OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, DEC 27 1912 OREGON CITY COURIER Published Friday from the Courier Building, Eighth and Main streets, and en j,. tered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Ore., as second class mail matter. OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHER M. J. BROWN, A. E FROST, OWNERS. Subscription Price $1.50. Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5-1 M. J. BR.OWN, EDITOR SHOULD HAVE PROTECTION Not a Tariff Wall, but Protection from the Constitution. What is constitution? Laws , to govern. That is all. Laws that arc supposed to bo for the hest good of the most people of a state or nation. Oregon has changed is consti tution 'st.een times or more and it probably wll change again. Our people make it fit growth and de mand. ; But the minute an initiative law passes then someboy or some in terest will jump in with the claim that it is unconstitutional and the chances are about even they will have it declared so. This ap plies to both states and nation, and it applies right hero to Ore gon, for they are trying to have the proposition the people passed for an eight hour law for stale work knocked out. Now the people are the consti tutionor should be. The peo ple are not going to pass any laws that will bring ruin or injustice on the state or nation, and when the people of a state pass a law there should not bo any greater power to annul it. In a recent talk to the Progres sive members of the Illinois leg islature some little time ago Mr. Roosevelt said this: I hope that you will put into the laws of Illinois, as I shall try to put into the laws of New York, a provision that if the people want certain laws, no official, governor, legislature ' or court shall have the power to prevent them from obtaining those laws. The day was when the consti tution was held as sacred as the bible and the courts, and the man who would attack or criticize would have been a traitor. But this day has gone by. The pooplo have lost faith in the courts and they think a constitution is no greater than the men who have to live under it. And the Courior says "Good for Rosevelt" and hurrah for pro tection from our constitution. WANT TO DIE FOR MORGAN? Want a Mexican to Carve you to Protect Big Business? ,. Tho press dispatches give it out that President Taft will give tho .Mexican government one more warning and then if that republic cannot protect American lives and properly, ' this government will act. . That Mexican situation is a hard play to get away with, and one who has been in that country, has been back from the tourists' trails and knows what the Mexi cans are and how they livo, reali zes this. These pooplo are as foroign to our ways and our civ ilization as tho Chinese are ,89 foreign as tho Philipinos are, and (hey can only bo mado Americans while they havo a gun on them. There are two sides to tho mat ter. They say that our country , must protoot its citizens, and Mliey say tho U. S. has billions of dollars invested in Mexico. All very true, but how much of a duty is it for you and I to pro tect? , This government did not force , Americans to go into Mexico nnd tako th0 chances. ,They took the chances for gain. ' It was u haz ard nnd they played tho long end. And now when internal soraps make tho risk more hazardous, tho men and tho interests who havo risked their cash in Mexico want Undo Sam to send down its Holdiers to kill and bo killed that their interests inny bo protected, Ifsomoof these big mining and exploitation companies in Moxioo would give it out that its officers and directors would head an army in Mexico, and that they would be up on the front line of the army when the scrap came then would we feel like boosting Lheir protection game. But these fellows fly home and prod up Knox to send men down there to be shot to protect their nroDertv. In view of the recent senate dis closures it makes an ordinary American say "Big business made this war. now let big business light it." A BIG PROBLEM. One of the Matters this Country Has Got to Meet Soon. That the labor market will be overwhelmed by the hordes of southern Europe as soon as the Panama canal is in opera tion, is evident to all who are informed. Organized labor is facing a most important crisis on the Pacific slope. So is American civilization itself! Portland Labor Press. But what is .Oregon going to do about it what can it do about it? If people will flock to a certain locality and there is not a means of support for all in that locality, how will fixing a certain wage scale help matters. If there were five hundred men in a locality and work for only two hundred and fifty of them doubling wages and letting the men work half time wouldn't solve it. Those