Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 25, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Fridays from the Courier Building, Eighth and Main streets, and en
tered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Ore., as second class mail matter.
Subscription Pric $1.50.
The Republican congressional
committee is sending out a card
telling what Congressman Haw-
ley lias done, and the following
are a few or the choicest gems:
"No interests to serve but
the public interests."
And then he voted with the
stand-pat, big Business bunch
from A to uzard.
"He has . a record of un
questioned integrity as an
aggressive servant of the
Yes. He stood by Cannon when
the PEOPLE of this country were
trying to pry him loose from our
government. .
He voted no on the Canadian
reciprocity bill.
He refused to vole on the Ar
izona statehood that would give
that stale the recall,
i He refused to vote on the bill
to put agriculture implements on
the free list.
He voted no on the attempt to
pass the farmers' free list bill
over the president's veto.
He refused to vote on the bill to
reduce the duties on wool.
He refused to vote on the ef
fort to pass the wool bill over
the president's veto.
He voted no on senate amend
ment to pass the cotton reduct
ion bill.
He refused to vote on the prop
osition to put sugar on the free
He voted no to reduce the dut
ies on the iron and steel bill.
He voted no on schedule after
scheduk) under tho Payne bill to
reduce duties on lumber, hides
and the many articles that would
have reduced the cost of living,
and yet his card tolls us
"He has proven to bo a
safe and effective legislat
or of great practical wis
dom." It MUST have been PRACTICAL
wisdom to sustain tho above
voting record the same quality
that Roosevelt and Harriman had
at their "conference" when Roos
evelt explained to him that "we
are practical men."
The Hawley card tells the dear
people he was "active" in the
passage of an appropriation of
$200,000 for tho enforcement of
the anti-trust laws.
Another bit of "practical wis
dom" playing both ends of the
He was "active," the enrd ex
plains, in the passage of labor
Wonder what it was? Ho voted
' against the resolution calling for
information on foreign wages.
Tho card says ho favors "re
vision and modification of the
tariff laws," and in view of his
VOTING RECORD on tariff re
vision it reminds mo of
"When tho devil was sick
Tho devil a saint would bn,
Kut when the devil got well.
The divil a saint was he.
Any man who stands for tho
recall, tariff revision, trust pros
ecution, and other progressive
doctrines can't vote for Hawley
without being a traitor to him.
Hore's the way a farmer illus
trated it tho other day:
"I let my hired hand go, after
harvesting; paid him off, $25. He
went to Portland, got drunk,
spent $20 and was finod $5.
"I stayed at homo, bought $15
worth of paint, gavo a man $10
to paint the house and was fined
$5 increase in taxes on improve
ments. "Tho hired man beat mo $5."
"I am in this fight as a Pro
gressive, and because the plat
form of tho Progressive party ex
presses my conviction as to the
matter contained therein. I be
lieve that I can serve tho people
of this great state by identifying
mysolf with tho only party in the
nation which absolutely recog
nizes Oregon's leadership in
thoso progressive ideas. If elected
I will act as the servant of the
people and not their mastor."
The Center of Business Advantage
Draw a circle twenty miles in diameter, with
this bank in the center, and you will have within
this circle a public institution radiating business
advaniages to hundreds of people in every direc
tion. Ten miles in every direction is not the lim
it of this bank's usefulness. We have customers
at greater distances. If you are within the twenty-mile
circle, we ask you to share with these
other hundreds, the benefits of our bank service.
The Bank of
Oldest Bank
Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5-1
Equal suffrage 30QX YES.
Making bank Stockholders li
able 312 X YES.
State employees on eight hour
day 332 X YES.
Tho "Blue Sky bill" 334 X
Abolishing state senate 302
For graduated single lax
304 X YES.
Abolishing capital punish
ment 366 X YES.
Clackamas county law, grad
uated single tax 376 X YES.
Creating office of lieutenant
governor 303 X NO.
Taxation amendment, opposed
by U'Ren, Wagnon, Orton, Daly
and others 305 X NO.
