Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 22, 1912, Image 7

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Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice i8 hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Cornelia J. Boyles, de
ceased, has filed his final account
as such administrator with the
clerk of the county court of Clack
amas county, stato of Oregon, and
that the Judge of said Court has
set Monday, the 25th day of Nov
ember 1U12, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M. of said day, at the
County Court Room in the Court
House at Oregon City, Clacka
mas County, Oregon, as the time
and place of hearing any and all
objections thereto.
Any and all persons having ob
jections to said report are hereby
notified to appear at said time
and place and present said ob
they have.
Dated October 18th, 1912.
Administrator of the estate of
Cornelia J. Boylus, deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys
for Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Jesse Crippen Estate.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
administratrix of the estate of
Jesso Crippen, deceased, by the
County Court cf the Slate of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, and
has qualified.
All persons having claims
against the said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to
me at number 505 Labor Temple
Building, Portland, Oregon, with
proper vouchers duly verified
within six months from date
Dated and first published Oct
ober 25, 1912.
Mary E. Conkling, Adminis
tratrix.' John A. Jeffrey, II. J. Parkinson
& Harry Vanckwich, AtLorneys
for Administratrix.
505 Labor Tomple, Portland,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrator with
the Will annexed, of the estate
of Andrew J. Fourtner, deceased,
has filed with 1,10 clerk of the
County Court of tho County of
Clackamas, Stato of Oregon, his
final report as such Administrat
or of said estate, and the Judge
of said Court has set Monday, the
25th day of November, 1912, at
the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of
said day at tho County Court
Room of the Court House at Ore
gon City, in Clackamas County,
Oregon as the time and place for
hearing any and all objections
Any and all persons having ob
jections against said final report
nm hnrnhv notified to be Dresent
nt aniri limn and nlace above
mini innorl nnrl nroeflnt. snp.h nh-
jections for the consideration of
said Court, if any they have.
Dated October 20th, 1912.
Alva Ackerson.
Administrator with the will an.
novod nf the Estate of Andrew J.
Knurl nor. deceased.
Dimick & Dimick.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Executrix of the will of R
t tne wm oi n. -
deceased, and that all
fierce, now uoa'iiacu. uuu w
fs.onna havinrr nlniniR H2amst
nolnln tmiat nrntipnr. t.hfim.
properly veriliod, lo tne execu-
trix at tne onice oi u. u. v u. .
Lalourctte, in Oregon City, Ore-
gon, within six months from tho
dale of this notice. -
Dated November 1, 1912.
Jennie C. Pierce,
Executrix of the will of R. G
Pierce, Deceased.
J 1 -
n i o x
Oregon City, Ore.
Office, 71
Residence 130
Gilbert E. Btda
Weinhard Bldg. OreKon City, Ore.
A most valuable pamphlet. Tells
and Illustrates how to clear stump
land at the lowest known cost pep
acre by devices Just perfected.
Free to owners of stump dlands
who send me their names. John
A. Gorman, 1112 Western Ave.,
Straight & Salisbury,
Agents for the Celebrated j
Leader Water Systems
Stover Gasoline Engines.
We also carry a full line of
Myers pumps and
Spray pumps.
We make a specialty of installing Wa-
ter Systems and Plumbing
in the country.
720 Main St. " Oregon City
Phone 2682
IE Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident Insurance
Dwelling House insurance n ohuij
U'Ren &. Schuebel Oregon City, Ore
( Business Directory
A Directory of each City. Town end
Village, glvlna descriptive eketch of
each place, location, population, tele
graph, hlpplnr and banking point;
alto Claailfled Directory, compiled toy
bualneaa asd profession.
at i- i, , iw iho a point in tne southeasterly line
Notice is hereby given that the f id D L G wnich lasl nien
undersigned has bo7naPPMaXd tioned point' is South 60 deg. 30
by the County Court of Clacka- . 2(J54 58 feet fl,om lho
mas Gountv. State of Oregon, as o.,n,.ni.i ,., ..m n i.
In the Circuit Court of the State
ty of Oregon for the County
of Clackamas.