who hired them would have to get more for the products of the labor ' or they could not pay the wages. If they got more, tho price of goods woul riso in proportion and the laborer would be no better off. And on tho other hand, the em ployer can hardly bo compelled by law to pay a man in Oregon $3 for a day's work while the employer in the same line of bus iness in Massachusetts pays but $1.50. If he is compelled to he cannot compete with the east in his produts, therefore he will not not produce, will not hire. You may pass a law and make it stick that you shall pay a man a certain wago scale, but you CAN'T piss a law that will make you hire that man. That this country is facing a crisis over this matter of provid ing a means by which its people may livo, there is no doubt. But the way to meet that cricis is one of tho hard ones. A, minimun wage scalo may bo ft tomporary relief, but it won't solve very deeply. BIG MONKEY BUSINESS. Governor Getting Tired of Gov- , ernment's Waiting Game. ' Governor West is' tiring of this fast and lose game over the mat ter of the locks canal here, and he says unless the fellows get into the game and. play ball he will ask the incoming legislature to annul the state's appropriation and call the deal off. It has been almost two years now since this matter was set tled, yet we are no nearer having a locks canal than we ever were, to all appearances.. The officials monkey around and kill time. The longer the deal hangs fire the longer will the lawyers hang onto their jobs., It is not business and we all know il it is playing a waiting game. For instance, just look at this one. The abstract of title for the locks was sent to the UnitedStates attorney for examination on May 27, and it took this hard working official until October 21 to look it over, and then it didn't amount to anything. Five months' time to report on the validity of title nf an abstract. Talk about making a crood thing last. This kind of monkey business has marked the whole deal here. As fast as the fellows were forced to climb over some objection and clear it away, then, presto I up would Jump one to take its place. ' ' When a matter has any connec tion with the government, then it will come as slow as the mossom on a century plant. And there is no sense, no reason why the gov ernment could not pass title on a m'noA of land Just as quickly as an Oregon City lawyer could get title for a Clackamas county lar mer. No wonder the governor is kicking. What Might Be. With a little common sense ap plied to tho enormous water pow er tho Almighty bestowed upon Oregon, we would have light.heat and power supplied at such a low rate as to be lower than the wild est dreams of any agitator. Wo have tho grey matter in our brains and tho water in tho mountains; hut between thorn are a lot of politicians 1 seoklng bow not to serve tho pooplo, and a pooplo so husy with their daily grabs and tasks and toils that they will not uso tho initiative fashioned and in their hands. Portland Labor Press. Now When will It End? The government has brought biggest suit in tho world, a suit Tor $1, 000, 000, 000 against the Southern Pacific railroad for val uable lands in California. . And some day no doubt, the ed itor's son will tell you readers' children how tho greatest courts had decided against tho govern ment, and then refer you to tho records of 1912 for tho early his tory of this action. READINESS When a man makes a good In vestment and pockets the returns, some peopl call It luck. It Is not luck, but good management If he had not been ready to aooept the opportunity It would have passed by as Is done In thousands of cas es every day. A man Is not offer ed chances to make money when It Is known that he has no money at his command. Could you aooept a money-making opportunity to day? Why not place yourself In readiness to take advantage of all such opportunities? 8 tart a sav ings aooount Inour savings depart ment and you will be surprised at the ease with which the savings habit is acquired. The BANK OF OREGON CITY Oldest Bank In Claokamas County A Scheme that 8hould Fall. National Committeeman Wil liams and his bunch of political followers have a nice little scheme to cop out the political patronage that this state is heir to under the rules of tho game and tie it down before the Democrats come into power. And President Taft promises to assist by mak ing the appointments as soon as ho gets back from seeing if the Panama canal is being construct ed right. The jobs they want to nail down before the administration changes includes the postmaster ship of Portland and U. S. mar shall of Oregon, for which posi tion Judge Beatie of this city is a candidate. But making appointments is one thing and having senate conflrm tion is another. And the Courier is guessing that the senate won't confirm the steal, and that the incoming administration will give out the plums. Crouqy Coughs and Wheezy Colds Tho quickest simplest way to rid tho children of dangerous croupy coughs and wheezy stuffy colds is to give them Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound. It gives almost instant relief and 6top a cough promptly. It sooths and heals.' Contains no opiates. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. Ireland's Coait Cliff. Tho finest cliff scenery In the Crated Kingdom is on the const of the county of Donegal, at tlie northwest of Ire Innd. facing the Atlantic, where the ra rloty and grandeur of the cliffs are moBt thrlllhuj and Impressive. SHeve Leaeue, south of Olen Columbkille, Is a superb Introduction to Donegal's coast splendors. In less than half a mile from the sea the mountain rears 1U height of nearly 2.000 feet In the iHlnnd of Achlll. off the wes-t roust of Ireland, the cliffs of Croghan. at Achlll Head, rise sheer from the wa ter's edge to the dizzy height of 8,000 feet-London Standard. Defrauding the Waiter. In a Parisian cafe an American or dered a bora d'oeuvre, sole, agneau pre snle, artichoke aalnd, peche Melba. and so on, and when the waiter brought hlui a bill of 30 fraucs be paid It like a man. After his change was brought be counted It and pushed a franc toward the waiter for a tip. But the man, pushing back the franc, said In goutle reproach: "Pardon, monsieur, but that Is the counterfeit franc." Comforting. Old Croakybo-1 think we'd better have the passage and atalrcaae repa pered while I'm laid up. Mrs. lirliuona. Mrs. Q. (his housekeeper) Lor', sir, 'adn't yer better wait and see 'ow ye goes on fust? Them coffins do make such work with Btalrcase wall papers. London Telegraph. VIOLIN TEACHER Leon Des Lanes, 410 High St., Phono Main 3171. Orchestra for pupils. AN ARRIVAL EXTRA ! ORDINARY. Prof. F. Ramsdell (.direct from Europe) the world's most cele brated palmist, astrologer and clairvoyant, has arrived in this city and opened offices in the El ectrio Hotel Annex, 524 1-2 Main street, Rooms E and F, where ho can be consulted on all the affairs of life. Prof. Ramsdell has no equal in his profession. He stands alone, the prince of clairvoyants, and is recognized by the prses and public as the great est master of the" science of palm istry and astrology the world has ever produced. He guarantees to reveal every incident of your life, tell when, whom And where you will marry, tell you just what you are fitted for and how to obtain money you are in need of. The happiness of your life may depend upon the right solution and pro per advice. The professor makes no mistakes, and all his predic tions are true, and he may be re lied upon. You may wish to know if jt is advisable to make a change in business, in love and in mar riage. ; WHOM SHALL I MARRY? HOW OFTEN SHALL I MARRY? SHALL I EVER BE DIVORCED? DOES ANOTHER SHARE THE LOVE THAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO ME? IF SO, WHO? IS MY DISEASE INCURABLE? WHEN SHALL I LEAVE HERE? AM I LI ABLE TO ACCIDENT? SHOULD I INVEST MY MONEY? IN WHAT SHALL I INVEST? HAVE I ANY ENEMIES? CAN I TRUST MY FRIENDS? I NWHAT TOWN OR STATE WOULD I BE MOST SUC CESSFUL? HOW CAN . I SELL PROPERTY? HOW CAN I HAVE GOOD LUCK? HOW CAN I SUC CEED IN BUSINESS? HOW CAN I MAKE MY HOME HAPPY? WHERE AND WHEN CAN I GET A GOOD POSITION? HOW CAN I MARRY THE ONE I CHOOSE? HOW CAN I MAKE ANYONE LOVE ME? HOW CAN I CONTROL ANYONE? The professor tolls of these things and many more. He is ev er ready to help those with small capital to find a quick and sure investment. If your business is unsuccessful, if your health is not good, or if you are in trouble of any kind, you should see this truly gifted medium at once. He has helped thousands on the road to success, and he can and will help you. He not only tolls you what your life' has been and will be but auso how to better your condition in every possible way. Thousands of people are failures today simply because they do not see things for themselves, or are not following the right trade or profession. Prof. F. Ramsdell has made a life study of those things and he is now prepared to show you how to make a thorough success of your life. His fee is reasonable and within the reach of the caller, no matter who, and if he does not make you a reading that is superior- to any you have ever had, he will positively refuse to accept any money. Noticol All diseases diagnosed astronomically and clairyoyantly. Como, all you sick people and I will toll you exactly what sickness you have, and will also tell you where and when you can be cur ed. Office hours: 10 A. M to 8 P. M. Sunday, 1 