OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY DEC. 6 1912. MOLALLA. ' The switch board is to be re moved from the postoffice build ing to the Molalla Telephone Go's. (Inc.) new home central office, owing to re-arrangement of many wires, talk will be cut out through central for a few days. Mrs. Clif ford and Miss Louise Sayle. who have served as operator almost from the beginning of the tele phone mutual operation at this place, served notice a year ago that they did not care to fill the position any longer, and only con sented to serve this year, to en able the company to get located in its new home. Everman Robbins' 'splendid bungalow is nearing completion, where ho contemplates moving for full housekeeping by the first of the year. The Molalla Telephone Co., having purchased the Boyles' property, the new operator, Mr. Harry llibbard of Marquam, will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Robins, after January 1, 1913. Di's. Todd and Vernon's new dweling houses are to be comple ted by the first of the new year. F. C. Perry has a cottage built and is now putting up a water tower on his place. John Looney has a house up on the beginning of his new home in the Gregory addition to Molalla. Next Saturday will be the regu lar meeting day for the Molalla grange No. 310, when the officers for the year 1913 will be elected, there being much of interest on hand. Thanksgiving services were ap propriately held at the M. E. church here. Dinner was served in the basement to a large num ber. Uncle Jake Harless has recov ered from hiq sick spell, and lays it all to the election of Wilson, The thought of woman suffrage, however, almost makes him dizzy, as he has some apprehension that Molalla might do the rash act of electing a woman mayor when the town incorporates. Robert J. Moore is severely ill, and unable to attend to his farm duties. Molalla thinks Oregon City will do a sane and proper move when she brings about the tripple freight yard on a high water level at the north end of town, as we still expept to be rolling in there on the Clackamas Southern by Christmas 1913. Oliver May, one of Kilmer & Kingel's drivers, had the misfor tune to break fiis leg by a pde of ties faliing on iiim. VV. If. li:-nt'cy. while expuri nientiii.! ; 1 a n,u'fcine saw f-i sawinw down li.-i s lad the llsliy part of his hand cut quite severe ly. F. Allen is building an addition to his house, to be used for wood and a work shop. The lledland S. S. is making preparation for a Christmas tree and program. J. T. Frellam has been doing some much needed work on Route No. 2. Now if the Logan super visor wiil fix the other gap at Fishers mill he will have a pretty fair road. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hatlon are building them a iine bungalow. Mrs. Geisler and Mrs. Ilarnish of Portland were visitors at their father's, Mrs. J. J. Bargfeld. Gu3 Leasch made a business i$ "Real Fisherman's Luck N s". B1 9 t2 eal Fisherman': for Duke's Mixture Smokers' - Good tohncco mid a good reel! That's surely a lucky combination for the angler and here's the way you can have them both. (a S3iE ft j m Ait if m m is. mw p All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made by Liggett 6 Myers at Durham, N. C. - Pay what you will, you cannot