OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY DEC. 27 1912. 7 tt Summons.' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Florence E. Stallings, Plaintiff, VS. H. L. Burchell and Adda R. Burchell, his wife: J. L. Ketch, and Genevra Ketch, his wife; Columbia Trust Company, a corporation; Forest-Hill In- " vestment Company, a corpora tion; Alvin Clark and W. J. Mc Neil, Defendants. To J. L. Ketch and Genevra Ketch, above named Defendants: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before six weeks from and after the day of the first publication of this summons, to wit: On or before six weeks from and after the 29th day of Nov ember, 1912, and if you fail to so appear or answer within said tune for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint, towit: For a judgment and decree against the defendant, H. L. Burtchell, for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), to gether with interest thereon from tie 10th day of October, 1911, at the rate of six per cent per annum for the further sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00), to gether with interest thereon from the 10th day of October, 1911, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; for the further sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars ($1859.00), together with interest thereon from the 10th day of October 1911, at the rate of six per cent per annum; for the further sum of Forty 31-100 Dollars ($40.31), together with interest thereon from the 25th day of November, 1912, at the rate of six per cent per annum, and for the further sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00), attorney's fees in this suit, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this suit; for a for a decree foreclosing a mort gage given by defendant, H. L. Burchell, to plaintiff bearing date the 10th day of October, 1911, and covering the following described lands situated in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit: The SW& of the SW and the S of the Sft of the NW of the SW of Section 36 in Township 2 South of Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 50 acres more or less; for the sale of said property and the application of the proceeds to the payment of said judgment, costs and accruing costs; for a decree barring .and foreclosing you and each of you of and from all right, title and equity of re demption, or other interest or estate in said mortgaged property save only the statutory right to redeem; that the liens, claims, estates, or interests or the de fendants, or any of them, in, on or to said mortgaged property, if any such there be be decreed to be subsequent and subordinate to plaintiffs said mortgage. This summons is published by an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled Court, made and entered on the 26th day of November, 1912, which said order directs that you appear and answer said complaint within six weeks from the first publication of this summons; the date of the first publication of this summons is the 29th day of iovemDer, laiz. N. A. PEERY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 627 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. L. Day .. F. Klinger D. Honkel , G. Bay ... .J . ! '"y . . 