Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 01, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Going to Still let the Negro and
Dago Look Down on Her?
(The following article was
written liy the Courier editor and
printed in the Courier August -i
1)ll nml n qnlisri'ihiM' In imin
liy tho way) sent it in and asks
that wo reprint it tins week Ed.)
A New York woman suffrage
leader says eventually women
will rule. They liavo conio pretty
near doing so lor a long time
J)oes she mean that all men s
"rights" aro to bo taken away?
Nothing less would satisfy some
women Portland Journal.
Tho above doesn't say much
it is along tlio usual line ol hen
sullrage" arguments but it af
fords a text to say something, and
hero it is. You men who won
reason. Just skin it.
There is hardly a court held in
Oregon that there is not a line
up of foreigners who want to he
made citizens. Many ol tnem
couldn't distinguish Senator
Bourne from l'resident Taft ,or
know whether our reciprocity
treaty is between Canada or Mex
ico. They are drilled pretty well
along certain regular examinat
ion lines know (he President's
name and tho difference between
Washington and Salem hut I'll
bet a J'anama against a tooth
pick that half of them do not real
ly know the difference between a
session of congress and a horse
traders' convention, as to signif
icance. Jiut the routine makes them
American citizens and they are
given the American ballot.
A macaroni-eating Dago can
livo here tlio prescribed time,
have someone pound a little polit
ical catchisiu into his head, and
he becomes a voting American
citizen. His idea of citizenship is
to livo in a box car and save $500,
and his idea of life is to buy cow
heads at the bulcher shop and ex
ist on fifteen cents a day.
lint ho can vote he's a citizen
A Mississippi negro, whose sole
ambition in life is to gel a side of
razor-back bacon and a pint of
nigger gin a man who can't tell
the a, b and c of a nursery prim
mer from a Hebrew dollar sign;
who thinks Abraham Lincoln was
(lod and N'Orloans hell Ibis man
is a citizen of the United Stales
and ho can vote.
Onco upon a time when this
country was a side door exit of
Old England our people rose up
and fought like demons lor eight
long years.
Do you recall what il was a"
Sure you do. Wo fought like
clogs and lulled liko wolves no
cause wo wero taxed and not al
lowed to vote.
When did you get tho idea that
your mother, wile, daughler or
sister was not cimai m voting
rights with a Dago, or a negro?
Your grandfather or great
grand-father fought the British
for years for Ihe samo right that
you fight to keep from your wife,
mother or daughler taxation
without renresentation.
Tlio politicians who do not
want women to vote use Hie very
weighty argument that tho right
or the ballot would unsex our
dear women, that tho influence of
our election day crowds will con
taminate our fair women and
have a tendency to ruin our hom
es. How considerate.
Vet these same men will drag
their exclusive wives and sweet
hearts to ball games to touch el
bows with (be boosters and bums.
Wo escort them to public
dances where a medley of men
take turns putting their arms
around their waists and holding
their hands.
Wo take them to the circuses
and crowds where I hey have to
mix it and mob it wilh the bums
and blisters of every society.
Hut we CAN'T let them mix up
with tho crowd that meets once in
two years on election day we
can't let them go where their sons
go, and vole for laws and officials
to govern I hem.
Now fellows
Is there ono of you who reads
this Courier so down and out on
manhood that you will give the
voting right to a negro, a Dago,
or anything that wears pants (ex
cepting a Chinaman) and yet de
ny this right to your wives and
Is there a man among you who
would insult the mother who gave
you life and who has made you
all you are and all you can ever
hope to he, by the statement that
she is not. the equal of the thick
lipped, receeding-headed Ala
bama negro in connection wilh
her country?
