8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPT, 27 1912 THE CITY NEWS. There was u groat crowd on the fair grounds today. Mrs. J. It. DuVall was visiting friends here last week. Hay Welsh has gone to Union Mills to teach school. Elmer Dixon and Wm. Beard arc building a cement walk from their houses to Molalla Ave. Bobt. Ginlher has begun his term of teaching at the Maple Lane school. Secretary Eby must have a pull with the weather man for the lau weather seems to have been made to order. Mr. Robert (iinther of Schubel has moved to corner of Molalla and Willamette Sis. Perfect weather, large crowds and fine attractions are making the Canhy fair a splendid success Mrs. Barbara Bruce, who is an aged lady of 72 years, was sent to the asylum. She was there four years ago, and had been allowed to come home. Mr. Will Gillette of Wallawal la, Wash., came to this city Sun day and is visiting witn nis nroin ers Dan and George, and with his uncle John and family. He ex. pects to slay three or four weeks The cement forms have been taken down and the llawley Paper Go's, new factory is well along. It will take soino time to complete the inside, but when finished, it will be a splendid factory build ing, permanent and fireproof. A Cause for Joy. There is more joy in the Ore gonian editorial sanctum over one of Governor West's honor men who escapes than over the ninety- and-nino who refuse to run, but remain true to their promise. Polk County Observer. Running up or down stairs, sweeping and bending over mak ing beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cham berlain's Tablets to improve her digestion and regulate her bow els. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. . Z Every day they come to the Courier ofiiee looking for houses and rooms to rent, and Ihen they have lo go out, and walk t lie walk the streets hunting for"to rent" signs in the windows. Try a little local ad. and see how quick it will do the business. John N. Sievers ATTORNEY AT LAW. Opposite Court House Oregon City - Oregon O. D. EBY, Attorney at Law, General practice Deeds, mort gages and abstracts carefully ' made. Money to loan on good security. Charges reasonable Olllco in Stevens Building. CANBY. Judging from the crowd at Canity and on the Fair grounds, a greater interest is being display ed than on any previous year in the County Fair now in session. The number of entries are great and competition is strong. The live stock department is certainly a great credit to the management, as the exhibits are the best, and most extensive during the history of the Fair. Rev. C. L. Creesy has been re turned to Canny to iill the pulpit in the M. E. Church for another year. This action was taken by the regular annual Conference of Salem District, held at Ashland during the latter part of last week and the first of this one. He hopes lo soon complete the new church building which has been in process of construction for more than a year and the base ment of which is now being used for church and Sabbath school services. The Sabbath school un der the careful and efficient man agement of Mt. A. J. Burdette, its superintendent, has almost doub led during the past year. Mr. Bur dette lias been on the sick list for the past month and it has been with much regret that he has ab sented himself from his Sabbath school work. Canby is beginning to lay plans for the entertainment of the dele Kates of the County Sabbath School association, which is to hold its regular annual fall ses sion at Canby this year. The new M. E. church is to be the place where it is intended that thsi or ganization shall assemble. Oneh undred and seventy-two pupils have already enrolled in the Canhy public schools, of which thirty three are enrolled in the Inch school department, the teachers of which are C. F. Ro- niitr. principal and superintend ent of the city schools, and Miss ddy B. Wyeth, assistant; thirty- two are to be found in P. L. Cole man's room, forty-six in Miss La Vine Sheridan's room, thirty-five in Ihe primary department with Miss Emily Spulak as teacher, and twenty-six will1 II. II. I. -ties, who is again teaching 'Riverside school. After the fair and potato picking it is expected that the at tendance will grealy increase. The work on ho new school house is progressing rapidly and it is ex pected that it shall bo ready for occupancy before the first of the year. The primary department seems to bo perfectly satislied