Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 17, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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One of the Matters the Live Wires
and Live People Should Boost.
Editor Courier: -
In reading over your paper I
notice that the Live Wires have
considerable to look after and al
so very numerous suggestions
for the betterment of the city and
for public good. One article took
my eye and that was of O. E.
Freylatr, who suggested an aud
itorium or public building being
erected. Now there is a way in
sight, by working unanimously
for an armory for this city. The
Slate will and is ready to put up
any amount up to $10,000 or
half what can be raised in the
city and county combined. This
proposition was .up before, but
some do not understand the value
derived from such a building,
the . A. II., W. II. C, for all pub
lic meetings,, a place for fairs,
This building could be used by
poultry shows, beside a place for
our local malitia company, and
everything that would be of public
Congress Gives us $42,000 More.
B. T. McBain, president of the
Commercial Club, received a
pleasing telegram from Congress
man Hawley, Tuesday that an ap
propriation of $30,000 for deep
ening the river channel above the
falls here and $12,000 for deep
ening between this city and Portland.
Hop to It.
Governor West in his message
advises the investigation of stale
insurance and its adoption later
if found practable. Why investi
gate? We know it is the goods.
The big companies have accumu
lated billions of dollars and paid
uie nigiiesi salaries in the world
Why not save this? It isn't a mat.
iu investigate, out one to go
Here's a Bargain.
1' lVo Acres, three improved, 1 ia
acres a commercial orchard
small House, good spring, level
land, 2 and one-half miles to
court House, one mile to car line
price $1,000, good terms.
JNirie-room house, large lot.cily
uiiu won waier, two blocks to car
ft r. ...... r lit 1 1 i 1 1 11
mii'i' ir ip-juu. iMir lerms see
Jl. b. Clyde, mm 1, Weinhurd Jlld
Oregon City.
Says ho is a City Resident.
There lias arisen some oppos
liion over the appointment of
ueorgo L. lalo as Tsity engineer,
on uie ground that ho is not u
resident of the- city, and Don Mel
drum proposes to teso the legality
of tlio appointment. Mr. Yalo says
no is a resident of tins city; has
been fur many years and has
never voted elsewhere. lie thinks
that Mr. Meldrum's opposition is
neouuse ol Ins appointment of C.
S. Noble for his assistant.
Where Mistakes are Overlooked.
The supreme court again re
verses a circuit court decision,
this one from Union county, on an
error in the judge's instructions.
These reverses aro common
ami they make us wonder why we
do not have judges who know law.
If a sherill' makes a mistake he
or his bondsmen havo to stand
for it.
If a druggist, telegraph oper
ator or doctor makes a mistake,
they get stales prison.
Jiut judges keep on rolling lliein
up, and we hardly prolst.
Jury Vlrdicts and Grand Jury
Findings of Local Interest.'
In the suit of Alva Smith of
Albany against George Brown of
New Era, which involved the own
ership of a horse and colt, the ju
ry returned a verdict for the plain
tiff. Plaintiff declared the Horse
was his property and was lost or
stolen two years ago, while the
defendant claimed ho bought and
paid $175 for it. J. E. Hedges
represented the plaintiff.
N. J. Sutherland was given a
damages verdict for $3,700 for
injuries he received in a collision
on the Oregon Electric in Port
land in November 1911..
Arthur Burns, proprietor of the
Milwaukie tavern, was arraigned
Tuesday but dil not plead.
William Lilly of Parkplace
(leaded not guilty to the charge
of attempted criminal assault,
and his ease will be tried. This
case received consioerame notor-
itv in connection with Mr. Lilys
standing off a constable and of
slipping over the line into Wash
ington with the girl.
A true bill was returned ag
ainst Charles Bennett, charged
with stealing $15, a diamond ring
and a watch chain.
Albert McFarland was indicted
on a charge oi passing a iorgen
check of $12.50 on William Gard
ner of this city.
