OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY JAN. 24 1913. 1 c. IS OF I IS COMMENTS ON THE THINGS WE ARE THINKING OF. Observations of a Man Who Alive Above His Ears. (By A. G. Childs.) It will bo noticed that some Of the eminent statesman and lead ing citizens who do not want any measures re-submitted to the people that have been defeated are very strongly of the opinion that certain and several meas ures TIJEY wanted passed and that were not , approved by the people should be re-submitted. an advertising card to attract other vacant lands the proposit ion to exempt $1,500 of improve ments, machinery and live stock, household furniture, etc., of every citizen? This would not help out the fellow with a skyscraper very much, and the big department store would not be flung in the teeth of the Single Taxers, but it would help to get some of those 200,000 Americans going into Al berta every year, and keep some of our mechanics and young farmers in Oregon. Something along this line should be done. PARCEL POST HUMBUG. If we can't kill the initiative amendments submitted to the people, let us cripple it and per. haps it will crawl off and die. That is the sentiment moving a number of suddonly converted avowed friends of the initiative, but it is not publicly expressed. Olher than providing that only registered voters be accepted as signers of petitions and perhaps providing for the bonding of cir- WIN Not Benefit Masses Until Put on a Commercial Basis. Editor Courier: Realizing the value of your space and that it is rapidly grow ing more so, I hog just enough to answer a friendly criticism of my Parcel Post letter. I can send by express from Oregon City to Chicago, a long list of commercial articles among which is mistletoe and sausage at a rate of 7.25 per hun dred and I don't have to do it up in 11 pound packages, but if I go to the Post Oil ice, according to Mr. Trullinger, I would have to do up my sausage or mistletoe in small packages. Now we will take his rate of $1.40 on a. ten pound package, you don t have to un derstand calculus to see that 100 CONSOLIDATE THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS FEWER AND BETTER SCHOOLS AND BUILDINGS. Country Must Compete City In Education. With culators thereof, the people pounds would cost me $14.00, should not go to sleep ana allow nearly double the express rale this loudly professing of repent- In the twice a week Journal of anco and vociferous desire to Due. 31 Mr. Hitchcock says the "protect tho initiative" bunch to present rales are higher than the put anything over on them. Down in California the Govern or proposes that the people have an amendment submitted to them in 1914 providing for county and city home rule in taxation. This indicates that he knows what a scientific system of taxation real ly is, and tho assistant Bull Moos er to Toddy the Terrible has a way of getting the Legislature to do things tho Big Interests m Cal ifornia do not like any better than their brothers in Oregon. Tho preferonce vote is needed in Oregon to give us public serv ants desired by the majority. This system that gives us plurality government is too rich a temp tation for Big Vice and Big Busi ness to get together and also to divide progressive and honest people Special privilege always likes to count the ignorant and unin formed on its side. In Wyoming and Mississippi tho Initiative and Referendum have been beaten be cause the majority voting "therp. on" was not big enough to over balance the ignorant and indiiTer. ent voters who did not vote on ),ho propositions, in Wyoming tiio af. firmalive vole was nearly six to one, still it was defeated by the beautiful little joker that the de. funct Majority Rulo Leaguo en. government could maintain them, and acknowledges it is only an ex pcriment and says rates will have to be lowered to be of any use in competing with tho express com panics. Now Mr. Trullinger, if in your exhaustive investigations, you have made some wonderful dis coveries I am sure this gentleman Mr. Hitchcock, would appreciate them as much as I do. There are a few U. S. senators Who made so much fun of this bill on the floor of the senate you could put them on your mailing list. A congress of farmers met in their national headquarters in Indianapolis Deo. 18, last and de nounced this humbug of a Par cel Post law. Also the congress that passed it. Now I do not know of any particular express com pany that these hay seeds were working for but it is my humble opinion that they have been work ing for all of them all their lives and will continue to do so until the Parcel Post humbug is chang ed tQ a sane and commercial base. Jn your extensive researches will you please find out how much rent you pay every year for cars to haul your mail and parcels in and don't this money or some of it go to tho express Co., and when you pay the railroad for hauling your parcels don't the express Co., get their share of that too? How can you compete with thorn to To tho Courier: A great