Why don't you be honest wilh
yourselves and give the HKAL
reasons why you don't want wo
men to vote? Why don't you say
the reasons are that they would
banish the booze from the state of
Oregon; that they would close
every red-light, joint in the state;
that thero wouldn't be a cigar
ette sold or smoked in the state
and thai not a drunkard, dishon
est or immoral man would oomo
within a thousand miles of hold
ing an olllce in Oregon
It is a raw bit ol reasoning to
mo that ignorant, half-witted
foreigners can become natural
ized and vote in a country which
he don't own a cent's worth of
properly in and doesn't know Ihe
boundary of, where the educated
woman, native-born, a properly
owner, a pari of the country and
who raises boys who will fight
like Hie devil for tno country,
cannot bo allowed to take a part
in tho government in which she
When you hear the next fel
low talk about "hen suffrage"
ask him how long since he placed
a coon or a dago abovo his wife
in country rights?
The next man you hear say a
woman is out of place at the polls
him how long since he would turn
his mother away from a vote for
her country to make room fo"
tamale-ealing greaser who does
n't know tho boundaries of Now
Tho time will como when men
will want them to vole to keep
America for Americans and out
of the control of the men who
they now give tho rights above
The Last Chance.
Editor Courier:
1 want to call tho allention of
tho voters of the county and
state to a few remarks from dif
ferent parlies in the last issue
of the Courier, in connection
with the single tax question and
try and show their inconsistency
You say, "Tho single tax people
contend that the extra tax on the
present tax dodgers, will allow us
lo exempt improvements irom
taxation, and then have the same
amount ot taxes we raise now.
Then you say "Even if this did
not work out,, we would be just
the amount ahead that these big
concerns and speculators pay,
and that much less lor the pres
ent properly to pay, wouldn't we?
Now Ibis is a peculiar system of
reasoning and is certainly very
wrong, for it is very evident thai
we would first, have to collect as
much from these corporations
and speculators as we lost from
all the exemptions (which in this
county would be about if'J.ooo,
0(10) before we began to get
ahead any. Then in this county
we could only get about fi2,000
in specific! tax off of land specu
lators, and all the, rest, tho water
powers, the rights of way and
franchises and corporations and
all public utilities of every kind
would be under the control of the
llailroad Commission and if any
specitic lax was collected lroin
them, the people would have to
pay every cent of it, in advanced
rales. Now these are truths and
facts that wo all have to face,
and thero is no chance to evade
them and wo had better give them
a fair thought before wo vote, be
cause if wo don't wo will surely
be forced to think of them after
wo vole.
Friend Robbins could surely
make his figures come out just
right if wo would let him attend
to tho revolution of tho land in
Iho county and do the assessing
himself, He would only make two
dollars an aero difference between
the tillable land and Iho non
tillable land Yes, Brother Rob
bins, that would fix it all right.
Now my friends, I think it is
not necessary for me to dwell on
this subject any longer. We have
aired both 'sides of it pretty well,
and the voters have not been
asleep all the time this single lax
controversy has been going on,
and tho most of them have doubt
less made up their minds by this
lime, how they are going to vote,
and all 1 hope is, that tho judge
ment of the people may direct
their voles in tho way that will
bo for the greatest good of the
county and state.
This will be the last on this
object; veto carefully boys.
Give The Boys a Chance.
It is a fact, observes the West
ern Stock Journal, a publication
levoled exclusively to the live-
stuck industry, and published al
Oregon City, Ore., that tho boy on
the farm has not been given the
banco he deserves, lie is set to
tigging potatoes with tho thought
rankling in his breast that ho will
receive unstinted reprimands oi
he slops for breath, and it be
comes a drudgery, tlio wnoio
business becomes distasteful, and
ho seeks , an opportunity to leave
the farm. Give the boys a chance.
I'ay I hem for their labor with a
pure blood animal, give them en-
ouragement, teach them modern
methods. The thoughts of farm
Irudgery will soon givo place lo
leasure and interest in tho work,
and tho boy will bo laying a foun-
lation upon which m years to
onio ho will be able to realize a
,'ompetency through a pleasur-
ible existence.
