Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 20, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Sunday School Lessons Edu
cational to AIL
An Illustrated Commentary on the In
ternational Sunday School Leisoni
May Be Obtained by Saving the Art!
olet From Thie Paper Handy Com
pendium For Bible Student,
The Brooklyn Tabernacle articles on
the International Sunday School Les
sons bring out the Instruction Intended
In a way which can be seen to be more
harmonious, beautiful and reasonable
than Is generally understood.
There never was a time when re
Ilglon was Investigated as generally
by all classes of people as It Is today.
There never was a time when helpful
explanations of the Sunday School Les
sons were more needed. The Brooklyn
Tabernacle Lessons are the timely aid
for alL They present the various frag
ments of truth on the different sub
jects In such language as best enables
all classes of readers to grasp the gen
eral thoughts of the lessons clearly.
The Sunday School Teachers and pu-
Dlls who devote fifteen minutes of
study ordinarily, with the hope of mas
tering their lessons, are often disap
pointed; but to those of our readers
who will give Just time enough for a
careful reading of the Brooklyn Taber
nacle single-column article we offer as
surance of pleasemcnt and lasting good.
It Is the design of many readers to
save the Lessons for a period of time
and then have them bound together.
This will constitute a valuable and
helpful commentary upon Sunday
School topics.
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Interna
tional Sunday School Lesson will be a
regular feature In this paper each week.
A- ' - ' $Z7L. ' 'A,
Tho babies of the St. Agnes
Home at l'arkplace are to nave
a Christmas tree at the home on
Christinas afternoon at 3 o'clock.
although improvements are being
matie in tne interior or the home,
and to the addition north of the
main building. Tho good sisters
of the institution, these being of
the order of bisters of Mercy,
never fail to give the little ones
a Christmas they never forgot. It
nas heen tne usual custom to
have an excellent program ren
dered by the little folks at the
institution heretofore, but it will
be impossible to have the musical
and litoraiy program tnis year,
owing to the improvements Deing
Donations of clothing, shoes
and other articles will gladiy be
received. These will make the
ittle tots haDDy. Last Christmas
many of the residents of this city,
as well as of Portland, were very
liberal with their donations.
The Sisters ot Mercy have ui
children at their home, ranging
in ages from two days to about
12 years. They are received re
gardless of religion.
At tho present time a heating
apparatus is being installed for
tho comfort of the children at a
large expense, and two dormitor
ies are being added to accomo
date the children that are being
cared for. Visitors are alowed on
Thursday and Sunday afternoons
when they are shown through the
building. The dormitories are
kept spotlessly clean, and the tots
are given about five meals a day.
The institution owns eleven Jer
sey cows. Since the typhoid scare
in Oregon City the Sisters have
been boiling the water used by
tho little ones.
During tho past year many
children have heen adopted into
good homes from tho St. Agnes
home. During the month of Oc
tober, three little tots were ad
opted and eight were taken dur
ing November.
The babes are looking forward
with a great deal of pleasure
the arrival of Santa Claus, and
there is no doubt but that many
people from this city will assist
the Sisters in remembering the
Main and sunshine, inter
mingled, seem to be the order of
I he day. ;
Mrs. H. L. Huntington, who
spent tne past ttiree months in
1'ortland, returned home last
Mrs. it, u. uihson called on
Mr. and Mrs. Howlett Monday
Mrs. Kd. Douglass and her bro
ther, Charlie Clester, left Friday
last for the home of their parents
at Molalla, having heard that
their father was ill.
John Henkle, one of the mer
chants of Beaver Creek, recently
lost his delivery horse.
Russell Jones is working forH.
S. tiiDson.
Harve Gibson was on the hill
last week.
Mrs. Hoy Douglass mado a trio
to Oregon City the first of last
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Udell and
children took dinner with James
Gibson Sunday.
H. S. Gibson had the misfor
tune to lose a valuable horse re
cently. Kd. Douglass made a business
trip to Kstacada Monday last.
Mr. Ellis and family are intend
ing to move to Sellwood soon.
Fred Hoffmeister butchered his
hogs last week.
Leap Year Dance at Clarkes.
