Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 08, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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1 Q&SiS!i
Make All Your Christmas Plans Early
Come in
now and
i Nothing
look aro'd
can be gained in
waiting. You know the
early buyer gets the best choice.
Our display is more complete
this year than ever before and
everything is marked in plain fig
uresyou can almost wait on your
self at Huntley's. Any article in our
stock will be put aside for you on
payment of a small deposit
( nLLv
Never before have we been able to offer
such values in Toilet and Manicure .Sets,
In many cases we have been able to price
these sets at about what we paid for them
lust year. Some of the finest things in
silver and ebony at prices that will sur
prise you. See them in our window.
$1.00 up to $20.00
Have you ever look
over our stock of per
fumes? If not you
certainly liave a ple
asure awaiting you.
The best odors of
Roger & (JaUetf,
Peivers.Violet, Solon
Palmers', Wrights',
Colgates, and a dozen others.
No less than one hundred different odors
in all. Our bulk odors sell for 50c to $2.
per ounce. Put up in fancy bottles from
25c to $8.00 -
1 2S?t?J1
More, books are given-fur presents than any
other one article. For some friends nothing
else will d;; for others theydo better than any
thing else you' can afford Mo givi ; for children
and young people it wouldn't be Christmas
without books. "
Higher cost of liviug does not apply to our
book stock. We' can sell you better books for
less monev than we could ten veai's ago. We
meet any Portland pr mail order prices. Won't
you please select your books now before the
crush begins? We can give quiet, personal ser
vice now later, well, you've been through it.
200 Alger Henty and OpticI5ooks for boys. Published C
at 35c and 40c, Our price aVsl
JiO Meade, Alcott and Sophia May Books for girls. Pub C
lished at 35c Our Price
150 Ellis, Castlemon, Trowbridge, Coffin and Optic
B loks for boys. Published at 50c Our I rice w) Jt
100 Hoys of Liberty Library, stories of the Revolutionary War
one of the best series we know of, by the best writers. 1 C -1'nblished
at 00c, Our Price J-J
60 Best Girl Books by leading authors. Published "t A(f
50c Our Price fVV'
New finely illustrated boys' and girls' books .... 50c to $1,00
Books for Children 5c, 10c, 15c, 23c and upt" $1.50
400 copies of recent best selling fiction, formerly pub- C(
lished at jsl.50, now Jvt
All late factions at lowest prices.
Dainty jjift books in leather binding 50c to $2.00
Same in Cloth Binding , 25c to 50c
Our Christmas Candy will be in direct from
Boston next week. The packages are works
of art and the candy is the best that can be
produced by Lowney and Liggett. You can
buy as little as a 25c box or as much as a
$5.00 one, its all the same quality .
Nearly every style of Safety Razor may be
found in our stock:--
Gillette, Gifford, Autostrop, Ever-Ready,
Durham Duplex, Brandt;
All the advertised kinds.
$1.00 to $7.50
The Ever
Popular Gift for
a Man
We have dozens of different sets this year to
select from. Don't buy until you have seen
Prices 75c to $7.50
for this genuine
Yes sir, a genuine
Victor-Victrola foe 15.
Hardly seems possible,
and yet this new instru
ment embraces all the
fundamental Victor
Victrola principles.
And the unequal ed
Victor-Victrola tone
that's the most important
thing of all.
Come in today and
hear it no obligation to
buy, but you won't want
to do without one.
Other styles $25 to $250.
Victors $10 to $100. Easy terms
if desired. .
We are making especially attrac
tiveprices onourbig stock of
jewelry. 1-4 off, 1-3 off and
even 1 -2 off on many of the very
things you will want. Don't fail
to look over this stock before
you buy.
Nelson's Large Type Bibles
are the
J", tjiV", - L , We quote
it it. M ? - " , lowest pri-
kAnV Wm V' j ,1,uy, dirL'ct
"IMJi I "-r quantities.
