Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 06, 1912, Image 7

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and all during the cold Fall and Winter
months his house is kept warm and
cozy for his wife and babies.
, , A Perfection Ofl Heater is almost indispenx.
able when there are children in the home. Every
home has uses for it
Mad, with fii'cA.7 trimming,, plain t..l or .nam.l.J. turquol...
.'"., "" Orn.rn.nla. Inoxpon.iv: La. I, for ,,,
t-a.ily movod from room to room. At d.al.rt tverywh.ro. ' "
461 Markat Streat
Notice of Levy of Special Road
Notice is hereby given that we,
the undersigned tax payers, rep
resenting ten per cent of the tax
payers in Road District, No. 22,
Clackamas county, Oregon; here
by give notice to the said tax
payers of said Road District No.
22, that there will be a meeting
of the taxpayers of said district
in Dickey's school house, at Mol.
alia, on the 28th day of Decem
ber, 1912, at one o'clock p. m. to
vote an additional tax for road
purposes, as provided by an act
of the legislature in 1909.
D. E. Pendleton. L
A. G. Engle.
0. Hungate.
George F. Ball.
F. 0. Painter.
G. R. Jackson.
P. S. Nover.
J. R. Davies.
Piles Should be Treated at Once
A Guarantee dRemedy
Piles very seldo mdisappear, of
their own accord. Nature needs as
sistance if they are to be relieved.
When that assistance is not given
promptly, they usually grow
worse, and painful, costly, dan
gerous operations often have to
be resorted to. In any event the
suffering and torment almost in
variably increase.
For relieving piles we recom
mend Rexall Pile Treatment. We
do more, we guarantee Rexall Pile
Treatment to give relief, or money
back. No matter what form of
piles you are suffering from,
whether internal or external,
whether itching piles or aching
lpies, we bac kour recommenda
tion of Rexall Pile Treatment with
the positive guarantee of relief or
money back
This is fair. You can't ask for
more. Treatment in the most prac
tical way possible. You risk noth
ing. You con't afford to delay
treatment in the face of this offer.
Rexall Pile Treatment cornea in
an antiseptic tube, with a special
tip so that you can apply it dir
ectly to the piles, whether exter
nal or internal. Price 50 cents.
Sold in this community only at
our store, the Rexall Store. Hun
tley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Canby,
Molalla, Hubbard.
Dictograph' Wide Range.
K. il. Turner. Inveutur of the dicto
graph. wlilc-U be wiys ha .been mU
pellvd dU'tnKi'iipht nave a .demonstrii
tlou of the furious wn.vs In which the
device could be practically utilized In
New Tork receutlj.
"The dlctoRrapb." explained the In
Tentor, "bus beeu known aa a detectlra
device This Is the first public demon
stration of Its everyday commercial
Importance. With our commercial de
vice a i)UHlne man simply llftM a lever
and talk to one. two. fifteen or a bun
died people, aa he chooses, at one time
Each party to the conversation I neat
ed In bin own olllce,- which niaj tie In
tne mine tiuilrtliiK or several IiIim-I;
away. Notimlj Ik oIiIIkciI tn hold, rt
transmitter or receive! . Tlie talk hack
and forth an ttitmh scutcd in l!ie sniiie
room. The detective value nf the tic
vice consists of the fact thai the trims
mltter weighs mil) six minces and cai.
be concealed easily It can tie Installed
tn four minutes by an expert anil ran
be wired no as to transmit aimken
words for niore.thaii a mile."
Are Being Cured by VinoL
Did you ever cough for a month.?
Then just think how distressing It
must be to have a cough hang on for
three months.
Mrs. Maria Primrose, of 87 Newell
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I had
a very heavy cold which settled Into
a chronic cough, which kept me
awake nights for fully three months,
and felt tired all the time because my
rest was broken bo much. The effect
of taking your cod liver and Iron rem
edy, VInol, Is that my cough Is gone.