Glen E. uault, the 1 0-year-old
boy who is charged with having
killed his stepfather near Scotts
Mills two years ago, I). M. Lielzel,
and who confessed to the crime
in Portland some weeks ago and
led the officers to the place where
ho had buried the man,, was in
dieted on a charge of homicide.
The boy claims he killed the man
because lie was cruel lo him and
his mother. He killed him with
an ax.
G. W. Taylor of Sandy was in
dicted on a charge of being crim
inally intimate with his adopted
A true hill was returned aga
inst Victor Folmsbee, the man
who Sheriff Mass caught at Dal
as, on the charge of horse steal
lo Exchange Portland properly
bringing in $50 per month, to
exchange for Oregon City improv
ed or vacant property. Inquire at
lho sixth annual election of
the Commercial Club will be held
at the club rooms Saturday night
at 8 P. M. A president and three
governors are to be elected and it
is rumored there will he several
Charles Schram certainly
knows how to run a successful
motion picture show, and so pop.
ular has he made the Grand that
he cannot seat the people and he
will again enlarge the theatre,
Ibis time to double the present
size, will have a stage 22 by 30
and a seating' capacity of GOO.
The building will bo remodeled.
Cut the High Cost of Living.
II. Chapman,
tolls ho whe
did it. "Mi
two children had a very bad cough
and the doctor's medicines did
them no good. I got a bottle of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
an dbefore it was all used the
children were free and cured of
their coughs. I save a doctor's
bill for one 25c bottle of Foley's
Honey and lar Compound. No
opiates. Huntley Bros. Co.
Over $500,000 to Be Proposed In Texas
The taxpayers of n number of I'omi
ties and precincts of Jhxiis lire piti
tioniiig"tueir respective ((miuilssimiers'
courts to call elections to vote upon
the proposition of Issuini; rond bonds
In large amounts.
It Is proposed to issue y:tou.OiKl of
thune bonds in Hnrris county. $10,000
la Wood county. $ir.noo in Itefugio
county, $10,000 In Hnuiilton county.
20,000 In Orange county. $40,000 In
Medinu county and $150,000 in Weuh
Starters of Good Roads.
If highways nre nn evolution from
the primary paths made by animals
and men the first rowlimikers did not
make their paths straight certainly, and
many a road today Is i monument to
the leaders in roadmakliig of the long
ago. .Nevertheless It Is said that some
animals, the buffalo especially, were
prelty fair engineers. They had an eye
for grade, which cannot be said of
some of their successors. In the west
engineers hunting pathways for rail
roads are said to have largely followed
buffalo trails.
Prinninai Pnni.nH an. i .ji..i u i,.i DniLmc an Rtvin and Sizes 10 and 15 Cents
Express Prepaid on Purchases of $5 or Over within 100 miles of Portland. Samples on Request
Don't Let Up.
A half dozen new cases of ty
piioul lever have been reported
tins week. It is said the people
generally are oi the impression
thai the water bus been pure
since January 1 and that many
novo neen drinking il lrom Lin
Don't let up mi boiling tlio wa
ier, no mailer who says it is
pure. Typhoid originates from
impure water. Hoil it until Hi
stale board ol lieallli tells you lo
stop and then keep on boiling il.
Do Not Endanger Life When An
Oregon City Citizen Shows
You the Way to Avoid
Why will people continue to suf
io r uie agonies ol kidney com
plaint, back ucbe, urinary disor
ders, lameness, headaches, lan
guor, why allow themselves to be
come chronic invalids, when a
tested remedy is oD'ored thorn?
Dunn's Kidney Pills havo been
used in kidney trouble over 00 yrs
and have been tested in thousands
of cases.
If you have any, even one of the
symptoms of kidney discuses, act
now. Dropsy or liiigtu's disease
nuty set in and make neglect dan
gerous. Head this Oregon City
tost imony :
Mrs. L. II. Talley,901 Eleventh
St., Oregon City, Ore., says: "The
Doan Kidney Pills brought me
prompt relief from a niosl annoy
ing attack of kidney complaint
and backache. Others of my fam
ily have taken I loan's Kidney Pills
wilh tlio best of results."
