Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 11, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Good old Mother Nature is
again sending one of her beauti
ful rain showers which is much
appreciated by the people of El
wood. . '
School began the 30th ofjSept.,
with Miss Lillian Fredofph as
IJazcl Freeman has gone to
Portnuld to work. . .
A crowd gathered at Mrs. L. N.
Vallens I he 28lh. Ioe cream
and cake were served and a most
enjoyable time was had. Those
present were Norma, Ernest and
Otis Vallcn, Mat Jagmin, Ben
Wilson, Hazel, Adolph and Harlie
Em hvert Surfus, Alma
Hu!).'n "d, Jessie Phillips.
t!eo. llutherford is in Elwood
sawing wood with Ms steam wood
(jus Gull berg and family have
moved up on Mrs. Elliott's place
for th? winter.
Mrs. Elliott expects lo Jeavefor
Washington soon, whore she will
visit her husband, who is doing
some surveying there.
Myrl and Archie Bonney, Ruby
Countryman and Johnni Frigg
from Collon, attended the El
wood church Sunday night.
Adolph and Harlie Freeman
took two loads of shingles down
near ScotU Mill last week.
Olis YnlJeii has been doing
some team work for Frank Wil
son. Cattle buyers are certainly
thinning out. the cattle in these
hills. Almost a dozen buyers have
been in here the last week.
Some of the farmers have a
great deal of their fall sowing
Adolph Freeman moved the
Shermans away last week. They
will stay in 1'ortland this winter
and expect to come hack here in
the spring.
Archit! and Deb Bonney were in
Portland last week.
Mr. Meilike is having a fine
bungalow erected on his new
place. Dan Stahlnecker is em
ployed as main carpenter.
Interesting Letter from Our Pros
perous suburb.
The llev. C. 'Child, the new pas
tor, gave his first sermon last
Sunday evening, which was at
tended by a largo congregation.
and everybody seemed pleased to
hear him talk.
Potato digging is at hand now.
, J he frost has killed a large num
ber of them. The Nerison Bros
started to dig their 15 acres last
Our former pastor, llev. C
Comstock, will move to Willam
ina to take up his service there.
Mr. Henry Asboe purchased a
fine colt from Joo Jones last
week, for which ho paid $125.
The school opened last Monday
with a large attendance of smil
ing faces, as everybody seemed to
be glad and happy.
M,l and Mrs. Joo Brady and
children moved from this neigh
borhood last week. They have
gone to Sherman county.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Gibson al-t
tended the (iresham fair last
Waller and Carl Douglas re
turned last week from Eastern
Oregon where they had gone to
work during the harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Udell visi
ted with James (ii;.m,,i
Mr. Devine was a fair visitor
last Saturday al'Lernoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Howlett spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M;ur
phy. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Burnett and
Mrs. Ed Burnett spent Saturday
afternoon at the (iresham fai.r.
George Douglas of Portland,
came to Eagle Ci k recently and
went to the mountains with Wal
ter and Will Douglas, with tho
intention of hunting a few days.
II. II. lloffmeisler was a Gresh
am fair visitor last Saturday af
ternoon. II. S. Gibson was an Kstaeada
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Viola Douglas took dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Gibson
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local nppllcjitlonn, uh tliey mmt n-urh the dls
oiiwd prirl ol the '.-. Ihtrti I ohly olio way to
fur iU'jiOii'hh, ami Unit la by coiirttltull.miu rvnii'dlci).
lritliicm 1a mutit'U by an Imlium-tl oumllU'iu ul the
imiL'ijiui I In In ir ol thn KiwUu'liiiin TuImi. When thin
Iiiik! In nul itni'd ynu lutvc a ruinhlliiK snuail or Itu
Ix rloct lti :ii liir. anil Mien It ! I'ntlrvly rlnartl. IH'iil
h thu ivmilts null H!iU' lliu IlilliLiimmlloii call In
t ifh nit ami tills lul rvHUm'tl to ltn munml eiMi'll
luri. licirlnK will Ih di'Htniyt'il forever; nine rant's
o il ol tni are nmsnl by ('Hturrli, wlilt'lj la nothing
but un Inlliunrd i;illtlim of lhi ipucoiltt Biirfawa.
