OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY JAN. 17 1913. it ! 1 f if' ; ! (i Sheriff's Sale on Execution. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Frank Sajovich, Plaintiff, vs. Pe tor Kurnich and Marjeta Kur nich, his wife, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clack. ainas, ss. By virtue of a judgemont order, decree and an execution,, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to mo duly directed and dated the 7th day of January, 1913, upon a judgement rendered and entered in said court on the 13th day of Novem ber 1912, in favor of Frank Sajo vich, plaintiff, and against Poler Kurnich and Marjeta Kurnich his wife defendants for the sum of 1 $416.09, with interest thereon at the rate of 4 per cent per annum from the 18th day of October 1912 and the further sum of $45.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $6.25 cost3 and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said de fendant,- and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging -to said de fendant on and after the date of said Frank Kurnich and Marjeta Kurnich to satisfy said sum of $410.09 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgement order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant s, I did on the 9th day of January, 1913 duly levy upon the following described real property of said defendant, situate and being in the County of Clackamas, and Stale of Oregon, to-wit: The easterly forty eight and one-third feet of Lot 2 in block 1 in Green "Point, in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Record er of Conveyances in and for said County and State, the westerly boundary line of the above de scribed tract being parallel with the easterly line of said Lot 2, and I will, on Saturday, the 15th day of Febuary 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of said judgement or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Execution judgement order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. E. T. MASS Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, By B. J. Staats, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 9th, 1913. Final Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administratrix with the Will annexed of the estate of Fredrick G. Miller, deceased, has filed her final account with the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, and that the judge of said court has set Mon day, Febuary 10th, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time for hearing the said report, at which time all persons interested are hereby notified to be present and make objections to said report if any there be. Dated this 10th day of Janu ary, 1913. LENORA D. MILLER-Mc-GOVERN, Administratrix with the Will annexed, of the estate of Fredrick G. Miller, deceased. Final Notice of Administrator. To Whom it May Concern: No tice is hereby given that the un dersigned, C W. Beckett, adminis ' trator of the estate of John R. Skervin, deceased, has this day filed . his final aocount in said estate and the Honorable County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon has ilxed and appointed Monday, Feb ruary 3, 1913, at the hour of 10 a. in. of said day at the County court house in Clackamas county. Oregon as the time and place of hearing any objections to such final account, and for the settle ment thereof. Dated December 30,1912. C. W. BECKETT, Administrator of the Estate, of John R. Skirvin, deceased Carey F. Martin, Attorney for Estate. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the estate of L.Pierce Williams, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Clackantas coun ty, Orgeon All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me for pay ment at my residence at Oregon City, Oregon, with proper vouch ers and duly verified within six months 'from the date hereof. Dated December 31st, 1912. Evelyn Scott Williams,. Executrix of the Estate of L.Pierce Williams, deceased. Gorden E. Hayes, Attorney ifor Executrix. BROWNELL & STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City hones-Pacific, 1221; Home A 1 Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas liouiUy. " Rachel Ames, Plaintiff, vs. Bert Ames, Defendant. To Bert Amos, the above nanied defendant: In the name of the State of Or egon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Hied against you in the above en titled court and cause on or be fore the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this Summons, to-wit: on or before the 3tst day of Jan uary, 1913 and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, on file herein, to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and the defendant be dissolved, and that the plain tifl have awarded into her care and custody a minor child, Rose. Amos, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable and just. - This summons is published by order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court for the county of Clackamas, Oregon, and said order was made and dated the 19th day pf December, 1912, and the date of the first publica tion of this .summons is the 20th day of December, 1912, and the this summons is the 31st day of January, 1913. Joseph H. Page, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, T. A. Garbade, Plaintiff, vs. C. K. Leitzel, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. ' By virtue of a judgment order, decree and execution duly issued out of and under the seal of the above untitletLcourt, in the above entitled cause, to me duly direct ed and dated the 12th day of De cember, 1912, upon a judgment rondored and entered in said court on the 23rd day of Novem ber. 1912. in favor of T. A. Garbade, plaintiff, and against C. K. Leitzel, defendant, for the sum of $1,350.00, with interest there on at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 