Taxation amendment, different
rates on different classes of prop
erty, opposed by U'Ren, MacAllis
tor, Wagnon and others 307 X
Repealing present tax laws, ex.
cept poll tax. Would take away
your rights as to taxation 309
"Majority Rule joker 311 X
Public service commission
bill 315 X NO.
To divide Clackamas county
319 X NO.
Create State board of regents
321 X NO.
Amend initiative law to re
quire majority of all votes to pass
initiative measures 323 X NO.
Tho nine road bills and bonding
propositions vote NO.
Creating state highway depart
ment 327 X NO.
Creating hotel inspector 331
Creating state road board
343 X NO.
Amendment to exempt furnit
ure, fixtures, etc., a bill to de
tract from the graduated singlo
single tax 355 X NO.
Revising inheritance taxes
357 X NO.
Prohibiting boycotting 309 X
Prohibiting street speeches
371 X NO.
Referendums on legislative
appropriations of half million
dollars to University of Oregon
373 X NO, 375 X NO.
(Polk Couty Itomizor.)
Personally as a man of limited
means and small land holdings it
does not make one bit of differ
ence to the ownor of tho Itemizor
whether tho singlo tax measure
carries or not. let if it uid, ana
from what we can ttather of. its
operations elsewhere, entirely
uninfluenced Uy Uio argumoms
put forth pro and con in the daily
papors we aro inclined to mo uo
lief that for the small land owner
and average taxpayer it would
prove a good thing, and tins must
not bo construed as making us an
advocate of single lax in any way,
shape or form. Wo aro simply
taking with agrain of salt ttio ar
guments put forth by thoso who
generally aro not working for the
good of the oilier fellow.
Seems odd that the money
powers of Oregon should spend
so much money to defeat tho
graduated single tax when their
orators tell us that it will ruin
the "litllo fellow and take the
tax off the "bit? one." Looks like
It would half tioklo thorn to death
to soo it pass. lJut thon, like Josli
Hillings, wo are seven kids of a
nalural-born-durn-fool, anyhow,
and don't understand much about
Ins thing thoy call pontics.
Stayton Mail.
Under tho graduated tax
amendmont to be voted on at the
next election, tno estimate is
made that tho amount raised in
Yamhill county by tho new plan
would pay 01 per cent or tno siato
tax as heretofore paid by the
county. In a good many counties
it would pay an tno state tux, ami
in others would leave a surplus
r other purposes. McMinnville
Hear the U'Ren-Shields singlo
tax debate Saturday night.
Oregon City
in The County
It costs so much' to run the
state. If you make the higher
ups pay their part of it, will it
"confiscate" your property?
Did you ever know big business
to be so vitally concerned over
your taxation before? Ever think
Smoke out the interests fight
ing the graduated singlo tax and
then seo if you ever knew this
bunch to play tho farmers and
poor men's game.
Making water powers, railroads
public service corporations, spec
ulator, rights-of-way, franchis
es, and largo land owners pay
just taxes won't "confiscate" a
farm unless you figure it the
way tho boy did on the toad that
hopped up one foot and fell back
You are up in rebellion against
too heavy taxation. The air was
full of your howls last spring.
Too few of you paying too much.
A week from next Tuesday vote
to equalize it.
There will never be ruin in Ore.
gon, unless the voters really want
it; there will never bo "confisca
tion" until you burn up the rev
enues and invite it. Don't be a
crow and get scared at Henry
George's hat on a stick.
What we vote on a week from
Tuesday is the graduated tax
amendment. Wo don't vote on
Henry George's public ownership
any more than to try Bellamy's
"Looking Backward."
How you going to "confiscate
property" when the people of Ore
gon have full legislative powers?
Will someone please EXPLAIN?
The big fellows don't want to
come across that is tho whole
Over 2 000 big property own
ers in Oregon will have to come
through for a graduated tax if
the amendment carries Nevember
5. Will this "confiscate" tho land
of any worker?
