OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY" DEC. 20 1912. Wednesday Is Double Stamp Day Oregon City's leading stones will give Double H:bH" Green Trading Stamps each Wednesday. To facilitate the filling of your stamp books before Christmas, the firms whose advertisements appear below, give two stamps on each (Oc purchase Dec. 25. stamp collectors are not compelled to confine their purchases to one store, this feature together with the many "Double 0 stamp days' "Red Letter Days," etc., makes the filling of your stamp book easy. Hurdreds of Oregon Gty women are Stamp collectors. Bring your coffee labels, tobacco tags, Hamilton Bonds, and over 400 different trade marks of different commodities to the Premium Parlor located in Bannon & Co.'s store; we will exchange them for &H Stamps frtf. Stamps are given in the leading stores in over 600 cities in the U. S. They are Your Discount for Cash In addition to the Double Stamp offer you may secure $1.00 worth of Trading Stamps FREE with each of the Coupons Cut Out Your Coupons IKS lit li if 1 I pi BANNON CO. Will Give Double Green Trading Stamps All Day Wednesday, December 25 Wednesday Is DOUBLE STAMP DAY Mighty easy to fill your stamp books by taking advantage of the many liberal offers made by Oregon City's Leading Stores THE FOLLOWING BIG XMAS SPECIALS ARE OF fered to induce Fa rly Shopping Best $1.00 Box Writing Paper Special Q Here is the biggest value in Xmas station ery ever offered. No more appropriate gift ( ould be made. We have just an even 100 boxes, over a score of styles and in mose cases the boxes alone are worth the price. Handsome Christy design covers. Plain white .and tinted linen finished paper. At this price the lot may not last all day. SHOP EARLY. 10 Dozen Large Bisque Head Jointed Dolls rt Regular value $2.25 J) J We have on sale in our large; basement doll and toy department the largest and best line of dolls ever shown in Oregon City. Today we specialize on one number, the famous "Princess" doll, featured in all the big toy shops at $2.25 each. Dolls are 23 inches high, are full jointed, have sewed wigs, movable eyes and natural eye lashes. Late Christmas Shoppers will lose this chance SHOP EARLY. Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at BANNON & CO.'S STORE In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to WvC CREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. liy taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. Special Notice Double Stamps only given if coupon is presented Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at PRICE BROS. In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors yoi may fill your Stamp Books very easily. Special Notice Double Stamps only given if coupon is presented CHRISTMAS HINTS We want you to look over otfr vast exposition of Xmas wants. Yoa will find acceptable gifts for father, brother, ancle, cousin, and sweetheart gifts that are useful and create a lasting impression. To see them is to buy them. You will miss it if you don't look over our display. PRICE BROS. Proper Clothes for Men and Young Men 6th and Main Sts., Oregon City XMAS PRESENTS FOR MEN CIGAR CASE BOX CIGARS FOUNTAIN PEN CARD SET8 MILITARY BRUSHES POCKET KNIFE SHAVING SETS SHAVING MIRROR RAZOR WATCHES COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES CARD CASES FOR WOMEN BOX LOWNEY'S or WHITMAN'S CANDIES BOX STATIONERY PERSIAN IVORY TOILET SET8 PERFUME PERFUME ATOMIZERS LEATHER HAND BAGS MANICURING SETS JEWEL BOXES FANCY MIRRORS SILVER TOILET SETS FANCY BOX STATIONERY Only a Partial List. Let Us Show You the Rest of Our Select Stock JONES DRUG COMPANY Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at JONES DRUG CO. In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to 10 .W GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NO T GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. Special Notice Double Stamps only given if coupon is presented ! i d 1 jl (HS tut uui tnis coupon FREE STAMPS AT J. E. SEELY, Grocer In addition to all stamps with regular purchases this coupon entitles you to 10 GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD VKTER DEfUlst. 13y taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to our collectors you may All your Stamp Hooks very easily. Special Notice Double Stamps only given if Coupon is Presented. Holiday -Time GROCERIES IS WHAT YOU WANT NOW, and you want them GOOD. We have them in variety Spices, Raisins, Fancy Crackers, Jellies, Jams, Citron, and all the rest of the good tilings that mark the Xmas Season. WALNUTS, Fresh Stock at the Pound 25 j MIXED NUTS, (No Peanuts,) at the Pound 20c ALMONDS, Fresh Stock at the Pound 20 .25 XMAS CANDY, at the Pound 20c BRAZIL NUTS, Fresh Stock, at the Pound, .20 PLAIN MIXED Lumps, a Hard CandyJ 15c lb., 2 lbs, 25c PHILIPPI NUTS, Fresh Stock, at the Pound, .20 ! BROKEN MIXED, a pure Candy, per Lb 15c and lots of other kinds, SOME SURE TO SUIT YOU! .Let us quote, vou PRICES fop the Sunday 8chool In QUANTITIES! J. E. Seeley GROCER Oregon City GET OUT OF THE RUT! Bar DON'T GIVE USELESS PRESENTS GIVE SOMETHING that will cause the recipients to think of you kindly at night and with thankfulness in the morning so long as they live. WHAT WILL IT BE? A SEALY MATTRESS THE SOFTEST, Cleanest, Downiest, Most Comfortable and Sanitary SLEET PRODUCER in the world and GUARANTEED FOR TWENTY YEARS Like Sleeping on a Cloud FRANK BUSCH OREGON CITY CUT OUT THIS COUPON Free Stamps at Frank Busch's Store In addition to all stamps given with regular purchases this coupon entitles you to Ten GreenTrading Stamps FRFE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOO DAFTER DEC. 31st. H. taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very eas ily. Special Nolioe- limilili' Stamps only Kivn if coupon in presented SO i I TT-i III m m l 15111111 V VVriV L(VwJiV VNN'' CvWVVVV VWWVNVWV WW WVWWV CVVV VVV