Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 12, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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The rain which we aro lmviiiR is
making everything look fine. The
spring grain is coming out nicely and
clover ib looking flue. One more goad
rain and the barns will be filled with
Ab Thomas is preparing to go to
Southern California to work in a log
ging camp. . , . .
Vrprt Hollander is driving a team
tnr R nnniniiiiL's' lnmbor company,
Wm Thomas' is working for U.
OomminKS. ,. lie is whistle boy on the
rinlilrttv llK'uillH Outfit.
Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth
Rnnt pubs at 0. Jones .
Mr. f Steiuer has parchasod a now
incubator from his sister, Mrs. JU. M
Hall. Mr. Steiner is intending to go
into the chickou business tins sum
A. Rlnlim intends to leave for the
East on the sixteenth of this mouth
He intends to see somo of the eastern
nnnntrv. and a uart of California on
liin return tin.
.T K. .Tones had the misfortune to
lose a flue pig recently, from rlieuuia
The second warm showers are mak
ing thincs look like sprite Jias come
at last.
G. Jiolmau has relume.! from
nnntflrn Orecon. where he has been at
work for several mouths. George
thinks there is no place like home.
H. W. Terry is sawing wood.
Mr Hnhwitxpnbnru of Portland is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fisher for u few
days. Mr. SuliwiUeuburjr is 7J years
of ace and in Kood lioult.li. He has not
hfiBo out iu this lam since the burial
of his wile,
The nuestiou for donate for the P.
H. S. D. 3. last Friday was "Re
solved that the devotion to lushion is
a creater evil than the tobacco
hahit." The debaters wero, aflirma
tive, Pearl Jcues and Vera Hnudriclis;
negative. Walter Monger and William
A debate was hold in the fifth grade
Friday afternoon, the debaters being
Isana Monuer, Gilbert Coffey and
Georee ZinsiirliiiK on the allirmatire
and Helen Lucas, Viola McNulty and
Maude Johusou on the negative.
The senior class is busy preparing
their class play.
The tenth grade took their finals in
one subject on May 5th.
"The Parkplace high school debating
team has been declared the champion
of the county by the president of ;tho
dobatlug league Supt. H. M. .Tames
of Kstaeada. The oharapionship de
ba e took plaoe hove a week ago be
tween this high school and Kstaeada
high school. Although the Parkplace
high school received a unanimous voto
tho high school or Oregon Ulty socmen
to think there was still a nuestiou as
to the championship. The president
of the leattno has kindly informed
the public that no question rouniius.
The champion team will make a
trip to Portland Saturday lor the par
pose of having the team picture taken,
as they have rucoived Beverul requests
for tho siime.
The eighth graders havo formoil a
small student body and are putting in
extra time propariug lor the state ex
aminations which begin next Tursday.
Charles Thomas has been crippled
with rheumatism for somo time, hut
is able to walk around again.
Mrs. Irviu Wheeler's mother, Mrs.
Phelps, has been visiting her for a
fow days. Mrs. Phelps returned to
her houulast Sunday evening.
Warren Kendal has been putting up
some new wire fence for Kd liradll
around tho piece ot land which was
recently plowed.
Kev. Mr, Uiinn preached his fare
well sermon at the Christian church
last Sunday.
There are several new buildings go
ing up in Can by.
George Jielvey is hauling enrdwood
to Oauby for Clarenco Wilson. The
wood is to bo shipped to Portland.
Mr. Coleman is teaching school at
These showers are a great benefit to
tho growing crops.
Mr. John Uwok and family have
moved onto their recently acquired
farm in this vicinity.
Otis Morris was in Canity on busi
ness a short lima ago.
Frank Kendall has n turued to this
Herman Mol.en was in Canby trad
ing last Friday.
Mr. Clark is clearing some ground
near Ins house
Kahili May is again able to attend
to his duties in the store.
Now is tho time to havo your Pana
ma cleaned and blocked. Work done
in satisfactory manner. W. lieier,
185 4th St., Portland.
