C3l OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY JAN. 10 1913. r CONSULT A .9 It is not so long ago that the People wore content to choose glasses in much the same way they would buy boots at the "bargain coun ter," or some new "cure-all from the touring quack on Main street. But the eyesight is too pre cious to experiment with and to-day most people real ize it. If you have an eye trouble consult ourqualilled Opti cian. ' He will give you expert ex amination and precisely the help you need. BURMEISTER&ANDRESEN Jewelers and Opticians Suspension B idge Cor. OREGON CITY OREGON CITY. Gustave Schuebel, of Shubel, was in Oregon City on Thursday. F. L. Dietrich, of Eldorado, was transacting business in this city Friday. The Carnegie library is nearly finished, and it will be a splendid public place. J. Gard, Jr., of Clarkes, was in Oregon City on Thursday tran sacting business. Joh- Hufer, a well known res ident of Shubel, was in Oregon City on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Mulinff, were among the Oregon City vis itors on Thursday. Bruno Berlhold, a well known resident of Eldorado, was in this city on busines son Thursday. J. Schmidt and son, George, of Shubel. were transacting business in Oregon City on Thursday. Mrs. Bertha Davis and Mrs. Charles Spence, o, Beaver Creek, were in Oregon City on Thurs day. Mrs. Herman Fisher and daugh ter, Paula, of Carus, were among the Oregon City visitors on Friday. Robert Henry and Miss Elsie Schoenborn of Eldorado, were Mrs. Richard SChoenborn-of this city on Thursday. Mrs. Richard Schoenborn, who has been visiting with relatives at r.hlorado, has returned to her home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Kaser, of PorU land, were in Oregon City on Sun day visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. George H. Wlshart. Mrs. Richard Mueller, of High land, was in this city on Wednes day, being on her way home from Portland, where she has been vis iting relatives. Masters Ernest and Carl Josi, of Clairmont, have returned from Martin's Bluff, Wash., where they have been visiting with their un cle, Andrew Singer. Howard Zinser, of Salem, who has been in Oregon City visiting his mother, Mrs. J. C. Zinser, of Thirteenth and Washington Sis., has returned to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. William Wood, of Washougal, Wash., who have been spending the holidays wih tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Caulield, returned to their homo on Friday. " Born, December 31, to the wife of Lee Bequeath, of Portland, a daughter. Mrs. Bequeath was foiinerly Miss Eula Schuebel, of this city and is the eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuebel. Miss Ha.el Francis spent Sun day in Portland visiting with friends and while in that city also visited her sisters, Misses Ruby and Pearl, the former of whom is very ill at the Good Samaritan Hospital, suffering from rheuma tic fever. r. A Fllintt and son. Harry El liott, of Eugene, were in this city on Saturday, having neen caueu here by the death of Mrs. Louis Heckman, daughter of the form er. Mrs. Heckman died at her home in this city on Friday eve f Ivnhoid fever. They re turned - to their home Saturday evening, accompanying the re mains to Eugene, where the in terment took place. Haviner passed through a prosperous 1912, we wish to express our thanks v to the people of Oregon City and vicinity, who have so kindly helped to make our business a success and we assure you that we are in a position to serve you even better dur ing 1913. To ihose who have not been dealing with us we ex tend an invitation to give us a trial. A SQUARE DEAL is our motto. THE HUB GROCERY 7lk and Center Streets D i Qualifier Optician 1! r. nil Criblncr, of Carus, wu ' H. Rtobhoft, a well known farm 'H. yMii Oity Saturday. ,er Vf l311. was in Oregon City , , . . . r . on business Saturday. Robert Schuebel, of Eldorado,' ... ... . ,. . was in Oregon City Saturday. 