find relatives at Beaver Creek last week, returning to their home Saturday. They were accompanied to the city on their homeward trip by William Dan iels, whom they have been visiting. The Woman's Club met in the Com mercial Club parlors Thursday after noon. "Laws and Lawmakers of Ore gon" was the subject for the after noon's discussion. Mrs. D. C. Latour ette trave a talk on this subject. The club expects to give a lecture in the near future on "The Birds of Oregon." the speaker to be Kev. wm Lord. J1. Graham, one of the well known residents of Canbv. was in Oregon City Friday and before leaving for hi home nurchased a five passenger latest model Overland automobile at Miller & Parker's. Many of the resi dents of Canby have purchased auto mobiles during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Martin, the lat ter formerly Mrs. Roppell, of Oregon Piiv. arrived in this city inursaay evening of last week, and have Deen vicitinir the latter's son, John Roppell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin left MnnHnv evenine lor ban rrancisco nnd from that tciv will go to LosAn- geles, SanDiego, and visit other points of interest in California for the next three months . Mr. Martin is employed in the office of the Northern Pacific Railroad company at n,veie... Col. A, C Harisdof, now residing in Portland, but who commanded the famous First Minnesota during the latter part of the civil war, was in Oregon City Saturday last and was met by a royal reception by the boys at Meade Post. In the course of a few remarks the Colonel gladdened me hr-srta of the old vetrans by announc ing that a bill was now before con gress and that it would proDauiy yaaa, giving all the old soldiers who were incapable of manual labor a straight pension of thirty dollars per month. V. R. Hvde. one of the well Known abstractors and atorneys of this city, met with a peculiar accident a lew ffnvn Bern and as a result is suffering a badly crippled hand. Mr. Hyde was suffering from a slightly injured hand onH wrnnned the injured member in saturated with alcohol to draw out the poison. Not thinking of the dan ger he was in, lighting his pipe short ly after attending to his hand, the al cohol was ignited and the hand was terribly burned before the bandage could be removed, and it will be some time before he will be able to use it E. J. Lankins, who has charge of the Dimick Stock Farm at Hubbard, was in Oregon City Tuesday, coming v,er tn o-et two Jersey cows Judge Dimick purchased a few days ago for hia farm. Mr. LanKins nas Deen m rharre of the farm for several years, Some of the best Poland China swine in the state are to be lound on me Dimcik Stock Farm, many of which are from "College Special" and "Joe Quality" two prize swine. There ia a big demand for this breed. Mr. Dim ick believes in having the best of foundation stock and he has it on his farm at Hubbard and takes pride in this stock. ' Matches, 3 boxes 10c at Seeley's. John Card, of Clarkes, was in Ore gon City Friday. Chas. Risley, of Risley Station, was in Oregon City Friday. Rev. Calvert, of Oregon City, went went to Molalla on business Monday. Hubert Linvingston, of Portland, was visiting friends in Oregon City Sunday. A. R. Stevens, of Maple Lane, was transacting business in Oregon City Saturday. August Scheer and wife, of New Era, were in Oregon City visiting Tuesday. . P. M. Hart, a well known resident of Oak Grove, was in Oregon City on business Tuesday. D. H. Watson, of Portland, was in Oregon City Tuesday on his way to Molalla on business. William Stewa-t, a well known farmer of Carus, and his family, were in Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gregory and young son Edward Jr., of Greenwood, were in Oregon City Tuesday. William Griffith left Tuesday for Molalla, where he has gone on bus iness. He will be gone for a week. Miss Pearl Tolliver, of Molalla, who has been in Oregon City on bus iness, has returned to her home. Mrs. J. W. Cole left Wednesday morning for Liberal, where she will visit for several days at the Cole farm. Mrs. C. Schieffer, of Portland, who has been the guest of her niece, Mrs. F. W. Gadke, has returned to her home. G. A. Smith, of Portland, was in Oregon City Monday on his way to Molalla on business, making the trip by automobile. Are you goint to see Phyliss, the cute little farrar's daughter at the Opera house r.ext Wednesday? You will be the only one that is not going if you do not. ' Thomas Rowe, an engineer of Port land, passed through this city Monday on his way .to Molalla, where he has accepted a position at the Fred Schaf er's sawmill. Superintendent B. T. McBain of the Willamette