Saved Child From Death
"After our child had suffered from
sovore bronchial trouble for a year,"
wrote G. T, Kiohanlson, of Uuilianl
son's Mills, Ala, "wo IViireil if Imd
consumption. It had a hud cooli all
the time. We tritxl neinv remedies
without avail, and doctor's medicine
seemed as useless. Finally we triml
Dr. Kiiik's Now Discovery, and are
pleased to say that one hoi tie effected
a complete cure, and our child is
again strong and healthy." For
coughs, colds, hoa'seiiHS", layrippe,
asthma, or aip and sore lungs, it is
the most infallible remedy dial's
made. Price fiOo and $1.00. Tiiul
bottle free. Guaranteed by Huntley
Bros. Co., Oretou City, Hulibiue,
Jtde t fcnUa Hew naalnru. AtrlftlTTLU
inus von our uvriuktutmi vusumior.
11 the flllBft ( Tir.lp, 1 tplendM J Onion, ft f Wat TrUl.
latnaiirtnir-Bowriff Mu.b-HoTririttipatuu
WrftB to-day; Mention this Paper.
t eortr pouf and packing and rtv UiU tb1tiM
: m uiu &u about um iMt wutiM of smus, rtimu, m.
Rain and sunshine make
grow, the gardens smile
the orops
and roses
Improvements are being made that
add to the beauty of one of the pret
tiost residence districts of Oregon
City. The man who bought the old
Duane lily property is preparing to
remodel the house and paint it. Mr.
J. H. Baty will build another room to
his house. George Terry has added a
porch and pantry to his home. Mr.
Haskill is finishing a neat little barn
on his property. The material is
nearly all on the ground for a side
walk on the north side of Duane
street. Mr. Torrenco hai built a new
sidewalk and a neat fence in front of
his property on Molalla avenue. And
if the correspondent for the Enter
prise would put on his glasses he
could perhaps tell the difference be
tween a chicken house and a model
Mrs. Alta Davis and children of
Portland visited their grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Baty of this place, last
Will Edgecombe dirves a good team
and attends church every Sunday,
taking his best girl along. Good for
Will. We wish there were more just
as aood.
Sunday morning a mother went into
tho poolroom hero and took her boy
borne. This is the second time in a
week that she has gono there and tak
en him home, if a few more mothers
would do the same it would do the
boys good in future years if not now.
Someday, boys, you will look back
and wish you had obeyed Mother. If
you only would beliuve it, Mother is
your best friend. She will stay by
you loyally to tho Inst. Be true to
her and you will be a model young
mau. Playing pool and cards, smok
ing cigarettes and drinking beer never
made a niun of anyone.
Decoration Duy is very near and is
becoming a more patriotic day than
the nation's birthday. It is the day
we meet, and drop flowers on the
graves of our sleeping soldiers,. Over
a quartor of a century has passed
since the evil tidings rolled, out from
Fort Sumter. From among those who
wero snared to return after the war,
but a few aro left. The roll call is
lengthened on the other side and is
growing shorter here. The old com
rades, weary and worn with the
weight if years, are flitting away as
the clouds in tho sky. The young
men and maidens of today have no
recollection of tho dark days of the
rebellion. They can only wonder at
the solemn procession that is so fast
dwindling down to a few. We hope
rhe tune is near at and when the
laws will forbid frivolous amusements
on this day and horse racing and ball
games will bo forbidden and the day
be a hallowed ono. The patriotic
spirit will he more strongly imbued
in tho hearts of the people. The ven
eration we bestow on this day is to all
alike. Soldier or friend, mother and
father, all the loved ones' graves, re
oeivo a token of lovo and loyalty from
the living on this day. Then lot it
be a hallowed day that we can at
least hold more sacred tho memory of
those wo loved in life and forget not
their memory after death
lhe suow in the mountains keerjs
tiie an very chilly, preventing growth
of vegetation in spite of the efforts of
early gardeners to bring up their
truck patches.
lhe circus and parado last Monday
brought many citizens from the coun
try and elsewhere to see the animals
from other countries.
Mr. Ingram has been failing iu
ealth the last fow days. V6 hope
when tho better weather comes he
will again change for the better.