Oregon Realty Co., a corporation,
August Horger and Regina
norger, nis wue, iMainuns.
. vs.
E. N. Foster and Elsie J. Foster,
his wife, Isaac Foster, unmar
ried, Mary Young, unmarried,
George Foster and Marv Fos
ter, his wife, S. Foster, unmar
ried, iranK foster, unmarried,
Walter Foster, unmarried,
Ethel Foster, unmarried,
Orover Foster, unmarried,
Bernice Howell and George
E. Howell, her husband,
Myrtle Telford and Wallace
Telford, her husband, Mildred
Foster, unmarried, Mrs. Louisa
M. Foster, unmarried, James W
F'oster, Jr. unmarried, Fannie
R. McFarlane and Archie L.
McFarlane, her husband, Ches
ter U. Foster and Alma Foster,
his wife, May Ferguson and
Walter S. Ferguson, her hus
band, Cecil N. Foster and Net
tie Foster, his wife, Ivy C. Hil
ler and Edward C. Hiller, her
husband, Mildred L. Foster, un
married, Ida L. Foster, unmar
ried, Essie C. F'oster, unmar
ried, J. E. Burnett and Addie
Burnett, his wile, A. D. Bur
nett and Maud Burnett, his wife
the only heirs at law of Philip
F'oster and Mary C. F'oster, de
ceased, defendants.
To E. N. F'oster and Elsie J.
Foster, his wife, Isaac Foster,
Mary Young, George Foster and
Mary F'oster, his wile, S. Foster,
Frank Foster, Walter Foster, Ar
thur Foster, Ethel Foster, Orover
Foster. Bernice Howell and Geor
ge E. Howell, her busband, Myrtle
Telford and Wallace Telford her
husband, Mildred Foster, Mrs.
Louisa M. Foster, Jas. W. Fos
ter, Jr.. Fannie R. McFarlane and
Archie L. McFarlane, her husband
Ohester U. Foster and Alma Fos
ter his wife, May Ferguson and
Walter S. F'erguson her husband,
Cecil N. F'oster and Nettie Foster
his wife, Ivy C. Hiller, Edward G.
Foster, Ida L. Foster, Essie C.
Miller, her husband, Mildred L.
F'oster, J. E. Burnett and Addie
Burnett, his wile, A. D. Burnett
and Maud Burnett, his wife, the
only heirs at law of Philip F'os
ter and Mary C. F'oster, deceased,
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or 'before
the 21st dav of December. 1912:
said date being the expiration of
six weeks troin tne nrsi puun-
cation of this summons and if you
fail to so appear and answer lor
want thereof tho plaintiffs will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in Plaintiffs' com-
plaint, as
lollows, to-wit: 10
to the following de-
UUiet title
scribed premises situated in
Clackamas County, Oregon:
A tract of land in bees. 31 and
32 Tp. 2 S of Range 4 East and
Sec. 6 Tp. 3. S. of range 4 East of
Willamette Meridian and being a
part of the Donation Land Claim
ui .rainy x'uolci aiiu iwaij j. vo
ter, his wife, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wll:
BeerinniiiK at a stake North 29
deg. 35 min. west 917.97 feet from
G id stake at the beginning
-nt . marks lhe Northeasterly
f traM nf lnnH nontain-
15.72 acres which was con-
, inlendod to be conveyed
b - pmlip yosler to Egbert N.
t b deed daled March 8
lg81 and'reCorded in Deed Book
..s.. 250 of Records of said
County; thence North 29 deg. 40
min. West 774.52 .feet to a stone;
I hence North 59 deg. 39 min.
East 1673.95 feet to the center of
the County Road; thence North iy
deg. 12 min. West along the ccn-
ter of the County Road 752. 97
feet; thence South 59 deg. 2 mm.
West 3059.7 feet to a stone;
thence North 31 deg. 5 min. West
504.96 feet to a stone; thence
South 60 deg. 11 min. West 1790.
28 ft. more or less, to tne boutn.
easterly Rlons: said last mention
od line to the most southerly cor
ner of said Donation Land Claim
of Philm Foster and Mary U. i'os
ter. thence North 59 deg. 17 min.
