2 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1912. V I DON T INT THE SINGLE 1 Ma KELMHOFER 8AYS IT 13 THE RICH MAI'S PROPOSITION. GOES AFTER MR. E6GLEST0N. people to protect any and all hu-ly has a low opinion of our inlet- TWILIGHT, man creatures from any harm lectual capacity. Oregon hasl whatever through others, and tonade wonderful advances in the! Mrs. Olds is entertaining also protect meir legitimate in. ecompiisnmeni 01 governmental iriends from .ebraska and Kelso, terests. On the other hand it is jaehievmerit. The power of the Washingto i. a social ooogauon maoe com-,peopie 01 Oregon 10 control vy miss uertna Billiard nas re- pulsory by taws that each and tean or reform laws, passed by .turned home after an extended vi every one shall contribute tow-i the votes of the ordinary class of sit with Portland friends. ard the maintainance of this gov. people principally, is as great or A largely increased acreage of ernrnent according to the value or greater thaa in any state of the potatoes has been planted in their possessions. - , Union, and the minute those laws this district. A man 01 weaun requires more i were urawn up amj presented to j Jir. uoaos, senior and junior, And Asks Him to Explain Some of the Conflicting Statements. Oregon City, May 13. Editor Courier: I gincere'v regret that through accident the article written in re ply to Mr. Esgleston's statements was mislaid and lost, and consid ering the limited lime I have at rny disposal, it is impossible for rne to cover the details of his statements as completely as I had done in the letter that was lost. However I will try to make a few remarks, and try to show Mr.hg- gleslon in what points he erred in very short form, and I trust Mr. Eggleston will excuse me for not being more explicit as I was in the article that was lost. In the fir place Mr. Eggleston says that I am making a poor guess in saying that the person al property of the farmers, com pared with the vast amount of wealth of the cities and corpora lions was not worth while men tioning. I say it is not a guess but a fact and living right on a farm and among farmers, I ought to know what 1 am talking about Neither need you worry, Mr. E gleslon, that I forget to include farmers' livestock, .implements, household lurniture, etc. the latter which you would no doubt oftimes not have as a gift Then Mr. Eggleston starts out to define what constitutes the pro duct of labor, which certainly is a sorry-looking attempt. Now I have not the time to quote Mr Eggleston'H 'state merits on this point, and the rea der may refer to the Courier of May 3d if they do riot remember how lie explained what consti tuted the product of man's labor, and compare it with the explan ation I shall heheby give, and judge for himself which side is the most reasonable I agree with Mr. Eggleston that land as such is not the pro duel of man s labor, but I say that it becomes the product of his la bor the instant he pays for it, the compensation he received for la bor performed through his own mental or physical exertion. As I slated before if a person saves $1,000 out of the proceeds of his labor and uuys an unimproved piece of land, then it necessarily follows that this unimproved land is the product of his labor, Mr. Eggleston's statement to the contrary notwithstanding. If, for instant these $1,000 had been given to me as a present or otherwise, arid I did not have to perforin any labor for it whalev er, then of course I would buy nothing of which I could say that it is the prouuet of of my labor jvir. I'.ggieston says mat it is not the land but, only the Im provements on the land which can be the products of man's la bor. Now I .mn show Mr. Eggles ton that Hie improvements on a Kino's innd nay not be the prod. ii 1 or his labor. Supposing thai a iimii tin ill a hinie, barn, sheds, chicken house, stables, etc., and . n fo I, is I rid cleared tip and p.t i"' -l"r cultivation nnd has a'l this vork .lone I v laborers, and paid thorn with money that he be ct'nii' possessed i oilier than by working for himself, Ihan nil tho improvements on this land nre impossible as the products of his labor, yet Ihe single taxers unconditionally insist thai these Improvements which may NOT be the products of man's labor must bo exempt from taxation, whilo nn unimproved piece of land which MAY bo Ihe product of n person's labor, by .reason of bis exchanging bis hard work for it, must by nil means be tho only menus to draw revenue lo main tain our government. Is this right nnd fair? Next