i OREQONICITY COURIER, FRIDAV, SEPT. 20, 1912 n o t-t o o 2 W p 5 c ffl w -D o w O W O 9 43 w w w S3 v. 1 2 o 1 tJ tt "I cr. o 1 CD 0Q a o 3 fD 1 c W CD CD o 1 m 3 o (B B O. a. to co r P" CD 1 Si' ( cr 2 & o a & I o i . 3" to D 2 3 to a. a co 2 tr t 2 f B" o & 3 n 3 9? O X to 1 1 I VI tr c 3 O "i CD W o a CL CD o D O s f 8 (D - 8" B. (D (A) ft. VO N5 0 J3 o a r & o CD a to co H B. c a o. c CO c 09 0 CO o CL to a p. e CD P a CD to a c 09 O. (t H I 3 2 n 5 P 7 W O v c 13 X P) -i H r o 2 H P) PJ I I O CO 3 Q-8 S-SH O, rt tsa Si 3 c w ? i4 tr CO w a H 5 o o P C O Q u sT R tt p w n J; orq 2- o P T3 O R J cr 3 S I X a- !5 ? W o O c 1 XI CA g o p eu P as t r g 0 3 2 co o 13 cr r W 3 -' r; - r x rj t- O -i 5 P 3 7Q ' P -t O p w O. P ft. g 3o 19 a o . a to 2. r a. Mr 2 B'M o 2 o H a1 (A r a tt3 a o B I (7Q cr n rro X " P o STo erg v?3 tr -r -I P - i- r" d (0 (l B" (D a o" 9 a CO o c S a & o a' a a B . a o M, a o :.s a o. X 2 cr tr (0 5? 1 xr u 8 v rr u P J5 i t-i !i g cr cr o ft Vd (T " 3 w a 7q . 0Q o 04 (0 a t o o a o a ST CD O. p 3 1 - Ob (v tr fv c p o H amt o D CD o Of CD 5 CD rv no o ti P I3 s bi a n B'H- a o o co rj 33" g a i 2. o. n S D p E ft) h s cr Op 3 S n rt O -1 C n P -- p n - w Cl o rt rv p a $3 i cr a CUrt : n cr r v M ri c 3 o o- c P o a ; 3 rt S a: 3 2 Is Si? e si 3 a a D g i - o o 5 3 tr re c " S cn a tf7 (D (0 S (D . 5!" v rr w 2 - 2-Oq W o4 S CO 3 o Si c a a o T on 80 o O to c o a a o ii a v 5 K' O n qi a r a- n a a r o CS a- g 0 a a P 2 5.2, R HI a H 1 ft sr 9 c a 2 pi p w to g c o. a " 3 o. - (0 r Q r CD Ct o g. . S o cu CD S' a o O O C. a m .w O.B- to v n O KM to O o a o c a. m 3 IT 3 o 2 ST ? T o S, o A pV 9 cr CD 3 CD a. to a o CD O 3 O. a CD O to cr CD 2 3 CD CO Hi cd a a CD tr Si Is- a Z co e CD Q) CD s o 3 a. to & o. A to o a a 3 CD 3 O c 3 p CD hi 01 ho h 5y . wi g I v 1 jgTs ft r J" f GOING AFTER THINGS. Domocrats will Force the. Fight in ClacKamas County. I'Iih Ki'inoonitH in this county will no Ioiikit Hit. hack anil lie lliankl'iil t'nr Ihc cruinlis llial, may mi ih'uhIihiI to llii'in. They urc gn. iiiK iil'li'i' IIic Inuf this your ami llicy will iln (lie oi'unili lii'iishiiiK 'I'liny are KiiiM' In gi't thu liig cnil. II h in t ho nir. Vmi eun'l h l. i j it. II.'h a Wilson year ami Hip parly Ilia!, litis wuilcil and licnn on short rations sinm (llcvdland'H liiini is going to gel in ami jilay linll. Clacknmas county lias nuito a low Jicinocraliii olllrials now, hut ilr is going In have more. Kvury ht'inocnU is full of enlhusiusin sixty days away, ami from now on l,hi) hoys are going lo hurk I ho liim and liui'k it hiird. County Judge Itealie opened the rent nil eominilleo meeting al Willamette hall Tuesday, nnd the sentiment of all Die lieinoerats present, was lo gel out, ami give Clackamas county a campaign that will prelly near clean up what, is lel'l of the lleptihlican party this year. The I ) i inn-cut s are going to elect Marry l.aue for V. S. senator and J'. S. .Nnyer for Hie stale leg islature; 1''.. T. Mass sherilV; (iil herl, ,. Hedges district attorney; J. K. .lack assessor; M. , tiall'ney recorder; (leorge M. Ilively coun ty coimnissiiiuer. . This is some claim, hut the hoys expect, to laud every one of these in office, and In land them dead easy. There will he a hunch of live campaigners and hrighl. speakers in this county. Kvcry one of the county nominees will get in I lie game and help to cover the coun ty and the Iiig fellows, Waller M. fierce, Harry l.aue, John M. (ler. rin, Senator Cliamherhiin and others will come in and help no mocracy do a thorough job in Clackamas counly. And don't forget that a little conlriliulion to the Wilson fund will help and help a lot. WILLIAM STONE WEDS. Married to Miss Irene Johnson of Portland Wednesday. One of I lie suprises of the week was the marriage Wednesday afternoon of William M. Stone of this cily, law parlner of (ieorge C. Itrownell, nnd Miss Irene John son of Portland, al the bride's parents al, (ilenwood Station. Mrs. William Mel.oughlin (if Hosehurg, was the maid of honor ami .1. I). Olson of this city, the Portland Journal's representa tive was best man. there were about forty guests present. The ceremony was performed by llev. John M. TounsA'iul, pastor of the Arbor Lodge Presbyterian church. Soon nfler the ceremony the bridal couple took the Shasta lim ited for San Francisco, and from there will go to the Yosemile val. ley for a few weeks' trip. Mr. Stone stands high in Ore gon City. He is a man of splendid character, a thorough lawyer and lias the highest esteem of all. They will make their homo in this city on their return. Shall We Raise Limit? At, the Live Wires' luncheon 'Tuesday J. K Hedges made a statement, which llecorder Slipp backed up, that under our presold charter the water works nufl city can only bond for $50,0(10. We are now bonded to this limit, and next year part, of Hie bonds come duo. As slated, we will not be able under present condilions lo issue new bonds to retire those coining due, unless wo amend the charter. J. K Hedges and Mr. Slipp were appointed to lake Hie matter up with the council as lo advisability of putting same to a volo at coining election. 