41.75 .v - 2.00 .;.v24.00 ... 8.50 Administrator's Notice. A. Gunderson, also known as An drew Gunderson, A. Gunderson, Andrew Gunderson, and Arne Gundersen Bartos Estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of A. Gunderson, also known as An drew Gunderson. A. Gunderson, Andrew Gunderson and Arne Gundersen Bratos, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and has qualified. All persons having . claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at R. F. D. No. 2, box 35, Bor ing, Oregon, with proper vouch ers duly verified within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published De cember 13, 1912. CLARA GUNDERSON, Administratrix. Samuel Olson, Attorney for Ad ministratrix, 607 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. S. Sins ,;.ir... ...... 18.00 N. Freeman ......... 6.00 W. Hlatt ; 18.00 J. Melvln 14.00 W. Richter .......... r 6.00 J. Miller 28.00 F. Snow .'.., 11.00 Shatter 12.00 E. Gribble ;. 8.00 J. Wonker 11.00 J. Conrad .. ...... 9.00 C. Parker 40.00 C. Priester 5.00 J. P. Miller 4.00 W. Kaiser 62.50 Pope & Co 6.38 O. G. Thomas 16.80 District No. 35. Portland Railway, Light & Pow er Co. 18.25 Dlntrct No. 36. D. D. Hostettet 12.86 H. H. Jacobson 8.00 A. M. Anderson 12.50 E. J. Anderson . .,. : 7.00 Oscar Rye .- 4.00 District No. 38 Coast Culvert & Flume Co.,... 131.20 Geo. W. Thlessen. . . ... . . . ..... 22.00 James Wallace............... 6.40" Geo. Thlessen -.6.40 G. 'W. Homes 2.00 H. Thlessen 13.70 District No. 38 Flrwood Lumber Co 241.35 P. R. Meinig 9.00 Wm. Updegrave .'; .75 M. Grafenhim .75 Alex Bew ;..';.. 16.00 John Van Etta 16.00 K. C. Van Etta 4.00 A. Shirley , . 10.00 Gay lord Keith 8.00 Victor Bodley 12.00 Wever Roberts 6.0J A. "J. Morrison 8.00 D. Bodley 12.00 John Bews 2.00 C. A. Keith 18.25 District No. 42 J. Murray . .- 2.00 R. Ramberg 2.00 A. Taylor 4.00 A. E. Taylor 00 Mike Rowell 6-00 L. H. Judd 12.75 S. Westbcstad 2.00 District No. 43 Frank Fuchs 2.00 William Schnetman .". 2.00 A. D. Bunett 4,50 William Still ................. 1.00 J. M. Hemkle District No. 44 Wm. Caseday 15-36 Chas. Rider 3.75 W. R. Osburn 4.00 District No. 45 Walter Cox 19-25 Matt Jagnln v. L25 Albet Meilike U-00 D. Stahlnicker 6-00 A. Vallen ................... , 6-00 Joe Powers T.. . .. 4.00 AlBTunder Miller 4.00 Jesse Cox .' 15-25 n nuttier ' 50 District No. 46 n T. Hplchtnn 2.00 District No. 47 W. H. Counsell .' HO.OO Wm Rail 12.00 Jim Young 2.00 J. A..Tldyman . . . , 12.00 James Craft 2.00 District No. 56 Frank Rees' 18.00 Frank Shuts 16.75 Frank Louis R. Sims 12.75 Fred Hettman Joe Parrish .. John Scram . . ........... 10.00 8.00 ... 6.00 Joe Wallace 8.00 T. J. Wortz 6.00 Frank Nicholas .............. 