Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 01, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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.g.,,,,...,.,-,-,,.,,.,, : n ..,,, ,,, , ,, , , iiinmiJ v:i0- 111 ' Pplnolpal Portland 8nta Udla8' Homa Journal Pattern8' A" Styles and Sires, 10o and 1Bo,. I
' Children Cry for Fletcher's gliflS t ' "' ' - ' ' J
Express Prepaid on Purohases of $5 or Over Within 100 Miles of .Portland. Samples on reques
! f
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, lias Dome tne signature oi
ana nas ocen mauu uuuer uia ier
.YJ-f-jL. i eonal supervision since Its infancy.
Y. cccu4& Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but ,
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- ,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms .
and allays Peverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels
assimilates the Food, glvlnfif healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Facts Suppressed and Issues
Evaded by Taft Tariff Board
Formerly Consulting" Expert of the I unit Board. ,
Under the pressure of promise to fight chlonnery and rniiirt In tiirtfT legislaJ
tlon. 1 deem It t -public duty not to withhold the trt in my possession
relative to the Investigation of the cotton mauufuiturlug unlustry Kegretful
that my experience with the board warrants such euudusious. I am com
pelled to present the following Indictment:
That th. tariff board,
I In Its r.nort on manufao-
tursi of cotton (Sched
ule I.) has suppressed
finding of vital lmv.
tanca to th cotton in-
ilnatrv in tha nubllo and
to the forernment, but Inimical to the
pwlal privilege, of a few New England
manufacturer, who were permitted by
Senator Aldrloh to write the ootton icbed
. ttle U ault themselvaa.
Ink. h tmMt hA.rif
hai perverted other
faote, thereby avoiding
expoeure of tariff lnjus
tlcea that have benefited
the few at the expense
ox me niauy iuauiu.u
That the tariff board baa not, aa stated
by President Taft to conres, drawn any
eenclueloni that would "be valuable In
advlalng the congress and the people
X the chances that ought to be made to
make more equitable
their (the wool and cot
ton echedulea) effects."
The board did not at
tempt to draw conclu
sions, "scientific" or oth
erwise, from lta "aclen-
tlnoally" collected data, but sidestepped
that responsibility by arguing that such
deductions aa Its data Justified were not
called for under the specifications of Its
That the tariff board's report was ar
ranged so aa to be InoompiDhenalble to
either legislators or laymen; thut tables
were deliberately disas
sociated or emasculated
If not suppressed, and
that a congressmaa
would require the serv
ices of a statistician and
a clork six months to
make hesd or tall Of the Jumble of data
presented as a basis for Intelligent tariff
; ?.
That the tariff hoard
avoided altogether Inves
tigating certain phases
of tariff graft hidden In
"Jokers" of the Hayne
AlUrtch law.
That the tariff Doard falsely reported
that It was Impossible to obtain abroad
cost data on weaving necessary to enable
it tn make an Intelligent
comparison with costs at
home: that the board
was offered opportuni
ties for obtaining such
data, but did net use
frh-m that amnh fnF.Ira
data as were obtained were In some cases
suppressed and In others were Inadequate
for honest comparison, although so util
ized. VIL
That the tariff board betrayed the con.
fldence of American manufacturers by pub-
naning aaia inai enuuiu
have been held for con
fidential Information of
legislators; tbat compet
itors were given thereby
valuable trade secrets,
whti. th. fflMlrn manu
facturers divulged nothing of similar
character or Importance.
That the tariff board's
treatment of eoonomlo
questions vitally affect
ing the relation of the
tariff to the prices ex
acted from consumers
was disingenuous and
That the tariff board has proved not to
be the "nonpartisan" and solentlflo instru
ment promised by President Tafe; that lta
members displayed Inexperience In busi
ness. Incompetence and extravaganca I
have been forced reluotantly after a year'a
Intimate association to accept the opinion
that the tariff board has been nothing
more than an effective
cog in a "stand pat"
political machine; that
some ef the men who
clamored most loudly for
a tariff board and some
of the men appointed
thereto worked all the time complacently
In the knowledge tbat the creation of the
board was a scheme to prevent genuine
tariff reform as long as possible by "gum
ming tbe oards and delaying the game," a
charge frequently made, but which I for
a long Urns discredited.