get better granulated tobacco for Sc than the big ounce and a half sack of Duke's Mixture. And with each of these big sacks you jet a book of cigarette papers FREE. Get a Good Fishing Reel Free by saving the Coupons Dow packed in Liggntl j- Mytrt Duke's Mixture. Or, if youdoo't want a reelEetuny onuol'lho hundreds of other articles. In the lint you will find sometlilnK for every member of the family, Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher's gloves, camcnis, watches, toilet articles, etc. These handsome presents cost you nothing not one cent. They simply express our appreciation of your patronage. Remember you still get the same big one and a half ounce suck (brie --enough to roll tmwy clgurettes. During November and Decern- ber -only, we wilt tend our new illuttrated catalogue of pretenti FREE. Simply send us your name and address. Coupons from Dukt's Mixture may bi anortri with fats ttitm HOftSE SHOt. J. T.,TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF.GRAN;tR TWIST, coupons from FOUR ROSES lOc-tin tUmtU cm ton), PICK PLUG CUT. PIED MONT CIGARETTES. CUX CI GARETTES, and other tats or coupons iisutdby us. Premium Dept. Si. Louli, Mo. 1 I 'A i i SEE CALIFORNIA THIS WINTER ITS ATTRACTIVE SEASIDE RESORTS FAMOUS HOTELS. MAGNI FICENT SCENE R.Y, DELIGHTFUL CLIMATE, OUTDOOR. SPORTS OF ALL KINDS, WITH MILES OF DRIVES THROUCH ORANCE GROVES AND ALONG OCEAN BOULEVARDS Tim V) SUNSET YW,1 I JOGOENiSHASTAl 1 I 1 RQUTtS I I HAS IN EFFECT ROUND TRIP RATES $55.00 Portland to Los AnOeles Effective January 1st, 1913 $54.70 Eugene $50.20 Roseburg $44.30 Crants Pass $42.60 Medford $41.75 Ashland Same fares apply to Colton, Pasadena, Riverside, and San Barnadino. With Corresponding Low Fares from intermediate points and stops-overs going or returning and long return limit to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles Descriptive ond interesting Literature on various Attractions of the Gi State may be obtained from any Southern Pacific Agent or by writin JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon Golde S trip to Silverton the past week. K. H. Barrett is looking for a place to huy cheap or rent. L. Frink is cutting down some more of his old orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Tenney of Viola gave a Thanksgiving dinner to l.hnir rulatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. Frink took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. V. Allen. Mrs. Bradley has returned from the hospital at Portland mucp 1m nrnvpii inh ealth. Mrs. Moehnke, who is teaching I he Fir grave school will give a basket social, the 7th ,the pro ceeds of which w lngo to the school. B. F. Linn has a donkey engine and a crew of men on his place, nnllinir stumns. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis and Mr. nml Mrs. Hicinbot ham have mov- ed hack to their farm at Viola from Kstacada. Could Shout for Joy "I want to thank you from the hdllom of mv heart, wrote G. B. llader, of Lewishurg, VV. Va., 'for the wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stom- t. i Ul ,1 rV nliniimnlium Hell UOUIJIU HUU VI IHCUiuowoiii. from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer tor years. It suited my case as though just made for it. For dispepsia, mdi arestion. jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electtric Bit ters have no equal. Try them. Evnrv bottle is guaranteed to sat isfy. Only 50c at Huntley Bros. Co. COUNTY COURT F. J. Painter . .' 