OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDA Y, NOV. 8, 1912 VILSQN AND MARSHALL HIGHEST OFFICES CARRY MANY STATES CON- SIDERED DOUBTFUL New York, New Jersey, Massa- chusetts and Maine Go Democratic. New York. The result of the most hotly contested presidential campaign since the Civil War shows a sweeping vlotory for the Democratic ticket. The verdict returned by a majority of the 15,000,000 voters of the country means that Woodrow Wilson, Democratic governor of New Jersey, will be tht next president of the ifnlted States and Thomas R. Marshall, Democratic governor of Indiana, will be the nexi vice-president. The three-cornered presidential con test brought to the polls an unprece dented number of voters. Reports from every section of the country shows a nation-wide recording-break lng vote. The total number of electoral votes Is 631, and the returns Indicate that Wilson and Marshall have many mow than the 260 votes necessary to wlu Reports Indicate that the electoral vote of the Democratic candidates will pass the 400 mark. South Still Solid. The so-called "solid South," Ala bama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana. Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Vir ginia, which have uniformly cast theli WOODROW WILON. Photo by American Press Association THOMAS RILEY MAR8HALL. electoral votes for the Democratic proBidciitinl caudldutcs In the past six elections, la still solidly Democrat lc, Wilson and Marshall polling the UBiial large majorities. Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri, which with few exceptions) In the past 25 yean have gone Democratic, have given substantial Democratic majorities. Now Vorli state's 45 electoral votes will be cast for Wllon and Marshall. The indications are that WilBon has carried New York state by a plurality of botwoon 100,000 and 150,000. Re ports from nil parts of the state show the vote was heavy, the efforts of t three gubernatorial candidates to bring out the voters being rewarded with sucoess. Congressman Sulzer, the Democratic candidate for govern or was elected by a large plurality. Wilson Carrie Many Doubtful States Wilson seems to have carried most of the doubtful states. Karly returns In addition to giving Wilson and Mar shall the "solid South," Indicated that t!ie states of Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, New Jer sey, Massachusetts, New York, West Virginia, IudUina anil Missouri were Democratic. As rctiiniH from the west began to come In Montana, New Mexico, Idnho, Oregon and California lined. uj in the Democratic column. Returns from San Francisco and Los Angeles made it probable that California might Join tho Wilson-Mar-shall column. Rhode Inland became a doubtful state on tho early returns, and, based on the later votes reported, It Beemed not wholly Improbable that Its five electoral votes would go to Wilson. The early returns gave nn apparent victory to Taft In New Hampshire, but the Taft plurality dwindled us the returns came In. The vote In Utah as reflected In the early dispatches gave Indications that that state would be carried for Taft. The vote in l'enuuylvanla was ainax- Only a Fire Hero. lull the t'l'Mwil cheered, as, with burned lininls, lie held up a small round hox, "Fellows I" ho shouted, "this Ilui'kli'ii's Arnica Salve I hold, has t'verylhing heat for hums." Highl! ;il.su for boils, ul cers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises. Surest pile cure. II subdues iiiflainalion, kills pain. Only 1'5 cents uU lhinlley Bros., Oret-Mii Uily, Cunby, llubburd and Molalla. I ELECTED TO BY SWEEPING VICTORY DEMOCRATS INCREASE THEIR MAJORITY IN HOUSE The Usual Democratic Majorl- ties Returned By the Solid South. ingy c0ge the returni from more than 1000 precincts embracing 185,000 votes giving each of the three leading presidential candidates more than 60, 000 votes. President Taft's lead In Philadelphia districts was offset by the heavy vote polled by Roosevelt and Wilson In other parts of the state. Many surprises were shown In the returns: The New York state assem- bly seemed to be overwhelmingly Democratic. In Illinois, Indications were that Judge Dunne, the Demo cratic candidate for governor, had won notwithstanding the heavy Roose velt victory. Former Speaker Cannon seemed to have been defeated for re election to congress In Illinois. In