There will be a dance- given at
Clarkes Grange hall December
28. Tickets one dollar, including
supper, gents free. The occasion
to will be under the able manage
ment or Misses Kuhy ssenram ana
Zelma Cumins. Everyone come as
it will be the last chance in four
Sunday School Lessons Made
Easy and Interesting,
A Weekly Illustrated Artlole on the
International 8unday School Topio to
Be a Regular Feature In This Paper
Hereafter The Oft-Repeated, "I Don't
Know the Leeion," Will Not Do Now,
We are pleased to announce to our
readers that in this Issue we begin the
regular weekly publication of the
Brooklyn Tabernacle Illustrated Arti
cles on the International Sunday
School LeBsons.
These articles are written in easily
understood but beautiful language,
really explaining the Lessons, and go
far towards making it a real pleasure
for both teacher and pupil to meet lu
the clasB room at the recitation hour.
No longer can the busy or careless
offer as an excuse for staying home
Sunday morning the oft-repeated. "I
don't know tho lesson."
Teachers or pupils with ordinary
mind can hereafter In fifteen minutes
read the Brooklyn Tabernacle single-
column artlclo, and thereby credltnbly
acquit themselves among their fellows.
To those of our renders who are
forced to miss the regular weekly class
room exercises we are pleased to of
fer this feature as an excellent sub
. Hundreds of editors throughout
America ore serving the interests of a
mixed constituency by publishing this
unsoclnrlun weekly service, and we
sincerely hope to do likewise,
What the Clubs and Societies of
the City are Doing.
One of tho most entertaining
and enjoyable meetings ever held
by the Derlhick Club was on Fri
day afternoon, December 13, at
the homo of Mrs. Charles II. Cau-
lleld, when Mrs. Caufleld and Mrs.
liber A. Chapman were the hos
teses of tho afternoon. A musical
program was one of the features
of tho afternoon, when Gustave
Fletchner. a well known violinist
of Oregon City, rendered seiec
tions from Cavalono llusticana
and was accompanied by Miss
Louise Huntley. Miss Huntley
proved a charming accompanist.
Mr. Fletchner entertained the
members with other musical se
lections, proving marked ability
Mr. Fletchner received his musi
cal educatioin at Lipsig, Germany
una since coining to una uny nas
taken part in several musical en
terlaininents before appearing be-
lore tne Dertnick Cluo on Friday
afternoon. Mrs. L. L. Porter read
from tho opera of Cavaleria Rus
ticana in a very pleasing manner
Helreshmonts wero served alter
the rendition of tho program.
The Dirthick Club has arranged
for its annual New Year's party.
mis to no neiu at tho nomo or Mr
ana Mrs. waiter A. Dimick on
liighth and Center streets on New
Year s eve. at which tune the bus
bands of the mombors aro to be
Ihoso attending Iwiday after
noon's affair were Mrs. L. L.Por
ter, Mrs. L. L. Pickins. Mrs. John
Clark, Mrs. J. W. Moil'at, Mrs.
oimstead, Mrs. Thomas' Burke,
mrs. U .u. Miller. Mrs. Leon Des
Larzes, Mrs. S. 0. Dillnian, Mrs
I. E. Hodges. Mrs. II. E. Straight.
Mrs. F. Oimstead, Mrs. VV.A. Uun-
uoy, Mrs. Anna hickles Hayes
Mrs. 11. C. Ganong. Miss Murioi
Stevens, Mrs. Carl Joehnko, Mr.
and Mrs. uustve l etchner. Mrs
J. W. Loder, Mrs. W. A. Dimick.
mrs. iioss unarinan.
Teachers and Students Helped
ty the Week's Lessons.
A 8plendid Artlole Thla Week 8unday
8chool Reoitation Made Enjoyable by
Reading These Excellent Sarmonettee.
A 8plendid General Knowledge of the
Bible Will Neoeuarily Follow.
Of interest to all our renders are the
Brooklyn Tabernacle Articles ou the
International Suudiiy School Lessons.
These articles aro written for every
body tho toucher, the pupil, the stay-
at-home and Uie skeptic. All will flud
this week's lesson "worth while"
Some people, can prosper and ninin-
miu a res i Hie l ii Die stniuung nmong
their fellows without being fnmlllnr
with Shakespeare, Virgil or Emerson,
but none can afford to lack a general
knowledge of the Blblo. No matter
how many cures rest upon nn Indi
vidual he is not excused if found ig
noruut of tho general teachings of the
Scriptures, acknowledged to be The
World's Host Wonderful Hook.