Mr, and Mrs. Scott Carter and sou.
Arthur, of Kussellvillo were seen on
our street last Monday taking iu the
leseribowas on tho streets last
Monday aud enjoyed meeting mauy
old frhnids, as so many came in from
the country.
fllr. l.. 11. JNewiiian is still busy im
proving and fixing up his property
which ho purchased at Mt. Pleasant
Town correspondents, will please
send their letters in Tuesday, as the
rush of Wednesday and Thursday does
not give us time to use them all.
Tho lliinling Grange hold an intor!
esting and well attended session last
Saturday. A general discussion was
icld on tho topic of the singlo tax.
majority were seemingly not favor
ably impressed with tho single tax or
and tax hut favored something more
n the line of tho graduated laud tax,
which would favor the small property
owner but make it difficult for the
net Ki'ahhcr.
lhe following hoard of directors
was elected at the animal stuck hold-
is' meeting licll ut Hurtling Grange
hall hivt Monday : W. P. Kirchem,
Jas. I'ulhiin, E. Cliisner, H. Babler
an 1 F. P Wilson. An assessment of
six dollars v as voted to take effect
January 1, 1111:2. Mr. I) D. KobbitiB
was re t lected secietary-troiisuier.
At the organization of the board
w hieh followed, W. P. Kiichsm was
ro ilectod president, and 11. Balder
vice president K. N. Brock is coiitin
mil as manager. jMueh work is to be
done to put the hues in condition.
Arthur Funk is ill with an attack
of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kirchem aro
attending the State Grango at Corval
lis this week.
Mr. llavhurst, manager of the
Heine Ti lephone Co , at Oregon City,
and wife visited our ceiitrnl station
list Mondav.' Mr. Uayhuist also at
tended the telephone meeting, where
he gave :ui interesting talk oil tele
pliero matteis.
Hoi n, to Mr. and Mrs N Kirchem,
Mondav, the Mil, a baby gill.
.Mr. .las M irehl aiik ol Springwater
is very ill w uli pneumonia.
1 A cl.ihl can't crow ureng aud ro
; bust while intestinal worms cat away
, Us vital i.v. Id jjive the child a
einln'e(i ;liivv tht. parasites ii n-l
he ihstroved and ext clu'it. WHII'K'S
CHKUI VKKMlKl'Uh is guaranteed
to r inovt- tho worms; it m.o putsthe
v 1 1 1 1 organs iu healthy, vigoro s con
dition. Prion 2ec per buttle. Sold by
Jones Drug Co.
The basket sooial and entertainment
given by the James school on Satur
day evening, April 6, was a complete
success. Twenty-nine baskets were
osd and the nice sum of $56.40 was
A ad thing happened in the neigh
borhood last Thursday, when A. An
derson committed Buicide by hanging
himself. The reasons for his act are
not known, but a note was found on
the table iu which he stated that he
was tired of life. He has lived at
Colton about four years or more and
was G4 years of age. He leaves to
mourn his death a dauahter-in-law,
Mrs. Anderson, at Portland, and a
nephew, Carl Bergren, at Barlow.
Ho was buried at Progress, near his
old home, where bis wife and eon are
Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Dix were visit
ing with Grandma Dix last Sunday.
0. Stromgreen was butchering hogs
Friday and hauled them to Oregon
City Saturday.
E. Burglund is 'busy hauling pota
toes to town'at present.
The FEED is the HEART of the DRILL
Some Drills Have Heart Disease-but Not The
Its Heart is Perfectly Sound
Its feed is a positive force feed, which sows uniformly and accu
rately, regardless of conditions. It works as well on the side hill,
up hill or down hill as on the level, always seeding evenly and
correctly. There is no guess work with the Hoosier Drill; you
set the feed regulator at the quantity you want to sow, and you
know that you are seeding just that amount, no more and no
less. That is why you should be sure that your drill is a
positive force feed machine, and the only way to be absolutely
sure is to buy Hoosier. Write for our circular, "The Feeding
of The Seed".