Mr. Eggleston niisquoles me ny saying I hat I made the supposition of gelling rich by running an automobile instead of buying n farm, when as a mailer of fact I said that I may make more money wilh tho automobile than I would wilh my unimproved farm, which, by the way, would not be a very dilllcult thing to do and yet I would not have a single cent of taxes to pay under single lax, as personal property is ex empt, regiu'dless of Hie fact of whether it s tho product or ones labor or 'int. Mr. Eggleston thinks I would have lo keep my automobile in an aeroplane to gel out of paying taxes in Ihe form of rent, lint what would rent of Innd 0x8 feet amount to, especially when the owner of the bind is promised a reduction of his taxes by single tnxers?. Don't tell me, Mr. Eggleston. Unit this must be land worth $25 a square foot. Not just knowing bow to get ar ound the justice nnd fairness of rny remark in regard to personal protection, Mr. Eggleston would have mo to make a run down to California with my where I nmy be held up in the "wilds of San Francisco" nnd asks what right I had lo get protection thoro, while I pay taxes only in Oregon, if taxes are for the pur pose of personal protection. It seems hardly necessary lo make any commenf on this, but for Ihe benefit of Mr. Eggleston I will say that it is the social ob ligation of any government as a, protection than a man of small j the people, we all clamored for means, and therefore should pay j (hem and passed them overwbel rnore taxes. For instance youjmingly. If the ordinary class of take a facte ry that employs 500: people, and principally the farm men. There are every day chancers, are too foolish to compre ces that these 500 men may go on 'hend the benefits of the single lax a strike and threaten to demolish !sys(em why were we not too fool the factory, whereupon the gov-jish to comprehend the ben. eminent is under obligations to: tits we wvuld obtain through even send out the militia if nee-; I hose great laws of di ssary, to protect the interests ofjrecl primary, initiative and j-ef-the factory, while the chances toierendum, recall, etc.,. They have protect the poor man's interests j Ihe single lax system up in are very small, and therefore he jI5riti.li Columbia. Single lasers is not requi'ed to pay as much, j will admit that Seattle is a California is a part of a gov- j neighbor and has every opportun ernrnenl into which money is paidjity to obse'-ve the working of the from Oregon, and thence is under jsystem. I hey will also admit the obligations to protect Oregonians j people of Seattle ar e as wise as as well as others, yet even if it; people elsewhere, and that the was not a part it would be corn-(people of Oregon are as wise as pelled to d) the same thing thru Seattle. They will also admit an international mutual under-jthat the people of Seattle over- standing to protect foreigners iwhelmingly defeated single tax in vaulo got mixed up with Henry (Scheer's spring wagon on the south end hill road Saturday re sulting in considerable damage to the latter vehicle. It is the opinion of the writer that autos traversing this par Ocular thoroughfare, are often times not under proper control and it is but a matter of time, un til serious consequences result. Both growing grain and the berry crop has been greatly bene fitted by recent rains. In fact ranch conditions could not . be more promising. and their interests within its boundaries. Mr. Eggleston's remarks in this regard seern exceedingly ridicu lous to me, and his saying that if taxes are for personal protection then the costs of prosecuting the robbers wouid have to be charged up to the victim who was robbed, sounds like if a man had his house insured and it burns up then the man who owns the house would have to pay Ihe insurance ridiculous, is it not? The whole tone of Mr. Eggles ton's article is like a lawyer searching for arguments, in de pending on an "impossible case." However I shall give Mr. Eggles ton another chance to explain some things about single tax that I cannot understand. You say that land is not taxed, but only the community value of land is what you propose to tax. And again you claim that it is not right to tax he product of man's labor. Very well, then. For ar gument's sake let us look this up from the single tax point of view Suppose then that a dozen of us farmers lake to the somewhat scantily inhabited sections ofClac karnas county, where the com munity value of land is, let us say, $10 an acre. We each buy 80 acres or more