Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 18, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Council Orders City Attorney to
Commence Action.
Friday of next week October 25,
the citizens generally arc invited
to be present at a special meeting
of the city council, where they
will bo heard as to their views of
what a new freight franchise to
the P. R. L. & P. Co., should em
brace. The present franchise will
expire November 10. If you have
anything to say regarding this
franchise, say it at this meeting,
for you will have to wait twenty
years to have another opportun
ity. Councilman Tooze made a mot
ion that the city attorney begin
action against the Pacific Tele
phone Co. for violation of the city
ordinance in erecting telephone
poles without permit of the city.
Jt is claimed this ordinance is
practically a dead raw, and that
telephone companies put the
poles where they want them, ig
noring any permit.
An ordinance for the removal
of all unnecessary poles en Main
street was passed.
Grange Backs Gov. West.
Editor Courier:
At tho October sessions of
Clackamas County District Po
mona and Molalla Grange No. 310
the following resolution was pas
sed, by both granges approving
tho Governor's endeavor to dj
something for Portland.:
Whereas Gov. West has as
sumed a largo undertaking In
correcting the morality of the city
of Portland and resolved, that
this Grange endorses tho action,
nerve and moral courage of Gov.
West in endeavoring to better the
condition of humanity in high and
low places, and that we earnestly
hope much good may come out
of the Governor's endeavor.
J. W. Thomas.
Sec. No 310.
Roosevelt Recovering.
Theodore Roosevelt, who was
shot by a fanatic in Milwaukee
Tuesday night, is fast recover
ing. Tho bullet enlered his lower
left breast, but not deeply as a
packet of papers in bis pocket
stopped the full force of the bul
For Infants end Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Why Should
Why should a woman be born, educated, married and
divorced, and buried under laws made exclusively by men?
The right to govern is conferred by the governed and
the governed are not exclusively males, the governed are
iikcu mid women, for women are responsible before the law.
Why, if wo desire to be just and fair, should wo not al
low the women to exercise what should be an equal right
with man.
(Paid Adv.) Portland
Nightly on the streets of Portland loud-moullKHt agi
tators blaspheme Ihe name uf Hie Lord and curse the Star
Spangled Banner. They are reaching out into the smaller
communities and it may be your turn next to contend with
them. Read and Vote No. 370 in Voters' Pamphlet.
High salaried ngitalors are constantly assaulting and
maiming tho honest laboring men of Portland who are un
willing to divide their earnings with these leaches on the
decent labor element. Read and Vole No. 308 and prohibit
boycotting and picketing. Your son is not safe in Portland
if he refused lo support these crime instigators.
(Paid Adv.) Employers' Assn. of Oregon, W. C. Francis,
I havo good live dry wood
for sale at reasonable
prices. No wafer soaked
down wood. Address N. C.
Westerfield, R. F. 1). No. 2,
Box 18. tf
FOR RENT 7 room house, three
lots, Falls View, 10 per month.
II. L. Roll, Falls View.
PIANO for sale, or will trade for
cattle, milch cows preferred. Ad
dress Jennings Lodge, Box 57.
Phono Oak Grove, Black 757.
Dyspepsia is America's curse.
. Burdock Blood Bitters confers
dyspepsia every lime. It drives
out impurities, tones the stomach
restores perfect digestion, normal
weight and good health.
LEON DES LARZSE violin teacher
410 High St., phono 3171. Or
chestra for pupils.
Prizes to be distributed as fol.
For the best original composi
tion (not to exceed 750 words),
by any child under the age limit,
on the following subject:
$50.00 In Gold
For the next best production: $25
in gold.
For the third best production, $10
in gold.
For the fifty next best, $1.00 each
All contestants should write
their compositions on paper 8 1-2
by 11 inches if possible.
Tho manuscripts should reach
us by November 5 Hi.
The awards will be made not
later than Dec. 1, 1912.
Spell name and address cor
rectly. Address all communications to
the Bourne Popular Government
Club, 811 Journal Building, Port
land, Oregon. (Paid Adv.)
J. W. Dixon's mother, of Port
land, is visiting him this' week.
A. Malar is building an addit
ion to his house.
Herman Wendlund spentsever
al weeks in Portland. The first
vacation he has had for several
Dr. E. A. Fisher has been
transacting business in Oregon
City and Portland tho past week.
Firwood was well represented
at the Sandy Grange Saturday.
Miss Frances Mackerrow of
Portland, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. V. Dixon this week.