That such faota as the tariff board has
reported sustain the charge, aa to both
the wool and the cottoa
schedules, that the con
sumer has been robbed
outrageously aa a conse
quence of excessive du
ties and that tbe profits
have not gone Into the
pookets ef the laborer to "maintain an
American standard of living."
-From New York World.
Children Cry
Will practice In all courts, make col
lections and settlements of estates,
furnish abstracts of title, lend you
money and lend your money on first
mortgagt. Oillco in Enterprise
Building, Oregon City.
Oregon C.ilv people liavo found
out that n SINGLE 10SK of sim
ple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ktt
tho German appendicitis remedy,
relieves constipation, sour
stomach or gas on tho stoniitch
INSTANTLY. This simple mixture
aiiticepticizos tho digestivo or
gans and draws olT tho impurit
ies and it is surprising how
QUICKLY it helps. Huntley Bros.
Dm it Slore.
NATURE'S ESSENCEs-Extracted From Forest Plants.
Nature's laws are perfect, but disease follows if these laws are not obeyed.
Go straight to nature for the cure, to the forest there are mysteries here that we
an fathom for you. Take Jjie hark of the wild-cherry tree, the root of mandrake,
Stone, Oregon grape rout, queen's root, blood root and golden seal, make a scien
tific, non-alcoholio extract of them with just the right proportions and you have
Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
It took Dr, Fierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists, eight years oi
bard work experimenting to make this pure glyceric extract and alterative of the
greatest efficiency and without the use oi a particle of alcohol.
Just the sort of remedy you need to make rich, red
blood, and cure that lassitude and feeling of nerve exhaustion.
Dr. 1'icrce'i Golden Medical Discovery heart the stamp of
Public Approval and hat told more largely in the past forty
ycart than any other blood purifier and stomach touio,
"Rome 'time anro I imt out of healtli-my stomach seemed to be the
trait of the trouble." wriU UK. ttRA Wu.liamh, of llillcvillo, Kan.
'1 cimimenml to iloctnr with all the itKtoin at home as well as with
ether specialists on stonuu-h and ditrostive onmns. Nono seemed to do
any (rood In fart, moitt of the medicines did nio harm. Finally, 1 wrote
to Ilr. riuroo, ltulTulo, N. Y who replied, stallnir that I hud liver com
plaint with indiianilion and constipation, and advised Ur. TWrce's Uolden
JU0.J.1TU Ulflrovury una I'lrawiiu renet.-
"Tbe ' DiRoovery ' and 'Pullets.' have 'put me on mv feet aimln
aoezuul to bo just wliat 1 needed. I coukl not have recovered without them."
Dr. Pierce' a Pleaient Pcllttt are tor lirtr lilt.
' E. Williams. Zan.
Harriman's $50,000 For T. R's Fund
BBW"" grflTinrtrra.
Time and again Colonel Theodore Koosevelt, the third term party's can
flldate for president of the United Btates, has stated that the famous $240,000
raised by tbe late B. H. Harrlman In the fall of 1904 was for use tn tbe New
York state campaign. He also declared most positively a few weeks ajo that
be had ordered Chairman Cortelyou of the Republican national committee,
not to accept any money from the Standard Oil company In tbat campaign
and to return It If any bad been accepted.