23rd day of No. vember, 1912, and the further sum of $150.00 with interact thereon at the rate of 6 per cent from the 23d day of November, 1912. and the further sum of $25.00, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and unon this writ, commanding me to make sale or Ihe following described real property, situate in the coun ty of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The east half ( ) of the north west quarter () and the west hair or the northwest one fourth ( Ji ) of Section Fourteen (14) township seven (7) south. Range two (2) east of the Wil lamette Meridian in Clackamas county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 15th day of Febuary, 1913 at the hour of 10 o clock a. m.. at the front door of the court house in the city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at publio auction, sub ject to redemption, t o the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, an the right, title, and interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe cution, judgment order, decree, interests, costs and all accruing costs. E. T. MASS. Sheriff of Clackamas county, Ore. By. B. J. Staats, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. ilth, 1913. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Frederick Bombard, Plaintiff, vs. Catharine Bomuara, Defend ant. To Catharine Bombard, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, within six weeks from the first publication of this summons and if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to J,be Court for the relief prayed ror in the said complaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving the mar riage contract existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other and further relief as he may be entitled to in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, pursuant to an or der made and entered in the above entitled Court on the 11th day of December, 1912, by tne Hon. J. u. Campbell, Judge of said court. Ditchburn & Downes, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 165 1-2 Third street, Portland, Ore. Date of first publication Decem ber 13, 1912. Date of last pub lication January 24, 1913. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Kate M. Ellis, plaintiff vs. Henry O. Ellis, defendant. To Henry O. Ellis, defendant: In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or befpre the first day of March, 1913, and, if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree for the relief prayed for in the complaint to wit; A decree dissolving and setting aside the marriage relation now existing between you and the defendant, and for the care, control and cus tody of Grace Ellis, the minor child of you and the plaintiff. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication in pursuance of an Order of the Hon. J. A. Eakin, Circuit Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, made January 11th, 1913, directing such publication in the Oregon City Courier, once a week for six successive weeks, the first pub lication being January, 17th, 1913 and the last on the 28th day of February, 1913. ' B. N. HICKS Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. ALICE V. BRISTOW, Plaintiff, vs. CHARLES L .BRISTOW Defendant To Charles L. Bristow, Defend ant: In the name of the Slate or Or egon, egon, you are hereby requir ed to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 22d day of February, 1913, and if you fail to so appear and answer forwant thereof.the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief den.anded in her complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of mat rimony, existing between plain tiff and defendant, be dissolved; lhat the care and custody of the minor child of t h e parties b e awarded to the plaintiff; that the plaintiff's name De changed toYo com, and for general relief. This summons is published pur suant to an order made by J. V. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for thj County of Clackamas, made and entered on the 2d day of Jan uary, 1913. The date of the first publica tion of this summoi according to said order is January 10,1913 SARGENT & CLARK, Attorneys for plaintiff 918 Chamber of Commerce, Port land, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Mvrlle R. Holesworth. Plaintiff. vs. Edley VV. Holesworth, Defend ant. To the above named Defendant, Edley W. Holesworth: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer th ecomplaint filed atrainst vou in the above en titled Court, and cause within six weeks from December 6 ,1912, the date of the first publication or this summons, to-wit: On or be foro January 13, 1913, that being tha time fixed by the Court for you to' appear and answer said complaint, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will aply to the Court for the relief prayer for in her com'Dlaint. to-wit: for a de cree of divorce, dissolving the bonds ol matrimony now existing between plaintiff and yourself on tlio grounds ol cruel and innuman treatment and for such other and further relief as to the Court.may seem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks by or der of the Honorable J. U Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered in said suit on the 3rd day of December, A. D., 1912. JiDWAHD T. X AUUAH J. , Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication Decem ber 6, 1912. Date of last publication January 17, 1913. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for tha County of Clackamas, Nancy Martin Houghton, Plain tiff, vs. Samuel N Houghton, defendant. To Samuel N. Houghton, Defend ant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: Within six weeks from the Cth day of Dec ember, A. D., 1912, to-wit :on or before the 18lh day of January, A. D 1913, and n you lan 10 so ap pear and answer the said com plaint, for want thereof the said plaintiff will take decree against you as prayed for in said oom- piaint, to-wit: mat me oonos oi matrimony existing between you and this plaintiff may be dossolv ed, that said plaintiff may change her name to Narucy Martin; and that said plaintiff may have judg ment against you for her costs and disbursements herein. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weexs in tne Oregon Cily Courier, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Oregon City, Clacka mas county, Oregon, in compli ance with an order made by the Honorable ..J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above entitled Court, dated November 29th, A. D., 1912. NORTHUP & GEARHART Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of first publication Decem ber 6th. A. D., 1912. Date of last publication January 17th, A. D., 1913. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, Clara D. Bixby, Plaintiff, vs. Frank B. Bixby. Defendant. To the above named Defendant, Frank Bixby: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled Court and cause within six weeks from December 13, 1912, the date of the first publication of this summons, that being the time fixed by the Court for you to ap pear and answer said complaint, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wit: For a decree against you forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff herein on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and non-support, and allowing the plaintiff to resume her maiden name of Clara D. Bromly, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks by or der of the Hon. J. R. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered in said suit on the 10th day of December, 1912. RAUGH & SENN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 307 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Date of first publication Dec ember 13. 1912; date of last pub lication January 24, 1913. Administrator's Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, " In he matter of the estate, of Smith LaCroy, deceased. Notice is hereby given thai, the undersigned, J. E. LaCroy, admin istrator of the estate of Smith LaCroy, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clackamas coun ty, State of Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator pf said estate, and that the 20h day of January, 1913, a the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court as the time for hear ing of objections to said report, and for the final settlement of said estate and discharge of the administrator. J. E. LaCROY, Administrator of the estate of Smith LaCroy, deceased. Dated December 24, 1912. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. D. C. Yoder, Levi Yoder, Delilali Troyer, Sarah A. Yoder, Mary E. Hartzler, Ella M. Miller, Fena Yo der, Silas A. Yoder, Oliver Yoder and Fannie M. Yoder, Plaintiffs, vs. John L. Zook, Viola M. Zook, Elsie P. Zook, Zephniah Yoder and Fannie Yoder, Defendants. To John L. Zook, Viola M. Zook, Elsie P. Zook and Zephniah Yo ter, tho above named defendants. In the name of the State of On. gon, you and each of you a.x hereby required to appear and swer the complaint filed agaiust you in thu above entitled suit on on or before the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1913, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit, a decree of partition of real property accord ing to the respective rights of the owners therein, in and to the following described property, to wit: The South half of the North west quarter of Section One (1) Township Five (5) South, Range One (1) West, except three (3) acres in the Northwest corner ly ing in Marion county. Also be ginning at the Southeast corner of the above described parcel of land and running thence south eighty (80) rods; thence East six ty (60) rods; thence North one hundred and sixty (160) rods; thence West sixty (60) rods; thence South to the place of be ginning. Also beginning at the half mile corner stake on the west side of said Section and running thence west to PuddingRiver four (4) chains, more or less, and thence down said .river to the sec tion line; thence South to the place of beginning, containing in all one hundred and forty (140) acres, more or less. Situate in Clackamas County, Oregon. Also the following: Beginning at a. point 2.74 chains Ncrlh of the Norlhwest corner of Section 18 in T. 5 S. R. 1 E. of the Wil lamette Meridian, running thence East 'one hundred and fifty-two (152) rods; thence South one hundred and seventy-one (171) rods; thente West seventy-two (72) rods; thence North eighty (80) rods; thence West eighty (80) rods; thence North to the place of beginning' and contain ing 120 acres, more or less. Also the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Eighteen (18) in T. 5 S. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian, con taining 45.72 acres, more or less. Situate in Clackamas county, Ore gon. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. A. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled Court, and which order was made and entered on the 20th day of Dec ember, A. D., 1912, and which order required that tho first pub lication of this summons be made on December 27th, 1912, and - the dale of the last publication there of on February 7th, 1913. Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Plaintiff. "Suffered day and niglt the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. The result was last ing." Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Popular Mechanics Magazine "WRITTEN CO VOU CAN UNDCMTAND IT" A GREAT Continued Story of the World's Progress which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest , forever. 