Mrs. W. L. Wilkins returned
from Little Falls, Wash., . Mon
day, where she has been visiting
. W. L. Wilkins is visiting frien.
ds in Portland this week.
Mrs. Francis McCabe and chil
dren arc visiting her parents at
Mr. MeCabe is visiting in Port
land. Leo MeCabe spent Sunday with
his folks on the ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fischer and
brother-in-law spent Sunday at
Three Six.
For Sale. Thoroughbred Cols
wold bucks, registered.
Address G. IL Benjamin,
Gervais, Ore.
a Woman?
Equal Suffrage League, Mrs. Solomon
llirsch, President.
Expenditures of Clackamas Coun
ty for the Month of Sep
tember. Road District No. 1.
Ileall & Company $270.05
Your Druggist
If you are sufTerlnir from Ei-ozema,
rsorlusla or nny other kind of skin
trouble, drop Into our Rtor for Instnnt
relief. We will guarantee you to Btop
ttint Itch In two iwconds.
We have sold other remedies for skin
troubles, but rrnno that we could recom
mend ua highly us thin, a mild wash of
Oil of Wlnieiifreen Thymol and a few
other In.Kredtetitu that have wrought
such wonderful cures all over the coun
try. This compound Is known an P. P.P.
Prescription for Kctenia and It will cool
C. W. Schuld & feons ... 109.801
J. A. Davis 75.00
C. E. Batlin 42.50
Wm. Smart 80.00
Win. Strange 70.00.
P. Palmer . . . 38.25
R. A. Redell 38.25
J. Coates 38.25
IL A. Battin . . : 85.00
J. Hoffman 33.75
1). Gaffuey 50.00
O. Mathews 25.00
J. Myers 13.50.
R. Strange 2.25
O. A. Battin 85.00
Road District No. 2
Dick Johnston 40.25
J. Young 31.87
Billy Jones 92.50
Hardy Langenberg 87.50
Ignatius Kelley 77.50
Ike Johnson 92.50.
J. A. Searles 4G.25
Ralph Boyer 27.50
Wilson Dawalt 77.50
Harrison Imel 42.50
Norman Lauder 21.25
Louie Hornberger 1 1 .25
J. W. Bennett '87.50
Grant Mumpower 54.00
Road District No. 4.
Chas. Sparks 2.00
J. W. Doty 2.00
II. II. Barton ......... 2.00
John Gilheus ..... C50
Road District No. 7.
Smith Bros 5.00
Takao Bros. Lumber Co.. 18.72
John Vanderhoff 18.00
Geo. Gibbons 18.00
Ed Ten Eyck 36.00
D. Milam 18.00
E. It. Leaf 99-00
Road District No. 9.
Will Lins 27.00
Fred Lins 28.00.
G. Sweivinan 28.00
Franck Ocks 14.00
Henry Klinker 0-00
Julius Paulson 8.00
O. Johnson 24.00
N. Scheel 12.00
Robt. Miller . .' ' 12.00
A. H. Miller . ... 18.00
Ot to Paulson . 16.00
Wm. Held 16.00
McCurdy Lumber & Hdwe.
C. 1.20
E. E,' Elliott 3.35
Peter Rath 48.75
Road District No. 11.
O. I). Kirk 0.00
F. A. Jones
Ross Hiddleson 2.00
Gladstone Lbr. Co 1.47
Road District No. 12.
K.li Swales 20.00
II. Swales 12.50
Road District No. 13
Kerr & Schwartz 87.00
E. W. Berreth 4.00
Loyd Allen 2.00
Arnold Schneider 4.00
Tom Allen 2.00
A. L. Allen 4.00
A. Jensen 4.00
Herbert Olenian 0.00
J. T. llindle 0.00
F. Bullard 8.00
Dan Allen 12.00
.1. Obrian 48.00
John Hughes 24.00
J. T. Fullam 35.00
District No. 14.
Wm. Fine .'. . . 50.00
Wilson & Cooke .o
Conner & Co 51.34
Scripture & Beaulieu . .. 0.2,)
Wm. Fino 00.00
fi. Groseiibacber 48. OU
Albert Scheer 36.00
T. V. Davis 30.00
M. Telford 28.00
Wallace McCord H-00
Charlie Rider 102.00
Oliver Bailey 34.00
T. E. Black 10.00
C. T. Schmicdko 44.00
Walter Meed 08.00
George Yexley 56.00
John Bradlo 4.00
Tom Kelland 20.00
Tom Thomas 20.00
Dave Thomas 22.00
E. L. Camp 38.00
A. C. Warner 38.00
T. C. Thomas 40.00
District No. 16
A. Stefani & Company... 43.97
C. W. Freidrich 4.70
Elmer Veteto 3.00
Fred Chinn 2.00
N. Criletser 2.00
D. Criteser 2.00
Aug. Staehely 17.50
Ilerin Staehely 1.00
W. G. Randall 18.00
Kmil Gelbrich 10.00
J. 11. Confhon 8.00
D. Rutherford 0.50
L. Ferguson 3.00
Road District No. 17.
