Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 31, 1913, Page 7, Image 6

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Sheriff's Sale on Execution.
, In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
' Clackamas.
Frank Sajovich, Plaintiff, vs. Pe
ter Kurnich and Marjeta Kur
nich, his wife, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clack,
amas, ss.
By virtue of a judgement order,
decree and an execution, duly
issued out of and under the seal
of the above entitled Court, in the
above entitled cause, 10 me duly
directed and daled the 7th day of
January, 1913, upon a judgement
rendered and" entered in said
court on the 13th day of Novem
ber 1912, in favor of Frank Sajo-j
vichr, plaintiff, and against Pelerj
, Kurnich and Marjeta Kurnich his
wife defendants for the sum of
$416.09, with interest thereon at
the rate of 4 per cent per annum
from the 18th day-of October 1912
and the further sum of $45.00 as
attorney's fee, and the further
-sum of $6.25 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me out of
the personal property of said dc-
endant, and if sufficient could
lot be found, then out of the real
' property belonging to said de-
' 'endant on and after the date of
laid Frank Kurnich and Marjeta
Kurnich to satisfy said sum of
Mil 0.09 and also the costs upon
' his said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of
said execution, judgement order
and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ,
being unable to find any personal
property of said defendant's, 1
.' did on the 9th day pf January,
1913 duly levy upon the following
described real property of said
defendant, situate and being in
the County of Clackamas, and
State of Oregon, to-wit:
The easterly -forty eight and
one-third feet of Lot 2 in block 1
in Green Point, in Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof
on file in the office of the Record
er of Conveyances in and for said
County and State, the westerly
boundary line of the above de
scribed tract being parallel with
the easterly line of said Lot 2,
and I will, on Saturday, the 15th
day of Febuary 1913, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House
in the City of Oregon City, in said
County and State, sell at public
auction, subject to redemption,
to the highest bidder, for U. S.
gold coin, cash in hand, all the
: right, title and interest which the
within named defendants, or
cither of them, had on the date
of said judgement or since had in
; or to the above described real
nronerty or any part thereof, to
satisfy said Execution judgement
order, decree, interest, costs ana
all accruing costs.
- E. T. MASS
Sheriff of Clackamas County,
Hv B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon,
Jan. 9th, 1913. . '
Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administratrix with
the Will annexed of the estate of
Fredrick G. Miller, deceased, has
filed her final account with the
County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty, State of Oregon, and that the
judge of said court has set Mon
day, Febuary 10th, 1913, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day, as the time for hearing the
said reoort. at which time all
persons interested are hereby
notified to be present and make
objections to said report if any
there be.
''Dated this 10th day of Janu
ary, 1913.
fiOVF.RN. Administratrix with the
. Will annexed, of the estate of
Fredrick G. Miller, deceased.
Final Notice of Administrator.
TE whom it May Concern: No
tice is hereby given that the un-fWaia-nfirt.
fi W. Beckett, adminis
trator of the estate of John
n sitorvin. deceased, has this
dnv filed his final aocounl
in said estate and the
Honorable County Court of
Clackamas county, Orego has
fixed and appointed Monday, Feb
ruary 3, 1913, at the hour of 10
a. m. .of said day at the County
court house in Clackamas county.
Oregon as the time and place of
hearing any objections to such
final account, and for the settle
ment thereof.
Dated December 30,1912.
Administrator of the Estate
. John R. Skirvin, deceased '
Carey F. Martin, Attorney
Estate. '
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the
jndersigned has been appointed
executrix of the estate of L.Pierce
Williams, deceased, by the Hon.
County Court of Clackamas coun
ty, Orgeon ah persons iia.i.8
nlaima n train st. the said estate are
hereby notified and required to,
present the 6ame to me for pay
ment at my residence at Oregon
r;i nrppnn with nroner vouch
ers 'and duly verified within six
months from tne oaie nereyi.
Dated December 31st, 1912.
Fvoivn Scott Williams.
Executrix of the Estate of L.Pierce
Williams, deceased.
n-Hon v Haves. Attorney for
F.xpcutrix. " L
Oregon 'City, : Oregon
Dr. L. i. K'l-
Beaver Building Oregon City
ci dI 2hof aeific 1 ; Home A 1 9
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
ol Oregon, for Clackamas
Rachel Ames, Plaintiff,
... vs.