and start in to build homes, barns, fences, clear land, make roads, school houses, churches, etc.. The land being worth $10 an acre is assessed at that (igure throughout. Now there are others who own land amoungst U3 farmers who do not improve their land and hold for speculation purposes, and whose land is also assessed at the same (Igure. Now a year or two after wards the assessor comes out and in enquiring about the value of land comes to the conclusion that the community value of thai land is now S25 per acre. He says I ' Say, Mr. Speculator, the value of your land has been increased $25 per acre." Very well and good. Next he comes to one of us and says the community value of this land is now $25 per acre and will have to be assessed for that sum. We say "now look here, Mr. did you not tell us that the product of our labor would not be taxed?" Are not these improvements the products of our Tabor? What created the increase in the com munity value of this land if not our improvements and labor?" Are you single taxers not taxing labor by increasing tho taxes on the increased value of land due to tho improvements nnd labor done on it? You will say this is true, but tho speculator will havo to pay as much as you who did the improving. This is well nnd good, but don't tell us then thai you are not going lo tax Ihe pro duct of our labor. Furthermore the present system provides for the increased assessment of land which has been increased by the population and improvements of Ihe community, nnd if this is not lone in some rases it is not the fault of the system so much ns il is the metli id employed to get at orrect valuations of all oronerlv. hut, which would, however, bn ns intricate under the single lax as under the present system. Now there is another point in which the single tax system is in consistent. This is simply a matter of right or wrong. Is it right to tax personal property, which you say is the product of iniior, or is it wrong? You say it is wrong to lax personal properly nnd that it should be exempt from taxation. And again you fellows tell us that personal property DOES pay taxes in tho form of rent. Now if it is not right for personal pnperty to have to pnv taxes, it is also not right for it to pay taxes in the form of rent. If on Ihe other hand it is right for personal properly to imv its shit"' of the taxes, then tell mo whv i.i tho world you nre dodging around trying to tell people that it pays taxes, too, only in the form of rent?. Why not. come rhrbt o.O lircct nnd cull it "tax" ns ii should bo called? Why go around tho stump on the side of the road instead of walking right past it? Everyone in the world knows the dilTerence between the words rent and "lax" and those who automobile, do not protend to know it had bet ter look in Webster's dictionary nnd read it often enough lo com mit it to memory. Mr. Eggleston wrote in a former article that the best, argument for single tax is the fact that corpor ations and nionied interests nre opposed to it. Now if flr, glesum tlnnks we tanners such lunatics their last election, and they will also admit that Oregon and prin cipally Clackamas county will do just the same thing when elec tion comes round. If they don't admit Ihe latter they must be from Missouri, and we will show them. Any bill that has the stamp of personal property ex emption in whatever form, mod ified or not. will lind its Waterloo next November, as the time is passed when the farmers of this county can be bulldozed by the money power. There is only one advantage that the single taxers have over us farmers, and that is that we cannot afford to hire men to op- NEWSPAPER ROT. EAGLE CREEK. dined with Canby relatives last Sunday. Tom Kelland and Miss Bertha Bullard spent the past Sabbath with the former's brother, east of New Era. In excess of. 1.000 cords of wood will be marketed from this vicinity during the summer and early fall months. Supervisor Fine is rushing the public road improvement in th:s neighborhood and the impression is that we are receiving value for expenditures made under his di rection. "Hans Yon Smash," a German playlet, occupied tiie boards a. our amusement resort last SaU:r. day evening. Mr. George ;.a zelle and Carl Schmiedecke por trayed the leading roles, at y supported by Mrs. Schmiedee!- Misses Marie Harvey and V.m.i Camp. M. J. Lazelle and Bert I. Harvey. They wereg reeleri h quite an appreciate audience, i .. eluding a number of our M Pleasant friends. The prune crop in this co,.