Paper Co., has been one of the victims of the East wind, and has been confined to his home for several days with a serious cold William Weismandel, formerly of this city, and who recently purchased a grocery store in Portland, was in Oregon City looking after his proper ty interests Saturday afternoon. J. Brown, a civil engineer of Port land, was in Oregon City Monday on his way to Molalla, taking the auto mobile stage for that place, mr. Brown will engage in surveying for several days at Molalla. Silas Wright was in from Liberal Wednesday, and he says the Molalla country is more than booming and that land hunters, - speculators and real estate dealers are coming in in droves. The family of J. Parbary, who have been residing in the residence form erly owned bv B. C. Curry on Elev enth and Washington Street, moved this week into the Weismandel resi dence on Eleventh and Centre Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hazeltine and baby, have moved into the bungalow on Twelfth and Center Street, recently owned bv Louis Heckman. Mr. Haz eltine recently accepted a position as a superintendent with the Oregon City Manufacturing company. Mrs. Herman Schrader, who has been spending several weeks at Elmer Wash., where Mr. Schrader recently purchased a bakery, has returned to her home in this city. Miss Rose Schrader left for Elhier a few days ago, where she will spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boylan of Seaside, were in Oregon City visiting the former's mother, Mrs. George Boylan, and sisters, Mrs. Annie Wil liams and Mrs. W. C. Green. They were accompanied as far as Portland Monday by Mrs. Boylan who is spend ing the week with her daughter,- Mrs. Frank White. Mrs. L. C. Lynd, who has been spending the past two months at Del Rosa, San Bernardino County, return ed to Oregon City Saturday. Before returning to her home in this city Mra T.vnd visited at Long Beach and other cities. Mrs. Lynd was visiting at Del Rosa during the recent cold weather at that place and states that the loss to the orange growers in ctirm nf the state will amount to millions of dollars, inis is u ,.i.f winter thev have ever exper- ienced at Del Rosa. While in Cahfor- ; m T.vnd ascended Mt. McKin- ley, accompanying a party of 27, a hike of 15 miles was muuu m ty before the ascent was made. m SnH Mrs. Tvra Warren, of Con cord Station, were in Oregon City UnHilntr Amino' to this city to con- suit a physician. Mr. Warren met with a painful ana serious u.n day, nearly resulting in the loss of his hand. While engaged in cutting wood, the handle of the ax accidently struck a timber near oy, caui"e ax to glance, the blade striking Mr Warren's hand. The bones of the left hand were badly lacerated and the tendons severed. Mr. Warren was hastened to this city by his wife, and Drs H. S. and Guy Mount attended the injury. It was necessary to take many stitches to close the wound but .u nonAiytr nhvsicians state he will have the use of his hand although it will be some time neiore mr. an will be able to resume his position as shipping clerk in Portland. Are You a Cold Sufferer? ti, Dr. Kintr's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money reiunu eH if it. fail to cure you. Do not hes itate take it at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada, Texas, writes: 'Dr. King's New Discovery terrible cough and cold. 1 gained 15 pounds." Buy it at Hunt ley Bros. Pnr mild easv action of the bow ol. rrv Doan's Regulets, a modern laxative. 25c at all store. Clothes pins lc a dozen at Seeley's. Special meetings in the Methodist Church. , . M. Murry, of Liberal, was in Ore gon City Sunday. Jack Irish, of Carus; was in Ore gon City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Mulino, were in Oregon City Tuesday. Michael Kroll, of Clairmont, was in Oregon City Wednesday. Miss Reda Gordy, of Carus, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Harry Kirbyson, of Shubel, was in Oregon City Saturday. Mr. Larkins, of Union Mills, was in Oregon City Wednesday. Eleas Stark, of Clarkes, was among the Oregon City Wednesday. Mrs. Barney, of Clarkes, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. Frank Mueller, and son, of Clarks, were in Oregon City Tuesday. Frank Jaggar, of Carus, was in Oregon City on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jossi, of Carus, were Oregon City visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn, of Carus, were in Oregon City Tuesday. Arthur Mallatt, of Mulino, was in Oregon City visiting friends Sunday. William Hornshuh, of Portland, was visiting friends in Oregon City Mon day. George Roesser, of , Maple Lane, was among the