addition to Roosevelt's appar ently oertaln vlotory In Illinois, the confident claims of the Roosevelt managers that Iowa, Michigan and Kansas would fall Into the Roosevelt column seemed verified by the par tlally complete returns. The returns from California, while meager, lndl cated a Wilson victory. The uncer tainty regarding Vermont was settled by the announcement of the complete vote, which gave Taft a majority ot 924 votes. The Providence, R. I., Journal, con ceded that state to Wilson, and with the vote close In New Hampshire, it seemed probable that New England's entire vote, with the exception of Vermont, had gone over to the Demo cratic column. Democrats Control House and Senate President Wilson will be supported by a congress that will be Democratic In both branches, thus Insuring the passage of a revision of the tariff un- der Democratic auspices without a possibility of the factional opposition which prevailed In the present con gress. The House will be overwhelmingly Democratic. The returns Indicate that there will be a Democratic ma jority of 119 voteB. This will Insure the election of a speaker, control of committees, and dictation of legisla tion during the two years beginning March 4. The Democrats according to the re turns will have a majority of at leant four In the senate with a prospect of several doubtful seats being filled by Democrats. T. R. Has Lead In Kansas. Topeka, Kan. Returns Indicate that the Progressive national ticket and the Republican state ticket had been victorious in Kansas. Progres sive leaders claimed the state for Roosevelt by a plurality of from 10,000 to 15,000, but the Democrats maintain ed that the complete vote would place Wilson in the lead. W. R. Stubbs (Rep.) was leading William H. Thomp son (Dem.) In the race for United States senator. Michigan Coneeded to Roosevelt. Detroit. Returns from 145 out ot 1115 state precincts show Taft 12,847, Roosevelt 20,880, Wilson 16,06$. This does not tnolude the Incom plete count In many Detroit precincts. It Is conceded that Roosevelt will carry the state. Roosevelt Second In Maryland. Baltimore. Woodrow Wilson oar- rled Maryland by from 20,000 to 26,000 plurality, estimated from figures re ceived. Roosevelt ran second. LEAD IN NEW YORK 200,000 Wilson Distances Taft and Roosevelt Is Third; Sulxer Is Elected. New York. Woodrow Wilson was tho choice ot the state of New York for president by a plurality estimated at about 200,000, from returns receiv ed from nearly every election district In the greater city of New York and from all except 600 of the 3098 dis tricts outside of New York City. President Taft led Colonel Roose velt In the same districts by about 35,000 votes. Representative William Sulier was tlected governor with a plurality es timated at about 175,000 over Job K. Hedges, the Republican nominee, who In turn led Oscar Straus, candidate of the I'ret resslve party. Taft Loses His Home State. Cincinnati. Returns from 100 pre cincts out ot 5211 in Ohio gave Gov ernor WlUon 74,146. Taft 60.B75, Roosevelt 34.069, giving WUbou a plu rality of 23,571. Figuring the proportionate gain of Governor Wilson In each 100 precincts tabulated, It was estimated that the Democratic candidate would receive a plurality In the state ot from 100, 000 to HO.tOO votes. n IwniRes of rheumatism, backache, stiiT Joints and shoot ing pains all show your kidneys are not working right. Urinary ir regularities, loss of sleep, nerv ousness, weak back and soro kid neys tell tho nerd of a good . name Kinney medicine. Foley Kid ney Pills are tonic, strengthen ing and restorative. They build upup (ho kidneys and regulate their action. They will give you quick relief and contain no habit forming drugs. Safe and nlwavs sure. Try them. For sale by Hunt ley Uros. Co., Oregon City, Canity, Hubbard and Molalla. - T.R. CONGRATULATES WILSON In Good Humor, Colonel Takes Defeat by Democrats. Oyster Bay, N. Y. Colonel Roose velt made the following statement: "The American people by a great plurality have decided In favor of Mr. Wilson and the Democratic party. Like all good clUzens'I accept the re sult with entire good humor and con tentment." At the same time he Issued his statement Colonel Roosevelt sent the following to Governor Wilson: "The American people by a great plurality have conferred upon you the highest honor in their