I can now get a good night's rest, and
I feel much stronger in every way."
It is the combined action of the
medicinal elements, cods' livers, aided
by the blood-making and strength
creating properties of tonic Iron which
makes Vlnol so efficient In curing
chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis
at the same time building up the
weakened, run-down system.
Try a bottle of Vlnol, with the un
derstanding that your money will
be returned If It doea tot help you.
Huntley Bros. Co., Druggists
For the
Daddy doesn't out
to-hunt for rabbit skins
to keep the baby warm
He is less romantic,
but more practical.
He buys a
San Fr-inc'ico
Summons -
Iu the .Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County
Nancy Martin Houghton, Plaintiff,
vs. - ' .. .
Samuel N. Houghton, Defendant.
lo Ssamuel . Houghton, Deiend
ant: . ,mJSS
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
tiled against you in the above en
titled suit within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this summons, to-wit: within six
weeks from the Cth day of Dec
ebiner.'A. D. 1912, to-wit: on or
before the 18th day of January,
A. D. 1913, and if you fail to so
appear and answer the said com
plaint, for want thereof the said
plaintiff will take decree against
you as prayed for in said com
plaint,, to-wit: that tne Donas or
matrimony existing between you
and this plaintiff may be dissolved
that said plaintiff may change her
name to Nancy'Martin: and that
said plaintiff may have judgement
against you lor her costs and dis,
bursenients herein. This sum
mons is served upon you by pub,
lication thereol once a week lor
six consecutive weeks in the Ore
gon City Courier, a weekly news
paper of general circulation, pub
lished at Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, in 'compliance
with an order made by the. Honor
able J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, dated Nov
ember 29th, A. D. 1912.
At.tnrnpvs for Plaintiff
" Date of first publication Dec
ember 6th A.; D., 1912.-
Date of last publication Jan-
17th, A.D., 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for - Clackamas
Pnnntv -
L. II. Sutherland, Plaintiff,
Besie D. Sutherland, Defendant.
To Bessie u. sutnerianq ine aDove
named ueiendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereoy required to
appear and answer tne complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit, on or before January
the 15th. 1913r and if you fail to
answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take 'a decree against
you forever dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing be
tween said plaintiff and defendant
and for such other relief as to
the Court seems proper. .
This summons is puuusiieu vy
order of the Honorable R. B.
nQiio .Indira nf the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Clack
amas County in the absence of the
Judge of the above entitled Court.
Said order being entered on the
21st day of November, 1912. Date
of first publication of this sum
mons, woven Der z, iis.
Jno. W. L,oaer
Attorney for Plaintiff
Brownell Stone
Oregon City, Ore. '
Office, 71
Residence 130
Gilbert E. dtdge
Weinliiird Bldg. Oregon City, Ore.
Thi Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident Insurance
Dwelling House insurance n opc-wiy
ITF-en & Schuekel Oregon City, Ore
Business Directory
. tu rtr. Town and
A MWWW J v " ' '
Villaga, lvln descriptive sketch of
each place, location, population, ww-
graph, shipping- ana iwuwin
alio Clanlfed Directory, compiled or
hitfliiMa and profession.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
ty of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas.
Oregon Realty Co., a corporation,
August Horgor and Regina
Horger, his wife, Plaintiffs. .
E. N. Foster and Elsie J. Foster,
' his wife, Isaao Foster, unmar
ried, Mary Young, unmarried,
George Foster and Mary Fos
ter, his wife, S. Foster, unmar
ried, Frank Foster, unmarried,
Waller Foster, unmarried,
Ethel Foster, unmarried,
Grover Foster, unmarried,
Bernice Howell and George
E. Howell, her husband,
Myrtle Tellord and Wallace
Telford, her husband, Mildred
Foster, unmarried, Mrs. Louisa
M. Foster, unmarried, James w
Foster, Jr. unmarried, Fannie
It. McFarlane and Archie L.
