oregon:city courier, fridav, pot, lfr, 1912 OREGON CITY COURIER Published Fridays from the Courier Building, Eighth and Main streets, and en tered in the Postoflice at Oregon City, OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHER M. J. BROWN, A. E. Subscription Price $1.50. M. J. BROWN, Tongue wans Mass defeated Can YOU GUESS WHY? Saturday, last tration. day for regis- Look at the situation of a dis trict attorney out working for Hie defeat of a sheriff then won der. The Courier believes there will bo a lot more justice and a heap less politics if Gilbert Hedges is elected district attorney. If you want to pull the trusts from their tariff prop you have got to do something besides elect ing Wilson you have got to pry lose sucn men as uawley. The Washington investigations are showing up where it came from, who pulled it, and what was done with it. Great graft I Doesn't it make you sick? The only dancer in the election 01 iiarry L,ano or united Stales senator is the sbsololo security that ho will bo elected. Over confidence has lost moro than it has ever won. The safe way to elect a man is to VOTE i-'Oil HIM. If progresivo Oregon should send Willis Uawley and Hen Sell ing to Washington, we might as well hurrah for George C. Brown ell for governor, and "down with tho initiative and referendum." The Roseburg Review says Mr. Hawley is a stand-patter of the most pronounced type, while Ore gon is nothing if not progressive. Ho has never been aggressive enough to accomplish anything that would justify his reelection. Just loek at tho ridiculous proposition of the ilmft Republic ans of Oregon asking you voters to vote for Jten Selling and Willis Uawley to go back to Washington and fight what Orpgon stands for. Don't they think you voters know as niBch as angloworms? Tho Cornier supported Bourne in the primaries last spring, and the peoplo do not know what they want, and wrong. Eugene Reg. lster. The Courier DID NOT support Bourno in the primaries last spring and the Register knows it. What kind of newspaper stuff is this? So thoroughly is the govern ment of Alberta convinced of the justice of ta-ialion on land values and the exemption of improve ments, that the proMince now of ers a bonus of 25 per cent rebate to land holders who improve their farms. It could have added that it is quite likely lo bo in creased to ft per cent. Victor ia (li. C.) Times. As between Liyio and Selling, so far as standing with the great army of plain people, they are a thousand miles apart. Dane is for men. Selling is a man who hasn't sand enough to be with anything. Ho bolted tho People's Power Loaguo and "explained"; he camo out for Taft and "ex plained"; ho is a iimchine-niade article trying to pass off as a "Progressive." Tho way to stop this kind of play in Oregon is lo STOP IT. One label is enough for a candidate or this slate. Tho contention of tho anti HulTragists Hint if women are en franchised, il will be only (lie de praved women who will folo los es all force in the face of the fact that almost HOO.OiH) women voted at the last elect ion in Den ver, and of these only iOO could bo indeutil'ied with any bad ele ment. In no nation, cily or stale where women have been enfran chised has tho vole of tho dis reputi.blo women even remotely approached that of the women of good repute. Woodburn Independent. We Are Helping Yoti WBcn We Handle Ypor Money Either by paying yotf Interest or by making your method of managing yoar lands more efficient and far more safe. We also help yo when we handle the money of others, for we keep It In circulation, enabling you to get your part In return for your labor, as profit for your Investment, as rent or as Interest. Thfe Bank of Oregon City Oldest Dank in The County Ore., as second class mail matter. FROST, OWNERS. Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5- EDITOR Willis Hawley has represented tho trusts a darned sight belter than he has Oregon. Going to send him back? Oregon is going for Wilson next month. No, Mr. Voter, for Oregon's sake, don't send Hawley and Selling down there to fight him. Might just as well state tha. a vote for Wilson is a vote for free trade, as thtt a vole for the graduated single tax is a vote for state land ownership. "Paid Advertisement" are two words often seen at the tail of an ti-single tax. Henry George seare stories in the various newspapers of Oregon. Wonder who pays for them? . A public U. S. salary drawer for every 180 people 513,894 cm ployes on the pay roll. I his 18 army enough to eat up Mexico Going to vole to continuo this system? District Attorney Tongue is out for President Taft. Did you ever know a political oiler, wiper or engineer of the republican ma chine that is not for him when you smoke them out? In less than two years as gov. ernor Woodrow Wilson accomp lished ten times more actual re form than Theocrore Roosevelt put into effect during more than seven years as president. Chic ago