W will i:..t Omi lluurfri'il Dollar tor any caw nf
IcafucNH ii'nuat'il by t'Hturrh) llml cumuli Ho cured
by Hull's Catarrh euro. nmhI for rlrrulant. tn-e.
K. J. CIU.M.V & CO.. Tlaeutt, 0.
Hold by Dnureina, live.
'inks Hall a Family flu lor oonatlpatlou.
An Easterner, passing through
this community receniiy, in an
automobile, accompanied by his
family, for the purpose of obser
vation in view of settlement, pro
pounded the following question:
Why so much fruit fed to hogs
or being wasted?" Respectfully
referred to tho Oregon City com
mercial club.
Potatoes still in the ground, are
not being benefitted by the con
tinual rains.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Murphy
of Portland, were entertained
couple of days last week by Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Bullard.' Mr. M'ur
phy is a brother of Mrs. Bullard
Mrs. Curtis Dodds' : brother,
Byron Bond from Ohio, is spend
ing the winter here attending
high school in Oregon City.
Opening of our district ' school
took place last Montlay with Miss
Ramsby of Macksburg as teacher
The school patrons are all hope
ful of a successful school year,
and to make it possible the in
structors should have their cor
dial support.
Mrs. L. J. Hylton, approaching
his 77th birthday and our near
est neighbor, hag not recently
been enjoying his usual good
hea th: Mr. Hylton has been a
resident of this borough some
thirteen years, and is kindly re
garded by all his acquaintances.
Some men's jokes should be
subjected to Webster'for explana
tion. Of the four seasons of the year
the fall time, with its drooping
foliage, reminds us of an even
tuality rapidly approaching, in
which we shall be conspicuous
representatives of the decaying
foliage, by reason of attaining our
allottment m life. A sad season
indeed, especially when remind
ed that, like tho fallen leaves, we
are soon forgotten.
i This will remind you that an
oid hen can't lay eggs and make
her toilet at the same time.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dodds en
tertained Miss Lizzie MacDonald
from near Estacada one day last
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Faulk, for
mer residents of this place, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Bullard Saturday and Sunday.
Some miscreant poisoned fifty,
pounds of bacon from L. A. Bul
lard s smoke house last Friday
night. A funeral with such an
individual occupying the princi
pal chariot, would prove an inter
esluig spectacle to many or our
citizens who have suffered at the
hands of some lightfingored thief
during the past couple of years.
Lumber is boing delivered for
Olive Bailey s now residence.
Mrs. G. M. Lazelle will enter
tain our "school mams" this
winter, Which forbids the idea of
a loss in flesh.
There is nothing more inter
esting than a ten year old boy
earning his first dollar, Tho ex
pression on his face, on receipt
of Ins pay, is inspiring, and his
confidence in humanity should
never be encroached upon by fail
ure on the part of an employer to
ive up to any inducement prom
ised or implied.
Mr. Sheely of lllodgelt, was a
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. J
W. McCord.
Mrs. Bishop and son of Spo-
kano, are with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Spiger, for an ex
tended visit
Wallace McCord is now in the
employ of the Home Telephone
Company as a lineman.
Please don t forget tho meet
ing of tbe Community club Sat
urday night at eight o'clock. Re
member there is nothing exclus
ive. Whothor a member or not
you aro cordially invited, and fur
ther, you are entitled to its priv-
The illness of Mrs. Curtis
Dodds detained her husband from
his Portland headquarters the
first days of tho week.
Our public school started off
Ih an enrollment of nineteen
enthusiastic students.
of the secretary of state at Sa
lem. There are no claims against
the incorporation of any kind and
in fact it has assets of value as
well as money in tho Bank of
Oregon City. '
The reason that the Union does
not maintain a place of business
is simply because at the present
time there are not sufficient pro
ducts of the right kind grown to
allow a manager to be employ
ed. ' '
I am personally acquainted
with all the directors of the un
ion and know them to be honor
able and honest men, and think
it is very small work for the Twi
light exhorter to insinuate that
they are grafters and had appro
priated the funds of the incor
poration. It appears to me that
one doing so little for the union
that he was a member of as did
our Twilight friend, is quite out
of place censuring and malicious
ly accusing those who worked so
faithfully to make our local union
a success as is the Hood River
union and other unions that we
know of.