Joliii'lUinkoy. 80.c'()
Ivan Diinick 75.00
E. Roads 75.00
Wni.Jiankey 43.75
Jake Kraft 73.50
Wm. Tico 26.50
Ed Rupp 38.50
Leon Jackson 74.50
G. M. Jones 33.00
John Robbins 29.50
George Kahler 4.50
Charlie Terry 3 1 .00
D. II. Diinick 46.25
A. M. Olson 13.25
Jake Kraft 33.00
John Kraft 22.25
F. C. llerr 27.50
Herman Molson 15.50
Win. Olsen 22.50
W. B. Beard 13.50
F. Griffon 19.50
G. T. Beard 7.50
H. Cochran . . .
Glen Irish ...
Albert Bess . . ,
A. W. Riggs . .
A. Stefani & Co.
G. M. Jones . . ,
John Robbins .
C. F. Ehglati . .
John Willis . . .
John Wills ...
Stops That Itch
and heal the Itchy, burning skin (
nothing: else can.
A trial will prove It.
Of course all other drufrslsta have
P.P.D. Prescription go to them tf you
enn't come to in but don't accept some
big-prom substitute.
Hut If you come to our store, we are
so eertnln of what P.P. P. will do for you
tlint we offer you a full size bottle on
Una guarantee: if you do not tin it that
It takes away the Itch AT ONCE It
costs you not a
1). R. Dimick 5.00
J. P. Warner 4.50
G. T. Beard 4.50
W. B. Beard 4.50
F. C. llerr .. 4.50
District No. 18.
Wilson & Cooke 3.00
F. Kamrath ... , 5.75
J. E. Jones 1.00
District No. 20.
Carl Stromgreen ,. 10.00
J. A. Stromgreen 8.00
R. A. Putz 10.00
G. A. Gotberg 10.00
John Engstrom 8.00
Jonas Petterson 8.00
Fred Baurer 4.00
Fred Baurer, Jr. 8.00
John Putz 12.50
District No. 21.
Alfred Danielsou 31.50
August Dahlstrom 4.00
Andrew Johnson 0.00
A. N. Swanson ... . 20.00
hull Bros 175.00
John Erickson 20.00
Fred Richner 13.50
John Slaughter 12.00
I). C. Ball 12.00
R. D. Ball 12.00
Louis Pendleton 10.00
E. A. Swanso.n 30.25
Alfred Swanson 24.00
Waller Gorbett 24.00
J. G. Crawford 24.00
John Jones 24.00
Claude Winslow 24.00
Chas. Johnson 10.00
District No. 25.
J. B. Mitts 15.75
J. A. Mitts 4.50
Jo. Gibson 2.00
F. Wehner 2.00
L. Wehner 4.00
Ed Gibson 4.00
Chester Smith 4.00
District No. 27.
L. N. Jones 8.04
Albert Barth 2.00
John Barth 5.00
Joe Jackson 36.75
District No. 30.
F. E. Davidson 5.00
Wm. Dyer 10.00
District No. 31.
J. Bushbaum . . .'. 1.00
R. de Neui 10.50
S. Turner ... 0.00
Peters Hardware Co 3.70
District No. 32.
W. H. Streeter 32.00
P. Knock 28.00
E. Todd . . . ' 21.00
W. F. Young 27.00
II. Heater 14.00
W. C. Heater 21.25
B. Streeter 2,00
G. Walling 3.00
E. Mirdock 3.00
District No. 33.