Bert Ames, Defendant.
lo Bert Ames, the above named
In the name of the Slate of Or
egon you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
ined against you m the above en-,
itiuU court anil cause on or he-
fore the expiration of sixweeks
from the date of the first publi
cation ol tins Summons, to-wit:
n or before the 31st day of Jan
uary, 1913 and if you fan so to
answer for want thereof, the
planum will apply to the uourt
lor the reliel demanded m her
complain) .on tile herein, to-wit:
hat the Ponds ol matrimony
heretofore and now existing be
tween plaintiff and the defendant
be dissolved, and that the plain-
iill have awarded into her care
and custody a minor child, Rose,
Vines, and for sueli other and
further relief as to the Court
seems equitable and just.
I Ins summons is published hy
order of the lion. R. B. Beatie,
Judge of the County Court for the
county or Clackamas, Oregon, and
said order was made and dated
the' 19th day of December. 1912,
and the date of the ilrst publica
tion of this summons is the 2()tn
lav of December. 1912. and the
this summons is the 31st day of
January, 1913.
. josepn n . .page,
, Attorney for Plaintiff.'
In the' -Circuit Court .of the Stale
of Oregon, for the Counly of
T. A. Uarbade, Plaintiff, vs. C. K.
LeiUel, Defendant.
.state of Oregon,
Counly of Clackamas, ss.
uv virtue of a judgment oraer,
decree and, execution duly issued
out of and under Hie seal of the
tbove entitled court, in the abovo
entitled cause, lo me duly direct
ed and dated the 1 2th day of De
cember, 1U12, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said
court on the 23rd day of Novem
ber, 1912, in favor of T. A.
Jarbade, planum, and against u
K. Loitzel, defendant, for the sum
of $1,350.00, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the 23rd day of No
ember, 1912, and the. further
sum of $150.00 with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent
from tne 23d day ol November,
1912. and the further sum oi
$25.00, costs and disbursements,
and the costs of and upon this
vvrit. commanding me to make
sale of the following described
real property, situate in the coun
ty of Clackamas, slate of Oregon,
The east half ( ) of the north
west quarler (V4) and the west
half ) of the northwest one-
fourth () or Section fourteen
(14) township seven (7) south,
Range" two (2) east of the Wil
lamette Meridian in Clackamas
county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, Dy virtue oi
said execution, judgment order,
and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ,
I will. on Saturday, the 15th day
of Febuary, 1913 at the hour of
10 o'clock a.' m., at the front door
of the court house in the city of
Oregon Cily, in said county and
state, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, t o the highest
Didder, for U. S. gold coin, cash
in hand, all the right, title, and
interest which the within named
defendants or either of them had
on the date of the mortgage hero
in or since had in or to the above
described real property or any
part thereof, td satisfy said exe
cution, judgment , arder, decree,
interests, costs, and all accruing
' E. T. MASS,
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Ore.
By. B. J. Staats, Deputy.'
Dated, Oregon City,. Oregon, Jan.
1 1th, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
Mary Tabordon, Plaintiff, vs. Vic
tor Tabordon, Defendant,
State of Oregon, County of
Clackamas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order,
decree and an execution, duly is
sued out of and under the seal of
the above entitled Court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly
directed and dated the 21st day of
January, 1913, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said
court on the 10th day of March,
1910. in favor of Mary Tabordon,
Plaintiff, and against Victor lair
ordon, Defendant, for . the sum of
$2,000.00, with interest tnereon
at the rate of 6 per cent per an
num from the 16th day of March,
1910. and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me out of
the personal property of said dc
fendant. and if sufficient could
not be found, then out of the roal
nronerty belonging to said de
fendant on and alter tne aate oi
said 16th March 1910 to satisfy
the said sum of $2,000.00, and at
so the costs upon this said writ.
Now Therefore, by virtue ol
said execution, judgment order
and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ,
being unable to find any personal
property of said defendant's, I did
on the 22nd day ol January, mu
duly levy upon the following des
cribed real property of said de
fendant, situate and being in the
County of Clackamas and State of
Oresron. to-wit:
' The undivided 2-3 interest be-
Ioncinsr to Victor Tabordon,
Block 108, Gladstone, in Clacka
mas County, Stale of Oregon, and
I will on Monday, the 24th day o
February, 1913, at the hour of
10.30 o'clock a. in., at the front
door of the county court house in
the. Citv of Oregon City, in said
County and State, sell at public
auction, subject to redemption, to
the highest bidder, for U. S. gold
coin, cash in hand, an tne rigat,
title and interest wmcn me wuu
in named defendants ,or either o
them, had on the date of said
iudement or since had in or to
the above described real property
or any part thereof, to satisiy san
oTPcution. judgment order, de
cruing costs. .. - .