to 4 p. m. Lady in attendance. The reception room is located just as the head of the stairs, and so arranged that you meet no strangers. Perfect satisfaction by mail. Send ft, day and date of birth, for mail reading. Special Prof. F. Ramsdell is the only medium in tho country who positively tells your full name, age, occupation, molhre's maiden name, street and number of your house, where you live; and ho will tell it free of charge to all who come prepared to take a reading. Capital furnished for business 8 enterprises, partner found, property bought and sold, etc. Electrio Hotel Annex, 254 1-2 Main Street, Rooms E and F: Over Wilson A Cook Hardware Store. Accidents will happon, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Electrio Oil for such emergencies. It subdues the pain and heals the hurt. For The Nervous Woman, Or the woman who experience hot Suites nothing is so food to soothe, quiet and calm the nervous system as pure flycerio extract of native medical plants, nd made without aloohol, which has been sold by druggists lor the past forty years, and most favorably known as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In younger years some women suffer from dizziness, or fainting spells, hysteria, headaohe, bearing -down ieolings and pain. All these symptoms ol irregularity and female disturbance are relieved by the use oi this famous " Prescription of Doctor Pierce. : , As powerful, invigorating tonio " Favorite Prescription " Imparts strength to the whole system, and in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. ror over-worked, ' worn out, run-aown, aeniiiwea teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop-girls, " house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, it is an exoellent appetizing cordial and restorative tonio. "My disease was ealVd retrorenlon," writs Mm. Lttma McDon ald, of Maeoata, Mh-h., Route 1. "I had nenroui chilli and numb spalls and thay wouM ilaava ma twt waak. Then I had inflammation and tha doctor nid I had a SoaUna kidney. I doctond aavan months with our family physician. Ha aaid 1 would hava to Kara an operation. Than I stopped Ukln his nwdicina. After taking- three bottles of Dr. Plena's medic hies I have not had any nervous caiUa ov weak spalls I am baUar lh1,-Mr'3tIIhtr la now tailn the PrsacrtpUon and Dr. Ptarca's Golden Medical Watoyary. alao the felleta - for nerauanees and weax. tired feelinit. These ncradtea have helped bar erer ao much m a abort 14 I j ' time. Wa have treat faith In youi medicines for femala trouble. Has. McDoKaiA " rmcr flams w man laaaps mim sanmi ww mvnmmmt. Latih fravi . er;r7 Park 1 (ULWaHvJ About Shoes! Oregon City Bayers Should Read Every , Word of Tfcis. fl-THE OREGON CITY SHOE STORE is not a department or a clothing store. It deals in shoes, and shoes exclusively. Its owner knows shoes, and the shoe manufacturers who sell to him know that he knows shoes. THE OREGON CITY SHOE STORE has made its reputation on SHOES, and Shoes alone. Its success depends upon its Shoe reputation, for it handles nothing else. . THE OREGON CITY SHOE STORE does not buy shoes that will admit of "marked down" or any other sort of sale. It charges just enough above cost to pay expenses of handling and give a reasonable pro fit. That's why you never hear of the OREGON CITY SHOE STOKE having any of these "special sales" fake or otherwise. The Shoe buyer gets a hundred cents on the dollar at the Oregon City Shoe Store, and that's all he is entitled to; no more, no less WHY NOT DEAL WITH A GENUINE SHOE STORE If you want beef, you go to a butcher's shop.If you want shoes you go to a shoe shop. The Oregon City Shoe Store is the only excluuve shoe store in Oregon City. Doesn't it stand to. reason that a store that sells nothing else but shoes, can. give you better value for your money, than can a store that carries shoes only as a side line? Of course it does. BIG XMAS VALUES IN FELT GOODS MAKE DANDY PRESENTS The world's greatest felt manufactury is the Alfred Dolge Felt Company, now known as the Standard Felt Company. Their Ladies' Felt Slippers are standard. The big New York Stores are featuring them. They are the latest thing in Felt Foot-Wear. Dainty designs; big wearing value; both warm and comfortable. We have them for men and bovs also. Come in and see them. , ,. j u OUR LEADING LINES THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND BOYS' SHOE Made in Holland, Michigan. If there are any better boys' shoes at the price, the Ore gon City Shoe Store never heard of them, and it is certain no one else ever did. Lace and button. v THE STACY-ADAMS SHOE Everybody knows what that means. The Oregon City Shoe Store has a complete line naturally. LADIES' SHOES for all occasions and all