OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1912 4 OREGON CITY COURIER Pnhlishnl Fridays from the Courier Building. Eighth and Main streets, and en tered in the PostoOice at Oregon City, OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHER M. J. BROWN, A. E. Subscription Pric $1.50. M. J. BROWN, LOOK THESE OVER. If we had more farmers in the state legislature we would have less commissions, less political made jobs , less expenses, less jokers and grafting and less tax cs. Peler Noyer of Molalla, is the Democratic nominee this year. He is a farmer. He has been to Salem before and he has made good. He won't have a suite of rooms at the political hotel, nor he won't trive any champagne suppers, but he WILL vote right. Noyer has the reputation of be ing an honest man, and the people of this county believe in him. He's a fighter when it's time to fight, but not a fighter just to have people look at him. He's a level headed, common sense, practical man. He's the kind of men we need at the capital to hold things level. He won't introduce a string of new laws or try to turn Oregon over but he'll be there when others are trying it. Ho will watch legislation and he will vote right, don't you have any doubt about that. And if you are disatisfied with the last legislature that burned up the taxpayers' money and made a record for extravang ancc, try Peter Noyer for a change. It is a polilical precedent in Clackamas County to give the of ficial who makes good the second term. The county would bo far better oil' if it kept the man who makes good as long as be makes good but this isn't the issue. Sheriff E. T. Mass is the Homo, cratic nominee for a second term, and the Republicans are go ing to help the De crats to re turn him. The only arguments this paper has heard against Sheriff Mass (arguments put forth by his po lilical opponents) is that his ad ministration has been expensive, hut in the judgement of the Cou rier the less his opponents say about this matter the more votes they will get, for the people of County can yet see the horrible picture of four dead bodies in a littlo homo at Ardenwald father, mother and two children, brut ally, awfully murdered. And here is where Sheriff Mass spent snmo counly money, and he would have been a worthless sheriff if he hadn't. If he bad the whole horrible affair to go over again he would nn doubt do as he has done, again. The best detectives west of Denver have worked on the case for many months, attracted by the big rewards, and no one of them or all of them together ac complished a fractional part of what Mass did. We all know Ibis murder story, and a lot of us have our opinions, and it is nn insult to white men to drng in expenses in conned inn with it for political issues. Mass was dead right, and the hope of this paper is that he is not yet through with spending money on the case that ho may yet find the murderer and that (ho stale may hang him. Sheriff Mass WILL he returned. They say a good assessor is known by the enemies he makes. No man can do his honest duly in assessing property without having a lot of people damning him a little on the side. It's a ticklish job to play if one hopes to play polities. There is only one way to play it, just go ahead and do the right thing, as tho assessor sees it. And the Republicans are going to help the Democrats return us., sessor .1. H. Jack next monlli there isn't any doubt about it for Mr. Jack is the host assessor Clackamas county has ever had. He's capable. He's adapled to the position. He'll do what, he thinks is right, lie will assess values as ho sees Ibein and that's all any man ran do. No man can give full satis faction in assessing, because- you knows how it goes. YOU 11 proper, ty is never worth as much as your neighbor's only when you want to sell. The thing to do is lo SCHOOL aud others who have the custody of school or county money will find a check ac count at this batik of great benefit iu handling such money. We furnish a special pass-book and checks (for such accounts), which eliminates all chances of confusing these accounts with their personal transactions. The Bank of Oldest Bank in Ore., as second class mail matter. FROST, OWNERS. Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5-1 EDITOR get an assessor who knows val ues and who is honest. Mr. Jack is both. And he is a worker. He doesn't hire a bunch of clerks to do the work he is hired to do. He is on the job, every day. There is no oflice in Clackamas county where it is so important to get a good man and keep him It is an office that should be tak- en out -of politics. At the end of one term an honest assessor is double the value to the taxpayers than when he was elected. At the end of the second term his value has doubled again. Get a good man and keep him. Every year he is a bigger invest ment. Don t make political changes in a position of this kind. Mr. Jack has more than done what be promised you. Show your appreciation by a bigger majority, this year. There is a big sentiment in this county for a change in the