2 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, OCT, 11 1912 WHERE WHIT E M E FEW ONE OF THE UNKNOWN SPOTS OF OUR COUNTRY. A Locality of Strange People and a Wonderful Fanatioism. (By M. J. Brown.) Ainnn a year ago i wrote an article of the Penitentics com. inunily in the mountains of New Mexico una me experiences inree of us had, after becoming lost in a mountain blizzard. By my second (rip through this locality was vastly different an ounce and the kids looked calicos, trinkets, notions and to bacco, cheap shoes, overalls, etc The store was crowded with the black faces. There were as many women as men. Tho men have the strong Indian features, but the women are more delicate, very meek looking and half of them simply hansome. And they all were observing us with curiosity. It was not open or ofiensive, but I could simply feel it. We made the merchant under stand we wanted dinner and to stay all night. Be took us down the street to a 'dohie, where his mndama had dinner ready, and where she was putting the fin ishing touches of the housework by sweeping a dirt floor with a home-made broom of rushes. Beans, bacon and tortillas were the mettl, and I more enjoyed watching three little children watch me than I did the meal. I wore a gold ring that weighed al and much more pleasant. it in wonder and awe. The second duy out at noon After the meal I proposed to from the tup of the mountains we my partner io do Broadway, bul saw below us a big valley, or he said nix. He was going to take rather a series of intersecting bis on the sunny side of , Hie draws and from this height we saloon, bo I started out could see several liainlets, a few Ever know the most uneom- miies apart, Uuilt in the Mexican fortablo sensation of someone following and watching you? 1 had been ten minutes on my ex ploration before I knew the Mex icans were watching me. I simply could feel it. Not a minute of the two hours- I was walking about was there not one or more Mex icans in sight. They did not vPPEAIl to be watching, and would always bo engaged at something or looking tho other way. And it got on my nerve my yellow nerve until I could just picture some Penitent out m the style of 'dubies am men my partner torn mt we needed to be on the job when we got into these towns. We must slay the rest of the day and over night here, for tho team, not used to mountain climbing, was show ing signs of quitting tho job The driver said that as wo had no tent, no miners' outfit or any thing else to indicate a purpose in that country we would be too decidedly prominent and suspic ious characters, with none to vouch for us, and that the Pen itents didn't go very much on brush taking a fancy shot at me taking a man on trust. But as we and wondering whether I would had no letters of introduction turn onco or twice around when there was nothing to it but kick I fell. And then I hiked back to in and play it. . the man who talked "(rod's lan aiiu to you wiio may not have guage. i (limi t tell nun or my read the articles of a year aero, uneasiness, for fear of the laugh, hero are a few lines of explan- but before we went to sleep I ation of the Pententies. told him of the family where we lhey are man crucifiers, self- stayed one night a year ago had scourgers. They are a relic of the tried to poison us, and I noticed Penitent Brothers of tho middle he took his big gun to bed with ages and if you have a good rec us. But there was nothing do ollection of old world history you ing I didn't even have a scare will recall that tins scourging be- dream came almost epidemic in Europe One of the curiosities of the hundreds of years ago. But it was hamlet kept me guessing, and J finally stamped out by tho Uath- am yet guessing. Gut back into a olio church, and in later years hill was a place that resembled it appenred in old Mexico. It was a Kansas cyclone cellar. It had driven out of I here, and bands of a heavy door of planks split from them went, into the mountain a tree, and it was fastened by a lastness of Nov Mexico, whore hasp and staple, but the fasten they are today. ing was above the reach of any It is the religion of these fan- man. Thore were no windows, no nlics to inflict pain on them- chimney, novenlilation.lt wasn't a selves and on each other. They jail, for it was not strong enough cut open each others' backs with it was not a burial place, for there sharp lashes woven from aloe was a burial ground up the fibre, they gash open their legs draw, and I couldn't believe Phil and arms with glass-like lava Armour's nam? had started a cold flints; they throw I heir naked storage branch there bodies into beds of prickly