deal or attention is being drawn loward our public educational system of late, and our leading educators are trying to so arrange it that our public school system will give every boy and girl a practical education That is, when a girl Or boy has completed his or her education, they will bo ready to enter upon life's work, be it seamstress, cook, artist, blacksmith, carpenter or farmer, etc. Now this in our op inion is the only right system to encourage. But if I understand the plan that these leaders are gradually developing by legisla tion and otherwise, It certainly will fail to produce the desired rosuUs. The plan is, as it seems to me, to have two distinctive systems, one for the city, and the other for the counry. The sys- em for the city aims fundamen tally to transform the city boy in to a carpenter, millman, black smith, lawyer, etc. While the country system aims to make ev ery boy a farmer, horticulturalist, poultryman, etc. An imaginary line to be drawn about the city, and another around tho country, making two distinct-circles of citizens with two separate notions of their own about' each other are those of the city. Not a little old fashioned house as we find it today, near every farmer's door, literally speaking. Consolidation of country schools as it is called, is the only plan that will be suc cessful, and money spent in any other way, such as supervisor laws for country schools, is hard- earned money thrown away, for it is only the continual presence of a master mind .that .makes for discipline and progress in any in stitution of learning. It is also strange to note that the great ma jority of the well-trained princi pals and teachers of city schools who succeed in the city, are fail ures when they tackle the coun try school. The country school teachers, on the other hand, who go to the city, are as a rule very successful. - . : Robert Ginther. 1 mm s o i or EDITORIALS FROM A CLACKA ' MAS COUNTY RANCH. . Many Oregon City People 'Have Found This to be True. Are you wretched in bad weath er? - Does every cold settle on your kidneys? Does your back ache and be come weak? Are urinary passages irregu lar and distressing? These symptons are cause to suspect kidney weakness. Weakened kidnoys need .quick help. . Doan s Kidney Pills are espec ially prepared for weakened kid neys. Grateful people recommend George K. Parrish, musician, I Really why these wise sruvs should OO n r. .1 Un1f nnrl A.. n,. -t l I . . "a nan u auu nvo., jrun- ; nave neen unprepareu is a mys land, Ore., says: "The first symp-jtery as the people have wanted John Stark's Weekly Letter of . , , : ; Pat Comments. , The legislatures in the past have given us laws against cruel ty to animals; have forbidden us to kill song birds; have protected the game in the wild forest. How would it do to have a law to pro tect the human mother? In many cases women become mothers in the direst poverty. Now don't jump up to say "it s their own fault, that gets on my nerves often in a cold shack, upon a scantily covered bed and a larder ditto. Can this great state come to her assistance during such i period? I observe the Common wealth of Australia has made an allowance of $25. Of course that means a few pennies taxes but are not human beings of more impor tance than sparrows and China pheasants? The parcel post has swamped the postal department so we read ton of kidney complaint in my case was a dull pain across my loins. I paid little attention to the trouble at first but as it gradual ly grew worse, I knew that some thing must be done. Whenever I caught cold I was sure to have an one badly the past twenty years We were told great calamities awaited us if we ever got the service, so this is the first ono. After sixteen years wandering m the wilderness without manna ueuvuieu iu iiui ovor on us iasi ,i,nn vni tn i,; v.nm ovombor in this stale regardless haui your stuff and rent your of expense. 1 ho amendments in cars of them at their figures as iMuso iwo sia es were very poor part of lho rai, road Co and tho mutations of tho real thing, and rust of the rail mart Co. own had killing jokers in them; but wore better than government by an irresponsible and logrolling legislature. The Singlo Taxers of California are greatly elated ovor tho large vole cast for their Home Rulo measure, and are organizing to submit a straightout, briof and elusions. squaro amendment for the Single Tax that will take all taxes off improvements in about bo many words and frighten tho complao- ent anti-B. T. fighters into ac cepting tho Homo Rulo measure as a conservalivo compromise. They have put out a field secre tary In the , person of Edmund Norton, one of tho most able and outspoken hustlers for Single Tax Known in tho United States. It slock in the express Co Now my friendly mail sack shaker, you seem to be working for tho express Co., too, and you are 'doing it splendidly, as they sometimes make 800 per" cent dividends. As you continue your investigations I would bo pleased to learn them