East 890.82 ft. more or less to a
post in the Southwesterly line of a
tract of land containing 15.72
hv Phil. Foster to
Etrbort N. Foster by deed dated
Mar 8. 1881 and recorded Mar. 10
1881 in deed book "S" page 250 of
the records of said county; tnence
Northwesterly along the South
westerly line of said tract con
veyed to Egbert N. Foster 892.49
twi in a mist at the Northwest
erly corner of-said tract; thence
Northeasterly to the place of be
ginning. . u
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, which order was
made and entered on the Pnd.
day of November, 1912.
U'Ren and Schuebel,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
Samuel Baker, Plaintiff,
nphp. ca .Raker. Defendant.
To Rebecca Baker, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of
O egon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the corn
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the 7th day of December, 1912,
the same being six weeks from
the date of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail
n tn annear or answer, the
plaintiff will apply to tne court
for the relief prayed for in the
r.omnlaint. to-wit: F'or a decree
dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between you
and the plaintiff.
This summons is served upon
you by publication by authority
of an order made and entered in
vo ahnva on! it led cause bv the
Unnnrahla R. R. Beatie. JUdKO OI
tne Liircu'l uuun ui mo omw
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas, and dated the 21st day of
October, laiz.
Biggs & Garmire.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Oct.
ober25, 1912.
Date of last publication Decern
ber, 6, 1912.
In tho Justice Court for Dis- In the Circuit Court of the State
trict No. 3, Clackamas County, of Oregon for tho County of
Oregon. Clackamas
Angelo Cuneo, Plaintiff, j Ivra plaintiff V8 nenry A.
Bartolomeo Parata, Defendant. L(i0 defendant.
To Bartoiumeo Parata. the above To Henry A. Lee, the above named
named defendant: IN THE NAME defendant:
UJYn,!lo,!'lhAoTL0RiEU10,N: I I" the Name of the State of
ou are.hereby required to ap- n..,rn von arfi herohv rermired
pear and answer the complaint "iegon, you are neieuy requiiui
filed against you in the above en to "PPear and answer the com
tilled Court and cause on or bel Ilaint of plaintiff filed against
fore the last day of tho time pre- you in the above entitled court
scribed in the order for the pub-' and suit, on or before Saturday,
lication made herein to-wit: the j the 30th day of November, 1912,
27th day of December, 1912, that that day and date being six full
day being more than six weeks
from tho date of the first pub
lication herein, and if you fail to
appear in said action and ans
wer on or before said day, plain
tiff vill take judgement against
you for the sum of One Hundred
Dollars, with interest thereon at
the rale of six per cent per annum
from the Uth day of August, 19
11, and for the costs and dis
bursements in this action, and
certain personal property belong,
ing to you which has been attach
ed by the Constable of said Dis
trict No. 3, Clackamas County,
Oregon, and held by him, sub
ject to the outcome of this action,
will be sold to satisfy the said
1 ins bunimons is pumisnea
pursuant to an order of this
Court made October 31, 1912, the
first publication being dated Nov
ember 8, 1912, and the last publi
cation dated December 20, 1912.
Justice of the Peace.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 323-320
Henry Building, Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the
Stato of Oregon for the County of
Sarah A. Goodyear, Plaintiff,
vs. James William Shaw, John
Duffy and Simpert Nefzgar, De
fendants. To James William Shaw, John
Duffy and Simpert Nefzgar, De
fendants; In the name of the Stale of Ore
gon: You are hereby required io
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled action on or before Decem
ber 7th, 1912; and if you fail to
answer, for want thereof, -the
plaintiff will take decree quieting
tne titlo to, ana aecianng tne
plaintiff to be the owner in fee
simple ol the following described
tract of land ' to wit; Beginning
at a point G.28 chains east and
20.10 chains north of the south
east corner of Section 31, Town
ship Two South and Range Two
East of the Willamette Meridian;
thenco west 210 feet; thence
north 210 feet; thence east 210
feet; thence south 210 feet to the
place of beginning, and also
known as Lot Two in Block Nine
of the Holmes Addition to Oregon
City, Oregon. And also enjoining
you and each of you from assert
ing any claim or interests therein
adverse to this plaintiff.