pear I asked u Mexican what it was and roll over in tho sharp needles in my uhrevinted Spanish and ex and they bind I heir legs with fino travagant signs, hut all I could cord and slop circulation, and get out of him was "no savvv. many Oilier forms of torture and I knew he-was a lying descend torment. ant of a crucifior. but I was too On tho first trip I made into much of a gentleman '(and too these mountains, during Lent, far from a policeman) to tell him ami when for lorly days they are so. almost continually at these hor- The next morning we hiked, rors, I saw dozens of these men, and I must tell a Utile one on barefooted and naked to the waist myself. I furnished the fun for a running up and down a rocky while man, a Greaser and a bunch mountain road (luring a fierce of goats mountain blizzard, and I saw tho A few miles out a tree blocked snow red with the blood that ran the boulevard the Pacific high down their backs and dripped oil' way so we went around. We their heels. Some were loaded came to an aroya and knowing the wilh heavy wooden crosses, all deadly milek sands of these creek they could stagger under, while beds, I lost my sand, and refused others carried loads of the long- to ride through. I didn't fancy a on iiieir bare I'enirenlie grave nu n I like to be sucked in Further up the stream I saw two logs across tho stream and I preform! the tight wire act to mud drowning. The logs were about six inches through and six inches apart. A bunch of goats "THIS WOULD BE AWFUL. ELIZA." OREGON COULD NOT STAND THIS PROSPERITY. Never do to Have People Coming Here and Settling Country. Editor Courier: Friend Uiciiibolham has a mind like a corkscrew, that if straight ened out would ho utterly useless to his fellow men. As it 'is, he is able to be used to pull something with, liis nightmare in last issue has taken the form of worryment over the sad plight of some Alberta towns he has learned of through the veracious columns of the organ of the Oregon Big Bus iness Beast, which information it garbled out of the Tory Big. Bus iness organ of Alberta. For a year it has been known that this change in the incident of taxation was -to be taken. The legislature gave formal notice months ago, but some towns af flicted with councilmcn of the same kind as friend Hicinhothain shut I heir eyes last March and went on assessing on the old basis and encouraging land spec ulators as much as possible. Now they will have to scrimp along until the next assessment is made and some public oilicials will have to miss some salaries but no meals. The new basis of revenue is attracting capital and population cheaply operated) are any tax payers agitating for an aband ment of the single tax principal in operation in many of them for years and years. In some they even lax idle land MOKE in pro portion to value than used land. believing that the speculator is of no earthly use to any community as such, and for absentee and non-resident land owners they have still another form of addit ional tax that is a great inducive to use, live upon or let somebody else do so. Now, when I was up there last spring I enquired of a town clerk why nobody was agitating the es lablishment of our beautiful Ore gon taxation system that friend llicinbolham and the Oregonian and the Portland Light and Power Company loves so well, and that gentleman smiled a prominent smile and pointed out a sanitar ium in the distance. "They would belong in there," he said. ALFRED D. CIIIDGE. CONCLUSIONS "KILL THEM." then Read the Campaign Book, Use the Knife. Editor Courieir: I would suggest that you pub lish every week unt il election time that very valuable notice that appeared in last week's Courier under the heading of "Kill them" and I would also call to the at tention all those voters quoted by the mayor, as not having looked at the Stale's pamphlet, and all others, to cut out "Kill them" from your paper and then take the Phamphlet and s'.udy "Kill them," also study the state pam- desperate ARE DEAD WRONG DOESN'T QUESTION NEWSPAP ER'S HONESTY. Different Means to the Same End, But Means Don't AGree. Editor Courier : I want to say to start in wilh that the editor has drawn some extremely wrong conclusions from some . of my articles on single tax, to think that I accuse the papers that favor single tax, of not being honest in their ex pressions, and being paid by the Fels fund for advocating it. I can't think what you have taken this from, but allow me to most emphatically deny any such in tentions on the part of the Cour ier, for I consider it one of the fairest papers on the coast, in giving everyone a fair chance to express