weathers. The very best makes and brands, at the very lowest prices. The biggest line in Oregon City by far. The biggest possible choice. DRY SOX SHOE for men, made by the Washington Shoe Company. Double stitched. Two full double soles. Rubber interlined. Water and weather proof. A complete line. Genuine foot comfort. DAYTON WORK SHOES Made in Pennsylvania. The very best shoe for the worker who needs strong durable shoes that will keep his feet dry and warm. A-Champion Shoe at a comparatively low price. ' RUBBER GOODS Of course you know that rubber goods do not improve with age. The OREGON CITY SHOE STORE carries none but the season's output. Better still, they're made for this season's styles in shoes. Be wise and buy your rubbers where you know you are get ting new rubbers. There are on hand a few odd pairs of shoes, mostly odd sizes, left over from broken and sold out line, which can be bought cheap. You will find them on tho front table. THE OREGON CITY SHOE STORE r xclusive dealers in HIGH GRADE SHOES Opposite the Post Office and Next to the Telegraph and Telephone Office. MAIN ST., OREGON CITY, ORE. -TRADINC STAMPS CIVEN WITH EVERY PURCHASE cou- CUT OUT THIS COUPON Free Stamps at THE OREGON CITY SHOE STORE In addition to all stamps i with regular purchases this pon entitles you to 10 GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each BOo purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER JAN. 3 1ST. By taking advantage of the lib eral methods we offer to collect ors you may fill your stanip books very easily. YOU CAN BANK ON KEIYIO FOR ECZEMA. A Twenty-five Cent Bottle will Prove it Absolutely. Your skin will revel with joy the moment you try the new rem edy, ZEMO. Glory, but isn't il great.'1 ZEMO is a liquid. You rub it on the affected parts, it sinks right in and then it's good. bye to all that terrible itching, to every eczema sore, eczema pain, Mr. and Mrs. Guenther of Shu bel were in the city Saturday, re maining until Sunday, visiting with friends. Grandpa Detrich and son Her man, granddaughter, Elisio Fish er of Carus, were among the city visitors Saturday, pimples, blackheads, blotches, rashes, sores and prickley heat. Yes, they all go; they've got to go. And how clear, smoothe and spot less it leaves the skin. Dandruff disappears too. ZEMO is safe, absolutely. -j Use ZEMO for idditated, raw and inflamed skin; for cuts,sores I arid hives and feel the difference at once. Children especially who suffer over skin affliction will go wild over it. ZEMO is guaranteed to stop itching. ZEMO is sold in drugstores in 25 cent and one dollar bottles, or sent direct on receipt of price by E. V. Hose Medicine Co., SILouis, ' Mo. The one dollar bottle con- tains six times as much as the 25 cent bottle. Sold and guaranteed by Huntley Bros. Co. Home to the Folks For Christmas &tNew Year Holidays THE BROWNELL & STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon Dr. L, G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phone-Pacific, 1221; Home A 198 Iv) SUN s etV lvl i V Rpjji" f Has,authorized a low round-trip fare from all points on TTs lines in Oregon; from points on the Corvallis & Eastern; Sal em, Falls City and Western and the Pacific Railway & Na vigation Co. of ONE AND ONE-fHIRD FARES SALE DATES December 21st to 25th inclusive and from Deecmber 28th to January 1st, 1913, inclusive, with final return limit January 2nd, 1913. For specific fares from any station, train service, sale dates, limits, etc., call on the nearest Agent, or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Qeneral Passen ger Agent, Portland, Oreg LEON DES LARZSE violin teacher i 410 High St., phone 3171. Or 1 chestra for pupils. THE MARKET REPORTS. Oregon City Prices for the Vari ous Products of the Farm. HIDES (buying) green hides :6c to 7c; salters 7c; dry hides 12c to 14c; sheep pelts 30o to 85c each. EGGS Oregon ranch, 35 to 40c. FEED (Selling) Shorts $2-7; bran 125; process barley $38 per ton. FLOUR $4.60 to $5.50. Hay (buying) Clover" at $9 and $10; oat hay nest $11 and $1! mixed $10 and $12; alfalfa $15 to $16.50; Idaho timothy $20; whole corn $40. OATS $26; wheat $1.05 bush ell; oil meal selling about $55; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. I Live Stock, Meats Beef (live weight) steers 6 and 6 1-; cows 5 and 5 1-2 ;bulls 4 1-2 c. J MUTTON Sheep 3 to 5 cents .CHICKENS 12 c. PORK 9 Yj c. VEAL Calves 12c to .3r- dressed according to grade. I POULTRY (buying) hens lie .spring 12 c, roosters 8c, ducks 14c, geese 12c, turkeys 16c. MOHAIR 33o to 35c. Fruit APPLES 70c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis 6c to 8c. Vegetables ONION'S 1c ound; peppers 7c. pound. Butter (Buying) Ordinary country but ter 30c to 35c; fancy dairy 80c per roll.