ORJEGON CITY COURIER, FRl DA 1", DEC. 20. 1912 8 OREGON CITY. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mueller of Clarkes were- among the Oregon City visitors Wednesday. "' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fortune, 'who have been at Lewiston, Ida - ho for several weeks, have re turned home. . Miss Florence White, linotype operator at the Courier, who has been ill with typhoid for several weeks, is convalescing. . The Pacific Telephone company lias purchased tho Milwaukie and Oak Jrove telephone systems and win take them over January IThe (Jeal cost about $13,000. -Herman Schrader, who has been in I ho baking business in this city for Iho past seven years, has sold his (wo bakeries, one on Seventh and John Adams streets and the other on Main street. The pur The purchasers are Wemmo & Haas, formerly in the baking bus iness in Germany and Portland. Miss Marjory Schrader will re ' main with the new firm until Jan uary 1. Mr. Schrader has not yet decided as to his future, but will lake a needed rest for some time. Paul Ellings of this city has purchased of O. P. bailey a live acre tract at Twilight and will take possession the first of the year. The Live Wires have appointed me IOllOwmg coiiinmiee iu cuop erate with the directors of the r.lnr-.bnmnH Kniilhfif'n railroad to hasten the work of ballasting the road to jeaver ureen: ai. v. ourette, 13. T. McBain, E. E. Bro die, M. J. Brown, W. A. Shewman. The freo library of this city will bo oDen to visitors on unrist mas day as on other days, the hours of which will he lrom 2 o in. to 9:30 p. in., thus providing for those who have no place to sound the holiday to enjoy the 11 brarv room, where the uest of reading matter may be found and where the room is always com fortable. M. J. La.elie, who has been act ing as secretary to the publicity department of the commercial club during the absense of O. E. Freylag, who has been in charge of the Oregon exhibit at several land shows in the east, left on Thursday morning for Albany, where he will attend the Oregon Dairymen's Association, of which ANN KIMS OUNCE II Ml THE GRAND wishes to announce that ao XIYIAS DAY It will have a fine picture pro gram. .It will be very entertain ing, espeolaHy to the little folks, who can tell from Its title that It was made for them. Kiddies Chri&lmas will be sure to please BRING THE LITTLE ONES. LET THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE December 90, and the weather like spring, roses blooming, and buds on the hazel brush starting. be is a member. On his return to this city he will devote his time to the program of the .poultry show to be given by the Clacka mas County Poultry Association at the armory the first week in January. Edward Buchold, who has been employed on a pile driver at Tim ber, Ore., met with a painful ac cident Tuesday when one of the fingers on his right hand was broken. He returned to this city Tuesday and will remain until he is able to resume work. Mrs. Herman Rowland and two little children arrived Monday from Couer d' Alene, Idaho, and will remain until after the holi days with ' Mrs. Rowland's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Young. Mrs. Rowland tefore going to Ida ho was connected with the P. R. L. & P. Co. in their office. She re- orts that considerable snow has lien in Idaho. Mrs. Samuel E. Chaney, for merly Miss Claire Padrick of this city but who has been making her home in British Columbia, since her marriage, is in the city the guest of her parents, Mr. andMrs. Fred Hegdale. Mr. Chaney, who has been a guest at the Hegdale home has gone to Ensenada, Mex. where he goes on business. He will remain during the winter. Mr. Chaney is a civil engineer and has accepted a position in Mex ico. Mrs. Chaney will leave in a weeks for that country. Congregational Church Sunday cnristmas program. Christmas services at the Con gregational church next Sunday will include the following pro gram of music: H. J. Robinson, choir leader; Miss Marion Money, organist: Morning, antheum, Babe of Bethleum; male quartette, From Lands Afar, F. B. Holten; an--fheum, Joy to the World, Carrie B. Adams; solo,. Nazareth, H. J. Robinson. Evening Antheum, The An gel's Song, Ira A. Wilson; so prano solo and male quartette; it Came Upon the Midnight Clear, Lee G. Krantz; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Burke; mixed quartette, Rejoice Greatly; soW, The BeautifulStar, Mrs. Burke; The pastor will speak in the morning on the cost of war and the world's peace, in the evening his subject will be "A Christian Christmas." There will be a Christmas fes tival given by the Sunday school on Christmas eve, program on titled "Tho Sight of the World." mm s wen Chemical Closet Req u i res n o Wat e r o r Se we rage Adapted Especially for districts not having water or sewerage. The WHITE STAR is a CHEMICAL closet. The WHITE STAR does away with the old pit closet The WHITE STAR can he placed in any part of the house. v The WHITE STAR is guaranteed to he odorless and sanitary. Thousands of White Star Closets are in use in the Un ited States and Western Canada. ' Investigate the WHITE STAR today. Write for the White Star illustrated catalogue. It is Free. Off for Beaver Creek. The Clackamas Southern com nanv is laviner tho rails out to ward Beaver Creek, and it is but a question of weeks now when the" first, train will go out to this place An engine has been put on this end of the line to help with the work. 9 Come y i anitary loseir. 