Four years ago the singlo tax
ers of Oregon could bo counted in
dozens, today they are counted
by thousands. This taxation re
form is bound to come, and the
state that first adopts will get
the thousands of settlers hunting
for homes where axes do NOT
almost confiscate.
? ? ? ?
Why did Mr. Shields of Seattle,
arid his Equal Taxation League
of Portland fail to file their Anti
Single Tax Amendment? If the
Graduated Single Tax Amendment
is a rich man's measure, why do
all the rich men fight it so bit
lerly? Do you remember any time
when all t ne banners anu tno rail
roads anil tho Water Power Trust
and the Big land speculators were
spending thousands of dollars to
defeat any measure that they
really believed would put more
money in tneir pockets or make
the in pay less taxes?
Do you remember any time in
tho past when tho bankers and
the rich men generally, tho land
speculators and the Dig corporat.
ions hired men and newspapers to
work lor tho adoption- ol any Dill
that would decrease the farmers'
and workingmens' taxes? If so,
when was it and what was the
Is there any working man in
Oregon who remembers any time
when tho rich men of the state
spent their money to pass a law
for raising tho working man's
wages? Or for shortening work
ingmens' hours? Or for abolish,
ing the black list? Or for fixing a
minimum wago for women? Or
for prohibiting child labor?
Does any farmer in Oregon re
member a timo when tho rich men
of tho State wero spending their
money to hire orators and news
papers to urge the adoption of a
law that would reduce the farm
ers' taxos?
When tho Grangers in 1900
proposed their two laws to col
lect lieonso taxes from railroads,
express . companies and oilier
public ffirvioo -corporations, how
much did tho bankers and other
rich men of Oregon contribute to
pay the expenses of submitting
those two bills?
Not a dollar. But both of thoso
laws did help to reduce the fann
ers' taxes.
The abolition of tho poll tax
and head tax by the County Home
Rule Tax Amendment of 1910 re
duced the taxes on laborers and
working men $3 per year. Neither
the bankers or other rich men,
nor ttio railroad or other public
service corporations paid a dol
lar towards tho expenses of sub
mitting that aniondmont. The
Eel's Fund Commission paid all
tho expenses. Tho same classes
who opposed that amendmont aro
now opposing tno uraduated sin
gle 'lax Amendment. Do you
think it is because they believe
its adoption will decrease their
taxes and increase yours?
The state tax commission and
the legislative tax committee's
bills and amendments would not
assess diamonds, and similar
personal effects in actual use,"
notes, accounts, bank furniture,
water powers, franchises, loan
sharks and money leiuhis. They
would tax machinery, furniture in
factories, ships, horses, cattle,
farm implements, farm clearings
and practically everything ttio
farmer has except his household
furniture. If it is not right to
tax furniture in tho home, why
should it be taxed in tho factory?
If diamonds and automobiles and
"similar personal effects in ac
tual use" are to bo exempt from
taxes, why should not horses,
cows, plows, reapers."" farm
buildings and other labor values
in actual use bo exempt from tax
es? Governor Wilson is going to
carry Clackamas county put a
pin there.
Roosevelt and Taft have both
failed to curb the trusts now
try Wilson's idea.
Tie silk stocking bunch is
loud enough for YOUR personal
property to be taxed, but darn 'em
they hide theirs safe enough.
Portland "sap suckers" telling
Clackamas county "hayseeds"
how to vote. Vote against what
they tell you, and you will play it
Is the income tax the thing in
Oregon? Would it get to the mil
lionaire and speculators who in
vest in unproducing land that has
no income t
Tho harvester trust boosted
the prietj of hemp rope and gave
the tribute to tho ReDublican
campaign fund.
If you want to have the grad
uated single tax tried in Oregon,
vote 364 X yes, and 362 X yes.
And if you will try it, here's a bet
you never change back.
Give the little district school
more money and better facilities,
and vote down that half million
appropriation for the state un
iversity. What say you?
Arthur Howland of Grant's
Pass, has purchased a half in
terest in the real estate business
with S. O. Dillman and the firm
will hereafter be Dillman & How.
land. The new firm will run a
general real estate business and
they are going after business in
this county.