Henry Cromer 10.50
Ed Voxany 00
Harold Horner 12.00
E. Horner 8.00
Fred Horner 8.00
James Morel 7.00
And Haybclt 10.00
John Keller 8.00
Dale Young 8.00
John Harvard 8.00
Frank Renner' 1.00
D. Benjimon 7.00
G. W. Keller 2.00
W. E. Myers 2.00
Roy Wilcox 0.00
Earnest Genderanski . .. 10.00
McCurdy Lumber & Hdw
Co 18.85
Henry Cromer 81.00
Roy Wilcox 52.00
John Keller 42.00
Carl Howell 45.00
T. II. Hayner 40.50
Earnest Genserowski .. 31.00
Herld Woster 31.00
Willard Young 8.00
K. II. Tison 27.00
Henry Cromer 36.00
C. S. Bard 30.00
Josenh Guthridgo 4.00
W. E. Myers 10.00
G. W. Keller 8.00
Frank Renner 23.00
Henry Wornock 15.00
G. Wilcox 20.75
F. N. Cadnough 21.00
John Arkutto 15.00
Tom Watson 12.00
D. O. Sarver 12.00
Ed Young 12.75
Jacob Grindsaugh 6.25
Tom Slenburger 6.00
Victor Schmidt 6.00
C. Sutler 6.00
J. Closner .. 2.00
Lawrence Baker 2.00
John Schenek 5.00
James Thomas 13.00
J. A. Reid 28.50
I. U. Park . .6 13.00
M. Butllor 6.00
John Kiggins 6.00
John Lewellen 10.00
Clark Denny 25.00
District No. 34.
C. Zimmerman 39.00
J. Tiedeinan 18.00
J. Rineinan 17.00
F. Cross 22.00
F. Kelnhofer 11.00
C. Kelnhofer 18.00
J. Zimmerman 52.00
E Tiedeinan 34.00
Coast Culvert & Flume
Co 67.00
W. Kaiser 30.00
District No. 35.
Wallace Ball 5.00
Robert Landsdownem . .. 17.00
Jim Fowler 2.00
A. W. Regner 5.00
W. Booth 33.85
District No. 36.
Lewis Rail 11.20
J. C. Stricklin 22.40
District No. 37.
W. .1. Carroll 22.50
David Legler 65.68
J. Andregg 40.50
J. J. Knaus 11.50
J. N. Bivert 5.00
Thousands have used and
Price 50c
The Box of
50 Caps
or money back
or eut poMpatd iulplain wrapper
The Safety Remedy Co., Canion ((ac&
OCT, 18 1912
C. W. Kruse 55.19
District No. 39.
Wilson & Cooke 26.00
Fred Worms 26.25
Herman F'isher 64.50
Jacob Schoff 80.50
William Stewart ... 92.50
Frank Jaggar 97.00
T. L. Sinclair 53.88
Noah Chrisner 50.00
Norman Howard 58.50
Harry Shanborn 40.50
Otto Smizer 53.50
. O. Atcholis 58.50
Geo. T. Bruner 29.25
Edward Bremner 29.25
William Edwards 25.25
Erick Dutrich 25.25
A. I). Jones 12.00
Thomas Lewis 1.00
Robert Shanborn 32.00
L. Gardner 19.25
Clyde Smiln 24.75
Otis Howard 24.75
L. Casto 3.25
Otto Striker 26.25
Fred Spangler 8.00
Evan Lewis 25.00
Chas. Casto 2.00
David E. Jones, Jr 9.00
District No, 41.
Paul R. Meinig 6.40
Earnest Evans ., 1.00
Arthur Evans 1.00
Wm. Updegrave 2.00
Weber Roberts 2.00
M. M. Reed 60
A. P. Skillin 10.25
Gr-anvil Cooper 9.00
A. A. Rice ... 22.00
John Bews 1.00
C. A. Keith 21.25
Gaylord Jveilh 4.00
District No. 43.
A. D. Burnett 5.00
J. M. Ilenklo 3.60
George Preston 1.50
H. Preston 12.00
William Schneiman .... 7.00
A. 1). Burnett 16.25
R. B. Gibson 1.00
District No. 44.
W. Mead . 15.00
C. Geiger 9.00
Chas. Rider 5.00
District No. 45.
Walter Cox 3.00
C. E. Surfus 16.50
District No. 46.
A. Heinrich 1.50
II. S. Anderson 7.50
Orval Watts 20.00
Elton Hattan 10.00
I). L. Heighton ... 8.00
E. B. Watts 10.00
W. R. Crafton 10.00
W. E, Brown , . , 18.00
M. Leach 20.00
A. J. Crafton 12.00
C. B. Goodson ' 0.00
C. J. Mendenhall 2.00
J. R. Carr 12.00
J. J. Hattan 15.00
District No. 47.