McFarlane, her husband, Ches
ter U. Foster and Alma Foster,
his wife, May Ferguson and
Walter S. Ferguson, her hus
band, Cecil N. loster and NeU
tie Foster, his wife. Ivy C. Hil-
ler and Edward C. Hiller, her
husband, Mildred lu. I'oster, un
married, Ida L. Foster, unmar
ried, Essie C. Foster, unmar
, ried, J. E. Burnett and Addie
' Burnett, his wife, A. D. Bur
nett and Maud Burnett, his wife
, the. only heirs at law of Philip
Foster and Mary C. Foster, do
ceased, defendants.
To E. N. Foster and Elsie J.
Foster, his wife, Isaao Foster,
Mary Young, George Foster and
Mary Foster,- his wife, S. Foster,
Frank Foster, Walter Foster, Ar
thur Foster. Ethel Foster. Grover
Foster, Bernice Howell and Geor
ge E. Howell, her husband, Myrtle
roiiord and Wallace Tellord ner
husband, Mildred Foster, Mrs.
Louisa M. Foster, Jas. W. Fos
ter, Jr., J?annie H. McFarlane and
Archie L. McFarlane, her husband
Chester U. -Foster and Alma Fos
ter his wife, May Ferguson and
Walter S. Ferguson her husband,
Cecil N. Foster and Nettie Foster
his wile, Ivy C. Hiller, Edward C
Foster, Ida L. Foster, Essie C.
Miller, her husband, Mildred L.
Foster, J. E. Burnett and Addie
Burnett, his wife, A. D. Burnett
and Maud. Burnett, his wife, the
only heirs at law of Philip Fos
ter and Mary u. roster, deceased.
OF OREGON : You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the 21st day of December, 1912:
said dale being the expiration of
six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons and if you
fail to so appear and answer for
want thereof the plaintiff's will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in Plaintiffs' com
plaint, as follows, to-wit: To
quiet title to the following de
scribed premises situated in
Clackamas County, Oregon:
A tract of land in Sees. 31, and
32 Tp. 2 S of Range 4 East and
Sec. 8 Tp. 3. S. of range 4 East of
Willamette Meridian and being a
part of the Donalion Land Claim
of Philip. Foster and Mary C. Fos-'
ter,- his . wife, . bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a stake North 29
deg. 35 min. west 917.97. feet from
a point in the southeasterly line
of said D. L. C, which last men
tioned point is South 60 deg. 30
min. West 2654.58 feet from the
Southeasterly corner of said D. L.I
C. said stake . at the- beginning!
point marks the Northeasterly
corner of a tract of land contain
ing . 15.72 acres which was con
veyed or intended to be conveyed
by Philip Foster to Egbert N.
Foster by deed dated March 8,
1881 and recorded in Deed Book
"S" page 250 of Records of said
County; thence North 29 deg. 46
min. West 774.52 feet to a stone;
thence North 59 deg. 39 min.
East 1673.95 feet to the center of
the County Road; thence North 19
deg. 12 min. West along the cen
ter of the County Road 752. 97
f.int fhunpa Rnnlh Av.tr 9. min
I West 3059.7 feet to a stone;
I thence North 31 deg. 5 min. West
i 504,96 feet to a stone; thence
South 60 dear. 11 min. West 1790.
28 ft. more or less, to the South
easterly along said last mention
ed line to the most southerly coFr
ner of said Donation Land oiaim
of Philip Foster and Mary C. Fos
ter, thence North 59 deg. 17 min.
(East 890.82 ft. more or less to a
post in the Southwesterly line of a
tract of land containing 15.72
acres conveyed by Phil. Foster to
Egbert N. Foster by deed dated
Mar. 8, 1881 and recorded Mar. 10
1881 in deed book "S" page 250 of
the records of said county; thence
Northwesterly along the South
westerly line of said tract con
veyed to Egbert N. Foster 892.49
feet to a post at the Northwest
erly corner of said tract; thence
Northeasterly to the place of be
ginning. This summons ia-published by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, which order was
made and entered on tho 2nd.
day of November, 1912.