1V W. W. H. feanison, just ce of 'I the peace, went to Molalla on Mrs. Amy Dcrmain, of Cams, business Monday, was in Oregon City Saturday. I , . . August Point, was in Oregon City Sat- urday. I.mitava1lncn. of niiirkns wna in Oregon City on business Satur day. Ernest Jones and family, of El dorado, were in Oregon City on Saturday. Mp- Massinger, of Shubel, was transacting business in this city 01 jSaiuruay. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dausen have arrived in this city frurn Lo d;, New Jersey. Rehman Guenltior, of Shubel, was transacting business in Ore gon City Saturday. David Jones, a well known far mer of Carus, was in Oregon City on business Saturday. Frank Mueller, of Clarjjes, ac companied by his, two sons, were in Oregon City Sttturuay. Ed Howard and son, of Carus, were among the Oregon City bus iness visitors on Saturday. Miss Rosie Mulvany, of Union Mills, was in Oregon City on Sat urday, and while in this city vis ited friends. v Theodore Mueller and wife, of Carus, well known residents of that place, were among the Ore gon City visitors on Saturday. Miss Tillio Brandt, .who has been visiting in Salein for the past two weeks, returned to her home in this city on Saturday. Samuel Bailey and sister, Miss bailey, the latter a ilorist of Clhirmonl, were amoiifr those at lenuing ine poultry snow m ure ion City Saturday. P'ier Bolilatuier, a prominent larmer of Clackamas county, wli'ie home is at Beaver Creek, accompanied by bis daughter, were in Oregon City Saturday. Fred Josi, a well known farmer of Carus, wus in Oregon City Sai- urilnv" .Mid while litre attenJea the Poult: y Show of the Clack inas County Poultry Association. Miss JMia nowen, wno nas ueeu i contlned in the Oregon City lips- pitai wiin lypnoiu iever, nas nn- .roved so that she was able to be I'liimionI I r hat h n mo rn aVnn ( h and John Oui'ncv Adamas street on A'ew Years Day. Mr. and Mrs. William 13. bhive- ly and little daughter, Elizabeth, of Portland, arrived in -Oregon Cily on Saturday evening to spend Sunday with the former's mother and sister, Mrs. W. B. Shively ana Mrs. Lillian Thatcher. G. 1). Minion, secretary of the Portland Poultry Association, and J. C. Murray, also member of the association were m Ore- trr.n r.itv tin I.Virhiv hointr iiiilfrps 1 of the poultry show. held at the niioy on Friday anu &aiuruay. Mr. Minion was judge of the poul li'v pvhihil. nf the Clackamas County Fair held in 1912. Miss Evelyn Harding, Miss Er- na I,il7iilil Mnq Anno it nn nr. Miss Hazel' Tooze, Wallace Cau lield, students 01 me university .if Opiicrnn wlm hiivA hin snnnrl- ing the holidays at their homes in whs city, leit ouuuuy evening for Eugene to resume their stud-'. ies. Mrs. Don Meldruin, who under went a surgical operation at the if Yinpunl'a Hi4ttnill SIY WPfiks aro, and who also suffered from pneumonia loilowing tne opera tion hna I'nmivnptt.l n l.hfti. fihfi was' able to be brought to her . i t. .1 r t Home in tins cuy on ounuuy un- ernoon. R. S. Cue, a prominent resident if nnnliv wna in I his p.itv nn Sat urday, having come hero to attend i ha iKinllrv uhrivv orivnn hv the Clackamas County Poultry Asso- .i . . i .... i ... i .i:....,.t ciation, anu was eiccteu a uirew- or. Mr. Coe is a well Known poui- lur mnn iif l.llTlVlV niul him Willi many blue ribbons on his birds at previous snows. Fred C. Charman, - who has Iwinn viuilinir ivilh mlntives in Oregon City and in Portland for Me past two weeKS, was caueu to San Francisco on Friday to em bark on the S. S. Siberia to 1111 a losition as lreight clerK on tnat mat. Mr. Charman has been holding- this position with. S. S. u.w.uin Tin. unvnrnl vpnrs. his run on both steamships between San Francisco and bnina. Tho nnnnnl hieelinflr nf the com- tiinnpin! plllll wi II lie held Saturday night, January 18, at which time Lhere will occur tne election oi it ia a dncideil honor to he president of this bunch of hun dreds of men -anu one uoes not usually wive to have the honor hrust upon him. lhere are sey ral who are said to have their lightning rods up and are living n hope. Tho nnrl ia in siirllt. for the transfer of the title of the locks