Eastern Styles at Levitt's Eastern Prices at Levitt's minus) nnouiricemeinilf A A To Men, Young Men and Boys When we planned out big Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Store last season, otir object was to supply the constantly growingTdemand for style and quality that would suit the biggest .majority of Men, Young Men and Boys, at the right price. The big response fromUhe people who bay wearing apparel that care for style and quality as well as right prices, shows we were right. Otir Mr. Levitt has been in the East for the last seven weeks and has visised personally the best and biggest Clothing, Shoe, Hat and Men's Furnishing manufacturers in the IT 1 1 Ol t 41 4.44. 44 w . . - united states ana careiuiiy selected nis rail and winter stocks. A point ot special interest to yougis that we have added to our Clothing Department with our famous Society Brand Clothes, the world's well known hand-tailored Kuppenheime Fine Clothes. We now can show the best of Eastern styels at lowest prices. We are on the ground floor to save you money on wearing apparel for men, young men and boys Men's and Young Men's Suits, Overcoats, and Waterproof Raincoats Our most marked improvement in ouri Clothing department comes from the fact that our clothing is made hy the world's best clothing establishments who employ the greatest designers in the world. We have in stock the best clothes in the world from Society Brand, Kuppenheimer, Schlcss Bros, and Kirchbaum. These clothing houses are the world's best and we carry their goods in th? finest all wool fabrics, attractive patterns, elegant styles with special features. Mr. Levitt's personal visit and buying at these houses gives us a decided advantage over all competitors. Slip on one of our rain-proof Slipons $11.50 to $20.00. Superior-Tailored Ctorhej, We take great pleasure in showing you what a wide range of new fall suits we carry in browns, grays and.blues for $12.25 A showing of Suits and Overcoats 'in our $15.00 line will make you open your eyes;1 all wool materials, cor rect fitting garments; see these fine suits before you buy, only $15.00 We ask every man and young man in our vicinity to step in and see our line of hand tailored suits and overcoats at $20.00. New seal browns, oxfords, blue serge and winter grays. The best suit in the world for only $20.00 Young men, we call particular attention to our Society Brand and Kuppenheimer stylish clothes. They are tailored suits built by the world's best tailors. Their fit and style are entirely different from what you have been wearing. All frOE flfl the new patterns and weaves 3L U.UU Our New Stock of Furnishings for Fall is the most complete in the city Our Fall showing of Furnishings consists of many new novelties. The Arrow & Cluett Shirt in all the new, nifty patterns. The Cheney Bros. Silk Cravats. Our neckwear department contains many new creations. The Ever wear Hosiery, the world's best guaranteed hose; a complete line of popular Roughneck Sweaters in all shades and all grades; Under wear, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, make our Furnishing Department a pleasure to visit for the man who cares. Our Big Shoe Department is De voted Entirely to Men and Boys The reliability, style, comfort and popularity of the FLORSHEIM SHOE for the men who care needs no intro duction. It is the world's famous shoe. We have the exclusive agency of this we carry all leathers utton and lace, in tan, light brown, patent leather gun metal, box calf, and vici kid. These shoes carried from the broad toe to the new nifty high toes. Prices $2.00 to $6.00. For Work Shoes, and Loggers, and High v Curs, we carry the famous Nap-a-tan, Chippewa, Rick-a-Log, Pacific Logger and the Dayton. We are heavily stocked with these shoes and can fit anyone. Before buying visit our shoe department and you will save money. .Our reliable work shoes, loggers and high cut are rightly priced at $2.50 to $7.50. Boys' tans and blacks in button and lace dress shoes. A big variety of high cuts for the boys now in stock kshoe. In Dress Sho in both b .--.:5;--"Si K3 ' . ( IF IR E E To THE COYS A Foot Ball, an Air Gun, a Watch, or a Pair of Skates with every Suit or Overcoat $5.00 and up Our Boys' Department made a decided hit this season with the boys and also the parents. Our Boys' Clothing Department has just what the boys want Mr. Levitt while East did not forget the boys. Our new Fall stock of Boys Suits has all the new styles, double and single breast ed, Norforks in blue serge, di agonal browns and greys, seal browns, brown cheviots and ox ford greys. Our boys Over coats are all the new styles and best of late overcoat patterns. Bovs AM til Jit vnur narnt rnm hr to see these coats. SUITS AND OVERCOATS $3.50 to $10.00 Our Buying of Hats East Saves You Money. Our Hat Department carries all the new shapes in Stiff Hats as well as the staple shapes. Soft hats in blacks, browns, Velours and Felts. Stunning new shapes in the nifty shades. New ' r&jfcjr'' Stetsons, Gordons and the famous Wilson hat. Others must charge you $2.00 to to $5.00 for these hats. Our Eastern buying gives you these hats from $1.50 to $4.00. Faultless Nightgowns Pajamas and for Men Our stock is large and of well assorted patterns. Cold nights de mand the heavier garments now. Men, visit our Furnishing Depart ment and see our showing in Night Gowns and Pajamas. lyfe At this store you get the latest Eastern styles and newest Novelties Corner 7th and Main Suspension Bridge Oregon City's Largest, Leading Clothier By personally visiting and buying directly from the East we save you money