gift. I con gratulate you thereon. "THEODORE ROOSKYTLT." Wilson Sweeps Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis. Complete retur from Milwaukee county and scatter precincts throughout the state T.id cate that Governor Wilson has swey! Wisconsin by from 20,000 to 30,00;' votes. Roosevelt Is running behind Presi dent Taft except in Winnebago coun ty, which the Progressive candidate carried by a small margin over Wll son. Marshall Gets Returns at Capital Indianapolis. Governor Marshall democratic vice presidential candidate received the returns In the state capi tal. A wire was strung into the office of his secretary and from there the re turns were carried Into the governor's private office. WHson Ahead In Nevada. 4s Reno, Nev. Early returns Indicate that Wilson will carry Nevada by s safe majority; Roosevelt probably will be second. Boston Goes Two to One for Wilson Boston Governor Wilson's strength In Boston exceeded that of Colone'. Roosevelt and President Taft com bined. The latter two almost evenly divided the vote received by Taft foui years ago. The Democratic nominee made a Blight gain over the vote oi Bryan in 1908. Complete returns from the city showed : Roosevelt, 21, 548; Taft, 21,177; Wilson, 43,706. Governor Foss, the Democratic nom lnee for re-election, polled almost as many votes In Boston as he did last year In spite of the third candidate The Republican vote for governoi last year was 28,752. Killed at Polls In Kentucky Lexington, Ky. Two men wen killed In quarrels at election booths In Kentucky. In Lee county, Consta ble Thomas Campbell was killed, an John and James Caudlll were arrestee charged with -having Bhot hlra. In Anderson county, Green Bowea was killed by County Magistrate Hard lng Satterleee, it Is charged. Utah Seems to be for Taft. Salt Lake City. Scattering returns Indicate that Taft has carried Utat by a safe plurality and that Governoi Spry has been elected. ELECTORAL VOTES OF CANDIDATES Wilson Alabama 11 Arizona 8 At'kanHus . I California It Colorado Connecticut Peluware I Florida Gsorirla , 14 Idttho Indiana 1' towa 1! Kentucky 13 Louisiana. It Maryland Main ( Massachusetts 1$ Minnesota 1! Mlsalsalupl If. Missouri ; U Montana Nsbruska Nsvada J Nw Jersey H New Mexico J New York 4!i North Carolina I! North Dakota Ohio , 24 Oklahoma It Oregon E Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee U- Texas 2' Virginia . 11 West Virginia t Wisconsin Ill Roosevelt Kansas U Pennylvanta 3 Smith Dakota ( Michigan 16 WaalilnaTtSu Taft Utah i Vermont 4 Wyoming 3 Doubtful New Hampshire i 4 Illinois 2li Bryan Felicitates Wilson. Lincoln, Neb. William J. Bryan sent the following telegram to Gover nor Wilson: "I most heartily congratulate you and the country upon your election. Your splendid campaign has borne fruit In a great victory. I am sure your administration will prove a bles sing to the nation and a source ot strength to our party." Cannon Believed to be Defeated. Danville, 111. Meager returns Indi cate the defeat of ex-Speaker Cannon by Frank T. O'Halr by about 1200 plurality In ths eighteenth district Tho boy's appetite is often a source of anuueniont. If you would have such an appetite lake Chamberlain's tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, hut strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Canby, Molalla and Hubbard. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A DEMOCRATS WILL CONTROL CONGRESS Returns Indicate Democratic Majorities In Both House and Senate. - Chicago. The next United States Senate will be Democratic by a ma jority of at least four. According to returns from all sections of the coun try there will be 46 Democrats in the upper house of congress to 42 Repub licans. This leaves eight seats in the doubtful column, with every prospect of their being swung into the Demo crat ranks. Senator Borah Wins in Idaho. Senator Borah, of Idaho, Progres sive and Republican candidate, will probably be returned to the senate. In Colorado, where a successor to Senator Guggenheim Is being chosen, early returns show the race to be close between the Democrats and Re publicans. Senator Joseph M. Dixon of Mon tana, Colonel Roosevelt's campaign manager, is having a hard time being returned. In Massachusetts It was still within the realm of possibility that Senator Crane would have to give place to either Mayor