J. I. CASE Plows.
BLOOM Manure
And a full line of
other quality
Mr. D. O. Levins was the wook end
guoBt of relatives in the Rose City.
The young . people enjoyed them
selves last Saturday evening at the
Pollock home. The usual games werf
played and excellent refreshments
were served.
What is the mattor with our tele
phone system? About half the time
tho Hues are not in working onl r.
This is very annoy iug. Is there no
Mr. aud Mrs. Grambill and daugh
ter of Kapids Ciry, South Dakota,
were Sunday guests at the home of
Mrs. M. Boss. These good people ex
pect to be citizens of this great com
monwealth in the near future.
M u.4 Mp, II t.i,Gi,.uii a.,,1 li'ttln
(laughter spent Saturday aud Sunday
as the guests of friends in Portland.
It is feared that Johnny noddy lias
appendiottis We hope, however, that
this mav not be true.
Last Tuesday occurred the burial of
one of our oldest citizens, Mr. Kllery
(lap. 'ii. Not quite three months ago
his beloved wife passed away. Our
deepest sympathy is extended to the
sorrow ing relatives, who seem to he
l aving more than their share of trou
ble. A Burglar's Awful Deed
not paralvze a honia so rom-
phtely as a mother's long Hints',
lint Dr. King's New Life Pills are a
splendid remedy for women "They
give me wonderful benefit in crnsti
nation and female trouble." wrote
Mrs. M. C. Dmilao, of l.eadill. Teun
If ailing, try them.
Pros. Co., Oregcu
2."io at lluntl y
City, Hubbard,
Dyspepsia is our national ailment.
Biinloi k Word Hitters is the national
cure for it It stiengtheus stomach
membranes, promotes flow of diges
tive juices, purities the blood, builds
yon np.
Pasture is good and cattle are look
ing fine for this time of year. Hay is
getting low in the barns. Fall sown
grain is lookiug better This spring
than it has for years.
Herman and Erick Dietrick made a
business trip to Oregon City last Fri
day. Berthold Bros, have commenced
work on the foundation for their new
Hans Spar of Needy epeut Sunday
and Monday with his uncle, Julius
Moshberger nf this place.
-Harry Sherwood spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends ill Beaver Creek.
John Helvey and family of Barlow
spent Sunday with Mr. Helvey's par
ents, Mr. aud Mrs. B. J. Helvey.
Some of the young folks from here
witnessed the ball game at Shubel
Sunday afternoon.
A birthday party was given at the
Berthold home last Saturday night in
honor of the twenty-sixth birthday of
Arnold Berthold. Games aud dancing
were indulged in until a late hour,
after which refreshments were served.
A large crowd from hero witntssod
the circus m Oregon City last Mon
day and the report was "O, how tired
I The long siege of rain is delaying
the farmers in planting their corn and
late gardens. Grains of all kinds are
growing very fast. Clover is good, bnt
as a general rule the last year's sow
ing is thin. Early potatoes are doing
fine aud are'above ground once more.
Jerry'Baty ot Cauby and a crew ol
J. J.
old loggers are hnsy now running
piling down the Mollala rivor and are
suroeediug fine. The water is at the
right stage to run well.
There is quite a rustle for timber
laud, as the Cauby Canal Co. have
fiuished their survey.
The literary society of the Liberal
school will give a basket Bocial and
entertainment at the school house ou
Saturday evening, May 20th. We ex
pect a lecture from Mr. Gary. Every
body is cordially invited.
M. C. Gregory of Hosehurg is mov
ing this week to his Liberal home. A
carload of goods arrived at Caub;
Worinesdav. Eight teams will haul
his household goods out.
S. Wright has another tine colt from
Boimett Bi'l. He uow has a hue span
of drivers.
At the next meeting of the Olair
uiont Lit.rary Society there will be
dii-eiission of the plans to be followed
In preparing fir the exhibit next fall
at Can by.
Alargeoiowd attended the enter
tainment in the schoolhnuso last Sat
urday. A splendid progra u was ren
dered. Miss Mamie Wonrrus, Esther Down
er and Mister Lawrence Stephens wjll
take the eighth grade txsm uaiioL'S
next Thnrs.tav snd Friday.