m their new quarters, the Norwog- ia nclmrch. The services in the M. E. church on last Sabbath, conduct ed by Rev. Piper of Oregon City, wore well attended and much eiu joyed by the large congregation present m both morning and ev ening. It is noped mat nev. 1'iper will find occasion to again soon be present and enthuse and in spire us with his Spiritual and uplifting presence. The Courior has' roadors, a lot of thorn, and live ones. An ad. does tho biz. A Correspondence. Editor Courier: A few days ago I noticed an article in the Morning Enterpri se that purported lo bo a real es tate ad. but the article threw so much mud at our beautiful city and us Cliff Dwellers and us "Turkey trotters" that I would like a liltle space in your valuable paper to say a few words on the subject. if the gentleman from Glad stone can't sell his real estate without resorting to such meth ods, he had better quit, because that won't work. We Cliff Dwellers don't mind the liltle climb from Main St., to the splendid and substantial city on the blutr, that overlooks the mighty falls and big busy mill. here among the splendid home and with pure air and water. W have clean and well kept strei beautiful scenery and substant, ial business blocks and the peopl are contented ana happy, tho we have a few minutes . exercise to reach the lower town and mills It is a great deal easier for us than to have to chase a car sev oral blocks and then hang on stran for several miles, in order to get anywhere. Our little Tur key trots tend to keep us straight and healthy; keeps our brains clear and our judgement from warping. I won t go on and com pare the two dilierent localities because I like Gladstone and 1 wish the people well and it isn't considered necessary in Oregon nor is it customary to resort to "mud slinging" in order to sell real estate. Each community must speak for itself, and Oregon City is known to be one if not the best (own of her si.o in Ihe country. In spite of Uya knockers we soon will have an elevator for. use at the blulf and street cars on the hill, and grow into a city that CAN'T be beat.' And tho the gen tlenian from the town in the val ley must behave himself when be comes up here. Chas. F. Ten-ill. The "ad" referred lo in Mr Ten-ill's article was written by Mr. T. A. Burke, who is assisting in the present sale of Gladstone property by the Gladstone Real Estate association. We read the "ad" ourselves and though a resi dent of the hill, we fail to agree with Mr. Ten-ill that there was any malicious mud slinging in Mr. Burke's advertisement, and we know for a fact that there was no intention of tho sort on the part of Mr. Burke. We interpre led the "ad" in tho vein in which it was written by the author that of a good liatured burlesque on the hill climbing of our town If the "ad" has .any. thing to do with bringing about a realization of our long desired "elevator will go a step farther and aver that the ad served a mighty good purpose. Editor. M. B. A. LODGE, Meets second and fourth Thurs days, at 8 p. m., Willamette hall S. R. Green, President, B. F Sheehan, Secretary. SATURDAY IS 99 n Letter PI DO IT j Free W Green Trad ing Stamps All Day Bring Your Stamp Books lo f-!in:ri J m Ft il:::, S If 'annon & Co. OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE and receive $1.00 worth of the famous m 4m. Green Trading Stamps Free. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. In Addition to tin Regular "Red Let- ill m uap umr WE GIVE Double Stamps Saturday on all purchases of Knit Underwear WE GIVE Double Stamps Sat urday on all Pur chases of MEN'S Women's and Child- !fi ren'sHi!& ! rryiASONic temple bld'g " 5f5 OREGON CITY, ORE. i ill I r Ki.Ow. 13. Evoi'y- town ia ei'r.ed with fow knolse-a wl o find fault with everybody who tries to do business, if a man is about to buy a p.cce of property they tell him it is not v.orth the money. If he wants to sell a farm they tell him he is not retting enough for it. riiey none around with their hammers out trying in ev ery way to injuro the commu nity in which they live. They like to sea people in trouble and are delighted when any one goes broke or has a death in the fam ily. The knocker will not like ly get their just deserts in this world, but we should not like to take their chances in the next. KEEP YOUR MOUTH HEALTHY STAFFORD. Roxall Tooth Paste, Pleasing and Dainty, Is Good for the Mouth The perfect tool h preparation should have