Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 03, 1913, Page 9, Image 8

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Summons. '
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
of Oregon for the County of
Florence E. Stallings, Plaintiff,
H. L. Durchell and Adda R.
Uurchell, his wife; J. L. Ketch,
and Genevra Ketch, his wife;
Columbia Trust Company, a
corporation; Forest-Hill In
vestment Company, a corpora
tion; Alvin Clark and W. J. Mc
Neil, Defendants.
To J. L. Ketch and Genevra Ketch,
. above named Defendants:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit on or before six weeks
from and after the day of the first
publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before six weeks from
and after the 29th day of Nov
ember, 1912, and if you fail to so
appear or answer within said
time for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the re
lief Uemanded in said complaint,
- towit: For a judgment and decree
against the defendant, H. L.
iturtchell, for the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00), to
gether with interest thereon from
tie 10th day of October, 1911, at
the rate of six per cent per annum
for the further sum of Fifteen
Hundred Dollars ($1500.00), to
gether with interest thereon from
the 10th day of October, 1911, at
the rate of eight per cent per
annum; for the further sum of
One Thousand Eight Hundred
Fifty-nine Dollars ($1859.00),
together with interest thereon
from the 10th day of October
1911, at the rate of six per cent
per annum; for the further sum
of Forty 31-100 Dollars ($40.31),
together with interest thereon
from the 20th day of November,
1912, at the rate of six per cent
per annum, and for the further
sum of Four Hundred Dollars
($400.00), attorney's fees in this
suit, and for plaintiff's costs and
disbursements in this suit; for a
for a decree foreclosing a mort
gage given by defendant, U. JL.
Burchell, to plaintiff bearing date
the lOtn day of October, 1911, and
covering the following described
lands situated in the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, to
wit: The W of the SW and
the SVj of the S of the NW
oftheSWft of Section 36 in
Township 2 South of Range 3
East of the Willamette Meridiai,
containing 50 acres more or less;
for. the sale of said property and
the application of the proceeds to
the payment of said judgment,
cost? and accruing costs; for a
decree barring and foreclosing
you and each of you of and from
all right, title and equity of re
demption, or other interest or
estate in saiu mortgaged property
save only the statutory right to
redeem; that the liens, claims,
estates, or interests or the de
i fendants, or any of them, in, on or
!to said mortgaged property, if
any such there be be decreed to be
subsequent and subordinate to
plaintiffs said mortgage.
This summons is published by
an order of the Hnnnrahln .1. if.
Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, made and entered on
the 26th day of November, 1912,
which said order directs that you
appear and answer said complaint
within six weeks from the first
publication of this summons; the
date of the. first publication of
; I his summons is the 29th day of
November. 1912.
M A nrrnv
Attorney. for Plaintiff.
627 Chamber of Commerce, -Portland,
Administrator's Notice.
A. Gunderson, also known as An
drew Gunderson, A. Gunderson,
Andrew Gunderson, and Arne
Gundersen Bartos Estate.
Notice is .hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
administratrix of the estate of A.
Gunderson, also known as An
drew Gunderson, A. Gunderson,
Andrew Gunderson and Arne
Gundersen Bratos, deceased, by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for ' Clackamas County,
and has qualified.
All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to
me at R. F. D. No. 2, box 35, Bor
ing, Oregon, with proper vouch
ers duly verified within six
months from the date hereof.
)ated and first published De
cember 13. 1912.
Samuel Olson, Attorney for Ad
ministratrix, 607 Yeon Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Anna Mitchell. Plaintiff, vs. Ja
cob L. Mitchell, Defendant.
To Jacob L. Mitchell, the above
named defendant:
In the-name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled court and cause on or be
fore the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publica.
tion of this summons, to-wit: On
or before the 27th day of Decem
ber, 1912, and if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in her
complaint on file herein, to-wit:
that the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and de
. fendant be dissolved.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, circuit judge of said
county, and said order was made
and dated the 14th day of Novem
ber, 1912, and the date of the first
publication of this summons is
the 15th day of November, 1912,
and the date of the last publica
tion of this summons is the 27tn
day of December, 1912.
John F. Logan,
AHnrnev for Plaintiff.
Oregon City, Oregon
Dr. L. G. ICE
Beaver Building Oregon City
phont-Pacific, 1 221; Home A 198
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty. L. H. Sutherland, Plaintiff, vs.
