Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 27, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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FATHER calls me William, sister calls mc Will, .
1 Mothet calls me Willie, but the fellers call me BHL
Eighty glad I ain't a girl ruthei be a boy
Without them sashes, curls an' things that's worn by Fauntleroyl
Love to chawnk green apples an' go swimmin' in the lake '
Hate to take the castor He they give for belly ache!
'Most all the time, the whole year round, they ain't no flies on me,
But jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin be I
Got a feller dog named Sport, sick him on the cat;
First thing she knows she doesn't know where she's att
Got a cupper sled, an when us kids go out to slide
'Long comes the grocery cart, an' we all hook a nde I
But sometimes when the groceryman is worried an'
He reaches at us with his whip an' larrups up his
An' then I lafl an' holler, "Oh, ye never teched me!"
, But jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin be.
Granmar says she hopes that when 1 git to be a man
I'll be a missionarer like her eldest brother Dan,
As was et up by cannibals that lives on Ceylon's
isle, ' .
Where every prospect pleases an' only man is vile.
' But granmar she has never been to see a wild west
show .
Mor read the life of Daniel Boone or else I guess she'd know
That Buff'lo Bill an' cowboys is good enough for me! ,
But jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin be I
An' then old Sport he hanfp around as solemn-like an' still;
His eyes they seem a-sayin , "What's the mattei, little Bill?"
The old cat sneaks down off her perch an' wonders what's become
Of them two enemies of hern .that use to make things hum I
But I'm so polite an' 'ten' so earnestly to biz ,
That mother says to father, "How improved our Willie isl"
But father, havin' been a boy himself, suspicions me
When jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin be!
For Christmas, with its lots and lots of candy, cakes and toys.
Was made, they say, for proper kids and not for naughty boys;
So wash yer face an' brush yer hair an' mind your p's an' q's.
An' don't bust out yer pantaloons, an' don't wear out yei shoes;
Say "yessum" to the ladies an' "yessur" to the men.
An' when there's company don't pass your plate for pie again,
But, thinkin' of the things yer'd like to see upon that tree,
Jest 'fore Christmas be as good as yer kin be!
be. has Borne sign of the New Tear
Idea. Before every cate and doorway
tuc iminnnio nrnnir 18 pll,eed the euief sy"lbo1 f he sea-
I lit IVlllvAliU 0 rtllr Lt 80n- wunt the Jnpaueso call the kado-
matsu, or pine tree of the honorable
" " dute. At each side of the entrance to
WORDS adequate to a deserip-'"j ,",II.Be r gn,'de" P'T
u , of uuniboo tree, cut at nil Hi-utc angle.
Hon of the festive season In Btaud tled to,etner as poJostnl from
Japan are difficult to com- wulL.n rlse3 the ever goriOU3 plne tree
mand. Eveu the camera and In shape something like a Christmus
brush would fall to do Justice to a tree, for the young pine is the emblem
scene of such pay activity and color, of a loyalty and life that are everfresu
As Christmas approaches city, town au Kt'een.
and village taUe on a new appearance.
In addition, over, the door of each
and the diversions of the people a new hoU8e 18 set 0 lobster ""ached to
. . , , , . . , an orange. These are usually the gifts
turn and tone In Japan. Christmas taf , f4end tQ tb(J g00(1(?)
not a mere holiday. It represents a tua, tne ret.)leut wi ve u the ,oln8
holiday season In the fullest sense ofare )eut up like a lobster. Whether
the term. ' the orange represents orange blossoms
For weeks before the dawn of Christ-and plenty of weddings In the family'
mas day preparations elaborate In kindle not clearly known Above the orna
and degree are under way. Men In ments of the doorway is stretched a
tight fitting costumes, their profes-1"808 of "rtisticnlly woven straw rope.
. ., . . . , . the shinto sign of reverence for the
hIoiih. or the contractors' names print- . . , . , 1,
, , , , . . ML , ancestral gods. As one goes along the
ed on their backs, spend day after day they gee(n Ern(Ul(illv t0 be
.decorating the street and houses, transformed Into long and winding av
Ptands for the lanterns and the festive enues of trees, suggestions of the an
greeuing must be erected, and a thou- cestral hunting grounds, and at night
the whole Is lit up by Innumerable
lanterns that shed a varicolored light
on the decorations and the crowds that
throng the thoroughfares. The blaze
of lantern color lends the scene a mag:
ic touch that charms the Japanese
mind and has no little attraction for
the foreigner.
