OREgON-CIf V COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1912 SEES ALLIGATORS IN THE POOL SINGLE TAX IS THE BREEDING GROUND And Joseph Fels Is the 'Qatar who Will Sure Get You. Editor Courier: It is amusing to see these men that are in, tho employment of the millionaire soap maker get in and work as election draws near, and then the old gentleman himself will be out here in a short tune I suppose, and then the stewards will all have to line up and give an account of their stewardship, and then if the old gentleman see9 any sign of any of you being lazy or incompetent, woe be unto you, but Bro. Alfred D. don't seem to be lazy; ho is always right at his work, and what he lacks in sound logic, ho makes up in a multitude of words, and I believe ho is doing the very best he can for his employer. But let me call your attention to one thing Bro. Alfred, Mr. Fels' interests are altogether different from our in terests, he is paying you fellows a whole lot of money to keep you agitating this single tax "move so as to try and get the laboring class to pay his taxes for him. He's pretty slick; ho knows which side of his bread has got the but ler on all right. He will be in one class and you and 1 in another class, if we should adopt that bill, we will have the kind of property that pays all the tax and he will have the kind that doesn't pay any lax. He will no the land and we will be the niggers. You say that every body is satisfied with the single lax, where did you ever hear of a county or stale wher the their own tax laws, that adopted such a bill as you Fels men are agitating? It is nothing but a personal, selfish bill, just intend-, od to suit his own personal and selfish interests. Look at the con ditions at Edmonton. They adopt ed the same thing there that you fellows are agitating here and now look at what it is doing for them. In the last 5 or 0 years, since they exempted all improve ments and made it a straight land lax, tho assessment of land has been raised about 15 or 20 Junes as high as it was before they adopted tho straight land tax, and the rato is now close to to two per cent, it don't require a very great scholar to tell what that means, does it? Even if the rate was only 10 mills before the assessment began to increase, the rate now would represent close to 20 per cent, and still you try to tell mo that there are no lit igators in your single tax swim ming hole, when you toll mo such stuff as that, I will tell you Hint cither you or wo are crazy for water is perfectly clear, so that 1 can see clear to the bottom, and I can see a whole lot of big fat aligators down in there that only weighed 8 or 10 pounds 5 or (1 years ago and they will now weigh about 200 pounds and the reason you fellows like to swim in that hole with the aligators is because you aro all fed with the same kind of food. It is Fels $20 gold dollar pieces that feeds the whole lot of you, and as quick as he quits dropping the feed in tho hole wo will see a lot of you fellows scrambling out of the hole to get away from the aliga tors. If wo should adopt such an unreasonable law ns that in Ore gon, our assessments would keep going up Just the siune way, and the moro wo would improve our roads and streets and our water systems and beautify our cities, tho higher would go our assess ments, and as the laboring man has to depend on tho products of tho soil for a living, ami have lo have the land, hn would bo the man that would have lo pay the taxes, no thank you Bro. Alfred, I don't want to swim in your hole and 1 lb ink you will crawl out loo, after Nov 5lh, the water gels chil ly in the fall, you know.Goodhye Alfred, I hope to hear from you again. Georgo llieinbolbam. PUT OUT THE FIRE. Don't Suffer From Eczema when Relief Is Guaranteed A Generous Offer Eczema, one of the most com mon of all skin diseases, is one of the hardest to cure. This is be cause it is caused by a living germ or parasite, a fact perhaps not generally known. Therefore any remedy, lo be effective, must destroy tho perm. That is why llexall Eczema Ointment is so un iformly successful in I h is vex atious disease. It is made from a germ killing medicament, in coin, lunation with other ingredients employed for their soothing, healing, cooling and antiseptic qunlil ies. To relieve this burning, itching smarting disease TO PUT OUT THE FIUE to kill the germs to soothe and cleanse the tortured skin use Hexall Eczema (lint ment. If it does not do these things if it does not heal and comfort you and make you thank ful come back and get. your money. Wo mean this. 11 is our guarantee, pure and simple to give back your money if the oinl ment does not heal. Just that and nothing more. You have no ex ruse. You take no risk. Put out that fire I Trice 50 cents and $1 00. Sold in this community only ot our store. Tho llexall Store. Hunlley Bros. Co., Oregon City Molalla, Hubbard andCanby. Politics may make strange bed fellows ' but it seems to make strangers of old cronies this year. LOGAN. Thfi crnnsre committee is hustling like beavers