1.00 Fred Brunner 2.00 Nat Scrlbner , : .' 40.60 Eli Fellows 6.50 A. J. Cat( 11.00 Fred Vohs 11.00 EXPENDITURES OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY FOR THE MONTH OF x NOVEMBER '1912 ' ON GENERAL ROAD Garfield Lumber Co 8.03 D. Ramsby ..... ';"; .v. . ..... 7.00 H. Wilson 7.00 E. L. Demon 6.00 Geo. Robinson 7.00 E. L. Looney 5.00 A. L. Yoder E. Conrad ........ W. Rowell ....... . Wooste ...... .'. E. R. Riding . . .y.. O. Viehle ........ J. C. Marquam . .v '. J. Sandness 3.00 S. Mall 40 James Adklns Lumber Co. ... 10.31 . V. Green 35.00 C. Shockley .... 25.00 Grant Mumpower 51.42 C. R. Thorpe & Co.,. 10.45 Pacific Portland Cement Co.,.. 81.12 Standard Oil Co., 10.50 Beall & Company 3.76 Pioneer Transfer Co., ... .'. ... 3.75 A. Mather 3.65 Kerr 19.06 Wilson & Cooke 42.40 W. E. Mumpower 10.50 John Heft 12.00 Wilson & Cooke 2.90 Wm. Fine 25.00 G. Grossenbacher ' 20.00 Wm. Miller ...I.. ' , 2.00 Wm. Rainy 13.60 Oliver Bailey ; 16.00 M. Telford 4.00 T. Thomas 12.00 Albert Scheer 14.00 L. W. Davis 12.0C Elvln Swick 14.00 Dix Brothers '..t;.u.;,.; 14.03 A. P. Schneider .40 Larkins & Robbing , ... . 26.56 L. Duffy 2.00 O. P. Roete 18.00 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, Anna Mitchell. Plaintiff, vs. Ja cob L. Mitchell, Defendant. To Jacob L. Mitchell, the above nnmoH rfAffinrlant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you m me auove en titled court and cause on or be fore the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publicau tion of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 27th day of Decem ber, 1912, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint on file herein, to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant be dissolved. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, circuit judge of said county, and said order was made and dated the 14th day of Novem ber, 1912, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 15th day of November, 1912, and the date of the last publica tion of this summons is the 27tn day of December, 1912. John F. Logan, Attorney for Plaintiff. BB. Keley .' 4.00 t vi 3.00 District No. 49 J. F. Snyder ' 49 00 F. H. Davis E. T. Davis 22-50 Alexlwin ' 69-00 Tom Carter F. Sanford 25-00 iir WT TDoi-for . 11. f J H. H. Anders B. T. Rawlins r?en. Hathaway H. O. Sanford ' 47 00 G. H. Sanford 39 75 A. T. Hunt N. Elllng Otis Wagner Art Perry , G. T. Hunt ....... J. J. Honebon 31.75 60.00 43.50 42.00 8.25 12.00 2.00 95.37 23.50 COUNTY COURT G. Herbst 1-W O. Tokin 55.00 E. Gross 5.76 E. Richardson 36.00 C. Swed 31.00 J. Zimmerman 8.00 Oregon City Foundry . . . 3.73 Wilson & Cooke H-30 Sr.rlnture ft Beauliau 17.70 1 i tK i-.u-nii :::::: loo Wm. x-uiv;ric Earl Wagner ' District No. 51 A. H. Rltzen G. Boeso Fred Hoffmeister Clarence Siefer - Ed. Rich F. Boese E. Boese E. Adams T. Adams Geo. Driesel .' Albert Welsh q vf Pitmmine o. . - nfl Albert Hoffmeister Roy Dilley Richard WiUel H. B. Close- Fred Anderson Rice & Phelan ...... John Anderson Herman Johnson 2.00 98.00 61.00 31.00 74.0P 35.00 22.00 36.00 24.00 26.