No Wonder Zemo Is GUARAN
TEED to Stop Itching, and
A few applications of ZEMO,
Ihe remarkable new remedy for
kin ntfliclions, and away go the
lerrible itching and pain of ec
zema and eczema sores, pimples,
blolehes, prickly heat, rash.
It gives relief inslanlly to any
ritaled, inflamed or raw skin.
Is soothing etfect is almost hoav
nly. ZF.MO is a liouid. You ap
ply il in a moment. It sinks right
in and its work begins. It rannot
be equalled by anything in this
world for sunburn or reddened
km. Use it on the children for
prickly heat, or any sores, biles
r stings, emo is absolutely
afe. Dandruff absolutely dis-
ippenrs alter using .emo.
II will cost vou ONLY 25
F.NTS to try ZF.MO first and
proce it .
.l'.MO is sold in 25 cent and
$1.00 bottles, or sent direct on
eeeipt of price, by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co.. St. Louis. Mo. The
1.00 bottle contains six times as
much as the 25-renl. bottle.
Sold and guaranteed in Oregon
City bv the Huntley Bros. Drug
Is your husband cross? An ir
itable, fault finding disposition
is often due to a disordered stom
ach. A man with good digestion is
nearly always good natured. A
great many have been permanent
ly cured of stomach trouble by
taking Chamberlain's Tablets,
for sale by Huntley Bros. Co.,
Oregon City, Canby, Molalla and
Don't waste your money buy
ing strengthening plasters.
Chamberlain's Liniment is cheap
er and betler. Dampen a piece of
flannel with it adn bind il over
After a heavy meal, take a
couple of Doan's Rogulots, and
give your stomach, liver and
bowels the help they will need,
llegulels bring easy, regular
passages of the bowels.
Author of "In His Steps Gives you
Something to Think About.
About, the biggest argument
the fighters of single tax make
is to accuse anyone who advocat
es Ihe reform as being a Fels
fund employee, a "paid hireling,"
"basking in Fel's sunshine," etc.
Here is a man who advocates it
that, you can hardly accuse of
having sold out. What do you
think of the following ctracls of
what, he said?
Last Friday night Rev. Charles
M. Sheldon, of Topeka, Kans., the
celebrated author of "In His
Slops," delivered an address to a
largo crowd at tho Congregation
al Brotherhood.
Ask any man who heard his
splendid address if lie thinks this
gentleman has "sold out," and
then read the following extracts
from his speech in Portland:
"Single tax in . Oregon would
bring about greater prosperity in
the State; would open the gates to
thousands of tillable acres now
shut tight by tho big land specu
lators and would benefit the
people as a whole. It is the well
being of the whole that wo in
justice must look out for," he
"The proposed system of tax
ation would break up largo priv
ate holdings, would puncture fic-
LookUp Your FALL
Requirements in Farm
If you need a new Plow
or Harrow, Feed Cut
ter, Wagon, Buggy
ments or Vehicles, you
will find it in the
The Best for
See Us !
Canby, Ore.
ious values and bring land
down to its real value and its
real valuation for taxation. This
would mean lessened burdens for
the poor and a division of taxes
among the wealthier class of
landlords who can and should
hear the burdens in ratio to their
holdings and their ability to pay.
"Many men oppose simile tax
because they do not understand it,
ami niai'K my words, greedy land
hogs are doing their best to keep
men from studying it," continued
Mr. Sheldon. "They realize that
single tax would kill their mon
opoly and annihilate speculation
in land.
".Many other oppose it because
I hey own small tracts of land,
lioioes or farms, wtueh they, thru
lark of knowlege, fear would be
taxed so high that they could not
hold them . Such a fear is base
less. Single tax would reduce the
cost of production, if it were un
iversally adopted throughout the
1'nited States, and would open
I lie way for hundreds of thous
ands of wage slaves to eseane
llieir thralldom and become
their own masters, because thev
could return to the soil, some
thing that is not possible to the
majority, because a few have cor
nered the earth, and inflated its
value for unearned profit.