Service of this summons is
made upon you by publication in
pursuance of an Order of the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Circuit
Judge of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, made October 24, 1912,, di-i-pniiner
such publication in the
Orntrnn Citv Courier, once a week
for six successive weens, tne nrsi
publication being October 25,
1912, ana tne last uecemuer oui,
B. N. Hicks,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregon for the County of
John J. Ramser, Plaintiff,
Margaret Ramser, Defendant.
To Margaret Ramser, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the Stale of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
in tho above entitled suit iiled
against you or. or before six weeks
afior Urn first, nublication of this
summons, to-wit: the 28th day of
December, 1912, and if you fail
to so appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the Gourt io rtne reuei uuiuauuuu
in uniil unit n follows'.
For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony between you
nihor and further relief as to this
Honorable Court may seem just
and equitable. .
This aiimiiions is published
pursuant to an order made by the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
the Court for the relief demanded
for the County of.Clack
amas, on the 9th day of November
191 a. , ,,.
Tho iinln of tho first publication
of this summons being November
15, 1912, and the date of the last
publication being Uecemuer ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the Stale!
of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas.
Edwin S. Thomas, Plaintiff,
Nulla S. Thomas, Defendant.
To Nella S. Thomas, tho above
named defendant: In the name of
the State of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear arm answer
the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled sun on or
before the 27th day of December,
1912. said date neing tne expir
ation of Six (6) weeks from the
first publication oi tnis summons
and if you fail to appear and ans
wer said complaint, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in his complaint, to-
A decree dissolving tne nonns oi
matrimony now existing netween
nlaintiff and defendant upon the
JP -I - J nnlfnl An
grouna oi oeienuuui. wmui
serlion of the plaintiff. . . . .
This summons is pumisneu ny
nnlcr of the Honorable J. u.
r.nirmhMl. .Tiwlsre of the Circuit
Court for uiacxamas uoumy,
u.-hifh nnlpr was made and enter
ed on the 7th day oi iovernoer
1912, and the time prescribed for
the publication thereof is Six (8)
tt-ooLa heerinnine on the 15th
riiiv nf November 1912, arid con
tinuing pach week thereafter to
and including the 27th day of
December 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
weeks from and after the date of
the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so appear
and answer said complaint for
want thereof, plaintiff will rfpply
to the above entitled court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint
on file herein, to which reference
is hereby made and more particu
larly described as follows:
For a decree dissolving, cancel
ling and annulling the bonds of
matrimony and marriage contract
heretofore and now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant,
and that plaintiff, bo divorced
from defendant; and that plain
tiff bo allowed to resume her
maiden name, that of Ivra Nelson,
and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem
just and equitablo in the prem
ises. This summons is served upon
you by publication thereof, by or.
dor of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court,
of tho Slate of Oregon for Clack
amas County, made and entered
upon the 14th day f " October,
The date of the first publica
tion of this summons is Friday,
October 18th, 1912, and the date
of the last publication thereof is
Friday, November 29, 1912, and
tho full time of tho publication of
this summons is six full weeks
from and after the first publica
tion thereof.
Dimick & Dimick,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
For publication in Foreclosure
of Tax Lien.
In tho Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
L. M. Bitnoy and J. J. Stangel,
Maggie. A. Burton, Defendant.
To Maggie A. Burton, the above
named defendant. In the name of
the State of Oregon: -
You aro hereby notified that L.
M. Bitney and J. J. Stangel, the
holders of Certificate of Delin
quency numbered 712 issued on
the 29th day of August 1912, by
the tax collector of the County of
Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, for
the amount of two and 38-100
dollars, the same being the am
ount then duo and delinquent for
taxes for the year 1908, together
with penalty, interest and costs
thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of which you are
tho riwner as aDDears of record,
situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and de
scribed as loliows, to-wit: com
mencing sixty rods Jiast irom tne
quarter stake between sections
16 ana il in rownsnip o ouuwi,
Hanaro one East of the Willam-
etle Meridian, and running thence
north 40 rods: thence east 20 rods
thence South 40 rods, thence west
30 rods to the place ot Dcginning,
ass n s rin 10 feet wide along tne
East side, and being situated in
the section 16 in. T. 5. S. R. 1.