How long are we going to
permit the American trusts
to sell their products in Eur
opean markets for thirty to
forty per cent less than they
sell to we who are taxed for
their protection? Salem
Just as long as we send such
trust-protectors to congress as
Willis Hawley.
Isn't it. odd that the identical
sewing niachines that cost hard
working women $25 in this coun
try should be sold in Mexico for
$10 less? Perhaps if the tariff
were taken off, American women
might fare as well as Mexican
t Ihn hnnHs nf the. Sew
ing Machine Trust. It's worth
trying, anyhow, don t you tninkr
One of a thousand reasons why
Wilson should bo elected. Rose
burg Review.
California, south of us, is going
to vote on the exemption of im
provements from taxation; Lan
ada to the north of us is doing the
same as fast as she can. Men will
be selling property in Oregon and
going north and south, and
thousands of settlers will pass up
Oregon and go where they don't
fine improvements, uetter vote
364 X yes, and bo one of the
first states to try taxation re
The editor has all kinds of
charity for the girl that makes a
mistake, but mighty little for the
full-grown man who urges her to
make it.
I have mighty little use for the
cradle robber, for the man past
his majority who will help a girl
to go wrong.
Judge Beatie sentenced John
Finicune and Harry Timmons to
a year's imprisonment for their
connection with the recent joy
ride with two young girls of this
city and he did the right thing.
We are net going to make any
first page features of this unfor
tunate matter and the tragedy
which followed it. The girl is
dead, a-suicide, but her parents,
and her companion of the night
are alive and they need sympa
thy and charity.
We all know there is far too
many of these school girl affairs
in this city, and there has been
far too little punishment.
In nearly every caso lieniency
was shown, which it appears has
acted as incouragement for oth
ers. This sentence of Judge Bea
tio will stop this cradle snatching,
it will put the fear into the hearts
of this class of men.
And you fathers and mothers of
girls can't you tlnd something
in this tragedy to set you to
Do you know whore your girl is
these nights and .in what com
pany? A fifteen year old girl needs all
the watching and advice you can
give her, and this loath and sad
ending of a girl just coming into
life should impress it on you to
get close to your daughters, got
their confidence, and make your
council felt.
Oregon City citizons cannat
doubt it. Doan's Kidnqy Pills wore
usod they cured.
The story was told to Oregon
City residents.
Time has strengthened tho ev
idence. Has proven the cure perman
ent. Tho testimony is from this
The proof convincing.
Mrs. A. M. Hallabaugh, 328 A.
Grant St., Portland, Ore., says:
"For two or three years I suffer
ed from kidney complaint and in
flammation of tho bladder. I had
considerable backache, but the
worse sympton of my trouble was
with the kidney secretions. Doan's
Kidney Pills relieved me soon
after I began their use and in
claims made for them." (State
ment given January 16, 1906.)
Mrs. Hollabaugh was inter
viewed on March 26, 1910 and
she added to the above: "My
health has been excellent during
the past several years, due to oc
casional uso of Doan's Kidney
Pills. I cannot say enough in
praise of this remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Millburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and tako no other.
.S 1912
He Has Been a Power for the Peo
ple and Should be Continued.
(By W. S. U'Ren.)
(1) As senator, he can and
will do more to increasp the Peo
ple's Power by aiding tho univer
sal adoption of the initiative,' ref
erendum and recall, than any
other man Oregon could elect.
