i OREGON CITY COtlRIBRFRIDAY JAN. 24 li3. THEY SHOULD Dill KILL Til EM Here are some of the bills already introduced and proposed at Salem, and in my opinion they should get 'he ax: By Representative Graves to provide for the pro tection of horticulture against insects. This would of THE OREGON CHTY COURIER M. J. BROWN, Editor. The quicker Oregon City lets the country know she is after absolute pure water the'better for the future course carry with it the usual commission and appro of the city. It isn't a question of whether we can afford priation. Oregon isn't clamoring for it. it or not. We can't afford not to. By Representative Schnoerr to fix salni-v school superintendent of Clackamas countv at il.fifln They tell us we should wait for low water condit- The last election returns showed how the noonlf ious next August before we investigate water sources eel about increased expenditures. With taxes where on this side of the river, but 1 note that the west side they are now, Oregon does not favor increased expend isn i piaymg mi waning guuiu. mires. By Representative Nolta For an interstate nriW rr. il... I.l ! ! ..,. 1 111 ! -.1. At. .1. . - . . . . . O unueruiupuuHL-wervictsum, mcu we pwpiu maui; over the Columbia, (Senator Dimick told the senate a law in November, it expressly states the telephone this was a real estate men's scheme, and that the rates shall be tne rates or liui, yet tne company coi- peopie of Oregon were against. If Portland wants it, lects the present higher rate, and the people continue iet Portland build it. to pay them. Representative Howard Compulsory teaching of o manners and morals m all schools. This is a matter The legislature broke all Oregon records last week for the home to teach. and got on the job, and every member is working like the little animal the state is named after. The polit ical game is cut out, and the representatives are work-1 ing the legislative game. Senator Bean Requiring county to pay f 1 per day to wife of prisoners convicted of non-support. Let the county work the man and pay his wages to the family. By Senator Farrell To reauire notice in h una uouiitry iJuys icu a-uw a uu,y iur cuui wan, teachers Of discharge after Service Of two VPftPS. woman and child for the eight million pounds of sugar Unimportant. As much reason in a law to renniro 1 1 , il. 1 Art AAA , .,1 : .. . . 1 we use, ami ii;ss tuau uru eugaguu m augui - the .courier office to eive its printers notion which i TIf . . I -AA AAA 1 1 J I '' - - ,, manuracture. e protect iuu,uuu producers Dy taxing jt joes without compulsion. 1flft Oflft Ortfl ronsiimdrs droit t. lionpfir. frront prf.nrt.inTi I t - ci t . .. . - . , 0-v m ociiaior iuuner .ueuuinnfl' ranroari pnonnp t. j.:i. . : . . - o gicai, uiimiB. headliehts 16 throw licht sufficient to m a man at a distance of 800 feet. some day at foaiein, and in an other capitals, tne Siiiv. Let the man keep off the track. This law committees will have to work in the open, will have to would bb of much more imr(ortanrft .nniJwl fn antna ...i ii l i..,. ...u-i i. ,T I ' nuc uuu uic vuuuo nuuw junu wiiiit uicj uir-iQji street Cars and then there will be less smothering. The caucus By genatrs Smith of Coos and T.nmnnnT . i :n- t,:.i: l I il.. . uuu uie - i-uiuwitbw tue tue muiug yuKva im- luuiai tliome C. A. C. to engage in agricultural extension cowards. work. With a referendum vote Imrvinn nn nnnrnnriatin The California state legislature is asking for a for the University of Oregon, this is not th Jw , 0o1Ak AAl i. 1. -l...X 1 I . v O 7 v "v vi -uu,uuu upprupriatiuu u vluuiinu muiuj uwiieu pru-ij extension work 1. T J-V 1 ..1 ..L i. . .I ll .! I ,lu,w "' """ ovi:tu.iig ui i Kepresentative McArthur To provide funds for un Kinu vbuxb uKu n wuum uuu uuve uuuu iwuaRHujr protection of State of Oregon from spread of bubonic iur uuu iu iiavc iuruiu mg uuiuu uuw plague and other Asiatic diseases. under way in tins state ior seir protection. Somebody wants another nolitiml inh l'rovidinir for a live stock snnifn rv linnpil an A nn 'Tluira Ainll lu liiinliulu nf Itniu tnfnio I . ... .. M Vi Dronriatinc' . ) ) for it.. ,1 t i i -i m a i ii i I cd j tne legislature aim many oi inem win pass, and many This bill waa vetn, rovnftP WAHf . vaaM kf titnit tlw kill A A cf ci of o f i frvmru nn1 livtrklstrtu 1 4i uru I ...... . DMi, s.0 uu ago. This is supposed to be a session of retrenchment. uru liueueu w uomoriu, uuu in me same ruuo iu wo Thin lull ..,.,! i... a i s j. .r, jjiiou uj iub otuaie uuu ouiy two sen' uecome uueeueu anu useless. Aim mere snou m oe as ator(J Dimick and Farrd, had gand - imifMk. inffAfcif inL-in in trtiimtr vtA tf flio Alii no in o ca iuaong new. - liv Senator Carson A bill mnHn wnmnn v "0 " wmvu j ttx vA. O coinnulsopv. JVonsonsp 1.1 11. . ..!!..! ' A. A t - 1 I ivery year uie meuicine is easier to taice anu now A bill ,m)vin-iff that nn i,lipinl hiMa 0t,Dii ..j- ,.f ii. t i.i:.. ...i ii 1 ""J'"v-" "c nic muni ui niu xvupuuiicuun are guttiiig wucic LUCJrnonO On Slindnv .. A1-J.1TV 1!. TT. O 1 Jl il can tane uie uemocraoic u. o. senator uose wnuoui Thiu iw ,if.,.if ,.i. i.t, i , , making up much of a face or having to take a chaser ln,, COuits.and is vow miml.Wnt.. n.it t,nw oi,n fi, 1 lv J. !. Al. J , J 4 ,m. 1 ,1 1 1 1" I ' tj v.. AuvMVTT WWUUl 11V i uut muims. i uvcrnucimmg ivcpuunc- constitutionality when applied to the Seventh Day an legislature lined up Tuesday and elected a rock- (ivonf!Ht9 J ribbed Democrat to go to the U. S. Senate from Oreg on. Wisconsin has it, Iowa will have it every state win nave, me tirst states get the running start. For the state to carry its own insurance on state buildings. Good, as far as it goes, but let it be general for all classes of insurance, and let the insurance not exceed 75 jier cent of the valuation on which the own er pays taxes on. Such a policy won't get hot enough to set a barn on fire, and the premiums won't rob the people. , To shorten up the business of appealing cases and make the expense so low the poor man can reach it. Should pass without a protest. The higher courts are only for the moneyed man now. Dy Representative Schuebel Uis water power bill one of the most important bills before the legislature. it will stop the state fro:.i being robbed of its valu able assets and will put each power user on the same footing. Hy Speaker McArthur To substitute electrocut ion for hanging. It should pass. Dy President Malarkey To provide for a minimum wage scale for women workers in Oregon. It should pass. Dy Senator McCollock To have state and govern ment co-operate and locate water power resources of the state. Oregon has wonderful water powers, and they should be owned and operated by the state. Dy Representative Upton Providing a penalty of from 5 to 15 years imprisonment for men convicted of living off the earnings of women. Aimed at the parasites and should never have a dissenting vote. Dy Representative Gill Making the selling of malt and spirituous liquors and hard cider without a li cense, a jail offense. This would stop "boot legging" and close the "blind Pigs." Dy Representative Schuebel Two bills one for a uniform rate for salaries of county officers (as.per Governor West's suggestion) and one to place road districts under the same plan as school districts. making them corporations with similar administrat ions that are now enjoyed by school districts. Doth should become laws. Dy Senator Perkins To banish the revolver, knife and other dangerous weapons, by limiting the sale and providing severe penalties for carrying. Every egislature should favor it. Dy Senator McCullock Giving the governor power to appoint special district atorneys, sheriffs and con stables in cases where he deems it necessary. It should pass. There have been cases in this county where the people have deemed such action necessary. Presidential Term Should Be Extended Four Years Not Enough 4 4 By Mrs. GEORGE J. GOULD c HE presi dency of the Unit ed States has become the MOST POW ERFUL STA TION IN THE WORLD. So much responsi bility and work devolve upon the incumbent of that high office' that I some times marvel at the ability with which presidents meet the obliga tions that are imposed upon them. I have observed that presidents Bometimea succumb to the bland ishments, of their advisors and per mit their appointments to public office and their recommendations as to legislation to be influenced by j 111 ' if J; One Period of Six Years 4 4 New York Society Leader In commenting on the consolidation of the churches at Enterprise the Chieftain says : "And what argu ment can be advanced against thejConsolidation? Only the argument of narrow sectarianism; the argument of thoNe who in their secret hearts place empty creed above right living and character building." Adventist? Dean aud Calkins Appropriating 50,000 for ar mory at Eugene, one half to be paid by Lane county. And tne other half by the state. Dy Senator Farrell Appropriating f 5,000 for ex penses of the inspectors of child labor, WITH A PUSH AND A PULL. - There is considerable questioning and comment on the aims and purposes of the Farmers' Society of Equity, which is gaining a solid foot hold in Oregon and is rapidly spreading over the entire country; and it is stated that many merchants are apprehensive of its power when organizations are fully completed. As this paper understands . its organization and purposes, the merchant who is on the square has noth ing to fear. . i Another commission and some more jobs. AIie a,,n 01 uie bocietv 18 t0 cliange the condition of Judge Lowell's measure to limit to a half dozen theappl?s vottias on the ground at MoIalla and 8elIing initiative measures to go on the ballot. And yet 600 Ior Iiye ltms eatu m A oruanu- of them may be introduced in the legislature and con- Aae aun 1S. t0 a,,ollsh tlie mC(Jlums tliat stan(l Niilpreil within 40 rlnva TMm tween the raiser and the eater, to cut out this huue A farmer may send a pound of butter, enclosed in a such a , t . . . cnmmMo(i profit and give the raiser a greater and the eater a wrapper tne courier printed for him, and at a low took ... v- nn . ronfn1 5f Mower rate through the parcel post, but the Courier can't i iU3i.j.:. tt i m ...... .1 1. ...... l...t t.. !.!. i ! i.1 - tr .j.... i.