To tell of the endless array of gifts
that at this season pass between friend
and ' friend, neighbor and neighbor,
would be impossible. A mnug the more
common , may be mentioned a basket
containing a dozen eggs or oranges, a
box of sponge cake, or n enke of soap,
the Intter gift being In no way Intend
ed n a -reflection on the beneficiary.
New York Post
sand little matters have to be seen to
before all Is in complete readiness for
the burst of gladness.
Rvery bouse of the many that flbel;
ter the Bfty millions of the Japanese
empire, however humble the abode may
Let Her Pass.
8 eo the merry Christmas shopper.
But for goodness' sake don't stop herl
Let her hike along her pathway;
Let her pass you with a smile
Though you know her. don't detain ber,
For the fact could not be' plainer
That if you two get to chatting
Tou will merely hlock the aisle.
Do not ask her how she's feeling.
If her sister's baby's peeling
From that awful scarlet fever
Or If 'twill affect her mind.
Don't inquire about her mother
Or her nephew or her brother.
Can the Idle gossip, lady,
There's a crowd of us hahlntl
Do not ask her what's she's knlM.lng
Or crocheting tor m fitting
Little Christmas gift tt.ls .ion
If you get her started she
Will relate her whole life story,
All Its tragedy and glory.
And there's full two hundred people
Trying hard to walk on me.
Bee the merry Christmas shopper.
But for goodness' sake don't stop herl
There's no chat that you can think of
That Is really now worth while.
Let her go about her buying.
Though to speak to her you're drtS
Cut It out this Christmas seaaoa.
Let's have freedom In the m!i
OIl How I Itched!
What long nerve-racking days of con
stant torture what sleepless nights of
terrible agony itch Itch Itch, con
stant itch, until it seemed that I must
tear off my very skin then
Instant relief my skin cooler1, sooth
and healed!
The very first drops of D.D.D. Pre
scription for Eczema stopped that awful
Itch Instantly: yes, the very moment
D.D.D. touched the burning skin the tor
ture ceased.
D.D.D. has been known for years as
the only absolutely reliable eczema
remedy, for It washes away the disease
germs and leaves the skin as clear and
healthy as that of a child.
All other druggists have D.D.D. Pre
scription go to them it you can't come
io us but don't accept some big profit
But If you come to our store, we are
so certain of what D.D.D. will do for you
that we offer you a full size bottle on
this guarantee: If you do not find that
lt takes away the Itcn AT ONCE, lt
costs you sot cent
Jones Drug Co., Oregon Olty.
Friday and Saturday, January 3rd and 4th, at Arm
ory Hall, Oregon City. List of Premiums
5r. f -
I. In addition to the regular cash premiums
appropriate ribbons will be given the winners
as follows: First BLUE; Second RED; Third
' 2. All fowls entered for the show will bo fed
and cared . for during the two days by the
management. .'.
3. All shipments of birds by express must
have charges prepaid and plainly marked "M. '
J. Lazelle, Manager Poultry Show, Oregon City,
Oregon." The manager must also be notilled
of the shipment.
4. All enteries should be made on or before
January 1, 1913.
5. A pen shall consist of one male-and four
females. Birds entered in the single class can
compete in pens.
6. All birds should wear leg bands and .the
number on same should be marked on entry
7. Birds suffering with disease will be re
moved from the show room and the entry fees
will be forfeited.
8. All exhibitors paying entry fee of 50
cents will be given a non-transferable pass to
the show.
9. All breeds of Chickens, Geese, Ducks and
Turkeys recognized by the "American Stand- .
ard of Perfection of Poultry" are entitled to
entry for regular premiums. Also Pit Gaines
and other pure bred fowels.
10. All birds entered for sale and not for
premiums shall pay an entrance fee of 25c. .
II. ; Leg bands may be obtained of the sec- '
relary or superintendent.
12. The management reserves the right to
substitute special premiums of equal value in
place of any of the cash premiums offered.
If you have poultry bring it. If you have no
poultry, see them. If you want poultry, bav
them. .
This poultry show in the center of a good
poultry country will give you an opportunity
to show your birds, advertise your business
and learn more of the industry.
For further information call on or address
the' manager at the "Promotion Oflice" oppo
site the Court House in Oregon City.
The following special premiums have been
offered and will be substituted in place of the
cash premiums:
1. Best Duck in show, 1 gallon Zenbleuin, J.
J. Butzer.
2. Best Cock Bird in show, $5.00 Aluminum
Tea Ketttle, Rice & Phelan.