What a man will do is t obe judg
ed by what he has done. SenatoB
Bourne has done more in tho past
six years than any other one man
to make known to' the people of
the United States the advantages
of direct legislation. It is to
Senaor Bourne that Oregon owes
the enforcement of the Statement
No. 1 plan for direct election of
the United Senators. Largely be
cause of that enforcement Con
gress at its last session submit
ted to the state legislature an
amendment to the national con
stitution providing for the direct
election of senators by the peo
ple. (2) As senator Mr. Bourne
can do more to secure approval
of that amendment by the state
legislature than can possibly be
done by any other candidates now
before the people of Oregon. No
man in congress did more than
Senator Bourne to pass through
Congress the pending amend
ment for direct election of sena
tors. (3) He is with the plain peo
ple always for control of the gov
ernment, and always has the
courage of his convictions. On
many issues and especially taxa
tion and tariff, I do not agree
with him; but all these issues are
of slight importance compared
with obtaining for the people of
tho nation and of tho states the
direct power to control the state
and national law making through
the initiative and referendum.
That is the vital issue, and on
that question Senator Bourne is
not only right, but he has very
great power in the national con
gress. (4) Senator Bourne gets re
sults; when a friend censured him
because he did not come home to
take care of his campaign, he
answered that if he had done so
ho could not have got his parcels
post bill through congress, and
he would rather have that bill
made a law than be re-elected
senator. No one can question his
integrity or his truthfulness, both
to his friends and to his enemies.
(5 ) By reason of his position
as chairman and member of many
powerful committees in tho sen
ate, he has now far greater pow
er to advance the initiative, ref
erendum and recall in other states
a well as in congress, than any
new senator could possibly ac
quire in less than another six
years. The advantage of these
committee positions in advancing
the local Interests of Oregon as
well as the interests of the peo
ple of the nation does not need
to be stated. The passage of his
parcels post bill is demonstra
tion as to national laws and the
appropriations he has obtained
for Oregon, are absolute proof as
to the interests of this state.
(6) Senator Bourne is tho ori
ginator of the Presidential Pri
mary Law already copied by a
sufficient number of stales to
break up government of political
parties by machines in nomina
ting candidates for president. He
has been an active member of
the People's Power League and
kindred organizations for many
years and has never denied the
faith, as Mr. Selling did last July.
(7) Last, but by no means
least, as n demonstration of Sen
ator Bourne's usefulness to the
people of his fitness" for the of
fice, I offer the continuous and
bitter condemnation of Senator
Bourne by tho Daily Oregonian,
and all the other friends and ser
vants of monopoly, during his en
lire term of service. Can there
bo any stronger testimony to his
character and ability, and his use
fulness to tho plain people?
As to tho criticism of Mr.
Bourne's course in consenting to
become an independent candidate:
The Primary Law guards very
carefully the right of any citizen
to appeal from tho decision of
part of the people at any primary
election, to the judgment of all
the people at a general election,
by means of an independent nom
ination. Not only this, but State
Senator Selling, as president of
the state senate in 1911, with
his fellow legislators, was most
enthusiastic in appealing to the
people for a re-hearing on three
constitutional amendments con
cerning taxation; two of these
wero rejected and one adopted in
1910. The legislature, and Mr.
Selling, as one of the members.
resubmitted the two that were
rejected and submitted another to
repeal the one that was adopted,
because they said the people did
did not know what they were do
ing and had made a mistake.
Therefore, we are voting again
on these three amendments at
the coming election.
With how much more reason
must a group of citizens appeal
to all the people from a decision
of part of the people at a primary
election, when that group is mor
ally certain that their candidate
was defeated and that Mr. Selling
was nominated through illegal
expenditure of money? In such a
case an appeal to the people by
an independent nomination is not
only right, but it is the duty of
such a group of citizens to de
mand the juddgment of all the
people in any case where that
group believes the law has been
violated by the successful candi
date for the nomination.
Fully believing that Senator
Bourne should be re-elected I
respectfully ask the attention of
my fellow-citizens who believe in
the initiative, referendum and
recall, and who advocate the
adoption of these measures in
other states, to- the above state
me nt. I can see no reason why
a Progressive citizen should vote
for Mr. Selling, though I can see
a very good reason for the re-ac-tionarios
and standpatters doing
Respectfully submitted,
(Adv. Paid for by W. S. U'Ren.)