40.00 Mart Baty 76.00 E. K Heed 42.00 Em. Heed 34.00 Clay Engle 54.00 J, Callahan 40.00 Clay Hungate 38.00 District No. 23 ' N. E. Colo 6.70 H. W. Zimmerman 21.85 V. Berg 21.75 II. H. Dietz 21.60 J. II. Kraus 19-00 D. Shcppard 15.85 II. Gilbertson Geo. Loveland . ... II. H. Zimmerman 6.00 2.00 2.00 35 26.00 40.00 34.50 13.00 12.00 3.00 5.00 District No C. Smit h Ed Gipson L. Wetiner it. lleinz II. Smith C. Morras it. A. Wrisrht J. B. Mitts 47.25 S. Gipson 15.00 F. Wehner 17.00 Jo Gipson 13.00 J. A. Mitts l .uu Deedrio Harms 21.90 District No. 26 B. F. Harless ' 17.00 I. C. Steihinger 46.00 C. Glenn ; . . 20.00 F. Powell 10.00 li. Clark 16.00 J. Sleininger ' 16.00 K. Ala att 24.UU Hex Stubbs 24.00 1). II. Hainsby 18.00 W. Beck 28.00 II. Larsoin .20.00 Max Musq . 2.00 G. W. WniKllold 2.50 Clay Engle 5.00 J. Feyrer 62.00 W. W. Everhart 72.50 F. J. Painter 28.33 J. V. Harless 4.00 District No. 27 Fred Hubbard 26.25 Ulif Ulson 15.00 Joe Jackson 13.75 Orvillo Jackson 12.50 John Barth 17.50 District No. 28 Charles Thomas Jess Bagbe S. I). West Al. Wyland Kert Lit.ell ,.. . N. Sabo A. liugal Ora Coovcr . . K.i I flonvnr f..B hmywrf Karl Bird A. lluber (ieo. Hubor Ch. Hardee , Clarence Vurheis Perry Vorhoig Bert Bird Geo. Cuss V. Farlane . . . ; K. Koklo Frank Bowman Win. Bdir Leslie Shank 1,. D Shank Joseph Frollio 48.00 J. I). MeCluro 10.00 Distriot No. 29 Sidney Graham ........ vil ham Martin M. Hult'stuttor 21.00 It. K. MeConnoll 13.00 V. A. Rogers .......... 31.50 District No.- 30 F. E. Davidson O. C. Whitten Clarence Whitten John Hisey Win. Dyer K. Whitten .1. 11. Cox Distriot No. 32 W. H. Heater A. J. Sandstrom II. V'OSs II. Heater W. Willis 10.00 10.00 10.00 .. 20.00 5.00 .. 26.00 ... 22.00 .. 17.00 7.50 mhrdwfyl .. 12.00 7.50 .. 13.00 .. 14.00 8.00 .. 135.0 6.00 7.50 6.50 .. 12.50 6.00 7.00 6.00 .. 40.00 5.00 9.50 Pope & Co 1.50 Williams Bros. Transfer 9.50 Wilson & Cooke 4.10 Oregon City Lumber Co. . 54.78 J. Zimmerman ......... 62.00 G. Settje '.. 4.00 C. Parker 36.00 Distriot No. 35 Chester Shetterly 11.75 Forest Luderbeck 12.00 J. B. Jones 18.00 R. L. Lansdowne 10.25 David Weaver 21.10 James Jennings 12.83 J. L. Harman 21.65 Harold Elliott 3.37 P. H. Peterson 17.15 Portland Railway Light & Power Co 91.25 Charles Hunter 36.00 Wm. Booth 65.35 Frank Beers 27.50 Carl Shetterly 15.50 Geo. Proctor 27.50 Fred Wagner 27.50 R L. Lansdowne 5.00 District No .38 E. J. Anderson 4.00 A. J. Andorso n 8.00 E. Peterson 9.50 John Stanton 9 .50 Albert Hoffard 4.00 BlulTard Stanton 4.75 H. M. Anderson 6.00 L. Landsam 5.50 Oscar Rye v . 5.50 District No. 37. Wm. J. Carrell 29.25 John AAndregg 9.00 John Sigrist 11.00 J.J. Knaus 12.50 David Legler 71.37 C. W. Kruse 12.50 Western Clay Co 4.20 Geo. B. Rate & Co 1.70 Distriot Ne. 9 3 C. E. Steuart 35.50 Clyde Smith 14.50 L. Casto . 9.00 Otto Striker 12.50 Robert Sandorn 15:00 Karl Smizer 13.50 Otto Smizer 27.00 David Jones 29.00 Jacob Schoff 30.50 Frank Jaggar 43.37 William Stewart 32.00 A. O. Atchoelis 30.00 Norman Howard 30:00 Geo. Brenner 14.50 Edward Brenner 14.50 William Edwards 14.50 Erick Deitrich 14.50 E. L. Gardner 13.50 District No. 41. Granvil Cooper 12.00 A. P. Skillin 12.0U z.uu 2.00 2.00 7.25 9.00 38.