3. 'Best Hen in show. Magic Egg Tester.
Given by Oregon Commission Company.
4. Best Pen in show. Roll Adrian Netting.
Given by Frank Busch.
5. Best Bantam Hen in show. $5.00 Cush-
ion. Given by Bannon & Co.
1. White Plymouth Rocks, $5.00 Umbrella,
Huntley Bros. Co.
2. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Roll of Netting,
Wilson & Cooke.
3. Brown Leghorns, $3.00 Merchandise Or
der, Jones Drug Co.
4. Buff Leghorns, Silver Butter Knife and
Sugar Shell, C. I. Stafford.
5. While Leghorns, Bucket of Lard, P. A.
6. Anconas, One Dozen Cabinet Photos,' P.
M. Hart.
7. Buff Orpingtons, 3 Cans Lice Killer,
Charman & Co.
8. S. C. Rhode Island Reds, 10 pound Lard,
Farr Bros.
9. White Wyandottes. $3.00 Mershandise
Order, Burmeister & Andresen.
10. Light Brahmas, $3.00 Merchandise Or
der, J. Levitt.
11. Columbian Wyandottes, $3.00 Merchan
dise Order, Pope & Co.
I. . White Plymouth Rock,, 20 pound Shell, F.
T. Barlow.
2. Barred Plymouth Rock, $1.25 Flash Light,
C. G. Miller.
3. Brown Leghorn, Box Hole Proof Hose,
PricG tiros
4. Buff Leghorn, 20 pound Best Bone, H. P,
Brightbill. . , .
5. White Leghorn, One box of Hose, Work
ingmen's Store.
6. Anconas, Bucket Poultry Food, George
Reddaway. ' . ,
7. Buff Orpington, 20 pounds Diamond
Chick Food, Jack & Albright.
8. S. C. Rhode Island Red. Large Glass
Pitcher, D. C. Ely.
9. White Wyandottes, Large Looking Glass,
C. W. Friedrich. n
10. Ligh Brahmas, Can Dependable Coffee,
Hub Grocery.
II. Columbian Wyandottes, Sack of Hour,
F. B. Schoenborn.
1. White Plymouth Rock, one gallon Lice
Killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co. r. .
2. Barred Plymouth Rocks,. one gallon Lice
Killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co.
3. Brown Leghorn, 25 pound sack Diamond
Egg Food, Portand Seed Co. .
4. Buff Leghorn, 25 pound sack Diamond
Egg Food, Portland Seed Co. .
5. White Leghorn, 25 pound sack Diamond
Egg Food. Portland Seed Co.
6. Anconas. 25 pound Sack Diamond Egg
Food, Portland Seed Co.
7. Buff Orpingtons, 25 pound Sack Diamond
Egg Food, Portland Seed Go.
8. S. C. Rhode Island Red, 25 pound Sack
Diamond Egg Food, Portland Seed Co.
9. White Wyandotte, 25 pound Sack Dia
mond Egg Food, Portland Seed Co.
10. Light Brahmas, 25 pound Sack Diamond
Egg Food, Portland Seed Co.
11. Columbian Wiandotte, Subscription to
Rural Spirit.
1. White Plymouth Rock, $1 Poultry Food,
2. Barred Plymouth Rock, Can, White House
. Coffee, Larsen & Co.
3. Brown Leghorn, Brass Sprayer, Straight
& Salisbury.
1 4. Buff Leghorn, Full Book of Stamps, L.
5. White. Leghorn, Can Lee's Lice Killer, V.
6. Anconas, 5 pounds Bacon, R. Petzold.
7. Buff Orpington, Box Silk Handkerchiefs
.Chicago Store.
.' 8. S. C.i Rhode Island Red, one gallon Lice
Killer, Chas. II . Lilly Co.
9. White Wyandotte, one gallon Lice Killer,
Chas. H. Lilly Co.
10. Light Brahma, one gallon Lice Killer,
Chas. H. Lilly Co.
11. Columbian Wyandotte, one gallon Lice
Killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co.
1. White Plymouth Rock, Subscription to
Rural Spirit.
2. Barred . Plymouth Rock, Subscription to
Rural Spirit.
3. Brown ' Leghorn, Subscription to Rural
4. Buff Leghorn, Subscription to Rural
5. White Leghorn, $1.00 Seed Order, Rout
ledge Seed & Floral Co.
