6 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEB 14 1913 YMIFMfP A TIF LASTS SIX MORE DAYS Thousands of surprised and gratified customers have visited our store during this sale, some came intending to purchase hut one ar two small articles, hut could not resist the alluring bargains that we have to offer. Everything new, everything fresh, good, clean up-to-date merchandise in each and every line, prices whittled down to the very core, our profit only a shadow, scarcely precep table on each item. Your gain is tremendious. You can save as high as 75 per cent This sale is strictly cash What Your Pennies Will Do Bread Pans, 8 inch, Bread Pans, 10 inch Bread Pans, 12 inch Dippers, full f.uart Egg Beaters - -Match Safes, cast iron very ornamental Soap Stands - -Imperial Stove Polish per cake . F our Sifter Coat and hat hangers per dozen 3c 5c 6c 5c 3c 3c 3c 1c 9c 7c fence ves. Our Wire Fence overcomes all fence troubles. Heaviest fence in the market. Who can beat 33c per rod on a 40 inch Field Fence. Warranted Hand Saw, Refined London Spring rt A 4Q Steel, oil tempered, full polished, filed and set at 1 1TU A Tubular Frame Grindstone C. You work it like a bicycle; only one person does the work; sharpens better in less than half the time. Makes the work a pleasure. VICTOR Tubular Frame Grindstone is the favorite everywhere. Ball bearing journals; ball bearing crank attachment; adjustable seat; strongest and most rigid frame made; will last a lifetime. C Ask your neighbor who has one. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Come to-day, inspect it, and be convincedl $4.65 1 Belore you decide on that Wall Paper come into our store and see the latest desipes that we have iust taken in stock. Much of the value of wall paper depeids on ei fect and artistic combination. We have some remnants of ast year's patterns at per double roll - - - Home Queen Steel Range, four hole and Reservoir, $26.98 Couches, better than cut; claw feet, regular frfl TTE $10 values 4)0. J Extra Heavy Extension Table Rich Golden Oak Finish 42 inch top Regular $12.00 now $6.80 There is a remarkable impro vement on our Sanitary Couch. Something entirely new. The leaves open up in such a manner and stand up firm that it may be used as a child's crib. The babies can't fall out. Regular CC CQ $9.50 now at 40.00 idofli The fresh, bright prettiness of out Linole um and OH Cloth The only kind we find worthy to sell-must be seen to be appreciated 23c Floor oil Cloth, regular 3oc yard at English Linoleum, regular CQ 90c yard, at UOu America!1 Linoleum D-grade COf 12 feet wide, yard uU" German Linoleum, inlaid arsena3 LIME" SULPHUR Solution Ss a Profitable Investment and that it takes less machinery and and ask us about Lime and Sulphur Ion or by the Barrel. An orchard is only planted once in every twenty or thirty years and it is years before you get any returns. Con sidering the investment of time and ground you must realize the importance of giv ing it the necessary care. Did you ever stop to think that the proper care of the or chard would make a bigger differance than the proper care of a field of potatoes, less work to do it? Come in Spray. We sell it by the Gal- attleship Linoleum per yard $1.49 1.43 Beautiful Rugs, Art Squares Etc j. I III Linen Warp Matting Art Square, 9x1) ..... Granite Art Square 9x12 ALL-Wool Art Square 9xl'i $3.98 3.58 9.85 Woo and Fiber Art Square Q 7 O 9x12 O.O Grass Rug 9x12 and only 9.78 Axniinister Moquette Art 1 A QQ Square, yxl 2 I H'.UO Brussels Carpet Art Square 9xli 9.98 Prices $3.58 to $26.97 Body Brussels Art Square QQ fl"! Best Made,9xl2 ZD. J Well Constructed, Fine Finish Heavy French Bev eled Mirror $6.97 40-pound Cotton Felt Mat tress, fancy tick fffl QQ regular $15 at U.OO 15c values at Q per yard Uu 111 i"""" "" r""'1 IgBBaiPaiwTiiiWM.' sa Well constructed by an old reliable factory $2.78 Solid Oak Roll Top Desk $1 7.95 A Saving of from one-half to one-fourth on your entire purchase. Thousands of enthusiastic buyers are sharing in the most remark able savings of many a day. Come quick as the time is short Deliveries ivill be made at our earliest convenience. The Entire Stock On Sale ! Not One Single Item Reserved ! L! i The Entire Stock On Sale I men Not0ne Single Item Reserved!