Leather Bibles 60c to $7.00
Prayer Books $1.00 up
Catholic Prayer B'ks 50c up
Testaments 10c up
Cloth Bibles 60c up
Revised Edition 50c up
These make a beautiful gift for a small amount of money
For the money there is nothing that seems
to go as far as a box of nice Stationery
We have the famous Eaton Crane & I'ike
Stationery in Holiday boxes, at any price
pay, from 25c to $2.50
... :
mm ' . ., , I
Is more in demand than ever before. It
ifi faci ating work for young and old.
Our stock comes direct from the largest
"a. I factory and is complete, Catalog free
fos the asking.
Burning Sets $1.70 to $5.00
Wood to Burn 5c up
Then a Pipe will fill the bill. We buy our pipes from the
maker, so the prices are right. Fine French Brier and Meer
schaum with highly polished Amber Stems.
$1.00 to $ 5.00
This is positively the biggest bargain in
an all leather bag that we ever saw for
$1.00. We have other bargains at $1.25,
1.50, 12.50 and 3.C0 that will appeal to
you if you wish to pay more.
Prices up to $15.00
Business nion of Condon huve or
ganked, temporarily, the Condon
KuhIiiohh Moh'b Association.
The Oregon State Wireless Associa
tion was organized tit it meeting of
amateur wireless operator held In
The proposed commission form of
charter submitted under the Initiative
at a special city election In Aaliluml
was overwhelmingly defeated.
The train service on the Pnclllc
Railroad & Navigation Company Is
causing a large amount of travel be
tween Tillamook and 1 lillstioro.
Pendleton will he the scene of uu
other slate convention this week,
when the Farmers' Kdueational and
Cooperative Union meets la Its second
annual gathering.
Ed Jttrgens and P. Kuster, tho two
men held In tho county Jail at How
burg charged with holding up the
DralnScottsbnrg stage, have made a
complete confession.
Under orders Issued by tho war
department, Colonel James Jackson,
retired, will move his headquarters
as Instructor of the Oregon nillltla
from Saloni to Portland.
Tho Ashland Tidings (newspaper)
Is now under the ownership and
management of Hert 1. llreer, a news
paper man from Muskogee, Okla., who
purchased it from 11. H. IJennett and
It is estimated that 35 000 sheep
will be fed for mutton In and sur
rounding Joseph. Of this amount
22,000 are long-wool sheep, which
make the linost mutton obtainable as
they fatten out quicker and run heav
ier In weight than the liner grades.
That part of the city of Hrowns
vllle, one of Linn County's leading
towns, lies in the Oregon and Callfor
nla land grant, which may by forfeit
ed to the government, Is a fact which
has developed In a case now pending
In the circuit court of Linn County.
Improvement on the entire high
school course of study In the state Is
contemplated for the meeting of su
perintendent -t, principals, high school
teachers and anyone else Interested,
which has been called by Superin
tendent Alderman for December 28
and 29 In Portland.
County Judge Georg3 I). Culbertson
has announced the appointment of P.
S. Davidson, W. R. King, Captain
Chnrles It. McCan, W. S. Orlbble and
Walter Mason as delegates from Hood
Hiver County to the International Ir
rigation Congress, which will convene
In Chicago about the middle of December.
The state tax commission, sitting as
a board of equalization, met Monday
to begin Its work.
Acting Governor Oleott revoked the
conditional pardon of J. W. Norrla,
convicted of larceny In Klamuth Coun
ty and sentenced to serve a four-year
term In the penitentiary.
Dividends declared duriinr the past
year by the Oregon Short Line
amounted to the huge sum of $HS,680,-
000, being (58.118 per cent of the total
par value of stock and yet a surplus
was left h'gger than at the outside,
according to a report just received
by the railway commission.