By a perusal or, better still, by a
systematic study of a series of these
articles on tho Sunday Lesson, a splen
did Kenernl knowledge of the Itlble
will necessarily follow. Therefore wo
nKiiln with pleasure call our readers'
attention to tho ono-colunm llrooklyu
Tiiliernncle Blblo Study, on the Inter
national Sunday School Lesson, ap
pearing regularly in this paper.
Arangonunts are beinir made
by the Willamette Ciub to give
a sorios ol parties during the
winter, tho lirst of theso series
lo be given during the holidays.
The committee in chnriro of the
uanees to be givon is comprised
of M. D. Latourette, Harry E.
Draper and Dr. Clyde Mount.
Miss Mary Chandlor, whose
marriage to Mr. Raymond Moore.
of Eastern Washington, was sol
emnized in uregon city on Wed
nesday. December 18. was given
a miscellaneous showor at the
homo ol hor parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Chandlor on Friday ovenim?.
the guests being monibors of the
rrienuiy Blblo c ass or the Pres
byterian church. The ovoning was
devoted to gamos. Many usol'ul
articles were presented to the
bride-elect. About sixteen attend
Miss Mablo Volkmar. on of
the pronunont young musicians
of Oregon City entertained a few
of her frionds in a oharming
manner at tno homo or nor pat
ents on Eighth and Madison
street on Saturday ovening. Miss
Volkmar entortained her guests
by reading several piano selec
tions and Miss Maude Curtis, in
structor ot music in tho Oregon
Oily High school, gave soveral
vocal selections, among thorn be
ing ono irom Miuiani juuuorny,
the opera. Needlework occupied
uie rest ol the evening. The host
ess, assisted by her mother, sorv.
ed refreshments.
Scriptural Evidences That Are Aston
ishing No One Can Afford to Be
Without the Knowledge.
We do our friends a valuable service
when we call their uttention to the
valuable book entitled, "THE TIME
IS AT HAND," in which are given
many scriptural evidences to prove
Where we are on the stream of time,
"Men's hearts are falling them for
fear" and many of the lending think.
ers are proposing remedies to better
conditions. The Scriptures assure us
that man's extremity will be God's
opportunity, and this book holds out
an anchor to those who fear the wave
of unrest now spreading over the
The honest heart confesses that it is
at a loss for an explanation of tran
spiring events. While we refer to this
as the IiUAIN AGE and the Age of
ENLIGHTENMENT, nevertheless
many realize that we are fast ap
pronchlng a crisis which is wrapped in
darkness owing to the present world
wide social, religious and political un
Send 85 cents at once for the book.
Bible and Tract Society, IT Hicks
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Will Find a Helpful Suggestion
In This Letter.
Overworked, run-down, "fagged
out" women who feel as though, they
could hardly drag about, should profit
by Miss Rlchter's experience. She
says: Last winter I was completely
run down and felt fagged out all the
time, was nervous and had Indiges
tion. .
"One of my frionds advised me to
take Vlnol, and it has done me great
good. The tired, worn-out feeling is
all gone, and I am strong, vigorous
and well. The stomach trouble soon
disappeared and now I eat heartily
and nave perfect digestion. I wish,
every tired, weak, nervous woman
could have Vlnol, for I never spent
any money In my life that did me bo
much good as that I spent for Vlnol."
Marie Rlchtor, Detroit, Mich.
Thousands, of women and men
who were formerly, weak' and sickly
owe their present ' rugged health to
the wonderful strength-creating effects
of Vlnol. We guarantee Vlnol to build
you up and make you strong, If
it does not, we give back your money.
Huntley Bros. Co., Druggists
uregon City uregon.
The Courier is tho paper that
goes into more homes ami is reau
y more people than any other
county paper in uregon,
Miss Andia of Parkplace school
who has been teaching ninth and
tenth grades, has resigned on ac
count of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Pope and lit
tle daughter are now in Illinois
visiting with his mother and
many friends there. On the way
home they will visit in Nebraska,
returning to Oregon City about
the middle of January.