U'Ren and Schuobel, ,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs. .
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregon, for the County of
Samuel Baker, Plaintiff,
Rebecca Baker, Defendant.
To Rebecca Baker, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of
O egon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the 7th dav of December. 1912.
the same being six week9 from
the dale of the first publication
of this 8ummons,,and if you fail
so to appear or answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed -for in the
complaint, to-wit: For a decree
dissolving the bonds of matri
j mony now existing between you
1 and the plaintiff. -
This summons is served upon
you by publication by authority
of an order made and entered in
the above entitled cause by the
Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge of
the Circu't Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas, and dated the Zist day of
October, 1912.
Biggs & Garmire.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Dale of first publication Oct
ober 25, 1912.
Date of last publication Decem
ber, 6, 1812.
In ' the Justice Court for Dis
trict No. 3, Clackamas County,
Oregon. ' T
Angelo Cunoo, Plaintiff,
Bartolomeo Parata, Defendant.
To Bartolomeo Parata, the above
named defendant: IN THE NAME
You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en.
titled Court and cause on or be
fore the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for the pub
lication made herein to-wit: the
27th day of December, 1912, that
day being more than six weeks
from the date of the first pub. j
lication herein, and if you fail to
appear in saia action ano ans
wer on. or before said day. plain
tiff will take judgement against
you for the sum of One Hundred
Dollars, with interest thereon at
the rate of six per cent per- annum
from the 11th day of August, 19
11. and for the costs and dis
bursements in this ' action, and
certain personal property belong,
ing to you which has b6en attach.
ed by the Constable of said Dis
trict No. 3, . Clackamas County,
Oregon, and held by him, sub
ject to the outcome of this action.
will be sold to satisfy the said
This Summons is published
pursuant to an order of this
Court made October 31, 1912, the
first publication being dated Nov
ember 8, 1912, and tlw last publi
cation dated December 20, 1912.
Justice of the Peace.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 323-320
Henry Building, Portland, Ore.
.- Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for tho County of
Clackamas. ( .
Sarah A. Goodyear, Plaintiff,
vs. James William Shaw, John
Duffy and Simpert Nefzgar, De
fendants. To James William Shaw, John
Duffy and simpert Keizgar, De
fendants: in the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer tne complaint
filed against you in tne aDove en
titled action on or before Decem
ber 7th, 1912; and if you fail to
answer,- for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take decree quieting
the title to. and declaring tne
plaintiff to be the owner in fee
simple oi me ionowing aescriueo
tract of land to wit; Beginning
at a point 6.28 chains east and
26.10 chains i orth of the south
east corner of Section 31, Town
ship Two South and Range Two
East of the Willamette Meridian;
thence west 210 feet:' thence
north 210 feet; thence east 210
feet; thence south 210 feet to the
place of beginning, and also
known as Lot Two in Block Nine
of the Holmes Addition to Oregon
City, Oregon. And also enjoining
you and each of you from assert-
i -1 : . i . tl. :
lllg any uiuim ui iniuiertia uicicui
adverse to this plaintiff.
Service of this summons is
made upon you by publication in
Pursuance of an Order of the
onorable J. U. Camnbell. Circuit
Judge of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, made UctoDer 24, iuiz, di
recting such Dublication in the
Oregon City Courier, once a week
for six successive weeks, the first
publication being October 25,
1912, ana tne last uecemDer oin,
B. N. Hicks,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for tne Gounty oi
John J. Ramser, Plaintiff,
Margaret Ramser, Defendant.
To Margaret namser, tne aoove
, named Defendant:
In Ihn nnmp nf tho State nf Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
in (hp nhnvo pnlillnrl suit tiled
against you on or before six weeks
after tne nrst puoncauon oi mis
summons, to-wit: the 28th day of
uecemDer,, ltfiz. anu.n you iun
i n on Dnnoop Q Tl n QTIRurpr tfiV WflTlt.