Now in conclusion I wish to
again slate that the property and
money of the union has not been
stolen and that both are right
where the directors .ordered them
to be and so they will remain un
til further orders from the direc
tors or stockholders. Now if our
agitating friend desires more in
formation into the details of the
past and future, I wish he would
come to me personally as he
should have done "in the first
It is not fair to tbe neighbor
hood of Twilight for the corres
pondent to devote almost the entire-column
to personalisms and
ideas of some one man. Write
the news. Mr. Correspondent, un
der this heading, and if you have
an everlastting grouch on, please
use a different column.
Very truly,
M. J. Lazelle, Sec'y.
Oregon City Fruit & Produce Un
ion, Incorporated.
Siek headache is caused by a
disordered stomach. Take Cham
berlain's Tablets and correct that
and the headaches will disappear.
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.,
Oregon City, Oro.
, J. LaZella Tells About That
Fruit and Produoa Co.
Oregon City, Oct. 8.
Fxlitor Courier Several limes
during the past few months, I
have noticed mention in the Twi
light items of tho "Oregon City
Fruit it Produce Union." Now for
fear that some misinformed peo
ple, as tho Twilight writer un
doubtedly is, will believe these
misrepresentations, I will add
some light to the supposed mys
tery. In the first place I beg leave to
inform tho would-bo editorial
writer from Twilight that tho
"Oregon City Fruit & Produce
Union," is not defunct but quite
on the contrary, is an ineorpwa
tion in good standing, as he will
find if he will examine tho 'books
..'wniiaipora injjoptiOM uojoij jryjoofl
jo) oUi(! BUn,ion oaiiii .vjciiqtix I1Hi B1H r,t P" .'uoiidiJ.isojj )
doAiiji , jo 8011100) uti Aua (ihvj j ti3u Xuoaig pus no urn i wu0rjin ,aojd
j(r)30(l ol tqiiuiii u put) Ajua fluivX miAi I puu omtuu) im kum nsuiive.vt oiuo
.1iip pioipniiiuq Xtu in pu.iim ol iiqv vu isvm bhi1 ui) jo 5uj sJtMi O.ttl JuJ
ijHVoq U auitpjj uojq v ;yi.L '-vx smz ;o 'BKiHJivjj -i yui -ton
pajpueq (MS louioipom ajatM sjoji Xu ) put) aq ua i pu 'aiqunoojd
I! annul pnoM )qj 'udjiduaaaj, oiijoai .aojaij -J(i jo tujo) u; da j; jnd eq oai
OBJd aiBAud (q ui fuBjA Auuui joj Apauuaj iiip taint Jany ?ao qam jo ')uaa jad
05 to pABJ 'oqoop) o an at )iioqii.tt,(i)txu baijbu. joiionjjxa paiotpaui uiojj
epiu uopduoaajd Jiiqi puiioj 'oi)oBjd jo potjad fua i Jluunp 'aojoj -jq
pu XppBan pajeaji oq ptnoqi zai aq) jo iudPjo ioadi Bioiap eii jo oojitui
laagu; pu japjoiip ao sti 'una )i joj uatu)aj pauouu 1BJ pnoqt oimoitj
S put 'ajaq ti Annnujip aq) jo )a oqj u jo )no tao aum D 'iubjo Xuimoik
qi 0 uajuaa ujyn (jaA aqnoj) 3J i suit) aq) 'X" XWit)D otmoM
'JJoq JO pnaq atp iiiim )(uojm oq Jintu fuiqiauioi nauanoAjau eqnauuooun
pus Juii)Oji JO A'liliquiiJj; JO uotinauat P 'aqonot)q a 'eqoapaaq a -)t jpj
jsjg aqa euaq juiod aqi j joajap' euioa Ol eqnoj aq) jo ana aq) it imduiom
'uaj ni aauii) euiu 'XiMjqiBJia 'suibj pu aquiq )noq?nojq) alaaaam JtaUg anq
juaa aja aaajjaip pus iiiad jo aJlujiusM aq) pua l aandui; 'DiatJaoun pa ipnojs
MOJ 0) V'V ajqltnoqj' uaq .aaAjao (Mq DauiOM XqM noaaaj aq) t ajqj.
Relief from Kidney Ailments Is
Guaranteed by Miller Drug Co
or Money Back.