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 32.00 65.00 9.00 27.00 7.47 1.25 1.50 t 7S M. Sonnichsen . o. nn .25 14.90 2.20 27.05 J. W. Roots & Co. 0. W. P. freight . Albert Eoese Cart Wolfayer . . . J. C. Elliott & Co. Godfried Boese 3L50 Al Sheppard 9.00 Alaf Grau 2 i0 Wm. Witzel 6 00 rhorllo Proebstel 4.00 District No. 53 Mike Rowell District No. 55 Creason Mill Co , Frank Eusch H. H. Mattoon C. Jubb A. H. Meyer ... 4.00 233.13 14.25 62.25 5.00 17.00 9.00 81.23 8.00 14.00 26.00 42.25 10.00 10.00 2.09 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.00" H. Grossmiller L. Moser ....,..,!..... Kamrath G. A. Allen Leo Askin Robbins Brothers 26.00 Austin Dubolse 6.00 J. B. Helpe 39.64 Wm. H. Stuwe , 1.(0 L. Yoder ........... 19.40 J. A. Imel 8.00 Herman Naas 8.00 Elmer Hickey 4.00 Lewis Ritzer 2.00 J. W. Roots & Co., 3.76 R. B. Beatie ,; 8.60 N. Blair 12.50 W. H. Mattoon 28.16 John Green 12.00 Chas. Shockley 12.00 Ed. Cox 4.00 John Heft 20.00 L. S. Baker 7.00 EXPENDITURES OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1912 ON THE GENERAL FUND Geo. A. Brown D. D. Bavender A. W. Bell R. J. Essen ,. Alleii Embly F. B. Gray Nels Chris tensen Ed. Christensen Chris Christensen Wm. Jaster .- Charles Thompson - Geo. Moser .....;..; Anna Gosser Miss L. Moser Ed. Fortune J. L. Mattock , '. Harry Greaves Thos. Blanchard J. H. Darling Theodore Hearth W..W. Myers ,.... R. E. Woodard . Sheriff E. T. Mass The Western Union Tel. Co... Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Geo Brown W. J. Wilson S. R. Green .., W. S. Eddy V. F. A. Miles A. G. Ames Tax Department . Cls B. Patt ...5. ,' Clerk ' H. S. Daulton H. Dannemann :'....'. . . Georgia Cross ... ...... F. W. Greenman W. L. Mirfvey Underwood Typewriter Co. .... , Recorder. ( A. R..WUUamfl N. E. Derby Lou Cochran N. E. Derby Edith Smith ....... .. Treasurer Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Alice Dwlgglns J. A. Tufts Cerener H. F. Donahue Harry Trultt ". 58.75 5.50 . 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.60 3.60 3.50 " 3.64 ' 3.60 3.50 '3.50 3.50 3.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 , 1.20 1.20 County Court ' " N. Blair 30.60 W. H. Mattoon 33.00 Nora Criswell 10.00 Circuit Court. T. M. Miller 39.00 B. N. Hicks ;. 30.00 W. D. Miles 8.00 Sam Miles 8.00 H. R. Davison 2.60 H. Babler 34.80 L. O. Nightingale 38.60 Thcs, Keland 27.60 J. P. Dosln .... 3.80 R. A. Junken 2.00 N. R. Graham 40.00 F.H.Cross 30.20 C. Hettman 12.40 Ed. Closner 20.00 W.F.Lehman......... 8.40 J. R. Kelso 3.40 Anna E. Kelso 3.40 S. Card ' 18.00 Jahes Koake 6.01 W. A. Hedges 4 12.40 J. D. Morris 6.00 W. J. Miley 35.00 B. F. Weddle 26.40 S. M. Warnock : . . . 32.00 W.S.Hamilton. 