Bessio I). Sutherland nofnndnnt
To Bessie D. Sutherland, -the
aoove named Defendant:
In the name of the Stale ef
Oregon, you are hereby-required
to anoear and nriswor lhn fnm
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit. on. or before
January 15th, 1913, and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will take a decree
against you forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing
between sniil nlninliff nnH Hofonrl
ant and for such other. relief as
to the court seems proper.
Thin Riimtnnna is nuhlishnH hv
Ol'llfir nf lha llnnnrahln H W
Beatie, Judge- of the County
uouri oi me oiaie oi uregon lor
Clackamas County in the absence
of the iurlsre nf tha nhnvn nnfillari
court. Said order being entered
on tne 2 1st day of November,
1912. Date of first publication of
this . summons, November 29.
1912. fjAd
Jno. W. Loder,
Attorney fcr Plaintiff!
In the Crcuit Court of the State
of .Oregon, for Clackamas
Rachel Ames, Plaintiff,
Bert Ames, Defendant.
To Bert Ames, the aonvc name,
In the name of the State of Or
egon you aro hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
uied against you in tne aoove en
titled court and cause on or be
fore the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publi
cation of this Summons, to-wit:
on or before the 31st day of Jan
uary, 1913 and if you fail so to
answer for want thereof, the
planum will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in her
complaint on file herein, to-wit:
that the bonus of matrimony
heretofore and now existing be
tween piaintm and the defendant
bo dissolved, and that the plain
till have awarded into her care
and custody a minor child, Rose.
Ames, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court
seems equitable and just.
This summons is published ny
order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie,
Judge of the County Court for the
county or Ulackamas, Oregon.and
said order was made and dated
the 19th day of December, 1912,
and the date of the first publica
tion ol this summons is the 20th
day of December, 1912, and the
this summons is the 31st day of
January, 1913.
Joseph a. .Page,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
T. A. Garbade, Plaintiff, vs. C. K.
Leitzel, Delendant.
State of Oregon,.
County of Clackamas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order,
decree and execution duly issued
out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in the above
entitled cause, to me duly direct
ed and dated the 12th day of De
cember, 1912, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said
court on the 23rd day of Novem
ber, 1912, in favor of T. A.
Garbade, plaintiff, and against C.
K. Leitzel, defendant, for the sum
of $1,350.00, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 Tier cent per
annum from the 23rd da? of "No
vember, 1912, and the further
sum of $150.00 with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent
from the 23d day of November,
1912. and the further sum of
$25.00, costs and disbursements,
and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described
real property, situate m the coun
ty of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
The east ha f ( ) of the north
west quarter (.) and the west
half () ol trie nortnwest one
fourth ( ) of Section Fourteen
(14) townshin seven (7) south,
Range two (2) east of the Wil
lamette Meridian in Clackamas
county, Oregon.
jnow, tnereiore, Dy virtue oi
said execution, judgment order,
and decree, and in compliance
with the commands ' of said writ,
I will on Saturday, the 11th day
of January, 1913, at the hour of
10 o clock a. m., at tne ironi aoor
of the court house in the city of
Oregon City, in said county and
state, sell at Dublic auction, sub
ject to redemption, t o the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash
in hand, an tne rignt, tine, ana
interest which the within named
defendants or either of them had
on the date of the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the aDove
described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said exe
cution, judgment order, decree,
interests, costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Ore.
By. B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated, Orego nCity, Oregon, Dec.
14, 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, ' -
Frederick Bombard, Plaintiff, vs.
Catharine Bombard, Defend
ant. To Catharine Bombard, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff filed against you
in the above entitled court and
cause, within six weeks from the
first publication of this summons
and if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint, fop want
tnereoi, me piaim.ni win 01;
to the Court for the relief prayed
for in the said compiaini, 10-wn,
for a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract existing between
the plaintiff and the defendant,
and for such other and further
relief as he may be entitled to in
1 t. tnrvm iaao
This summons is served upon
you by puhiication in me ureguu
fViiiTMor nnrsnant. tn an OT-
V J 1 1 J v ' v ... ' 1 t " ,
a,. moHo nnH ontprprl in the aoove
entitled Court on the 11th day of
December, 1912, Dy ine non. j. u
Campbell, Judge of said court.
riitohhurn A. Dnwnes.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, 165 1-2
Third street, Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication Decem
ber 13, 1912. Date of last pub
lication January iwio.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court lor the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the Estate of E.