Tho proof is up to you. If Rex
all Kidney Treatment helps you
we know you will be grateful and
tell us so. If it does not help you
tell us so. In the former case you
have received many times the val
ue of your money in benefit to
your health. In the latter case you
get your money back without any
argument whatever on our part.
The formula for Rexall Kidney
Treatment is devised with full
knowlege and experience, of gen
erations of practising physicians.
It is intended to restore normal
action to the kidneys and thereby
relieve the patient from the other
ailments commonly caused by di
seased kidneys. The beneficial ef
feet should ordinarily be felt al
most at once. A few days will
usually suffice to demonstrate the
value of the treatment.
Iyfour kidneys are sluggish in
their action; if suffering from
skin eruptions, nervous or chron
ic headaches; if the urine is
scanty, dark colored, and passing
it causes a burning sensation; or
if you are subject to backache, a
feeling of weariness, use Rexall
Kidney Treatment, and if it does
your money back. If troubled
with rheumatism, which is often
caused by faulty kidney action in
failing to remove bodily wastes,
Rexall Kidney Treatment should
help you.
. It is left to you. The burden of
proof is on the treatment. If it
fails to satisfy, it costs you noth
ing. Isn't that as broad and fair
as any guarantee can possibly be
made. Prices in liquid form, 50c
and $1. In pill form, 50 c. Sold in
this community only at our store.
The Rexall Store. Huntloy Bros.
Co., Canby, Hubbard, Molalla,
and Oregon City.
Hero is a woman who speaks
from porsonal knowlege and long
experience, viz., Mrs. P. II. Bro
gan, of Wilson, Pa., who says,
"I know from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
far superior to any othor. For
croup there is nothing that ex
cells it." For sale by Huntley
Bros. Co., Oregon City, Oregon.
A lady friend of Mrs. E. G. Sea.
man, as I understand, from her
old home in Syracuse, N. Y.; has
been visiting 'her during the past
week. .
Dick Logan of Marquam has
taken his team and gone to East
ern Oregon, near Warnac, where
he owns a farm. He- will try
farming the coming year.
Tbe lumber yard started in
Marquam last spring' is selling
large quantities of lumber.
Fred Mers . is still cutting
clover. He has already hulled ov
er 300 bushels.
The Marquam fall term of
school has started. Mis sWatts is
again employed as assistant
Ed Skirvin has moved back on
his place.
F'red Myers' is building another
house on his place. Mr. Olson, the
blacksmith, will be the tenant.
Phil Marquam still lives in the
little house on the corner, happy
and contented, no wife to bother
him, eats when he gets hungry,
drinks when dry, goes to bed
when sleepy, and arises some time
the next day. Exact time not
known. Phil says if Wilson is
elected, hard times will imme
diately follow too bad.
Mr. Roberts, who resides in
Eastern Oregon, owner of the
noted Teasel Ranch, once owned
by Alfred Sawtell, is down, on a
visit and looking after his inter
ests in this locality. His present
renter is Mr. Phelps, who raised
grain in large aTnounts this sea
son. Mr. Roberts is a man of
pleasing personality and an in
teresting conversationalist.
Tom Garrett is needing a large
number of hop poles, and is try
ign to make arrangements in re
gard to timber. If he succeeds in
getting it there will be a job for
some good wood-chopper, and
good wages in it.
Mr. Joe Lehman has bought a
late improved manure spreader at
a price of $150.00. The fine work
it does it truly wonderfull. If a
man is able, it always pays to
buy the best. -
Grange Resolutions.
Thef ollowing resolution were
adopted by Abernethy grange
September 28th, 1912:
Whereas, God, in His infinite
wisdom, has removed from our
midst, our beloved brother, D. K.
Bill, a charter member of Aber
nethy grange, No. 346;
And whereas, he was a very
active and energetic member of
this grange;
Therefore, Be it resolved: That
this grange feels deeply the loss
of Brother Bill and extend to the
members of his family our sym
pathy nad love; also that the
charter be draped in mourning
and a copy of these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes, and
that a copy be sent to the family
and to the Oregon City press.