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 24.00 6.00 W. C. Heater 20.00 J. Gross 4.00 Distriot No. 33 C. W. Schuld & Sons 56.00 Portland Hv. Lltrht & Power Co 91.00 It. O. Surver 32.75 A. J. Wilson 43.00 Homer Bros 17.20 District No. 34 Zimmerman 56.00 Gross Bacon 20.00 8.50 Pernio 20.00 Bronke Parker Yonker 11. Parker K. Tieileinan ,1 1.50 12.00 2.00 2.00 30.00 J. Tiedemau 27.50 11. Melrin N. Gribble L. Day ... J.Hinemau 7.00 7.00 8.00 3.60 8.00 G. Herbest F. Zimmerman 18.00 G. Tiedemau 14.00 M. Tiedemau 17.50 W. Kaiser 70.00 flresron Commission Co.. 14.40 l.aarsen & Co 19.20 Scripture A Beauliau.... 11.05 Wm. Updegrave Arthur Jivans John Affolter C. A. Keith John Bews Distriot fio. 43. Hpnrv Heinles 2.50 A D.. Burnett 2.00 Dlatriot No. Wilson & Cooke 2.95 ScriDture & Beauliau .... 6.00 Trojan Powder Co 48.55 W. Mead 4.00 A. Osburn 4.00 Chas. Rider 7.00 District No. 45. Walter Cox 13.00 Otis Vallen 6.00 W. T. Henderson 2.00 A .Vallen 7.00 Albert Meilike 7.00 M. Rvdzenoski 6.00 Carl Meilike 5.00 M. Granotski 2.00 A. Y. Bogden 1.00 John Scott 2.00 Jesse Cox 13.75 C. Bittner 50 nisfilnf Mn. AS. Orval Watts ... 20.50 Elton Hattan 12.00 I) I.. Heiehton . . 6.00 W. R .Crafton 13.00 E. B. Watts ... 10.00 J. R. Carr 14.50 M. Leach 19.00 A. J. Crafton C. J. Mendenhall , 4.00 C. B. Goodson 4.00 J. J. Hattan 27.00 District No. 47. A Mather 1.50 Gladstone Lumber Co. .. 20.15 H. P. Brownrigg 19.25 n P. Rofithe . . .1 57.75 J. E. Verley 11-00 L. Vetote "--so S. Smith .... 10.00 W. C Califf &-60 Wm. Rail 27.00 n P. Rof'lhe 8.75 M. Rost .. H. Carmickal 9.00 H. Kelev -0U nintpiot no. as. Paul R. Meinig 15.00 James Lamper 4.ou J. G. DeShazer 8.50 niRtrint no. 9 T. W. Linn 10.00 Mnl'iiprtv T.llinhPP . HflWB. Co I F. Sinfflr 67.DU John Anderson 13.75 K.d Rich Ernest Boese .. D9-;9 W. G. Wentworth &-o Christ Zinceli 4.00 Louis Hoffmeister 17.00 Wm. Nothnagle - 2.50 Richard Nhotnagle 48.50 Rodgers DeYoung . ?.00 Clarence Siefer 1Y2-xx Henry Hoffmeister J-"" Fred Hoffmeister 20.00 M. Cummings -"x E. Adams f?-"u Arthur Heacock o-u" Olto Boese l-uX T. Adam9 S P.nrr 5.00 i'w Hnnta . Co ...... 4.65 Lewis Rodlin 2.00 Bell Telephone Co -20 Al Sheppard 19-00 John DoYoung G. Boeset . t J5.00 Herman Rityan on Dupont Powder Co -30 Fred Anderson 2.00 I.uwr'llil Urns 3.82 J. C. Elliott & Co 48.55 F. Boese -00 A. J. Pitner 3.00 Albert Hoffmeister 3.00 George Breisel . -00 Distriot No. 52. W.G.Wolf -20 J. L. Stanton 10.00 W. F. Stanton 1-60 Distriot No. 65. H. H. Mattoon 37.25 J. A. Tindyman 19 00 Ed Foeken 2.00 J. F. Cromer A. A. Allen ?" John Fioken - 6-00 C. Jubb 5 00 F. Cockeriine ? oo James Hamilton J A. H. Meyer ?-"V JG. S. Thompson -x Robert Mattoon ... ..... ?-0 Jim Cromer u.uu filtplnt HO. 68. Nat Seribner 2-50 Genoral Fund counvy N. Blair 13.?" W. H. Mattoon 2i.uo F. A. Miles " M. (iross 6-00 Nora Criswell 10-00 Fashion Livery Stable9 . . 4-00 circuit court M. C. Strickland 20.00 Bert Crowley 4.20; L. 'ADAMS' Sale We have practically opened War on Prices of Men's and Boys' Clothing at tremendous Cut Prices. If you have any idea of buying a suit or overcoat, come now and see our cut prices and let us save you good money on your new suit. Also Men's Furnishings , and Shoes. 