8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, OCT. 15 1912 Clothing Tips to Men and Young Men The winter's wet and cold is upon us and brings thoughts of winter suits, overcoats and rain coats. You will be going out this winter, sometimes unexpecting Iy; you surely will be meeting a lot of well dressed people. You will want to meet them on an equal footing. That's why we are telling you of the exceptional assort ment of suits, overcoats and slip-ons .you will find at -this store. These clothes are RIGHT up to the minute the very latest creations with some style touches which you will not see elsewhere for a season or two. Come in! We would like to show you our clothes, you'll agree with us when you' see them. They are correct to the minutest detail. A Special Showing of Suits, Overcoats and Rain Proof Slip-ons at $15.00 J. LEVITT Oregon City'i Leading Clothier .. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Sarah A. Goodyear, Plaintiff, vs. James William Shaw, John Duffy and Simpert Nefzgar, Do fendants. To James William Shaw, John Duffy and Simpert Nefzgar, De fendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled action on or before Decem ber 7th, 1912; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take decree quieting the title to, and declaring tlje plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the following described tract of land to wit; Beginning at a point 6.28 chains east and 26.10 chains north of the south east corner of Section 31, Town ship Two South and Range Two East of the Willamette Meridian; thence west 210 feet; thence north 210 feet; thence east 210 feet; thence south 210 feet to the place of beginning, and also known as Lot Two in Block Nine of the Holmes Addition to Oregon City, Oregon. And also enjoining you and each of you from assert ing any claim or interests therein adverse to this plaintiff. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication in pursuance of an Order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell. Circuit Judge of Clackamas County, Ore gon, made uctoher Z4, 1912, di recting such publication in the Oregon City Courier, once a week for six successive weeks, the first publication being October 25, 1912; and the last December 6th, 1912. B. N. Hicks, Attorney for Plaintiff. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan's Oint ment. Chronic cases soon reliev ed, finally cured. Druggists all sell it. . E ErJEMlFS OF RAILROAD ARE BUSINESS ASSASSINS AND CHARACTER ASSAILER6. Dlmlok and Eby Flail Knockers or the Railroad Work. At the Live Wire session Tuos dny, Mayor Dimick was asked to give a little talk on the progress of the Clackamas Southern rail road. He talked. So did O. D. Eby, E. II. Cooper and others, and they wore vigorous, in their English, and one did not have to guess at their meaning. Mr. Dimick said that the direc tors had not been giving out very much regarding the railroad, for the reason they were forced to koep heir work and plans under cover on account of thu enemies of this project and ho made it doubly warm by the further state ment that our home people (some of them), were the worst enemies and obstacles the company had to deal with. The mayor said there were many loyal friends and boosters for the work, but some who per sistently and maliciously try to kill it; that the company did not want nor would it take their mon ey, but wanted thern to quit their knocking; that this class includ ed business men and residents of Oregon City; that their names should be displayed on a black board where all could know them. He said it was a matter of rec ord that Oregon City had not done so much to help on this railroad, as had Mt. Angel, and had not done half of what tho littlo town of Molnlla had done. He briefly review the work of a year and a half; that the larg est part of the grade to Molalla and tho bridges were completed; that tho company has paid every dollar for the work as it was done; that tho rails would bo here withintwo weeks, and if the pub lic spirited men of this city would take hold and help out on tho slock, they would have truins run. ning to Beaver Creek in less than 00 days. Mr. Dimick told tho men present that they would find that this investment would bo the best paying 0119 in the county. Mr. Cooper followed Mayor Dfinick in denouncing the work of those who were working against thi8 road, and then O. D. Eby cut loose in a vigorous, scathing de unciation of the knockers. "What I can't understand is why men in this city, who have business interests and property to be benefitted by this railroad, will continually knock this un. del-taking. If we directors are what these knockers say we are, then the Live Wires should know it and expose us. If we are not what they say we are then they should bo shown . up. These knockers are business assassins and character assaulters." He said the road was started with but $5,000, and today two thirds completed to Molalla with every bill paid; that its complet ion and success was now a cer tainty,, but, that the work of the lured knockers made it hard, vex atious and unpleasant. For any pain, from top to toe, from any cause, apply Dr. Thom as' Eclectio Oil. Pain can't stay where it is used. LEON DES LARZSE violin teacher 410 High St., phono 3171. Or chestra for pupils. Vote for Millage Bill Number 320 X Yes It provMcn nix-taritbi of a mil tux tor inpport of Agricultural Cullegu uml Uni versity of Oregon, giving them porina nont support uml taking tlinin out ol politics. It, also provitlng one Hoard of Hogeiits, thus solving the problt-ms of oo-operatioii, couaoliiltitioi), division of courses and ecuuuuiy of lu.iuageuient. It does riot Increase the average rale (if ti'xaltoa. rt ppii"!.j the $500,000 Unlver Bl y u; .n;. riatlun bill. 