Oregon City visitors Monday. Robert Bullard, a well known resi dent of Eldorado, was in Oregon City Wednesday. ' Franz Kraxberger, an employee of of Uncle Sam at Aurora, was in Ore gon City on business Thursday. Mr. Mosier, of Clarks, was among those transacting business in Oregon City Tuesday. John Baker, of Clairmotit, was among the Oregon City visitors Sun day. Attorney G. B. Dimick went to Aurora on legal business Monday ev ening. Fred Spangler, a well known resi dent of Carus, was in Oregon City Sunday. Albert Schunk, of Central Point, was transacting business in this city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Grisenth- waite, of Beaver Creek, were in Ore gon City Monday. Norman Howard, of Carus, a well known resident of that place, was in Oregon City Monday. Fred Schafer, of Molalla, was in Oregon City Tuesday on business in connection with his sawmill at Mo lalla. The little daughter of Henry Gar ner, .residing at Tenth and Jefferson Street has recovered from typhoid fever. Mrs. A. Vernon, of Molalla, re turned to her home Wednesday morn ing, after spending several days in Oregon City. For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Oint ment is highly recommended. 60c a box at all stores. 1 August Plathe, who has lived if Mountain View Addition for the past two months, has gone to Washington, where he will make his future home on his homestead. Good music splendid acting and lots of fun at the Play given by the Choir of the Presbyterian Church at Shive ly's Onera House, next Wednesday. Everybody will be there. Mrs. M. A. Garner, who has been very ill for the past six weeks at her son's home on Eleventh and roiK Street, is rapidly recovering, and is now able to be out again. Miss Mary Erickson, of this city, went to Mulino Saturday, where she attended a basket social Saturday ev ening. The entertainment was given at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Guy LaSalle and babv. who have been spending several months at Long Beach, California, visitincr the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William LaSalle, returned to their home at Gladstone. The Hon. Georee C. Brownell will speak in the High School auditorium of Estacada next Saturday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. His subject is "George Washington,' the Father of Our Country." Dr. Ford is carrying on a series of special services. He plans to have two great meetings sunuay morning m evening, and there will be a meeting for men at 3 o'clock in the Woodman Hall. At the same time a meeting-for women will be held in the cnurcn, Miss Hepburn, a woman of fine evan gelistic abilities, will speak to the wo men. Dr. Ford will speak to the men w. t rlM9l TtiAra will on is it worm wimei be special music at both services. Monev to Loan. Oregon City Abstract Co., 617 Mam street.. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to the little ones wnen uiub suffering with colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, rtti pin lifted, alwavs used. Mrs. Bruce " , . .,T- Crawford. Niaera. Mo., wrues; ui. ir;' Mew nisroverv changed our boy from a pale weak, sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy it at Huntley Bros. Straight & Salisbury Agents for the celebrated LEADER Water Systems and STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry A full Hns of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumps. We make a specialty of inslallinf . . Water Systems and Plumb- . . ing in the country 20 Wain 8L Phons 282 anon Groceries. Produce, Commission, Hay EimeSuIpbur Spray Land Plaster, Jr Slacked Lime Drain Zik, Etc, 10th and Main Oregon City, Ore. SOCIAL MATTERS. On Friday evening the Rebekahs entertained at a valentine party at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Games, which were appropriate for the day, were the amusements for the evening, and prizes were won by Miss Gertrude Fairclough, Miss Florence Grace, E. W. Scott and Dr. T. E. Beard. During the evening refreshments were serv ed. Many tickets have been sold by the members of the Hook & Ladder Company for the annual ball to be given at Busch's hall Saturday night, February 22. This fire company for many years has observed Washing ton's birthday by giving a grand ball, and these are always looked forward to with great pjeasure. Fox's orches tra, of Portland, has been engaged for the occasion. The hall will be ap propriately decorated. The committee is composed of: Dr. A. L. Beatie, Thomas Trembath and Webb Burns, and these men, with the assistance of other firemen of the Hook and Ladder Company will see that their guests are entertained in a most delightful The