The Congregational church aid
society did well with its bazaar
and supper in Grange hall, as
they cleared about $40 and all had
a good time.
Coughing at Night
"'Daily Heavenly Manna."
This little book is having the largest
circulation of any of its kind and is
conceded by Christians everywhere to
be the most helpful.
If Christians allow the rush and
crush of selfish ambition to deprive
them of their dally portion of heaven
ly food, they must not be surprised if
they grow spiritually leaner day by
day, and if the peace of God gives
place In their hearts to the discontent
which is growing in the world, not
withstanding the multiplication of our
comforts and privileges.
Daily Heavenly Manna contains a col
lection of Scripture texts with appro
priate quotations for every day in the
year. Surely the little tithe of tune
daily spent in partaking of Its morsels
of heavenly counsel cannot fall to
profit all who partake. It is published
to do good not for profit
Your Friends' Birth Dates.
An autograph and birthday record
feature in this book Is a grent conveni
ence. Opposite ench day or the year
are blank Hues upon whh'h you can
secure the autographs of your friends
and be reminded of their birthdays an
they occur. This makes the book more
valuable yearly In ten years you
would not sell It for ten dollars
Besides It has n place fur Birth Rec
ords. Marriage Itix-ords and Death Uee
ords. Also It has a tah!i Hhowiug the
day of the week of any date for one
hundred and llft.v .ears
Printed mi hum) writing paper, blue
lot I). hands-Mile I'l'lce. ieiils post
paid: inillallan alligator "kin. gold
edges. $1 mi p' stp.-i d Order now Ui
hie ntid Trai l SnrVty. IT lliclis Street.
Brooklyn. N Y
Cured of Liver Complaint
"I was suffering with liver com
plaint," says Iva Smith of Point
Ulank, Texas, "and decided to try
a 25c box of Chamberlain's Tab
lets, and am happy to say that I
am completely cured and can rec
ommond them to every one." For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
Ready For Engagements
Flechl ner'a Orchestra, formerly
Star Ore lies Ira. is now ready for
engagements for concerts, wed
dings, dances, lodges and club en
tertainments. Any number of in
.strument.s furnished. For infor
mation, inquire of Oustiv O.
Fleohtner, or Roy Baxter, Paciflo
phono Main 271.
LEON CIS LARZSE violin teaoher
410 High St., phone 3171. Or
chestra for pupils.
California Woman 8erlously
"A short time ago I contracted
a severe cold which sottled on my
lungs and caused me a great deal
of nnoyance. I would have bad
coughing spells and my lungs
wero so sore and inflamed I be
gan to bo soriously alarmed.
lriend recoinnieudod Chanuier
lain'c Cough llomedy, saying she
had used it for years. 1 bought a
bottle and it relieved my cough
tho first night, and in a week I ws
rid of my cold and soreness of my
ungs. writes Miss Mary Uerber.
Saw! olio, Calif. For sale by Hunt
ley liros. Co.
Famous Staaa Beauties
look with horror on skin eruptions
blotches, sores or pimples. They
don't have thorn, nor will any one
who uses Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
It glorifies the face. Eczema or
salt rheum vanish before it. It
cures sore lips, chapped hands,
chilllilains ; heals burns , cuts and
bruises. I'neaqueled for piles. For
sale only 20c at Huntley Bros Co.,
Drive Out
Damp and
Mold with
.mm -
YOU know how
damp gets in
to linen closets and
It's no trouble at
all to keep them fresh
and dry with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater.
A Perfection Heater is a great comfort, too, on chilly
mornings and cold evenings.
It is the handiest and most reliable heater made. No
soot ; no smoke ; no smell. Carry it where you please.
All the heat you want just when and where you want it.
Descriptive circular tent on request; or, better still,
atk your dealer to show you a Perfection
Smokeleu Oil Heater.
461 Market StrMt Su Frue in
One bad cough can keep the whole
family awake at night.- Phil.