Fitzgerald, of Boston, or Governor Foss. Democrats Win Illinois Legislature. With returns from practically every section of the state showing a steady Increase In Wilson's plurality, It was claimed at Democratic headquarters that Illinois will send two Democrats to the United States senate. Colonel James Hamilton Lewis, the regular Democratic candidate for the senate, who was Indorsed at the last pri maries, will be elected in all proba' blllty to the six-year term to fill the place of Shelby M. Cullom. Kansas in Doubtful Column. In Kansas, where Governor Stubbs, Progressive, is battling with Senator Curtis, standpat Republican, It was Indicated at a late hour that both might be defeated and the state go by American Press Association. W. E. BORAH Endorsed for Re-election by the Vot ers of Idaho. Democratic. In event of this there may be a Democratic senator from the state elected as a colleague of Sena tor BrlBtow. In Tennessee the legislature will be Democratic, as It will In probably all of the southern states, "thus Insuring a solid delegation of United States senators to assist lu currying through the Wilson Ideas.' Democrats Add to Strength In House. The next house of representatives will be overwhelmingly Democratic. Early returns Indicated there would be 277 Democrats, 148 Republicans and ten of other parties, mostly Pro gressives, In the new lower congres sional body. This would mean a Democratic ma jority of 119 votes over all opposing party strength. There Is nothing uncertain about the next house of representatives. All the southern, states have accorded their usual quota of Democratic mem bers, whereas the Wilson landslide in various eastern and northern sections will add to the former majority of the party. It looks as If Indiana will send a solid Democratic delegation to the lower body. Arizona Heavily for Wilson. Phoenix, Ariz. Roturns from all over Arizona indicate that Governor Wilson carried every one of the 14 counties In the state with the possible exception of Coconino county, In which Taft had a lead of four votes at a late hour. Wilson will lead Roosevelt by approximately 3000 votes, with Taft a poor third. Historic Sounders Tell Wilson Princeton, N. J. Governor Wilson received the election returns through the same telegraph instrument that ticked oft victory to Grover Cleveland In 1892. The governor had with him at his home only the members of his family and his younger brother, Joseph R. WUbou. Flagged Train With Shirt. Teanntr his shirt, from his back nu Ohio man flagged a (rain and saved it from a wreck, hut II. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, once prevented a wreck with Eloctrio liittera. "I was in a terrible nlisrht when I began to use them," he writes, "my stomach, head, bark and kidneys were nil badly aneeteii ana my liver was m a had condition, but four bottles of El ectric Killers made me feel like a new man." A trial will convince you of their matchless merit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Price 50 cents at Hunt, ley Bros, Oregon City, Canby, Hubbard and Molalla. L : Principal Portland Agents Express Prepaid on Purchases an SPECIAL VALUES IN HODSEHOLDILINENS A groat collection 0f Linnon Specials, all now patterns, bought tin's season especially for this sale. All are dependable in quality ynaranteed by ns to jive perfect satixfac tion. This is your opportunity to secure a generous supply. 50-inch Damask, 42c An unusual well wearing Damask at a very low price. Comes in full f0 inches wide, is full bleached and lias a fine mercerized finish. . Shown in a large variety of neat designs. Our leader at 50 cents a yard, - Priced this sale at. . Dleached Napkins, $1.35 Kind, 95e Doz 100 dozen Rleaclied Napkins, of good size and puality. They come 20 by 20 inches in neat patterns. Regular $1.35 kind, priced for this sale at the dozen . 22-inch Natural Linen Crash for Fancy Work. All Widths Underpriced 18-inch Crash, yard 18c to 25c 29- inch Crash, yard , .. 22c to 30c 30- inch Crash, yawl 25c to 65c 54-inch Crash -50c 72-iuch Crash $1.25 PLAIN WHITE LINENS A FULL SHOWING 36-inch Linens, yard 35c to $1.00 45-inch Linens, yard. ..... 60c to $1.00 WILSON SAYS CAUSE WON First Utterance After Victory Is for Alliance cf All Progressives. - Princeton, N. J. Responding to a telegram fi..a the Democratic nation al chairman, the Democratic candidate sent a dfspatch to Mr. McCoinbs as follows:' "I deeply appreciate your telegram and wish to extend to you and the members of the campaign commltteo my warm congratulations. 