East of the Willamette in the
County, of Clackamas and State
of Oregon.
You are further notified that
said L. M. Bitney and J. L. Stang.
nl have naid taxes on said prem
lses lor suusequeiu years wmi me
rate of interest on said amounts
i 1 .'1U1U-
as follows:
1910 taxes, paid Aug. 29, 1912,
tax receipt uuntDer, 11876. am
ount $2.28, rate of interest 15
per cent.
1911 taxes, paid Mar. 15, 1912,
tax receipt number 7562, amount
82.22, rate of interest iz per cent
Said Maaeie A. Burton, as the
owner of the legal title of the
above described property as the
same appears of record, and each
of the other persons above named
are hereby further notified that
I. M Rilnev and J. J. Stangel
will apply to the Circuit Court of
the Oounty ana otaie nioresuiu
for n fipr.i'p.fi foreclosing the lien
against tho property above de
scribed and mentioned in said
ppriifir.nfp.. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication of
the summons exclusive of the day
of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the
nmniinl. due as above shown to
gether with costs and accrued in
lornst nnH in ease of VOUr fail
ure to do so. a decree will be
ppn nVrpd foreclosing the lien o
said taxes and costs against trie
and and premises auove namea
This summons is published by
nrripp nf the 1 Honoraoio J. u
r.timnhpll. Judsra of the Circu
Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of LlacKamas, ana
said order was mado and dated
this 24th day of October, 191
ami Hip date of the first PUD11C
on of this summons is me
25th day of October. 1912.
All process and papers In this
proceeding may bo served upon
lho iindprsinned residing within
iho Kialo nf Oreeon. at the ad
dress hereafter mentioned.
H. Overton,
Aitornevs for Plaintiffs.-
Address Woodburn, Oregon.
r TPUl BllTlt f R
YetAMAreeo satsfactory
n the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty Anna U. Wentzy, Plaintiff, vs.
Eugene J. Wentzy, Defendant:
To Eugene J. Wentzy, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit on or before the 29lh
day of November, 1912, said date
being after the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail
to appear and answer said com
plaint, for want thereof.tho plain
tiff will apply to tho court for the
relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: For a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony between
yourself and the plaintiff and
granting her the custody of the
minor children issue of said mar
riage and for such other and fur
ther relief as to the court seems
This summons is published by
order of Hon. J. U. Campbell,
judge of tho circuit court for the
County of Clackamas, State of
Oregon, which order was made
and entered on tho 15th day of
October, 1912, and the time pre
scribed for publication is six
weeks, beginning with the issue
of October 18, 1912, and contin
uing each week theieafter,to and
including November 29, 1912,
Johnson & Stout,
Attornoys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho State
of Oregon for the County of
Edith M. Augustine, Plaintiff,
Frank F. Augustine, Defendant,
To Frank F'. Augustine, Defend
ant: In the name of the Stale of Ore
gon : You ara hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
tiled against you in tho above en
titled court and cause on or be
fore the 30th day of November,
1912, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for tho relief
rayed for in his said complaint,
to-wit: That the bonds of mat
rimony existing between the pla
intiff and the defendant be dis-
olved: that tho plaintiff have
such further relief as may be
This Summons is published by
order of tho Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judge of tho above entitled court,
made and entered on the 14 in
day of October, 1912 and the
aid orders directs that tho puDU-
cation of this Summons bo made
once a week for six successive
weeks, and the date of the first
publication according to said
order, is October 18th, 1912.
O. A. Stevens,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State!
of Oregon for the County of
t,i T ri.i. Tt km. if
Charles A. Cawley, Defendant.
, Charles A. Cawley, the above
named deienaant. -
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
in nnonr and answer the com-
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, on or before
Saturday, the 26th day of Novem
ber. 1912. the same being six
weeks after tha date of the first
publication of this summons and
if you fail so to appear, and ans
wer, for want thereof, tho plain
tiff will apply to saia court ior
the relief demanded in tho com
plaint, to-wit: For a decree dis
solving tho bonds of matrimony
existing between plaintiff and de.
fendant herein, and other equit
able relief.