'I'lf I'M' s t'li'hirsml ly Governor West: -Vim liill is iu thw interest oi good liiinii and hhniild pass." By L. K. Arderman, State Superin tendent I'ii' I -. 1 1 .st i in t i un : "Experience iu other t. i hIiikvs millagu bill prin ciple to lie ci ivct." B V.'lil IU. Da!y, Pri-mili-nt, Oregon Btate Federation ol Laftor: "No argu ment cnii Hiici eshfiillv i-'imliat the beuotil to the stale that will tnllow the udoptiou Of tho in illume tax plan." . Endorsed by Portland Tax Pay ers League. Bill pn-pured by committee of Gover nor's Commission, Hoards of ItegenU, and udiuiuietrutlv utlicers of the twe institution. W. K. NKWELL CHAIRMAN or OOVKKMJK'8 CoMMIHSIOK I nii iWiiACJ S u) fPO Will Throng Our Store All Day SATURDAY RED LETTER. DAY TEN Urt GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE TO ALL CALL ERS. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. BRING YOUR STAMP BOOKS WITH YOU. SHIVELY'S OPERA HOUSE Saturday Night, October 26th These celebrated leaders for and against the Single Tax will meet in joint debate on the Single Tax Issue Every man who will vote on this question November 5, owes it to himself to hear both sides of this, the most important issue in Oregon. Regardless of your convictions come out and hear these speakers. Debate will Open at 8 O'clock Come Early if yoo want a Seat. ree to Everybody (Paid Advertisement.) RED LETTER DAY SENSATION NO Free Rubbers for Children With all PurcHases Orildren's Shoes up to Site Two With every pair of Children's Shoes purchased here tomorrow we will fit ABSOLUTELY FREE one pair Extra Quality Storm Rubbers This offer will not apply on Shoes Larger than number two Pictorial Review Patterns For; Fall and Winter RED LETTER DAY SENSATION NO 2 Double Trading Stamps On All Purchases Made Forenoon in the In addition to the regular "RED LETTER DAY" offer of ten Free Stamps, which you may se cure all day, We are going to stimulate the morning trade by giving double Stamps all the forenoon. SHOP EARLY AND GET DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS J II v :' . -.VwwBeSaBaSwr!. VpW WWWW lYIAbUNIC T tMFLE BLDG. OREGON CITY, ORE. Pictorial S Review Q Patierns -y For Fill and Winter Summons Fop publication in Foreclosure of Tax Lien. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Coun ty. ' ; " L. M. Bitney and J. J." Stangel, Plaintiff' VS. Maggie A. Burton, Defendant. To Mae-erift A. Burton, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that L. M. Bitney and J. J. Stangel, the holders of Certificate of Delin quency numbered 712 issued on the 29th day of August 1912, by the tax collector of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, for the amount of two and 38-100 dollars, the same being the am ount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1908, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, aiid-particularly bounded and de scribed -as follows, to-wit: Com mencing sixty. rods Last from the quarter stake between sections 16 and 17 in Township 5 South, Range one East of the Willam ette Meridian, and running thence north 40 rods; thence east 20 rods thence South 40 rods, thence west 30 rods to the place of beginning, less a strip 10 feet wide along the East side, and being situated in the section 16 in. T. 5. S. R. 1. Kast of the Willamette in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon. You are further notified that said L. M. Bitney and J. L. Stang el have paid taxes on said prem ises for subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: 1910 taxes, paid Aug. 29, 1912, tax receipt number, 11876. am ount $2.28, rate of interest 15 per cent. 1911 taxes, paid Mar. 15, 1912, tax receipt number 7562, amount $2.22, rate of interest 12 per cent. Said Maggie A. Burton, as the owner of the legal. line or tne above described property as the same appears or record, ana eacn of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that I,. M. Bitnev and J. J. Stangel will apply to the Circuit Court of t tie county ana state aioresaiu for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property aoove de scribed and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear witnin sixty days after the first publication of the summons exclusive oi me nay of said first publication, ana de fend this action or pay the amount due as above shown to gether with costs and accrued in terest and in case of your fail ure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Samuel Baker, Plaintiff, VS. Rebecca Baker, Defendant. To Rebecca Bakor, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of O egon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 1th day of December, 1912, the same being six weeks from the dttte of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear or answer, the plaintiff wijj apply to the Court for the relief prayed Jor in the complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication by authority of an order made and entered in the above entitled cause by the Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge of tne circuit court or tne stale of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas, and- dated the 21st day of uctoher, laia. Biggs & Garmire. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dale of first publication Oct ooer 25. Date of last publication Decem- ner, o, iaiz. J This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and said order was made and dated this 24th day of October, 1912, and the date of the first public tion of this summons is the 25th day of October. 1912. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the ad dress hereafter mentioned. H . Over! on, Attnrnevs for Plaintiffs. Address Woodburn, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby sriven that the undersigned, Administrator with the Will annexed, of the estate of Andrew J. FourtneF, -deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court of the County of LiacKamas, .state or uregon, his final report as such Administrat or of said estate, and the Judge of said Court has set Monday, the 25lh day of November, 1912, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the County Court Room of the Court House at Ore gon City, in Clackamas County, Oregon as the time and place for hearing any and all objections thereto. Any and all persons having ob jections against said final report are hereby notified to be present at said time and place above mentioned and present such ob jections for the consideration of said Court, if any they have. Dated October 20lh, 1912. Alva Ackerson. Administrator with the will an nexed of the Estate of Andrew J. Fourtner, deceased. Dimick & Dimick. Attorneys for Administrator. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. , . In the matter of the estate of John Jacob Schmidt, Deceased. To Margaret Schmidt, Elise Schmidt, Johann Schmidt, Johann Peter Schmidt, Kunigunde Low, nee Hammon, Margarete Ham mon, Johann Hammon, Margarete Glaser, nee Hammon, Adam Ham mon, Margarete Wolfel, Margar ete Hammon, Adam Mammon and Kunigunde Hammon, heirs at law of said decedent and all others unknown, if any such there bo, GREETING : In the Name of the Stato of Oregon, You are hereby cited to appear in tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, at the Court Room thereof . at Oregon City, in the County of Clackamas, on Mon day the 3rd. day of December, ' 1912, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be. why an order should not be made, as prayed for in the petition of Augusle Ochs, Administratrix, on file in said matter, for the sale by said administratrix, at private sale of the real property of said estate, to wit: The W. of the E. of the N. E. and the W. Vj of theN. E. Vi of Section 28, T. 3, S. R. 5, E. of the W. M., in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, containing 120 acres more or less. Witness, The Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 19th day of October, A. I). 1912. Attest: W. L. Mulvey, Clerk. By E. T. Quinn, Deputy Clerk. Administrator's Notice. Jesse Crippen Estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Jesse Crippen, deceased,, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County, and has qualified. All nersons havinir claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at number 505 Labor Temple Building, Portland, Oregon, with proper vouchers duly verified within six months from date hereof. Dated and first published Oct ober 25, 1912. Mary E. Conkling, Adminis tratrix. John A. Jeffrey, H. J. Parkinson & Harry Yanckwich, Attorneys for Administratrix. 505 Labor leniple, Portland. Oregon. Woerndles Haas, Attorney for Administratrix. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale . of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Luia Honk, .Plaintiff, vs. Dorr Ronk, Defendant. To Dorr Ronk, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to apear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this summons, to wit: on or before the 15th day of November, 1912, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint on file herein, to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de lendant be dissolved, that plain, tiff have awarded to her, her maiden name, and for such other and further relief in the premises as to the court seems eauitable and just. This summons is published bv order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas County, in the ab sence of the Circuit Judge from said county, and said order was made and dated the 3rd. day of tober, 1912, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 4th day of October. 1912. and the date of last publication of this summons is the 15th day Of November, 1912. Jos. H. Page, Attornoy for Tlaintiff.