For saalo by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co., of
liuli'uloj IS'. , solo agents for the
United States.
Hemember the name 1 Hum's,
and take no other. .
Mr. and Mrs. .las. Shelley of Or
egon City, received a essage from
Mrs. Otis Shelley at Thomas, Wn
on Tuesday evening, stating that
the husband Otis Shelley had died
at, that place on the day she sent
the message.
Mr. Shelley's two brothers left
this city on Wednesday evening
ofr Thomas, Wn and will bring
the remains of their brother to
this city for burial, the date of the
funeral not having been decided
upon by the deceasod s parents,
and will depend upon the arrival
in this city.
Mr. Shelley was I he son of Mr
and Mrs. Jas. Shelley, and was
born nl Molalla in 1877, and was
35 years old ol the time of his de
mise, lie married Miss Dora Hen
ici, also of Clackamas County,
formerly a rbsident of Beaver
Crek. He left this city acompan-
ied by bis wife about, four years
ago tor 1 nomas n., and lias re
sided in that city during the time
Deceased is survived by his
wife, parents, three brothers Har-
y, Claude nad Delbert Shelley, of
Heaver Creek. He left, the city ac
companied by his wife, about
four years ago for Thomas,
Wash., and hns resided in (hat
ily during that time.
Deceased is survived by his
wife, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
SheJley of Oregon City, three
brothers, Claude, Harry and Del
bert Shelley of Oregon City; one
sisler, Mrs. Helen llenriei, also of
Ibis city.
Harmon Green, a well known
resident, of Oregon Oily, died at
the home of bis son, W. C. Green
on Seventh nnd Center St., Wed
nesday evening-, after nn illness
of several months, deceased being
HI years at the time of his death.
Mr. Green was horn in Howard
C.iuinly of Missouri December 15,
IKl'H. He married Miss Nancy
Myers, sisler of the lale John W,
Myers, Ho lived in Missouri most
of his life, coining to Oregon in
He is survived by his sons,
las. Green, of Lebanon, John
Green, Porlland, Harmon Green,
Idaho nnd W. C. Green of Ore
gon Oily; and one daughter Mrs.
M. P. Chapman of Oregon City.
The funeral services will be
held Friday at 10 A. M. nt'lhe
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Green
and llev. I.andshorough will offic
iate. The interment will be in Hie
Mounlain View Cejnclnry.
Mrs. Sarah M. Gillett of Mol
alla Ave., of (bis city, died at her
home nfler a prolonged illness.
She luul a serious operation ami
since she was brought home she
bad been growing worse. She had
icon very active in ciic life and
was very well known.
I he funeral service will be held
at the Presbyterian Church Fri-
y at 2 P. M. and llev. Landshor.
ough will officiate. The Manle
l.ane Grange will conduct the
services held at Tualatin, by re-
iiuest or the deceased, and the in
terment will bo at the family lot
I here.
Mortgage Loans.
Money to loan on first class, im
proved farms in Clackamas coun
ty. Current interest rates attract,
ive repayment privilege.
A. II. Hirrell Co. 202 McKay
Bldg-., 3rd. arm" Stark Sis.
Portland, Oregon.
Dillman k Howl and
Real Estate
And Insurance
Weinhard Bldg.
Main Street Oregon City
Old Age.
Old ago as il comes in the or-
dorly process of nature is a beau
tiful and majestic thing. It
stands for experience, knowledge,
wisdom, counsel. That is old age
as il should be, but old age as it
often is means a poor digestion,
torpid bowels, a sluggish liver
and a general feeling of ill health
despondency and misery. This is
almost every instanco is wholly
unnecessary. One of Uhamber.