Warren & Emmons 4.50
L. Veteto 66.00
B. Keley 27.00
H. P. Brownrigg 77.00
Ed Mathus 77.00
Wm. Rail 33.75
C. P. Roethe. '. . . 46.25
W. C. Califf 33.75
H. Starkweather 57.00
J. E. Verley 52.25
J, H. Sharpe 7.65
J. Nelson 2.25
H. Carmlckel 6.75
M. Rose 6.75
Sam Roberts 4.50
E. E. Roetho 5 .00
.EkEO.... aontw aontwaontww
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Ivra Lee, Plaintiff vs. Ilenry A.
Lee, Defendant.
To Henry A. Lee, the above named
In the Name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint of plaintiff filed against
you in the above entitled court
and suit, on or before Saturday,
the 30lh day of November, 1912,
that day and date being six full
weeks from and after the date of
the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so appear
and answer said complaint for
want thereof, plaintiff will apply
to the above entitled court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint
on file herein, to which reference
is hereby made and more particu
larly described as follows:
For a decree dissolving, cancel
ling and annulling the bonds of
matrimony and marriage contract
heretofore and now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant,
and that plaintiff be divorced
from defendant; and that plain
tiff be allowed to resume her
maiden name, that of Ivra Nelson,
and for such other and further
relief as to tho Court may seem
just and equitable in the prem
ises. This summons is served upon
you by publication thereof, by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of tho Circuit Court,
of the State of Oregon for Clack
amas County,- made and entered
upon the 14th day of October,
The date of the first publica
tion of this summons is Friday,
October 18th, 1912, and the date
of the last publication thereof is
Friday, November 29, 1912, and
the full time of the publication of
this summons is elx full weeks
from and after the first publica
tion thereof.
Dimick & Dimick,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
found it the one best remedy
Discharges, inflammation and Irritation of the Kid
neys. Bladder and Urinary Organs, permanently re
lieved iu 2 to 5 da) j. Warranted harmless, Non-injec
tive, Stricture impossible. Bona-fide Guarantee to cure
(Inc.) Oregon City, Ore.
No Wonder Zemo Is Guaranteed
To Stop Itching and does It
A few applications of Zemo, the
romnrkahlft new remedy for skin
alllictions, and away go the terri
ble itching and pain of eczema
sores, pimples, nlotcnes, prictiy
heat, rash.
It gives relief instantly to any
irritated, inflamed or raw skin.
Its snnthine: effect is almost heav.
enly ZEMO is a liquid. Ycu ap
ply it ina moment, it siiik? rigni
in and its work begins. It cannot
ha fimialpfl hv anvthinsr in this
world for sunburn and reddened
skin. Use it on the children lor
prickly heat, on any sores, bites
or stings. ZEMO is absolutely
safe. Dandruff absolutely disap
pears after using ZEMO.
ZEMO is sold in 25 cent and
$1.00 bottles, or sent direct on re
ceipt of price, by E. W. Rose Med
icine Co., St. Louis, Mo. The $1
bottle contains six times as much
as the 25 cent bottle.
Sold and guaranteed in Oregon
City by Huntley Bros Co.
For any pain, from top to toe,
from any cause, apply Dr. Thom
as' Eclectic Oil. Pain can't stay
where it is used.
n the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty Anna II . Wentzy, Plaintiff, vs.
Eugene J. Wentzy, Defendant:
To Eugene J. Wentzy, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the Slate of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer tho complaint
filed against you in tho above en
titled suit on or before the 29th
day of November, 1912, said date
being after the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail
to appear and answer said com
plaint, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: For a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony between
yourself and the plaintiff and
granting her the custody oi me
minor children issue of said mar
riage and for such other and fur
ther relief as to the court seems
This summons Is puwisneu ny
f Hon. J. II. Camnbell.
judge of the circuit court for the
County of Clackamas, fciaie oi
Oregon, which order was made
onrl enfflPfirl on the 15th dav Of
October, 1912, and the time pre
scribed lor publication is six
weeks, beginning with the issue
of October 18, 1912, and contin
uing each week tnereaucr to anu
including November 29, 1912.
Johnson & Stout,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice or Sale of Real Estate at
Public Auction.
For the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of Jos. Koenig, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an order of sale
made and entered by the County
Court of tho County of Clackamas
State of Oregon on The 14th day
of October 1912, in the matter of
Jos. Koenig, deceased, the under
signed administrator of said es
tate will sell at public auction
subject to confirmation of said
Court the following described
real property situated In Clack
amas county, Oregon, to-wit:
All that part of the tract of land
situated in the Waters Carmen
Donation Land Claim in said
County and State owned by said
George G. Kruse, which lies south
of the Boone's Ferry and Tualatin
County road and east of the
school house tract, containing
about one and one half (1)
acres of land, more or less.