302 Pine Street Portland, Oregon When in Portland call and inspect the WHITE STAR. No, it is not a new idea, it was patented in 1907 i . ; ' . - , ; . ' I .fn0 amam fsi fiMlitAfl f i.ff j-if . . r" 1 I . f i f f f i. 1 - l.C vfvu iui vuuucsa uiguia irum now nil inrisimas oeieci your guts eany ana let us siore mem for yoa Always ask for Red Trading Stamps; they represent the most valise and the best Premiums Adams Department Store Holiday buying is now brisk at The Big Store; only four more buying days before Xmas. The busy Toyland in the basement for the merry-making toys for boys and girls. Don't miss this Department MEN'S SUIT SALE Very interesting prices at our Xmas Sale of Man's Suits and Overcoats Men's Suits in large number at $1 1.25 Better Suits at better Prices in up-to-date styles and material made from $20 down XMAS SUIT SALE We offer a large number of Tailored Suits regular values 425. Our Soecial Xmas Cut Price Sale of these Suits is moer 01 tailored $12.50 Ladies Winter Coats At Special Holiday Prices. Late ar rival of many Coats compel us to price them very low. A large assort-' ment from $25 down to Suggestive GIFTS For Men Suit Overcoat Dress Shirt HuMer Necktie Handkerchief Suspenders Outing down Umbrella Shoes Hat Cap (J loves Armbands darters Uath Kobe Pajama Cuff lhittons Tie Pins Slippers Toy Suggestions For Children Dolls Doll Carts Toy Tianos Toy Dishes Teddy Bears Work Uox Sad Irons Magic Lauterns Toy Furniture Free Ornaments Horns Hobby 1 Torso Toy Trunks Harmonicas Drums Balls Books Blocks Games Bells Suggestive GIFTS For Ladies Tailored Suits Winter Coats Sweater Coats Fur Sets Umbrellas Kimono Bath Robe Dress Pattern Shirt Waist Neckwear Handkerchiefs Jewelry Handbags Suit Cases Table Linen Easy Chairs New Range Kitchen Cabinet Sewing Mackinf New Rug j i -9 Make your headquarters at the busy store. Visit your old friends 2 g and meet new ones, btore your parcels, use our telephones and rest room and do your shopping at your leasure. Bible 250 Years Old, Young, the Curio Man, Has It. Goorgo II... Young, who has one of the largest anil llin;st collec tion ol curios in l he state. Has the window of his store a bible that is 250 years, old, and which is attracting much attention. Mrs George Young, who is a descend ant of the Drennar family of Scotland and Ireland discovered this book among the belongings ol her mother, tna late Mrs. Mar garet Dodson, who .died several years ago in this city. This bible has been kept fh the family for many generations, ana was louna a few days ago in a chest, owned by Mrs. Dodson. Although the hook was used by the Drennan family ranging back to 250 years, it is in a wonderful state of pres ervation, and the record of births. marriages, and deaths, which are written in ink are also well pre served,. Look 100 by 100 lot for sale A snap. Cor. 7th and Polk St., by ownor. uasn on term.. Address Mrs. Miley. 1196 E. 9th St. N., Portland, Oregon. Lillle Wins First Round,, That William Lillin affair has been some sensation in this city. Mr. Mine, wtio is cnarged with kidnaped his daughter, was ar rested over the line in Washing ton the day after his get away from his ranch, and his hearing was neia ncrore judge ueatie tne llrst of this week. He was his own council and lawyer, and they say he got away with it equal to any- disciple of Blackstone. The details of the affair are unlit to print. The charge was criminal intimacy with his dau ghter, under age. That the charge was changed to attempt to assault, shows that Lillie was something of a lawyer in his own defense,, and tho reducing of .the bail one thousand dollars is evi dence that he put up some de fense. The January grand jury will have the matter to pass on, and in the meantime Lillie is free and he says he will be there with the ev- dence, if ho has to stand trial. Deafness Cannot Be Cured br locnl applications, aa thy cannot reach tho dbv eutMtl portion of the ear. 'there Is only one way to cure ut'itfnt'NM, and that Is by eonfilltutional remedial, jiailnei Is caUNed by an tiiflnmsd condition of the r.ueoua llii'nti of the KiiaUtcniau Tube, When thli t.:..v is iiuuiiit'C you hH.-e a rumDIliiK wound or lin, r ! -t hir and whea It Is entirely dt;sed Desf-li'- k UN rosult, and uuless the lnllamraatloa can be ' i u uut and this tone restored to Its noruutl oowil io . hearing will be destroyed forever: nloe cases tut of ten are caused by GitArrb. which Is nothing mt ivi tiiilsmed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will cue Oie Hundred Dollars fur any -case ol neatness icsuiscd by catarrh) that cannot be cured uy U-U's Qtiarrb Cure. Send for circulars, tree. r. J. cutNEX a CO, Toledo, u. Sotd by Druiralsta. 