VJ DJ f l"-'14- " "
thereof tho plaintiff will apply to
trie oouri io rtne reuei uumuuuuu
in said suit, as follows:
I'nr n Hpp.rpft Hissnlvinor the
bonds of matrimony between you
other and furtner renei as to mis
Honorable Court may seem 'just
onH omiitatilp
This summons is published'11
pursuant to an oroer maae Dy iiie
lionorame J. u. uarnpueu, juukc
i ha r.nnpl tnr (hp rplip.f demanded
of Oregon for the County of Clack
amas, on tne tn oay oi novemuer
1912. .
Tho Hnfn nf l.hn (lrflt. nun icattnn
of this summons being November
15. 1912, and tne date oi me iasi
publication being December 27,
1912. k
'. , : Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the Slate
of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas.
Edwin S. Thomas, Plaintiff, .
Nella 8. Thomas, Defendant.
Tn Nolln S Thomas, the above
named defendant: In the name of
(ho stain nt Omrfiti. von are here
by required to appear and answer
tne complaint muu ntsaiiiBi, juu
in the above entitled suit on or
before the 27th day of Decemner,
IQI9 ca iM rial p. heinsr thn exDir-
ation' of Six (6 weeks from the
first publication of tnis summons
and if you fail to appear and ans-
nm. aoiH nnmnlainf. ril.lint.ilT will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in nis complaint, to
nf i t
A decree dissolving the bonds of
stinflr between
plaintiff and defendant upon the
ground 01 aeienuam h wmui uc
sertion of the plaintiff. .
This summons is published by
npHon of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of ' the Circuit
Court for GiacKamas county,
which order was made and enter
ed on the 7th day of November
1912, .and the time prescribed for
the publication thereof i Six (6)
weeks, beginning on the 15th
loo ci Nnvemhnr 1912. and COn-
liniiincr onnh week thereafter to
and including the 27th day of
December iiz.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice For the Levy of Special
Road Tax
Notice is hereby given theat we,
the undersigned tax payers, re
presenting ten per cent, of the
tax payers in Road District No. 15,
Clackamas County, Oregon, here
by give notice to the tax payers of
said Road District No. 15, that
there will be a meeting of the ttax
payers of said district in Stokes'
Hall, at Canemah, Clackamas
County, Oregon, on tho 21st day
of December, 1912. at 7 :30 o'clock
p. m., to vote an additional tax for
road purposes, as provided ny an
act or tne legislature in iua.
R. C. Ganong
. A. C. Helms
J. G. Knenzi
E. F. Portouw
Owen G. Thomas
J. M. Olds
C. Holmes
C. H. Brown
E. C. Camp
Annie E. King
J. M. Warnock
G. Huttenberg
Geo. A. Biskel
A. C. Warner
Ward B. Lawton
T. C. Thomas
G. Grossenbacher
W. M. Rainey
' . G. Critzer
P. H. Smith
E. Maville
W. R. Wentworlh
Louis Vierhus
Geo. D. Rakel
W. H. Paddock
A. F. Stokes
W. Harvey
B. P. Rutter
H. C. Rakel
W. A. Hedges
Sarah E. Millor
L. May
Sam Faust
- Louise Freeman
A. H. Finnigan
ty. M; Fine, Road Supervisor
For publication in Foreclosure
of Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
L. M. Bitney and J. J. Stangel,
Maggie A. Burton, Defendant.
To Maggie A. Burton, tne aDove
named defendant. In the name of
the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that L.