Said sale will be made on the
16th day of November, 1912 at
10 O'clock A. M. at the Court
house door, in said county and
State; terms. of sale cash.
F. F. Johnson
Administrator of the estate of
Jos. Koenig, deceased.
Date of first publication Oct. 18,
In tho Circuit Court of tho State
of Oregon, for Clackamas
Bertha Guimont, Plaintiff,
George Guimont, Defendant.
To George Guimont, the above
named defendant: In the name of
the State of Oregon your are
hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the
date of the first publication of
this-summons, to-wit: on or be.
fore the 15th day of November,
1912, and if you fail so to answer,
for want thereof, ' the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded in her compiainl
on file herein, town: that the
bonds of matrimony now existing
between plaintiff and defendant
be dissolved, that plaintiff have
awarded into her care and cus
tody, Ursuline and Audry, minor
children, and for such other and
further relief in the premises as
to the court may seem equitable
and just.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable R. B.
Beatie, Judge of the County Court
for Clackamas County, in the ab
sence of the Circuit Judge from
said county, and said order was
made and dated the 3rd day' of
October, 1912 and the date of the
first publication of this summons
is the 4th day of October, 1912,
and the date of last publication
of this summons is the 15th day
of November, 1912.
Jos. H. Page,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Inlho Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas
Bornice Raimer, Plaintiff
George Raimer, Defendant.
To George Raimer, tho above
named defendant: In the name of
the State of Oregon you are here
by required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against
you in tho above entitled court
and cause on or before the ex
piration of six weeks from the
date of tho first publication of
this summons, to-wit: on or be
fore the 15th. day of November,
1912, and if you fail so to ans
wer, for want thereof, tho plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in her complaint
on file herein, to-wit: that the
bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between plaintiff and defend
ant be dissolved, that plaintiff
have, awarded into her care and
custody, her minor child, Elton
Raimer, and for such other
and further relief in tho premises
as to the court seems equitable
and just.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable R. B.
Beatie, Judge of tho County Court
for tho County of Clackamas,
Oregon in the absenco of tho Cir
cuit Judge from tho said County
and said order was made and
dated the 3rd day of October, 1912
and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the
lth clay of October, 1912, and the
date of the last publication of
this summons is tho 15th day of
November, 1912.
Jos. II. Page.
Attorney for plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stato
of Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Lula Ronk, Plaintiff, vs. Dorr
Ronk, Defendant.
To Dorr Ronk, the above named
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to apear and answer tho com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on
or before the expiration of six
weeks from the dale of tho first
publication of this summons, to
wit: on or before the 15th day of
November, 1912, and if you fail so
lo answer, for want thereof, tho
plaintiff will apply to the court
for tho relief demanded in her
complaint on file herein, to-wit:
that the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and de
lendant be dissolved, that plain,
tiff have awarded to her, ber
maiden name, and for such other
and further relief in the premises
as to tho court seems equitable
and just.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable R.B.
Beatie, Judge of the County Court
for Clackamas County, in the ab
sence of the Circuit Judge from
said county, and said order was
made and dated tho 3rd. day of
tober, 1912, and the date of tho
first publication of this summons
is the 4th day of October, 1912,
and the date of last publication
of this summons is the 15th day
of November, 1912.
Jos. II. Page,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato
of Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Blanche Wilson, Plaintiff, vs.
Harry J. Wilson, Defendant.
To Harry J. Wilson, Defendant: "
In the name of tho State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
lo apear and answer the' com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, within six (6)
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this Summnos, to
wit: On or before tho ICth day of
November, 1912, and if you fail
so to appear and answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment against you by default
and apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint
on file herein, to-wit:
First: For a decree of the above
entitled Court dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing
between plaintiff and defendant
Second: For a decree of tho
above entitled Court restoring to
plaintiff tho name she bore prior
to her marriage with defendant,
viz., Blanche Bukcr;
Third: For such other and
further relief as to the Court
may seem just and equitable.
This Summons is served by
publication pursuant to an order
of Hon. R. B. Beatie, County
Judge of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, dated the 3d day
of October, 1912, said order di
recting the publication of this
Summons iu the "Oregon City
Courier" once a week for six (6)
consecutive weeks.
W. P. Hibbard,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, October
4, 1912. Date of last publica
tion, November 15, 1912.
Meets second and fourth Thurs
days, at 8 p. m., Willamette hall
S. R. Green, President, B. F.
Sheehan, Secretary.
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