Iain's Tabids taken immediately
alter supper will improve tbe di
gestion, lone up the liver and
regulate the bowels. That feel-
ing of despondency will give way
lo one ol hope and good cheer.
For sale yb Huntley Bros. Co.
Heavy Materials For Auto Roads.
The excessive cost of keeping mac
adam roads In repair has led tbe com
missioners In some counties in Penn
sylvania to contract for the construc
tion of roads with hard surfaced mate
It Is claimed that the swift running
automobiles suck up the finer materials
and scatter them to the four winds and
In a short time actually blow the road
Prosperity Follows Good Roads.
You show me any community In this
or uny other state where there are
good roads, said a speaker nt a good
roads convention, and I will show you
a community where there are no paint
famished buildings or tottering lean-
tos, a community where there Is tbe
air of prosperity, thrift and progres
"Farmer to Housewife" Idea Gets Firm
Footing In Jersey.
Camden, X. J., Is one of the latest
cities to try reducing the cost of living
by establishing direct contact between
producer and consumer. The two farm
era and two flsh dealers who showed
up for the opening of the street market
did a rushing business nt prices gener
ally below those demanded by the
stores. Tbe sen-ice has grown rapidly
from this small beginning. The farm.
ers curb maruet was ainnorizeu D,r
city ordinance. Farmers are required
to pay u license fee of $1 a year, and
their standing as bona lide agricultur
ists who raise .what they offer for sale
In t tie market Is investigated by the
city authorities. Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday have been set aside us mar
ket days
Illumination Assists Police.
An Indiana city has recently utilized
special street lighting system that
had been Installed for ornamental Hu
miliation to assist (lie police in ease of
an alarm after the lights have been
turned nil nt night. A controlling
switch In the llice of the hief of 110
lire enable Uie lights In lie Hashed on
while uiiu--i s are scouring the streets.
Children Cry
Take the "direct road" to health
and strength by using Foley Kid
ney Pills for backache, rheuma
tism, weak sore kidneys and blad
der irregularities. Each ingred
ient is chosen for its positive
healing and curative qualities.
Foley Kidney Pills are the best
medicine you can buy for kidnev
and bladder troubles. Mrs. J. M.
Findley, Lyons, Ga., says: "I took
foiey Kilvoney Pills and I lev en
tirely cured me." Huntlev Bros
Don't You Believe It.
Some say that chronic consti
ml ion cannot be cured. Don't von
iclieve it. Chamberlain's Tablets
iyme5$,N f. .o aontw aonlw aon
believe it. Chamberlain's Tab
lets have cured others why not
you? dive them a trial. They
cost only a Quarter. For sale by
uuniiey uros. uo.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havs Always Sought
Bears the rf JT
Signature of ut770cU
For years J. S. Donahue. So,
iiaven. Mien., a cum war can-
lain, as a iigntiiouseneepcr avert.
il awiui wrecks, but a queer lact
is, lie niigbl Have been a wreck
himself, if F.leelrie Hitlers had
not pre-veiued. I hey cured mo of
iulney trouble and chills," he
writes, "after I had taken other
so called cures for years without
benclit, and lliey also improved
my sight. Now at seventy, I am
feeling fiuo." For dyspepsia, in
digestion, all stomach, liver and
kidney troubles, they re without
dual, try tiicni. (July 50c at
Huntley Bros.
More Money Is Being Spent on Im
provements Than Before.
Farm Improvements are going on In
entral Kansas Ibis fall In greater num
ber than in many years, according to
the men who make the country towns
in that part of the state In motorcars
There Is hardly a farm lint on which
some Improvement Is being made. In
manv Instances the Improvements ure
uew houses, large barns, granaries or
silos. It is said that at least 30 per
cent of the new houses going up will
be modern, hi every respect with the
possible exception of light. In many
acetylene piams are neing iiisiunco.
Never before Is as much work being
done on the roads as this fall. Hills
are being reduced, hollows are being
lllled and the level roads are being
dragged. Old wooden aud tin bridges
are being replaced by concrete bridges.