&u. . v uutOTu in upuiuujittn; .. . . ' . . . ' y . for a course of logging engineering, with the nec- i ""v- " "V fc" eNSlirv 111 (1 hits nnl mii nmonl of tha. rW A ml - uuu .ii uiLrait,uu VUU VX litll 1' cultural College. Splendid! And we should also have about $70,000 their desire for renomination mid re-election. This temptation should be removed. THE PRESIDENTIAL TERM SHOULD BE EXTENDED TO SIX YEARS AND PRESIDENTS SHOULD BE INELIGIBLE FOR RE-ELEC TION. THE RESULT, I AM CON FIDENT, Would be a higher STANDARD OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND A GREATER DEVOTION TO THE INTERESTS OF THE PEO PLE. Experience has shown that it re quires Borne time for a pres ident to become accustomed to the duties of his office and to make the wheels of ad mi n istration I and legislation I move in the right direction. Four vears do not seem to bo enough. The" addi tional two years will give OP PORTUNITY FOR THE WORKING OUT OF RE FORMS and for carrying to com pletion presidential policies. The experience of France, which makes the presidential term seven years, has in the main prov ed highly successful. If the chief executive were elected for six years there would be I.KSS TENDENCY TO UPSET THE BUSINESS OF THE COUN TRY. The turmoil and disturb ance caused by a presidential cam paign every four years would lie avoided. I must acknowledge, however, that the last presidential campaign caused less disturbance to business than any campaign within mv recollection. him then), but the printer's job work may not. This is fairness, price. The aim is to cut the corners of the manufactiner, the trust, the wholesaler, the jobber who sells staples to the retail dealer with a fixed price on them to the consumer a price he dare not nullify. ( The ainl is to cut out the GO per cent the middleman with necessary equipment to show farms how to pull adds to the price of farm Products between the grower SCUUipS. aiiuracctwci, Hv KenntnT. s.niti.T'rni,ii,iti, o a f it s a union or larmers in mueii tne same sense as a The Woodburn Independent relates bow the farm ers of Sublimity have their own county fire insurance association, with a quarter of a million risks and (', or in years on measures once dofented hv mnr tlmn carPenters' union is for the benefit of its members the fire losses for the past two years have only been io,000 or 20,000 votes respectively. ve m an organization that is bound to help the con $20. And when the Courier remembers that it has paid t0 cripple the initiative. Uow 'long would it have sumcr to an -'(lual extent, and if it continues to grow. i :i :, i. i x z l. i r j. . l .e ii r Every Woman Should Do What Appeals to Her Most By IDA M. TARBELL, Author 6 in one year in insurance premiums the total fire loss of the Sublimity people for four years ,it makes us think this community deal is a pretty good scheme to spread around A juror on a trial in Tacoma, on an embezzlement case made (he statement that "an oath doesn't amount to a damn" and the judge promptly fired him. Dut the juror stated a truth just the same. An oath doesn't ' amount to a damn in about half our court cases. One witness swears to one statement and the next one ns definitely swears the first witness lied. Perjury has lost its terrors in this country. It isn't so much the truth as the evidence we got a quest ion of which side can get the most witnesses to swear alike. What a Bank Does A bank account establishes a man's credit, provides a safe place for his cash, and sys tematizes his buHiiioss dealings. This de pendable bank fulfills all the requirements of modern banking, and is fully equipped to handle the commercial banking business of every class of customers, aud its watchword is SERVICE. The Bank of Oregon City Oldest Bank in Clackamai County and it is bound to, it is going to be one of the organiz ations of Oregon with a pull ahead of it and a push behind it, taken the women to get the ballot power under this kind of a law? Dy Representative Schuebel To punish profane and disorderly conduct outside of incorporated towns. . t Standard Oil stock was worth $675 a share when This will operate like castor oil. It won't do any the government dissolved it and uow it is worth $1186, harm and it may do some good. It doesn't do any Isn't that awful punishment? harm or good in the cities and towns. or Representative. Upton To authorize creation of teachers' retirement fund association Class legislation. Why not have a farmers printers' retirement fund? The bill to limit the expenditure to $200 