antiseptic proper ties that destroy the germs of de cay. Simply brushing off the teeth will not do this. It is essential, if Ihe mouth is to be healthy, not only that the teeth bo cleaned, but (hat the whole mouth be purified, made anliseptioally clean. In this way, the general bodily health' is also promoted, for it, is influenc ed greatly by Ihe health of Ihe mouth. Rexall Tooth Paste contains antiseptic properties that make it not only a toilet necessity, but a health requisite. It is not only pleasing and dainty to use, but it leaves the mouth anliseplieally pure and clean, and feeling cool and comfortable. It goes to every crevice, destroying the germs of decay. Its use helps to make and keep tho mouth in perfect health. It removes the tartar from the teeth and heips to sweeten tho breach. It is a delightful denti frice, made for the needs of peo ple who are particular about the care ot their mouth anil teeth. We guarantee it to please you or money DacK. rrico z'o cents. Sold in this community only at our store. The Rexall Drug Store. Huntley Bros. Go. Oregon City, Canby, Hubbard and Molalla. The weather is beautiful after threatening rain on Monday, and farmers are hasting fall work. Clover seed is turning out well, also early potatoes and those of the late sorts which were planted early, are yielding well also, as they were not struck with the blight which is affecting nearly ail tieids ot late potatoes. School began Monday with the rooms almost too full. . Mrs. Afhy has been- quite sick again, but is better now. - Mr. Johnson who had a place on lualalin meadows, died lues day. Mrs. Kate Turner has been quite sick. Mrs. Chris Milem passed away luesrtay at the Sellwood sanitar ium, where she had been a pat lent for several months, suffer ing from cancer. The interment was in the Stafford cemelary beside her mother, who also died of cancer a number of years ago. Mrs., Milem was a daughter of Cap I. Hayes, a long time resi dent of this place, who is now liv ing near Mt. Tabor'with an adopt. ed daughter, Mrs. -Fannie Ship ley. Mrs. Fred Baker has justt re turned from a visit with her par en Is at, Cornelius. Mrs. Widdle is confined to her bed by a bad fall last Saturday, when she struck her hip and back on a projecting board, straining the muscles and tendons severe- ley. U. A. Smith, Bridgetown, Ind. had kidney trouble for years, and was so crippled with rheumatisfn he could not dress without help He started using Foley Kidney Pills, and says: "I began to get better at once, and now all my trouble has left me and I do not feel that I ever had rheumatism. rest well all night and tho' 59 years old, can now do the work of a man of 35 years. I would like to bo the means of others getting benefit from Foley Kidney Pills. Refuse substitutes. Huntley Bros. Co. HOT FLASHES. Women in middle age often complain of hot flashes. They are at that stage of life when their delicate organism needs a tonio and helping-hand which only Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can give them. Many women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood and from motherhood to old age with backache, dizzi ness or headache. A woman often becomes sleepless, nervous, " broken-down," irritable and feels tired from morning to night. When pains and aches rack tha nrnmnnlv vstnm at freauent intervals, ask vour neiihbor about Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Mrs. J. IMHOP, of 821 S. Bontalon Street, Baltimore, Mil., says : i wrote you about nine months ago, telling you of my condition. I have a fine baby girl-she weighed nine pounds when born. She is my third child and the strongest of them all. My suffering was only for two hours. I took several bottles of 'Favorite Prescription' and one of Dr. Pierce's Smart-Weed. I never had a well day before I took your medicines. I was surprised how well I felt-could eat-was always hungry, and never had a sick stomach. The nurse who was with ma said the medicine was wonder ful because I got along bo nicely after having had so much trouble before. She intends to recommend it to all her suffering patients. Everybody is astonished at me because I only weighed 102 pounds before and now I weigh 135. I have had several ladies come to mo and ask about Dr. Pierce's medicine. I am willing to recommend It to all who suffer and want help. If any want information I will be glad to give it to them." Mas. Iiihof & Child. A Picture of