OREGON CITY COURIER, FEB. 7, 1913 EIBB MAMUFACTURERS Having recently become a member of a big syndicate which will control the entire output of a number of big Eastern factories, we are forced to make room for bur share of this stock. Only thirteen days more to be devoted to this remarkable sale event. Thousands of enthusiastic buyers are sharing in the most remark able savings of many a day. Oppbrtunites to economise that are worth a trip of many miles to share in will be found in all departments. Deliveries will be made at our earliest possible convienience. Below we list a few of the many bargains: ; mi WHAT YOUR P WILL DO ONLY $2.79 ART All wool Ingrain, 9x12, Axminster-Moquette, 9x12 ..$9.83 $14.38 2 Bread Pans, 8 in ., 3c Bread Pans, 1 0 in 5c Bread Pans. 12 in 6c nmt, f);- for this ATAXIA. JL 0,113 1U Uppers, iU quart. 5c KITCHEN TREASURE Pie Pans, 9 in, 2 for 5c Em: Beaters". 3c Match Safes 3c Here is Youf Chance Soap Stands 3c lro Mfc ArWc A I to get some cheap WlrVTV t1Hl) A l-V J ,. H, otoveroiisn, imperial, z cakes tor 5c Wall Donpr oiscuu ana v-axe tuners, assorted, o ior oc Lomb Cases 5c we have some Flour Sifters Qn V I t UUW MllUbljf jvi VU t I AT Sr PER nOHRT F ROT T btoves! btoves! btoves! Following we list some bargains in stoves for your careful consideration. Some of them were used, but all are as good as new. Chinese Matting n0ylarl5c Matting 9c yard. 6 Hole Elite 18 in-oven -. 32-50 now$i 6-82 I f Ilnlp Crflnfl linAfinr 18 in nvnn Pact Pnnk cfAva ran tlC 4 CA U.H..U v VUOl VJWIl OIVTV Itgi qpJSa 1IUVT I 4 Hole Welcome Banner 18 in. oven with reservoir reg. $37.50 now 1 5 OO 4 Hole Lenore 18 1-2 in. oven Cast Cook Stove reg. $25.00 now 1 0.85 6 Hole French Steel Hotel Range reg. $65.00 now 31-50 m J V.r- & L l , l-l. i i S'VJK I WE HAVE ONE OF THE Largest Stock of Stoves in the Northwest Linoleum and Floor Oil Cloth 12 ft. wide Linoleum regular price 75c, Mow 60c per yd. Floor Oil Cloth, 3 or 6 ft. wide, regular price, 35c Now 23c per yd. Good Fence Means Economy Our Wire Fence overcomes all fence trouble and enchances the appearance and value of your farm. 40-inch Field Fence, per rod . . 33c 48-inch Field Fence, per rod . . . 35c 48-inch Poultry Fence, per rod . . 60-inch Poultry Fence, per rod . . Everything from the simplist Cook Stove to the Steel Range all at greatly reduced Prices. . - I Ax . This Dresser with French beveled mirror Only $6.95 Latest Style and Finish One that will delight any woman's heart. A useful and ornamental niece of furniture. FOR THIS SALE Only $16.93 li!ii.:.i;ui.i '--ajfi B Cotten Mattresses and up. Warranted Hand Saw Refined London Spring Steel, oil tempered full polished, filed and set, reg. $2.25 at $1.49 Sewing Machines What is the use in paying 40 or 50 Dol lars fbr a Machine ou the installment plan when you can j;et the same for $21 cash during the sale. We also have cheap er waranted & 4 O Machines for J) I U T Solid Oak Roll Top Desk (Hub Ml Jlit' S17.9S A Saving of foom one iomth to one half on yot entire pwchase The Entire Stock on Sale ! Not one Single Item Reserved! Fraek the Entire Stock on Sale ! Notone Single Item Reserved . I