his or her opinions on any subject. My kindest regards to the Courier; he jumps kind of sideways on single tax once in a while, but he has not had as much time to study it as I have, I expect. I have directed all my ac cusations at the agitators that are in the employ of Jos. Fels and are being paid for their work. When you hear an attorney get up in court and work with all the power and tact that he can command, to try to liberate one of tho most criminals that ever phlet and be ready to vote intelli- was brought into court, you needled cactus shoulders. As our rig approached, they dumped their loads of torture by the road and disappeared in the brush, and I got out of the rig and turned over these blood-smeared crosses, as proof that I was not dreaming. A deputy sheriff was had started to cross, bul, I scared with me then and all three of us them back. But half way across had 15 s. And I had sand. an old ram met mo. I gave him t hese tortures are their forms one of the bgs. Then came an of religion, i'hey call on the other and another the whole people to repent, in half breed flock. I gave half (he way but Spanish. They work themselves they knocked me down. I tried to into an insane frenzy wilh these go back, but 1 couldn't. I sal on tortures, and when one collapses, one loir and he d to tho o her. but I suppose he thinks he is all kinds of a Christian soldier. And not so many ywars ago il look tho standing army to stop human crucifixions in this local ity. And these men are American citizens, voters and jurors. HOW WOULD you like of them try you? We drove into the village about noon, and found there was some church doings on and everybody on the job. I did not learn whether it was a meeting to raise money to send to (lie heal hens in China or Africa, or to raise money for a pipe organ. After the serv ices the people flocked into the store, saloons and the street. Every little clus ter of 'dobies has its saloon. We watched the men go from the altar to the bar, and line up. A few drank, the others sitting around, and it made me think of New York. Bar flies breed any where. These saloons sell the cheap est brands of poison whiskey, light beer, from Mexico, ami Hie native mescal. This stuff, made from the maguey plant (a variety of century plant 1 is had stuff to take on, unless there is plenty of fighting material around. (But understand this is heresay evi dence.) What seemed just u little violation of the fitness of things were the pictures of Christ and tho crucifixion nlid crosses gal ore everywhere in (he saloons. We went to the store. II carried just the cheapest of flimsy stuff, and pictures enough of Christ lo glut an American market. The i ross was everywhere, and cheap, flashy-colored prints of the cruc ifixion were far greater in stock than groceries. These people raise pivtly much what llo-y con sume, and the store only carried the sharp hoots soon made nie throw up my hands. I wedged in between the logs and toughed it out, and wailed for 300 goals to walk over the log and nie and listen to tho laughter of the driv er and i ne neruer. u was some fun to the spectators, I didn t ex- o have a jury act ly enjoy il. I will use a couple columns more next week io leu you more about the strange seel, and about the crucifixion ground and the cross, which I saw that tree on which many human lives have been sacrificed lo the most won derful fanaticism in the world. Farmers Look Up Your FALL Requirements in Farm Tools N O W i If you need a new Plow or Harrow, Feed Cut ter, Wagon, Buggy ANYTHING in Imple ments or Vehicles, you will find it in the mitcbeti Urn The Best for The West See Us! CANBY HDWE. IMPLE MENT CO. Canby, Ore. Implements and Vehicles Fall Good of Quality Ei s That Never Fall Down Hoosier Drills Positive Forced Feed Bloom Manure Spreaders Double Steel Reach J. I. CASE PLOWS The Plow a Man Can Pull Dick's Feed Cutters A big line, and good Drew Litter Carriers , A genuine labor saver HARROWS Disc, spring, spike-tooth Water Systems The Mitchell Wagon Monarch of the Road See Us! w. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City Ore. BIC FREE IMPLEMENT CATALOGUE SENT YOU UPON REQUEST FROMTH E MAYOR OF EDMUNTON world that the people of Oregon will ever adopt such a law, and I don't think the people of any part of British Columbia would have adopted it either, if they all had the right to vote on it, like we have here in Oregon. The sug gestions of the clerk of Peach land, II. C, that you speak of, just hits the nail on the head. To put a specific tax on wild land held for speculation, that is gelling right at tho seat of the trouble, and it will cure it , too, place tlie limit of wild land held by any one person pretty low. I would suggest not-over 100 or ITiO acres, and put a specific tax on larger holdings, so that there will be no profit in holding large bodies of wild land. Then this V. G. Eggleston Portland, Ore specmc uix on mese uig lauu I have been Holders will help lo lessen tlie tax on the small land holders, then assess all land and niiprov nienls at the cash value they rep resent. A' dollars ' wurlh of one thing is . as good as a dollar's worth of another thing and DIRECT EVIDENCE OF HOW SINGLE TAX WORKS. Any Candidate Opposing Would be Snowed Under at Polls. Mayor's Office City of Edmunton. September 24, 1912. asked hv Mr v s Watson of this cily to renlv to a portion of your communication to him of September 21st re tax on land. In addition to the tax on l.mri and previous to this year, the Charier of this cil.v clitTtlil nnv ilii iiiijt tilin va nf Ilia . i . K ...... , , , JU.U uusuiess tax computed on a rate taxes All we want m Oregon is por Bquaro fuot rIoor f speculators and wonk touch any- certain businesses and a license body else, mis would he a just fee according t I have heen h i " , ' law and is one thai. advocating for a long time, and after we get you fellows buried, we are going to have it too. You Fels hunch begin to seem like old friends to me, and I hate to part wilh you, but Nov. 5th is not far off. Goodbye. Geo. Hicinbothani PEOPLE DO READ. 'DREW ' at Right Prices businpsana t'hese have been our only source of revenue for all purposes of this city for many years. During last session of our Provincial Parliament, which was about a year ago, our City authorities had the legislature amend our charter whereby we could eliminate tho taxation of business, which we have dono, so that this nresBnt year we have only as a source of revenue, lax on land and license fees. (I may say that we also abolished the noil tar whinh h-ri been in force.) I he general desire and trend of pur citizens of all classes has been to adopt the system of tax on land only, for all DnrnosAa nf city revenue. At the present time we are considering the revision of the license fees as scheduled in our license by-law with iim hnnn of reducing them materially, thus making them mnrniw nnminoi r many men in Congress read all may sav that, wo knm t the bills introduced there, some stance in this city where anv 30,000 every session? - hardship has been r.niistrl hv thi Fact is Grant Dimick is one of exemption of taxation on imnrov. those eminent gentlemen who nients on the land: and in fart I does not read himself, and thinks No not think that any aspirant to nououy eise noes, nie siaie pain. " position at tne nands of the phlet will be read alright by the electors would receive even a people who do the voting. Pre.iu- recognition at the noils, if such diced testimony will not go very candidate were to advocate tax- tar. Whenever you hear a man anon of improvements nn land nr ave about the initiative measur- digression from the Drincinln nf es neing loo inucn oi a task lor lax 011 l(le land only. Vigorous Defense of the Voters by a Courier Reader Editor Courier: G. B. Dimick does not like tho initiative and referendum and never did. His testimony is not under oath that nine men out of ten have not' road and will not read the slate pamphlet. Mow many men of the last legislature read all the bills in troduced there, some 900. How makinc them Yours truly. G. S. ARMSTRONG." Mayor. COMMENDS FAIR PLAY. the- average man, you can wager your bean cover that he will be perfectly willing to do all the voting and thinking for tho entire community, and will listen at tentively to Big Business when ,u T- . ' Portland Attorney's Thanks for ivj uuiMMi iu reuu me state stand Courier Takes. nainohlel in order to vote as in. l.ill ir..l k, ot, (lio n,r...n. .mV.- POl'tland. Seill. of the legislature . The long- "'T 01 Oregon t.ity Courier, win. led inheritance lax law. fori 1 jjeen reading the "Ore- inslance. Three pages of it suf- fet II. Ily, L,0UI.'ei' for some time fices to indicate that it is one of p i Particularly the articles the litter that needs drowning. . " 1,1 0 "e?eni, economic condit- The measures to stop free speech, and prohibit boycotts noed to re ceive but ono minute's consider ation. to likewise be dropped in the soup with an X mark for NO. The same with the sneaking, prevar icating "majority rule" fakes ions, and I have been intending to express my appreciation of the clearness of thoueht vnnr nr tides show, and the concisive manner in which your ideas. ' i i iour article in your you express issue of H till life iliajlJljr uiU ittft.CS. s . ... ,. L And so on down the list. All the , 4l.n- entitled Just a Damn measures submitted by the legis- ? koc'alist, is very good, par lature are fakes and bull con that i'Icular tne, illustrations of the do not need to be poured over by "lcq, neiween the common the hour. The legislature has noT1".0 . ",e '"uueyeii classes, use for the people, and no sym- wnel'e.m ll. 18 snown that the in- ithy for the workers. About oner '"Y ' , e." "u"y nrougni minute will do for the lot. Then "m,ut. 