250 PAGES EACH MONTH 800 PICTURES 200 ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Not" Department (20 pa?es) gives easy ways t do things how to make useful articles for borne and shop, repairs, etc "Amatrar Mechanic" (10 pages) M's how to make Mission furniture, wirelsiou:liH, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. S1.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 15 CCtTS Ask your newsdealer, or write fox rRU Miam corr rootv POPULAR MECHANICS CO. SIS) W. WMMxftM at, CHWaaO i POPULAR ?S MECHANICS ' r ' n GOVERNOR WEST'S PLAIN TALK Is easy to find fault with a measure of this kind, but so long as It Is found ed upon sound principles minor ob jections should be waived in order that the bill may become a law and given a trial. Its shortcomings, should any exist, will develop and can easily be taken care of In the future. A minimum wage bill will also be presented for your consideration. The bill is aimed primarily to protect the working girls of this state In allying wage. Such a law would fill a long felt want and would go far to remove conditions which often drive deserv ing, but helpless, girls to lives of shame. It appears that the eight-hour law passed at the last election was without an enacting clause and will therefore be of no effect. I would, therefore, suggest that a new bill covering the eight-hour feature of the said bill be passed at this session. Miscellaneous Recommendations A measure providing for the pen sioning of widows will be presented at this session. The bill appears to pos sess much merit and deserves your earnest consideration. This state needs an auditor of pub lic accounts. . A good man in this po sition would each year save the cost of his office many times over. A law to regulate the business of "loan sharks" has been prepared and will be submitted to you for your ap? proval. Such a law has long been needed in this State and I earnestly hope one may be adopted at this time. . The present syBtem of making ap propriations for support of county airs is not only unscientific but leads to much logrolling In the legislature, an equitable system whereby each Bounty Would receive Just treatment should be worked out and substituted for the present Indefensible method. Some new system should also be adop ted with a view of equalizing the sal aries of the different county officers and do away with the practice of con tinually applying to the legislature for Increases. The office of State Immigration Agent and the State Immigration Board should be consolidated. With the coming of the Panama Canal there will be much work for this board to do. The next few years will decide whether our State is to receive an Increased population of desirable or undesirable citizens. The flood-gates of Europe are soon to be thrown open and It will be the work of the Immi gration Board to see that the stream which flows toward this State carries as many farmers and home-builders as possible. Law Enforcement The governor Is admonished by the constitution to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, but neither the constitution nor the statutes give him adequate authority to execute this command. It is true that be may call the militia to his aid in the execution of the laws, but this is an extraordin ary power which it Bhould be neces sary to exercise only upon grave and extraordinary occasions. Te governor should not be forced to use the artil lery of the state to bombard bootleg gers or pursue blind pigs. The governor should not be expect ed to go out and gather evidence and arrest and prosecute offenders. That is a 'function which Bhould be per formed by subordinate officials chosen for and charged with that particular duty. If these officials fall to per form their duty, the governor, being charged with the enforcement of the law, should, have some suitable re serve powers which would enable him to call them to account. Our liquor laws should be strength ened as follows: Shipments of liquor of any kind into dry territory, except under certain re strictions, should be prohibited. The sale of near beer should be pro hibited In dry counties. No license for the sale of liquor should be Issued to anyone doing bus iness outside of an Incorporated city or town. Saloons should be kept closed Sun days, and on week days between the hours of Bay 11 o'clock at night and seven o'clock In the morning. No saloons should be permitted in or about a railroad station. All saloons should have open or glass fronts; all chairs and card tables should be prohibited. Saloons should not be permitted to cash checks. Illegal sale of liquor by druggists should work a forfeiture of license to do business. The several measures recommended by the Portland Vice Commission should be given state-wide application and stringent laws as to the sale of cocaine, morphine and similar drugs should be enacted; also laws which will better enable us to abate nuisan ces through injunction proceedings. Sterilization Degenerates and the feeble-minded should not be allowed to reproduce their kind. Society should be protect ed from this curse. Our asylums and our prisons are being populated afresh through such parentage. We confine the vicious and the irresponsible for a while, only to send them forth to blight the future by the creation of defective children that Brow Into tha criminal or the Imbecile. Two remedies are needed one of prevention another of cure. We have from session to session been conBider Ing the first We should now act upon the two. ' . Sterilization and emasculation offer an effective remedy. I would reconv mend, therefore, that a statute be en- acUd making It the duty of our stats Children Cry 5-2 J mm The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hecn la use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of sn0 ,fr. , and has been made under his per-CfcjCf&TX-f-tf1-. sonal supervision since Its infancy. aryjr. 