Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 20, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Notice of Levy of 8pecla Road
( Tax.
Notice in hereby given that we,
the undersigned tax payers, rep
resenting ten per cent of the tax
payers in Road District No. 22,
Clackamas county, Oregon, here
by give notice to the said tax
payers of said Road District No.
22, that there will be a meeting
of the taxpayers of said district
in Dickey's school house, at Mol
alla, on the 28th day of Decem
ber, 1012, at one o'clock p.' m. to
vote an additional tax for road
purposes, as provided by an act
of the legislature in 1909. ;
D. K. Pendleton. .
A. G. Engle.
G. Hungate. V
George F. Ball. ; .
F. O; Painter.
G. R. Jacksoji..
P. S. Noyer;
J. R. Dayies.
Notice for Levy of Special Road
Notice is hereby given that we,
the tax payers representing ten
per cent, of the tax payers of Road
District No. 46, Clackamas County
)regon, hereby give notice to the
'.ax payers of said Road District
So. 46, that there will bo a meet
ing of the tax payers of said dis
trict in the School House at Hol
iomb, on the 30th day of Decem
ber, 1912, at 1 o'clock p. m., to
rote an additional tax for road
purposes, as provided by an act
of the legislature in 1909.
J. J. Hatton
Robert Kraner
George Erlandson
David Scheeff
. A. J. Crafton
O. W. Hatton
Chas. Hatton
J. L. Mumpower
Mrs. J. Rhines
J. II. Rassmussen.
Tn the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
Clara D. Bixby, Plaintiff,
Frank B. Bixby, Defonaant.
To the above named defendant,
Frank B. Bixby:
In the name of the state of Ore
crnn. vnu are hereby reauired to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled Court and cause within six
weeks from December 13. 1912,
the date of the first publication of
this summons, that being tne ume
fiYod hv iho Court for you to ap
pear and answer said complaint.,
and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof, plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint
to-wit: For a decree against you
forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between
"you and the plaintiff herein on the
grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment and non-support, and
allowing the plaintiff to resume
her maiden name of Clara D.
Bromly, and for such other and
further relief jas to the Court may
seem equitable.
This summons is serveifcupon
you by publication once arweek
for six consecutive weeks by order
of the Hon. J. R. Eakin, Judge
of the above entitled Court, made
and entered in said suit on the
10th day of December, 1912.
1 1 1 Ti i n ; ti t ; fr
307 Yeon Building
Portland, Oregon,
rinio nf first, nublication Dec
ember 13, 1912, date of the last
publication January i, ivi&.
Notice to Creditors
Estate of Mrs. W. J. Gordon, Do
odd QPii
Notice is hereby given that the
linriersiarned has been, by the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas,
ajppointed .'administrator of the
estate of Mrs. W. J. Gordon, De-
nuaaeil mid hllS duly OUalllled.
All nnranns havinK Claims
ate are hereby
notified to present the same at
the ofllce of Chester u. murpuy,
401-2-3-4-5, Fenton Building,
Portland, Oregon, with proper
vouchers, duly verified, .within
six (6) months form the date
hereof. , ,. ,.
Date of first publication Dec
ember 13, 1912. ui.
Date of last publication Jan
Chester G. Murphy,
Attorney for Estate.
Notice fop Levy for Sepclal Road
Notice is hereby given that the
nnHorsiornfid tax Davers represen
ting ten per cent of th. tax pay
ers in Road Dist No. 56, Clacka-
Aimin nroornn. hereby Kive
notice to the tax payers of said
nnnH District -No. 56. that there
will be a meeting of the tax payer,
of said district in School House of
Dist. No 111, at Higraanu, uresou,
on the 28th day of December,1912
it nun o'clock, o. m. to vote an ad
ditional tax for road purposes, as
provided by an act of the legisla
ture in 19U.
F. Nichelos
W. H. Shank
John Schram
Ed. Taylor
F. T. Shute
T. J. WertE
Ida Stephens
G. W.Stephens
G. R. Miller
F. M. Mayfield
C. Moenke
C. G. Stone
Dan Fellows
Eli Fellows.