to get the exihit. readv for the county fair and if Harding Grange does not get first prize again, warner people will know mey nave Deen in a scrap anyway. Logan is at a great disadvantage, being so far from Canbv but will try lo mane up for the handicap. Mahala A. Gill will have charge of tho juvenile department at the rair. with tho notato digging and hay bailing and other lines of work, people are busy and some can not go to the fair. Thn Red and band has engaged an auto to take them to the fair. We extend hearty congratu lations to Alexander Dane and bride. May their boat glide smoothly over the sea of life and may it be a long voyage. Mnnv slashings were burned last week as there was fear of rain. Hoy Spraguo is recovering frnm the elfects of his recent trim shot wound. Boys and guns are not always a good combinat ion. Honrv Swales and family have been on a week's visit to George Swales in Marion county. BEAVER CREEK. Beaver Creek, once more, It has been a long timo since we have heard from this old burg so we are going lo tell all we know this time. School started with a large at tendance and with Mr. Fiske ns teacher we hope to see him stay a long time with our school. Mr. II. Holman started for North Dakota last week and wo learn from his letters that he thinks thero is no place like old Oregon and I don't blamo him. Mr. Holman said that it was very cold and that they had had a couple of snow storms. There was lots of rain and thrashing was yet to be done. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson of Portland, were out visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman of this town. Bluhm Bros., are still thrash ing and they say that Highland is poor threshing this year as the early grain spoiled a lot of good grain. Pat Fisher is thinking of go ing up to Pendleton to attend tho big round up tho first of tho week. Mr . Billic Bohlander of Port land was out visiting friends and relatives last Sunday. F. Kanrath, our road boss, sold a couple of fine milk cows to a Portland man last week for a big price. Phil Steinor took a big load of No. 1 fine blooded hogs to Port land one day last week, for which he received a fine price. Bill Parry is working over in Garus driving for the county. Ono more residence going up in this little city. Claude Anderson is having a nice up to dale bung alow built on J. G. Jones farm. J. Bohlander and F. Steinor are busy hauling cord wood to town Iheso days. LITHE STORIES INTERESTING ITEMS PICKED UP OVER STATE. Short Stories of Unusal Happen ings, andBits of News. There aro moro than 125,000 voters registered in Oregon. Colonist ratos to tho Pacific Coast States, September 25 to October 10. Tho Salem Journal says: J. W. Inman brought that of fico seven spuds from his ranch i and a half miles Hunt boast of Dallas, that weighed a fraction less than li pounds. One lipped tho scales at and a half pounds. These spuds easily make Inman tho spud king of Polk county. The planting of a 250 acre Walnut farm will bo begun in Yamhill County. Tho culturo of walnuts has proved ono of the most profitable industries for the farmers of Yamhill and a company proposes to go into it on a big scale. After fighting a fire in a shed at Med ford last week, firemen discovered that the burning shed housed several boxes of dyna mite. The wood of several of the boxes was burned through, show ing the explosives. It is consider ed a miracle that falling timbers or the forco of water did not fur uish a suftlcient shock to cause an explosion. Salem and Albany aro inter ested in tho movement on fool to have the Government deepen tho channel of the Willamette Hiver from Portland to Eugene. The Commercial bodies will bring the matter to tho attention of Cong ress and it is hoped to increase the depth of the channel six feet by proper 'management of the water by building wing dams and dredging. Eastern capital is seeking in vestment in Oregon timber. It is stated on good authority that over $12,000,000 has been invested in in Oregon timber since January I. These bonds ore now said to be with Eastern investors and the ability to realize on standing lim ber by the bonding method has proved of benefit to the Pacific northwest. Willard Tanner, charged with murder in tho first degree, for tho killing of Ray Wallace, was found guilty of man-slaughter in Port land, The jury deliberated three hours and twenty minutes. 