M. Bitnev and J. J. Stangol. the
holders of Certificate of Delin
quency numbered 712 issued on
the 29th day of August 1912, by
the tax collector ol tne uounty oi
Clackamas, State of Oregon, for
the amount of two and J8-iuu
dollars, the same being the am
ount then due and delinquent for
taxes for the year 1908. together
with penalty, interest and costs
thereon upon tne real property
assessed to you, of which you are
the owner as appears of record,
situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Com
mencing sixty rods East from the
quarter stake between sections
16 and 17 in Township 5 South,
Range one East of the Willam
ette Meridian, and running thence
north 40 rods; tnonce east 2U rods
thence South 40 rods, thence west
30 rods to the place of beginning,
ess a striD 10 feet wide along tne
East side, and being situated in
the section 16 in. i. 6. s. h. i.
East of the Willamette in the
County of Clackamas and State
of Oregon.
You are further notified that
said L. M. Bitney and J. L. Slang
el have paid taxes on said prem
ises for subsequent years witn tne
rate of interest on said amounts
as follows:
1910 taxes, paid Aug. 29, 1912,
tax receipt itumoer, 11876. am
ount $2.28, rate of interest 15
per cent.
1911 taxes, paid Mar. 15, 1912,
tax receipt number 7562, amount
$2.22, rate of interest 12 per cent.
Said Maggie A. Burton, as the
owner of the ' legal title of the
above described property as tne
.nmn nnnears of record, and each
of the other persons above named
are hereby furtner notified mat
L. M. Bitney and J. J. Stangel
will apply to the Circuit Court of
the County and state aioresaiu
for a decree foreclosing the lien
against the property above de
scribed and mentioned in said
certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication of
the summons exclusive of the day
of said first publication, and de
fend this action ,or pay tne
amount due as above shown to
gether with costs and accrued in
terest and in case oi your ian
ure to do so, a decree will be
rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes and costs against the
land and premises above . named.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell. Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas, and
said order was made and dated
this 24th day of October, 1912,
and the date of the first public
tion of this summons is the
25th day of October. 1912.
All process an'd papers in this
proceeding may bo served upon
the undersigned residing within
the Stato of Oregon, at the ad
dress hereafter mentioned.
II. Overton,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Address Woodburn, Oregon.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
I of Oregon for the County of
i uiacuamas.
Florence E. Stallings, Plaintiff,
I II. L. Burchell and Adda R.
Burchell, his wife; J. L. Ketch
aim uuiicvia iycium, lllft wiie,
Columbia Trust 1 Company, a
corporation; Forest-Hill In
vestment Company, a corpora
tion; Alvin Clark lind W. J.
McNeil. Defendants. -
To J. L. Ketch and Genevra Ketch,
aoove named ueiendants:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon. you. are horoby required to
appear and answer the complaint
niea against you m tne aoove en
titled suit on or before six weeks
from and after the day of the first
publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before six weeks from
Burchell, for the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00), to
gether with interest thereon from
the 10th day of October, 1911, at
the rate of six per cent per annum
for the further sum of Fifteen
Hundred Dollars ($1500.00), to
gether with interest thereon from
the 10th day of October, 1911, at
and after the 29lh day of Nov
ember, 1912, and if you fail to so
appear or answer within said
tune for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded in the complaint,
to-wit: For a judgment and decree
against the befendant, H. L.
the rate of eeight per cent, per
annum; for the further sum of
One Thousand Eight Hundred
Fifty-nino Dollars ($1859.00),
together with interest thereon
from the 10th day of October,
1911, at the rale of six per cent
1er annum; for the further sum
of Forty 31-100 Dollars ($40.31),
together with interest thereon
from the 25th day of November,
1912, at the rate of six per cent,
per annum, and for the further
sum of Four Hundred Dollars
($400.00). attorney's fee in this
suit, and for plaintiff's costs and
disbursements in this suit; for a
for a decree forciosing a mort
gage gven by defendant, H. L.