On Monday, Bopt 80, a C. Tegethoff, secretary to the late B H. Ham
man, produced the above receipt of the Republican national committee, signed
by Treasurer Cornelius N. Bliss, for Mr. Harriman's Individual contribution
of f50,000 to this fund, proving conclusively that It was used In behalf of
Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy. Tbe day following John D. Archbold, president
of the Standard Oil company, produced the documentary proof that bis com
jjajiy did give $100,000 to Roosevelt'a campaign fund ana tnat it never vraa
Children Ory
Itching, torturing skin erupt
ions, disfigure, annoy, drive one
wild. Doan's Ointment brings
Fifty cents at any drug store.
Free Speech by Foul Mouths
There is a foul-mouthod , indecent element in the city of
ortland nightly insulting the decent, law-abiding citizens
and openly reviling theflag. They havo sent their represen
livos to surrounding towns and in the namo of freo speech
denounce the efforts to romove them from the streets. In
tho name of our wivos and children wo ask your support
and Vole for No. 370, Voter's Pamphlet.
The Boycott and Picket
The employers of Oregon are not slave drivers, as claimed
by those who live by the sweat of their poor deluded victims.
This fact is self evident in any part of the state. Tho boy
cott and tho picket are tho representatives of a low order of
inteligpiice, seeking by fear and the buldgeon to force a bad
cause. Remove the causo by a voto for No. 308. Sco pam
phlet, (raid Adv.)
Js Your Wife or
Mother Competent
Do you desire to go on record as maintaining that your
wife or mother is not sufficiently intelligent to know wheth
er tho people of your community wish pure or foul food or
water, clean or filthy atrc.io isouot 'siooijjs puq .to pool's jo
dishonest laws, teiuperenco or inlemperence, peace or war,
corrupt or incorrupt legislators? If your wife or mother can
judge for themselves in these matters let them have the
chance. (Paid Adv.)
(Paid Adv.) Portland Equal Suffrage- League, Mrs. Solomon
Hirsch, Presidont.
Fine Wool Vests and Pants
Vests Shown in High-Neck, Long Sleeve Styles 7 Q
and Pants in Ankle Length Best, $ 1 . 00 Grades Ob
We are confident that at the regular price, 1.00 a garment, you cannot duplicate
these Vests and Pants in quality. We know they are unmatchable bargains at the
sale price. These fine, part wool garments are of seasonable weight are guaranteed
to give satisfaction in every way. Both vests and pants corae in all sizes and in
grey and white. The vests are shown in high neck, long-sleeve styleb and are
neatly finished and trimmed. The pants come in ankle length and are made with
snug-fitting waist. Supply a full season's needs of theese 7 Off
$1.00 garments at, eacfr . 1
White Veses in high neck, long-sleeve styles, in all sizes. Both pants &4 rtfl -1
and tights, ankle length, in all sizes in gray and white S ,U
Women's All-wool, Vests, Tights and
Pants underpriced at $1.25 a Garment
Unusually fine All-wool Vests, Pants &
Tights, correct Fall and Winter weight,
in all sizes in gray and white. Vests in
long-sleeve, high-neck styles, and Pants
and tights in ankle length. They are
well-fitting, shape retaining garments
that will please you in every way
Fall and Winter Weight All-Wool
Women's Vests Low neck, sleeveless
style; low-neck, Bhort-sleeve style; high
neck, short-sleeve style, high-neck, long-
sleeve style,
Your choice at a garment
Women's Pants and Tights
Ankle Length, grey & White
Women's Fine, Wool Union
Soils, Specially Priced, only
Women's Fine Wool Union "Soits
Specially Priced for Only ... $L
Perfect-fitting garments, shown iir gray
and white and in all regular sizes. They
come in high-neck, long-sleeve style, in
ankle length, and in excellent fall wt.
Women's All - Wool Union tt O C fl
Salts, Specially Priced, Only 4Z. JU
High-grade, form-fitting, fine Woolen
Union Suits, shown in high-neck, long
sleeve style, in ankle length and in &
sizes. They come in both white and grey
Women's Extra Fine All-Wool TQ
Union Suits in All Styles for only J)iJ
At this price you have choice of an ex
tra fine line of Women's All-wool Union
Suits Low-neck, short-sleeve style, an
kle length; high-neck, long-sleeve style,
ankle length; high-neck, short-sleeve
style, ankle length.