0. Anconas, $1.00 Seed Order, Routledge
Seed & Floral Co.
7. Buff Orpington, $1.00 Seed Order, Rout
ledge Seed & Floral Co.
8. S. C. Rhode Island Red, $1.00 Seed Order
ledge Seed & Floral Co.
9. White Wyandottes, $1.00 Seed Order,
Routledge Seed & Floral Co.
10. Light Brahma, one gallon Zenoleum, J.
J. Butzer,
1 U. Columbian Wyandotte, one gallon Zeno
leum, J. J. Butzer.
Premium Classifications For All Breeds
-1st 2nd
Prem. Prem.
1. Cock 75o 50o
2. Cockerel 75c 50c
3. Hen 75c 50c,
4. Pullet 75o 50c
5. Pen 75c 50o
; First Divslon
Class 1 White, Buff and Barred Plymouth
gocks; Silver, White, Buff, Silver Penciled,
Golden and Partridge, Coulmbian Wyan-
dottes; American Dominiques; Black, Mot
V tied and White Javas;.S..C. and R: C. Rhode
Island Reds. ; -
. Class 2 Light, Dark and Buff Brahmas; White
- Buff, Partridge ana Black Oochins; White
and Black Langshans.
Class 3 R. C. and S. C. White, Brown, S, C.
Buff, Black Duckwing and Dominique; Leg
horns; White and Black Minorcas: Andal
usians and Whiteface Black Spanish.
Class 4 Plain Blue, Buff Laced, White Crest
ed, Black, White Crested White, Golden and
Silver Bearded Laced, Golden and White
Buff Laced.
Class 5 Goldon and Silver Spangled, Golden
and Silver Penciled,, Black and. White Ham
, burgs; Red Caps, and Gold and Silver Cam
pines. FRENCH
Class 6 Houdans, Crevecoeurs, La Fleche, and
Favorelles. ,
Class 7 While, Silver, Gray, and Colored
Dorkings; Black, Buff, Diamond-Jubilee,
Spangled and White Orpingtons.
Class 8 Black-Breasted Reds, Golden and
Silver Duckwings; Red Pyle; Buchen Games;
and Cornish Indian Games.
Class 9 i ...... :
, , Seoond Division
Class lO--Black-Breasted Red Game, Brown
Red Game, Golden Duckwing Game, Silver
Duckwing Game, Red Pyle Game.White
Game, Black Game, Golden Seabright, Silver
Seabright, While Rose Comb, Japan, White
Crested, White Polish, White and Black Af
rican, White and Black Cochin,. Light Brah
Class 11Bronze, While, Black, Buff, Narra
gansett and Slate. '
Class 12 Pekin, Aylesbury, Rouen, Cayuaga,
Colored and While Muscovy, Gray and White
Call, Black East India, Crested White, In
dian Runner.'
Class 13 Toulouse, Embden, African, Brown
and White China, Wild and Egyptian.
Entry Fee 25 Cents
Best Pair, First, Prize 75 c; Second Prize 50c.
Best Pair, First Prize 75c; Second Prize 50c.
Best Angora, First Prize 75c; Second Prize 60c
"Best Pair 50 cents.
The chief executioner of death
in the winter and spring months
is pneumonia. Its advance agents
are colds and grip. In any altack
of one of these maladies no time
should be lost in taking the best
medicine obtainable t odriv eit off.
Countless thousands have found
Ihia in ho Til- Vine's NTV DlSP.OV-
11J 13 - ' O w " ' "
ery. "My husband believes it has
kept mm rom navmg pneumonia
three or four times,' writes Mrs.
"and for coughs, couls and croup
we have never found its equal. '
Guaranteed ror an Droncmai ai
r.nimin Pria fiftr. And 11.00.
Trial bottle free at Huntley Bros.
Fruit trees. - rose bushes and
fancy shrubbery at half regular
price. Best two year fruit trees
at ten cent eacn. n. j. Diser,
9th and Centre Street, Oregon
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
br local PBUtke, thry suuiot rates Uw dt
Med portion of the Mr. 'llun la onlr oua way to
dure anfnMS. and that la by emuUtilUoual ranieUlra,
iMafnaaa la ouan4 br aa luOamad ermdlUui ol tl
uucoua linlns ol Ida Euauciuan Tuba. Wlien Uiif
tube la Inflamed yoo have a mraNlns ammo or hit
perfect bearuia. and vbca It a) euurWy eluaxt. Deaf
Qcea la tlw result, and uolaai the ufl.in.iiuill'in eau ua
Ukcu out and Uila tube reetoreu to Ita normal eor'Jt
tloQ, koarlni will be daatrored luraver. Blue suet
OM ol tea are eaaand by Catarrh, which It iioUw.f
but an Inflamed condition of the mucoiia etirfaeea.