"Wo are dependant, first and
lasl on the earth and it should
not be owned by a few. It belongs
lo all the children of God. And all
opposition to the proposed step
that would make wav for such an
opportunity, at the last analysis-
is Pased on greed the desire to
have more than one s just share.
Humankind is the most import
ant thing in the world, and the
individual should at all times be
subservient to the general good.
Speaking in reference to the
present system of taxation in the
United States, Dr. Sheldon de
clared it to be a "gigantic fraud,
unfair," and something that puts
a premium on dishonesty. He
"Taxation is one of the most
vexing questions of all time. The
present taxation laws are immin
ently unfair, and I believe that a
largo proportion of taxpayers are
single taxers in secret that is,
they practice it by hiding from
the assessor their wealth as rep
resented by slocks and bonds,
jewelry and kindred things.
"In Oregon, I dare say, the rec
ords will disclose similar instan
ces as the Illinois tax list show.
Not long ago an inquiry was made
regarding the personal lists sub
mitted by millionaires residing on
Michigan Ave., in Chicago. The
lists showed that not ono of those
millionaires owned such a thing
as a gold watch or a painting. In
Kansas a brakenian on a great
railroad listed household articles
to three times the value listed by
the general manager of the same
lino. These illustrations simply
servo to show that the whole sys
tem is a gigantic fraud. Men,
honest in everything else, will lie
straight irom the shoulder wnen
it comes to taxes.
"The land, however, is in plain
sight. It cannot be hidden. 11 is
the one thing from which all
wealth springs. A tax on it, on
public utility franchises, and on
natural resources things be
longing to tho people and nec
essary for their comfort and well,
being, as ono of the Oregon's tax
ation measures proposes, will
not allow of injustice, in my
opinion. It means a fairer distri
bution of the burden of govern
mental expenses, and the ulti
mate enforcement of pure just
ice. I trust progressive Oregon
' Implements
and Vehicles
of Quality
at. Right Prices
will not overlook an opportunity
thai, 1 firmly believe will work for
her greater developement and the
prosperity of her people."
A Great Building Falls.
When its foundation is under
mined, and if the foundation of
health good digestion is at
tacked, quick collapse follows. On
the first signs of indegestion, Dr.
King's New Life Pills should bo
taken to tone the stomach and
regulate liver, kidneys and bow
els. Pleasant, easy, safe and only
25 cents at Huntley Bros., Oregon
City, Canby, Hubbard and Molalla.
"There could be no better med
icine than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. My children were all
sick with whooping cough. One of
them was in bed, had a nigh fever
and was coughing up blood. Our
doctor gave them Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and the first dose
eased them, and three bottles cur
ed them," says Mrs. R. A. Donald
son, of Lexington, Miss. For sale
by Huntley Bros. Co.. Oregon City,
Canby, Molalla and Hubbard.
Only a Fire Hero.
but the crowd cheered, as, wilh
burned hands, he held up a small
round box, "Fellows 1" he shouted,
"this Bueklen's Arnica Salve I
hold, has everything beat for
burns." Right! a"lso for boils, ul
cers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts,
sprains, bruises. Surest pile cure.
If subdues inflamalion, kills pain.
Only 25 cents at Huntley Bros.,
Oregon Citv, Canby, Hubbard and
Molalla. '
k ''nr. ' . c
mil vttW' I
Thinks he Represents More that
The People Stand For.
Editor Courier:
As you have requested us to
send in our preference for Presi
dent, I will try and make my po
sition as plain as I can, in regard
to this matter. If don't think the
choice of men for the Presidency
should have but very little to do
in influencing our votes at this
election. I think all the candi
dates are highly honorable and
intelligent men, and are all
worthy of tho Presidency, but it
does certainly look to mo like the
people of the United States will
never have a better opportunity
to put ttiemseives in tne saddle,
so that they can handle these
powerful and corrupt , corporat
and money kings than' they have
right now.