14.00 Geo. H. Sawtell 19.20 J. M. Nicholson 37.00 Lorenzo Tenny 35.60 A. C. Warner 30.60 J. E. Mitts 36.00 Jas. M. Tracy 27.80 H. Longcoy 28.60 E. D. Tong 34.04 J. C. Bradley : 12.00 Mrs Moreland 3.25 C. A. Johnson , 24.00 J. Broetge 28.20 Justice of the Peace John R Kelso 7.55 J. A. Vanhorn 13.10 L. Glass .......... A. J. Surber R. V. Tolinston ... Ed. Reckner Lee Brown . ; Chas. Ely W. W. H. Samson . E. L. Shaw Ralph Gosser Adolph Bonchel ... Otto Toedtmeier .. Adolph Koelllmler 1.20 UO 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 46.85 4.80 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 R. W. Price R. Trotter Ora Allen . . . -. . '.' C. E. Knight M. L. McCabe '. R. L. Winters A. M. Lewis Dr. W. H. Btfrendrick Gilbert L. Hedges Wm. J.Wilson Jas. L. Swafford Tom J. Myers ................ Harry W .Tembatti -t '...". E. A. Smith H. L. Hull A. M. White Glenn E. Gault ' Mrs. D. M. Leitzel E. T. Mass..."..., Dr. M. C. Strickland .......... Dr. Giesy 8upt. of Schools Alabama Brenton . . .., . ,j . . . . Fashion Livery Stable ........ A. H. Chamberlain . W. W. Marrs Mrs. Margaret Cnrran J. E. Calavan Ho wad M. James Vinnle Hewitt T. J. Gary - Gustav G. Flechter Miss Lena Ulen Edward O. Slsson . Prof. Coleman Assessor. Gertie WlllBon , Clara Mitchell Mrs. G. F. Johnson J. E. Jack Surveyor. Kiham Stat. & Printing Co.... D. Tompson Meldrum ......... Biid hompson , Paul Dunn Harry Gay C. Vorhles Boartf ef Health W. J. Wilson W. H. Barendrlck Sandy Drug Co. C. H. Dauchy Current Expense Huntley Bros. Co. Home Telephone Co. Court House Huntley Bros. Co Jos. E. Hedges Agent, Pope & Co E. H. Cooper & Co., Agents . . . Theo Miller ....... Portland Railway, Light t Pow er Co. Wilson & Cooke Jail. ... L. Adams Frank Busch County Poor. F. T. Barlow L. Adams W. E. Hempstead W. W. Linten Cross & Hammond Huntley Bros. Co. Aden's Store The Crown Drug Co Denis Donovan R. B. Beatie Fred Clack C. R. Thorpe & Co A. R. Graham t priester Brothers Dr. Hugh S. Mount .. H. P. Brightbill J. Bickner ft Sons Loula Nobel Jr. F. W. Gardiner J. H. Barnet Dr. H. V. Adlx F A. Miles Insane. Dr. Guy Mount F. A. Miles B. J. Etaats Election Chaa. F. Ely Emmett Donahue 17.50 1.19 5.00 5.00 9.00 2.00 10.00 85.25 5.40 '65.00 5.2.00 24.00 4.00 51.75 10.00 .50 14.80 14.80 65.00 10.00 65.00 1.00 34.00 2.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 10.00 21.70 63.35 . 1.20 . 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 10.00 5.00 16.60 7.00 - 86.05 5.00 15.00 115.95 12.58 11795 38.38 18.00 6.09 16.00 15.00 52.00 40.00 14.00 2.00 9.80 86.50 47.00 47.00 , 17.60 4.00 3.00 10.00 1.25 19.60 . 21.05 . 11.65 . 1.45 . 75.29 . 14.00 . 51.00 . 7.20 4.40 .70 22.82 11.10 40.00 10.40 15.00 6.00 24.00 17.36 10.60 2.65 10.00 3.00 7.00 63.80 10.00 2.50 20.J0 4.60 16.30 66.03 12.85 12.00 16.00 4.00 John Green R..Nohlltt ..,.". W. H. Smith ..' T. H. Brown W. A. Holmes I. D. Taylor E. Smith , John Straight H.' Peckove Fred Hogg . W. Waldron John E. Smith F. E. Lucas E. L. Poep ......... John Knet ......... Abernethy Grange . A. Campau R. W. Zimmerman . . G. Tull ........ Kocher V". W, W. Jesse ...... F. J. Oglesby ...... Joe King .......... M. Erlckson . .. . John Heft A. Staben .......... Tomas Wm. Thomas F. Bohlander A. Cassaday .... Fred Kamrath P. Duffy ....... John L. Kline ...... G. A. Shubel . . f ... W. Grisenthwaite . John Bluhm . .,'.' John Heft .... 1 .... P. Schneider .... Luigi Voerebbl Geo. G. Gibbons J. M. Thomas .... . A. C. Thomas . . Adolph Aschoff .... F. E. McGugin Otto Aschoff . W. Stonj F. M. Morgan ...... M. Donahue O. W. Boring K. Stone ; . W. Lake M. H. Wheeler L. Ritzer W. E. Bonney Claude Wlnslow Geo. W. Wallace ". . Chas. Branland juiius p. Huit W. H. Schleler W. S. Gorbett Alfred Dsnlelson . M. Vlnyard .... N. Wait ..V.... F. Romlg ...... H.. H. Eccles ..... Wilson Evans C. Baty M. J. Lee ' F. Patch ....... Ivan Dimlck .. ... F. M. Roth O. E. Echols O. R. Mack J. Baty N. Young ...... W. T. Johnston . . . O. R. Hartnell ... 5.0) 6.55 1.10 9.00 14.00 R. B. Holcomb .... M. R. Webster Frank Talbert L. D. Jonee W. E. Welch ...... C. W. Harris ..... O. G. Mclntyre Chas. . A. King Fred J. BechiH W. A. Stone F. It. Stone Thomas Brown .... Ward B. Lawton .. L. H. Feaster M. Telford W. A. Hedges T. B. Hyhurst Clarence L. Eaton . . T. U. Long Clyde Stokes ....... W. A. Proctor .... James Bell O. C. Marony E. F, Brans M. C. Miller Leo Rath J. H. Wewer Robert Jonsrud .... John Kersacker ... Percy T. Shelley . J. H. Revenue ..... T. B. Milan Charlie Sharnke . . Casper Junker A. W. Cooke W. R. Dallee John Mullenhoff .. Nela Rodlun H. G. Lay J. C. Elliott ...... Henry Bock F. A. Melllen ...... Alex Bews John Affolter .... . H. H. Udell Jos. De Shazer .... C. A. Keith Frank Zastera .... M. E. Gafenbaln . School Dlst. No. 83 Harvey Gibson ... N. E. Stlngley Alex Baker E. E. Elliott E. L. Trulllnger ... H. C. Clover Aug. Gerhardas ... H. Wllbern H. Epperson Ed Linn .......... W. R. F. Browne . . C. Krlgbaum John K. Ely J. H. Tracy W. A. Heylman ... W. Ay Jones J. P. Woodle A. G. Ames Burgess F. Ford .. L. W. Henthorn . . . B. R, Klmmel .... City of Estacada . . A. H. Miller Nicolas Rath 25.00 10.00 S.OO 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.40 5.00 7.50 10.10 7.60 7.50 7.50 rso 7.50 2.00 7.60 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 ,6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 , J-50 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.50 . ,7.50 7.50 10.50 7.50 '7.50 7.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 11.00 2.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 '6.00 6.00 7.80 6.00 6.00 . 6.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 10.00 9.00 . 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.50 6.09 6.00 . 6.09 6.00 6.00 13.00 "3.00 4.00 9. 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 5.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 ,. 8.00 8.09 6.00 6.00 9.00 , 9.00 . 12.00 , 6.00 6.00 6.00 . 10.50 . 12.50 10.60 . 10.50 . 10.60 . 10.60 . 10.50 6.00 . 12.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 2.60 . 9.00 . 9.00 9.00 . 9.00 . 9.00 . -6.00 . 9.00 . 2.60 . 