IS Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sict and Accident Insurance
Dwelling House Insurance A Specialty
orrica with
UKea & Schuebel. Oregon City. Or
Business Directory
S a Wrtctorr of tack City. Town and
Vllla, lTln eaertptiT iltttch of
aaeh ple. location, population, talo
1 raph. ahlppln aad baaklat PolW
B also ClaaaMad Dlrtrtorr. compUad of
fcnalMa and profwaloa.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court for the Slate
of Oregon for the County of
In the Matter of the Estate of E.
E. Judd, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administratrix of the
estate of E. E. Judd, deceased, has
(lied with the clerk of the above
court her final report and account
as such administratrix, and that
said court has set Monday, . the
6th day of January. 1913. at ten
o'clock, a. in., in the CountyCourt
Room m the Court House at Or
egon City, Clackamas county, Or
egon, as the time and place for
Hearing any and all oDjections
thereto, and any and all persons
having objections to said linal re
port and the discharge of said
Administratrix are herbey notified
to be present at the said time and
place and present such objections
lor the consideration of this
Administratrix for the Estate of
E. E. Judd, Deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Frederick Bombard, Plaintiff
Catherine Bombard, Defendant. .
To Catherine Bombard, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Or
egon you are Iroreby required to
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff, filed against you
in the above entitled court and
cause, within six weeks from the
first publication of this summons
and if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for
in the said complaint, to-wit for
a decree dissolving the marriage
contract existing between the
plaintiff and the defendant, and
for such other and further re
lief as he may be entitled to in
thr premises.
This summons is served upon
you by publication in the Oregon
(Jity courier, nersuant to an or
der made and entered in the above
entitled Court on the Hth day of
December, 1912, by the Hon. J.
U. Campbell. Judge of said court.
Ditchburn & Downes,
Attorneys for Plaintiff, 165
Third Street. Portland . Ore.
Date of first publication De
cember 13. 1912.
Date of the last publication Jan
uary 24, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
of Oregon for Clackamas County
Nancy Martin Houghton, Plaintiff,
Samuel N. Houghton, Defendant.
To Samuel IN. Houghton, Defend
ant: A
In the name of the State of Ore
gon,, you are nereny required to
appear and answer the complaint
Hied against you in tne aDove en
titled suit within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
... . . i . '
ulls summons. io-wii; wiumi hia
weeks from the 6th day of Dec-
ebmer, A. D. 1912, to-wit: on or
before the 18lh day of January,
A. D. 1913, and n you Ian to so aeg. 33 min. west wi i.vi xeei irom
appear and answer the said com- a point iu the southeasterly line
plaint, for want thereof the said of said D. L. C, which last men
plaintiff will take decree against tioned point is Routh 00 deg. 30
you as prayed for in said coin- min. West Jfl5.o8 feet from the
plaint, to-wit: mat ine nonus 01
matrimony existing between you
and this plaintiff may be dissolved I
that said piaintm may cnange nereorner or a irae 01 isnu comnicu
narne tn Nancy Martin: and that ina 1B.7S acres which was con-
said plaintiff may have judgement
against you ior uer cosib uuu uib-
bursements herein. This sum-
mons is served upon you by pub-
iin.nf.inn thereof once a week for
six consecutive weeks in the Orel
gon City Courier, a weeKiy news-
naner of ireneral circulation, pub-
lished at Oregon City. Clackamas
County, Oregon, in compliance
with an order made by the Honor-
nhio .1. II. CaniDbel . Judge or tne
above entitled Court, dated Nov-
ember 29th, A. D. 1912.
NORTH UP & uuahiiaht
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Date of first publication Dec-
ember 6th A. D., 1912.
Date of last publication Jan-
17th, A. D., 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of- Oregon for Clackamas
County .
L. H. Sutherland, Plaintiff,
Besie D. Sutherland, Defendant.
To Bessie D. Sutherland tne anove
named Defendant:
In Iho nnmfl n f Urn State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit, on or before January
the lotn, lau, anu h yuu an iu
answer, for want uiereui hid
plaintiff will take a decree against
you forever dissolving the bonds
or mairimuiiy uv ca.o.wo
tween said plaintiff and defendant
nH fnr such other relief as to
the Court seems proper. i
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable R. B.
Beatie, Judge or tne county cuuiv
of the State of Oregon for Clack-,
n,,rW,r iho ohspnr.A nf the
Judge of the above entitled Court.
