6 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1911 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF G EN ERALJ NTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. " Young Wife Asks $150,000. Oregon City. Cleta Pearl Allsky, wife of Charles W. Alisky, both of whom are suing for divorce, has filed suit for $150,000 damages against her husband's parents, Churleo A. Allsky and Mrs. Caroline Alisky. The plain tiff, who is a sister of Maybelle Gil man Corey, alleges that her husband's affections were alienated by his parents. SAILINGJE AIR. How It Feels to Soar Aloft In a E-.!!cen or Aeroplane. ALL SENSE OF HEIGHT LOST. Fifth Annual Apple Fair at Albany. Albany. Active preparations are being made for the Fifth Annual Ap ple Fair, which will be held in this city November 8 to 10. The associa tion Js sending out printed premium lists to all the apple-growers of the Willamette Valley, accompanied by letters soliciting exhibits for the vent. Commission Plan Sought. Astoria. Petitions signed by 214 registered voters asking that the new charter providing for the establish ment of a commission form of govern ment be eubmltted to a vote of the people at a special election, on Wednesday, Deoember 13, were Died In the auditor's office. SELL APPLES BY WIRE Hood River Sells to Hamburg by Ca ble Communication. Hood River. Unprecedented in the history of the Hood River Apple Grow ers' Union was the sale of a numbei of carloads of extra fancy apples to buyers In Germany. The method pre Tlously used by European fruit men has been to seoure the shipments on consignment. However, the recent sales were made by cable communlca tions direct to Hamburg. The sales urere made entirely on the reputation of the union pack. The great bulk of the Hood Rlvei Valley produot wlll .be marketed this season west of the Rocky Mountains, beoause the large crop of local prod uct In the East and Middle WeBt pro Tents the union Irom securing satis factory prices In the eastern markets. The seasons' crop will be very much shorter than the estimates made by the growers early In the season. Experts View Site for Canal. Oregon City. Governor West, Sec retary of State Olcott and State Treus uxor Kay, who compose the state ca nal commission, and Major Mclndue Inspected the locks and canal on the West Bide and the proposed routes for the East Side canal and locks. Forty Boosters to Attend. Heppner. Forty members of the local boosters' club of this city at tended the Trl-County Development League convention held In Arlington October 81 and November 1. The counties Involved are Morrow, GU Ham and Sherman. ELECTION MAY NOT BE VALID State Institutions Not In City, Is Con tention. Salein. To teBt the validity of a special city election hold several months ago, defeat of which might re sult in the State Asylum for the In sane and the State Penitentiary be ing considered outsldo the city limits, Attorney W. P. Lord, Jr., has In the circuit oourt a case which Involves the right of state employes to vote at certain elections and to determine whether the annexation of certain districts la legal. Prior to the last census a special election was held for the purpose of taking the asylum and penitentiary and contiguous districts Into the city In order to swell the sum total of the population by SOOO people. Attorney Lord sets up the conten tion that every voter in the district to be annexed who voted in favor of the annexation was a state employe working at the aRylum. Jury Aoqults Robinson. Prlnevlllo. After standing for hours balanced between ncqulttal and a ver dict of second degree murder, the Jury In the wise of the Stale against Er rest Robinson, charged with the mur der of Louis McAllister, acquitted the prisoner. Consequently There Is No Feeling of Dizziness or Giddiness, and After Riling a Few Hundred Feet There Is No Sensation of Speed. Comparing ely few persons can look down from a great height without H creepy sensation running through the nerves and chasing down the spine, and one would naturally think these unpleasant symptoms would be In tensified It one were td rise several hundreds ol feet in the air In a flying machine. But that Idea Is a mistake, according to Mr. Charles O. Turner In an article in the Pall Mall Maga zine, In which he tells how beginners are taught the use of the aeroplane and describes the sensations of fllgnt. Ee says: "The manner In which a course of flight lessons begins depends chiefly on the weather. If it Is fine and