Pear that the Southern Pacific will
interfere with rapid construction of
the Oregon Klectric between Harris
burg and Kugene by refusing to un
load piling along the ma n line of the
Southern Pnclllc, as desired by the
Hill road, has led the V. L. llolsfoid
Company, of Portland, which has the
contract, t; complain to the Kallroad
Papers which are on tile in the ar
chives of the state land board prob
ably will figure in the controversy
which is threatened as the result of a
letter of protest wh'ch the attorney-
general has Just directed to the mem-
berg of the desert land board warning
them against using st.it funds for
hiring outside counsel In relation to
Carey act matters.
Concluding that whec s:a'e oltlee),
other than that of t!'e secretary of
state, ate p. vldei! w't'i a mainten
ance fund t y Icglt'nt v ' pnpropr'a
tlon the sec rtary o' i-t shou'd no1
furnish cilice suppl es. Secretary Ol
eott has anniuuciJ th. t tue a :oat
commission, the tax co nm on anj
all other separa'e o.l'.cis created ar.J
provided for by the last L g'slature,
will not hereafter secure supplies
ti'om the secretary's olllce.
Suffering under the delusion that
enemies were seekins their lives and
wished to poison them, Max Pawlack
and Oeorgo DeUrowskl, both Insane
patients from Portland at the state In
sane asylum, plotted to take the life
of S. A. Parks, one of the attendants
at the Institution, and Pawlack at
tacked Parks In ward No. (!, stabbing
hi in six times about ths head, one of
I the wounds being near the temple. A
wound on the top of the head nearly
penetrated the bone and gouged out a
portion of the skull. While Parks is
in a serious condition, It Is believed
his life will be saved.
Dry Lands Grow Good' Potatoe Crop.
Metollus. One hundred and twelve
sacks of potatoes sewed sacks at
that is the amount dug from one
acre by It. O. Clark, whose home
stead Is situated at Round Uutte.
They were grown on dry land, with
out receiving a drop of rain from the
tlmo of planting until the rain that
fell the latter part of August. Round
Butte Is springing some great sur
prises this year as it has done every
year since farming began there seven
years ago In the variety and vol
time of Its productiveness, with espo
cial emphasis on tho potato crop.
Scio Election Campaign Quiet.
Sclo. The new charter has seemed
to take on management of tho first
election under an air of secrecy,
whether Intentional or not. One of
the provisions requires that all can
didates must he nom'nated ten days
before election. This has be, n d. nc
away with by the city recorder hav
ing the tickets printed cut.-lde the
city, the names of candidates with
held from li e press, s that few vet
ers know for whom they are to cast
tholr ballots. .
A Terrible Blunder
to neirleot liver tronhK Never do It.
Take Dr.Kiug's New Life Pill on the
flraf nion nf eonstiimtion. blllinnsnoss
or inactive bowels aud prevent viru
lent indigestion, jaundice or gall
stones. They regulate liver, stomach
aud bowels and bnihl tip ronr health.
Only 85c at Huntley Bros. Co., nre
soriptiou druggists, Oregon City, Hub
bard, Molalla.
Long Period of Waiting Soon to Ee
Burns. The latest railroad news
sent out by the Harrlman and Hill
lines is good news to the people of
Harney County. It seems that this
county will soon be connected with
the outside world. There Is no place
on the Pacific Coast that has been
troubled as much by false promises of
railroads as this section of the state.
Ever since construction started on the
road from Yaquina Day to lioise,
I'daho, In the early eighties, people
have been expecting the railroad.
Then the Hill people git busy with
the road up Deschutes River, which
gave the people new encouragement
to go out further in unknown valleys
for homes. There is not a valley that
has not been visited by the homeseek
er. Several railroad men have visited
this section lately and several survey
ing parties are in the field.elocating
ary m each year.
In o.der to expedite such res stra
tion for 1912, sucii insfuctons and
directions a-i were deemed necessary
for the guidance of the applicants
were Incorporated in a circular letter
and Included with the blanks. On De
cember I, there were G417 m tor vehi
cles, which includes 410 motorcycles,
40 eleclric, 2"5 trucks, 41 delivery
wagons, SI taxicabs and G6C0 autos of
various kinds regis eid with the sec
retary of state aud 16C5 chauffeurs.
