8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1911 NEWS OF OREGON. Little Items that Tell the News of a Big State. Two Die in Tunnel Blast. ' The Dalles. Unable to escape after placing a charge oC dynamite and lighting a fuse In the tunnel on The Dalles-Celllo government canal works at Big Eddy three miles east of here, John Johnson and John Hill were killed by the explosion. The two laborers were the only men In the tunnel at the time. It Is supposed that a short fuse caused the accident. tne ranter property, ana Mr. uooley, with three men, is washing out dally from one ounce upward In gold nuggets. Big Lumber Plant at Mabel. Eugene. One of the largest lum bering plants In the state is being built at the village of Mabel, on the Mohawk River, 20 miles northeast of Eugene, by the Coast Range Lumber Company, which bought out the hold ings of the Sunset Lumber Company early this year. The mill will have a capacity of 150,000 feet every 10 hours. Morrow Seeks Creamery. Heppner. A meeting of the Mor row County Booster Club was held here for the purpose of establishing a creamery In Heppner in the near future. The meeting was largely at tended and much Interest was man! fasted. A committee was appointed to Interview the farmers and find out how many cows they would guarantee toward the proposed creamery. Medford Girl Shot by Burglar. Medford. Miss Frances Ash, 18 years old, daughter of Archie Ast, formerly a well-known resident of Spo kane, now living in Medford, lies at the Sacred Heart Hospital with a bul let wound In the forehead sustained, according to her family and friends, from a shot fired by a mysterious burglar. SOLDIERS GET DRUGS Post Burgeon at Fort Stevens Lays Matter Before Grand Jury. Astoria. When the grand jury con rened Monday, Captain Frederick S. Macy, post surgeon at Fort Stevens, laid before the body evidence with which he hopes to convict three As torla druggists for selling cocaine and Other narcotics to soldiers and women. Captain Macy is being assist ed in hit detective work by Lieutenant S. W. Sperry. They have completed their investigations. While refusing to state the exact conditions at the forts at the mouth or tne Columbia as a resuu oi we drug practice among the soldiers, he Inferred that the conditions were grave. Four women are now under arrest for distributing the "snow," and everal men and women have fled the city. I Cornucopia Claim Rich. Redmond. Two Redmond men, J. O. Cooley and C. V. Lincoln, have truck it rich at their placer mine In the Cornucopia district on Pine Creek, in the eastern part of Baker County. Their claim is located nn State Capital' Gleanings Annual reports of several railroads were received by the State Railroad Commission. Frank H. McCune, as attorney for the Medford Traffic Bureau, has asked the State Railroad Commission to postpone the hearing on the dis tance rates in thie state from Sep tember 29 for 90 days. Development of sodium chloride and other salt deposits on the basis of a proposition to yield $:i0,000,000 to the Irreducible school fund of the state by a lean of three Lake County lakes is a proposition put up to the state through Attorney-General Craw ford by C. M. Sain and associates of Portland. To keep state property about Salem from ultimately becoming altogether a cemetery, the burying ground of unclaimed Inmates of asylums for the insane, the feeble minded, or crimi nals, the state board of health will confer at the first opportunity with Governor West concerning the estab llshlug of a state crematorium. Declaring that counties have never been vested with legislative powers, like Incorporated cities and town3, but have certain powers definitely de fined by statute, and that In the mat ter of Clackamas County no provision Is made for county authorities, or other authorities, or other officers or tribunal, to provide the manner for exercising the power vested in the voters of the county, and that no rules or means for its exercise are provided in the constitution or by statute, Attorney-General Crawford recommended that the U'Hen single tax petition be not filed. grain warehouses from tlie interior were 678 cars, or 881,400 .bushels. Professor Chamberlain, recently ap pointed development commissioner ot the Hill lines, with headquarters in St. Paul, has been hi Portland plan nlng a program for the development work