on any in itiative bill. This will kill the initiative. Had this bill Inrn a law but ONE initiative bill (the single tax in Coos county) would ever have been given to the Vot crs in Oregon. And it is clearly against the consti tution on which the initiative is founded. They say eighteen rich men can (and do to a great extent) run this country of 100,000,000 people and we look back at old history and wonder HOW a doz en men could drive and lead the thousands. A reformed base ball player, who clings to the coaching line dope has about the softest thing going to get the' velvet goods. In one weeks collection at McKeesport, Pa., so eastern exchanges state, Dilly Sunday gathered in $3,749. THEY SHOULD LIVE RAISE THEM. Our district attorney or school supervisor, our su Dy Senator Dimick To provide for election of preme court judges, they all want their salaries rais road supervisors by the people. N H'd. when they were running for office they didn' This is the people's right, and not the right of three t(h you voters they would ask for a raise. Lord no, men in the county court. We would have better roads -Hiey begged and pleaded to be returned to the same and less scrapping. old job at the same old pay. And our representatives. Dy Representative Gill To prevent selling of in- '"ej" went down to Salem on the campaign of re- toxicnting liquors outside of incorporated towns. trenchment and economy. And we see them (some of This is takiug away local option power, yet at the them) waxiug eloquent and rolling out a heniorhage same time it would close every road house in every ' oratory on pleas that our public servants are not county. sufficiently paid. Just remember these fellows, Dy Representative Howard To repeal County Supervisors' law. If this could be voted on it would be If the bill we voters made a law, giving the railroad buried. The law is not worth what it costs. commissioners jurisdiction over public service corpor Dy Representative Mitchell Leaving it optional ations, is of any account, then we ought to know it, with each comity to approve or reject supervisor law. and if not, we should find it out. It expressly fixed a I lus would do what the above bill would. lower rate for telephone rates than we are-tmvinsr. Dy Senator Dimick Requiring medical certificates but the companies simply ignore the law and make iK'fore marriage licenses are granted. , collections as of old. What are these laws for, if not to This is recognizing a human being as of as much an- be enforced? Malarkey drew this bill, now it is up to portance as a Berkshire - hog, and is a law every him to disapprove the statements that many people state should have. made before election that it did not have anv teeth Representative Howard To permit the state to If it has, the telephone companies do not appear to engage in life insurance of a profit sharing plan. J be afraid of them. VKHY waman SHOULD DO THE TIIIXC THAT AP- PEALS TO HER MOST, limiting herself only hv the restrictions tluit society imposes on all. That is one of the reasons I sympathize with .IniieAddnms in her stand against the amendment which some of the suffragists tried to put through at the Philadelphia convention forbidding any ndieer of the National Woman Suffrage association from allying herself with a political party. Seeing the possibility of active work in politics as another in strument she was not ashamed to employ it. The important thing is to DEVELOP EFFICIENCY, and there is no sex in that, for men and women alike must learn to make efficient human beings of themselves. That applies to every one. The young married woman must MAKE A PROFESSION OUT OF HER HOME LIFE, not sit back in archajc laziness. And she has ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT PROFESSIONS IX THE WORLD. The young unmarried woman should find the' work in which she can be most useful, and then she should develop herself along that line. I DO NOT AT ALL BELIEVE IN MARRIAGE FOR EVERY WO- IT 18 PRACTICALLY A CRIME TO MARRY WITHOUT A LOVE, AND I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED FOR THE SAKE OF MARRIAGE DE- BUT EFFICIENCY IS THE GREAT OF THE MARRIAGES THAT MAN. FOUNDATION Op TRUE THAT MARRYING MERELY FEATS THE WHOLE INSTITUTION. THING, AND I BELIEVE THAT MOST ARE FAILURES GO TO PIECES JUST BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF EFFICIENCY OF EITHER THE MAN OR THE WOMAN OR BOTH. 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C. ? 801,1 otner remedies for skin troubles, bat nonn tht iwia Off of T Intergreen Thymol and a few other Ingredients that havo wrought such wonderful cures all over the couS- This rornrnnnA 1o linn.. tn t. Prescription for Ecxema and It will cool ' ror sale by Jones Drug burning akin nothing else can. A trial will prove it ' " can t come to ush.it them if big-profit sUbstit7t:Ut dont a?cept aome It takes , ,r.?"d0. not find that costs you not". ONCI It Company, Oregon City.