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
By J. B. Staats, Deputy.
Daled Oregon Cily, Oregon,
January 22nd, 1913. .
In the Circuit Conrt of the State
of Oregon, for the County if
ALICE V. BRISTOW, Plaintiff,
. To Charles L. Brislow, Defend
ant: In the name of the Slate Or Or
egon, egon, you are hereby requir
ed to appear and answer the com
plaint llled against you in the
above entitled suit, on or befort
the 22d day of February, 1913,
and if you fail to so appear and
answer forwant thereof.tho plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded in her complaint,
to-wit: That the bonds of mat
rimony, existing between plain
tiff and defendant, be . dissolved;
llmt the care and custody of the
minor child of t h e parties be
awarded to the plaintiff; that the
plaintiff's name be changed toYo
cmn, and for general relief.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order made by J. V.
Campbell. Judge of the Circuit
Court, of the State of Oregon for
tho County of Clackamas, made
arid entered on the 2d day of Jan
uary, 1913. -
The date of the first publica
tion of this summoi according
to said order is January 10,1913
Attorneys for plaintiff
918 Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregon for the County of
Laura M. Bucy, plaintiff,
E.J. Bury, defendant,
To E. J. Bucy, defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon:. You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against yon in the above
named suit on or before the 8th
day of March, 1913, said date be
ing after the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication
of this summons and if you fail
to appear or answer said com
plaint for want thereof plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint,
to-wit: For a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now. ex
isting between plaintiff and. de
fendant. :
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court for the Counly of Clacka
mas, Slate of Oregon, which order
as made and entered on the 17th
day of January 1913 and tne
time prescribed lor publication is
ix weeks beginning with the is-
ued date January 24th, 1913, and
it? i ji .
continuing eacn week inereaiiei
to and including the issue on
Marcli 7th, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
n the Circuit Court of the State
nf Oreirnn. for the County of
'".iackamas. . -. '
it-urge A. McClurg,. Plaintiff, va,
1 illian Y. Mcdurg, Defendant.
( 'hp above named defendant,
Liij'un V. McClurg: , '
in tin nsiiiiH of the State of Ore
Vdl'l are hereby reauired to
ipnear anii answer me uoinpiami.
ilea against you in me auove cu
ed wmr . and cause on or oe-
ore tne zzna uay oi remumji
913, that being the dute nxea ny
he Court for -you to appear and
answer nerein aim- ucm
weeks from the dateof the first
nhiicni.irm of tne summons, in
efaull whereof, plaintiff will ap.
ly to the Court for the relief de-
mm m on n i.n (r conmiaiiii,, lu-wm
for a decree, of divorce dissolving
ho marriage contract now exisi
no- imiwpnn nlnintiff and defend
ant, on the grounds of cruel and
inhuman Ire atment and desertion,
and for such other and further re
ief as Iris Court may aeem equi
nhlo '
This summons is published
mce a week for six consecutive
weeks bv order of J. A. Eamn,
Judge of the above entitled L,ouri
Dated this bin aay oi jiuaiy
ioi'i fiii-Hi-.i.imr thA first publica
tion to be made on the 10th day
of January, 1913,. and the last on
the 21at day 01 reoruary, iio
V . X , lYllliuiuaii OHU-
A. M. Brunswick,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
or Oregon for the county oi
Kate M. Ellis, plaintiff vs. Henry
O. Ellis, defendant.
Tn Henrv O. Ellis, defendant:
In the name of the State o
Oregon: You are hereby required
to appear and answer me com
filed against you in the
above entitled acuon on or uuiuic
ihp first day of March, 1913, and
if von fail to answer, for want
thorpfif. the nlaintiff will take a
decree for the relief prayed for
in HiA pnmolaint lo wit; A decree
dissolving and setting aside the
marriaec relation now existing
hetwpen vou and the defendant,
and for the care, control and cus
(riv nf r.race Ellis, the minor
child of you and the plaintiff.