Journal. Ask the Oregon lax commis sioners why water power is not recommended by them for tax at ion, and watch them squirm and wiggle, turn red in tho face, and walk away. Water power is worth millions upon millions, and pays practically nothing. Port land Labor Press. There never was a rawer deal than flint in California which save that tlui electors pledged to resident Taft shall not appear 011 the ballot. Tho Court said: "It is not justifiable, but it is iw, and this Court is bound by the law." And they say law is founded on reason. ' I hopo Mr Taft is defeated, but I don't want lo see linn sand-bagged. ir the peoplo of Oregon are caught by a phrase like "majority rule," and vote their initiative out of reach,' the chuckling of plutocracy will be heard in the fuitherest corner of Wall street and the infernal region of Tophet It KM EMBER 311 X NO and 323 X NO preserves the initiative for Oregon. Write these numbers on your cuffs and hatbands. In a two column writo up of the Republican County Candidates we find llio following appeal to reason in tho Enterprise. Chair man llillis of tho National Com mittee should copywright it. Hero is tho Maccedouian cry: Tho Republican candidat es are, lo say tho least, the equals in all respects of their opponents, and it follows just im surely as tho night follows tho day that these snmo Republican candidates should servo you. The Messenger is going lo sup port J. W. Campbell, of Roseburg, for congressman from this dis trict. Mr. Campbell is tho pro gressive candidalo against Mr. Hawley ami wo believo ho ought lo bo elected. The election of Governor Wilson to the presid ency isfi foregone conclusion and we believe lliat Mr. llawley's rec ord in congress would seriously hamper him in any effort he might make in the interest of Oregon under a progressive dem ncrnlie administration. Fortius reason and numerous others, we believo the election of Campbell will givo moro general satisfact ion and that, ho will have much more influence with a progress ive administration than would M.. Hawley. Hero's to Campbell I Salem Messenger, Democratic. SUSPICIOUS. We have had our experience with Mr. Hawley and his deep in terest in the open river project at this critical stage of the cam paign, is therefore regarded with more or less suspicion by those who have followed the congres sional record. Albany Demo crat. WANT THIS KIND? "Mr. Ilackelt asserted that elected he would conduct the of fice of sheriff at a less expense than it had been conauciea Democratic incumbents. Ho 1 clared that the Democrats had been prodigal in their expendit ures. Enterprise Report Mulino meetiilK. of There have been four killings in Clackamas County during Sheriff Mass's term. He could have sat in his office and "con ducted the otllce of sheriff at less expense." and violated his oath of oflice. Does anyone want economy the expense of murder? at WHY "REMARKABLE?" A rather remarkable sit uation is presented in this congressional district when the Democratic newspapers advise members of that party not to vote for tho Democratic candidate for congress, but to save their powder for the Hull Moose candidate. Woodburn Inde pendent. ft may bo "remarkable," but oolilics take remarkable turns these days. Tho Dome cralic edit lors know there is not a chost of a show of defeating a sland-pat big interest congressman witn their own nominee (who wasn't nominated to he' elected) and t.hov see a chance to redaco him with a Roosevelt progressive, lie trardless of who is elected nres blent wouldn't a nrotrressive con gressman be a better Democratic nlav than stand-nat Hawley? And wouldn't tho play be better for the peoplo? NOTHING TO STAND ON. '"(Portland News.) The News has made several dozen arguments, challenges and appeals on this single tax thing and it has to dale noted no reply answer or counter challenge from the anti-single lax camp. Away from home and in his fa vorite papers, Mr. Shields is a rual hasty talker, but when called he is found elsewhere. Tho latest instance of Mr Shields' dodging is that in refus ing to meet Mr. UTlen in a debate on the merits of this measure. Mr Shields is touring the slate, at $100 a month and expenses, ad vocating the continuance of the present rolten taxation graft, but when it comes to meeting the oth er side in an open debate, tho people to judgo as to who is right Mr. Shields, ho lays him down in peace to sleep, rocked in the cra dle oC$iOO a month and expenses ihe tact ot ttie cast is mat do spite brag, bluster and piffle, no advocate of tho present tax graft has a leg to stand on, and believe us, Isabel, they know it. CAMPBELL, THE MAN. (Dallas Iteinizer. It is amusing, at least, to see the avidity with which our con gressmeu each time they come out from Washington to visit us bring up the old time-worn topic Of improvement to the Willam (to river. JIawloy is now telling his constituents that ho is going to see to it that something in