We will le One Hundred Oollare lor any eaar of
beatunai leaoard by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by iiail's Catarrh Cure. hid for circular, five
r. t. vilcne. at w
Trees, fine apple and peach
10 cents each if called for; other
for list.
at . .wholesale price.
A. J. W'slker, Milwaukee,
Sold by Dructuu. 7k.
lau Ball tamllr J
i-uu lor contupatios.
J. W. - Hiatt, the ML Pleasant
nurseryman, has a fins assort
ment of ail kinds of nursery
stock, roses, fruit tress, shrub
bery, berries, at the rear of the
Courfsp ofBoe, and his fflos Is In
the publicity building, and befcre
you buy your spring Una he asks
you to call In and ses what his
line and price, ars.
life Insure
Real Elate and Insurance
Welnhard Building.
It Would Have Worked Wonders Only
It Was Nevar Dug,
Perhaps the must Idlatlc of all the
many Idiotic schemes with wblcb Brit
ons bave been enamored In days gone
by was that wblcb was known at the
time as Braiie's big well. M. Bralle
was a Belgian engineer, residing tem
porarily lu England, who, in 1848, ap
proached the then prime minister
(Lord John Russell) witb a scheme for
sinking a huge shaft, a mile In diameter
and twenty miles In depth, that should
tap tbe earth's Internal beat and there
by render England Independent of ber
coal supply. when this gave out.
Lord Russell, always rather attract
ed by visionary projects, attentively
considered tbe scheme and caused
plans and estimates to be drawn up.
Tbe first difficulty was tbe Inrush of
water, wblcb would have been certain
to occur sooner or later. This It was
proposed to keep under by pumping,
caissons being used for the purpose of
further excavation, while the finished
portion of the shaft wns to be rendered
watertight by a "Jacket" of granite
set In Portland cement.
Mud as tbe scheme was, It found
plenty of advocates, and a provisional
bill bad been, it was said, actually
drafted, when the overthrow of the
government on the franchise question
was announced, and tbe whole busi
ness wiih thenceforth consigned to
a well merited oblivion. i'earson s
Crude Mud Houses, the Roofs of
Which Are Garbage Dump.
Egyptian village life is quaint and In
teresting, says the Wide World Maga
zine. Tbe bouses ure crude, one storied
structures of sun bnked mud, with pos
sibly a couple of tiny squnre boles cut
In the wall for ventilation.
Each home consists of a single room,
absolutely devoid of furniture, one or
two drinking jars and cooking utensils
being usually the only articles to be
seen. Tbe roofs of these bovels are
thatched with cornstalks, and for some
unaccountable reason all the house
hold rubbish is dumped on the roof I
For this , purpose a ladder may fre
quently be seen reclining against the
side of tbe house. From a distance a
Tillage Is apt to look tike an immense
rubbish heap. These orlmitlve erec
tions are inhabited solely by tbe fella
bin, as Egyptian peasants are called.
In some of tbe Arab villages tbe ar
rangements for sleeping are even more
unconventional. Huge cuplike struc
tures made of mud are built out In the
open, away from the bouses, and into
these the babies are frequently placed
during the day, and often tbe entire
family sleep in them at night Tbe idea
is to eRcape the numerous snakes and
scorpions wbicb abound during the
great heat of tbe summer. .
The Naval Court Waa Polite With the
. Pushing BottAn Attorney.
Courts inartliil are not Infrequently
held on battleships io tbe Chariestown
navy yard. Sometimes a Bailor will
send for Boston attorney to defend
him, although this tendency Is discour
aged by tbe officers. Most attorneys
know they bave no absolute right to
practice In a naval court and can do
so only by permission of the court, but
occasionally a lawyer goes aboard who
does not realize this fact
A sailor who was cburged with gam
bling had retained nn attorney to get
bim oft. This attorney, who bud never
bad sucb a case before, went briskly
Into the ofliiers' wardrobe, where the
court was sitting and without waitlug
on . cereinouy began to address the
court in a blustering manner.
"Just a minute," Interrupted the pre
siding officer. "Who are you?" .