and your own con P. W. MEREDITH. LIBERAL. Many complaints are being ro- coivod hero about potatoos rott ing, and that thoso which are not rolling, are assuming a hard and dull color. Stock hogs are as high as po tatoes are cheap. Potatoes are lakes moro defeats to kill Single boin& tioilod, and with chop mix Tax than to can-slay bur bury Bryan. Neither ed are being fod the hog3' led lone pnnuu-h fn 'J'ho timbor suffered in the vi- let tho grass grow on their grav- cinity of Liberal from tho recent es. snow and the following thaw. Oak trees 18 inches in diameter were uprooted and all tho telephone ines of tho community aro out of commission. This weather makes your hay mow s'ink ana keeps tho farmer rustling from early until late. Hard weather for the pheasants farmers should lond a helping hand with feed for them. Sleighing didn't last long in the Liberal country but for a oiiifi tiuiu mu aimia wuiu uui 111 no small numbers. Georgo Donnelly's house caught fire last Friday at throe o'clock. from a defective fluo in tho sitting room. ISO ono was at homo at lho lime, but Pierco Wright and somo 3" ,,u,.. ii .- i. ; IUU. , 11 f, 11,. n. cents to him" mo iiun, Hum luu uihiuiicu, run 10 uiu uuiiut'iiy home, formed a bucket brigado, and succeeded in extinguishing the flumes. Tho boys woro al most overcome with smoko, as tho flames had crept between the walls of the home and had burn ed slowly before breaking out. A large crowd soon gathered and assisted Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly in righting things about tho burned premises, the Dnnnellys are exceedingly grateful to their friends for saving their homo. Just to show that there is no need of the recall of judges with the patriotic U. S. Senato on tho Job Archibald picked out for the goat and butted off into infamy Why this comparitively pure and innocent victim was selected with so many more deserving will bo explained later perhaps. lho Express Trust hasn't a friend on earth except a sneaking members of Congress The Pa: eels Post shows how we have been robbed, and is going to snow us somo morn, li, still cnab les tho E. T. to livo becauso of us nbsunl zones and different stamps and relies of antiquatod roousnncss and red should not cost over 25 curry a ten pound parcel any whore in tho United States (on the average) but if this was d-.me tho K. T. would dio so suddenly us to shut off a supply of "n ilk" that has long gono down tho throats of certain and sundry . and numerous statesmen. It is still being milked, and hopes aro entertained of keeping it ulivo a few years longer. Why tho Tele graph trust? And why the Trans portation Trust? And why tho 11,000 other truuls? Who milks them and who pays for lho milking? $100 Per Plate. In the face of aetuanncreaso in Clliy jn vow Orleans in 1842. the price of living necessities, Michtv costlv for thos with sto. pricea or lana ana rem, prices o: macn trouble or indigestion. To. meat and notatoes. wo are told by day peonlo everywhere use Dr the fat editors of the city press King s New Life Pills for these onH marnzmos that it is tho fast troubles as well as livfl', kidney, and high living that is the troublo with us. And then wo read of 388 per cent profit made by New York banks with a pull. Who finally pays such loan shark financiers as that? and bowel disorders. Easy, safe, sure. Only 25 cents at Huntley Bros. Harsh nhvsics weaken the how. els, will lead to chronic constipa tion. Dean's Regulets operate How would it do to play up for easily. 25c a box at all stores Farmers LookUp Your FALL Requirements in Form Tools N O W If you need a new Plow or Harrow, Feed Cut ter, Waj?on, Buggy ANYTHING in Imple ments or Vehicles, you will find it in the Witc be II Line The Best for The West See Us ! CANBY HDWE. (SIMPLE- MENT CO. Canby, Ore. Implements JfeL 4m ' FallGoods That Never Fall Down and Vehicles of Qadity at .Right Prices Hoosier Drills Positive Forced Feed Bloom Manure Spreaders Double Sted Reach J. I. CASE PLOWS The Plow a Man Can Pull Dick's Feed Cutters A big line, and good Drew Litter Carriers A genuine labor saver HARROWS Disc, spring, apike-tootb. Water Systems The Mitchell Wagon Monarch of the Road , See Us ! W.J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City Ore. BIG FREE IMPLEMENT CATALOGUE SENT YOU UPON REQUEST states-these great men failed to that- ..machine the road would draw a full house. seetn clear for the. co-operative The Socialist, whom all these Gominpnwealth in four years, gentlemen were trying to hold Personally I never yet accused back for fear our dear country Roosovelt of being foolish enough to think to win m the last com- from 420.793 to 900.672 in four paign on the progressive ticket, years. The Sociaust ivauonai Committee used about $30,000 and the three parties about $5,0- 00,000,000 in the aggregate. I put them together as they all avowed a common purpose to "head off socialism," surely a very patriotic motive, especially when the , office is in sight for the most faithful and