his lino is done at the next ses sion, and endeavoring to explain why something was not done in former years in which ho has been so energetically acting in tho interests for tho people. This ami) old promise has been run in on the peoplo of this valley ever since Dinger Herman first took his seat, but as yet nothiTig of any account has been done toward the betterment of our most import-. nt water roadwnyv It is high inie someone was being elected to congress that can accomplish something. Out of the three nominees now beforo the people of thai position, the Iteinizer con iders thai tho Dull Moosors have up the most energetic man, a man who would bo tireless in working for tho things that are needed in this section, and not a man who after becoming acquainted with the big bugs of tho land would orget all about tho development f Hie country that elected him to the position. NEAR CONFISCATION. (Portland News.) If tho present tax system is continued in all its luxuriance for 10 more years, it will be impos sible for the average man t oown a homo in this city. Any man who lias been in town ten years and who has kept his tax assessments and improvement receipts, knows where ho is beading, and what ho has been handed. The tax steal must end or thousands in this town will lose their homes. The only way out yet shown is single lax. If you DON'T like the way the district attorney's office has been run, there's a way to show it. If there was ever nn otllce that should be kept clean of political influences and favoritism it is that of district attorney. This paper believes that G. L. Hedges will keep it clean, that there will be no "friends at court" and that a rich man will get just as much prosecution as the fellow with out friends or money. 1 TONGUE WITHOUT DISCRETION. District Attorney is out for Taft and out against Mas9. That's a pretty good pair to go broke on in Clackamas county at this stage of the game. Oregon doesn't want Taft. She made her protest in the spring primaries when she put Roose velt, Wilson and La Follette ab ove him, . and she will make it again two weeks from Tuesday louder, stronger. Tongiie is out for Taft. Do you know of a "machine politician" who isn't? Hawley is for him, Selling is the whole bunch of wire pullers who scram ble official duties and ring poli tics, are for him. Tongue doesn't want Mass elected as Sheriff again. WHY? The letter of Thomas F. Cow: ig on page 1 of this paper, father of Mrs. William Hill, the woman murdered at Ardonwald, is de fense enough for Sheriff Mass. The people of Clackama9 Coun ly have not so soon forgotten this awful murder, this abomin able killing of a father, mother and two little children; this hor rible deed committed at mid night and the people will not soon forget it. Clackamas County voters won t place "economy" beside this pile of dead bodies not if the Courier knows red blood in Oregon. If Tongue wanted to re-elect Sheriff Mass he couldn't have done better than to take the stand he has. And if Tongue wanted to drive away both Democrat and Repub lican progressives ho .could not have done it more effectually than championing Taft. TRYING TO "GET" WAGNON. The Journal of Portland en dorses II. D. Wagnon for asses sor for Multnomah county. The comon people hear him gladly His opponent is a henchman of Joe Simon and was Joe's flnan cial aigent the last time that old line politician attempted to "come back.". Wagnon relies on tho common citizen, while his op onent relies upon the upper crust and representatives of Big Business to land him where he can do his friends moro favors than any other political official in Oregon. Wagnon is a single taxer, and he can say so in tones that reach four blocks, an dhe ho DOES say so ,too. That is why tho Chamber of Commerce is' not going down the line with him, and the Portland Railway Light & Power Co. will not hand out any slips of pasteboard to Us men the day beforo election with his num ber on the ballot printed on. He knows where to go for revenue and where land and franchise values are to bo found that have never seen an assessment blank He believes in taxing cows and homes less and slumps and spec ulative tracts more, and there fore is telling tho people several times a day from tho little signle tax wagon some economic truths that hit a bunch of forestallers and tax dodgers in the solar plex us. And when he is assessor they will think a mule has hit in the same place. THE ANVIL ASSOCIATION. It is said somo of tho slock holders of tho Clackamas Soutn- rn Railroad propose to "smoke .out", men who are maliciously and persistently trying to injure them and hinder the work, and let the people 01 1 111s county Know who they are and why they are doing it. It doesn't hardly seem that esidenl of Clackamas county could lay even a straw in tuo way of tho completion of an undertak ing that this county has waited thirty years for. This road will do more for tho ounly than all