E. Judd, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administratrix of the
estate of E. E. Judd, deceased, has
filed with the clerk of tho above
court her final report and account
as such administratrix, and that
said court has set Monday, -the
Cth day of January, 1913, at ten
o'clock a. m., in the County Court
room in the Court House at Orei
gon City, Clackamas.County, Ore
gon, as the time and place for
hearing, any and all objections
thereto, and any and all persons
having objections to said, final re
port and the discharge of said
administratrix are hereby notified
to be present at the said time and
for the consideration of this
place and present such objections
' IDA E. JUDD, ,
Administratrix for the Estate of
E. E. Judd, Deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
In the matter of the estate of
Charley Berg, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Charley Berg, deceased,
has duly filed with the county
clerk of Clackamas County, Ore.,
his final report therein; and the
said Court has set Monday, the
13th day of January, 1913, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the
court house in Oregon City, Ore
gon, as the time and place of
hearing any and all objections to
said final report and to the dis
charge of said administrator.
Dated this 12th day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1912.
Valdemar Lidell,
Administrator with the will an
nexed, of the estate of Char
ley Berg, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate of Mrs. W. J. Gordon,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been, by the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clacka
mas, appointed administrator of
the estate of Mrs. W. J. Gordon,
Deceased, and has duly qualified.
All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same at
tho office of Chester G. Murphy,
401-2-3-4-5, Fenton Building,
Portland, Oregon, with proper
vouchers, duly verified, within
six (6) months from the date
hereof. :
Date of first publication Dec
ember 13, 1912.
Date of last publication Janu
ary 10, 1913.
Chester G. Murphy, Attorney for
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas. I
Myrtle R. Holesworth, Plaintiff,
vs. Edley W. Holesworth, Defend
ant. To the above named Defendant,
Edley W. Holesworth:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer th ecomplaint
filed against you w the above en
titled Court and cause within six
weeks from December 6 ,1912, the
date of the first publication of
this summons, to-wit: On or be
foro January 18. 1913, that being
the time fixed by the Court for
you to appear and answer said
"complaint, and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want
thereof, plaintiff will aply to the
Court for the relief prayer for in
ner compiaini, 10-wn: iur a ue
cree of divorce,- dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing
between plaintiff and yourself on
the grounds or cruel ana innuman
treatment and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem just and equitable.
This summons is served upon
you by publication once a week
for six consecutive weeks by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the above entuiea
Onrt.. made and entered in said
suit on the 3rd day of December,
A. D., 191 z.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Decem
ber 6,-1912.
Date of last publication January
17, 19K).
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
Nancy Martin Houghton, Plain
tiff, vs. Samuel N Houghton,
To Samuel N. Houghton, Defend
ant: In the name of the State of Ore
eon, vou are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in me aoove en
titled suit within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this summons, to-wit: .Within six
weeks from the 6th day of Dec
ember, A. D., 1912, to-wit :on or
before the lotn aay 01 January, a
D., 1913, and if you fail to so ap.
near and answer the said com-
nlainf.. for want thereof the said
plaintiff will take decree against
vnu as nraved for in said com
plaint, to-wit: that the bonds 'of
matrimony existing Deiween you
and this plaintiff may be dossolv
ed, that said plaintiff may change
her name to Nancy Martin; and
that said plaintiff may have judg
ment against you for her costs
and disbursements herein. This
summons is served upon you by
publication thereof once a week
for six consecutive weeks in the
Oregon City Courier, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation,
published at Oregon City. Clacka
mas county, Oregon,- in compli
ance with an order made by the
Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge
of the above entitled Court, dated
November 29th, A. D., 191Z.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Decem
ber 6th. A. D., 1912. Date of
last publication January 17th,
a. v., lwia.