I believe the laboring people
and the middle class of the Unit
ed Stales are almost a unit in
warning to nominate our Presi
dents and our U. S. Senators by
direct primaries and do away
wilh these iteani roller con van
ions, find tho man that is leading
tho party that endorses the prin
ciples that wo liko and that we
think will bo for the best inter
ests of the people, as a whole, is
the man that each ono of us
That Never
Fall Down
Hoosier Drills
Positive Forced Feed
Bloom Manure
Double Steel Reach
The Plow a Man Can Pull
Dick's Feed Cutters
A big line, and good
Drew Litter Carriers
A genuine labor saver
Disc, spring, spike-tooth
Water Systems
The Mitchell Wagon
Monarch of the Road
See Us!
Oregon City
should support.
We must not forget that it
will not do us much good to
support a nominee for the Presi
dency that advocates the princip
les wo like, unless we at the same
time support the nominees for
Senators and Representatives
that will stand by him and help
him. If you elect a progressive
President, and two thirds of Con.
gross are in direct opposition to
him, he would just bo like a knot
on a log. He couldn't do anything.
In order that the people may be
able to handle the corrupt and
powerful element that is brought
to bear on us at every election,
and that we may at the same time
may be able to control the tariff
to suit ourselves, it will bo strict
ly necessary for us to get the
nomination of the President and
vice President into our own hands
and nominate and elect our own
U. S. Senators by direct vote, and
divest the President of his power
to nominate the Federal officers
in the different states, and adopt
the initiative and referendum and
recall in every state.
Almost everything depends up
on the unity of congress. We can
have no progress unless congress!
is progressive. The President
under these conditions, is simply
a leader and adviser and a Kind oi
a regulator.
The Progressive party comes
nearer suiting ine than the Re
publican or the Democratic parly.
Neither the Republican nor the
the Democratic parly gives any
encouragement lo the people for
direct nomination for President
and Vice President. They offer no
encouragement that they will ad
vocate the divestment of the
Presidents power to nominate
the 'Federal ofllcers in the differ
ent states. '
The Republican party main
tains an unnecessary high pro
tective tariff and the Democratic
wants entire free trade, both of
which I think is wrong. But the
man we elect for President can
not govern this matter wholly
himself. Therefore we need to be
careful about our Senators and
Mr. Roosevelt is a powerful and
an aggressive leader and in a
fight like the one we are now
entering into, to break up the
power of these mighty and ex
tremely corrupt trusts and cor
porations. I think wo could get
no belter leader to help put the
thing in shape.
The best and strongest men of
the nation recognize him as an
aggressive and able leader and
they are proud of the honor of
standing by him in his fight for
right and justice.
Let us work for the principles
we think are right, irrespective
of parly name, study this matter
carefully and then vote the wxiy
we think right.
A member of this community
recently marketed three dozen
old hens. In Oregon Git yhe was
oll'ered ten cents a pound. He
shipped them to Portland by ex
press, receiving n cents per in
After paying, commission and
transportation charges they net
led him five dollars and twenty
five cents in excess of what, he
svould have received if sold in
Oregon City. This transaction was
based on Portland weights and
plainly indicates the need of a
local produce market. The Port
land Commission merchant was
satisfied with a profit'of one dol
lar and thirty-nine cents, for five
per cent of the transaction
while you Oregon City trades
men demand twenty-five per cent
bull more disparaging compar
sons than the above could be
quoted as having taken place
during the past several years
i ills exortation, pardon tlio ex
pression, is actually taking place
every day as nut very lew produc
ers hesitate to investigate the ad
jacent markets, accepting the
first offer tendered. Talk about
your trusts, not only the past but
the immediate present indicates a
soul in the corporation like a
U -.1. 'l ...i, I. . l ..
wusn iuii, conipureu wim me pin
headed conscience of the average
local merchant.
A slight ski l't, of snow was pot
ieeablo in this vicinity last
1 hursday morning.