hum. and then something definite will be done for a free govern ment canal around tne lans. it is aid that if nothing uniereseen transpires the tille will bo turned over to the government by the 18th. The big work will employ it.i.a fmip hiinHrnd men it is sn ii I and it will take about two years to complete ti. Miss Nell Derby, who has been Q,.i,iinvoH in thn County Record er's ollice in this city for the past three years, nas resigueu ner po sition and left on Wednesday for Portland, where she will visit with relatives and friends for a few days, after which she will leave for her Ii6me in Salem. Miss Der. s to be one Oi. tne renruary ., i, Ii.mi aim will hf unilprl in marriage to Fred Collins, a well known young business man of Portland. Miss Derby is exper ienced in operation of tho book typewriter and was one of the most efficient employes in the courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kiel, proniu inent residents of Aurora, were in Oregon City Friday and Satur day, coining here to attend the poultry show. While in this city thpy purchased several fine birds a the show, which will be added to theix line polleetion of poultry. Mr. and Mrs. Kiel are both chick en fanciers and know a good bird ,vhen they see it. niey am man ng a specialtyof raising Buff Or- 1mrlnni AninnCT thfi IlirdS theV l'lll lljlio. ......c- , - purchased at the show was a full blooded BulT Orpington cock own pd bv M. Cone, of Oregon City. Th,.,' In ovhihlt SniTIR of their choicest birds at the Marion j County Poultry Show, which takes place this month. ! attorney of Estacada, was in the city on business Monday. J. Loun'sdale, advertising man on the Portland Journal, was in Oregon City on business Friday. Messrs. Herman and Erich Dietrich of Eldorado, were among the Oregon City visitors Tuesday. W. M.'Uansen has purchased the bakery business of H. Schrad er, .and will continue to conduct a-first-class bakery. . E. A. Rhoten, field editor of the Pacific Homestead, published at Salem, was in Oregon City on Fri day, and while here, visited the poultry show. , -Miss Hannah Slromgreen, "a professional nurse of San Fran cisco, after visiting for several weeks in Clackamas county, has returned to San Francisco. " J. R. Wishart of Toledo, who was called to Oregon City by the illness and death of his, father, the late George H. Wishart, has returned to his home. Mrs. George Lazello, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Meindl, of Sellwood, returned to Oregon City Friday afternoon. . Jacob Schaft, acompanied by his brother, was in Oregon City transacting business Saturday. Mr. Schalt is a well known resi dent of Carus. The llre alarm lower at the top of the Seventh street stairway has the cement foundation completed and it will be erected today. It is a steel derrick. To Exchange Portland property winging, in $50 per month, to exchange for Oregon City improv ed or vacant properly. Inquire at Hansen's Bakery. The city is full of hard colds and throat troubles, anu it ap pears to be largely confined to the children, and takes the forms of croup, hoarseness and bronchi tis. Wallace Mount, a student of - .- --- :h,.n he U"'' y o Oregon, whose """"r " " f, :' '. ( i" hnmo who has been U ns a th home of Dr. 11. S. Mount in this city, has returned to Eugene. Samnei Roake. formerly of Ore gon City, but now of Clackamas. ..iu in this p.it.v Tuesday, and while here, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. ueorgo uaruuei, or Eleventh and John Adams street. Mrs .I:ieiih Steiner of Beaver Creek, accompanied by her son, l.'i...rl Silaiiiar ojprfl ill Ol'elTOn CltV i: l lIUl..V't, ..v.w ... tj v on Tuesday. Mrs. Sterner was on her way to Fortiana, wnere suu will visit relatives. Mn nnH Mrs flpiii'irp. Kirhvanii ill 1. UI1U vv.0 V oi Shubel, were in Oregon City on Tuesday. Mrs. Kirbyson from this cily went to Portland, where she will visit her son Harry, wuo ijs receiving medical attention at the hospital in that city. Tkn.ninn HnvunrH who has Iliuuii-uii been spending the holidays with u;., M.nihnii Mn Annin Howard. ilia iiiuiuuii . ... ------ and grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Ga- nong, leit on sunuay ior ilubuiic to resume his studies at the Uni versity of Oregon. mr or.H Mfo T. W .Hicelow 11X1. DIIU - and young son, who have resided in this city for tho past three months, left Saturday for Boston, Mass., their lormer nome. ir. i.:.