other projects ev- r considered, combined. It is great county without a railroad only on ils outside boundry, and railroad into the producing enters is more needed than any other conceivable development. It seems most improbable that men who live in this county could fight tins work. Hut there are somo rather nasty stories afloat of men who are opposing and trying to iminp er tins work, and 01 tne tug lius. iness influences behind thin. Thcro aro business men in this ily who have put their money in this railroad and who have worked their heads off to see il through. Somo of these men have become mighty tired at the noise f tho paid Anvil Association and want, to show up Ihe musicians to the fceorn of loyal Oregonians. And it might not be a bad scheme Well, things are looking very much like District Attorney Hedges. A Bargain. A fine l-room houso with base? ment, all furnished; good large irn; chicken house; over 1-2 ac ts of land; plenty of fruit trees; in a, good town on railroad and street car line; 1 block to store, postoffiee and church; 2 blocks from high school. A good home or only $1200. Terms. See II. Clyde, Weinhardt bldg., oppo- ito court house, Oregon City. Money to Loan. Oregon City Abstract Co., 617 Main street. Few, if any medicines have met it li the uniform success that has itlendedJhe use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has ITected in almost every neigh bor-hood have given it a wide putation. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. SHIELD'S GOING LAME. The Way A Salem Paper Sizes up His Tax Talks. . Mr. Shield's argument fell flat ;.and those who went to hear him were sorely disappointed yith his line 01 reasoning, for he did not make a singlo point from start to finish, and many who were before opposed to single tax, came from tho meeting in doubt and perplex ity. It may bo Mr. Shield's has a good case, but if so he handled it badly, for his argument was unin teresting, unconvincing and il logical, and there is no doubt that single tax, so-called, has more advocates in Salem today than be fore Mr. Shields came to educate the people. We make this state ment without the least prejudice, but simply as a matter of fact. To be honest, we do not know whether this is a good measure or not. It has some commendable features, while there are others we seriously object to. But, as we understand the proposition, the main object to be obtained is to compel owners of unimproved land held for speculation to bear a just and proportionate share of tl e burdens of taxation, which they do not under our present system of raising revenue to pay the legitimate expenses of gov ernment; If this object can be at tained then we say this bill ought to pass, even though it is father ed by Mr. Fels, Mr. U'Ren or any one else. Salem Statesman. WANTS COMMON JUSTICE. Working Men and Women of the ttate Oppose Malicious Laws. In order to make a farce and a laugh ing itock of popular government and the Initiative and referendum, two measures have been Initiated by the big business Interests which are dead ly opposed to the rule of the common people. One proposed law limits free speech In cities of 6,000 or over, and Is so glaring an example of class legis lation that it Is absolutely revolting to a right-thinking Individual. And the same people, who are In sistent that free speech should be hampered, are asking the citizens of the Btate of Oregon to legislate against the people to spend their earnings where and how they please. A direct and clean-cut analysis ot the law proves that a farmer could not ask his neighbors to not patronize an estab lishment that defrauded him, could not recommend any course of action or warn his neighbors against being taken in, too. The measure, however, is aimed at the organizations that are seeking to Improve conditions for the common people. Eight thousand slg natures to this bill were secured In Multnomah county, where the people on a referendum of a similar ordi nance, defeated the forces of big busi ness overwhelmingly. The working people of this county ask you, the voters of the state, to deal justly with them and defeat the anti-boycott and anti-free speech bills. Vote 869 X NO; 371 X NO. MARQUAM. Mr, and Mrs, A. P. Asboo re turned from Junction City last Friday after spending a couple of weeks with friends. Miss Katie Ridings was mar ried to Mr. J. C. Marquam last Friday in Portland. Mrs. Gladys Olson and Mass Helen Wolf visited with Mrs. J. R. Nelson last Monday. Mr. J. R. Parvin and family re turned home last Monday from Gaston, where they have been visiting with her folks. Mr. Jack Falconer and family will move to Arizona next week, where they intend to make their home. WARNER GRANGE. At tho next meeting if Warner Grange, No. 117., lo be held at New Era on Saturday, Oct. 26th, there will be prominent speak ers present to address the mem bers upon tho importance of wo, man suit rage. 1'ho $15 robe that was