office of district attorney, and they say the sentiment isn t confined lo this counly eithei-. Gilbert L. Hedges is the Demo cratic nominee Young, well qual ified, well educated, a fighter, an aggressive character he is making a decidedly favorable campaign and he's going to be elected. Tho biggest mistake a county can make is to elect a sheriff from one party and a prosecuting atU orney from another. There you have tho situation of a president with one house with him and one against. A sheriff and a district attorney should pull together. Their work is in common. As a working team they are a power Pulling singly well you know how it has worked in Clackamas county. G. L. Hedges will make good as prosecuting attorney. He won't use the oflice lo play politics or further personal ends. You know we need a change. You know this is an oflice of utmost importance in Oregon. There is one way to make the change. November 5 is NOT a primary election. It's where your vote counts as much as Rockefeller's. And if you don't like the way tho district attorn ey's office has been conducted for the past years; if you want a man who will work to indict criminals and work to convict them; if you want lo see men convicted in this district and the lid put on crime volo for a man who will stand up. And Hedges will. There is one of the brightest young men in Clackamas counly who is a candidate for recorder and the fellows who feel the pulse of the conuty say (here isn t any doubt of his election. Mr. Gaffney is a candidate for the place made vacant by the (lis appearance of Lloyd Williams He is young, brainy and fully qualified. He is a graduate from the Portland business college, has served four years as deputy and ho is unquestionably the man for Ihe place. You can t go wrong on Mr. Galiney. lie Knows I no work, he will work. He is brainy, a courteous, pleasing, obliging man. A bettor selection could not be made. Keep this nomination in mind, and help to put in a set of olllcials next month that you will bo proud of. And let us make a clean sweep next month. Do you know George Ml. Hively, of Milwaukee? The most of you do, and those of you who do not, ought to, for you would vote for him for counly commissioner, if you did. Mr. Hively is a man who you KNOW will do right, if you know him at all. lie is a man whose face is his guarantee, and every man wwlio knows nun speans well oi mm. no is mo kuhi oi man we need more of as county com missioners. He will stand up, and stand up right. He has had ex perience in counly work and road building. He is a Virginian, one f those men you can t buy or bribe Ihe kind of men Clacka mas counly needs. I he Courier knows you cai t CLERKS Oregon City The County go wrong on this man. Elect hint. C. Schubel, the regular Repub lican nominee, was endorsed by the Democrats , and is half their nominee. Mr. Schubel doesn't need much further endorsement. Through tho columns of this paper he has openly stated what he stands for and what he will back for if elect ed, and you can't get away from it that he stands right, that his proposed legislation is for the best interests of the greatest number in Clackamas counly and the stale of Oregon; that the bills he will propose are justice, they are right and are for a fair and square deal for all. Schubel is an aggressive char-i actor, a fighter and a worker, and such a man has his polilical en emies. They will work hard and turn every trick to down him. Hut he's dead right, and you know it. What he stands for is tho majority, for an even break for the worker, the farmer, the laxpayer for justice. And the voters are going to elect him. WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN You remember that old saying of the saddest of all words, don't you? Oh, but it hits a sore spot when you tell one of the loyal old Republicans that the Repub lican party could just as well have nominated and elected ils president Ibis year as not. Don't you KNOW it? If the Chicago convention bad nominated I.aFollette, or any other live progressive, it would have been tho meas of blocking Wilson's nomination and the suc cess of the Republican parly. And why didn't the Republi cans nominate a progressive? Roosevelt was the WHY. Roosevelt wouldn't permit it. Ho had tho power, but he hadn't Bryan's loyality, principle and unselfishness. He wouldn't let the convention nominate any progressive unless that progressive was he. And here goes the old Repub lican parly, If Wilson makes anywhere good as president (and don't you doubt it) the Republican parly is gone, not for this cam paign, but everlastingly dead sand bagged. And it MIGHT have elected Us president and continued Ils rule for years to come as a new Re publican parly. Hut Roosevelt stuck his knife in. He's like the fellow who was searched for concealed weapons and they overlooked a knife up his sleeve. And when you see him stick that knife in to the handle and then turn it around, doesn't it make vou Republicans feel good? Doesn't it make you feel as if you would like to kiss Roosevelt? GAINING. F.very