- Kansas City Star.
Aministrator's Notice of Final
In the County Court of the Slate
of Oregon for the County of
In Uie matter of tbo estate of
Susannah C. Evershed, deceased.
Not ice is hereby given I hat the
undersigned, William Evershed,
administrator of the estate of
Susannah C. Evershed. deceased.
has filed in the Counly Court of
Clackamas Counly, State of Ore
gon, his final neeounl as such ad
ministrator of said estate, and
I bat Monday, lho 17th day of Feb
uary, I ill 3, at the hour of 10
o'clock A, M. has been fixed by
said court as the time for hearing
of objections to said report, and
for the final settlement of said
estate and discharge of the ad
Administrator of the estate of
Susannah C. Evershed, deceased.
Dated January 15lh, 1913.
W. R. Fox, 105 W. Washington
M ., iNobiesviiie, ind., says: ' Alter
offering many months with kid
ney i rouble, alter trying other
medics and prescriptions. I
purchased a box of Foley Kidney
Is wnieii nut only did mo more
good than any other remedies 1 1
ever used, but have positively set
my kidneys right. Other tnein-
iers ot my laiiuly have used them
Willi similar results. lake at
the first sign of kidneys trouble.
Huntley Pros. Co.
Oregon Fire Relief
of McMinnville
214, Seventh St.
Also Health, Accident, Income and
Automobile Insurance
f Tentwpr? 1
Annual Jan'ry Clearance Sale
Value-giving 'That Will Make History in
The Bargain World.
Nothing Stimulates Like Success. For years our Annual January Clearance Sales
have gained steadily in favor. And deservedly, we thick, because each year the
scope of its helpfulness has broadened, both in variety of stocks and attractiveness
of values. Your teal in ready purchasing urges and encourages us each twelve
month to make greater effort to meet these higher expectations to attain the point
which, when reached, will warrant you in making this stores values the standard
of comparison whereby all other store values .are measured up. Glance through
these items come and compare values- see what savings are possible.
Low price and high quality unite to make this sale of Women's Knit Underwear of
prime importance to the economical woman. K eductions run like this:
Boys' and Girls' Knit Pants, Drawers and Vests of seasonable
we?ght, in sizes 2 to 16 years, best 35c grade 1
each at A
This is only one of the great m-iny uuderpriced offerings to be found iu this section f
the store, and the others are equally as important. A great lot of Boys' ami Girls'
Grey Cotton Pants, Drawers and Vests, shown in Winter styles and well flemd to in
sure warmth. The Vwsts come in high-n ck, long-sheve styles, and the Funis plcI
Drawers come in ankle length. All Hzes-from 2 to 1G years, and the IQl
best 35c grades. Special at .'. jjjj
Women's Fine Wool Union Suits in both white and grey,
tect-httmg garments in all sizes; best regular $3 CjJ
grade, specially priced at, suit $
One of the leading makes of-Woinen's Fine Wool Union Suits, in white aiid in i-rcy.
Shown in high-neck, long-sleeve styles in ankle length, and in all pizes 34 & t 4 n
to 38. The standard three-dollar grad, priced for this sale at I
WE OPEN AT 8:30, A. HI. WE CLOSE AT 5:30. P. ltd.
"K.'iv. .lnrlii. Inive you uutlcod how
this InlVniiil i iit Jumps In my lup ever;
time I sit diiH-u to rend?"
"Vph Well. I suppose the poor tiling
Is tired."
'Well, the next time 1 go to the drug
store I'll (jet something (biff!) or that
tired feline."-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
An Ancient Inspiration.
Artist Here's n cute little Inspira
tion that I thought worthy of preser
vation iu eroyou.
Editor (lifter a hnsty glance at the
sketch!- Why. I've always supposed
that little Inspiration was preserved Id
oil. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Riddle.
Ills Daughter I'npa. did you know
ninuiiiui long before you married her?