--munity, is a complete failure, but all other varieties of fruit tre'was made by George C. Brownell. more promising at this season of There were a few games with they ear than usual. which the people could amuse An Austrian engaged in clear- themselves if they wished, also a ing land for G. M. Lazelle, di- jar of beans for each one to guess appeared between days, leai:-2 the number it contained. Mrs. several unsatisfied accounts wilh Marie Gibson guessing nearest to some of our citizens. the number received the ladies' A change in name for this com- prize and Asa Thomas the gen munity has been suggested by tieman's prize. our community club and that f Mr.andMrs. Ed. Douglass made "Rose Lawn" was almost unani- a trip to Portland one day last The recent rain has made the fanners happy. Gus Burnett, the road super visor has been doing some worrk on the highways recently R. B. Gibson was an Estacada visitor last Friday George Sawtell was the guesl of Guy Wondle Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. A. If. Cooke were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hewlett Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Yio'a Douglass visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howlelt and their guests Sunday. Saturday was an ideal day for a picnic, so there was a large at tendance at the Grange affair and everybody semed to enjoy them selves. A sumptuous dinner was partaken of, a fine program was rendered and a splendid address Harvesting Machinery The CHAMPION Mowers, Binders and Rakes "NOTHING BETTER" BE PREPARED Half the trouble and annoyance of the busy'harvest time is due to the fact that when it comes you are not prepared for it. Why not avoid this condition this year by looking into your needs now. Perhaps you have machines for which you need re- pairs. Perhaps you resolved last year that you would not go through another year with that old out-of-date harvesting machine. If so now is the time to look into the merits of a new one. Next time you are in town drop into our store and le us Myers Hay Tools All Kinds for all Requirements ,JF show you what we have to offer. We sell our gooda on comparison and are only too glad to explain de tails to the careful buyer. We were never better prepared for our trade than thia year. Our spring stock includes Hoosier Grain Drills, Evans 8c Keystone Potato Planters, Bloom Manure Spreaders, Champion Harvesting Machines, Sandwich Hay Presses, J. T. Case Plows, Cutaway Harrows, Disc Plows, Mitchell Wagons, Staver & Parry Vehicles and in fact everything in the implement and vehicle line. If you can't call drop us a card for printed matter on anything in this line which may interest you. What Oregon City Hobo Thinks of Charles Shields' Article . Oregon City, May 21. Editor Courier: I saw in the Oregonian of May 12 a cartoon and letter by Charles H.Shields, wiili great scare head lines "Single Tax Plan is Hevolu tionarv. Adoption of Doctrine would Mean Complete Distruc tion of Land Values. The Aim of Single Taxer is to Confiscate Land Ownership" and a whole lot more of this kind of Tommy rot. I used to know a Shields and hi: was just about as pin headed as this .one, and why such a great paper as the Oregonian will al low such lies and trash to go into its columns is past my ken. I have only figured on Claeka mas county, after leaving out three townships for the forest re serve, which would be untaxible, it is 36x5i miles, and multiplied would give 1944 square miles of territory. Now multiply by 640 and it will give 1,244,160 acres. Now the tax collected in I D09 was $427,239. Now we will divide the dollars by the acres and we tlnd il. no ouite 34 cents an acre. Now if this would be the ruination of a country, it ought lo be ruined, and any one that will put. such stuff in a paper ought to be tak en to the woodshed and given a good talking to with a clapboard. Only a Hobo. WILL FIX SALARIES. Governor West will Make State Investigation of County Salaries Governor West is taking the matter of salaries of the counties of Oregon under the magnifying glass, and he says he proposes to thoroughly reorganize them and put them on a basis according to the work to be done. He says that some counties are paying big salaries and the offic ials are doing very little for their pay, while in other counties the salaries are shall and the work hard. He will have Ihe state com mission prepare a list of all the county officers in Ihe state with the amount of salaries paid and then he proposes to put the whole slate on a system of pay in pro portion to work done. He proposes to take the matter of salaries up with tho county (ranges, members of the legisla DOVER We are enjoying ;i most bene ficial rain for t!