Give Your Swine Attention.
The little pig's belly may grow
though not adding much to his
beauty and value while the rest
of the little fellow may appear
stunted. Had you thought of tak.
ing him off the regular feed and
giving him a little slop with the
alfalfa pasture he may be trou
bled with indigestion and the food
though he may be eating his
head off does little more than
make his belly grow large. Charr
ed corn cobs sprinkled with salt,
are much relished and assist the
digestive organs, advises the
Western Stock Journal, published
at Oregon City, Oregon. Watch
your herd, if any member devel
ops anything unusual beyond
your power to ratnom write
your pigs' troubles to some good
stock journal publication and you
and your pigs will usually find a
remedy don't wait until nearly
half the herd are similarly ef
There are many young breed
ers and feeders who seek advice
from experienced neighbors. Ad
vice vosts but the breath back of
tho words don't hesitate to ask
it neither to give it.
Many ills come from impure
blood. Can't have pure blood with
fauty digestion, lazy liver and
sluggish bowels, Burdock Blood
Bitters . strengthen stomach,
bowels and liver, and purifies -the
Wm Twinges of rheumatism,
backache, stiff joints and shoot
ing pains all snow your Kidneys
are not working right. Urinary ir
regularities, loss of sleep, nerv
ousness, weak back and sore kid
neys tell the need of a good re
liable kidney medicine. Foley Kid
ney Pills are tonic, strengthen
ing and restorative. They build
upup the kidneys and regulate
their action. They will give you
quick relief and contain no habit
forming drugs. Safe and always
sure. Try them. For sale by Hunt
ley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Canby,
Hubbard and Molalla.
. Maae Strong by VinoL
Run-down condlUons are caused
by overwork, worry, too close eon
finement, a chronto cough or cold
which it Is difficult to cure.
We want to say to every person In
thlB condition yon need Vlnol, our
delicious cod liver and iron tonlo
without oil, the great strength cre
ator. It will supply Iron to the blood
In the most easily assimilated form,
create a good, healthy appetite,
strengthen your digestive organs and
make you eat better sleep better and
feel better.
A case has Just come to our atten
tion from "West Scranton, Pa., Mrs.
Chas. Proper says: "For three years
I wag all ran down, weak and had
no appetite, and after all that tune
I am glad to say Vlnol has brought
back my health and strength, which
Is just what 1 was told It would do."
we are confident that Vlnol Is the
best body-builder and strength-creator
we have ever sold.
Try a bottle on our guarantee to
refund your monej It It Calls to
benefit you. '
O. D. EBY,
Attorney at Law,
General practice Deeds, mort
gages and abstracts carefully
made. Money to loan on good
security. Charges ' reasonable.
Office In Stevens Building.
Among the thirty-enght meas
ures, which will appear on the of
ficial ballot to be voted on by the
electorate of Oregon at the com
ing election on November 5th,
will be the Majority Rule Amend
ment. This is an amendment to
the Constitution of the state of
Oregon so as to require a major
ity of all electors voting at any
election to adopt constitutional
amendment and pass initiative
This measure is proposed for
the express purpose of preserv.
ing the Initiative Law for the
people of Oregon by preventing
its over use by its friends, and by
preventing its aDuse ana possic
Iy its repeal by its enemies.
It scarcely admits of argument
tnat tne initiative Law as origin
ally intended by its sponsors, is
a most worthy measure. But we
find it today working overtime"
in Oregon. We find it being
grossly abused and perverted
turned from the purpose for
which it was originally intended,
namely to be a powerful weapon
in the hands of the people with
which to get important and nec
essary legislation after the same
had been neglected or refused by
the State Legislature. Governor
Woodrow Wilson says: It is to be
regarded as a "gun behind tho
door" to be used only when the
people's representatives fail to
represent them.