special privilege for the unseen empire to collect interest, rent and profit also a laudable ambition. Wilson is reported to have said the Soc alist vote represented twenty per cent Socialism and eighty per cent protest; protest against what or whom, with that noble array of noble Romans in the, field is not clear to a clod crush er. Wnen it comes to pnnosopny trust a superannuated college professor for that; he may have missed Carnegie s pension but ho hung onto a solution of perplex ing problems, m th:s parucular case he is however not alone. All great editors have explained the remarkable growth of the Soeml ist party in spite of two highly advertised clowns performing on the political trapeze. Some Re publican papers say that about a million Republican voters went to Wilson, then, where did the over a million Democratic votes go, "to protest" I suppose. As. the president-elect is go6d at solving perplexing questions, and he will be on the job soon, we will see how he will solve the unemployed question. Now don't get red in the face, I did not mean you that is seeking to handle the mail by proxy, or Marshalship jobs; I mean the man in overalls whose name is usually designated by a number when he is fortunate enough to own a boss, for our name is legion. I'm aware the Democratic politician did not take that factor into account as the first law of nature has not been declared unconstitutional so long as' it is reasonable. And the strong box seemed at least pos sible, while the tariff took about all the talking time of these noble warriors who were on short forage rations for sixteen years. When the tariff question final ly comes to the center of tho stage I wonder what my friends the single taxers will see to their liking, for if single tax means anything it means free trade, yel some of the leaders of single tax agitation supported Wilson on a tariff for revenue only" plat form. Here is what Henry George says of all the excuses for the continuation of a tariff at all, the most groundless is that it is necessary to secure federal rev enues. "Whether we have a pro tective tariff or a revenue tariff is of small importance." I won der if any of those single taxers ever read Henry George, if they did not they certainly missed something good. Whatever I may have said against Bryan I never accused him of being bo simple minded that he failed to see that tariff for revenue instead of leading toward free trade must lead away from it, on the other hand it seems as if the single taxers who blindly followed this noise pro ducer fail to see the point. Have still hopes that Bryan will become a member of the of ficial-family in any position he chooses so it is in the Cabinet. for as things look to me Bryan and the party will go down the ine together; so we will save four yearsi If only that other clown could someway be bolted on had he lauded the nomination by that party he declares to be cor rupt, it seems nothing could have stopped him this side or ine whitehouse. To ine it seems the unseen empire did not desire that, as he would have insisted it was ho alone that won, then the next campaign the chances would be good tho people might think, enough was sufficient and plen ty is too much. So to prolong capitalism- let tho democrats take it, who will forget everything but the cleaning out of the strong box ' so in despair tho people will turn to Armageddon for relief, by that time the wild man will bo tamed a little so that he will know his master's crib like the ass. Of course his idolators could not see that but thought tie would win any iild way. Am reminded of a story in ancient history of some idolators who submitted to a test of their God to produce fire with out the use of parlor matches, so they prayed and trusted while punishing themsolves in their blind trusting, failing in the fire tost, we are told these men lost their heads. I would however as sure the child-like followers of tho 'monkey-killer they are in no such danger, as one cannot lose what one is not possessed of. John F. Stark. An Offer to Surgeons. Now that there is so much talk going through the press over Al ex Carrel's discoveries in healing wounds, I would like some sur geon to take notice. I will, for an illustration, take a finger where the first joint is cut up by a cogwheel, the nail is broken in two, tho joint flattened and the flesh on both sides badly lacerated. Wrap the finger in muslin; immerse in strongly salted water with plenty of ice in it, but the first minute it will cause consid erable pain. After five minutes take out of the salted water and you will find the pain is gone. Keep the arm in a sling for 36 hours and the wound is healed. The finger nail will stay on the injured finger. Now I offer free to the first surgeon, who will apply, a bottle of liquid fluid to be injected in a cancer. It will check the growth and cure the cancer without leav ing a scar, in a short time. RICHARD SCHOENBOBN. No 1015 7 th St. Oregon City. Old Age. Old age as it comes