Bert Mac-Arthur has traded his
50 acre tract, located in this vi
cinity for a 160 acre ranch three
miles east oi Moiaua. ihe trans
for will be made immediately af
ter election. We dislike very
much to see Mr. MacArthur and
the family move out of this com
munity as our loss is an excell
ent family, whom we most heart
ily recconienu to their new ac
quaintainces in and around Mo
The Community Club held a
very interesting session last Sat
urday night. The Literary Enter
ainment, so ably arranged by Mr
W. A. Dodds, and introduced after
the business of the Club had been
transacted, was highly appreciat
ed by the seventy odd people in
Tho Spiger girls introduced
Christmas shopping for the seas
on, by a trip to Portland Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. Spiger aro enter
laining relatives from Spokane
who we hope may not prejudiced
against Oregon by the daily dews
deseeding upon us.
The barn of Bert MacArthur,
together with 23 tons of hay,
manure spreader and one or two
other larm implements of lesser
importance, burned .Tuesday
night. Some insurance. At this
writing the cause is unknown.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendriek
son from near Union Mills, are
visiting L. J. Hyllon.
The Western Farmer at Fault
The vast amount of money sent
to the middle west each year for
hogs and pork products is detri
mental to the best interests of the
western farmers and also very in
jurious to the reputation of our
western states, says the Western
Stock Journal, published at Ore
gon City, Ore. We aro forced to
buy a great many or our hogs in
the middle west, to say nothing or
the great amuont of pork pro
ducts we also bring from the east.
The western farmer is directly
responsible for this condition of
affairs and is causing a constant
stream of money to go East, in
stead of permitting it to remain
in circulation among our western
people. The eastern farmers see
the error of the western farmer,
and are selling their farms and
moving to the Pacific coast where
they can raise hogs cheaply on
account of the mild winters and
abundant substantial forage
crops almost the entire year, in
addition to the grain fed so plen
tiful on the coast.
Ignorance in the care of live
stock is largely responsible for
the scarcity of hogs and beef in
the west. The investment of a
little time and study, together
with good foundation slock will
pay large dividends on the invest
ment. Porto Rico's New Wonder.
From far away Porlo Rico
pome reports of a wonderful new
discovery that is believed will
vastly benefit the people. Ramon
T. Marchan, of Barceloneta,
writes "Dr. King's New Discov
ery is doing splendid work here.
It cured me about five times of
terrible coughs and colds, also
mv brother of a severe cold in his
chest and more than twenty oth
ers, who used it on my advice.
We hope this great medicine will
yet be sold in every drug store in
Porto Rico." For throat and lung
troubles it has no equal. A trial
will convince you of its merit.
50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle
free. Cuiarantoed by Huntley
Bros., Oregon City, Canby, Hub
bard, and Molalla, -
Some Warm Ones for the People
to Think About.
t Editorial writers on the Port
land papers seem very young or
possessed of poor memories. In
two different papers I find much
comment on the theme that pub
lic mens' lives are not safe
which is apparently true then
we are in for a nice lecture on
that subject which is of course
all right. Surely the people need
lo be indicted on that score. How
ever il is also a facl that no per
son's life is secure, no matter in
what walk of life, someone is li
able to cave in our heads with an
ax or club, or shoot us full of
holes, yel wo go about our way
serenely, in belief we are safe be
cause we are keeping a lot of al
ledged peace officers, on the pay
roll. We also have laws wilhout
end and court decisions ill num
bers to puzzle the mathematician,
yet life i" unsafe. Right here let
me emphasize that I hold that the
life of John Doe in the sewer is
as precious aa Tuft's in the While
Only a few days ago the Presi
dent put in a holiday reviewing
$200,000000 worth of implements
to commit murder, built for that
express purpose. Well then the'
simple citizen who does a little
job on his own account is only
following a very bad example,
which all pathetic deplorers of re
tail murder insist on praising.
Consistency is certainly a rare
In connection with this subject
I would also remind these editors,
notably the Oregonian's, of an in
cident in political assasination,
which was overlooked in the list.