Said order Deing euiei cu
21 si day of November, 1912. Date
nf first publication of this sum -
mons, Noven Der tv, -
jno. w.uuoi .
Attorney for Plaintiff
n 1 II f
L uyi
Oregon City, Ore.
Off MONEY KCrisrtkJC-is.
In ths Circuit Court of the State
ty of Oregon for the County
of Clackamas.
Oregon Realty Co., a corporation,
August Horger ana uegina
Hoiger, his wife, Plaintiffs.
E. N. Foster and Elsie J. Foster,
his wile, lsaae roster, unmar
ried, Mary xoung, unmarried,
Oqorge Foster and Mary Fos
ter, his wife, S. Foster, unmar
ried, F.rank Foster, unmarried,
Walter Foster, unmarried,
Ethel Foster, unmarried,
Grover Foster, unmarried,
Bernice Howell and George
E. Howell, her husband,
Myrtl3 Telford and Wallace
Telford, her husband, Mildred
Foster, unmarried, Mrs. Louisa
M. Foster, unmarried, James W
Foster, Jr. unmarried, Fannie
R. McFarlane and Archie L.
McFarlane, her husband, Ches
ter U. Foster and Alma F'oster,
his wife, May Forguson and
Walter S. Ferguson, her hus
band, Cecil N. Foster and Net
tic Foster, his wife, Ivy G. Hil
ler and Edward C. Hiller, her
husband, Mildred L. Foster, un
married, Ida L. Foster, unmar
ried. Essie C. Foster, unmar
ried, J. E. Burnett and Addie
Burnett, his wife, A. D. Bur
nett and Maud Burnett, his wife
the only heirs at law of Philip
Foster and Mary C.Foster, de
ceased, defendants.
To E. N. Foster and Elsie J.
Mary Youngr. George Foster and
Mary Foster, his Avife, S. Foster,
Frank Foster, Walter Foster, Ar
thur Foster. Ethel Foster. Grover
Foster, Bernice Howell and Geor
ge E. Howell, her husband, Myrtle
Telford and Wallace Telford her
husband, Mildred F'oster, Mrs.
Louisa M. Foster, Jas. W. Fos
ter. Jr.. Fannie R. McFarlane and
Archie L. McFarlane, her husband
Chester U. Foster and Alma Fos
ter his wife, May Ferguson and
Waller s. reruuson her nusDand
Cecil N. Foster and Nettie Foster
his wife, Ivy C. Hiller, Edward C.
Foster. Ida L. Foster, Essie C.
Miller, her husband. Mildred L
F'oster. J. E. Burnett and Addie
Burnett, his wife, A. D. Burnett
and Maud Burnett, his wife, the
on r heirs at law of Philip f os
ter and Mary C. Foster, deceased,
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the 21st day of December. 1912:
said date being the expiration of
six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons and if you
fail to so appear and answer for
want thereof the plaintiffs will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in Plaintiffs' com
plaint, as follows, to-wit: To
quiet title to the following de
scribed premises situated in
Clackamas County, Oregon:
A tract of land in Sees. 31 and
32 Tp. 2 S of Range 4 East and
Sec. 6 Tp. 3. S. of range 4 East of
Willamette Meridian and being a
part of the Donation Land Claim
i. . 1 1 i 1. . a .1 , i tr
oi fiiiiiu rosier iuu aaarj tut-
ter, his wife, hounded and de-
gcribed as loiiows, io-wii:
Beginning at a stake North 19
soumeasieriy corner 01 saiu u. u.
c. said stake., at the beginning
point marks the northeasterly
veyed or Intended to be conveyed
jjy rnuip rosier kj tguui t n.
Foster by deed dated March 8,
1 881 and recordod in Deed Book
"S" nana 250 of Records of said
County; thence North 29 deg. 46
mm. West 77.oz reel to a stone;
thence North SO det. 89 min.
East 1673.95 feet to the center of
tho County Road; thence North 19
u8g. 12 min. West along the cen-
lp of the County Jload 76Z. 97
feet; thence South 69 deg. 2 min.