4 '
In presenting my name to the
voters of Clackamas county as a
candidate for re-election for the
office of County Assessor, I do so
with no small degree of pride, as
I have been highly complimented
by many citizens of all political
parties as having made one of
the best assessors Clackamas
county has ever had, be this-truc
or not, I have endeavored to do
my duty, and my record is open
for inspection. I cordially invite
the tax payers of this county to
call at the Court House and make
a personal examination of the
rcoopds, pertaining to my as
sessments of all property, includ.
ing the Big corporations. A report
is being circulated by some un
scrupelous person or persons,
that I have reduced the assess
ment on the .corporations, and the
big holdings in this county since
I assumed the duties of County
Assessor. In reply to such re
ports will say that they are false,
and are only being circulated by
petty politicians.
A personal examination of the
records will thoroughly convince
you that such reports are un
tiue. I appeal to all voters in
We carry everything in the paint line
Shall The flag Continue to Wave
The Headers of this paper do not dream that there
is a conserted effort to pull down our flag and raise
the red rag of anarchy in its place, but nightly on
the streets of Portland such steps are advocated.
Women and children are insulted and forced to go
blocks out of their way to avoid these foul-mouthed
transient tramps. Help eliminate them by voting
No. 370. See Voters' Pamphlet.
Kill Him! lie is a Scab
How would you like your husband, father or son, earnest
ly trying tto earn his daily wage, insulted, hounded and as
saulted by those who, in the name of Unionism, camp around
the factory in which t,hey are employed. Why should a
man be killed for trying to be clean and independent?
Read and Vote No. 3(H. See Volers'Pamphlet.
(Paid Adv.) Employers' Assn. of Oregon, W. C. Francis,
Oh, How
What long nerve-racking days of con
stant torture what sleepless nights of
terrible agony itch itch itch, con
stant itch, until it seemed that I must
tut off my very skin then
Instant reUef my skin cooled, soothed
and healed!
The very first drops of D.D.D. Pre
scription for Eczema stopped that awful
itch instantly: yes. the very moment
D.D.D. touched the burning skin the tor
ture ceased.
D.D.D. has been known for years as
the only absolutely reliable eczema
Clackamas county, regardless of
party politics, to investigate my
record, and also the record of my
opponent, and the one whoso rec
ord promises to bo the most sat
isfactory, should be the people's
Yours very truly,
J. E. Jack,
County Assessor.
(Paid Advertisement.)
Mortgage Loans.
Money to loan on first class, im
proved farms in Clackamas coun
ty. Current interest rates attract
ive repayment privilege.
A. II. Birrell Co. 202 McKay
lildg., 3rd. and Stark Sis.
Portland, Oregon.
When you have a bad cold you
want the best medicine obtainable
so as to cure it with as little de
lay as possible. Here is a drug
gist's opinion: "I have sold
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
fifteen years," says Enos Lollar
of Saratoga, Ind., "and consider
it the best on the market." For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Ore
gon City, Ore.
Saved By His Wife.
She's a wise women who knows
just what to do when her hus
band's life is in danger, but Mrs.
R. J. Flint, Braintree, Vt., is on of
that kind. "She insisted on mo
using Dr. King's New Discovery,"
writes Mr. F. "for a droadful
cough, when I was so weak all my
friends thought f had only a short
timo, to live, and it completely
cured mo." A quick cure for
coughs anr colds, it's the most
safe and reliable medicine for
many throat and lung troubles
grip, bronchitus, croup, whoop
ing cough, quinsy, tonsilitis,
hemorrhages. A trial will con
vince you. 50 cents and a $1.
Guaranteed by Huntley Bros. Co.,
Oregon City, Ore.
I Itched 2
remedy, for it washes away the disease
germs and leaves the skin as clear and
healthy as that of a child.
All other drugcists have D.D.D. Pre
scription go to them it you can't come
10 us but don't accept some big profit
substitute. 1
But if you come to our store, we are
so certain of wrat n.D.n. wui fl, for you
that we or.er you a full aie bottle on
this guarantee: If you do not find that
it takes away the ltcn AT ONCE, It
ivsis jruu nui s. ceuu