Administrator's Notice' of Final
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
In he matter of the estate of
Smith LaCroy, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, J. E. LaCroy, admin
istrator of the estate of Smith
LaCroy, deceased, has filed in the
County Court of Clackamas coun
ty, State of Oregon, his final ac
count as such administrator of
said estate, and that the 20h day
of January, 1913, a the hour of 10
o'clock A. M.., has been fixed by
said Court as the time for hear,
ing of objections to said report,
and for the final settlement of
said estate and. discharge of the
Administrator of the estate of
Smith LaCroy, deceased.
Dated December 24, 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County, of
Clara D. Bixby, Plaintiff, vs.
Frank B. Bixby, Defendant.
To the above named Defendant,
Frank Bixby:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled Court and cause within six
weeks from December 13, 1912,
the date of the first publication of
this summons, that being the time
fixed by the Court for you to ap
pear and answer said complaint,
and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof, plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint
to-wit: For a decree against you
forever dissolving the Donds of
matrimony now existing between
you and the plaintiff herein on
the grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment and non-support, and
allowing the plaintiff to resume
her maiden name of Clara D.
Bromly, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable.
This summons is served upon
you by publication once a week
for six consecutive weeks by or
der of the Hon. J. R. Eakin, Judge
of the above entitled Court, made
and entered in said suit on the
10th day of December, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
307 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication Dec
ember 13, 1912; date of last pub
lication January 24, 1913.
In the' Circuit Court of the Slate
of Oregon, for tho County of
D. C. Yoder, Levi Yoder, Delilah
Troyer, Sarah A. Yoder, Mary E.
Hartzler, Ella M. Miller, Fena Yo
der, Silas A. Yoder, Oliver Yoder
and Fannie M. Yodor, Plaintiffs,
vs. John L. Zook, Viola M. Zook,
Elsie P. Zook, Zephniah Yoder
and Fannie Yoder, Defendants.
To John L. Zook, Viola M. Zook,
Elsie P. Zook and Zephniah Yo-
cer, tho above nam?d defendants.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you and each of you &:t
herebyirequired to appear and r.a
swer the complaint filed', agatast
you in the above entitled suit on
on or before the 7th day of Feb
ruary, 1913, said date'being after
the expiration of six weeks from
the date of the first publication
of this Bummona, arid if you fail
to so appear and answer said
complaint for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in said
complaint, to-wit, a decree of
partition of real property accord
ing to the respective rights of
the owners therein, in and to the
following described property, to-
The South half of the North
west quarter of Section One (1)
Township Five (5) South, Range
One (1) West, except three (3)
acres in the Northwest corner ly
ing in Marion county. Also be
srinning at the Southeast corner
of the above described parcel of
land and running thence, south
eighty (80) rods; thence East six
ly (60) rods; thence North one
hundred and sixty (160) rods;
thence West sixty (60) rods;
thence South to the place of be
ginning. Also beginning at the
half mile corner stake on the west
side of said Section and running
thence west to PuddingRiver four
(4) chains, more or less, and
thence down said river to the sec
tion line; thence South Ao the
place 01 Deginning, uuuiuiuiub hi
all one hundred and forty (140)
acres, more or less. Situate in
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Also the following: Beginning
at a point 2.74 chains North of
the Northwest corner of Section
18 in T. 5 S. R. 1 E. of the Wil
lamette Meridian, running thence
East one hundred and fifty-two
(152) rods; thence South one
hundred an seventy-one (171)
rods; thence West seventy-two
(72) rods; thence North eighty
(80) rods; thence West eighty
(80) rods; thence North to the
place of beginning and contain
ing 120 acres, more or less. Also
the Southwest quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section
Eighteen (18) in T. 5 S. R. 1 "E. of
the Willamette Meridian, con
taining 45.72 acres, more or less.
Situate in Clackamas county, Orei
This summons is published by
order of the Hon. J. A. Eakin,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
and which order was made and
entered on the 20th day of Dec
ember, A.' D., 1912, and which
order required that the first pub
lication of this summons be made
on December 27th, 1912, and the
dale of the last publication there
of on February 7th, 1913.
Dimick & Dimick,
I Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Matthew xviii, 15-35 Deo. 15.
"De ye kind out to another, tmder-heartei.
forgiving each other, even at Ood, for
Chritft take, forgave tou."EpK ie, St.
CO learn today's lesson well
means a blessing for life to ev
ery true Christian. The lesson
relates to the consecrated, tne
members of the Body of Christ, the
Church, of which He Is the Head.