Serv ce Of tniS summons i
mnn-o lumn vou by publication
niirsuance of an Order of th
u,.n J A F.akin. Circuit Judge o
Clackamas County, Oregon, made
January 11th, mtJ, airecuu
,h mihlication in the Orego
rii r.nnripr. once a week for si
successive weeks, the first. pub
ioaiinn hpini January. 17th, 191
and the last on the 28th day of
February, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
cree, interest, costs and all
Administrator's Notice of Final
: Settlement. . .
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
In he matter ,of the estate' of
Smith LaCroy, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, J. E. LaCroy, admin
istrator of the estate of Smith
LaCroy, deceased, has filed in the
County Court of Clackamas coun
ty, Slate of Oregon, his final ac
count as such administrator of
said estate, and that-the 20h day
of January, 1913, a the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., has been fixed by
said Court as the time for hear,
ing of objections to said report,
and for the final settlement of
said estate and discharge of the
Administrator of the estate of
Smith LaCroy, deceased. -
Dated December 24, 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
D. C. Voder, Levi Yoder, Delilah
lioyer, Sarah A. Voder, Mary E.
Hartzlor, Ella M. Miller, Fena Yo
der, Silas A. Yoder, Oliver Yoder
and Fannie M. Yoder, Plaintiffs,
vs. John L. Zook, Viola M. Zook,
Klsie P. Zook, Zephniah, Yoder
and Fannie Yoder, Defendants.
To John L. Zook, Viola M; Zook,
Elsie P. Zook and Zephniah Yo-i-.er,
the above natik'd defendants.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you and each of you a:e
hereby required to appear and i.w
swer the complaint filed agaiast
you in the above entitled suit on
on or before the 7th day of Feb
mary, 1913, said date being after
the expiration of six weeks from
the dale of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail
to so appear and answer said
complaint for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to the Court
or the relief prayed for in said
cumplaint, to-wit, a decree of
arlilion of real property accord-
ng to the respective rights of
the owners therein, in and to the
following described property, to-
The South half of the North
west quarter of Section One (1)
ownship Five (5) South-.Range
ine (1) West, except three (3)
acres in the Northwest corner ly-
ng in Marion county. Also be
nning at the Southeast corner
f the above described parcel of
and and running thence south
ghty (80) rods; thence East Bix-
ty (60) rods; thence North one
hundred and sixty (160) rods;
Ihence West sixty (60) rods;
thence South to the place of be
ginning. Also beginning at the
half mile corner stake on the west
ide of said Section and running
hence west to PuddingRiver four
4) chains, more or less, and
Ihence down said river to the sec
ion line; thence South to the
place of beginning, containing in
all one hundred and forty (140)
acres, more or less. Situate in
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Also the following: Beginning
at a point 2.74 chains North of
the Northwest corner of Section
8 in T.-5 S. R. L E. of the Wil-
amette Meridian, running thence
East one hundred and fifty-two
(152) rods: thence. South one
hundred and seventy-one (171)
ods; thenite West seventy-two
72) rods; thence North eighty
(80) rods; thence West eighty
(80) rods; Ihence North, to .the
place of beginning' and contain
ng 120 acres, more or less. Also
he Southwest quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section
Eighteen (18) in T. 5.S. R. 1 E. of
the Willamette Meridian, con
taininur 45.72 acres, more or less
Situate in Clackamas county, Ore
This summons Is published by
rder of the Hon, "J. A. Eakin
Judge of the above entitled Court,
and which order was made and
entered on the 20th day of Dec
ember. A. D.. 1912, and which
order required that the first pub
ication of this summons be made
on December 27th, 1912, and the
date of the last publication there
of onFcbruary 7th, 1913.
Dimick & Dimick,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
"Suffered day and night the
torment of itching piles. Nothing
helped me until I used Doan i
Omimpnt. The result was last
inar." Hon. John R. Garrett,
Mayor, uirard, Aia.
'Ll populahT
Popular Mechanics
A GREAT Continued Story of the
World'i Progr! which you
may bein reading at any time, and
which wiU hold your interest forever.
The "Shop NoU" Dennrfmcnl (?0 pasen)
Kiveeasy ways lo-do thinni huw ro make
useful article lor home and shop, iepair3,eic
"Amateur Mechanic" (10 p.lKes) Id's llOW to
make Mission iumi-ure, w:rcl iou-; boats,
engines, magic, and ail the thug's i U lovea.