in the or derly process of nature is a beau tiful and majestic thing. It stands for experience, knowledge, wisdom, counsel. That is old age as it should be, but old age as it often is means a poor digestion, torpid bowels, a sluggish liver and a general feeling of ill health despondency and misery. This ia almost every instance is wholly unnecessary. One of Chamber lain's Tablets taken immediately after supper will improve the di gestion, tone up the liver and regulate the bowels. That feel ing of despondency will give way to one of hope and good cheer. For sale yb Huntley Bros. Co. Don't You Believe It. Some say that chronic consti pation cannot be cured. Don't you believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets iyme5$,N . f . .o aontw aontw aon believe it. Chamberlain's Tab ids have cured others why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a quarter. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. eventually. Let these earnest men and wo men who are striving to make this division investigate and they will discover more natural born states men, lawyers, doctors, business men, carpenters, blacksmiths, el ectricians, philosophers, mechan ics, etc., among the country boys than you will find among an equ al number of city boys. You will find more natural born intellects among the country girls to fill the positions required by woman in tho city than you will find among an equal number of city girls. And it is safo to say that there are many natural born farmers, horticulturalists, poul trymen, etc., among our city boys. Therefore artificial restrictions cannot long be made to success fully endure. Our educational system must remain uniform to get the best results. Teach agri culture, horticulture, etc., to the city student on equal footing with the country student. Teach the country student law, modicine, business, mechanical pursuits, etc., the same as tho oity lad, and you will bo following in tho foot steps of nature by giving every human being his opportunity to develop his natural talents re gardless of whether he lives in town or country. To do this the country must have school houses as large and as well arranged as acute attack of backache and I felt miserable in every way. One leevening I read a convincing statement regarding Doan's Kid ney Pills and I was lead to get this remedy. The results of its uso were gratifying, and it was not long before my trouble was removod." For sale by all doalers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agent for tho United States. Remember the name Doan's and lake no other A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride. ' To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discov ery in curing lung trouble, coughs and colds, which might have end ed in consumption and pneumon ia. "It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung disease," writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., "after four in our family had died with consumption, and I gained 87 pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50o and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Huntley Bros. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A or quail on toast, the children of Jefferson and Jackson are going to milk the public cow and pry into the publio hive. My but they are hungryl Election day is long enough past to allow, our pulses to re sume normal action, the shouting is aDout over and nothing more to he done except maugerate Wil. son and hunt the appointive of. fico until the closed season. The slatician has completed the total vote and the men of affairs are carefully looking over the returns to analyze the figures so as to study out the meaning of today and the prospects for the future. So let us who cast the most of those votes look over the shoul ders of the mighty and see how it looks. . First is the Democratic land slide we hear about, where the Princeton citizen gets Jess voles than Bryan four years ago by H5650. Roosevelt sand Taft to gether 74,390 less than Taft got in 1908. The prohibs. lost about one fifth of their vote. All this in face of the most furious cam paign in sixteen years, with the two greatest noise producers act ively in the field, one as a candi date and the other as a patriot. Besides tho increase in populat ion and women voting in two -ivy AT THE Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most SfriUfelc for homes, offices, shops and the places needing light. Electric ity can fee used in any quantity, large Of small, thereby furnishing any re quired amount of light. Fftrthmore electric lamps can be located in any place, thus affording any desired dis tribution of light. No other lamps possess these qual ifications, therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replac ing all others in modern establish ments. Pof tland Railway, Light & Power Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH (Si, ALDER. PORTLAND Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131