The Master's rule for His followers
Is, If a- brother Injure you, go to him
olone, striving to reach an understand
ing. The probability la that misunder
standing is all that there Is of It But
If this does not suffice and you con
sider the matter serious, ask two oth
ers to accompany you to the offender,
without explaining
the mission leave
their minds free to
bear the case.
The agreement of
these brethren and
their advice should
be followed by
both. If they dis
agree with you, you
8 h 0 u 1 d acknowl
edge that you have ,
erred. If they agree
with you, and your "The Matter hat
opponent refuses to
heed their counsel
and persists in doing you Injury, and
you still think It of sufficient Impor
tance to trouble the Church with the
matter, you are then at liberty so to
do. The Church's decision Is to be
final, binding upon both. The one re
fusing to hear the Church Is to be
treated as on outsider, not In the sense
of doing bim Injury, - but abstaining
from oppointing him to any position,
or honor in the Church, until his course
shall be changed. How simple the Di
vine direction; what a blessing would
come from following ltl
Forgive "Seventy Timet Seven."
St. Peter put a hypothetical ques
tion, of how many times a brother
might trespass and ask forgiveness and
yet be forgiven would seven times be
the limit? The Master practically de
clared that there could be no limit,
that any brother confessing his fault
and asking forgiveness must be forgiv
en. If it should recur 490 times. For
giveness is obligatory when asked for,
We must not be afraid of following
the Muster's direction.
Then our Lord gave a parable, to Il
lustrate this mutter, A certain king
had a reckoning with his servants.
One owed him ten thousand talents.
His master commanded him to be sold,
and all that he had until tbe payment
should be made. But the servant fell
down nt his master's feet and besought
him to have compassion on him and
he would pay the debt. . And the mas
ter had compassion on him and dis
continued any further prosecution.
The servnut then went . out and
found a fellow-servant who owed him
an hundred pence. He took his fellow
servant by the throat, saying. "Pay
me the hundred pence thou owest." Ells
fellow-servnnt besought for nercy
saying, "Have patience with 1.
will pay thee all." But he w
and cast him lutoprison till t
should be paid. The mntter
the ears of the master, who railed him
and said, "'Thou wicked Bervuutl 1
released thee from the penalty of thy
debt; thou shouldst also have hnd
mercy upon thy fellow-servant, even
as I had pity upon thee. And he de
livered him to punishment till be should
pay all that was due."
An Important Leeeon Here.
What is the lesson? The lesson Is
well expressed in our text. We should
be kind to one an
other, tender-hearted,
as God In Christ
forgave us and
continues to forgive
us day by day. The
trespasses of others
against us are tri
lling Indeed in com
parison to our obli
gations to the Lord.
We should there-
pay me the hun- fore be very willing
dred pence thou to forgive all who
ountt." ask us "until sev
enty times seven." In thus exercising
mercy we will be copying the Divine
As we remember our own weak
nesses und blemishes, It will make us
sympathetic "with the brethren and
with all mankind, and we will there
by lie fitted and prepared to have
share with Jesus In His Throne of glo
ry, for that great Messianic Kingdom
will be established for the very pur
pose of showing mercy unto all man
kind who will return to Divine favor
mid blessing under cleartr knowledge
and with the assistance then afforded.
We are not to understand this para
ble to refer to Divine forgiveness of
original Sin. The Sin of Adam Is not
forgiven except in the Divine way
through Jesus through faith In His
blood. Tbe parable refers to subse
quent sins sins referred to in our
Lord's prayer, "Forgive us our tres
passes, as we forgive them that tres
pass against us." This Is shown by
the fact that the parable Bpeaks of
these as servants, whereas the world,
as sinners, are not God's servants, but
"airens. strangers, foreigners." The
only ones whom God recognizes as
servants are such as have come into
relationship with Him through Jesus
through faith and consecration. These
are servants of God and are to have
merry upon their fellow-servants.
We Insure
Real Etat and Insurance
Welnhard Building.
!l This is a Duke's Mixture Umbrella
P Whether you smoke Duke'i Mixture In pipe or cigar-
ette, tt is delightfully satisfying. Everywhere it is the
K choice of men -who want real, natural tobacco.
In each 5c sack there are one and a half ounces of
2 ' choice Virginia and North Carolina tobacco pure, mild,
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