won as premium at the Clackamas County Fair will bo raffled off at this meeting also. Those holding numbers should bo present. Ihe Orange meetings are al ways interesting and everyone is invited lo attend. LIBERAL. Farmers are busy this fine weather gathering their apples and digging their potatoes. There surely aro enough rotten ones, and the question is, will tho good ones keep after being stored away for the winter? Hulling clover is going on as fast as the machines can get to it. About three more machines are needed in this section. The clover seed is nice and plump with a good color. Grass is good with a scarcity of stock to eat it. The corn crop is good and well matured and of fine quality. Look out, Brother Farmer, the shooting season opens tomorrow and if all reports are true some took has already been killed. For the last few days shooting has been heard on all sides. Shooting jack rabbits, they say. L. Farr and Wm. Kreib of Ore gon City, left hero this morning with a nice bunch of cattle for their market. N. Farr has a fine lot of stock sheep on pasture at W right s. Liberal is still alive and the prospects of two railroads thru our burg indicate that things will be lively here this winter and next spring. It is all right for the railroads but S. Wright's farm ill be in four pienes with a nine foof grade in the level bottom each way. Wm. J. E. Vick has moved into his new bungalow near his store. That part of town is looming up and if reports art true there will be a lot of new bungalows built on the new town site in the spring. E" . -W Ul 1 " 1 II I ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AgetablePreparattonlbrAs sirallallngtlKlbodantlRcdula ting tlie Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes DigestionJCkcrfu! ness and ResMMains neither Opiuui.Morpliin nor Mineral.! NOT NARCOTIC. SifOlddrSMILPmm. !!!. Bmpkii Stid 4tx.$ewa ftppmnin ViCartoaakUla him Sir J Clcnlkd Sugar . niitopun I'kmr. OH 2 H i Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- tvon, sour aioiuaut.uiiuiH Worms .Convulsions.levErisn ness andLoss OTSleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOBK. s0ftST0 lit , Enact Copy of Wrapper. thiointu company, nsw vomi citt. NOW IS THE TIME, MR. HOUSE OWNER TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE AND BARN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, BEFORE THE HEAVY WINTER RAINS SET IN. COME IN AND LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE, AND BE SURPRISED HOW LITTLE IT WILL COST YOU TO BUY MA TERIAL OF THE FIRST CLASS. OUR CELEBRATED "FIR BRAND" SHINGLE STAIN WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT 65c A GALLON IS ABSOLUTELY GUAR ANTEED AND WILL COVER FROM 150 TO 175 SQUARE FT. TO A GALLON. PUT UP IN ALL COLORS. OUR ECONOMY BARN AND ROOF PAINT AT $1.00 A GAL. CANNOT BE DUPLICATED NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR DIFFERENT BRANDS. WE ALSO HANDLE THE CELEBRATED "PHOENIX" HOUSE PAINT WHICH IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE BEST PIONEER WHITE LEAD MIXED WITH THE BEST LINSEED OIL IN THE MARKET, AND THEREFORE WILL COVER 510RE SURFACE AND LAST LONGER THAN ANY OTHER PAINT. . We carry everything in the paint line FRANK ELEVENTH & MAIN John Heath, Michigan Bar, Calif., writes: "I was afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for nearly six years. Had a very bad spell some time ago and was unable to turn without help. I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say I was re lieved at once. I take pleasure in recommending Foley Kidney Pills." For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Doan'sRegulets euro constip ation without griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents per box. POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON ' Business Directory A Directory of each City, Town end VJIl&ge, giving descriptive sketch, of each place, location, population, tele graph, shipping and banking point; also Classified Directory, compiled by business and profession. B. L. POLK CO., SEATTLE 1 '." iUJWiaiMMHH Straight & Salisbury, Agents for the Celebrated Leader Water Systems and Stover Gasoline Engines. We also carry a full line of Myers pumps and Spray pumps. We make a specialty of installing Wa ter Systems and Plumbing in the country. 730 Main St. Oregon City I Phone 2C82 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years OREGON CITY BrownelI& Stone ATTORNEYS AT LW Oregon City, Ore. E. H. COOPER. ' IHe Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident Insurance Dwelling House Insurance A Specialty OfFICB WITH U'Ren &. Schuebel. Oregon City, Ore PACIFIC PHONES Office, 71 Residence 130 Gilbert E. fiedgts Lawyer U'einhard Bldg. Oregon City, Ore. John N. Sievers ATTORNEY AT LAW. Opposite Court House Oregon Cily . Oregon ps -. rs ssm , ' ! : L)!jice50v&ii.oo TSUit BOTH! FREE S All THROAT AN3 LUHo TROUBLES ;UAfANTS0 SArSrACrOftr W MONEY REfUMDED. S . Br EUSCH v