'nneniea wealth, or by we have the four tax measures U11"b m,aus issued hy corpor. submitted by our bonehead tax 'u , ,s, I"'" 'ioiers getting con n,,,,,,,,;;,,,, nA n noii i. iroi or the natural resources, nmi headed special committee of the . a1(;".nls largely in excess of ecrs. it lire. Fakes. Brand them a"".". ,"u"lslc vuiues. inspected and condemned. . Mr. Dimick will carefully pick out every measure that gives the people more power and more justice and vote X NO. There are only about five or six of them. The intelligent voter will de cule the matter with half an hour's study, and slam it to big business until its teeth chatter and its ribs rattle, and do it in less time than G. B. Dimick de I. have been giving most of mv spare time during the last few months to studyinsr the conditions and have become a linn believer in the socialistic. propaganda. I have been asked hv several people what they should read on Socialism that would h interesting as well as instructive, and I have referred them to Bell amy s "Looking Backward" and equality, A. C. CHILDS. and compelling holders of vacant gently .n election day blocks to get buys and of idle Heller slill publish "Kill acres to hire plow teams and buy in large Ivpe and ndvise ev. seed or get out of the way and to cut out same and carry let somebody else do so. . pulls. Kill them" ery one to I he DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS Many Oregon Cily people who have chrome appendicitis, which is not very painful, have doctored fur years on gas on Hie stomach, sour stomach or eonsi ipation. Jones Drug Co. states if these people will try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded in Adler-i-ka, I he Ger man appendicitis remedy, lhey will be suprised at the QUICK benefit. A SINGLE DOSE relieves these troubles INSTANTLY. Mayor James C. Dahlman, is serving his fourth term as Mayor of Omaha, Neb., having received the overwhelming support of the voters of that cily. His steadily increasing popularity paralells that of a famous medicine he has used, of which he writes: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and lhey have given me a great deal of relief so I cheerfully reeom. mendthem." For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Ore. (li it would be awful, sister Liza, to have I he 78,0(10 acres of the Southern Pacific in Clacka mas County dolled with home steads and the idle tracts of 1211ml fanning lands sold lo people who wanted. lo use them, and popula tion pouring in by trainloads around Oregon City building homes, all on account of I he land hogs having been punched out of the trough with a tax on laud, values that excluded improve ments and applied only to holders of big and valuable tracts. There are plenty of ways of compelling owners of land lo pay their just share of taxes if only land values are taxed. One way is for (he board of equalization to require any man kicking at his assessment lo give an option al a price ten per cent higher than the assessment proposed. This can be operated without any new law, and has a wonderful ell'ect on tax dodgers. When a thousand and one things are assessed it is that many more limes more difficult to operate justly because person al property is very easily hidden under a blanket. Land is never taken indoors. It is very strange that in none of the British Columbia I own ships (corresponding to our counties, towns, und school di: Keep up your good work. G. W. SMITH. tricts rolled together and very Drug Co. ECZEMA AND BLOTCHES GOI Costs You Only 25o to Try ZEMO and Prove What a Wonder it Really Is. Apply ZKMO on those eczema sores, that nothing else you have ever tried has benefited and all itching will slop, am! in a few Kone absolutely gone I A trial of ZKMO proves it positively. There will not be a spot left, the skin will be as smooth and clear as I hough you never had eczema in your life. If you have dandruff there's another chance to .prove how wonderful ZKMO is. ZEMO pos itively sloes it. To prove what it will do in curing eczema, itching, inflamed or irritated skin, dandruff, blot ches, pimples, cuts and sores, your