talk that Woodrow Wil son makes, makes Democrats. Kvery talk that Theodore Roos evelt makes, loses Republicans. Wilson carries conviction. He is a far greater man than the people thought him when ho was Humiliated. Like Hughes of New York, he grows on you and gels you. No one but Roosevelt doubts bis dead honesty and sincerity; no one hut Roosevelt would dare assert tie was trust obligated. Wilson is a big man, a brainy man, a thinker. His heart is with tho country and the people. Given congress anil llie senate neiunu him. and you will see needed changes in this trust-run coun try. There is nothing to hope for in Tafl or Roosevelt. The money bunch has split up and is back ing both. The play for a change in our present conditions is Wil son and ino voters are going m play it. FULL CREDIT. The governor's crusade continues in deadly earnest. One bartender has been con victed already. Oregonian. That's great stuff, isn't it That is full credit, and splendid help to a man who is trying to oso some of the dives and stop some of Ihe graft in Oregon. Hut Governor West is a Demo- ecral, and the Oregonian is color blind. That great sheet with a little editorial page, didn't note that the mayor and marshal of Redmund resigned when the governor ac cused inein oi permuung unlaw ful conditions to exist iu that city. - The great Oregonian skipped what Ihe governor did in Hunt ington when he forced those olll cials to get out and give decent leople a chance lo clean up. The Oregonian also failed lo nolo how (he governor went aft- r the road house joints outside of Portland and cleaned up for Ibein. And one more skip was his ac tion against the express compan ies and the railroads in shipping liquor into dry territory. Yes, one bartender has been convicted. That was as far as (he Oregonian would see. Who is the Enterprise support ing for U. S. senator? Wilson, with (he help of the voters cleaned up in New Jersey Tuesday, when Smith, (he Demo cratic boss, who was a candidate for U. S. senator, was defeated by Hughes, the progressive. There was a bitter light in the primaries over this nomination, for (he old Democratic gang proposed to tell Wilson where to get off at . Heard anything of Ben Selling The Courier and twiee-a-week Portland Journal, three papers a week, all for one year, $2. President Tafl says he believes bo will bo elected. I am glad someone does. Our notion of absolute rest lessness is to remind the Colon el that ho is tho original Taft man. Milwaukee Sentinel. We need no revolution; we need no excited change; we only need a new point of view and a new method and spirit of counsel. Woodrow Wilson. A fellow defined Roosevelt pretty well the other day when he said he was going so fast he makes a Jack rabbit look like a stand palter. ' The only chance for a new party is that both the old parties should be discredited. One of the (dd parties is discredited. Ours shall not be. Woodrow Wilson. Theodore Roosevelt is said to have done to himself politically at Portland what General Nogi did for himself physically at the Mjikado's funeral. Woodburn Independent. It is said that a graduated land value tax measure would put one-half of the taxes of Har ney county on the shoulders of eight men and corporations. One owner has 200,000 acres of land. You may expect to hear some thing against the graduated single tax pretty soon. It is re ported to this office that Oregon City and Portland men have planted a bomb and the fuse will be lighted in a few days. No person should be permitted to hold land out of use that some other person desires to cultivate, No person should be allowed to have more than he may bo able to cultivate and uso. You know it. From now on you may expect any kind of stuff. They will tell you how Oregon will go plumb to the how-wows if tho voters of this stale volo to make the million- aires pay their share of Oregon's taxation. Here are a couple of in curves for a pair of presidential eandi- Una Hfiimoa anva Tlnirv 'I'hnvv is no more insane than Theodore Roosevelt, and Senator Crane cnv. Tofl'a nhn,. nro na imnrl as they have ever boon, - ' There are a lot of sandy Wil son men In the country, but ex Governor Folk of Missouri will slay at the head . for a while. Folk says Wilson will probably carry every state in the Union. Folk is a hog. Ho doesn't leave a thing for the other Democrats to go him one better. For more than a generation live stock has not been assessed or taxed in the Province of Ont ario, Canada. The slate has the finest cattle in all North America, and its stock dealers secure the highest prices for blooded ani mals. It. does not seem to hurt a farmer there to pay no taxes on his cows, why should it in Ore gon? The class thai receives the greatest direct benefit is the laboring class, whoso wages are higher under pro. lection than I hey could pos sibly be maintained without it. Enterprise. Carry the news to Lawrence, Mass., where tho mills aro the highest protected of any industry and the wage scale $8.00 per week. It means, in tho Woodrow Wil son view, a tariff for the