William Goebel of Kentucky,
was shot from behind and appar
ently from the State House, and
several of our best people, who in
this instance were Republican
ollice holders, were accused of the
deed I will not call it a crime,
because of the high standing the
accused hold one man was con
victed of that deed and sunt to
Congress. Another was pardoned
without a trial. Just draw your
own conclusions, you of the sim
ple mind, and you hypocrites
The Oregonian says ' Wilson is
not the "working man's friend."
That remark is ahead of time. II
should have appeared on Novem
ber 6. Up to then the worker who
also has a vote, has a lot of fri
ends among the parasitic class;
but oh what a difference in the
I wonder for how many work
ing men the lawyers, capital
ists and loafing class in general
will vote. Anyone who can bring
convicting evidenco of cases
please report the same, to yours
Not yell but some day wo will
see those men who bend their
backs to productive labor, man
the ship of state. Then the high
cost of-living will be solved upon
tho principle of He that will
not work, neither shall he eat.
Anything wrong in that? Show
me I
At a rotary club dinner in
Portland, --a chinaman made a
stirring; spech you see the men
of affairs never draw the line at
color, race, nationality or relig
ion now don't forget thatl In
that speech he said the motto on
the coin should read "In this
god we trust." That "the great
European powers were sending to
China Christians who would
persuade us to turn our plow
share into swords that wo may
slay and bo slain in the most
graceful way. That we may kilt
in the most approved manner.".
How does that striko you for
heathen observation of a fact
that seems to havo escaped tho
notice of "our best people?"
At a Republican rally I heard
four candidates pathetically
plead "vole for me." Really 1 feel
sorry for the man nominated on a'
parly ticket, whose motto is
"only me." In my crude, untutor
ed way I always think to accept a'
party nomination implies that tho
vole is solicited from all persons
having common political prin
ciples, but it seeins that devil tako
the hindmost is the up to date
It must be rather interesting.
in a personal way to Messrs.
Campbell, Brownell, Jones,
Huntley, Hedges and Dye lo hear
a Republican candidate make the
public statement that our legis
lative representatives "went to'
sleep" and "did not know what a
thing meant when they read it."
That, I suppose is statement no.
It is much more important to
have Socialism than lo elect Soc-'
ialists to ollice. However if you
want Socialism, you must vole in
to office those in favor of it, but
if you like what you have been
getting, there are lour national
ickets in favor of capitalism.
For my part I have had enomrh
of that; ine for the cooperative
Commonweall h.
On November 5 is Election Dav
The campaign does not end there
for Socialists; we only stop long
enough to vote. Are you wid us
for the next heal ?
Deafness Cannot De Cured
by lomil anpllnttlnna, m tlioy cannot rraoh the ills-
eased porlLict of thn ear. Itli'r la only on wuy to'
purr fVurmm ami lh.it Is by ronatmmonal rtniiHlira.
Ifc'slncw la cauwd by an Itilltimrd coudltlon ol
mnruiia lining ol tlx Kiudarnian Tube, When tli.l '
ttllte Ul InlUmrd yt,u have a rtiinhllnii sound or Inw
tvrtect har m. and worn tl 111 entlrwy rlomd. Oral- '
m-w la tho r"sul!, and unline tor trlhmmttu.tn mil be
AM-n oni -inn llim till rvl.rr,l to Its noimil cm:'ii
loi, ! mug will l oVatroynl Inrrvrr: nliif raw
ii ,'i wii nre mtin ny iurrn, wl: rn to notnu.tf
it nn IniUintit in nl'tlim of thr tnucirt nrfarra.
t' w,i Kill li-.p llaxtnil llollnn fur any cww ol
. ,,-iiiNttl l.v rKUr'lii ll'-il tnllnl IN run-
H;iH' CaUrrii Cure. Hr-d for olmitnr. rr.
t. J. I'HKNCY OJ, loinlo, O.
Snhl by lruvrt, IV.
lw tuu Kuur ruu iu cuuitipiuoa.