-,.)... hoc Iiuiiti nnnnpp.lpfl Wlt.ll the city engineer s office in this city. f'miniv r.tprk w. L. Mulvey. who has been confined to his home at Firth and Madison streets ror the jnmiih anfforiiiB from ty- phoid rever. has recovered so that ! l. i . i . Vii nfftnial he is auie to ruouniu mo duties at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. William Weis mandel left the latter part of last week for Portland, where they will make their future home, Mr. Weismandel having recenlv pur chased a grocery store in thatcity which is located on the east side. Mr. Smith, a prominent real es- ii .-if ilruahnm. was in this city on Saturday and while in this city was the guest of 0 .E. I1 rey-i tag, secretary of the publicity de partment of the Oregon City Coniercial Club. Mr. and Mrs. John Robhins, well known poultry breeders, were rwo-nn r.H. nn Saturday. While in this city they visited the poultry show, wnere mis. nub bins carried off several tirst pri zes tor ner onus. Mine host J. J. Tobin of the El eivic hotel has purchased the A. . i. iiwii nhniit. four miles east or Molalla, of 98 acres, and it IS O, II1C1LLI.I v.. t . people whether it was a matter of speculation with Mr. Tobin or :.. mollun nf anpp.u anon Willi whether he caught tne uacK to the soil" influenza., Everybody is looking happy oy er the energetic action being tak en by the city council, live wires j ii, .liinna o-ennr.lllv for a ,ii.intinor water source for this city. This is our one draw i i. ,i v.hon vlo enn advertise ni...n1fiv nuvp water this old city wiil be some place to live in. n i ri ' nanirhprlv. a well known pouitryman of Molalla, re- i....nn tn riio nru M iin nil hut ai ..oi iinvu' c in this CltV. Mr. Daugherty is a breeder of Harred Plymouth hocks, some of his mras, on i u ii..v ahnw. carrying oil ,,r.i flrsl. nrizes besides sec k.,,t on,i ihinl nri.es. He is now 1111U III'V. . 1 11. :.l..nt f.f ha fiaMW'.llLl.lOll. nav ing been elected to that office on Saturday afternoon at tne. uui ness meeting held by the associa- linn. an, when Otner Olliceia vvcic r.1 an af VlljVtvu, Mr and Mrs. E. T. Prescou, oi o,i. ' In nreffnn lHV J ri- aiem, wcio m .w.r, --- , r.r no- nprfi to aiaeiiu iuc ooullry show given by the Clack- ". ' ..i,, vimillrv AsscCiatlOll. Mr. Prescott and wife have been ..;..:n,,r at tho nome 01 mi. nnu l!.'iZ.c: u.v.v.ins nf Canby Mrs.' Robhins being the former s .. . Dnnaonii ia a direct or and one 'of the boosters of the V,' r ' nt,r Pnn irv ARsocia- MailOU uimuv , ,h tion, coming to this citv in the in nf the show to he giv at Salem January 14 to 18th inclu curing some of the best birds for the chow to be given by the Mar- . c A T,,ilr-u Aaennation. lie" is a brVeder of' the Faveralli variety, and will exhibit many of his chicKens ai uis uuuw owv Herman Schunk of Eastern Oregon, is visiting relatives at Central Point. Alfred Guerrier of Stone, was in Oregon City on Sunday visiting friends. Eli Stark of Clarkes, was trans acting business in Oregon City Monday. Ed Brenner of Carus, was in the city on Monday, on his way to Portland on business. Sunday and Monday nights' Treezes put the roses out or bus iness ror this year. Judge C. N. Wait, a prominent resident of Canby, was transact ing business here Saturday. 'ell, we have had our inch of snow and it lasted an hour or two after daylight. Now for spring. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pipka and two daughters, of Eldorado, werij among the Oregon City visitors on Monday. Paul Burrows, a former resi dent of Oregon City, but now of Sellwood, was visiting friends in Oregon City on Sunday. Miss Harriet Baker who lias been employed at Bannon & Com pany s store, nas resigned iter position to acceplt a place in the Bank of Oregon City. J.C.Jackson, who loft here about six months ago for Hem) ner, Oregon, has returned to Ore gon City, and will remain here during the winter. Thomas Cowing, formerly man ager of the Western Union, is in this cily, was in Oregon City on business Monday, and while here, visited among his many friends.' Miss Mldred Kruso, alter spending the holidays at her home in this city, has returned to Salein to resume her duties as a; teecher in the Blind school. Nature doesn't wait ior the sea sons in this part of Oregon.Look at the shrubbery along the Sev enth street stairway and you will note that it is in full bud. Miss Anna Smith, a student in the Normal school of Washing ton at Bellingham, who has been spending the holidays with her sister, Miss Edith Smith, has re turned to Bellingham. Fruit trees, rose bushes and fancy shrubbery at half regular price. Best two year iruit trees al ten cents each. II. J. Bigger, 9lh and Centre Street, Oregon City. . ; Miss Mary Silvers and' Waldo Silvers, who have been spending the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Agnes Silvers, have relumed to Ml. Angel to resume their stu dies at the Mt. Angel Academy and college. Gaylord Godfrey, who is taking a course in medicine at the Ore gon Agricultural college at Cor vallis, after spending the holidays in this city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Godfrey, re turned to Corvallis Sunday. Mrs. James McFarlane, who has been visiting old iriends here ror several weeks, returned to her home jn Powell River, B. C. Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane were for many years residents oi this city, but Iert.Jast summer Tor Powell River. Miss Bernice Dawson, teacher of the Selma school, Southern Oregon, who has been . spending the past two weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson, left Saturday lor southern .Ore gon, resuming ner worn on Mon day morning. Mi.a h r Rons nf San Fran cisco, a former resident of this city, who has been visiting rela tives and old irienus uero iui uvvu weeks, returned to her California home last week. Her father, Pet er Wilson of Logan, accompanied her, and will remain curing tne winter.- Miau r.inrn ttuchcEcer of Sell- urnnil uhn was formerly employ- ed in' tho county recorder's of rice in this city, has accepteq a pos -tion with County Recorder Ded- man, and has commencea ner uu lies. Miss Buchegger is an ex perienced OOOK-iypewriiui ui;i lor. Her health has much im proved since taking a much need ed resU Renresentative F. M. Gill or Eslacada will endeavor to repeal the bill regarding cattle running at largo, and leave the question to be settled by tho precincts Mr. (fill has the right idea. Oregon City has no more business voting on a stock regulation ror Molalla than has that town to vote uuuu municipal matters. This stock mipsinn is a matter ior each lo cality, and each locality has us own issues on tho matter. . in some precincts prohibition of slock running at large is u puni tive hardship, in other precincts a splendid reform. Each locality should seine tins nian,i;i .v- self. IMPORTS FINE CHICKENS rimi.il F n van Receives i Fancy Coops from England of the prominent poultry fanciers of the nnnnivMi nn Saturday two f Silver Canepines from England. The birds were in ex cellent condition arter travelini .ifh a rlialnnnn. The breed is new in this coun-t-.r hni oppnrdinir to the noted ti Ji ' ---w . .,iv,Tilw Tlarnunn Weir. says that by tradition they date back as far as 1200, the name of Campine being. derived from the Plain La Campine, m Belgium, lUn.r nmra ffllinfl. wi Hie uiu , , Mr. Dixon, who is a member of the American Poultry ab cianu.. li.nnH nniiltrv iude. 18 Resident of thS" Pacific ast Campine club, recently organized. He is not oniy i"u .""" i. ' ... v.Q,i .f ph (-kens, but a breeder as well, and has many of iVipsp hpautiful Diros hi i in this cily. . onn n-v. c;i,.r. rnmnines are sin gle comb, and the colorings of the v.;,.,ia arp nf a silvery white " i ..