open meeting held by the Woodmen of the World at the Wood men Hall Friday evening was largely attended. The families of the Wood men were guests of honor of the ev ening and the members of this order proved royal entertainers. The early part of the evening was devoted to a musical and literary program, follow ed by a banquet and dancing. The fol lowing are the members on the pro gramme: Address of welcome, G.' L. Snidow: opening ode, degree team; song, Mary McLarty; recitation, R. A. Barburj reading, Myrtle Roberts; whistling solo, Harold Swafford; reading, J. G. Bancke; dialogue, Miss es Oliver and Adams; solo, Kenneth Woodward; vocal selection, Gladstone Quartette. Among the enjoyable valentine par ties given in this city was the party given by the sophomore class of the Oregon City High School in the ban quet hall of ' the Masonic building, which was prettily and artistically decorated for the occassion. The even ing was devoted to vocal and instru mental music and games, beveral ad dresses were made by the teachers at- tending. There were over 100 students present. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Read entertain - ed a few friends at their home near Gladstone, February 14. The evening was devoted to games in keeping for the occasion, and the rooms were ap propriately decorated. Refreshments were served. The King's Daughters of St. Paul's Episcopal church met at the home of Mrs. Edward Schwab Wednesday af ternoon of last week, the afternoon being devoted to needlowork.Refresh- ments were Berved during the aiter noon by the hostess. On Wednesday afternoon of this week the Society BREAD AND CAKE WITHOUT MISTAKE"! P ilium miMiiJDllllli ill, I mi pn i ii I.I, nil ! ! The Day Our Mill Started we began making a Perfect All-Purpose Flour It Is universally known as Fisher's Blend Flour ( Hii frtm Eutera Bui Wheit ui Western Soft Wltit ) and we are still producing it, every working day of the year, to the full capacity of an un equalled plant. It is the Perfect All -Purpose Flour. It sets the standard for real economy. Maoufkctured br Fisher Flouring Mills Co. " America's Finest Flouring Mills " (SrC.. was entertained by Mrs. H. S. Mount at her home on Ninth and Railroad Avenue. Needlework occupied the af ternoon after which refreshments were served. Miss Theresa Harrigan, who re cently arrived from New York, was united in marriage to Mr. A. W. Gra ham, of Canby, a well known young druggist of that place, at the Hotel Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will make their future home at Canby. An enjoyable affair of last week was a valentine party given by Miss Eva Moulton and her nephew, Chas. Moulton, at their home at Fern Ridge near Gladstone, Thursday evening. The rooms were attractively decorat ed with hearts. Games and music were the diversion of the evening, fol lowed by a f delicious repast. There were about 30 friends attending. At the White home on Thursday evening was a merry gathering, the occasion being a suprise planned and well carried out by the members of the Pythian sisters no Mr. and Mrs. A. M. White, prominent members of the Pythian Sisters and Knights of Pythias. Games appropriate for St. Valentine's Day were enjoyed. In the game of Parcel Post A. M. White re ceived the prize. Mr. and Mrs. White, although not aware of the surprise, proved to be royal entertainers of the evening. There were 40 guests and luncheon was served during the evening. One of the most enjoyable affairs given in Oregon City of last week was the valentine party given at the home of Mrs. William A. Huntley Friday afternoon, Mrs. Huntley being ably assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Llew ellyn Adams, their guests being mem bers of the Derthick Club. The rooms attracted much attention by the artis tic decorations, where hearts, cupids and cupind darts were in evidence. Pretty souvenirs of the occasion were presented to each guest. The memb ers of this club were nospitably enter tained. Among the delighful features of the afternoon were the solos rendered bv Miss Mariorie Hausmann, of Port land. Miss Hausmann made her first appearance before an audience in Ore gon City on that day-and from the OVation she received from her hear- ! erg there is no doubt but what she ' 1 in Wni-lf in the Will UUlll U3 ncaiu in oviv ... I near future. Her accompanist was 1 Miss Florence Hammond of Portland. During the afternoon refreshments were served by the two hostesses. "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal dis ease croup. It has been used with success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A For Sale by Air Dealers .,;-., .urn lfe