calm a pupil Is at once taken out for pas senger flights, sitting behind the teacher or beside him. according to the type of machine, and having noth ing to think about except the novelty of his experiences and the new aspect in which he sees familiar things. "His first flight is a great event in the career of the pupil, and when it is over he is anxious for the next His estimate of the difficulties that lie before him Is more modest, and he is ready to besiege his Instructor with questions. He climbed Into the pas senger's seat and gripped the stanch Ions with both hands. He need not have gripped them quite so hard, for be soon found that the motion of the machine was not in the least disturb ing. "To start it a mechanic stood behind the main planes and gave the propel ler a turn, and suddenly the engine was giving out a tremendous roar and making the machine vibrate. Other mechanics were holding on to the tail booms to prevent the aeroplane from shooting forward before the pilot was ready. "But almost immediately the pas senger observed the pilot bold up one band as a signal, and on the instant the machine plunged forward over the ground like a swift motorcar. Before be bad time to observe and note bis feelings the sensations bad changed. The machine was traveling forward wltb perfect smoothness, the noise of the engine had curiously softened down, the ground no longer raced be neath the machine, and be realized that be was flying and that already be was twenty, forty, fifty feet above the ground. "Flying has been compared to many things, but In truth no comparison Is good. Perhaps I may correct one or two common but false notions con cerning It "There Is no sonse of traveling at a great height There Is not the slight est danger of giddiness. To me this gave no surprise, for, as every bal loonist knows, It matters not whether ho looks down from 20 or 2,000 feet the sensation of height is absent "To take my own case, I cannot look down a 100 foot cliff for many sec onds before feeling unsafe, but I can look down from a balloon that is two miles above ground and can gaze at the scene below for hnlf an hour with out a qualm. It is the experience of every aeronaut. "It is Impossible also with reason able accuracy without the aid of an aneroid to estimate one's height You see trees far below you, and if you are high enough they appear to be mere bushes, but you cannot tell whether you are 400 feet up or 700. "Again, the senso of speed is almost entirely lost when you have attained a height of 300 or 400 feet. The ground passes below you very slowly, whllo If you get up to 800 or 1.000 feet it is only by steadily watching the ground that you perceive that you are moving. Yet all the while there is that Bteady gale of wind upon tho face that in forms you of your speed. 'In descending a pupil notices that the speed of the ground rapidly accel erates. The chances are that he can not distinguish the moment when the landing wheels again come into contact with the earth. The muchlno moves forward over the ground until its mo mentum is exhausted, and bo ami the pilot then descend from their seats." JACOB m. dxm:m 1 v 4 V 1311, by Amerioan Press Association. Jacob M. Dickinson, former secre tary of war, who, as special counsel for the Government, prepared petition to dissolve the "Steel Trust." JOSEPH PULITZER IS DEAD Blind Editor of New York World Sud denly Stricken. Charleston, S. C Joseph Pulitzer, proprietor of the New York World and the St. Louis Post Dispatch, died Sunday aboard his yacht, the Liberty, in Charleston Harbor. The Immediate cause of Mr. Pulit zer's death was heart failure. He had been in ill health for several days, but until a few hours before the end none of those around him suspected the gravity of his condition. Mrs. Pulitzer arrived from New York and reached the yacht shortly before her husband died. At his bed side when the end came also was his youngest son, Herbert, who has been cruising with his father. Lumber Mills to Close Thirty Pays. Seattle. Lumber mills In Oregon and Washington will close for 30 days, commencing December 15, in an effort of the manufacturers to cut down the supply of lumber going Into the market, and thereby bring about a rise in prices. This was decided by a resolution adopted by the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation, which met here. Dam Builders Left Out Bedrock Key. Oloan, N. Y. Alexander McKlm of New York, who was sent to Austin, Pa., to report on