6; 1 r-nr Q 17 o) 0) E n ru ? o ) bin Y I 3 U1 rr i r nl SR; MOST UPEMDOU 70 is VJ ATTTEMPTl LB 433 EYERYONE W regon City's O N REAC ig'gest and OF THIS STORE 5 st Clothing Stock is ULD N ATTEND THIS GREAT SLAUGHTER ! Placed at the Mercy of the Puplic 1 P i n o 5 f tin IP oys .-wear: am ox est m&iitjf actures1 ow offered at the Greatest Sacrifice ever witnessed in this State o When This Gi?eat Sale Opens You Can P B uy The Neatest BARGAINS of Yout Life 1 N I? 1 1 XV. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENS, BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1913 Tremendous Reductions on Suits, Coats and Raincoats $10.00 SUITS $15.00 SUITS $20.00 SUITS $25.00 SUITS $30.00 SUITS $15 English Slip $20 English Slip $25 Gaberdine and O'COATS and O'COATS and O'COATS and O'COATS, and O'COATS on Rain Coats, on Rain Coats, EnglishffSKp-on, Sacrifice Price Sacrifice Ptice Sacrsfice Price Sacrifice Price Sacrifice Price Sacrifice price, Sacrifice Price Sacrifice Price Z 77. VZ , T $3.50 SHOES $3.50 All Wool $1.75 and $2.00 25c Fine Socks 50c Leather $15.00 Trunks ! o3.CrillCC 01 BOVS WCtir Clearing Oft TWers )Q Wool Flan- fi Slaughtered jr. Work - OQn Slaught- Q "JPZ Sale . . yLLy goat . L.LQ nel Shirts . LIU a Gloves LJJU ered at $10.00 Youths' Salts and Overcoats, sizes X4 Q QQ i : r" .o2o.sacflcec.at b.oB $5 Dress Shoes $5 TROUSERS $3.50 Flannel 35to50cHeavy $1.00 Horse ;3500 Ward- $7.50 Boys' Saits and Overcoats, sizes 7 to 16 QET , r. . i JL. mm, ; , - - - 4 sacrifice at 4.o0 Clearing OQ sacrificed O Over- A Wool Olp Hlde - Qp robe Trtinks 97 70 LLeTaf" 3.45 Sale. P3.7 at . L.D Shirts "pV Socks go at, L 1 L Cloves fcU0L sacrtficedat . LL.l $3-5lFSfd!?its. $6.50 High Top $3 Corduroy Pants 50c Heavy Cot- $3.50 Heavy I 35c Suspenders $5.00 Cow Hide Work Shoe )cs Sacrificed Ofl ton Under- OQp Rough Neck Q Light, an r p Suit Cases QC $6.50 High Grade EXTRAGOOD Brand Boys' Q QC SaIc P"CC t )4.0 at . . ' 0? Wear Sacrificed L W?erS " Z. I 9de I Go at . ZoO Saits and Overcoats at O.UJ at Sacrificed at. . Sacrificed at, . $2Gra 1.39 $1.50 Felt Hats T5c and 80C Dress $1.00 Wool Un- $7.50 Rough I President Sus- $r.50 Hand Bags $3.C0 Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes sacrificed -J Qg Slailghtef- QQp SMrtS A C A derWear Hf Neck SWCftt-yj QQ pendefS the ft) COW Hide Vjft t'e6 edat.. . OOL Slanghter'dfrjb . OL 4.00 SsSStt". Goat - H.jy 75c 5?.? .B! .!! 38c $3 HATS $1.50 Dress Shirts $1.5 o Union 35 to 50c Neck Genuine Paris $2 50 Men's Water- 50c Boys' Overshlrts go slaughtered OH- slatfgllt- tf" QQ SaCOflCed (0)7 SuitS - Of. TiCS - i Q f Boston . DrOOfDlICkl OA aScCaed efedat KOO at . . V SacHficedat, . Ot)C Stered 1 7 1 2SS COM ' j" .llGoo.lH. 15c $1.50 WORK 50c Work Shirts 15c Black and 5c Canvas $8.00 Trunks $6.50 All Wool t.l!l..: 1.09 T0is?s 79p Slaughtered JQ Tan Socks yp Gloves,- np Slaught.-A 00 Mackinaws A i A 75 and 50c Boys' Famous MOTHER'S-FRIEND QQ Sale PfiCC 71 at . . . A Slaughtered at. IV Slaughtered aL . Jj CFCd at t . 0 U Et V Bloases sacrificed at OuU X . W li-J -iS3' $2,000 HOWARD AUTOMOBILE GIVEN AWAY FREE (? HOW TO SECURE THIS HANDSOME CAR We will issue trade coupons with every purchase made. These coupons are jrood for their face value Sn vots. The person securing tne largest numoer oi voices at, tne close ot uus contest will receive tlUS handsome COT aOSOIUueiy iree oi ail cosb. i ne coupon are branuerraDie, so u you are no I mtier ested m securing this car for yourseu, you can maKe some reiauve. iriena or acquaintance nappy by sav ing your coupons for them. Coupons also given by HUNTLEY BROS., V. HARRIS, STAR THEATRE and ENTERPRISES MOTIVE The enLire stock has been arranged for quick disposal. . Thousands of dollars of stap goods have been placed on big bargain tables for your own selection. Extra help has been employed and you will be waited on as promptly as possible. We expect the biggest crowds in the his tory of this store because the bargains are the greatest on record Corner Seventh and Main Oregon City, Ore. i