Disorneau, Schaffer, Michigan,
says: "I could not sleep on ac
count of a bad coff,.and I was very
weak. J used Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound, and soon the
Dr. Win. Sadler, author of "The
Cause and Cure of Colds," says
that common colds should be
taken, seriously, especially when
they hang on. Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound is a reliable house
hold medicine for coughs and
colds, equally effective for child
ren an.dgrown up people. Take it
when you feel a cold coming on. It
cough left and I slept soundly all 'will avert danger of serious re-
nitrht suus anu euro quicKiy. io narm-
0 I ful drugs
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. j For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
Mortgage Loans.
Money to loan on first class, im
proved farms in Clackamas coun
ty. Current interest rates attract
ive repayment privilege.
A. II. Birrell Co. 202 McKay
Bldg., 3rd. and Stark Sis.
Portland, Oregon.
Prlnolpa' Portland Agents Ladles' Home Journal Patterns, All Styles and Sizes, 10c and 15o.
Express Prepaid on Purchases of S5 or Over Within 100 Miles of .Portland. Samples on reques
back in memory and try to recall the woman who was not delighted with a Christmas
gift of Hosiery. It never fails to strike a responsive chord in the heart. Why not choose
from this great stock of . . .
Christmas Hosiery
and know that she cannot find fault with quality in months to come? We will gladly ex
change it if the size is not right tell her so on the card you inclose in the pretty Christ
inas box we give with the Hosiery.
Several styles in black and others in tan,
gray, brown, blue, navy, white, etc. Keg
alar $1.25 grade special 051
at, pair 7 OC
Each pair put up In a fancy Holiday Box. See
our window display.
Such satisfying qualities and such low
prices rarly keep company, so be sure to take
advantage of this saving opportunity. It's
a special under-pricing of a fine line of
Women's Pure Silk Hose, made with rein
forced lisle sole and lisle garter top. They
come in all sizes and you have choice of
several styles in black as well as new shades
of tan; brown, white, navy, gray , blue,
champaign, etc. Each pair put up in a
fancy holiday box and bought to sell reg
ularly at $1.25 a pair, for this sale Q O
special a pair, ... . '
75c Silk Boot Hose
The Pair
Auother fine line of Woman's Iligh-Grade
Hose considerably underpriced. They are
Thread Silk Boot Hose, made with lisle heel
and toe and fine lisle top. Come in all sizes
and are shown in several styles in black,
white and the popular shade of tan, gray,
blue, pink, navy, champaign, etc. The best
75c grade, each pair in a fancy holiday box
and specially priced for this sale AQm
at only ..TtOC
50c Silk Boot Hose
3 Pairs
HOSE, made with double lisle heel and toe,
line lisle garter top. The best 50c grade, put
up three pairs in a fancy holiday box and
priced for this sale at, the box Q O
only ,OC
Infants' Silk Hose, 3 Pairs 98c
SILK HOSE, made with lisle heel and toe. '
Fine heavy ribbed, seamless hose that are
guaranteed fast color. All sizes in white,
blue, red, tan, black, etc. Regular 50c grade
put up three pairs in a fancy box QO.
and priced at, box ' 7"'
Women's $2.50 Silk Hose; Pair f .98
$10 a Y
ear with
wo viii pu;
Ram?e tnht
You m:.:; nov; have some
other ran'o h your kitchen.
Never mind that. You can
not afford to put up with its
v:r.3tefulnec3 and discomfort
any longer. Come to us and
in a Favorite
will positively
save from $5 to $10 every
year on fuel bills alone.
Favorites are built from
the best materials. They practical
ly abolish repair cost and contain
features you would expect to pay
$15 to $20 extra for, although they
are given you without any addition
al cost. .
Such features as the ventilated
oven evenly heated that insures
perfect baking, Heat indicator that
enables you to control the oven tem
perature. A sectional lid for small
utensils. A cast flue back that will
not wear out in 25 years. A glass
oven door, giving full view inside the
oven. Accurate, tight fitting of the
registers and doors insuring com
plete control of the fire at all times
and maximum economy in the use
of fuel.
Favorites are built on the unit
system with interchangeable parts.
Tell us your requirements we will
build a range for you that will exact
ly suit your needs. With all these
advantages, Favorites cost no more
than the ordinary kind. Whv
not throw out that misfit cook
stove m your kitchen? Learn Av" n
Lie r avonte Way of eliminat
ing waste, worry and work!