-io!,i hv markings or having l rich "V. IVrt. the neck C'"Ti hiPh iVa silvery white without barrings. Not only is v. r.f pViipVpns erood ior h,i ptpp lent for tneir lilj iiift lHtln rfiinlll 1PH. Mr Dixon returned a few day tm Aihanv where he was iudKe of the poultry show, and .1 i. V.,w,n hnnnrpfl as a JU'JKe linn anu un - ,.f lha Mar nn county "'"'"J show to be held in aaiem oanuc, 14th to 18th. S A SPLENDID LIST OF HANDSOME BIRDS SHOWN. Three Day Show is Deolded on fop the Exhibition Next Year The Second Annual Poultry Show, given by the Clackamas County Poultry association, was held at the Armory in this city, on Friday and Saturday, January 4, and 5, and was the most success ful show given by the association. There were over 300 birds exhib ited besides ducks and Belgian hares and rabbits. , The judging look. place on Fri day morning after the show- com menced, tho judges being J. C. Murray of Portland and C. D. Million, secrelary'of the Portland Poultry Association, and who was judge of the poultry exhibit at the recent Clackamas county fair. M. J. LaZolle, who was manager fff the show last year, acted in that capacity this year, and much credit is due him for the success ot the arrair. Mr. Lazelle has been working hard" ror the past month arranging with poultry men or the county to enter their birds lor ttie exhibit, and already no is arranging for a better and larger show next year. The dates lor 1914 will be three days instead of two, as was had this year. i fie superintendent ol the Show fun li.ilK ,.i.-o ,,.., 1 .I.,., i-ji iywi.il utija, vyuo X'lUU AJlllUSlUJ'j one of the wel-known residents of Clackamas county, whose home is near Beaver Creek. Mr. Lindsley looked after the wants of poultry in nis care, and there was noth- ng lacking in the way of food and cleanliness of the goods in which the birds were kept. home oi the linest birds raised in Multnomah and Clackamas county were exhibited, there be ing many choice birds. Among them might bo mentioned the tiny nuepenoent uantam cock, cfear on through all breeds or chicken- dom, up to the big Bull Orphing lon. The White Leghorns had the appearance of just coming roni a hath tub, and were spot ess. The cocks crowed from early in the morning until late at night, and tho men who remained at ttie Armory on watch, were un- the aoie to sleep alter 3:30 in norning. :mong the chickens attracting attention was the pullet raised by Mrs. oeorge u. iirowneii at ner home at Concord. This bird was hatched in July and laid her first egg helore Thanksgiving, and has continued to keep up her rec ord ever since. Siie is a cross breed of the Bufr Leghorn and. tue urpiiingtou oreeus. anu nis been officially dubbed by Geo. C. iirowneii as Miss urpingnorn. It was the bird'5s first apearance in society, hut she proved the queen of the poultry show. Mrs. Brownell also had some of her choicest . Orpingtons on exhibit, and was awarded one first and two second prizes. The Beadred Buff Polish chick- ends, with their pompadours, ar ranged m latest lasnion, ownea ;ind exhibited by M. G. Christen- sen, were awrdod first prize. They were among the attractive chick ens of the show, as were also his game chickons of the Hamburg hreed.- Mr. (Jtinstonsen will enter some of his birds at the Marion county poultry show this month. INo doud some ot the promin ent poultry breeders of the state reside at Portland, ror the birds lroni the yard ol 11. vy. Krupke, or that place were a big attraction at the show here. Tins year ho was awarded first prize on cock. first and second on cockeroll and third on pullet, all in tho Barred Hock breed; also first prize for best pen in show. Fred Daugherty, a well known Molalla Doultry fancier had some of his Hue barred Plymouth Rocks on exhibit, being awarded first prize on hen and first and second on pilots; third on cockrell and second on pen. M. J. Lazello carried ofr the sweepstakes with his Indian Rup- uer ducks. C. B. Hvck ol OreifOn City, who does poultry as a sideline, had a very fine exhibit, and carried oH several ribbons. R. L. Badger