Eler Katlier .lust between you and me.
my dear. I don't know her yet. Chi
cago New
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa they cannot resell
the aeut of the dl.iease. Catarrh la a blood or consti
tutional dlMcuw. and In order to cure It you must tako
Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, and acts directly unon the blood and mucous
surfaces. Mull's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi
cine. It was prescribed by one ot the best physicians
In this country for years and Is a regular prescription.
It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, actlnit directly on the
mucous surfnees. The perfect combination of the,
two Ineredlents Is what produces such wonderful re
sults In curlmr catarrh. Send for testimonials, tree.
r. J. CHKNKY 4 CO., Props., Toledo, O
Sold hy rmuffflsts, price 750.
Take Hull's l'umlly I'llla for constipation,
Money to Loan.
Oregon City Abstract Co., 917
.Main street.
Who are "Just Ready to Drop."
When you are "just ready to drop,"
whci you feel so weak that you can
hardly ' r.g yourself about and be
caikso - i have not slept well, you
get up iu tired-out next morning aa
when you went to bed, then you need
help right away.
Miss Iea Dumas writes from Ma
lone, N. Y., saying: "I was In a badly
nm-down condition for several weeks,
but two bottles of Vinol put me on
my feet again and made me strong
and well. Vinol has done me more
good than all the other medicine I
ever took,"
If the careworn, haggard men and
women, the pale, sickly children and
feeble old folks around here would
follow Jliss Dumas' example, they,
too, would soon be able to say that
Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron,
remedy, had built them up and made
them strong.
It Is a wonderfully strengthening
and Invigorating body-builder, and we
sell it under an ironclad Kuarantea
of satisfaction. You get your money
back if Vinol does not helD you.
Huntley Bros. Co., Druggists
Oregon City Oregon.
1 jtV
It Z.ViiLJ&l
Must Have Good Light for Studying
A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may
last for life. An oil lamp is best. The light from the Rayo
Lamp is soft and mellow. You can read or work under it
for hours without hurting your eyes.
The RAYO is constructed scicn ifically. it is the
best lamp made vet inexpensive nnd economical.
The -rat I made of solid brass nickel nlated.
Lighted witnout removing chimney or
shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made in various
styles and for all purposes.
Dealer! Everywhere
Portland, San FrancUco
mil ICMli
!flnyjn .!, w lyyy syna
- i-1' limi i" -f. I Irtri'fialif ' i n.nit ntii. n
Escaped After Fifteen Years
V. P. Hi'oylos made a auiress
f 11 1 escape from fifteen years of
suffering from kidney, and blad
der troubles. Folea Kidney
Pills released him nnd will do the
same for others. He says: "They
eured a most sever case' of back
ache with painful bladder irregu
larities, ami they do all you can
claim for them. Refuse substi
tutes. Huntley Uros. Co.
Pabst's Okay Sbecific
For Sale By
Incorporated) -
Sunshine and Flowers
Reached by The
and from other Main Line and Branch Line Prints to
Los Angeles, Colton, Pasadena, Riverside, San Barnadino and other Oali
fornia points with stop-overs in either direction and long returrn limit.. "
San Francisco Express: With Observation Car rullnihti Sian.l .r.i . i .
t sleepers, and all-steel high back seat day coSdl'.r'
CflUforma Express: With Standard and Tourist S!eeric Cars all i '
back seat day coaches and dining car. 8 ' al, stSel high
All trains connected at San Francisco and with thro-oh F,t., ,
Ogden or south thresh Los Angele, and tKn J Ro.
. to., aicciJiug car accommouations, tickets or literature
v.. ..vust-os, 4ivui, vi write
General Passenger Agent.
on California,
Portland, Oregon
Phone 1121
Res. 1833
Office' in Favorite Ciear Store
Opposite Masonic Building
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving a Specialty
Freight and Parcels Delivered ' Plice3 reasonable and
Satisfaction Guarantetd