West 3059.7 feet to a stone;
thence North 81 deg. 6 mm. west
504.96 feet to a stone; thence
South 60 desr. 11 min. West 1790
28 ft. more or loss, to the South-
easterly along said last mention-
nd line to the most southerly cor
ner of said Donation Land Claim
of Philip Foster and Mary C. Fos
ter, thence Norm ov aeg. w min
Kest 890.82 ft. more or less to
post in the Southwesterly line of a
Lract of land containing 15.72
acres conveyed by Phil. Foster to
Egbort N. Foster by deed dated
Mar. 8. 1881 and recorded Mar. 10
1881 in deed book "SV page 250 of
the records of said county; inemce
Northwesterly along the bourn
westerly line of aaid tract con
veyed to Egbert N. Foster 892.49
feet to a post at tha Northwest
erly corner of said tract; thenci
iNormeaeieriy to ine piace oi ue-
8"innin&- . . ,t u A v.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, ' which order was
made and entered on . the pnd.
day of November, 1012.
U'Ren and Schuebel,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Administrator's Notice.
' A Qunderson, also known as An-
drew Uunderson, A. uunaersnn,
( Andrew - Gundersen and Arno
- , finndersen Bartos Estate.
Notice is hereby given mat tne
undersigned nas Deen appomteu
administratrix of the estate of A.
Gunderson, Also known as An-
drew Gunderson, A. Gundersen,
'Andrew Gundersen and ArneGun-
dersen Bratos, deceased, by the
, County Court of the State of Or
egon, for ciacitamas county, ana
has qualified.
All persons having claims
a nrainsl said estatn are hereby no
tified to present the same to me at
R. E. D. No. i, dox aa, noring,
Oregon, with proper vouchers du
ly verified within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published De
cember 13, 1912.
Samuel Olson, Attorney for Ad
ministratrix, 607 Yeon Bid.,
Portland, Ore.
Cffica, 71 ,
Residence 130
GilbtrtL. dtdge
Weinhard Bldg. ' Oregon City, Ore.
In the Justice Court for Dis
trict No. 3, Clackamas County,
Angolo Cuneo, Plaintiff,
vs. r
Bartolomeo Parata, Defendant.
To Bartolomeo 1'arata, tne aDove
named defendant: IN THE NAME
You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint
tiled against you in the above en.
tilled Court and cause on or be
fore tho last day of the time pre
scribed in tho order for the pub
lication made herein to-wit: the
27th day of December, 1912, that
day being more than six. weeks
. .1 1 1 - 1 1 , u
irom ine aaie 01 me msi yuu
lication herein, and if you fail to
appear, in said action and ans
wer on or before said day, plain
tiff will take judgement against
you for the sum of One Hundred
Dollars, witn interest mereon ai
the rate of six per cent per annum
from the nth day or August, iw-
U. and lor tne cosis ana ais
bursements in this action. ana;nundred Dollars ($1500.00), to
certain personal property belong. ! pettier with interest thereon from
ing to you which has been attach-
ed by the Constable of said Dis-'and
tnct no. 3, uiacKamas county,
Oregon, and held by him, sub-
iect to the outcome 01 mis aciion,
will be sold to satisfy the said
judgenient. .....
rill - f. I -.,K ,nhnl ..
mis summons ' yuoiioiiou
pursuant to au uruur 01 una
Court made October 31, 1912, the
first, nnhlination
being dated
nmhnr 8. 1912. and the last publi
cation dated December 20, 1912.
Justice of the Peace.
Attorney ior .riauuiu, jit-ma
Henry Building, Romano, ure. -
Notice of Final Settlement.
, .... n., r.ri nf ih
' L"?""yr 7CT-r. "...."
Maie 01 uri'Buii iui mo uuuiu u
uiacKamas. aatata nt
In the matter of the estate of
unariey aerg, oeceaseu.
notice 'a 'lereoy B veu uitti io
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Charley Berg, deceased,
nereny given tnat tne
has duly filed with the county
Clerk or Clackamas Co. Ore., his
COUniy i
final reoort therein: and the said
Court has set Monday, the 13th
day of January, 1913, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m .at the court
house in Oregon City, Oregon, as
the time and place of hearing any
and alt objections to said final
report and to the discharge of
said administrator.
Dated this 12th day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1912.