of Beaver Creek also carried away honors on his display ol Bull Or pingtons and Leghorns. C. R. Terrill of Oregon City had a display or, Rhode Island Rose Comb birds. Alon Shewnian was probably tho youngest poultry- man, having exniiJits Aiinougu his birds had not been prepared for exhibit, nevertheless they car ried oir some or th prizes, win-i ning second on White wyanuoiie pullets, third on Rhodo Island Iteds, and second on wnite leg horns. Mrs. John Robbins. J. w. uoie, M nnrl Mlo I V P I !1 fl if nf WOOd- burn, F. F. Fisher of Fisherdale, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kiel, of Aur ora, and many others had birds on exhibit that attracted much attention. Lectures were given by the head or the 0. A. C. poultry de nartment aiternoon and evening, on poultry breeding and raising. The busines linns or Oregon Cily and Portland, made tne list of generous prizes possible. Saturday afternoon tho election of oficers for the next year was held. President: Fred G. Daugh erly of Molalla; vice-president, Dr. M. C. Strickland, Oregon City; secretary and treasurer, M. J. La zelle, Oregon City. Elmer Dixon of Oregon ity and R. S. Coe of Canby were named directors. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA. PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Dzutscher Advokat Room 8 Beaver Building Wa)n gt Oregon City i SUCCESS I The marriage of Miss Esabelle Dugger of this city nad Mr. George Allgeir, who recently ar rived in this city from Mountain Grove, Mo., was solemnized at the Dugger home on High street Sun day afternoon. The marriage ceremony was pertarmed by Jus tice of tha-Peace W. H. H. Sam son, and was witnessed by about 30 friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The bride wore a cream colored serge gown and carried pink carnations. She was attended by her sister, Miss Etha Dugger. Joseph Allgeier, brother of the bridegroom was bes tman. Alter the ceremony a wedding dinner was served. The rooms were- prettily decorated with cut flowers and evergreens. Many beautiful wedding presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. Allgeier will leave this week for their future home at Mountain Grove. Mr. Allgeier is engaged in farming, owning one of the largest ranches of that lo cality. , i-jtfi The Willamette Club have is sued invitations to the first dan cing party of the series of 1913. The affair promises to bo a most enjoyable one, and will be given in Busch hall an Januray 16. Fox' orchestra of Portland will furnish the music ror the occasion. Re freshments will bo served during the evening. The committee in charge is composed of Harry E. Draper, M. D. Latouretto and Dr. Clyde Mount. The announcement early this week of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Rons, eldest daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Roos to Mr. R. V. D. Johnston, ol New York City, but who ror the last twelve months has been staying in Ore gon City, came as a surprise to many friends of the couple. The wedding which was per formed by the Rev. John Webber ol Hillsboro, took place in June or last year, but for personal reas ons it was arranged not to make announcement until the now year. Karl "leidel of Hillsboro, and his sister, .Miss Heidel, attended the ceremony as witnesses. The bride is an accomplished musi cian, and- has many friends in New York City, as well as throug out her own city and county. The groom is a mining engineer and is well known in musical and newspaper circles. A mean slulfy cold, with hoarse wheezy breathing is just the kind that runs into Bronchitis or pneu monia. Don't trifle with such serious conditions but take Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. Quick and beneficial ppsniis are hist what vou can ex pect rrom this great medicine. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages. It stops the hoarse racking cough. Huntley Bros. Co. VIOLIN TEACHER Leon Des Larzes, 410 High St., Phone Main 3171. Orchestra for pupils. , Popular Mechanics Magazine " WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A GREAT Continued Story of the i World's Progrew which you j may bein reading at any time, and j which will hold your interest torever. 