1 Ladies Suits & Goats Will go now at same CUT PRICE SALE Come in and make your selections while the BIG GLOTHNG SALE IS ON! Adams9 Depfc ' Stoe Jar . . OREGON CITY ORE. II. A. Githens 19.00 J. C. Bradley 15.00 E.L.Shaw :. 2.20 Sam Case " 2.40 Fritz Griessen 2.20 E L. Davidson 3.00 R. McKhmey 6.00 The J. K. Gill Co 3.75 Lena Frank ... 3.02 Anna Frank 3.20 M. C. Strickland 2.20 Ed Kendig 4.00 C. W. Risley 16.00 Frank Bailey 2.40 Mys. Seivers 2.40 Mrs. Marie Embree ..... 2.40 Steve Green ' 2.20 Chris Muralt 15.70 Mre. W. F. Kleinsmith . . . : 5.00 Thomas Mooney 15.80 D. E. Frost 2.20 Lydia Kleinsmith 5.00 J. V. Harless 18.20 Otto Aschoff 22.00 E. A. Brady 4.20 E. L. Shaw 4.20 Burt McArthur 16.00 Mrs. Moreland 9.50 Rosalia Ginther 4.00 Justice of the Peace W. W. H. Samson ... :. .'. . 41.40 D. E. Frost 2.40 E. T. Mass 5.2G E. L. Shaw 6.30 Molly Clark 1.70 Minnie Clark 1.70 Joe Wilson ..... 1.70 Al Hayball ,. 1.70 W. S. Baker 1.70 W. F. Doosier .. 1.70 R. E. Woodard . . 8.70 Al Cutting ... ; - 4.70 F. A. Miles 2.40 Geo. A. Brown ........ . 26.50 F .A. Miles 8.70 E. L. Shaw ; . 2.40 John A. Kelso '. " 18.65 C. B. Davis 7.30 J. H. Van Ham .'. 9.00 C. B. Davis 6.30 Mrs. M. Barberis ....... 2.20 Frank Denaris ........ 1.20 W.E.Kelso ... ' 1.20 H. Richards ... ... .... 1.40 E. L. Davidson ... ... . . 3.90 J. C. Haines 4.70 A. J. Rossiter . . ..... 1.50 Dock Glover-.'.. ... ... 1.50 Eli Lusk ; ,, 1,50 William Wheaton ... .. 1.50 II. R. Davison , . 1.50 T. W. Sellwood ... ... . . 1.50 Sheriff. F. A. Miles ... 87.45 E. T. Mass 56.40 Western Unio nTel Co 72 Heck & MeEli'atrick 10.00 J. 0 .Staats 2.50 B J. Staats . I.70 Tax Department Cis B. Pratt 69.40 G. F. Johnspri 4.80 B. J, Staats 14.00 Clerk. H. S. Daulton 54.00 Recorder Nell Dreby 3.75 Edith Smith . . i . . . ... 65.00 Lou Cochran 65.00 Nata Graff . . . 26.40 N. E. Derby 10.00 Treasurer. Alice Dwigginp 52.00 o.wzfN.M. . .d. . aontk aontaon Assossoi Clara Mitchell 54.00 Gertie Willson 54.00 a Year with this lorFudEcononm You may now have some other range i:i your kitchen. Never mind that. You can not afford to put up with its wastefulnccs and discomfort any longer. Come to us and we will put h a Favorite Range tnaf will positively save from 5 to $10 every year on fuel bills alone. Favorites are built from the best materials. They practical ly abolish repair cost ana contain features you would expect to pay $15 to $20 extra for, although they are given you without any addition al cost. ' Such features as the ventilated oven evenly heated that insures perfect baking, Heat indicator that y v. enables you to control the oven tem perature. A sectional lid for small utensils. A cast flue back that will not wear out in 25 years. A glass oven door, giving full view inside the oven. Accurate, tight fitting of the registers and doors insuring com plete control of the fire at all times and maximum economy in the use of fuel. Favorites are built , on the unit system with interchangeable parts. Tell us your requirements we will build a range for you that will exact ly suit your needs. With all these advantages, Favorites cost no more than the ordinary kind. "Why jiuLuuuw uuu uiannisnE COOK TfiBy stove m your kitchen? Learn (. n uier avume way oi eiiminat-, mg waste, worry and work. ; FRANK BUSCH &5S5