benefit of povery and not alone for benefit of plutocracy, a tariff that gives a dollar's worth of of protection to (he American farmer every time it gives a dollar's worth of protection to the American man ufacturer, a (anff that does not as does (he present one, give all its protection to American trusts and gives nothing to American labor. Portland Journal. Don't simply deplore the fact that somebody has sold you sewing machine for $30 which you can buy in Mexico for $18 apiece. Woodrow Wilson. And not only sowing machines hut almost everything the big trusts turn out. They sell at mon opoly prices at homo (which the tariff permits) and compete in the world's markets abroad. And just hear in mind that back in Lawrence, Mass., the highly pro looted and big dividend paying woolen mills have a protection to workmen of an average wage scale of $8. per week. In an able editorial asking for more capable men in the state legislature, the Portland Jour nal asks "Why elect a six-bit man lo a five-million dollar job? George Ade once said that giving $5. advice to a $2. man was $3 lost. We won't gel many men cap able of holding down five-million dollar jobs for $2.50 per. A big business concern will hire the highest paid brains and ability in the market. A state will bid for the poorest. There are few men with ability who are doing char ity work and responding (o the call for volunteers. Oregon will get good legislatures when Ore on will pay for them, but until she does she will get more of (he two bit calibre the kind of men who hold their hands behind (hem. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A MEN AND THINGS How a Coulton Man Looks at Present Conditions Coulton, Ore., Sept 22. Tho Courier: That man Hicinbotham is cer tainly a stayer. I can understand Shields, he is working for so much per, and like Judas, he would be tray Christ for a few pieces of sil ver, but like Mr. Eggleston, I can not understand the makeup of a farmer who will line up with the Shields-Oregonian bunch. Now he answers my question as lo which county he would buy land in, in a single tax or a present system county, by refering to the state board of equalization. That puts me in mind of some of the arguments some of our fore fath ers had to go up against when they were trying to form a gov ernment. It was something like this: We cannot get along without a king. There must always be a head. Mr. Hicinbotham would trust two or three men rather than the whole people. Then he says that the people have picked out all of the best land and cleared it up. Now he had better take that back or the real estate men will jump on him. I will bet he did not get that from Charlie. Now I don't like to repeat my self, but perhaps Mr. Hicinboth am did not see the article. Say nothing about the water powers and franchises, the higher prices of land near the towns, and if every acre in Clackamas county paid an equal amount it would be but 34 cents and 2 mills in order to collect $427,239, which was collected in 1909. Now that is not going to hurt anyone very much is it? And as to Charley waiting until just a few days before eleotion and then say "shoo," and throw a (It or two ot scare the people into voting ag ainst the single tax amendment that is an old game that has worked line in the past, but it won't work now. Now, Bro. Brown, I will have to get after you. I see that you are whooping it up for Wilson. Now I think that he is a silk sock gent and that the common people can expect littlo from him. But this is not the worst. The Big Busi ness bunch will unload something on him as it did on poor old Cleve land, The time is getting about HpC for jllSt SUCh a move You know, and we a!' know, that T, R !" one f Ihe biggest grand stand Players in the world, and God 1 T-III i knows Bill is his man Friday and they are both onto the scheme. They know that neither can be elected and they don't want to be. They are simply fooling the "dear people." Now if I had lived a couple of thousand years ago I would say that an angel visited me in a dream and told me. But not now. You know a few years ago when that man Leiter was bulling tho wheat market. As long as he had money to buy he could stay on top. But there is a limit to everything human en durance, iron, steel, etc. Push anything past that limit and down she goes. Look at the high cost of living; look at the railroads struggling to pay interest on ten elevenths water; the electric lines crowding them for all they are worth; the fine banking system we have in this country, wherein if all the depositors should all (!emand their money tomorrow they would only get ten per cent of it; look at the thousands of unemployed, the trouble they have with their employers, and see if you don't think the limit is very nearly reached. And there is another thing, it is to the interest of some of them to bring on a panic, and it is very easily done. There are many people that think that tho masses could save money if they would. Saving is a good thing for an individual pro vided others do not save. There