Mrs. Depew is visiting her daughter
iu Portland.
Mrs. Agues Bradley and bahv
daughter are doing nicely. Miss
Klrose Is also recovering rapidly
from the pneumonia.
Mrs. Downer's sister from Wiscon
sin is visiting her.
The Kridav Club will meet today
with Mrs. Warthum.
Miss Teter of Portland spent Satur
day and Suuday with her lather.
J. M. Howell, a p pnlar tUuegist of
Greeuebnrg, Kv., sats, "Se use
Chambeiliiu's Couth Remedy in our
own household and know it is excel
ent." For sale by all good dealers.
w Id i AJf tir)J UllkUWII
Mm lj nn r swjj-ar
Mr. Ed Grace intends to build a
new barn. He is hauling lumber and
clearing the place where he intends
to build the house. He is greatly im
proving his farm.
Mr. W. H Buttemiller and family
took a drive Sunday afternoon up
through the highlands
Mr. aud Mrs. Cummins took a drive
up ou the highlauds Snnday after
noon. Fred Bottemiller is visiting rela
tives in Oregon City
Mr. Elmer Lee and family spent
Sunday with Joe Panish on the high
lundB Mr, Bottemiller went to Oregon
Oity Monday to get some material for
his house.
Mr. Marquett went to Oregou Oity
The M. E. ohuroh members gave a
basket sooial last Friady evening.
The Clarks school will give a neck
tie aud pie social on May 20.
Mr. Bottemiller was setting up
fence posts last week in preparation
to make a fence along the road.
Mrs. Graves is iu Clarks visiting
her mother, Mrs. Larkius.
Elmer Lee sowed oats lat week.
Elmer Klejusniitli is sawing wood
for Sam Elmer.
Sam Elmer is plowing aud getting
ready to plant corn ou new ground.
Last week the scribe from this burg
failed to make good, but will try
again and hop to do better.
The Clackamas high school closed a
Local Agents,
Oregon CityJ
very successful term of school last
week, On Priday night the people
were ont in force at the Grange Hall
to the commencement exercises. The
pupils had been well drilled and the
exercises were a complete sunoess.
Miss tledwick Notz and Arthur Ma
ther were the two graduates. The
principal, Mr. Holway, also presented
Ellis Jones with a loving cup, as the
best spoiler in th school.
Saturday night a goodly
from here went to Gladstone
for the
to rest
declamatory contest.
Suuday morning we laid
Robert Jennings, the little
Harold and Mary Jennings,
Clackamas cemetery. Little
sou of
in the
had been with his mother in the Gocd
Samaritau hospital for some days.
The mother was under treatment and
little Hubert had pneumonia On
Friday lie fell asleep and was buried
Sunday. The children of botb Sun
day schools met the train at 9 o'clock
and formed a procession to the Mi th
odist church, whore the services were
held. The pastors of both churches
part lei mtted in the services. From
th church the procession again
formed aud marched to the cemetery,
and amid flowers l.ttle Robeit slteps
Greeting to Mr. Brown, the new
editor of lhe Courier, aud hope we
shall get well acquainted.
Ami uow. Mr. Editor aud readers,
if jou want to see a pretty sight,
louienvtrto Clackamas and beheld
uir strawb-rry fields The luscious
oernes are coming.
Next Fridav night the Epworth
Lesgue of the Methodist church will
give an tiittrtiiiumeiic. Miss Dicken
son of Portland will furnish the pro
gnmi. For i holer uiorbbus, cholera infan
'um. diirrhrea for colds, aud wind
colic. McGF.E S BABY ELIXIR is a
remedy of extraordinary power. It
relieves colic paius instantly, cheeks
diarrhoea aud settles the disordered
stomach. Price 25c aud 50c per bot
tle. Sold by Jones Drug Co.