250 PASES EACH MONTH S00 PICTURES 200 ARTICLES CF GENERAL INTEREST Tha "W Nolei" Dennrtment (20 D.lffrs) gives easy ways lo do thinK' how lo i.ial.e useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc. "Amnteur Machsnics" (10 pnpes) tf1!3 howto mukc Mission funii'ure, wirel jss ou.fiis, boats, engines), magic, and ail the things a bo loves. $1.63 PER YEAR. SINGLE CSPI3 13 CF?iT3 Ask your newsdealer, or WRITI FOR FREC SAMFLI COPY TODAY POPULAR MECHANICS CO. Ill w. WMhlniton St.. CHICAGO Oregon Citv People Wed. POPULAR f $ MECHANICS j The Courier costs only $1.50 the yea J) Are You Goinito BuiidJ or Make Some Alteration! in Your Home: I'Mrf ii i i 1 1 - i - -ill m HAN Obituary. Mrs. Ernestine Dietrich, wife of F. L. Dietrich, died Friday morning, January 3, at the family home at Eldorado, at the age of 70 years. Mrs. Dietrich was bornin Frei berg, Saxony, 1842, and united in marriage in 1867. She arrived ia America in 1879 from Germany, and lived- at Milwaukie, Wiscon sin, until 1881. when she moved with her family on a homestead ia the northern part of Wisconsin, where the family was surrounded Dy Indians, these being their only neighbors, and they had to con quer many hardships at that time. Over a. trail they oarrled their provisions strapped to their backs, and it was many years be- fores ettlers arrived and helped to build a road. Mrs. Dietrich and her ramify succeeded m clearing a large farm but decided to come to Oregon arriving here January 1910, and nought a farm at Eldorado, wnere Mrs. Dietricn lived until her death. During her residence at Eldorado Mrs. Diet rich made many friends, who deeply sympathize with her fam ily. - l A Mrs. Dietrich is survived by her husband, F. L. Dietrich of Eldo rado; two daughters, Mrs. Carl, Schmeiser, and Mrs. Herman' Fish-r of Carus; two sons, Her man and Erich Dietrich of Eldo rado. She is also survived by 14 grandchildren. The runeral services were con ducted on Sunday, January 5th, the interment being at New Era. Many friends of the family at-1 tended the services, and many beautiful riowers covered the cas ket. Money to Loan. Oregon City Abstract Co., 617 Main street. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated ramilies keep Dr. Thomas' Oil ror such emergen cies. Two sizes 25 and 50o at all stores. Ull STUMPS A most valuable Pamphlet. , Telia and Illustrates how to clear stump land at the lowest knowifooat per acre by .devloes .Just . perfected Free to all owners of stump lands who send their names. Jehn. A. Gorman, .1112 Western Avenue, Seattle. Straight & Salisbury Agents fop the caUbraUd LEADER Water Systems and STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry A full line of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumps. We-make a specialty of installing . . Water Systems and Plumb- . . ing in the country 20 Main St. Phon 8SSS Ee H. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life," Sick and Accident In surance. Dwelling House Insur ance a specialty. office with UREIY & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City O. D. EBY Attorney at Law General practice. Deeds, Mort gages and abstracts are carefully made. Money to loan on good se cuiity. Charges reasonable. Of fice in Stevens Building. U'REN A SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lond your money on first mortgage. Offloe in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. If so, look over our stook of first class DOOR8 of all sizes. -Ws have some EXTRA LARGE DOORS on hand. Two of them will till a good pari of one wall If used for Sliding Doors, creating a saving In plaster, shlplap, oloth op paper These DOORS are first class In every respect, thoroughly season ed and oost regularly fromS3.K0 mto $4.50. NOW we offer these DOORS to Interested parties for EACH while they last. We also oall your attention to our splendid assortment of Front DOORS Orsgon City