Valdomar Lidell,
Administrator with the will an
nexed, of the estate of Charley
Berg, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement - "
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the estate of Jer
ome W. Thomas, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrator of the
estate of Jerome w. l nomas, de
ceased, with the will annexed, has
duly filed with the County Clerk
of Clackamas County, Oregon, his
final report therein; and tne said
Court has set Monday, the 30th
day of December. 1912. at the
hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the
Court House in Oregon City, Ore
gon as the time and place or hear
ing any and all objections to said
final report and to the discharge
of said Administrator.
Dated the 20th day of November
A. D., 1912.
G .E. Thomas, .
Administrator with the will an
nexed, of the Estate of Jerome W.
Thomas, Dec'd.
Dimick & Dimick.
Attorneys for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
John J. Ramser, Plaintiff,
vs. .
Mnrtrnret Ramser. Defendant.
To Margaret Ramser, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
in the above entitled suit filed
against you on or before six weeks
nftpr tho. first nublication of this
summons, to-wit: the 28th day of
December, 1912. and if you fail
to so appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the Court fo rthe relief demanded
in said suit, as follows:
For a aecree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony between you
nlhnr an d further relief as to this
Honorable Court may seem just
and equitable.
Thia summons 18 DUbllShed
pursuant to an order made by the
Honoramo j. u. campueu, juubo
the Court for the relief demanded
of Oregon for the County of Clack
amas, on ina uin uay oi iiuyjhjuii
The date of the first publication
of this summons being November
15. 1912, and the date of the last
publication being December 27,
191 2" U'REN & SCHUEBEL,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State
of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas.
Edwin S. Thomas, Plaintiff,
Nella S. Thomas, Defendant.
Tn isioii s. Thomas, the above
named defendant: in ine name ui
the State of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear and answer
the complaint riled against you
in tne aoove euuweu im w"
before the 27th day of December,
1912, said date being the expir.
ation of Six (fl) weeks from the
first publication of this summons
and if you fail to appear and ans-
nr. aoiH pnmnlftint.. Plaintiff Will
apply to the court tor ine reiici
TV 1 onm , m, . !
ppayea ior in ins uuiiipiim., w
A decree dissolving ine nonus ui
t J
matrimony now existing ueiwccu
plaintiff and defendant upon the
i-vn t1 h nlflint.iff.
on u'ii r . , ,
This summons is puDiisnea vj
order of the Honorame j. v.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
I'ni.ri fnr iciimis vjuuihj,
which order was made and enter
ed on the 7th day of November
1 9 12, and the time prescribed for
the puDiication mereoi ijoii
weeks, beginning on th lbth
Mow r. f Nnvunhfr 1612. and eon-
liniiinff oph wrk thereafter to
and including the 27th day of
December 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho State
of Oregon for the County of
Florence E. Stallings, Plaintiff,
H . L. Burchell and Adda R.
Burchell, his wife; J. L. Ketch
and Genevra Ketch, his wife;
Columbia Trust Company, a
corporation; Forest-Hill In
vestment Company, a corpora
tion; Alvin Clark tend W. J.
McNeil, Defendants.
To J. L. Ketch and Genevra Ketch,
above named Defendants:
' In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
tiled against you in the above en
titled suit on or before six weeks
from and after the day of the first
publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before six weeks from
Burchell, for the sum' of Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00), to
gether with interest thereon from
the 10th day of October, 1911, at
the rate of six per cent per annum
fnp t.h fnrthnp anin nf Fiflfimi
the 10th day of October, 1911, at
after the 29th day of Nov-
ember, 1912, and if you fail to so
appear or answer within said
uma for want thereof the d aintill
wiii aDDiy t0 the Court for the re-
lief demanded in the complaint,
to - wit: f or a judgment ana aecree
.. . . . j . 1
against tne ueionuant, ti. h.
the rate of eeight per cent, per
wov--annum; for the further sum of
One Thousand Eight Hundred
Fifty-nine Dollars ($1859.00),
together with interest thereon
from the 10th day of October
1911, at the rate of six per cent
p0r annum; for the further sum
0f Forty 31-100 Dollars ($40.31),
together with interest thereon
from the 25th day of November,
at the rate or six per cent.