uurcheii. to niaintiu Dearing uate
the 1 Oth day of October 1911, and
covering the following described
ands situated in the bounty ol
Clackamas, State of Oregon, to
wit: The SW of the SW and
the SVj of the S of the NW
of the SW of, Section 36 . in
Township 2 South of Range 3
Eastof tho Willamette Meridian,
containing 50 acres, more or less:
for the salo of said property and
the application of the proceeds to
the payment bf said judgment,
costs and accruing costs; for a
decree barring and foreclosing
you and each of you of and from
all right, title and equity of re
demption, or other interest or
estate in said mortgaged property
save only the. statutory right to
redeem; that the liens, claims,
estates, or intereet . of the de
fendants, or any of them, in, on or
to said mortgaged property, if
any such there be, bo decreed to be
subsenuent and subordinate td
plaintiff's said mortgage.
This summons is punusneo Dy
an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above en-
tillod Court, made and entered
on the 20th day' of November'
1912, which said order direofls
that vou annear and answer said
complaint within six weeks from
me nrst puuuoauou oi mis sum
mons: the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the
29lh day of November, 1912.
ss. a. ijnn.ni
Attorney for Plaintiff
627 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oregon.
Notice for Levy of Speolal Road
Tax ' i
Notice is hereby given that we,
the undersigned taxpayers repre
senting ten per cent, of tho tax
navors in Road District No. 16,
Clackamas County, Oregon, here
by give notico to tne tax payors
oi said noaa uisirict no. io, tuu
there will be a moetin gof the tax
payers of said district in Browns'
School House, about one and one
half mile east of New Era, on the
21st day of December, 1912. at 2
o'clock p. m., to vote an additional
lax for road purposes, as providod
by an act of tne legislature in
W. Ervin Young
J. Roltinger
Aug. Staohely
T. W. Blanchard
Geo. Kelland .
R. Dundas
R. B. Smith
C. B. Gray
F. Engcl
J. R. Cawthorn
Fred Chinn
Oregon City
W. O. Randall
Arthur Blanchard
E. Gelbrich.
Notice for Levy of Speolal Road
Notice is hereby given that we,
the undersigned tax payers rep
resenting ten per cent, of the
tax payers in Road District No. 55,
Clackamas County, Oregon, here
by give notico to the tax payers of
Road District No. 55. that there
will bo a meeting of the tax pay
ers of said District in tho Viola
school house at Viola, Oregon, on
the 14th day of December 1912,
at 2 o'clock p. in., to vole a nad
ditional tax for road purposes,
as providod by an act of tho leg
islature in 1909.
II. H. Mattoon
John Ficken
J. M. Hayden ,
E. W. Ficken
F. E. Cockeiiind
II. P. Maltoon
Notloe of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the Stale
of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of .tho estate of Jer
ome W. Thomas, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrator of the
estate of Jerome W. Thomas, de
ceased, with the will annexed, has
duly filed with the County Clerk
of Clackamas County, Oregon, his
final report therein; and the said
Court has set Monday, tho 30th
day of December, 1912, at the
hour nf Ion oVIock A. M. at the
Court Hmise in Oregon City, Ore
gon as the time and place of hear
ing any uuu an uuj;i;i,iuiia mj oaiu
final report and to the discharge
nf anii-t A H m in intra! nr.
Dated the 20th day of November
A. U., 1912.
G .E. Thomas,
AHminiuf ralnr with the will an
nexed, of the Estate of Jerome W.
I nomas, Dec il.
Dimick & Dirnick.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice for Levy of Special Road
Tx. .....