J. T. Apperson.
Jennie Butts '
A. M. Brayton, Comm.
Principal Portland Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, All Styles & Sizes 10c, 15c
Mrs. I. C. Hastier, Grand Is
land, Nev., has something she
wishes to say about Foley's Honey
and lar Compound. My three
children had a very severe attack
of whooping cough and suffered
greatly. A friend recommended
F'oley's Honey and Tar Compound
and it did them more good than
anything I gave them. I am glad
to recommend it.
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.,
Oregon City, Ore.
John Velbert, Foster, Calif.,
states: "I have suffered many
years with kidney and bladder
troubles, and altho' I have paid
hundreds of dollars to doctors
and have taken all kinds of kid
ney medicines, I could not get
any relief until I tried Foley Kid
ney Hills- and they effected a com.
pleto cure. I have never been
bothered with my old trouble
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.,
Oregon City, Ore.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney at Law,
General practice--Deeds, mort
gages and abstracts carefully
made. Money to loan on good
security. Charges reasonable.
Olllce in Stevens Building.
Ref inishing Marred
Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsight
ly and a discredit to your home can be made to lookbright
and aew at slight expense and you can do it yourself.
Itains and varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds
of surfaces the elegant effect and durable,
lustrous surface of beautifully finished
oak, mahogany, walnut or other ex
pensive woods. Call for Color Card,
Express Prepaid on Purchases of $5 or Over Within 100 Miles of Portland
Samples on Request
Veritable mountains of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear have been acquired by this
store in anticipation of the cold weather we aro ..fully prepared to meet your every need. .
I ook over this list. If it doesn't have just the piece you wish, come to the store anyway, for
these are only hints ar examples of many other values equally as good.
A splendid new line of Women's heavy Winter,
weight cotton Vests and Pants in cream and
white, and in all sizes. Vests in high-neck,
long-sleeve style and Pants in ankle length;
unusual values '
ALSO TIGHTS Fine winter weight woolen
garments. Pants and Tights in ankle length
and Vests in high-neck, long-sleeve styles.
All sizes in gray or while; better
than usual values at this price
Strictly high-grade all-wool garments of per
fect fit and finish. Vests in Tow-neck, sleeve
less styles, low neck with short sleeves and
high neck with long or short sleeves. Pants
and Tights in ankle length. All sizes in white
and gray; unequaled values- at $1.50 a gar
ment. -
Splendid wearing, form-fitting woolen Union
Suits in white and gray. They come in high-
neck, long-sleeve stylo in ankle length and in
all sizes. The best value we have d 1 t?
ever been able to offer at this price V J"
At these prices we are showing exceptional
values in children's heavy cotton, - wiuter
weight Shirts and Drawers, all sizes from 20
to 34 in gray color.
Women's Fleece-lined Hose in outsizes, full
seamless and with heavy ribbed top;
8 .1-2 to 10; special per pair ,. . . . . ,26o
Women's WooJ Hose, made full seamless and
with heavy heel and toe; all sizes in
gray and black; priced the pair .......... .26o
Woman's Extra Fine Cashmere Hose, made full
seamless and with reinforced heel
and toe; all' sizes in black at ..60o
Boys' Fall Weight Cotton Hose, that afe un
usually durable, made with reinforced
heel and toe; 25c grade at .17o
Never was comfort linked so closely with nec
essity, luxury and becomingness in small furs.
Never has the range for choice been so exten
sive, and never have we been so happily sup
plied with so many medium priced examples.
Let the few specials we quote below lead you
to surprising values in our Balcony Fur Section-
values we cannot promise to duplicate
later in the season.
French Coney Scarfs and Neck Pieces at
$1.25, $1.60, $1.98 up to $7.60
French Coney Sots up from $2.98 and $3.00
up to $3.60
Marmot and Brook Mink Scarfs and Neckpieces
$4.75, $5.50, $0.50 up to $12.60
Marmot and Brook Mink Sets up from . . .$9.00
Scarfs and Neckpieces of black and brown,
foxes, lynx and wolf, $7.50, $9.50, $10.50 and
up to $26.00
Scarfs and Neckpieces of jap mink, priced al
$12.50, $15.00, $17.50 up to $30.00
Beautiful Sets of Jap Mink at up from $19.60
Time An Important Factor
This is another case where time is money.
The enemy have their funds supplied instantly by
the Interests.
We have only a few days and contributions to be effec
tive must be received at once.
There is no question of the money of the People being
able to defeat the money of the Trusts.