7.60 i 7.60 . 7.60 . 7.50 . 7.60 . 13.60 . 7.60 . 7.60 . 7.60 . 1.60 . 7.50 . 7.50 . 7.60 . 7.60 . 6.00 . too Hans Paulsen 6.00 Adolph Weiderhold 6.00 Henry ohnson 11.00 William Held 6.00 Frank Ahnerd 6.00 Theo. Harder 1.00 Brenton Vedder 7.50 W. C. Wegner 7.90 J. C. Paddock................ 7.50 T. M. Burns' .. . V ...... 7.50 John N. Sievers . t 3.00 G. E. Hollowell 7.50 Chas. T. Sleers 4.50 A. D. Paddock ..'..... 4.60 Ed Harrington 4.60 Hans Burns 4.50 Merton Bell 12.50 T. C. Howell 4.50 Hugh Hall 4.60 Wm. Hammond 4.60 2.00 11.30 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 4.50 10.40 H.' E. Cross . . v Fred Gerber ... Philip Kohl F. W. Rlebhoft . S. G. Kirchem . . O. D. Robbins . W. P. Kirchem . A. J. Johnston . . Harding Grange G. W. Atwood . O. J. McKernrey 9.00 Seth A. Cook ,.. 9.00 Harry Avery 9.00 W. A. Garner 9.00 W. E. Millard 9.00 Jerome Avery 9.00 School Dist. No. 119 ......... 8.00 F. T. Shute 7-50 J. T. Grace 10 50 W. H. Bottelmlller 7.50 G. lt. Miller .................. 7.60 E. Lelchtweis ............... 7.60 W. H. Wettlaufer 7.50 W. Rutherford, Jr 7.60 District No. Ill 3.00 D. C. Yoder . ... 13.20 W. F. Stanton ; . . 8.00 Willis Brown .'. 9-00 John Casto . .' -00 John S. Owlngs 8-00 J.G. Noe -00 Bud Thompson 9.00 School House Diet. No. 2 2.60 A. D. Gribble '.'..': 9"0 G. W. Scramlln 16.00 Geo. E. Oglesby 12.20 C. D. Keesllng 9 00 J. W. Smith 9 00 R. A. Wright 9-00 Ralph Gribble 9-00 J. R. Cole G. V. Adams . Frank Sawtell S. Stlpp .. W. H. Engle , C. V. Ramsby Jno. H. N. Everhart J. Case .... J. R. P. Vlck ft ft A D. C. Boylee Everman Robbins 300 W. W. Everhart ..... 3.00 Molalla Grange Wm. Shlndler C. 9.40 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 . Vaughn 9" 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.60 H. Snyder -uu O. Wlsslnger 8 00 W. A. Hansen 6.00 it A A W. H. Counsell ouu C. A. Laklns , s-00 N. B. Harvey 3.00 T. R. A. Sellwood 9 0 G. A. Taler " C. S. Counsell s o Leo Johnson 8 00 L. S. Harlow s uu City of Milwaukie 5 00 D. M. Bentley . . 9 0 Barton Jack - U 0 J. E. Marquam " 9 00 John A. Ridings 90 A. W. Albright 9-00 C. . Bentley F. J. Ridings 9-00 Ladies' Aid Hall 5-00 G. A. Broan 9 M D. J. Thome 9 0 Wm. Evershed 9-00 John Gaff jiey, Jr. 9-00 Geo. W. Cone 9 0" H. A. Heater .6 t.u Jnl 8 00 School Dlst No. 27 2.00 Maple Grange Hall 2-00 R. H. Snodgrass 7.60 D. L. Trulllnger '-50 A. L. Larkins 10.00 E. J. Maple 7 -50 Walter Waldorf 7.50 R. E. Berdlne 7-50 Geo. Crook 10.00 E. B. Miller 9-00 D. B. Yoder 9-0 R. W. Rltter 8.00 P. A. Make ..' W-20 M. G. Smith 8.00 L. H. Cochran 8.00 C. R. Noblltt 8.00 A. S. Thompson 7.60 D. McArthur ; 10.20 John Kaiser 8.00 H. H. Eastman 8.00 Wm. Heerdt 8.00 Arthur Blanchard 9.00 D. E. McArthur 8.00 A. J. Hodge 8.00 Warne Grnge 4.00 R. S. McLaughlin 8.00 John Oatfleld . 00 H. Thlessen 00 John F. Rlsley 00 S. B. Bentley -00 J. W. Grasle 6-QO P. T. Oatfleld 7.20 C. W. Rlsley -00 H. B. Warren 6-00 E. R. Harris -00 Otto Naef . 