Notice is hereby given that we,
the undersigned tax payers rep
resenting ten per cent, of the tax
payers in Road District No. 54,
Clackamas County, Oregon, here
by give notice to the tax payers of
said Road District No. 54 that
there will be a meeting of the
taxp ayers of said District in tha
nchool house at Elliott Prairie,
on the 14th day of December, 19
12 at 2 o'clock P. M., to vote an
additional tax for road purposes,
as provided by an act of the legis
lature in 1909, and which act in
ter alia provides as follows, to-
(1 he taxpayers of anyroad
district in any county of this
State may vote an additional tax
for road purposes, providing at
least ten per cent of the tax pay
ers of said district shall give no
tice by posting notices in three
public places in said road dis
trict, and one in court house and
publish ono notice three weeks in
one weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation, signed by at least
ten per cent of the taxpayers of
said road district, giving the
time, place and object of said
meeting, which shall be held in
the month of December, and at
the time of said meeting it shall
bo organized by the election of a
chairman and Sec'y and at such
nieetinsr they may. by a majority
vote of such taxpayers, levy such
additional tax as they may deem
advisable to improve the roads
of said district, and if a lax be
evied, it shall be the duty of said
uiiuii iiiiiii uuu secretary to cei tuy
11 1 . 1 . . I. '
to tue couiuy ciern oi such coun
ty, prior to January ist, tne levy
so mailo nv the taxnavers of sain
rh'wtrin.t and that thp cniinlv p.lork .
shall compute and extend said
levy on tne assessment rou ior
inuu yeur niu sunie us oilier taxes
are extended, and it shall be the
duty of the tax collector to pro
ceed lo collect said taxes in mon
ey the same as any other taxes
are collected, and turn the same
over to the county treasurer in
the same manner and at the same
time he pays over other taxes col
lected hv him. and shall he credit
eu anu Kept ny tne treasurer to
the account of the road district
making such levy.)
K. K. wails.
. -; J. 8. Fisher.
A Vrwlnn '
II. Kunze.
- D. Erb. '
A. F. Lenhardt.
- D. C. Yoder.
John Wachtman.
A. P. Troyer.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for Clackamas
Anna Mitchell, Plaintiff, vs. Ja
cob E. Mitchell, Defendant.
To Jacob L. Mitchell, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on
or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of tho first
publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before the 27th day, of
December, 1912, and if you fail so
to answor, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in her
oomplaint on file herein, to-wit:
that the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and de
fondant be dissolved.
This summons is published by
ordor of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, circuit judge of said
county, and said order was made
and dated the 14th day of Novem
ber, 1912, and the date of the first
publication of this summons is
the 15th day of November, 1912,
and the date of the last publica
Hon of this summons is Ilia 27th
day of December. 1912.
John F. Logan.
, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notloe of 8peolal Sohool Meeting
M-.lin i hornhv Divnn to l.hfl
legal voters of School District No.
62, of Clackamas County, State of
fii-oirnn that, ft aneeial meeting of
said district will be held at the
County Court Room or tne LiOuri
House at Oregon Oily, uregon, on
Monday, the Olh day of December,
tin?., at. 7 o'clock o. m.. for the
following subject:
For tho purpose of levying a
special tax for school purposes.
Dated the 28th day of November,
W. A. Huntley,
Chairman Board of Directors
E. E. Biodio, District Clerk.
In the Circuil Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Myrtle It. Holesworth, Plaintiff,
Edley W. Holesworth, Defendant.
To the Above named ueienaani,
Kdley W. Holesworth:
In I hp nnnin nf l hA ulflt.A nf Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear anu answer me compiaini,
llled against you m tho above en-
liil.wl fVtupt nnit r.annA within six
weeks from December 6, 1912, the
dale or the nrst puuncauon oi
this summons, towit: on or defore
January 18, 1913, that being tho
time fixed by the Court for you to
appear and answor said complaint
and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the Court for tho ro-
lief prayed for in ner compiaini,
to-wit: for a decree of divorce,
dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between plain
iiit nnH vnnranlf nn thn arounds
of cruel and inhuman treatment
and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem
just and equitable.
This summons is served upon
you by publication once a week for
six consecutive weeks by order of
tho Honorable J. U. Compbell,,
Judge of the above entitled Court
made and entered in sain sun on
the 3rd day of December, A. D.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Date of first punlicalion Dec
ember 6, 1912.
Dale of last publication Jan
uary 17, 1913
Children Ory