$1.60 PEB YEAR. SIHSLE CC?rl3 C:T8
Ask your newsdudcr, cr
witrrx ron Tint catpuz o-py toay
n the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, "
Julie Egis, alias, Julie Sarlandt,
Plaintiff, vs. Edward Egis, alias
Edward Sarlandt, Defendant:
To Edward Egis, alias, Edward
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit within six
weeks from January 24, 1913, the
date of the first publication of
this summons, and on or before
the 8th day of March, '1913, the
date of the last publication of this
ummons, and if you fail to an
swer within such time, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
ho Court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint, to-wit: For a
ecree of said Court dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now ex-
sting between the said plaintiff
and defendant and for an absolute
ivorce on the grounds of deser-
ion for the period of one year,
prior to the commencement oi
this suit, and for the restoration
f her maiden name, and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem meet and equit
able. This summons is published in
pursuance of an order of the Hon-
rable J. U. Campbell, Judge or
the above entitled Court, made on
anuary 21. 1913, directing the
same to be published once a week
for six consecutive weeks in the
Oregon City Courier, a weekly pa
per of. general circulation print
ed and published in Oregon City,
Clackamas Conty, Oregon.
Kornegay & Thompson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
402 Northwest Bldg, Portland,
Date of first publication January
24, 1913.
Dale of last publication March 8,
Aministratofs Notice of Final
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the estate of
Susannah C. Evershed, deceased
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, William Evershed,
administrator of the estate of
Susannah C. Evershed, deceased,
has filed in the County Court of
Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon, his final account as such ad
ministrator of said estate, and
that Monday, the 17th day of Feb
uary, 1913, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M. has been fixed by
said court as the time for hearing
of objections to said report, and
for the final settlement of said
estate and discharge of the ad
ministrator., WILLIAM EVERSHED
Administrator of the estate of
Susannah C. Evershed, deceased.
Dated January 15th, 1913.
Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
ostate of Rebecca H. Benoit, de
ceased, has filed his final report
with the County Court of Clack
amas County, State of Oregon,
and that the judge of said Court
has setMonday, February 24,
1913, at the hour of 10 o clock A.
M. of said day, as the time for
hearing the-said report, at which
time all persons interested are
hereby notified to be present and
make objections to said report u
any there be.
Dated this 18th day of January,
Administrator of the estate of Re
becca H. Benoit, deceased.
John W. - Loder,, Attorney for
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Clackamas
Order to show cause why appli
cation for leave to sell real es-
tato should not be granted.
In the Matter of the Guardianship
of George B. Thomas and Rho
da Thomas, his wife, (insane
W. W. Myers, the guardian of
the persons and estates of George
B. Thomas and Rhoda Thomas,
his wife, insane persons, having
this day presented to this Court,
and filed herein, his petition, du
ly verified, praying for an order
of sale of certain real property
belonging to said insane persons,
for the causes and reasons tnere
in set forth ; and it appearing to
this Court fro'm the said petition
that it is necessary and would be
beneficial to the said insane per
sons, that the real property des
cribed in said petition or some
part of it shall be sold,
It is hereby ordered, That the
next of kin of said insane per
sons and all persons interested in
their said estates, appear before
this Court, in the Court Room
thereof, in the County of Clacka
mas, State or Oregon, on iwonaay,
the 24th day of February, 1913,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, to show cause why an
order should not be granted for
the sale of such estate, as prayea
f.ir in said netition. reference lo
which is hereby mado for further
nnpl icnlars.
And it is nereny iuriuer oruei
ed, That a copy of this order be
nnhiinhoH at lnast once a week for
three successive weeks in the
Oregon City Courier, a newspa
per printed and published in said
county of Clackamas, State of
Dated January 23, 1913-
Attorney at Law
General practjee. Deeds, Mort
gages and abstracts are carefully
made.. Money to loan oh good se
em ity. Charges reasonable. Of-
I floe In Stevens Building.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Julia Young, Seth C. Young, Jos
eph E. Young, Annie J. Young,
Effid E. Young, Mary L. Young,
Julia Young Sloop and W. Wal
ter Young, Plaintiffs vs Brad
Gray, Mary Ann Gray, Elva
Gray Smith, Henry Gray, Mary
Gray Ralston, Luther " Gray,
Fannie Gray, Johann Bartlett,
Eva Bartlett, Olive Young Bail
eyFrank M. Bailey, Fred Bailey,
Walter Bailey, James Bailey,
Harry Bailey, Lester Bailey,
Carrie Bailey, Eva Bailey
Woods, Clyde W.Woods,
Bailey,- Ada Swan, Thomas
Swan anil all thu unknown heirs
of Erastus Gray, Thomas Bart
. lett, Elizabeth Bartlett, wife of
Thomas Bartlett, William B.