'Tlie Saturday club of lite Con gregational chrucli will give a no vel enlerluiiinieul al the church parlors Friday evening called a "Tour of, the Uniled Slates." The room will be turned inlo a palace car spencial and various amusing events will bo scheduled. Lunch will bo served enroule. Everybody invited for a good lime. IS'o ad mission charged but a silver of fering will be accepted, 'train slarls al N o'clock. Get In Early, Please. This week we have a bushel of copy lel'Uuil , for Hie reeason it came in Wednesday night and on Thursday morning, and I lie hook was full ahead of it. Wo are always glad lo gel this copy, but it lias to lake its turn. Oct it in a little earlier, please and wo will gel It in the Courier. SUMMONS. In the Circuit, Court, of the Stale of Oregon, for the Counly of Clackamas. M. Stanley Council, Plaintiff vs. Mary James Connell, Defendant. To Mary James Connell, Defend ant above named: In the name of the state of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before the last day of the time proscribed in I he Order of Publication, to-wit, on or before the 2d day of November, 1912, and if you fail so to appear ami answer, the plaintiff will ap ply lo the Court for tho relief de manded in the complaint, filed herein against you, to-wit, for a decree dissolving, the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and yourself, on the grounds of desertion and aband onment, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. '" This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six successive weeks, seven publications, in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published in Clackamas county, Oregon, in pursuance to the order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judge for Clackamas counly, duly made on the 18lh day of Septem ber, 1912, and tho elate of I lie first publication thereof is the 201 h day of September, 1912. E. S. Snelling and Francis P Egan, Attorneys for Plainliff. 009 McKay bldff., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE. Large hand cider-press. Write A. C. Newell, III,, 1., Clackamas, Oregon. OREGON CITY DRUGGIST DESERVES PRAISE Tho Jones Drug Co deservo praise from Oregon City people for introducing here the simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture, known as Alder-Ji-ka. 'This simple German remedy first became famous by curing appen dicitis and it has now boon dis covered Hint A S1NGLK DOSE re lieves sour stomach, 'gas on tho stomach and constipation INSTANTLY. Robert Ginlher, for oiglilei years a teacher in this counly has moved to tins city Irmn Schuebel, and lives at 121 Wil amello St. Mr. Ginlher will loin ill Maple Lane, the coming yea Hie school opening Monday. MAPLE LANE. Tho neighbors of Maple Lam gave a iiue-well parly Monday afternoon, Sept. I(, for Mrs. Sar t i ii, who is moving lo Oregon Cily. The afternoon was spent social ly. A picture was given her by the ladies and later refreshments were served. A good time was re ported by all those present . . The Ladies Mutual Improve ment Club met at the homo o Mrs. Mighell's. The meeting was opened Willi a song by I ho club. His Grace is Enough for Mi','' A reading, "Give him a lift" was iveu by Mrs, Cono and another entitled "When mot her is away," was given by Mrs. Craven. The iiuiiinlly named reading, "Icon Williaminea eats much" was ron- ered by Mrs. Stafford. "In the sweet by and by," was the title of i song the club next sung. A prize was won by Dorithia Stafford for Answering the most conundrums which was given by Mrs. tame. This closing Hie program they idjourned lo the dining room, where a birthday dinner was giv en by the club for Mrs. Mighell s. it being her sixty third birthday. Afler dinner tho meeting was called lo order by the president and the minutes of the last meet ing were read and approved. There being no business to come before the meeting the lad were invited to meet Sept. 25 with Mrs. Norton with Mrs. Dimniick, llrown, and Schmidt as assistant hostesses. The meeting closed with the reciting of the club motto in unison. Those present were: Mrs. Swallow, Cone, Dimniick, and Adams, Gage, Pegencongh, Wilcox, Schmidt, Reynolds, Smith Horning, Nrown, Norton, Collins, Sartin, Lewis, Parker, Stafford, Mighells and Craven. On yew way to the County , '. FAIR. September 25, 26, 27 and 28 STOP AT THE Adams Department Store New Stock of Fail and Winter Goods Now Ready TEc PALMER GARMENTS Suits and Coats' for Ladies HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Suits and Overcoats for men New Dress Goods and Domestics Underwear and Hosiery Furniture, Stoves, Rugs and House Furnishings Oregon Gity's Busy Store