uer annum, and lor tne runner
sum of Fou
'our Hundred Dollars
($400.00), attorney's feea in this
8ml"for nlaintilT's oosts and
disbursements in this suit: for a
. . forclosing a niort-
f d forclosing a nil
" b defendant H
R?Sh?7Mlaintiff bt
1 I . . V. ,. 1 I . . . 1 ; ( i V Vmnniniv . 1 II t (
.nlh j . nlnhnr IQll and
coverinir the followinK described
lands situated in the County of
ciacnamas, state oi uregon, to
wit: The SWy of the SW and
the SMi of the SMi of the NWtt
of the SW of Section 36 m
TownshiD 2 South of Range
Eastof the Willametjj) Meridian,
for the sale of said property and
the application of the proceeds to
ine payment or saiu juuguiuut,
costs and accruing costs: for a
decree barriner and foreclosing
you and each of you or and irom
nil riifiu. line uuu euuiiy ui ic-
demotion. or other interest or
estale in said mortgaged property
save only the statutory right to
redeem; that, tho liens, claims,
estates, or intereoU of the de
fendants, or any of them, in, on or
to said mortgaged property, if
any such there be, be decreed to be
.subsequent and subordinate td
plaintiff's said mortgage.
This summons is puousneu uy
an order of the Honorable J U.
Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, made and entered
on the 26th day of November
1912, which said order direuts
that you appear and answer said
complaint within six weeks from
the first puDiication oi tnis sum
mons: the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the
29th day of November,
N. A. Mfittl
Attornsy for Plaintiff
627 Chamber or Commerce
Portland. Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of tho
Slate of Oregon, for Clackamas
Anna Mitchell, Plaintiff, vs. Ja
cob L. Mitchell, Defendant.
To Jacob L. Mitchell, the above
named defendant: ,
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on
or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before the 27th day of
December, 1912, and if you fail so
to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in her
complaint on file herein, to-wit:
that the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and de
fondant be dissolved.
This summons is publishod by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, circuit Judge of said
county, ana saia oraer was maue
and dated the 14th day of Novem
ber, 1912, and the date of the first
publication or mis summons is
the 15th day of November, 1912,
and the date of the last nublica
tion of this summons is thd 27ln
day of December. 1912."
iionn r . ijouh,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas bounty,
Myrtle R. Holcsworth, Plaintiff,
i'ii tr t i I ,fi ,i I h rtarnni ant
r.uic w . iiuiuowuiui,
To the ADove namea ueienuaiu,
Kii nv w. iinieswonn:
in the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear ana answer ine compiami
llled against you tn the above en
titled Court and cause within six
wnnko. from December 6. 1912. the
date of the first publication of
this summons, towit: on or deforo
January 18, 1913, that being the
tune lixed ny tne uouri ior you lu
appear and answer said complaint
anil if vim. fail to so aooear and
answer, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the re-
lier prayeu ior in uer cuiniaiuw
to-wit: for a decree of divorce,
dissolving the bonds or mum
mnnv now existing between plain
lift and yourself on the grounds
of cruel and inhuman treatment
and for such other ana runner
relief as to the Court may seem
just and equitable.
Thia summons is served upon
vnn hv niihlif.nl inn nnrp. h week for
mi consecutive weens uy oruer oi
Ihn Honorable J. U. Compbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court
made and entered in saia sun on
the 3rd day of December, A. u
Attorney for Plaintiff
Date of first puDiication Dec
mhr t. 1912.
Date of last publication Jan
uary 17, 1913
, 1 -AiJ mZr.,
M tw II I II If I 1
Mixture for Them"
Every member of
ciate the many handsome, useful presents you
can get free with the coupons now packed in
Duke's Mixture Is one of the Wig favorite brands for
both pipe and cigarettes. Men everywhere prefer it be
cause til its true natural tobacco taste. Duke's Mixture
if simply the choice leaves of, fine Virginia and North
Carolina bri(lit leaf thoroughly aged, stemmed and
crumbled. It's impossible to get a purer smoke or a
more likeable one than this mild, rich, fragrant Liggett
& Myert Duke's Mixture.
One and a half ounces of this choice granulated
tobacco cost only 5c and with each sack you get a book
ol cigarette papers FREE.
The Presents are FREE
They do not cost you one penny. In each 5c sack of
Liggett $ Myert Duke's Mixture we now pack a free
present coupon. With these coupons you can get any
article described In our new
Sheriff's Sale.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stale
of Oregon for the County of
T. A. Garbudo, Plaintiff,
C. K. Leilzel, Defendant.
islato of .Oregon', Gounly of
Clackamas, as.