This summons Is published by
order of the Honorable R. B.
Beatia, judge of said Court made
and dated October 8, lli!, ana
October 11, 1912 is tho date of the
first publication of this summons
and November 22, 1912, is me
date of the last publication there
of. Shirley D. Parker,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit
Court of the
for Clackamas
State of Oregon,
County. ,.
Anna Mitcneii, t'lainiiii, vs.
cob L. Mitchell, Defendant.
To Jacob D. Mitchell, trio aoovo
named defendant:
Tn lh rinrne of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
lo appear and answer trie com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on
or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first
mi lil ion f in n n f this summons, to-
wit: On or before tho 27th day of
December, 1912, and if you fail so
to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to tho court
fur the relief demanded in her
complaint on Hie nerein, iu-ww.
that the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and de
fendant be dissolved.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U
Campbell,, circuit judge of said
county, and said order was made
and dated the 14th day of Novem
ber, 1912, and the date of the first
publication of this summons is
the i 5th day of November, 1912,
and the dale of the last punlica
lion of this summons is lhe 27th
day Of December. 1912.
John V. Logan,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney at Law,
Gencrai practice Deeds, mort
gages and abstracts carefully
mnde. Money to loan on good
security. Charges reasonable.
Ottlce in Stevens Building.
Notice for Levy of Speolal Road
Notice is hereby given that we,
tho undersigned tax payers rep
resenting ten per cent, of the tax
payers in Road District No. 54,
Clackamas County, Oregon, here
by give noticeto the tax payers oi
said Road District No. 54 that
there will be a meeting of the
taxp ayers of said District in the
school house at Elliott Prairie,
on the 14th day of December, 19-
12 at 2 o clock i'. m., to vote an
additional tax for road purposes,
as provided by an act of the legis
lature in 1909, and which act in
ter alia provides as follows, to-
(The taxpayers of any road
district in any county of this
State may vote an additional tax
for road purposes, providing at
least ten per cent of the tax pay
ers of said district shall give no
tice by posting notices in three
public places in said road dis
trict, and one in court house and
publish one notice three weeks in
one weeKiy newspaper oi gen
eral circulation, signed by at least
ten per cent of the taxpayers of
said road district, giving the
time, place and object of said
meeting, which shall be held in
the month of December, and at
the tiuii of said meeting it shall
be organized by the election of a
chairman and Sec'y and at such
meeting: they may, by a majority
vote of such taxpayers, levy such
additional tax as they may deem
advisable to improve the roads
of said district, and if a tax be
levied, it shall be the duty of said
chairman and secretary to certify
to the county clerk of such coun
ty, prior to January 1st, tho levy
so made by the taxpayers of said
district, and that the county clerk
shall compute and extend said
levy on the assessment roll lor
that year the same as other taxes
are extended, and it shall be the
duty of the tax collector to pro
ceed to collect said taxes in mon
ey the same as any other taxes
are collected, and 'turn the same
over to the county treasurer in
the same manner and at the same
time he pays over other taxes col
lected by him, and shall be credit,
ed and kept by the treasurer to
the account of the road district
making such levy.)
R. F. Watts.
J. S. F'isher.
A. Ynder.
H. Kunse.
1). Erb.
A. F. Lenhardt.
D. C. Yodor.
John Wachtman.
A. P. Troyer..
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
In tho matter of the estate of
John Jacob Schmidt, Deceased.