7 Sc. lu Hall i family Puis for const! patloo. YOU RISK NOTHINQ. I Fruit trees, rose hushes nrwi This Broad Guarante Protcts you fancy shrubbery at half regular toup money acK ir not -i'". oai iu jmi- u uu irees wofvv v "l lml uems eacn. ti. J. nigger, WOTyy y,9th and Centre Street, Oregon 1 f!it v If you suffer -from piles you i should take advantage of this of-1 for It is simply this no mater i. Trees, fine apple and poach what kind ot piles you are troub-'lO cents each if called for: other Satisfied. Satisfied. led with, if you use Rexall Pile Treatment and it does not relieve you, we will give back your money we couiu nm possibly do nioij to show our faith in this remedy. We have observed its action in so many cases, have been thanked so many times by greatful people to whom we have recommended it, and feel so certam that it will help you that we do not hesitate in guaranteeing it. Rexall Pile treatment is easy and pleasant to use. It comes in a tube, furnished with a special tip, which permits you to apply the soothing, healing contents di rect to the trouble. ' . Do you suppose we would guarantee this remedy if we did not nave faith in it Do you sup pose we would risk our reputa tion and standing by even suirffes- ting a remedy to you that we did not feel was all that was claimed for it? You know we wuold not. Therefore, when we not only rec to you, for any kind of piles, but guarantee you that it will relieve you or your money back, why should you hesitate? Put us to to the test. If you are suffering from uvies in any form, no mat ter how painful thov mav be.vou ought tq in justice to yourself, est tins remedy. If your case is a mild one, you should give it tins treatment at onco to provide against its growing worse. Price 50c, sold only in this community at our store, the Rexall store, Huntley Bros Co.. Oresron Citv. Canby, Molalla, Hubbard. varieties for list. ai wnoiesate nrico. A. J. Walker, Milwaukee. OREGON CITY RESTAURANT and OYSTER HOUSE Serves Meals, Lunches, Short; Orders OPEN DAY AND NIGHT J. Mann, Proo. 8th St. Ndar Main OREGON CI T BIQ SURPRISE TO MANY IN OR EGON CITY. Local people are surprised at the quick results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine etc., as mixed in Alder-i-ka. the ierrnan appendicitis remedy. The Jones Drug Co. states that his simple remedy antisepticies the digestive system and draws off the impurilie so thouroughly that a single dose relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation instantly. ORDER YOUR NURP ERY STOCK. J. w. Hiatt, the MU Pleasant nurseryman, has a fine assort ment of all kinds of nursery stock, roses, fruit trees, shrub bery, berries, at the rear of tha Courier office, and his office is In the publlolty building, and before you buy your spring line he asks you to call In and see what his line and prices are. Summons In tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Clackamas Cour.ty. Rachel Ames, Plaintiff, vs. Bert Ames. Defendant To Bert Ames, the above minimi defendant: In the name of the State of Or. egon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above en titled court and cause on or be fore the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this Summons, to-wit-on or before the 31st day of Jan uary, 1913 and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint on file herein, to-wit: that Ihe bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and the defendant be dissolved, and that the plain till have awarded into her care and custody a minor child, Rose, Ames, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable and just. This summons is nnhliahort hv order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court for the county of Clackamas, Oregon.and saw oruer was made and dated the 19th day of December, 1912, and the date of the first publica tion of this summons is the 20th day of December, 1912, and the this summons is the 31st day of January, 1913. Joseph H. Page, Attorney for Plaintiff. We Insure YOUR LIFE AND HEALTH VOI R HOUSE AND BARN YOUR AUTOMOBILE DILLMAN A HOWLAND Real Etate and Insurance Weinhard Building. Your Druggist Slops That Itch If you are sufferins; from Ecezema. Psoriasis or any other kind of skin S?lVewI0L4,,?t0 our p.tore '"H1 Instant JTi. h, WI11 uarn,e you to top tnat Itch in two seconds, ' W, havv 80ld oth'r remedies for skin troubles, but none that we could recom- J? , .a?..!'lBhl, as thia- "Hid wash of Oil of Uintertrreen Thymol and a few other Ingredients that have wrought uch wonderful cures aU over the coun- This romrotinrl Is known as HDD Prescription for Eciema and it wiU cool ' and heal the itchy, burning- skin u nothing else can. A trial will prove it. nnnCPU,rs J1.1, other have PreripUon go to them If you can t come to us but don't accept soma big-profit substitute. But if you come to our store, we ar ?wriainiwhat DDD- wln "o for you that we offer you a full site bottle on thia Ruarante: if you do not find thst It takes awav the linh it r.urm ,2 coats you not a cent Jones Drug Co., Oregon Olty.