Contentment All men look pleased when they smoke this choice tobacco for all men like the rich quality and true, natural flavor of I quality and true, natural flavor of mil iu 5-j it Smoked in pipes by thousands of men everywhere known to cigarette smokers as "the makings." We take unusual pride in Liggett & Jilyert Duke's Mixture. It is our leading brand of granulated tobacco and every sack we make is a challenge to all other tobacco manufacturers. Every 5c sack of this famous tobacco contains one and a half ounces of choice granulated tobacco, in every way equal to the best you can buy at any price, and with each sack you get a book of cigarette? papers FREE. If you have not smoked the Duke's Mixture made by that Zijiell $ Uyri Tobacco Co. at Durham, N. C., try It now. Get a Camera with the Coupon Save the coupons. With them you can fret all sorts of ralu- aoie presents articles suitable for young and eld i men, women, boys and girls. You 11 be delighted to see what you can get free with out one cent of cost to you. Get our new illustrated catalog. Aeaepecialoffer, in will tend if free during September and October only. Your name and address .00 a postal will bring It to you. Couftmi from Oukt't Mixturt may U tt- W'tnx tttM tort from HORSE SHOE. J.T TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF. GRAN GER TWIST, uuMxu tram FOUR ROSES (AV tin ti.iuhlt amm). PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT CIGAR ETTES, CUX CIGARETTES, end " WT or axponi unn u. Premium Dept Cy2iV4 Jfemi (St ST. LOUIS, MO. 1 WMMB I ICk.VIU.l i ! I ' i ' iii ii-irinHIIHI 1 ;2 - u ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ANgelablePrcparaltonforAs similaling the FuotfanilRcgula ting (lie Stomachs andBowcIsi mm Promotes DigeslionfliterTuI ness and RestContalns ncito Opium.Morphiae norMiucral. NOT IS ARC OTIC. MSHUssssistlSMMMaaf Rmpk'u SttJ' jUx.Sttm AxkMiSdts- Jtoiultid Bmmail- . WariomtUAl MmStri- ClarM Sum-. buitrpmitlimt. Anerfect Remedv forConsllpa Hon , Sour Stomach.Dtarrlioca Worms ,Convulsions.Icverisn ness andLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOKrL Tor Infants and Children. The Kind -You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of ZAP LW In Use For Over Thirty Years if was in J Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI OtHTAUR (OHHNV. HCW VONR OITV. COUNTY COURT In the matter of G. F. Clark and wife to Clackamas County for road purposes, said land so deeded being in section 4, T 2 S II 2 E of W M, ordered that the said deed and the same is hei-bey accepted and ordered filed with the county recorder for record. In the matter of the deed of Vic tor Berg and wife to Clackamas county for road purposes, Bald land so deeded being located in section 18, T. 4 S. H. 1 E. of the W. M., Same order as. above. In the mater of the deed from the Oregon Swedish Colonisation Company to Clackamas County for road purposes, said land so deeded being situated in Section 9, T. 5 S. R. 3 E of the V. M., same order as above. In the mater of tho deed from John S. Smith and wife to Clacka mas County, for road purposes, said land so deeded being situate in block 18, First Subdivision of a portion of Oak Grove, Clack amas County, Oregon, same or der as above. ' In the matter of the petition of Carl A. Fosberg and others for a county road, ordered laid over until the regular October term of this Court. In the matter of the petition of Bert E. Bird et a ,l.for road., or dered that said petition be and the same is hereby denied. It is fur ther ordered that said petitioners pay the cost of the survey, to wit: $48.50. In the matter of the petition of Bert B. Bird et al, for a county road, the bond herewith having been approved by the court, or dered that said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the county board of road viewers who are ordered to meet on the day of September, A. D. 1912, and view, locate and survey said road providing the expense of survey on road No. 787 is paid by petit ioners In the matter of the petition of Fred II. Ridder, Jr., et al., for a county road, the bond for the same having been approved by the court, ordered that said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the county board of road view ers, wno are oruerea to meet, on the day of September, A. L 1912, and view, survey and locate said road In the matter of tho petition of William II. Heales for a license to sell sDiritous, mailt and vinous