of the Great Northern in Ore gon. Suspected of being the murderer of Mrs. Daisy Wehrmun and her three- year-old son Harold, whose mutilated bodies were found in a lone'y cabin near Scapp::ose, ys September 6, A J. Pender is n-itf confined in the Multnomah count J.iil. An upheaval In tne ticket selling force at the Union deptt has followed the dlsciveiy that diaries V. Me Kelvey, chief t'eket ag.nt of the liar rimun, Great Northern and Northern Pacific lines, ras for po-sibly 20 years been systems ica'.ly embezzling Har rlman monoy, according to charges made by Auditor Biaisdell of the liar riman 1'nes. , GOVERNORS TALK SUFFRAGE Portland Notes Deposits in Portland's po3'al sav ings bank for the opening wcolt amounted to f::0,342. Prime Weeks, the K 'u mirth Indiuu, was found guilty of murder In t'.'p second drg'ce for the Iti'Mn of 1'!' Harding, an Indian, ou Jj'y C. Portland's win at re'vip s in I i past week br. l'e all rtio cs The ' tal yrlvals at tin; tf r u'mi" ym!'- Three Believe Mild Methods Are More Certain of Results. Now York. A tlir.ng of demonstra tive suffragists and suffragettes and not a few men filled Coper Union hall Saturday night to hear the governors of six states plead for women's rights. They pleaded long and vigor ously, each of. them, tfut It remained for Governor Shafroth of Colorado to furnish the climax of the meeting by declaring that three of his fellow speakers, Governor Hawley of Idaho, Spry of Utah and Governor Hay of Washington, "didn't know what they were talking about" when they con demned the campaign of the militant suffragists. In this sentiment he wa3 Joined by Mrs. Hamlet Stanton Blatch, who acted as chairman, who promptly raised objection to the at tack on the militants. Express Companies Lose Fight. Chicago. The commercial Interests of Chicago have won a long fight with thi express companies to secure a reduction in express rate3 in Illi nois and a general cut will go into effect October 1 of frc-n 10 to 25 per cent. Municipal Congress Meets In Chicago. Chicago. Official representatives of municipalities in all parts of the Unit ed States and Cunada and a few rep resenting large cities in foreign coun tries gathered here to attend the In ternational Municipal Congress and Exposition which opened at the Coli- aaum Vnwlft MUSIC TEACHERS Mr. and Mrs. Leon Des Lances, Violin and Voice; best scientific methods. 410 High St., Telephone Main 3171. These Are TRUE Stories, And the MORAL is Plain. Children Cry for Fletcher's V 4 ni if m ULTU Si The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- MPCHRB u.a uiuw WJ- V V- alio JJ St y yz. sonal supervision since its Infancy. 'CCicJUM. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. II contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pevcrishness. For more than thirty years It lias been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates vthe Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S71YS THB LITTLE PXIXT MAX MR. KNOWIT Wants to paint and finds good paint expensive. So he decides to send East for Paint. He buys of a big mail-order house one of the many water emulsion paints, pays his freight bill, pays bis painter and thinks he has saved money. THE COST 20 gal. Paint at $1.25 per gal. - - $25.00 Freight on point - 5.00 Cost of spreading - 17.00 Total Cost. - $47.00 Three years later The paint has faded and peeled. House has to be scraped and repainted. Cost of Scraping and Repainting - $25.00 lfi gal. good Paint 40.50 $65.50 47.00 Cost of 1st job Total $112.50 MR. COMMON SENSE believes the best is always the cheapest in the end, 60 he doesen't look for cheap paint. He also knows that it costs as much, usually more, to spread a cheap paint as the best. After thorough investigation he finds many houses that have been painted from 7 to 10 years withS. W. Paint and still look good. He finds a gallon covers more surface and that it spreads easier. He finds an absolute guar antee of satisfaction goes with Sherwin Williams Paint by the largest paint manu facturer in the world. So he decides on S. W. P. THE COST 18 gal. S. W. P. at $2.25 - - $40.50 Cost of Spreading 15.35 Freight - - - 00.00 Total cost $55.85 IN OTHER. WORDS it cost Mr. Knowit over $50 to experiment with cheap mail-order Paint on his job. Let us show you some 7, 8, 9 year old S. W. P. jobs that still look good. It's the best Paint we know of. If there were a better we'd have ft. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Agents for Sherwin Williams PainU The KJLAALL DRUGGISTS OREGON CITY OR r COM J 5 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY TRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. PRETTY EARM BUNGALOW Common Colds Must Be Taken Seriousy for nuless oururf they Hap tlio vitality and lower the vital rtgiHtancu to more Berioog'infection.4 Protect your chil dreii and yoorself by the prompt ufb ot Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note its quick and dnciHive re' soltn. For couglis, nolda, croup, whooping cough, brouohitis and affce' tiona of the throat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable rem edy. Jones Drog Oo. Sallow coniplelxioo coiiiob irom bil ir.ns imparities in the blood and the fault lies with the liver and bowels they are toxoid. The medicine that gives rosoTts is such cases is HEIi BINE.Otis a line liver stiruolaut and bowel regulator. Price 60o Boldby Jones Drog Co. PACIFIC PHONES Office, 71 Residence 130 Gilbert E. Bedges Lawyer Weinhard Bldg. Oregon City, Ore, G. B. DjMICK N W. A. DIMICX DIMICK Sb DIMICK Attorneys at Law Nrttarv Pnhlin MnrfornorM Fnrr1rlil Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned on Real and Chattel Security. Andresen Building, Oregon City H. E. Cross Wm. Hammond Cross & Hammond Attorneys at Law Probate Practice, Abstracts, Real Es Late Loans and Insurance We have uow moved Into our permauent quart cr in me uew ncuvcr muiuing ncxi to the Andresen Building J. . HEDGES Attorney-at-Law Weinhard Building, Oregon City George C. Brownell ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, Ore Dr. L. G. ICE, Dentist Beaver Building, Oregon City Fhonea Pacific 1221, Home A 198. Home of Rosa Mulvany at Union Mills, Clackamas County. Just complete d by H. C. Mulvany; contractor, at a cost ot jazuu. ine home commands a beauti ful sight of fields and mountains and is provided with all modern convenenci'es Clackamas County is fast building up with homes similar to the above. And ye1 there's room for thousands. Peace Is the Greatest Interest That World Powers Have to Con sider . J J By Lord CHARLES BERESFORD, Engilsh Statesman jf. EACE IS FOR THE WELFARE OF ALL AND IS THE GREAT H EST INTEREST THE POWERS OF THE WORLD HAVE TO CONSIDER. WL The idea of a coming war in Europe is ridiculous. Di plomacy will always prevail to prevent Buch a thing. But even without diplomacy peace will be maintained in Europe as long as BIG NAVIES CONTINUE TO.. EXIST. It is all right to talk pence and universal arbitration, but a DEFENSIVE FORCE both on land and sea must bo maintained by all nations in order to BETTER INSURE THE SUCCESS OF PEACE. The Aeroplane Will Act as a Sword of Damocles to End Future Wars v By M. VEDRINES, Well Known European Aviator CTIK aeroplane is the littlo joker in the game of international diplomacy today Pip!o:::r.tijt3 may claim that their cleverness causes the peaceful solution of international differences but the present aerial conditions FOKCK AGREEMENTS upon the nations, for, as their ministers argue, there is a SWORD OF DAMOCLES hanging over tllem in nn UNKNOWN, UNTRIED POWER, the destructive possibilities and fear producing effect of which are only just beginning to be realized. ""' THESE CONDITIONS HAVE CREATED A PSYCHIC SITUATION SUCH AS THE WORLD H A NEVER BEFORE KNOWN WHEN AN ALL POSSESSING GENERAL FEAR WILL FORBID WAR. What Ails You Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent h?ad ohes, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart-burn," belching of gas, aoid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptomi r If yoo bar may ooasldarabU number of the above symptoms you ar suffering from bilious nets, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyipep.ia. regulator and nerve strengthened The "Golden Medici Disoovery" is not patent medicine or secret nostrum, full liit of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested nder mth. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, toreit plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y, E. H. COOPER. IE Insurance Man Fire, L,ife, Sick and Accident Insurance Dwelling House Insurance A Specialty OFVICB WITH U'Ren & Schuebel. Oregon City, Ore NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autoiug, Canoe ing;, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water atrates. uioss aerates moonstones, carneliani can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and the est of food at low prices.. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with an abundance of vegetables of all kinds daily. Camming Grounds Con venient and Attractive with strict sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP TICKETS SEASON from all joints in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale daily. 3-DAY SATURDAY - MONDAY TICKETS from Southern Pacific points, Portland to Cottoge Grove; also from all C. & E, stations Albany aegdggn Onr owiestG Saturday and Sunday, and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. Agent for lull particulars as to tares, tram sctiea ules, etc. : also for copy of our illustrated booklet, "Outings in Oregon," or write to WM. McritRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore . THE MARKET9. Portland. Wheat. Track prices: Club, 81c; bluestem, 86c; red Russian, 80c. Barley Feed, $:12 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $29 per ton. . Hay Timothy, valley, JH; alfalfa, 12. Butter Creamery, 31c. Eggs Ranch, 30c. Hops 19U crop, 33c; 1910, nomi nal. -- Wool Eastern Oregon, 916c; vVlllamette Valley, 15 We. Mohair Choice, 37'ic. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 8Cc; Club, 81c; red Russian, 79c. Barley $:!0 per ton. Oats $29 per ton. Eggs 37c. Hay Timothy, $16 per ton; alfalfa, $16 par ton Not a Word of bcandal marred te cull of a neighbor on MrB. W. P. Spangh, of Manville, Wyo.. who said: "She told me Dr. King's New Life Pills had oared her of ob stinate kidncv trouble, and made her fefil ilko a new woman. " Kasy hot sure r niedy for etoruaoh, liver and kiduey tro'ublos. Only 30o at Huntley Bros. Co., Prescription Druggists, urogon Ulty, nuunara, luoiuun. Dinrrhnna is alwava more or less nrvalflnt rlniiiic Hautember. lie lire- nnrnn mr ir. i iihuii Hnuiu h uujiu. i'licltra and Diarrhoea- Remedy is prompt atnd effectual. If can always te depended upon aud is pleasant to take. Sold by all good druggists. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one r;iven 'ou- Fr this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BUck-drmigHT liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It docs not imitate other medicines. It 13 better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Bale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 EfBLLTHE COUGH and CUI15tkLU?JS AW MUSCAT AND LUNG TROUBLES 1 GUABANTEED SA73FACTOftr OR MONEY REFUNDED. O, D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages an J ADstracts carefully made. Money ti loan on good security. Charges reason William Stone ATTORNEY AT LAW associate Geo. C. Brownell All Iyegal Business Promptly Attended to Spiro Powder Should Be On Every Dresser NOT AS A LUXURY But as a Necessity Jones Drug Co. Incorporated. believ this, for they not only secured a large quantity s. of Spiro to sail, but intend to extensively advertise it in Oregon City. From time to time their windows will be filled with Spiro boxes, at tractive cards, large pictures of Niagara Falls. Free sam ples and booklets. Call for free sample. x Try it. Prove our statement before buying, that Spiro Powder destroys all odor of perspira tion, relieves tired, achitig feet, chafing and prickly heat One large view of Niagara alia FRbE with every box. ON THE: FREE LIST THE TARIFF WILL BE RE MOVED DURING THE SALEM STATE FAIR FROM THE FAMOUS J Cal-a-poo-ya MINERAL WATER -AND- CALAPOOYA SALINE THE CONDENSED SMILE Of CALAPOOYA WATER Every Visitor is invited to Call at the Cdfapooya Booth at the Fair and Test Their Merits With' out Money and Without Price . Calapooya Mineral Water is a murated saline wate?, equal to any of the renoune spring waters of Europe and America. Recom mended by leading physicians of the United States for Rheuma tism, Kidny and Liver affec tions, DispepMa, Indigestion, and all forms of Stomach. Skin and Blood diseases. Hundreds ot people "given up" by physicians have been cured. of long-slanling ' ailments by Calapooya Water. Testimonials on application. Sold by all dealers, or shipped in cases direct from the Springs, Write for prices. Calapooya Springs Co. Cottage Grove, Oregon HOTEL CALAPOOYA LONDON, OR. Open the Year 'Round