First Freight Arrive3 at Bend.
Burns. The first "fi eight train" for
Harney County lu r ved in Burns
Wednesday. It wasn't drawn by a lo
comotive but was the next best, con
sisting of two autotrucks carrying
seven tona of meicliaiidise, and made
i e trip from the railroad at B: nd in
less than two days.
Boys' Clubs in Session.
Corvaliis. The sixth annual state
boys' conference, under the auspices
the old survey In Malheur canyon and of u 0re gon ldaho Y. M. C. A., wn'ch
Crane Creek gap. The people along
the line are in better spirits than for
merly and feel sure that the railroad
builders mean business this time.
Paving Agent Indicted.
Klamath Palls. True bills were re
turned as the result of a grand Jury
Investigation into the accusations
against S. A. MacMahon and J. H.
Hughes, directors of the Rudolph
Rlome Paving Company, asserted to
have offered Mayor Sanderson and
four councilmen $1000 for their In
fluence In awarding a street-paving
was In sessl! n at ti:e Oregon Agricul
tural Co lege, closed S inday. Be
tween 175 aid 200 bo- from different
parts of Ores n and Idaho were in attendance.
Their Value Exceeds Ten Million
Salem Secretary of State Oleott
has mailed to the various automobile
owners and registered chauffeurs In
the state blanks for filing formal ap
plications for renewal of their licenses
for the year 1912, as required by the
motor vehicle law enacted at the last
session of the Legislature. It is pro
vided in the law that reregistratlon
by both motor vehicle owners and
chauffeurs shall be renewed annually
to take effect on the first day of Janu-
Very Serious I
It is a very serious matter to ask B
for one medicine and have the R
wrong one kiven you. For this H
reason we urge you in buying to B
be careful to get the genuine I
Liver Medicine
The reputation of this old, relia
ble medicine, for constipation, in
digestion and liver trouble, is firm
ly established. It does not imitate
other medicines. It ia better than
others, or it would not be the fa
vorite liver powder, with a larger
i tnan all others combined.
Mi cipal Election Results In Oregon
Pendleton W. F. .Matlock, oleoti
iiayor; commission government loses.
Oregon City Giant B. Dimlck,
elected mayor.
Albany P. D. Gilbert elected mayor
on progressive ticket.
Sutherlin Bonds for J30.000 water
system voted and councilmen re
elected. Salem Nonpartisan primary In
dorsed. Five proposed charter amend
ments fall. "Wets" claim majority In
council as result of election.
Grants Pass R. G. Smith has slight
lead in mayoralty contest, but result
"n doubt.
When yon have a bilious attack give
Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They
axe excellent. For sale by all dealers.
It Helps!
Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of
Sip, Ky., writes: "I was
so sick for 3 or 4 years,
I had to hire my work
done, most of the time.
I had given up hope. When
I began to take Cardui, I
knew, right away, It was
helping me. Now, I am
better than ever before in
my life, and Cardui did It
E 64
The Woman's Tonic
Cardui has helped thous
ands of weak, tired, worn
out women, back to health.
It has a gentle, tonic ac
tion on the womanly sys
tem. It goes to the cause
of the trouble. It helps, it
helps quickly, surely, safe
ly. It has helped others.
Why not you? It wilL
Try It Oet a bottle today!
keeps children
healthful and happy.
Give them a few drops of
this strengthening food
medicine every day and
watch them grow.
Whooping - Cough
Loss of Flesh
and many other troubles
A Better
Baking Powder
"uu"wut ana Tuuawe lototmatio
ibout breeAnj. batchinf. ttuiag.
feeUing od housing poultry m
UUy i Poultry Bok-juft pond.
5od for copy. (re.
TSt 5n H.LflrfO, SfU