Abont forty members of Harding
Grange attended the meeting on the
nth, and some important business was
transacted. Several visitors were
present during tha open diBcnssion of
the single tax quest ion, which inter
ested the audience for about two
hours. Lonis Funk led the debate in
favor of single tax and H. 8. Ander
son the negative. Many speakers,
while not favoring the single tax en
tirely, were in favor of a higher tax
on unimproved laud or some plan to
discourage laud gpeoulaiion. The
discussion was very earnest and thor
ough on both sides. The following
were the speakers besides thoBe given
sbove: W. P. Kirohein, A. F. Slooer,
F. P. Wilson, O. I). Rohbins, Geo.
Htoibbatham, A. M. Kirchem.
Following are the new offioers of
the Clear Creek Mutual Telephone
Co., as the result of the election ou
the 8th : President, W. P. Kirohem ;
: J .1 J. IT Ink1n i rtMmv
direXrs, J. T. Follam, J. M. Hay -
den aud E. Olossner: secretary aud
t easurer. U. D. Robbius.
Ivan Gerbar was taken to Portland
last Tuesday to be placed in the
hands of a nerve specialist. She
seemed to be improving, bnt it was
thought she would recover faster
Mr. and Mrs W. P. Kirohem have
gone to attend the state Grange.
Mrs. Ellen Gerber and Mrs. Keita
Anderson are at Corvallis dnring state
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Kir
ohem, on May 8th, a daughter.
Phone Farmers 47
F. M. BLUHM, Manager
Producer and.dealer in all kinds of
Hay, Straw, Wheat, Oats and Potatoes always on hand. First class Butter
and Eggs a specialty. All Orders Promptly Filled
D. C. LATOURETTE, President F. J. MEYER, Cashlr
(Successor to Commercial Bank)
Transact General Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p.
Careful attention and prompt serv
ice will be given all Customers
We Keep Everything You Could Desire
From a Grocery
Jack &
Mr. Dealer
Firestone Tires
and carry a full stock of different sizes. Why send to Port
land for your TIRES when you can get them for the same
price in Oregon City? Come in and let us show our stock.
Also Agents for Columbia, Hartford and Flyer Bicycles
General Repairing, Vulcanizing and Brazing
' All Work Guaranteed
5th and Main Sts., Near S. P. Ry.
Pacific Phone 3072
Correct and Artistic Decoration
at Moderate Cost.
Henry Bosch Company's
!( Yik Chlo
For the Season of Nineteen-eleven represent
the bet the World iffords
tnrtt bkl it) own U Tr reiMenct ind nm utrictin
tkw iikI. Thctt if oblifuion to purchtK.
A poilll cut ! i4rM ima V'U '"" unmrdmc
J. B. FOX piiw
Phone Pacific 3003
We are having a fine raiu.
Rev. M. M. Kiort has built a house
ou a piece of new land hern and has
moved his family and is getting com
fortably settled.
Mr. Thayer has moved to this local
ity and has built on a piece of unim
proved land.
Donald Bndley is spending a few
days with friends at Welihes.
Ed Burtleson is the guest of the
Morrison family.
Misses Ida and Bortha Stucki and
Miss Mabel Updegrave and Godfrey
Stuckiand Hugh Cassidy were oalliug
ou friends iu this vicinity last Suu
day. G. A. Wolf of Sandy was here Sun
day calling on his sou Jim and other
Mrs. M. M. Ried met with a serious
aooident a short time ago. She was
in a buggy aud the horse became
frightened and upest the buggy and
dragged it nntil it was torn to pieces.
Mrs. Hied was badly bruised and
ff1'1 "ot bb? uJjJJ,?"!
longer. She is with her family here
now. She was at the Sandy hospital
for several days.
Mr. Shaw has built a house on his
new plaoe here and has moved into it.
Mr. Huntington has a gasoline en
gine at work clearing land. He ex
pects to get twenty acres ready to
plant in orchard this fall.
Yancey Cooper is working for J. G.
There is more sound in a hollow
gourd thau in a full one, and the
same is true of au empty head.
R. F. D. No. 3, Oregon City, Oregon
911 7th STREET
We are exclusive job
bers for Clackamas
County for
Oregon City, Oregon
Home A72