druggist will supplv you with a 25-eenl bottle. ZEMO is guaranteed lo slop itching. ZKMO is sold in 25-cent and $1 bottles at drug stores, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by E. W. Hose Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. The $1 bottle contains six times as much as the 25c bottle. Sold and guaranteed in Oreg on City liy the Hunt ev Bros. I don't assume that the attorney is in sympathy with the criminal do you? Well it is just the same way with this Fels bunch, lhey are doing all they can to agitate this single tax question, just be cause Mr. Fels is ; paying them for it, just like the criminal law yer did, and I presume they think lhey are justified in doing it. Bro. Alfred says that I seem to worry over the fact that where ipmrov menls are not taxed, land values go up. It is not this land values going up that worries me but it is thi assessments going up thai worries me. Anybody knows that land values will not go up on ac count of single tax, but the as sessments, or the rale, one or the other, is bound to go up. A Mr. Miehener from Victoria, B. C. in telling of how it Works there, says that when a man puts up a big building, his taxes on thai piece of land become much heav ier and also the taxes on the ad joining vacant lots are raised so high that the owner has either got to build on it or Ml it. N,ow I would ask the people of Oregon City or Portland if they want such a condition of things as that? Do you want the assesinents on your! and to llenrv Gen. rce's wni'L-a I I...;,...,, ik-i . l. . oXiXe 1,,ga' Ple undeand U,; sUuaUon in a couit pioceedmg. and wm,fi lho ,.,. . manner that is at onco clear and reasonable, there would ho a general falling in linn on the nnrl of the laboring classes and smaller merchants. I find some neonle are afrniH nf the programme, beennso nf tho fire-eaters who are exnonndino- if and if they could read such books HEARD IN OREGON CITY. Bad Backs Made Strong Kidney Ills Corrected. All over Oregon City you hear it. Doan s Kidney Pills are keep ing up the good work, curing a.s are written by the said authors weak kidneys, driving away back- lhy would see that the cause is reasonable, fair and right, in all respects, and is not simply the programme of sore-heads and failures. Again expressing mv aonreci- ache, correcting urinary ills Oregon City peoplo are telling aoout it telling of bad backs made sound again. You can be lieve the testimony of vour own townspeople. They tell it for the aliwn of ,he manner in which you benefit of you who are suffering. 1,1 e "anuiing me situation, I am, If your back aches, if you feel lame, sore and miserable, if the kidneys act too frequently, or passages are painful, scanty and oil' color, use Doan's Kidney Pills, the kind that has helped so many ot your lriends and neighbors Follow this Oregon City citizen's Yours truly. C1IAS. E. LENON. A Log On The Track. of the fast express means serious trouble ahead, if not removed, sn does loss of appetite. It means advice and give Doan's a chance f of Vltallly- Ioss of strength lo do the same for you. nerve weakness. If appetite L. Noble. 71 S Main St., Oregon ' la "'V 'ers quiCK- .. , ,r. . V to overcome fho fmiaa K wregon says: noan s Kid- .. ; j - uf, uii mc siuuidtu aim curing the indigestion. Michael Hess heimer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bot tles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet atrain. Thev have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at Huntley Bros. Co.. Oregon Citv. Oregon. Cily, ney Pills have been used in my homo and I am glad to say that i ney are a good medicine for kid ney trouble." ! or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosler-Millburn . Co. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tne I nited Slates. Remember the name-Doan's-- and take no other. Mortgage Loans. lots .that you are trying to hold Money to loan on first class, im- uniu you are ame to- build on them, go up so high that you are forced lo sell them? The high tax will certainly not help you "any to build, but I am not losing any sleep over it, Bro. Alfred, for I haven't the least idea in the proved farms in Clackamas coun ty. Current interest rates attract ive repayment privilege. A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg., 3rd. and Stark Sts. Portland, Oregon. J. V. Copeland of Dayton. Ohio purchased a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before-the bottle was all gone the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than lo pay a five dollar doctor's bill? For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.. Oregon City, Ore.