4UC44t; Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and ISowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRCCT, NCW YORK CITY. rniai una eieemosynary Institutions to report all apparent cases of degener acy to the state board of health. It should then be the duty of the said board to cause investigation to be made and,' If the findings warrant, to cause such operations to be performed as will give society the protection it deserves, "Blue Sky" Law. A "Blue Sky Law" proposed at the last election failed to pais, not be cause the voters were opposed to such protective legislation, but because It apparently created a new office and carried an appropriation. This is a question which merits your careful attention and I earnestly hope you will favor legislation which will drive from our State the many bogus concerns which are preying upon our citizens. Appropriation of Private Property The Constitution Bays that private property shall not be taken for public use without Just condensation. By Just compensation is meant the value of the property. The law also snys that such property shall be assessed at Its full cash value. Yet we find the State and municipalities called upon In condemnation proceedings to pay for a needed piece of property many times its assessed value. This condition of affairs should not be allowed to exist. The assessed value should be moVe of a guide to the price which the public should pay. Panama Exposition. The committee appointed In accord ance with an act of the last legislature to select a site for Oregon's buildings at the coming San Francisco Exposi tion met with kindly treatment at the bands of the good people of California. This exposition will undoubtedly prove the greatest of all expositions and will redound to the benefit of the entire west. The Pacific Coast states In particular will profit and each In I proportion to its activities in bringing to the attention of the visitors Its won derful resources. A liberal appropriation should be made that Oregon may make a show ing in keeping with her wealth and resources, and thereby renn ))" share of the benefits to bo derived from the exposition. Direct Election of Senators. There will be presented for youi consldorntlon and approval a resolu tion of Congress proposing an amend ment to the . Constitution providing that Senators F.hall be elected by the people of the several states. I ear nestly hope that this amendment will receive your endorsement that the people of the several states may at least enjoy the privilege of choosing their own senators, Th Oregon System. Oregon's FyEtem of populur govern A OUICK SAFE AND Thousands have used and Price 50c The Box of neys, Hladder nd Urinary Organs, permanently ere lieved in 2 to 5 da J. Warranted harmless, Noti-inje tive, Stricture impossible. Bona-fidc Guarantee to cure 50 Caps or money hack Sold by JONES DRUG CO., orent p Oflpald In The Safety Remedy Co., I. . V i I R ETT , Preldn I. MEYER, Cash. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY. OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank1) Transaot. a General Banking Business Open from 9 a. m. to 3 3 for Fletcher's Signature of ment, having successfully withstood the attacks of its enemies, is here te stay. The time has come therefore when its friends should take steps to remove such defects as a fair trial has shown to exist. None but registered voters should be permitted to sign initiative or re ferendum petitions. Each petition should have a precinct heading and signutures should be taken according ly. This would enable county clerks to quickly check the signatures and when necessury certify the list to the Secretary of Statej As the matter now stands it Is physically impossible for the Secretary of State to check the signatures on the petitions filed in his office. In conclusion, gentlemen, I desire to congratulate you upon the prompti tude of your organization and upon your very evident earnestness and Intention to give to the people of the State an energetic and buslnesB-like session. In past years much time has been lost during the' first week of the session and I trust that the pace you are now setting will nor falter during the remainder of the forty days. Before leaving my message with you, permit me to expresB my every confidence In this, the Twenty-Seventh Legislature. I believe that it Is your Intention and desire, and will be your effort, to give to the people of Oregon a session which the members of past legislatures, may envy and af ter which those of the future may pat tern. It Is suld to be your purpose to reduce the volume of our present sta tutes, rather than to Increase It. This purpose alone, if Intelligently adhered to, will make your record a monument In the history of the .State. In anything you do, or attempt to do, in the interest of the taxpayer and for the good of the people of Ore gon, I pledge you tho untiring effort, co-oporatlon and Influence of the exe cutlve office In the present, and its unswerving championship during' the two years to come. I assure you of my appreciation of your most courte ous attention. Respectfully submitted, OSW1LD WEST, Governor. Method 1st Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ilov. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn,, writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Ileniedy has" been a needed and welcome guest in our home for a number of years. I highly recommend it to my fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial in eases of colds, coughs and croup." Give Chamberlain's Cough Ilemcdy a trial and we are confident you will find it very ef fectual and continue to uso it as occasion requires for years to come, as marry others have done. For sayo by Huntley Bros. Co. PRIVATE TREATMENT found it the one best remedy 1 l V nt..i.,i Inflammation and Irritation of the Kid (Inc.) Oregon City, Ore Canlon ryvi ' J l i 1