the cause of the breaking of the dam, has reported that the "bedrock key," specified in the plans, was not Installed when the dam was built. "It was an appalling mis take," reads the report. Street It City Dance FiOor. SprliiKlleld. A celebration wusheld In Springfield in honor of (ho comple tion of tlio rmvInK on Main street. The celebration consisted of a maipierade (l;uico on the new pavement. Bay Ocean Port Is Voted. Tillamook. The speolal election for the purpou of submitting the ques tion of oraatlaf a port at Bay Ocean wss oarried kf a Majority of 16 votes. A Soldier's Reply. A soldier of Marshal Saxe's array, being discovered In a theft, was con demned to be hanged. What he had stolen might be worth 5 shillings. The marshal, meeting him as be was be ing led to execution, said to hi in. "What a miserable fool you were to risk your life for 6 shillings!" "General," replied the soldier, "1 have risked it every day for my pay, fivepence." This repartee saved his Ufa. The Dootor't Sin of Omission. Dormnn lu his "Primitive Supersti tions" tells of an Indlnn who had been badly hurt by a grizzly bear. The medicine man prescribed a mixture of rattlesnakes' bends, wornout moc casins and chewing tobacco, seasoned with petroleum and red pepper, of which tho patient was ordered to tnko a pint every half hour. "lie was a bravo man, but he died with the ut most expedition," and nt tho tribal In- Huest it was agreed that tho remedy was faultless, but that death was due to the doctor's omitting to dance and yoll. Whioh It Yours f The remuneration received for serv ices rendered has many names. The laborer calls it "pay," the skilled me chanic "wages," tho city clerk "sal nry," the bankor "income," a lawyer "fees" und a burglar "swag." Lon don Answers. That which starts upon stilts often ends upon crutches. Italian Proverb, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woniau or the yonngest child. Tho old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and Btreugtlieuing their weakened digestion and for 'reg ulating the bowels. For sale by all good dealers. For paius in the side or chest damp en a piece of flannel with Chamber lain's Liniment and bind it on the seat of pain. There is nothing bettor. For sale by all good druggists. AUTHOR'S VENTURE IN MINES PROBED New York. Turning from the writ ing of real literature, as he has done on occasions, to the writing of min ing prospectuses for companies to which he lent ths weight of a great family name, Julian Hawthorne Is be ing Investigated, together with his as sociates, by the Federal authorities. Millions of shares of stock in "Haw thorne" enterprises are said to have been sold to school teachers, clerks, widows and other persons of moderate or even small means throughout the New England States, where there is great power In the name Hawthorne. The United States officers for some reason are pushing the case with more than usual vigor. Involved with Hawthorne in the inquiry are Jas. B. Hanna, nephew of Mark llanna; Dr. William J. Morton, son of the discov erer of ether, and Joslah Qulncy, ex mayor of Boston. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c; bluestem, 84c; red Russian, 78c. Barley Feed, $;U per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $31 per ton. Hay Timothy, valley, $16; alfalfa, 14. Butter Creamery, 34c. Eggs Ranch, 87c. Hops 1911 crop, 42c;' 1910, nomi nal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 916c; Willamette Valley, 15ri7c. Mohair Choice, 37c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, Sic; Club, SOc; red Russian, 79c. Barley $:!0 per ton. Oats $29 per ton. Eggs 36c. Hay Timothy, $15 per ton; alfalfa, U6 per ton. Coughing at Night Means loss of slep, which is bad for everyone. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough At cuoe. relieves tho tickling mid dryness in the throat and heals the iuflamnied moiubranes. Prevent a cold develop ing into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always iu the house. Refuse substitutes. Jouos Drng Go. School report cards, ap proved by the county super intendent, at this office. THE WALL STREET GAME. Advice to Those Who Would Buy and Sell on Margin. "A broker once told me that there was one rule which he would give if be dared to his customers to guide them in selecting stocks for trading purposes. 