To Margaret Schmidt, Elise
Schmidt, Johann Schmidt, Johann
Peter Schmidt, Kunigunde Low,
nee Hammon, Margarete Ham
nion, Johann Hammon. Margarete
Glaser, nee Hammon, Adam Ham
mon, Margarete Wolfel, Margar
ete Hammon, Adam Hammon and
Kunigunde Hammon, heirs at law
of said decedent and all others
unknown, if any such there be,
In the Name of the Stale of
You are hereby cited to appear
in the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
f.lar.kamas. at the Court Room
thereof at Oresron
t Oregon (Jity, in tne
nnuntv of Clackamas, on Mon
!day the 3rd. day of December,
1912, at 10 o'clock in the fore-
noon ni mai uav. men uu wioic
w w yt , lTTa'
aw "du?0ro;n "the 'petition of
Auguste Ochs, Administratrix, on
fiiQ m sain matter, for the sale
hy said administratrix, at private
salo nf the real Droperty of said
estate, to wit: The W. of the
E. U of the N. E. and the W.
T. 3, S. R. 5, E. of the W. M.,
in tho County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, containing 120
acres more or less.
Witness. The Honorable R. B.
Beatie, Judge of the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, with the seal of said
Court affixed, this 19th day of
October, A. D. 1912.
Attest: W. L. Mulvey, Clerk.
By E. T. Quinn, Deputy Clerk.
Cvygen For Aeronauts.
pi i iv nx.VKi'll gas into till
' ,ni iiii-ii mill mountain illnili
inixlllHrv Miipply to that In
io. the ImiKH, In a remarkable
wcil for the prevention of
-nlii-.l iimimtidii sIckneHs, which
( Hie rarity of air at high
Ililiul.M. The preventive treatment,
. in, i wan nVxt-riUMl together with the
xiii-rltiiciitH i-oiillrniliig Its efflcloucy at
i ii'i i nl mcxhIoii of the French Acad
"inj "f SdiMuvR. consists simply In
i In- riiiliriilaiieniiM Injection Of small
iimiililii'n of pure oxygen gas, the ef
f.M l f wlilili Is claimed to persist for
xi'vi-rnl ihiys.
8uprise Yourself by Buying a 25o
Did you ever see such a differ
nnee? ZEMO is certainly a mar
vel. This is what you will say
after your first trial of the new
remedy. EMU.
ZEMO is a. clear liquid;.you
lust rub it on the skin; it sinks
right in. All itching stops; it is
guaranteed to do it, and floes it.
Afit'r a few applications, every
pimple, every blotch, all eczema
stnrf'M. eczema nam. blackheads
ickly heat and rash simply van-
uti prove u coi c usive y at u
cost, nf on v a few cents.
You never sa wanytning in your
life act like ZEMO on inflamed or
reddened skin, sores, cuts, bruis-
uu r,p rlnnrlpilff .
ZEMO is sold at drug stores in
25-cent and $1 bottles, or sent di
rect, on receipt of price, hy fc. w
Itnse Medicine Co.. St. Louis, Mo
The $1 bottle contains six times
as much as the 25 cent bottle.
Sold and guaranteed in Oregon
City by the Huntley Bros. Drug
Many ills come from impure
blood. Can't have pure blood with
fnnfw dicpRf Inn. lazv liver and
sluggish bowels. Burdock Blood
Bitters strongmen uiumau",
bowels and liver, and purifies the
Method Employed In Franc to Pre
vent Explosions.
Places where Inflammable liquids are
stored are classed by the- Freiieb gov
ernment with establishments which
must conform to the most severe rules.
In order to satisfy conditions Imposed
by the prefecture of police, a new
apparatus Invented by Martini and ilu
neke was adopted. This appnratus In
cludes no complicated mechanism. It
Is automatic In its operation and inde
pendent of the workmen.
Throughout the apparatus In which
the fuel Is stored or bandied air is re
placed by carbonic acid gas. This gas
not only serves as a protecting agent,
but Its pressure determines the move
ment of the liquid. Furthermore, the
gas fills all the pipes and ralves and
acts In such a way that liquid can cir
culate only when the system is abso
lutely free of leaks. For Instance, if a
leak occurs at any point in the system
the pressure of the gas will disappear
and the liquid will remain In the res
ervoir, where there Is no danger of ex
plosion, since air is necessary to the
formation of an explosive mixture. In
fact, all danger which comes from ex
terna Are or even from sparks within
the tank is removed.