'T E MAJ. NOBLE TELLS REV. FORD WHAT HE WOULD NOT HAVE DONE. How Oregon City Men Differ on Political Views. Following are two letters writ ten from Oregon City to the Port land Telegram. The first was written by Hev. T. B. Ford of the Methodist church to Judge tlenry McGinn, and the other is an ans wer hv Maior C. S. Noble of this city, in which he tells Dr. Ford what Joshua would not nave done: "Dear Sir Though not a mem ber of the Progressive party, I thought I would tell you how oi'pnilv I was nleased with your address yesterday in the Gypsy Smith taijernacie. iou uiu youi--anlf Brent, credit and reflected honor upon the cause you repre sented and the state. "I was really delighted. The ad m'eau WDH Kit timelv. tho grounds so well taken, the points so well stated that you gave Mr. noose velt's address a great setting, "if I were not a Prohibition ist I hnve all my long life been a republican I would be a progres sive. "I think you ought to go on the stump for Mr. Roosevelt and make Farmers Look Up Your FALL Requirements in Farm Tools NOW If you need a new Plow or Harrow, Feed Cut ter, Wagon, Buggy ANYTHING in Imple ments or Vehicles, you will find it in the Mitchell Line The Best for The West See Us ! CANBY HDWE. . IMPLE MENT CO. Canby, Ore. BIG FREE IMPLEMENT a campaign throughout tho stall1. Yon aro the man to ilo this. "You may not remember inn, I used lo ho in Portland as pastor of tho Sunnysido Motliodist Chur oli. 1 urn past or of tho Methodist Kpisoopal Church hero now. "I wish you woll personally ami every way. You hold on your way and you will render tho stale a groat service. Yours very, T. it. FORD. I havo known tho Rev. T. 11. Ford but lo respect him, and in making a remark in regard lo his letter in your issue of Friday last 1 do so with no personal feel ing. To tho thousands that were at tho Roosevelt meeting in the Gypsy Smith Tabernacle and lis tened impatiently to the latter end of Judge McGinn's introduction, the conclusions of Urol her Ford's letter must bo puzzling. Judge McGinn is an eloquent and pleas ing speaker and his talk was en joyed until he quoted scripture and compared Roosevelt to Josh ua. Then his audience became so impatient and interruped him so much that ho found it best to quit, and did so by introducing "that colossal inan," "the best beloved man on earth, Roosevelt.' Mr. Ford may be used to these similes but while the judge '.vas making this Munchausen com parison the audience had in mind tho Roosevelt of the past. Joshua went "up against mighty odds" and prevailed. Roosevelt boasted last week in a speech to an aud- J LI S H LI A IV 0 U L CI N DONE SO ience of Americans who believe in fair play how he had taken tho Panama strip from a little, weak sister Republic, and in the same speech ho did not believe in a "braggart or bully." Joshua would never accepted a vast sum of money from Harriman for po litical practices called him an "undesirable citizen" denied the acceptance of money after the man was dead. Never heard of Joshua selling out to a steel trust or calling off a righteous invest igation of the harvest trust. Neither would Joshua call a man a crook and make a political bedfellow of him to get his vote and influence, as witness Timo thy Woodruff, of New York fame and others of that ilk. I doubt if Joshua would have fixed up con testing colored delegations from the non-Republican sates of the South in hopes ho might forco a nomination by that party he (Roosevelt) now says are dis credited and crooked politicians. At ono point of his speech Judge McGinn said "Who shall be this loader?" some one immed iately shouted, "Wilson," and there was such a round of ap plause that tho judge had to pause and carefully avoided giv ing such an opportunity again. Now Mr. Ford be honest with yourself. "As the heart thinketh so a man is." If you think, as your letter states, that Judge McGinn can "render the state a great service" by talking this way, why not come out flat footed for Roose velt, and take your own advice to the Moose convention at Ore gon City that "It's no time to stand on tho fence?" Respect fully, Chas. S. Noble. Implements and Vehicles of Quality at Right Prices CATALOGUE SENT YOU CAN BANK ON ZEIYIO FOR ECZEMA A 25o Bottle Will Prove It Abso lutely. Your skin will revel with joy tho moment you apply tho new remedy, y.F.MO. "Glory, but isn't it great! ' ZKMO is a liquid. You rub it on the affected part, it sinks right, in, and then it s goodbye to all that terrible itch ing, to every eczema sore, ec zema pain, pimples, blackheads, blotches, rashes, sores and prick ly heal. Yes, they all go; they've got to go. And how clear, smooth and spotless it leaves tho skin I Dandruff disappears too. ZEMO is safe, absolutely. Use ZKMO for irritated, raw and inflamed skin; for cuts, sores and hives ana feel tho dif ference at once. Children espec ially who suffer from skin afliet ion will go wild over it. ZKMO is guaranteed to stop itching. ZF.MO is sold at drug stores, in 25 cent and $1.00 bottles, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by E. Y. Hose Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. The 11.00 bottle contains six times as much as the 25 cent bottle. Sold and guaranteed in Ore gon City by the Huntley Bros. Drug Store. Eat at tho Canby M. E. cafeter ia at the grand stand on tho fair grounds during the Clackamas County Fair. HE ft LETTER TO I. STARKWEATHER ALFRED CRIDGE SLIPS OVER A FEW CURVED ONES. Says Graduated Tax was Drawn to Catch His Kind. Editor Courier: In your issue of the 13th. II. G. Starkweather declares that the graduated land value tax will not effect his-holdings in Portland, as the tenant agrees to pay all taxes. Better