liquors in Clackamas Precinct, in miantities less than one gallon, ordered that said matter be laid over until Friday, September Cth, 1912 In the matter of the petition or B. Lewthwaite. et al for the va cation of certain roads, said bond having been approved by the court, ordered that said petition be and the same is nereny reier reri to the county board of road viewers, who are ordered to meet, on the day of Septemeber A. D. 1912, and view, locate and sur. vey said roads. I In the matter of tne report oi me County Board of Road Viewers on the H. F. Gibson road, said report having passed first and second reading and being approved by the district attorney, ordered that said road be and the same is hereby declared a county road and ordered opened when the damages assessed by the County Roard of Road Viewers in lavor of E. H. Griffith in the amount of $35.00 has been paid by the petitioners. In the matter of the petition oi Carl Stromgreen, et al, ror a county road, ordered laid over un til the regular October term of this court. . . In the matter of the claim of the Oregon City Commercial Club for the sum of 1143.40. ex pense of filing argument against division of Clackamas county, see separate order. In the matter of tne claims asrainst Clackamas County, or- ined, corrected and paid as cor rected. In the matter of the plat of Liberal, and of Otto Meings 3rd Add. to Sandy, said plat having been approved as required law, Ordered that said plats be and the same is hereby approved hy the court and order placed of record. In the matter of the petition of William It. Heales lo sell spirit uous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Clackamas precinct, Clackamas county, Oregon. This matter coining on to bo heard, and upon investigation the Court finds that, the Treasurer's receipt for the sum of $400.00 li cense fee as prescribed by law, is not on file with the papers in said case, and tho Court being fully advised in the premises, it is or dered that said petition be and tho same is hereby dismissed. In the matter of tho applica tion of residents of Clackamas Park for the opening of a certain dedicated street between lots 12 and 13 in Clackamas Park, this matter coming on to be heard and it appearing to the Court that at the time of filing the plat of Clackamas Park there was a street dedicated to Ihe public be tween Lots 12 and 13, of said Clackamas Park, and it further appearing to the Court that said dedicated street has been fenced unlawfully by certain parties re siding, in said vicinity, and with out authority, it is therefore or dered that the Supervisor of Road District No. 2 notify the owner of the fence so obstructing said street, to remove the same within thirty days from the date of this order, and that a certified copy of this order be mailed to J. W. Ben nett, Supervisor of said district No. 2. In the matter of the applica tion of Win. S. Flynn, for license to sell spirituous, malt and vin ous liquors in Wilsonville, Clack, amas County, Oregon, for a per iod of one year. This matter com ing on to be heard and it appear ing that said petition contaisn a majority of the legal voters of said precinct, and that due notice and publication thereof as re quired by law has been made, and due and proper bond having been filed and approved by this Court, and all proceedings having been had therein in accordance with law, it is therefore ordered that license issue to said Win. S. Flynn. to sell spirituous, malt, and vin ous liquors as prayed for, for a period of one year. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Uncle Ezr Says "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble" and a little neglect of constipation, billiosness, indi gestion or other liver derange ment will do the same. If ailing take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. Esy, safe, sure, and only 25 cents . at Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Antoine Deloria, Postmaster at Garden, Mich., knows the exact facts when he speaks of the cura tive value of Foley Kidney Pills. He says: "From my own ex perience I recommend Foley Kid ney Pills, as a great remedy for kidney trouble. My father was cured of kidney disease and a good number of my neighbors were cured by Fo ey Kidnev Pills,." Huntley Bros. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25 cents ner box) correct the liver, tone the dered that said claims be exam-stomach, cure constipation.