The principle of operation of the Mar
tini and Huneke apparatus as installed
in the garages of the Compngnle des
Omnibus de Paris consists of a storage
reservoir of heavy sheet metal com
pletely burled in the ground, an Inlet
panel and an outlet panel, a cylinder of
compressed inert gas and Jacketed
pipes Joining the different parts of the
system. A reservoir covered with os
phalt is burled in the ground sufficient
ly deep to escape all danger of fire. To
charge the tank with liquid fuel it is
first filled with the Inert gas, then con
nected to the fuel tank by two pipes;
one siphons the liquid and the other
permits gas from the reservoir to re
place the liquid In the fuel tank as fast
as It runs out. By means of this system
the small quantity of liquid which is
left on the walls of the tank cannot
form an explosive mixture, as it never
comes into contact with the air. En
gineering Magazine.
Experiments Prova That tha Dlaeate
la 8pread by Stable Flies.
That Infantile paralysis Is transmit
ted by the stable fly is the great dis
covery Dr. M. J. Rosenau, professor
of preventive medicine and hygiene at
Harvard, announced to the fifteenth
international congress of hygiene and
demography. Dr. Uosouau experiment
ed, with monkeys, the aulmala most
closely resembling mau.
Twelve monkeys were Infected with
Infantile paralysis. At different stage
of the illness a large number of stable
flies were Introduced into the closely
screened cages containing the mon
keys. The stable Hy .bites. After a
certain period the stable files were
transferred to'enges containing well
monkeys. These unlmnls after being
bitten by the files developed ail tin
symptoms of Infantile paralysis, Just
as they appear in children afflicted
with the disease. Some of the mon
keys died. Dr. Rosenau took tissues
from the monkeys thus infected by tu
files and injected them Into a third set
of monkeys, which thereupon devel
oped the disease.
A method for eradication and control
of infuntile paralysis Is now placed in
the hands of sanitarians. It is be
lieved that the necessity of quarantine
Is thus relieved and that it will sufflcf
to place a bed net around the Datlent
Huntley Drug Co. Give a Broad
Guarantee on Rexall
Pile Treatment
If Rexall Pile Treatment does
not relieve you of whatever form
of piles you may bo suffering
rrom, it will cost you notning
not one cent. We don't want you
to pay for relief you don't get.
If Rexall Pile Treatment does not
do what you havo every right to
expect it to do, then all you need
to do is to tell us; your money
wiU at once be handed back to
yni- . . , . ...
io red tapo anoui mis. no
string to this offer. Just your
word and you get your money.
Wo wnn i n' make this oiler il
we didn't know that Rexall Pile
treatment was a scientific com-
biiinl.ion of ( rues and oils select
ed becauso of their known virtue
in healing and soothing. We
could not take a chance like this
which would mean a loss to us
every time the treatment laueti
to give relief if we didn't know
from, actual ooservation inai n.
has succeeded in a large percent
have recommended it. Wo are not
in business for our health. We
guarantee Rexall Pile Treatment
becauso wo know it will tend to
relievo piles internal or external
and becauso wo want you to
know it, to try it, and when you
are free from torment and pain,
lo tell your friends anout it.
No matter wnai .causuu jm
ij0(4 constipation, poor circu.
ation, faulty liver action wha -
ever trie cause, try iwnan
Treatment. If it Helps you, ten
olhers. If it doesn't, toll us, and
Ret your money nacK. rnee ou
cents. Sold in this community
only at our store. The Rexall
Store, liuntiey jwoh. uu. mmn
Oregon City, Ore.
A Ylaldlng Tire Filler.
There appears to be considerable In
terest In the provision of yielding fillers
for tubular rubber tires. William Ed
gar Ilowser and Albert M. Wolti of
Greensboro, N. O.. have patented a tire
filler which consists of pulverized
cork, sulphur and corn oil with the
proportion of corn oil nlxuit three
fmirtlm of th entire i-ompnoltlnn.
Oregon City people have found
out that A SINGLE DOSE of sim
ple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the
Gorman appendicitis remedy, re
lieves constipation, sour stomach
or gas on the stomach INSTANT
LY. This simple mixture anti
cepttcizes tho digestive organs
ana draws on trie impm-inon
it Is suprislng how Quickly it
helps. For sale by Jone8 Drug
Store, Oregon City.