'Take a piece of chewing gum; reduce It to an adhesive condi tion, mold it into a form convenient for throwing; throw it at the board. Buy or sell the stock indicated by the spot on the board to which it adheres. Go to Europe for three months.' By following this advice, ho said, tho cus tomer would have a chance not much of a chance, it Is true, but some chance. If however he reads the financial page of the newspaper and listens to the gossip in the brokers' offices, he has not even the gambler's chance, since he will be doing exactly wliut the powers back of the market want him to do In order that they may as quick ty as possible get his principal before it is exhausted by the constant nibbling of the broker. "A well to do man showed his In genue bride a check for $1,800. 'Do you see this check? Now with this I'm going to buy sugar. Sugar Is go ing up, and I'll give you the profits.' Sugar went down, nnd he lost his $1,800. The lady nsked for nn ac counting. 'My dear, sugar went down. The money Is lost' "And you haven't even any sugar?" she asked plaintive ly. 'Not even any sujrnrV "As a means of tun kin? money spec ulating on margin is worthless; as a means to loss and rulu It has no rivals. With the large number of sound In vestments constantly offered by bank ing houses to the public on terms which offer a reasonable chance of In creasing value, together with security of principal and income, it should no longer be necessary for men and wo men to put their savings into mar gins." Edward Sherwood Meade in Lipplncott's. 3rd and Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON A Remarkable Showing' of Women's Coats and Suits It's the most splendid exhibit we have ever attempted this season, as it includes a large range of new models just received this week, while our color, size and style varieties are unmatchable. His Early Promise. "Does my boy," inquired the parent, "seem to have a natural bent in any one direction?" "Yes, sir," said the teacher. "He elves every Indication of being a cap tnln of Industry some day. He gets the other boys to do all his work for him." Chicago Tribune. Just Our Luck. Williunis - This is a queer world. Walker - Itlght you are. A man's shoes will often get untied, but never just 'as he is ready to take them off. Judge. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when (Jhamberiain's Oough Remedy is nsed. This remedy has won its great reputation ana ex tensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied npon with implicit confidence, a or sale Dy all good druggists. Cet your ButterJWrappers at this office ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! Scratch and rub rub and scratch until you feel as if you could almost tear the burning skin from your body, until it seems as If you could no longer endure these endless days or awful torture those terrible nights of Bleepless agony. Then a few drops of D. D. D., the Ifumoua Eczema Specific and, Oh I what relief! The Itch gone Instantly! Com fort and rest at last! D. D. D. Is a simple external wash that cleanses and hoals the inflamed Bkin as nothing else can. A recognized Hpeciflo for Ecitema, Psoriasis, Salt Kheum or any other skin trouble. We can give you a full slue .bottle -of the genuine D. D. D. remedy for $1.00 end if the very first bottle fails to give relief It will not cost you a cent. ... We also can give you a sample bot tle for 26 cents. Why suitor another day when you can tot D. D: D.? JONES DRUG CO. Oregon City. MALARIA headache, biliousness, In digestion, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, yellow complexion, eta, are all signs of poisons In your blood. These poisons should be driven out, or serious illness may result To get rid of them, use EK Thedford's Black-Draughti the old, reliable, purely vegetable, liver medicine. Mrs. J. H. Easier, of Spartanburg, S. C, says: I had sick headache, for years. I felt bad most of the time, I tried Thed ford's Black-Draught, and now I feel better than when I was 16 years old." Your druggist sells it, In 25 cent packages. Insist on Thedford's The New Suits, $12.50 Up to $25.00 This showing of pretty models is incomparable for value giv ing. Newest tailored styles made of fine quality serges, worsteds, cheviots and English suitings, in colors navy, grey, brown, green, also black. These Suits are beautifully tailored in all sizes, and every model is one of dis tinction. Nowhere will you find like values at our low prices. A perfect fit is guarenteed. Stylish New Fs, $1.25 Up to $25.00 A complete showing of women's and Missus' Furs at popular prices. Neck pieces and muffs of French