are about 30 million laborers in tho United States. Suppose each of them would save one dollar a week. That would draw thirty million dollars a week out of cir culation. A howl of dispair would go up from the retailers; many of them would go to the wall and others would have to discharge clerks and declining men and quit buying. Take 30 million dollars a week of goods from the jobbers and some of them would go the wall, and others would discharge clerks and book-keepers; and the jobbers would have to quit buy ing from the manufacturers; the manufacturers would have to close down because they could not sell their product; the closing down of industries would reduce the demand for coal and there would be more men out and the consequence would bo one of those things they spell with a big P. And if so small a matter as that could bring a panic, what could the big financial bunch do to us any time they wish. So it looks to me poor Woodrow is going to have a load he can't car. ry. G. E. Rogers. Itch I Itch I Itch I Scratch I Scratch! Scratch I Tho more you scraeh the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. It cures piles, eczema, any skin itching. All druggists sell it. There is nothing so good for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas Elec trio Oil. Cures it in a few hours. Relieves any pain in any prat. A really effective kidney and bladd or medicine must first stop the progress of the disease and (hen cure the conditions that cause it. Use toley Kidney Pills for all kidney and bladder trouble and urinary irregularities. They are safe and reliable. They help quickly and permanently. In the yellow package. Huntley Bros. DRIPGDT SHOI DUSSMC Will Waterproof Your Shoes and keep your feet dry and comfortable in the stormiest, sloppiest Weather. It protects your shoes from the elements just as paint pro tects and preserves your house and keeps the leather in its natural, pliable, wear-resisting condition. It saves all the bother of rubbers (an expensive luxury now-a-days) and ensures the user of DRY, COMFORTABLE FEET at ALL rimes. Good for black or tan. iJRYn .Hatf-PirtCai, 'gfc For Sale by . . . THE OREGON CITY SHOE STORE The University of Oregon Corres)ondenc School offers FREE, with the exception of cost of postage on papers and cost of the University Extension Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF ORE GON, forty UNIVERSITY COURSES BY MAIL. Ability to profit by the courses selected is the only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence Department. Courses are offered in the depart ments of Botany, Debating, Economics, Education, Electricity, English Literature, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Sociology and Surveying. Write to tho Secretar of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, for infor mation and catalogue. COURSES IN RESIDENCE Professions of ENGINEERING, and TEACHING. Fall semester dress the Registrar for catalogues descriptive of the College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the Schools of Educa tion, Commerce, Law, Medicine, and Music. NOW IS THE TIME, MR. HOUSE OWNER TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE AND BARN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, BEFORE THE HEAVY WINTER RAINS SET IN. COME IN AND LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE, AND BE SURPRISED HOW LITTLE IT WILL COST YOU TO BUY MA TERIAL OF THE FIRST CLASS. OUR CELEBRATED "FIR BRAND" SHINGLE STAIN WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT 65c A GALLON IS ABSOLUTELY GUAR. ANTEED AND WILL COVER FROM 150 TO 175 SQUARE FT. TO A GALLON. PUT UP IN ALL COLORS. OUR ECONOMY BARN AND ROOF PAINT AT $1.00 A GAL. CANNOT BE DUPLICATED NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR DIFFERENT BRANDS. WE ALSO HANDLE THE CELEBRATED "PHOENIX" HOUSE PAINT WHICH IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE BEST PIONEER WHITE LEAD MIXED WITH THE BEST LINSEED OIL IN THE MARKET, AND THEREFORE WILL COVER MORE SURFACE AND LAST LONGER THAN ANY OTHER PAINT. . We carry verything in the point line FRANK ELEVENTH &. MAIN A QUICK SAFE AND PRIVATE TREATMENT Thousands have used and found it the one best remedy PHrf flr Discharges, inflammation and Irritation of the Kid 1 1111 JUv neys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, permanently re Thfi RnX flf lieve in 2 to 5 days. Warranted harmless, Non-lnjec ern tive' stricture impossible. Bona-fide Guarantee to cure 50 CapS or money back Sold by JONES DRUG CO., (Inc.) Oregon City, Ore. or lent postpaid in;plain wrapper The Safety Remedy Co., Canion YOUNG MEN! Pabst's Okay Sbecific DOES THE WORK. YOU ALL' KNOW IT BY REPUTATION. For Sale By JONES DRUG COMPANY Incorporated ) D. C. LATOURKTTE, PresldtnJ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON Successor to Commercial Bank Transact Crtl Bonking Business Open from 9 m. to 3 at the University prepare for the JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE, opens Tuesday, September 17. Ad BUSCH OREGON CITY FOR MEN PRICE $2 F. I. MEYER, Cahi