'A great cause has triumphed. Every Democrat, every true progres sive, of whatever alliance, must now lend his full force and enthusiasm to the fulfillment of the people's hope, the establishment of the people's right, so that Judgment and peace may go hand In hand." This was Govornor Wilson's first utterance of a publio character fol lowing his acceptance of the reports that he had been elected. North Dakota For Wilson. Grand Forks, N. D. From ' the re turns at hand the Indications are that Wilson has carried North Dakota, Taft and Roosevelt are running close together, but far behind the Democrat ic candidate. Present Indications are that the Re publican state ticket, headed by Con gressman Hanna for governor, has won by a safe margin. Taft Carries First Town Reported Boston, faft carried Acushnel, the first town in the United States heard from. The vote was: Roosevelt, 60; Taft, 104; Wilson, 62. In 1908 Acush- net gave Bryan 12, Taft 118, RUH-DOWN PEOPLE Made Strong by VinoL Bun-down conditions are caused by overwork, worry, too dost ooo Bnement, a chronic couga or cola which it Is difficult to cure. We want to say to every person la this condition you need Vtnol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonio without oil, the great strength cre ator. It will supply Iron to the blood In the most easily assimilated form, create a good, healthy appetite, strengthen your digestive organs and make you eat better Bleep better and feel better. A case has just come to our atten tion from West Scranton, Pa., Mrs. Chas. Proper says: "For three years I waa all run down, weak and had no appetite, and after all that time I am glad to say Vlnol has brought back my health and strength, which Is just -what I was told It would do." We are confident that Vlnol is the best body-builder and strength-creator we have ever sold. Try bottle on our guarantee to refund your money If It Xall to benefit you. ilonesDnig Stove, Oregon Oily. O. D. EBY, Attorney at Law, denoral practice Deeds, mort gages and abstract. carefully made. Money to loan on good security.- Charges reasonable. Office in Stevens Building. Ladles' Home Journal Patterns, All of $5 op Over Within 100 Miles Linens 42c Lunch Cloths, $1.25 Grade, !)Sc Each One half IJIeached ( Jerman Linen- Luuch Cloths, (!3 inches square, finished with hem and .open-work borders, regular $1.25 grade priced for this sale 00 1 at only... UuC 95c Napkins to Match, dozen, NEW JtRSEY FOR WILSON H:.s 2j,0C3 to 43,000 Over Roosevelt, With Slow Count, Newark; N. J. New Jersey has glv on Wilsou a plurality stimated1 at 35, UUO to 40,000 over Roosevelt. Returns showed Tflft In' third place. His vote was less than half of Wilson's. The heaviest vote ever cast In the state and a long ballot delayed the count. Ten of the state's representatives In the next congress will be Demo crats, two will be Republicans. Demo cratic gain Is three over their present representation. A Democrat will like ly succeed ""rank O. Riggs as United StateB senator. Taft Wins In Vermont by 924. White River Junction, Vt. Presi dent Taft carried Vermont by 924 votes. Complete returns show th following results: Taft 23,247, Roosevelt 22,373. Wilsoi. 16,397. South Dakota is Uncertain. Sioux Falls, S. D. Slow returns from scattered precincts of South Da kota Indicate Roosevelt and WUsol running a neck-and-neck race. Maine Is In Wilson Column. . Portland, Me. Success of the Dem ocratlc electoral ticket In Maine which will give Wilson and Marshal, six votes in the electoral college, wat Indicated by returns. ' J- 0 WILSON IS IN THE LEAD IN IDAHO Boise, Idaho. Woodrow Wilson will carry the. state of Idaho for president Partial and incomplete returns, a re flection of the trend of the" vote, places Wilson in the lead.. Roosevelt second and Taft third. The total vote In the state on Dres- tHflnt will hn AnnrnTtmntalv QO OHO Ht. vtded as follows: Wilson 40,000, Roosevelt 30,000, Taft 20,000, with a small vote for Debs. The Prohibition Ists will also have a scattering vote. The legislature will, It is conceded on the showing made by the partial A WOMAN'S WISDOM. , The worried mother wakes op to hear her baby's heavy