Young and Nancy T. Young,
wife of William B. Young, Defendants.
To the defendants, Brad Gray,
Mary Ann Gray, Elve Gray
Smith, Henry Gray, Mary Gray
Ralston, Luther Gray, Fannie
Gray, Johann , Bartlett, Eva
Bartlett, Olivo Young Bailey,
Frank N. Bailey, Fred Bailey,
Walter Bailey, James Bailey,
Harry Bailey, Lester Bailey,
Carrie Bailey, Eva Bailey
Woods, Clyde W.Woods,
Bailey, Ada Swan, Thomas
Swan, and all the unknown
heirs of Erastus Gray, Thomas
Bartlett, Elizabeth Bartlett,
wife of Thomas Bartlett, Will
iam B. Young, Nancy T. Young,
wife of William B. Young, De
ceased. In the name of the State of Or
egon, you and each of you are
hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed again
st you in the above entitled cause
on or before the 15th day of Mar
ch, 1913, which is 6 weeks after
the 31st day of January, 1913
the day ordered by this Court for
the first publication of this sum.
nions and if you fail to so appear
and .answer the plaintiffs will ap
ply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in their complaint, to-
wit a decree as follows:
1st. That the Court decreo
that said deed from Erastus Gray
and Mary Ann Gray, his wife, to
Thomas Bartlett; and said deed
from Thomas Bartlett and Eliz
abeth Bartlett. his wife, to Wil
liam B. Young and Nancy T.
Young, his wife, to Josiah Young
and Julia Young be reformed and
corrected and made to conform
to the agreements and intention
of the parties thereto; and to
nronerly describe the real prop
erty intended to be conveyed by
said parlies and decreeing that
it was not the intention of said
parties or any of them to convey
in or by said conveyances said
parcel of land described as fol
lows, to-wit:
A certain tract of land situated
in Clackamas County, . State of
Oregon, Township One (1) Range
One (1) East' in Section 36 being
a fractional part of Lot Whit
comb's Donation Land Claim No.
38. a
Commencing at the North West
Corner of said tract; thence South
10 des:. Easts chains 74 links;
Ihonoo South 57 deg. East 1 chain
and 50 links; thence North 80 deg.
East 8 chains 34 links; thence
North 9 chains 84 links, thence
80 deg. West. 8 chains 15 links;
thence North 50 links; thence
South 80 deg. 3 chains 14 links
to the place of beginning contain
ing 10 acres.
But that it was the intention of
said parties and all and each of
them to convey by said instru
ment and descriptions said parcel
of land described as follows, to
wit :
A part of the Donat ion Land
Claim of Lot Whitcoinb and wife,
in Township One (1) South Ran
ge One (1) East of the Willam
ette Meridian, Clackamas County,
Beginning at a stone on the di
vision line between the husbands
and wife's of Baid Whitcomb D. L.
C. which stone is the S. E. corner
f a certain tract of land convey
ed by J. W. Shatluck to E. S. Gray
by deed recorded on Page 409 of
Hi.f.k H. Record of Deeds for
Clackamas County, Oregon, run
ning thence South 81 deg. 01 nun.
West along the South line of said
Gray Trect 548.1 feet to the cenit
ter of the County road leading
from Milwaukie to Clackamas;
thence along center of said road
North 51 deg. 34 min. West. 100.8
feet; Ihence North 10 deg. 38 mm.
West along the vvesi ime oi iuu
(iray tract 583.5 feet to a stone;
Ihence North 84 deg. 18 nun.
East 209.2 feet to a stone; thence
South 11 deg. 20 min East 33.4
feet to the Southwest corner oi
trad of land conveyed by E. S.