Because it is greater even in volume and will be used in
straightforward telling ways.
But to be effective it must be received and used within
the next few days.
Quick action is absolutely necessary. Let us have your
contribution or the list you make up from your friends and
co-workers today if possible, tomorrow sur.
How Your Money Will Be Spent
Wood row Wilson, our standard bearer, has never had
the time or disposition to talk about himself.
He has never used spectacular methods to place himself
in the spotlight.
His greatest work has been done without ostentation, in
the most expeditious, dignified manner.
The great mass of voters do not know what a really
great man Wilson is. They do not know all he has done.
1'hey do not understand all the features of his platform.
We must tell them.
To educate this great nation of voters, especially the
clear thinking Independent Democrats, Republicans and
Progressives who choose their leader on his merits, means
the expenditure of a vast amount of money.
We propose to use your dollars in just this way
judiciously, and without a penny frittered away for an un
necessary item.
We know you have confidence we will do this thing and
Why the Dollar Counts
In this campaign the issues lie between the forces of
Representative Government and Popular Government.
In Representative Government only a part of the people
have influence those with no political faith, who spend
fortunes in any direction where their own ends are fur
thered for money.
In Popular Government all the people have influence,
because their executives and legislators do not dare to
thwart the expressed will of the people.
Representative Government, as ever, this year is being
supported by the money of the Interests. It is being spent
lavishly to give the voters a wrong Impression of Wilson.
Popular Government, this year, to win, must depend on the
truth being told about Wilson. We must publish his record
and platform broadcast so that no one can controvert it
Your $1, your t2, your 15, your 110 or 120 will count and
ount to win if spent in this work.
Will You Spend ONE.DOLLAR
to Elect Wilson President?
How deep is your conviction that this government ought to be in new hands, in
clean hands ?
How much are you in favor of a clean slate from Wilson' and Marshall clear down
the line to the very smallest offices in your locality?
The Democratic National Committee has every reason to believe that every pro
gressive voter is willing to spend a dollar to elect Wilson and Marshall and their ticket.
And that thousands are anxious to contribute to the Wilson Campaisn Fund in
amounts of $2, $5, $10 and $20.
To such we make our appeal. To such we must look for victory. j
Head a List For the Fund
If yon know several Wilson voters, or work in a place
where there are Wilson voters, take up a subscription from
all of them.
Place vour name and the amount of your subscription at
the top of the list and get the others to join you.
Mention the name of this paper on your list.
Then mall the list and contributions to C. R. Crane, Vice
Chairman Finance Committee, Democratic National Com
mittee, 900 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
This is the most helpful work you, as an individual, can
do for clean government next to casting your ballot for
Wilson and Marshall on November 5th.
How to Contribute to the Wilson
Campaign Fund
Sign the Coupon in this-corner and fill in the amount
you give. Then attach your Money to this Coupon and mail ,
today to the address given on the Coupon.
Issue all checks, money orders and address all con
tributions to C. R. Crane, Vice Chairman Finance
Committee Democratic National Committee, 900 Mich
igan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Then write a letter to this newspaper giving your name
as a contributor and stating your reasons why you believe
Woodrow Wilson should be elected President of the United
States. In this way you will be listed as a Wilson con
tributor. A Souvenir Receipt, handsomely lithographed,
well worth framing, will be sent to you. Your letter will
help the fight by encouraging your friends.
Do everything you can to hold up Wilson's hands in his
clean campaign for the people who do the work and fight
ing of the country.
Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund
TaCH CRANE. Vica Ckairmaa Finaac Committaa,
Tha Democratic National Committaa. 900 Michigan Avanaa,
Chicago, Hlinoia.
Aa a believer In the progressive ideala of government repre
sented In the candidacy of Woodrow Wilson for President of the
United States, and to the end that he mar take the office free
handed, tratrammeled, and obligated to none bat the people of the
country, I wish to contribute through yon the sum of t.
toward the expenses of Gov. WOson'a campaign.
R. F. D State '.
Endorsed by
LEON DES LARZSE violin teacher
410 Uigh St., phone 3171. Or
chestra for pupils.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind YonKars Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Will start giving lessons Sept.
20. Write or call at the Star Sat
urdays (P. M. ) for particulars.
Gustav Flechtner,
Oregon City, Ore.
Gen. Del.
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