breathing a little) oouflh perhaps the croup or whooping cough. She does not want to send for the doctor when perhaps the trouble does not amount to much. Finally she thinks ol that medical book her father ave her, The Common Sense Medical Adviser, by R. V. Pieroe, M. D. She says " just the thing to find out what is the matter with the little dear." Two million households in this country own one and it's to be had for only 31o. in stamps 1,000 pages in splendid cloth binding. A good lamily adviser in any emergency. It is for tither sex. This is what many women ! write Dr. Pieroe in respect to his " Favorite Prescription, " a remedy which has J made thousands of melancholy and miserable women cheerful and happy, by curing j ' the painful womanly diseases which undermine a woman's health and strength. I your Mi ItMiiownAMoBAM. to all my Irlenda." Styles and Size9, 1 0c and 15c. , of. Portland. Samples on reques 75c Damask, 59c One of the best values we have ever been able to offer. Full -J'.leached Damask of excellent quality. Comes full 70 inches wide and shown in fifteen different designes. Kegular 75c quality, priced for this sale at only E A the yard. DUC $3.00 Plain and Fancy Linen Huck in All Widths and All Prices 15-inch Duck, yard . . . 25ctO 75c 18-inch Iluck, yard 1 7c to 50c 20-inch Iluck, yard . 50c to 95c 24-inch Iluck, yard 5Qc to 60c HANDKERCHIEF LINENS Quality to Suit All Fine Sheer Linens at yd. from. 50c-$ 1.75 Cambric Linens, yard ..50c-$1.25 returns, he strongly Republican, as suring the re-election of Senator Bor ah and a second Republican senator to fill the vacancy made by the death of the late W. B. Heyburn. The gubernatorial race is doubtful, the returns Indicating the election ot G. H. Martin, Roosevlet Progressive. He has carried Ada county and Is run ning strong in all southern and south western counties. . Haines leads both Martin and Governor Hawley In the southwest, Hawley being second. . North Idaho cast a heavy vote. The returns from there are very Incom plete, Nez Perce county being the only one heard from. It looks now like Governor Hawley would be third In the race. Both of the Republican candidates for congress have survived the contest, apparently assuring seats In the next lower house to Burton I. French and Addison T. Smith. The re-election of Chief Justice George H. Stewart is in doubt. He was cut badly by Republicans and Roosevelt Pro gressives. Arthur M. Bowen, Demo crat, is pressing him closely. Colorado Wilson's by 120,000. Denver, Colo. On the basis of re ports received from 101 precincts in Colorado, Including 27 In Denver, fig ured on an estimated total vote of 270,000, Colorado should give Wilson 120,000, Taft -78,000, Roosevelt 75,000. ' Where Ignorance Was Bliss. Mrs. R. E. Hail, a teacher of the Con servatory of Music, Is blessed with both a substantial figure and a humor ous disposition. A few days ago when a friend In greeting called her "Lady Hall" she laughed and said: "That reminds me of a jolt my van ity received once when I allowed my er rotund appearance to annoy me which was, of course, when 1 first be gan to acquire it. A pupil of mine had fallen Into the fnslilou of culling m Xady Corridor.' Somewhat puzzled at the appellation, I asked her why the paraphrase on my short but euphoulou name. I " 'Why. a corridor means a wide hall,' she said. I (lou't ask useless ! Questions uny more." Kansas City Journal. M. L. A. LODGE, Meets second and fourth Thurs days, at 8 p. m., Willamette hall S. R. Green, President, B. F. Sheehan, Secretary. "My desire is to write a few linns to let you know what j r valiiahlA mmlli-inn hn done for me." wriU'S Mas. , irt.rkt Zr-KHFRT. of 323 S. lt.-n t.-i Ion Street. Baltimore, I Md. "Before the storck came to our house l was a very sick ( woman. I wrote you fur advice which was kindly given and which made me a different womsn in a short tune. After taking the first Dottle of "Favorite Prescription I began Improving so that I hardly knew I was in such a condmon. I did my own housework washing and ironinar, cookirifr, sewing, and the worst of all nursed three children who had whooping coitfrh. I hunllv knew of the advent tn minutes before eo eay was it. The baby is a fat as a butter-ball. Pr. Pierce's Favorite PrwK-rlption Is the best medicine for anv woman to take when In this condition. I recommend It fl