Gray to Oeo. Wills by deed re
corded on Page 598 Book I record
of deeds for Clackamas bounty,
Oregon; thence along the South
line of said Wills tract North 79
Thousands have used and
Price 5Q.c
The Box of
50 Caps
Sold by JONES DRUG CO., (Inc.) Oregon City, Ore
The Safety Remedy Co.,
; .v t ) I RBTT , Prctlden , P. I. MEYER, Ch.
(Successor Commercial BanlO
Trsnsaott a General Banking Business Open from 0 a. m. to 3
dog. 49 niin East 528 feet to the
Southeast corner of the said
Wills tract on the said division
line; Ihence tracing the said div
ision line South 624.9 feet to the
place of beginning; .
And that said description first
above named be reformed so 'as
lo read as the second description
above named in conformity with
the intentions of the parties here
to and that the plaintiffs be de
clared the owners in fee simple
of the said real estate as set forth
in the second description above
named as against defendants and
each and all of them and of any
and all persons claiming, by,
through, or under them of either
or any of them and for such other
and further relief in the premis
es as shall be just and equitable.
This summons is published- in
the Oregon Cily Courier published
at Oregon City, Oregon, by order
of the County Judge of the Coun
ty Court duly made and entered
on the 28th day of January, 1913.
First publication 31st day of Jan.
1913. Last publication March 14,
Robert Goetz,"
Andrew G. Thompson,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Julia Young, Seth C. Young, Jo
seph E. Young, A nine J. Young.
Kllie E. Young, Mary L. Young (
Julia Young Sloop and Walter
Young, Plaintiffs, i
A. W.' Luelling, Charles Luelling,
Jane II. Luelling, Olive Luelling
Seth P. Luelling, Mary Luelling
John l.uelling, Horry Meek,
Susan Meek, Sarah Meek, Ethel
Meek, William Meek, and all the
unknown heirs of Henderson
Luelling and William Meek, de
ceased, Defendants.
To the defendants of ;A. W.
Luelling, Charles Luelling, Jane
II. Luelling, Olive Luelling, Seth
Luelling, Mary Luelling, John
Luelling, Horry Meek, Susan Meek
Sarah Meek, Ethel Meek, William
Meek and all the unknown heirs
of Henderson Luelling and Wil
liam Meek, deceased.
In the name of the State of Or
egon you and each of yoi are
hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against
you in the above entitled cause on
or before the 15th duy of March,
1913, which is six weeks after the
31st day of January, 1913 the day
ordered by this Court for the ilrst
publication of this summons and
if you fail lo so appear and an
swer and set for the nature of
your claim to the real estate here
in uescrineu, io-wn, imi ia vi
n block forty-eight (48) 50x100
t., in the town of Milwaukee Ter
ritory of Oregon, the plaintiils
will apply to the courts for the re
lief prayed for in their complaint,
lo-wjl: a decree as follows:
1st That defendants and each
of them have no right, titlo, es
tate or interest in or to said real
properly or any portion or parcel
thereof. , ,
2nd That Court decree plain
tiffs to be the owners in fee sim
ple thereof.
3rd That the deed to said pro
perly ho canceled and that the
CloUU ll'Olll IIIO piuiimua nno "
removed. ' ,
4th For such other and further
relief that to the Court seems
meet and equitable in the prem-
'1'iiis summons is published in
the Oregon Cily Courier by order
of the Counly Judge of the above
entitled Court, duly made and en
tered on the 28th day of January, .
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
.First publication January 31st,
19 1 3. Last publication March 14th.
Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Bert .lonsrud, deceased,
has filed his final account with
the County Court of Clackamas
County, Slate of Oregon, and that
the Judge of said court has set
Monday, March 3rd, 1913, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day, as the time for hearing the
saiii report, at which time all
persons interested are hereby
notified to be present and make
objections to said report if any
there be. , .
Daled, this 31st .day of Janu-
U'y' 'a'3- A. C. THOMAS.
Administrator of the Estate of
Ifert-Jimsrud, deceased.
The Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sick and Accidont In
surance. Dwelling House Insur
ance a specialty.
office with
UREN & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City
found it the one best remedy
Discharge, infiHiiiinatlon and Irritation oi tne r-iu
nevs Bladder tii'l Urinnry Oralis, permanently ere
lieve'd i'i 2 to 5 (la'. t. Warranted harmless, Noii-mje
tive, St iciure impossible. Bona-fide Guarantee to cure
or money h ick
Canlon (CaM latf