read the measure again, Harvey for you havo another think coming, and a costly ono too, if ' the amendment carries. Read it slowly Harvey, and let the sense of it soak in. In section (a) notice where the paragraph be gins, "Second, upon every person owning land and natural resour ces and interests therein within tho county the total assessed val ue of which is greater than ten thousand dollars." You and your wife are persons, Harvey, and your tenant has not agreed to pay any taxes on YOU. Therefore out of your income in Portland you would put up that $833. in taxes each and every year until the ex piration of the lease, and you are not smart enough to wiggle out of it. Any tax, Harvey, of a gen eral nature that taxes automo biles, would tax wheelbarrows and wheeled scrapers and farm (wagons. Any special license is (another affair, and ha3 nothing to That Never Fall Down Hoosier Drills Positive Forced Feed Bloom Manure Spreaders Double Steel Reach J. I. CASE PLOWS The Plow a Man Can Pull Dick's Feed Cutters A big line, and good Drew Litter Carriers A genuine labor saver HARROWS Disc, spring, spike-tooth Water Systems The Mitchell Wagon Monarch of the Road See Us! W.J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City Ore. YOU UPON REQUEST do with tho measure that is be- fore the house. With the im provements going on in the con struction of power vehicles it will not be long before the farmers will own more of them than any one else, and your special tax hits the farmers harder than any body else. The big land speculat ors and rent receivers of leased lands other people improve, in cities and out cannot be reached by taxing their automobiles as ef fectually as by taxing their in comes derived from their land holdings, as for instance the Starkweather crowd. They would far rather pay ten dollars a year on two or three automobiles than $833 on the income from one lot, eh? As an enterprising farmer and Granger brother Starkweather no doubt is a desirable citizen, and pays his bill and tries to upbuild his neighborhood. Nobody is questioning that. As an opponent of a measure that would tax the franchises of the railroads, all. ready capitalized and paying in terest upon such values, and which values are practically un taxed today, Bro. S. is a joke. We want railroad cars, sleepers, de pots, rails. Why tax what we want? The franchise value repre sents the monopoly and special privileges the railroads possess. Why not tax their privileges the same as anybody else? If we do they will have a greater value on the tax rolls than now. It is interesting as a study in Fall Goods human evolution to sen the wig gling of men like Starkweather who are facing the ievitable and have got to "come to their milk." The commercial pressure of great communities like Vancouver and Victoria will drive San Francisco to exempting improvements from taxation. The farmers of Alberta are practically a unit for this and have had it enacted. And the young farmers are leaving just as fertile and desirable sect ions in the Mississippi valley by tens of thousands for Alberta. They are leaving Oregon to some extent. What if California oners all that Alberta does in tho way of tax laws? When a tidal wave is coming what is the use of discussing the difference between salt water and fresh water mosquitoes? Alfred u. cringe. E O. O. ROBBIN3 ANSWERS MR. HICINBOTHAM'S QUESTIONS And Explains 8ome Things this Gentleman did not Ask. Editor Courier: At last Mr. Hicinbothain and I have got a common understand ing about one point but I cannot see why he should think people have not the right and the power to make a new law that will con trol assessors and boards of equalization and any railroad or other commission that may be created under the law. As I understand u, any assess or or other public officer is a ser vant to the people to carry out their will as expressed in the law and even the courts are to inter pret the law, to decide what the people desire to have done as they have had their wishes recorded. Under single tax, Mr. U'Ren would not have control of the as sessor's judgement about the comparative values of property where that would be left to his judgement, but if the people get back of Mr. U'Ren and enact this single tax and exemption amend ment and say to the assessors, for the purposes of taxation, you shall not assess any improve ments in, or under the land or any personal property, then you will find them obeying that law as they are now obeying similar laws in other places, and as they are obeying our present law here now. The will of the people, when lawfully expressed, is and cer tainly should be the guide of the assessors, commissioners and courts. It is not a question of tho assessor's judgement about the selling value . ot property but when he is told through legisla tive enactment that certain kinds of property shall be exempt from taxation, it shows in Oregon at least that the people think that is best for the general interest and they will see the plan carried out. In answer to the specific