Pi Pi ml SI I IS -J n 111 bis OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAV NOV. 29 1912. J j' S.ML GREEN ADIHG S ARE GOOD FOR THE HANDSOMEST XMAS GIFTS AND AT NO COST TO YOU Hundreds of Oregon City women are now taking advantage of every opportunity to complete the filling of their S.&H. books by Christmas; The richest of premiums can be secured by trading at stores that give S.&H' Green Trading Stamps. Oregon City's best stores in their respective lines give S.&H. Stamps, it is your discount for paying cash. S,&H. Green Trading Stamps are more in demand every day, they are given by the largest department stores and other progressive merchants in over 600 cities in the United Stake j If yoa have personally .investigated you are of course a stamp collector, if you have not investigated come to the premium parlor at Bannon & Co.'s store and satisfy your self of the value you get for your filled stamp book. StfiC Stamp Books are easily filled, if yoa take advantage of the liberal offers made, we have "Red Letter Days" the last Saturday of each month, All callers at Baivnoh & Co, Premium Parlor receive $1.C0 worth of st,mji Fra3,--m p J reins a necessary. We offer numerous double stamp days coupon rffersetc. Bring in your Hamilton Bonds and coupons, soap wrappers, tobacco labels a nl trademarks from over 2000 natioaally known commodities. We redeem them for WC Green Trading Stamps. Many ladies fill cn entire bock merely by saving the labels and tegs from household articles in every day use. SATURDAY S RED LETTER DAY AT THE PREMIUM PARLOR. IN BANNON & CD.'S STORE. All callers receive $1.00 worth of stamps Free Saturday. . fan. use Oregon City's largest and best Furniture & Hardware Store vill now give the famous &9t GREEN TRADING STAMPS to all his customers. Be Sure and ask for a new book with (JO) Ten S.&H. Green Stamps FREE. We will" discontinue giving our own stamps, but will redeem all outstanding stamp books. The S.&H. GREEN STAMPS ARE FAR SUPERIOR and MORE EASILY COLLECTED. . - Cut Out This Coupon ffl TRFF STAMPS AT FRANK RIISPH'S STORE tlSl In addition to all stamps eiven with regular purchases this coupon entitles you to Ten Green Trading Stamps FREE with each 60c purchase. Coupon Not Good after December 31st. By taking advantage oi the liberal methods we offer to ' : . BANNON & CO. Will Give Doable Gteen Trading Stamps WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4TH Saturday is Red Letter $1 Worth of Stamps FREE to All Callers. Bring Your Stamp Books Santa Claus Will arrive here Saturday at Noon and will hold a Recep tion all day in our big Basement Toy Department. Every little boy and girl In Clackamas County is Invited to call and leave a list , of their Christmas wants with Santa. Bay! Ct Otit This COUPON FREE STAMPS AT BANNON & CO'S. In addition to all Stamps given with regular pur chases this coupon entitles you to Ten xv Green Trading Stamps FREE with each 50c purchase. Coupon Not Good After December, 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to Collec tors, yoa may 611 your stamp books very easily. Jones Drug Co. Will Give Doable &yGteen Trading Stamps WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 Regular 60c Stationery Special . Regular 25c Stationery .. Special Regular '25c Uennison'd Fancy Crepa Paper Special 1. ........... ,. : Regular 10c Dennison's Roll Crepe Paper . Special .. Regular 25c Scissors (Uuaranteed) Special Regular $1.00 Pocket Knives, (Guaranteed) Special Regular 3 for 25c Toilet Paper ORo Special 4 for jb All 50c Toilet Waters QQp . Special 00 w All lac'Linen T6blets 1 Qn Special Ob All lOc Envelopes Special JONES DRUG COMPANY 33c 17c 17c 7c 16c 74c 5c MAIN STREET ORXCON CITY, ORE. m T2wT? CwtT &nrrrr& ifrrWl zrii fcisl ; mm r-:aii msmm msem mmm wimmi f?asi i mmmmmmmmmmmmm Ctit Out This Coupon lip FREE STAMPS AT JONES DRUG CO. fe In addition to all stamps given with regu-'?f lar purchases this coupon entitles you to TEN "S.&U." GREEN TRADING STAMPS with each 50c purchase. COUPON NuT GOOD AFTEK DEC 3lst. By taking advantage of the liberal methodij we offer to collectors, you may fill your stamp bookfi verv easily. PRICE BROS. Will give doable .&9C Green Trading Stamps WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 WakbWsSpm Every week. We are determined to get your patronage and m or der to acquaint you with our es tablishment we are going to offer some very attractive bargains in connection with the double stamps every issue. :?.45 75c $2.45 $14.75 $13.75 PRICE BROS., Clothiers All Willamette $3.00 Hats in the new shapes .'. Getmor Hose, 6 pair for $1 guaranteed for six months Coopers' All-wool Underwear $3 values, per suit : 18 All-worsted Clothcraft Suits $20 values 12 Clothcraft Fancy Back Belted Over coat?, $18 values 6th and Main SU. Established 1895. t Oregon City, Ore Cut Out This Coupon FREE STAMPS AT PRICE R S. In addition to all Btamps given with regu lar purchases this coupon entitles you to Ten Green z&C Trading Stamps free witn each 50c purchase. Coupon Not Good After Dec. 3 1 St. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to collector you may fill your stamp books easily mmm Si UiVi- 'mi. : 1-0. n "Of.'-' ill I'., -J mi ill .. in,, '. fh:.tCi stum : 1 'UT,1 K4 IlEil!