"I am Mr. Rudolpb gmithers," tbe at
torney replied, "and I am a member of
the Massachusetts bar."
"Oh. you are Mr. Smlthers, are your
continued the officer. "Then you are
the man whom tbe orderly wants to
see." : He called tbe orderly.
VWliat does the orderly wnut of me?"
asked the attorney In n superior tone.
"Nothing very much," replied the
chief Justice. "lie merely wants to
show you off the ahlp." New York
Java's Valley of Death, Where Lifa
Cannot Exist.
The Valley of Death U on tbe Island
of Java. It is the most remarkable
natural example of nn atmosphere
loaded with carbonic acid gas In ex
istence. It has never been fully ex
plored because of the danger of re
maining more than a few moments In
Its poisonous atmosphere.
Approached through nn opening be
tween the hills, it Is seen to be an oval
shaped valley about half n mile across.
It Is about thirty-five feet deep. The hot
torn is hard and sandy, without vegeta
tion and strewn with large stones. Tbe
surface is covered witb the bones of
animals, birds and human beings.
Explorers seldom venture beyond the
borders, though the deadly air does not
immediately affect human beings. Tills
Is because tbe carbonic uekl gas, being
heavier than tbe atmosphere, settles to
tbe bottom or the valley. Dogs and
fowls thrown Into It fall senseless In
stantly and die In a few minutes. No
cruters or fissures are visible or the
floor of this vulley, and It is thought
that the openings are near the base of
the hills. ICxchauge. .
' The Human Hog.
Crawford Don't you believe that a
man should br the architect of his own
fortune? ('riilishiiw -That's all right,
but he shouldn't build on the other fel
low's lot -Judge's III lira ry
Irate Patient.
"You iiiidersiiuid me well, doctor If
you amputate mr lec I ulinll never set
foot Inside your door again I" Parle
The Seoret Terror
The haunting fear of sickneag
and helplessness is the secret ter-
rior of the working man. Health
is his capital. Kidney disease sad
a man's strength and vitality.
They'lessen his earning capacity.
i ' I : I . i . : ) I v .: i f.
ruicy nuiity x-iua ui uK uhck
health and strength by healing
tha disease. They are the host
medicine for kidney and bladder
trouble. The genuine are in the
yellow packages. Refuse all sub-,
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
To Cheer Him,
The wife of his bosom was going to
leave bim for a fortnight, and Klls
Tomklns wns trying his very best to
look sad.
"My dear," be said, choking back a
chuckle witb his handkerchief and win
ing bis eyes, "I hardly like to think
how 1 shall miss yon. The evenings
will be so long and lonely without you,
I shall have no one to talk to."
"George," suld Mrs. KHz, surveying
bim with a marble eye. "I bave pro
vided for your comfort In this aa In
every other way. When you return
home you will find dear mother there.
She will remain till I come back and
keep you compauy lu the evenings,
And us tbe train slowly glided out of
the station the gunrd wondered why
Fltz-Toniklns nearly bit him when he
Insinuated a tlp.-London Telegraph.
Dr. Wm. Sadler, author of "The
Cause and Cure, of Colds," says
that common colds should be
taken seriously, especially when
they hang on. Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound is a reliable house
hold medicine for coughs and
colds, equally effective for child
ren an dgrown up people Take it
when you feel a cold coming on. It
will avert danger of serious re
sults and cure quickly. No harm
ful drugs.
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
Thousands have used and found it the one best remedy
Discharvrs. Inflammation and Irritation of the Kid
neys, Bladder nd Urinniy Orgmis, permanently ere
lieved in 2 to 5 da J. Warranted harmless, Non-inje
tive, Stficlure impossible. Bona-fide Guarantee to cure
or money back
Sold by JONES DRUG CO., (Luc.) Oregon City, Ore
or cnt pMtpttid Ju plain wr
ine aaieiy Kemeay lo., tanion rKfctCA"l crs
Price 50c
The Box of
50 Caps
aO ,-sA m
TT- f i an i m w
Phone 1121
Res. 1833
Office in Favorite Clear Store
Opposite Masonic building:
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving a Specialty
Freight and Parcels Delivered Prices reasonable and
batisfaction uuarantetd
Pabst's Okay Specific
For Sal By
. Incorporated)
F. I. MBYBR, Cwh
(Successor to Commercial Bank)
Transact, a Qanaral Banking Business Open from 9 a. m. to 3