By virtue of a judgement order,
decree and execution duly issued
out of and under the seal of the
above entitled Court, in the above
entitled cause, to ine duly direct
ed and dated the 12th duy of De
cember, 1912, upon a judgement
r endured and entered in said
court on .life 23d day of Novem
ber, 1912 in favor of T. A.
Gaibado. plaintiff, and against C.
K. Leilzel, defendant, for the sum
of $1,350.00, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the 23d day of No-,
vumber. 1912. and tho further
um of SB 1 50.00 Willi interest
thuroon at the rate of 6 per cent
from tho 23d day of November,
1912, and the further sum of
25.00, costs and disbursements,
and tne costs oi anu upon mis
writ, commanding mo Ho makd
sale of tho following described
real property, situato in the coun
ty of Cluckanias, state of Oregon,
to-wit :
The east half ( )of the north
west quarter V ) and tho wset
half Vj) of tne nortnwesi ono
furth (V4) of S e c t io n
oni'tfien (14) township seven
(7) south, Range 2 (2) east of the
Willamette Meredian in Clacka
mas county, Oregon.
Now, thererore, ny vinue oi
aid execution, judgement order
and decree, and in- compliance
with the commands of said writ, I
will on Saturday, tho 11 111 day of
January. 1913, at Hie hour of 10
o'clock a. m.. at tho front door of
tho court house in the City or
Oregon City, in said county and
state, sell at public auction, sub-
ec.i io rouumpiion, i,o mo msuum
idder, for U. S. gold coin, cash
n hand, all the right, title and m-
rist which the within named de
fendants or either of them had on
the date of tho niorffraico herein
or since had in or to the above de
scribed real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interests,
costs ana an accruing rosin.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore,
liy H. J. Slaafs, Deputy.
Daled, Oregon uuy, ure, jjuc.
A most valuable pamphlet Tells
and Illustrates how to clear stump
land at the lowest known cost per
acre by devices Just perfected.
Free to owners of stump diands
who send mo their names. John
A. Gorman, 1112 Western Ave.,
Straight & Salisbury,
Agenta for the Celebrated
Leader Water Systems
Stover Gasoline Engines.
VVe also carry full line of
Myert pumps and
Spray pump.
We make a tpedalty of Installing Wa
ter System and Plumbing
In the country.
20 Main 8t.
Oregon City
Phone 2882
m rXL. Ail
1 I L tffi 41 ill
your family will appre
illustrated catalogue of pres
ents. Asasptcialoffer,
good during December
and January only, woe
will give yoa thii cata
log abiolutely FREE.
Simply send us your name
and address.
Coufn, from DUKE'S MIXTURE "m
it auorlal i(A Tail trim HORSE
trim FOUR RUStS ( IK-H iT
ton), PICK. PLUU tUl, ritLirui
and olktr logs and content tun n w.
Premium Dept
Kept Him In Hia Place.
He was a boneliend pugilist and we
will call biro Kid Scott He wna Bunt
ing Id a town In the west one night
He put the other fellow down for a
count but na the referee snld "nine
the other fellow started to get up.
Scott walked over and kicked him In
tho iiwk.
"Grritt Bi-ott. limn!" anld his ma ringer,
gronn'iiiu hh Hcolt was disqualified.
"Whatever niiide you kick him In the
neck? You hud him licked !"
Sure I hml him licked!" yelled Scott
"The slob didn't have no Imslnena try.
in to get up!" I'lmiiiuatl Tluies-Star.
Dr. L. G. ICE,
Beaver Building, Oregon City
Phouei PdBc 1221. Home A 1M.
t Attorneye-at-Law
Will practice In all courts, make col
lections and settlements of estates,
furnish abstracts of title, lend you
mcney and lend your money on Brat
mortgagt. Ofllce in Enterprise
Building, Oregon City.
O. D. CBY,
Attorney at Law,
General practice Deeds, mort
gages and abstracts carefully
made. Money to loan on good
security. Charges reasonable.
Office in Stevens Building.
Children Ory
ST.LOU1S.MO. raflfi H