- gardens a'u1 the llelds. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Seward have returned to their home at this place from The Dalles, Oregon, bringing s ine dairy cattle with them. Jlirch Huberts was in Dover Sat urday and Sunday visiting old acquaintances. A large crowd of the Dover peo ple at tended tho 1'irwood Progres sive Assiciation last Saturday evening. (Jeorge Saw tell is visiting old friends agai.i at Dover. David Miller has returned from Columbia City to this place to slay for a whorl time. The Dover school children had a picnic al Hie school house May I8l.li. The picnic was for the last day of school at Ibis place. A. J. Morrison's daughter and her husband were visiting at this place over Sunday. Miss Alice Herghouse has gone to work foi If. G. Huntington at Eagle Creek. Donald Kndlcy, Harry Morrison and Hirch Roberts were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. Cupp last Sunday. Yancy and Lee Cooper are up in the Cascade mountains planting trees for the government. Mr, and Mrs. Hodley and daugh ter were visiting at their place here last week. Mrs. Hayes is here visiting her brother, C. A. Kieth. The prospect for fruit in this locality is very poor. There will be but very few apples and pears. A (ine program was enjoyed by the parents and young people of this place last week. After the program all enjoyed tho games anud races which followed. Almost a Miracle. One of the most startling chan ges ever sea in any man, accord ing to W. It. Holsclaw, C'arendon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dre adful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and was completely cured by en bot tles. Now he is sound nd well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our family has used this .,.Twl,,,,r,,l ,,,.,,l f,, r. ,,r.k J rcial c,"b" an) olh.OT ooldB wili, exoeUen resuul" iK . I .V' 1 i CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS A complete stock of Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, includ ing the famous Planet Jr. line of Garden Tools. W. J. WILSON & COMPANY OREGON CITY, OREGON CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. CANBY, OREGON FULL LINE AGENTS FOR Mitchell Wagons 75 years Monarch of the Road IL PORTLAND OREGON BSRSssrajBn organizations in each county.ask that they give opinions as to what the salaries for the various off! ces, and with this information he will work out the averages and determine what percentage of the assessed valuation of the state is needed to cover all the salaries of county officers; these will be be separated into divisions ac cording lo area and population. and assessed valuation, and this basis apportion each county nis share. Ho thinks this plan will put the salaries of the coun ties on a just basis, and that if works out satisfactory that a con slitulional amendment will presented to the people forever lixing the salaries on this basis and preventing any tampering with politicians be DON'T SAY YOU'RE OLD You Only Feel Old Digestive organs are weak don't assimilate food as they used to. Other organs act more slowly and iess effectually. Blood Is thin and slniretRli Renewal of strength does not equal wear ana tear of your system That's what makes vou feel nii Nothing In the world will tone up huu invigorate tnose weak, back-sliding organs, make rich blood and cre ate strength so quickly as Vinol. VInol Is not a secret nostrum, slm- piy tne medicinal elements of the cods livers, with the useless nauseat Ing oil eliminated, and tonic Iron Add. ed. Try a bottle of Vinol with the understanding that your money will be returned If It does not make you stronger, feel younger and give you an aaaea interest In life. HunLley Bros. Oregon City E. H. COOPER. THi Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident Insurance uweuiog uouse insurance A Specialty OFPIC WITH U'Ren & Schuebel. Oregon City, Ore pose single tax, while tl-e other mmisly adopted. It is now p-o. elemenls supply of the coin is posed to submit the proposition, unlimited. jby petition of the people, to ihe The lesson we got from the do-'proper authorities, feat of Jouplhan Bourne through Geo. M. Lazelle lost a valu.V.io his remaining quiet and relying , mare last week. th. result of ma. on the peonle to do the right ternity. Tin y are raising the filing should make us feel flight, loolt "by hand.' ly alarmed