Coney, Jap Mink, Brook Mink, Fox, Lynx, Muskrat, Marten, Angora and many other kinds in colors white, gray, brown and black. Come and select while assortments are at their best. The New Coats $7.50 Up to $19.50 High grade, fine quality Coats at very low prices is the gist of these offerings. Caraculs, plushes and mixtures, also the popular reversable coats shown in dozens of band some colors and color combinations. These Coats are very warm, heavy, yet not tiresome to wear. Don't overlook them if you want a handsome, reliable and stylish Winter Coat and would save in the buying. New Silk Waists, $2.50 Up to $5.50 Every good style is included. Silk and Net waists, made with high or low neck, With kimono or regulation sleeve. Many are shown with the popular sailor collar and you have a full choice of colors. They are the best values . we have been able to offer at these prices. Causes Much Disease Advice About Stomach Troubles and How to Relieve Them Do not negleot indigestion whioh may lead to all sorta of ills and com plications Aq eminent physician once said that ninety-five per cent of all the ills of the human body have their origin lu a disordered stomaoh. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be among the most dependable reme dies known for the relief of indiges tion and chronic dyspepsia. Their in gredients are soothing and healing to the intlammed membranes of the stoiuaoh. They are rioh in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to modioine. The relief they afford is very prompt. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time tends to bring abont a ces sation of the pains caused by stotnaoh disorders. Koxall Dyspepsia Tablets help to insure healthy anpetite, to aid diges tion, and thus promote nutrition. As evideuoe of onr sincere faith in Hex- all Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try tneni at our risk. If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you tile money yo'i F-"id ns 'or tlieni, without question or formality. They come in three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents, and fl.00. Remem ber, you can obtain them only at our store The Rexall Store. Huntley Bros. Co. Summons it. (imirt of the State of Oregon for the County of Claokaman. Mabel Nathan, riaiutin, vs. llnrrv W. Nathan. Defendant. To Harry W. Nathan : Tn Hib iiHiiin of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint uieu against i, ,-,n in f lm nlmvn entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if yon fail to answer, for want thereof fhn n aintiff wl 1 ariDlV to llie court for the relief demanded in her com plaint, to-wit : For a decree of the oourt forever dissolving the bond of ., otrin.nnv linmtnfnrn and now exist ing between the plaintiff and yourself, and for an absolute divorce, and for such other and further relief as to the oourt may seem meet and equitable. This summons is published in pursu ance of an order of the (Hon. R. B. Beatie, judge of the oounty court for t.v nf Clackamas. State of Oregon, made on the first day ot No vember, ,1911, directing tne same to be published in the Oregon City Cour ier, a weekly paper of general circula tion nnblished at Oregon City, Clack anias Oounty, Oregon. Date of first publication, wovemDer 1911. Date of last publication, December ith, 1911. JOHN P. CAHAL1N, Attorney for Plaintiff. Kl LLTHS CO UGH AND CURETHCLUflGS HEWDiSCGVciW fOUCHSgaioTaT VOLDS It.TPIAlBOTTlE 1.00 mi ANDAUTHROATAND LUNG TROUBLES run GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY Off fiQNev ffenjNOco. What's the me of Idle Machinery? Whether it be Mill Machinery, Automobile or Launch, you paid out your good hard cash when you made the purchase your money is tied up, doing you no good and your Machinery is go ing to the dogs Report your Machin ery Troubles to US and your sleep will be free from wrecking hallucinations and visions otspokeless wheels and divers things. TRY IT! Ward Bros. Expert Machinists FRONT and WATER Sts. OREGON CITY BLOOD POISON CURED TO STAY CURED BY STERLING'S ROYAL REMEDY Tms is the famous treatment i tnat eradicates every vestige l of poison from the system,"1' the treatment that has a a world wide reputation and has stood the test of forty years time. Why waste time experimenting, or take chances with such a dangerous malady when you can have the benefit of the best treatment known to medical science, sold under a positive guarantee?. FOR SALE BY JONES DRUG COMPANY (INCORPORATED) y i ism I