300 Ernest Naef 3 00 T. R. Worthlngton 15.00 C. W. Evans 4.60 H. W. Trembath 9.00 R B. Woodward ...i.... 8.00 J. J. Tobin 8.00 Harry Kellogg 8.00 Chas. Murray 8.00 S. A. D. Hitngate , 4.60 O. D. Eby 4.60 H. W. Trembath 4.50 F. W. Humphrys 4.50 B. Wilmott y. 9.00 E. M. Waldron 4.50 . W. W. Bradley 18.50 Wm. M. Stone 3.00 J. C. Bradley .2 F. Buzbee 8.00 L. Swafford 9.00 A. Noble j. 6.00 E. G. Roberts 6.00 M. Justin 8.00 C. Sawyer 9.00 Percy Caufleld 6.00 F. Jack 8.00 W.S.Eddy 12.00 Geo. Hoeye 9.00 F. C. Burke 9.00 H. J. Harding 9.00 John Lowery 6.00 Charles S. Noble 6.00 Wallace Hart 6.00 M. H. Long 10.50 T. Gleason 11.00 Sol S. Walker 9.00 L. Blanchard 9.00 D. W. James 6.00 H. N. Cadell 6.00 Ralph Parker 6.00 H. W. Kohler 6.00 A. T. Monk ; 3.00 V. M. Vose 3.00 David Nelson S.OO C. C. Borland 7.60 O. C. Whitten 3.00 W. Stone 3.00 E. Davidson 10.00 G. E. Thomas 6.00 Joe Mclntyre 6.00 H. Cox 6.00 H. B. Bickner 3.00 H. R. Davison 3.00 Jim Skinner S.OO I. O. O. F. Oswego .. 8.00 A. P. Tood 9.00 M. C. Young .', 9.00 S. B. Seeley , 12.60 H. D. Aden 9.00 Sherman Seeley 9.00 T. Calkins 9.00 W. F. Young 9.00 Scott Carter 11.00 Frank Gray 6.00 Geo. Groshong 6.00 Guy Dibble 6.00 A. V. Davis 6.00 P. M. Boyles 6.00 J.W. Nightingale ; 6.00 F. W. McLerln 2.50 Frank Millard 7.50 John Stormer 7.50 W. Tucker 7.50 J. A. Reid 7.50 8. W. Kllgore 7.60 Joseph Guttrldge 7.50 Dlst. No. 24 5.00 M. Bessellen 10.60 C. F. Zlnzer 9.00 L. Koch 9.00 J. A. Stoll, Jr 9.00 W. A. Ulrlch 9.00 Waltjer Chrlstopherson 9.00 E. E. Ochlschlaeger 12.00 L. Kruse 11.00 Wm. Schatz 9.00 G. F. Aden 9.00 G. G. Peters 9.00 M. C. Baker 8.00 Z. Elllgsen 9.00 Roy Thompson 11.60 W. L. White r 8.20 Sidney Graham 6.00 M. D. Say 6.00 W. C. Klnyon 6.00 M. N. Criswell , 6.00 H. Mlley 6.00 School Dist. No. 60 1.50 J. M. Hayden 6.J0 Aug. Hubert 6.00 C. C. Miller 6.00 Lou Funk 6.00 A. M. Kirchem 6.00 Geo. Armstrong 6.00 C. C. Coop 8.40 Ed Miller 2.50 Geo. F. Horton S.OO D. C. Howell 8.00 A. J. Hobble 8.00 J. W. Draper S.OO W. C. Hughes 3.00 H. W. Elliott 8.00 M. E. Clancy 6.00 J. W. Moffall 6.00 P. J. Winkle 6.00 W. Reams 9.00 W. A. Rakel 6.00 Geo. J. Hall . . ; 6.00 S. N. Tanzer 6.00 G. L ,8nldow S.OO Wm. Dale 8.00 W. H. Crlteser 8.00 H. T. Shipley 8.00 Harry Berdlne S.OO J. D. Reama S.06 John Turne 8.00 R. H. Junken 3.00 II. A. Waldron 6.00 J. D. Roams I S.OO E. A. Leigh ton S.OO Ernest LeMay 3.00 H. Leisraan 3.00 Bert Williams 1.50 W. A. Holmes .40 W. B. Smith 4.00 G. H. Young 6.00 C. J. Hood 7.10 John Casto 2.00 C. D. Purcell 4.80 Claude DeVore 70 H. P. Brightbill 75 E. L. Davidson 17.90 J. N. Sievers 17.90 F. H. Dungan 12.20 B. T. Qulnn 1.20 I. M. Harrington 120 Oregon City Enterprise 14.22 Wilson ft Cooke 20 Tom Brown 4.00 J. W. Jones 1.60 Pioneer Transfer Co 75 F. T. Barlow 25 W. H. Miller .60 Printing and Adv. Oregon City Courier 25.40 Oregon City Enterprise . Juvenile Court Geo. A. Brown Mrs. C. J. Parker Portland Land Show R. McGetchle W. E. Nlles Veterinary Surgeon W. 8. Eddy 106.70 14.90 8.15 7.50 60.00 7.00