nnd be on our guard, Mr .V. A. Hailey recently pur Inil. when u. comes to a vote on chased a 5 acre tract from Henry single tax there nre not only Ro-iHeheer and will immediately ini i.ublit'tuis are going to vide un-inrove the same bv the erection of on it, but IVmocrals will have a a commodious dwelling thereon, word to say about it, too. I A misclievious boy is to be ad- A. J. Keluhofer. Iinired. provided the houndarv of rudeness is not infringed upon. week. II. 11. Gibson sold a number of pigs the first of the week. Hoy and Carl Douglass went to McMinnville Saturday and played ball on Sunday afternoon, the team they were members of win ning the' game. Mrs. Roy Douglas we.it to Ore gon City Saturday and will spend a week at home. Phone Pacific 52 Home A151 The Danger After Grip. lies often in a run down system. ..raK. rss, 'M i ousuess, hick 01 bring like results to others iii'iMu ae, energy anu aniDiiion, practice it with disordered liver and kidneys I Master Alfred Dodd. a 5-vear. attack of tlliS:,l,l who with his mnnimn is vis i.eap nvice, men look, is what got Hans Von Smash in trouble, and what's more it will who often follow an wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood puriller and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands havo proved that they wonderfully strengthen- d the nerves, build up tho svs- teni and restore to health and good spirits after n attack of grip. lift I If sulTerinir Irv llwm iinlv ro, as to believe and s,,i,i unit noi- f.nt ooli. t , ,l i,. bite at such bait, then ho certain- jguaranteod by Huntley Bros. iting relatives in the east, was recently sent to the bakery for a loaf of bread and upon his return remarked to his grandma, that "we didn't buy bread in Oregon but raised i1.' Miss Smith of the Mackhurg country, was a Sunday visitor with the Lazelle family and in cidentally witnessed the "Hans Von Smash" entertainment. Unfortunately Judge Dimick's Henry Ferris, Hadar, ISeD., is the father of ten children and for the past twenty years has used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with the best of results. He tells us: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is the best cough medicine in the world for I have used it for the past twenty years and can recommend it to anyone neding a cough medicine." For sale by Jones Drug Co. Mrs. M. Bishop, Columbus, Kan., suffered from a weak back, a good many years as a result of kidney trouble. "I began taking Foley Kidney Pills and soon after the pain left my back and today I am fully cured. For sale by Jones Drug Co. Browne!! & Stone ATTORNEYS AT LAW v. schuebel w. 8. U'Ren U'REN A SCHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law SVtll practice In all courts, make col ections and settlements of PRtnfoB urnlsh abstracts of title, lend you i-ucj uu iKua your money on first nortgage. Office in Enterprise Build- on City. Ore. PACIFIC PHONES Office, 71 Residence 130 Gilbert C. Btdgts La wyer Weinbard Bldg. Oregon Citv, Ore Now is the time to get. riri nf your rheumatism. You can do it by applying Chamberlains Lini- meu ana massaging the parts freely at each application. For sale by all druggists. quick, safe, reliable and guaran teed. Price 50cts and $1. Trial bottle free at Huntley Bros. MULINO FLOUR MILL Has lately been refitted with a line of the latest and best improved machinery, and is now turning out and has con stantly on hand a full stock of "Triumph" Patent Flour from best blue stem wheat Howard's Blended Flour made blendid valley and hard wheat. Whole Wheat Flour, Germeal, Graham, all three fresh made from choice hard wheat. Feed of all kinds Highest market price paid for wheat and other kinds of grain at all times. The new brand of Triumph Pat ent flour makes whiter and better bread and biscuit, and more of it to the sack than any other. Try it and be convinced.1 C. T. HOWARD MULINO, ORE. Dr. L. G. ICE, Dentist Beaver Building, Oregon City Phones PaciBc 1221, Home A 1M Straight & Salisbury, Agents for the Celebrated Leader Water Systems and Stover Gasoline Eneines. We also carry a full line of Myers pumps and Spray pumps. We make a specialty of irutalling Wa- r oyxemi ana numbing In the country. 720 Main Et. Oronn ri riionel!nH2 m Send For This Seed Annual-Free Ut KKkutteAtdfoipiiiitriwi trmun.lMi. No ckre puked kr ui iinlnt llw two Qutli ikow thevwyhigbanumUid. OwhiUr epnipptd Uimitoiy audit lh diij3ioo of aeon ond apl If " mmn mi (ikmwmL. n hen buyiog Liflv wr-di, yea buy metoued aoc Sad km aaloc TUCWH.LfflyCa.Sali