After its eight years of use and
abuse we find that it is fast push
ing the legislature into a subor
dinate and secondary place. Be
ginning with a few measures and
a comparatively small official
pamphlet, it has grown until to
day there are 38 measures to be
voted upon, and an official pam
phlet, containing over 250 pages
for the voters of Oregon to grope
through in order to arrive at any
thing like an intelligent conclu
sion in regard to the proposed
measures. s
What percentage of the voters
will take the trouble to give these
38 measures the requisite time
and attention in order to vote in
telligently thereon? And yet it is
the bounden duty of every voter
to do so, because m tnis conglom
erate mass there may be import
ant measures measures affecting
vitally all of the people of the
state. A large majority of these
38 measures are ordinary mat
ters of legislation which should
have gone to the legislature where
members elected by all of the peo
ple are paid for the purpose of
passing upon tne merits or de
merits of such measures, and who
are at least supposed to be com
petent to render an intelligent de
cision thereon. And yet we can
not expect any change in the num
ber of measures on the ballot so
long as we have an unbridled and
unprotected initiative law that al
lows every paid propagandist, ev.
ery faddist and fanatic who may
be able to raise the price with
which to hire an army of profes
sional petition circulators to go
forth and solicit signatures to a
petition at so much per name.
What is there to prevent spec
ial interests from initialing meas.
ures containing jokers, which if
let pass, may work untold injus
tice to the people of Oregon? Will
the electorate of Oregon take the
lime and trouble to study this of
ficial pamphlet sufficiently to se
lect the good measures from the
vicious ones the wheat from the
chaff, to to speak and pass fav
orably on the good ones and re
ject the bad ones? We say no,
and to substitute our claim we
need only to call attention to the
fact that you may go forth today,
less than a month before election,
and consult 10 business and pro
fessional mon whose business and
professional training has taught
them to look, carefully into im
portant matters before rendering
a decision thereon, and ask them
if they have looked carefully into
the 38 measures proposed, and if
they have read the 250 pages of
the official pamphlet. We make
the statement without fear of
successful contradiction, that at
least seven out of the ten will ad
mit they have not read the pam
phlet at all, and if so have only
given it a superficial glance. If
such be the case with the man
who is supposed to give these
matters close attention, what can
be expected of the busy mechanio
and laboring man whose atten
tion is centered in other direct
tions and whose environment is
all along other lines?
The remedy suggested at the
present moment by some of the
most prominent newspapers of
the state is "Vote No on all meas
ures unless you are sure."- Not
having studied the merits of the
38 measures, how can the voter
be sure? If he votes "no" on all
or most of the measures and all
are turned down, how about the
one, two, or perhaps three or four
meritorious measures for which
there is a genuine need or de
mand by the people? Are they to
meet the same fate as the dozens
of ordinary measures which
should have gone to the legisla
ture in the first place, or the vic
ious or fanatic measures which
should be turned down with a
If we are to preserve the initia
tive law for the people of Oresron
both present and future, we must
protect it by surrounding it with a
safeguard which will prevent its
misuse and abuse bv those who
would use it to further selfish in
terests to the determent of the
great number of tho people of
the state,
This Majority Rule amendment
will do this by driving all ordin
ary measures of legislation into
tne legislature wnere they Belong,
and by driving the selfish or per
nitious measures into oblivion,
where they also belong.
The majority Rule amendment
if passed will reduce the number
of measures on the ballot to a
sane basis by giving notice t oall
that a measure to stand a chance
of passing must have real merit
and there must be an actual de
mand for the same, in which case
there will be no difficulty at all in
getting a majority to votee in fa
vor of it.
Take the time and pains to
look into the Majority Rule ami
endment and if you do, you will
vote for it and preserve the init
iative law for the people of Oregon.
VOTE 322 X Yes
233 No
Paid Adv. Information furnished
by Majority Rule League, Port
land, Ore..