ques tion, if I were assessing Mir. Hic inbotham's land under the pres ent law, being as he says law abiding, I would assess his im proved land and the unimproved according to the selling price or value. But if I was assessing un der the proposed new law I should assess his improved land the same as the other unless it was a natural or focational dif ference. There is very little reasonable foundation for saying the people have picked out and improved all their choice land and what is left is culled and refuse. Nearness to market and ease of clearing are the most important factors in that case. Land near the cities though often poor and hard to clear, is improved before fertile soil farther away, and we all fol low the lines of least resistance and clear the land that has the least brush, stumps and trees on it when the other is as good and often better. It has been the cus tom as Mr. Hicinbothain has said, to assess wild land at a nominal price, becausing it is not pro ducing a revenue, and it is asses sed at a lower percentage of its IIS HOW II WQIILO WORK TO THE FARMERS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY We want to sell you your seeds, and we will sell you if you will give us the chance to show you and quote you. We carry in constant stock Vetch, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Orchard Grass, Cheat, Clover and Timothy. The Celebrated Conkey Stock and poultry Food and Remedies We will sell you at Portland prices and under, and you have a responsible Arm to deal with. We are going to make a specialty of seeds. We buy from the best seed houses in the country and will carry only the best selected lines. We want you farmers to come in and see us before you buy your seed.- We want your patronage and we have the slock and prices to get it. I Oregon Commission Co'py I 1 1 th and Main Streets, selling value than is improved land. A fair and impartial single tax assessment by a regular as sessor or board of assessor, would if it made any practical difference from the asessment made by Mr. Johnson still farther favor owners of improved land. About the highest price that is asked and has been received for improved land in Logan is $200. per-, acre and valuable buildings and other improvements go with it. Such land is assessed at ?60 per acre. Unimproved land that owners will not sell for $100 per acre is assessed at $20. Our im proved land to be assesed at same percentage of selling value as the unimproved should be at $40 in stead of $60. Yes, every dollar of assessment would have to bear its share of all the exemption, but those that have the most exemption, the farmers, would have a less per centage of tho total dollars of as sessment than before, and those with no exemptions, the speculat ors, would have a greater per centage of the total dollars of as sessment than before and there fore would pay more tax than bo fore. This is another elementary arithmetic problem. If tho people through a simple amendment of the law can not contro 1 assessors, boards of equalization and all other officers let us find out that fact by ex perience and then we will be wiser. Do not the assessors exempt from assessment property used for charitable, religious and ed ucational purposes and why should they refuse to follow fur ther instructions along that line. . The tobacco that Mr. Hicin bothain uses and calls progress ive must have been opium in it. as it fills his mind with distorted and unreal visions. Leave it alone. Horrible fears aroused by pipe dreams serve no useful purpose. O. D. Robbins. T. L. ParKs, Murrayville, Ga., Route 1, is in his 73rd. year, and was recently cured of a bad kid ney and bladder trouble. He says himself: " I have suffered with my kidneys. My back ached and I was annoyed with bladder irreg ularities. I can truthfully say, one 50 cent bottle of Foley Kidney Pills cured mo entirely." They contain no habit forming drugs. Huntley Bros. NEW STRENGTH FOR BAD BACKS. Oregon City Residents Aro Learn ing How to Exchange tho Old Back For a Stronger One. Does your back ache, feel weak and painful? Do you suffer headaches, lan guor and depression? Is the urine discolored, pass ages irregular? The kidneys are calling for help. Sick kidneys cannot do their work. Give them the help they need. Backache is generally kidney ache. To cure it you must cure the kidneys. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the test. A remedy especially for kidney ailments. Convincing proof in Oregon City endorsement: Mrs. L. B. Talley, 901 Eleventh St., Oregon City, Ore., say: "I am glad to say that Doan's Kidney Pills brought me prompt relief from a most annoying attack of kidney complaint and backache. Other members of my family have taken this remedy hith the best o fresults." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's-. and take no other. Cures baby's croup. Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mamma's sore throat, Grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the great household remedy. Oregon City, Oregon I