OREGON'CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1911 Dr. L. G. ICE, Dentist Beaver Building, Oregon City Phones-Pacific 1221, Home A 198. George . Brownell ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon C. D. (82 D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate ou Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. I Straight & Salisbury Agents for the Celebrated ' Kewanee Water Tanks and Aermotor $42.50 Gasoline Pumping Engines Plumbluf and Tinning a Specialty 720 Main 8t. Oregon City Phone 2082 H. I. Cross Wm. Hamm o Cross & Hammond Attorneys at Law Probate Practice, Abstracts, Real Es tate Loans and Insurance We have now moved into our permanent quart era in the new Beaver Bulldiug next to the Andreaen Building Notice for Laying Water Pipes Notice ia hereby given that the undersigne will, lat the regular meeting oi the Board o County Commissioners oi Clackamas County Oregon, to be held at the Court House in Oregon City, in said County, on Weduesday, February 1, litli, make application for a permit to lay down, maintain and operate a line of pipe or pipes for the conveyance of water over, through o: under Eighteenth Street, in Milwaukie laik, an un incorporated platted subdivision of land as hown on the plat oi said Milwaukie Park now on file and of record in the office of the Recorder of Clackamas County, Oregon. The place at which it is proposed to lav said pipe line or lines in said Eighteenth Street will be as follows: Be ginning at some point (yet to be determined) in the east line ol said Eighteenth Street between the northern end thereof and Park Avenue, run aing thence southerly along said Eighteenth Street to a point where it terminates at the north line of the George and Marietta Crow Donation Land Claim, in Section 1, Township ,2 south. Range 1 east of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas County, Oregon. The purpose of the undersigned is to convey water to his tract of land located In the northeast corner of the said Crow Donation Land Claim, for the irrigation thereof, and to that end to build, operate and maintain a pumping plant to be connected with aid pipe line or lines, which pumping plant will be located on the bank of Kellogg Creek, ou land owned by the applicant. Of this proposed action by the applicant the public ia hereby given notice. Any and all per sons interested are requested to appear and be t.rrf at th mrrtinp- of said Board of County Commissioners at which said application will be presented. December 24, MiO (Signed) C. W. HODSON Rouce of Application for a Vacation of a Part of the Alley in Block No. 114 ot Orefon City, Oregon Notioe is hereby given that the un dersigned have filed a petition with the recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, asking for the vacation of a portion of th llv. beinar a strip of land six feet on either side of said alley, run ning through said block number 114, Oregon City, Oregon, and said appli cation is now pending before the oounoil of said Oregon City, and will oome up for hearing before said conn oil on the first day of February, 1911. Oregon City, Ore., Deo. 28, 1910. EVA L. DYE. JOHN A. ROAKE. NORA B. ROAKE, JOHN W. LODER. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Ida Weir, Plaintiff vs. Edmund Weir,D9fendant. To Edmund Weir, said Defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon : Ton are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit before March 1st, 1911; and if yon fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the said Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to wit, a dissolution of the marriage oontract now existing between said parties. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of said court made and dated January 7th, 1911, the date of the first publi cation being January 13th, 1911. LATOURETTE & LATOURETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned bat been duly appointed by the County Court bl Olaokainas Coun ty, Oregon, Exeoutor of the Estate of Thomas M. Thomas, Deoeased, late of said County and State. Any and all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to file the same, duly verified as by law re quired, with said Exncutor. at his office, S. W. oorner Main and 8th Sts., Oregon City Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, January 13th, 1911. C. H. DYE. Executor of aforesaid Estate. Notice to Creditors Notioe is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, aiimiuistr trix of the estate of Abigail Bnckner, de ceased. All persons having claims gainst the Baid estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me duly verified with proper vouohers at the office of Gordon E. Hayes, Rooms 3, 4 and S Stevens Building, Oregon City, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated January 9th, 1911. MINNIE B. GROSHONG, Administratrix of the estate of Abigail Bockner, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for Administratrix. Treasurer's Notice I now have funds to pay Road War rants endorsed prior to March 17, 1910. Interest ceases .on such war rants on date of tins notice. January 13, 1911. J. A. TUFTS, Treasurer Clackamas County. Summom. In the Oircnit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Emma I. Hookstad, Plaintiff, vs Peter Hookstad, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Peter Hookstad : In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby reqnired to appear and answer the complaint men against yon in the above entitled court and cause on or t before the 3rd dar of March, 1911, that being the date fixed by the Oonrt for yon to ap pear and answer herein and being six weeks from the first publication of this summons; in default thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in the oomplaint. to-wit : for a decree of divoroe forever dissolving the marriage oontract now existing between plaintiX and defend ant on the grounds of desertion and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem proper. This summons is published once a week for seven conseoutive weeks by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above Court, dated the Kith day of January 1911, directing the first publication to be made on the 20th day of January, 1911, and the ast on the 3rd day of March, 1911. W. A. BURKE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Uourt of the State of Oregon for the County of Ulaokamas, Pearl H. Rose, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph B. Rose, Defendant. To Joseph B. Rose, defendant above- named : In tne name of the State of Oregon : ion are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint on file in the above-entitled court and cause on or before Saturday, the 28th day of January, A. D., 1911, the same being six weeks from the date oi tne first publioation of this summons, required by law, and u you do not so appear and answer the plaintiff will I J. ... . ' .1.. 1 . .. . auuiy iu liiu uuurb lur wie rmmi prayed for in the com paint, towit For a decree forever dissolving the bonds ot matrimony and the marriage oontract heretofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff; for a further decree giving to the plaintiff the care, onstody and control of the minor child, Duran Bertrau Rose, the issue of the marriage of you and the plaintiff, and for such other and fur ther relief as may seem to the court proper in the premises This summons is served upon you by publication by authority of an order made and entered in the above en titled court and cause by the Honor able Grant B. Dimick, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon or the County of Clackamas and of te the 10th day of December, A. D ., 1910. JOHN H. STEVENSON. Attorney for Plaintiff, 431-4 Mohawk Bnilding, Portland, Oregon Date of first publication, December 16, 1910; dttte of last publication, Jan- nary 27, 1911. Summons. In the Cirouit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. P. r . Helser, Plaintiff, vs. Maude Helser, Defendant. To Maude Helser, said Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or bofore the 4th day of February. 1911; and it you fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said court fur the relief demanded in said couiplaint)to-wit : a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the above named parties. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Court, made and dated this 13th day ot January, 1911, the first publi cation being dated January 20th, 1911. O. D. & D. O. LATOURETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. bummons In the Cirouit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Theresa L. Williams, Plaintiff, vs. George M. Williams, Defendant. To George M. Williams, the above named defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 27th day of January, 1911, and if yon fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plain, tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for in said complaint, to wit : For a deoree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered this 14th day of December, 1910. The first publioation of this summons as set forth in said order is December 16, 1910, and the last pub lication thereof, the 27th day of Janu ary, 1911. maiiuii. s uiMiuri., Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Sadie Running, Plaintiff, vs John Running, Defendant. To John Runuing, above named de fendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby reqnired to'appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 13th day of February, 1911, and if you fail so to appear, or an swer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for iu the com plaint filed herein against you. The relief demanded is for a deoiee of di vorce dissolving the bonds of marriage now existing between the plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable. This summons is served upon yon by publication and the same will be published for six consecutive weeks in pursuance of an order of the Honor able J. U. Campbell, Judge ot the Circuit Court for Clackamas County, in the State of Oregon, which order was duly made and entered on the 24tli day of December, 1910, and the date of the first publication of this summons is Friday the 30th d ( of December, 1910. WALTER G. HAYES. 13-14 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Atfornev for Plmnfff. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Des Lanes, Studio for the Violin and Voice. 410 High St Phone Main 3171. Notice to Property Owners on Twelfth Street, Oregon City, Oregon To Isophena Greenman, Lewis P. Horton and Roy B. Cox, Eastern In vestment Company, Jane Wilkenson, Mrs. J. u. BaDoocit and uiiarles Bah cock, Aurie M. Draper, James Wilken son, Harriet Cochran, Louise Cochran and Nan Cochran, btella J. Robinson. Carrie Richards, Thos. F. Ryan, Doris L. Meldrum, sr. V. Uadke and T. Gadke, Mary E. Barlow, Martha M. Howell, William Stover, Dan .Lyons, u. m. YYiutemore, ueorge tiangford Christian Siebkin, O. D. Latourette and D. C. Latourette, W. S. U'Ren, Mary neiiogg, ti. j. mthaway, Jen nie B. Harris. Bently Realty Com pany, Rosa Marrs. Georgia Marrs, unaries Marrs. iuia wniteman, Lu oinda Smith, Fannie Neppah and Mrs, d. C. Berry, and James Marrs. You and each of you are hereby notified t lat the undersigned have been appointed appraisers of the prop erty nereinaiier aescriDeo lying on rweirth street, Oregon City. Oregon. and subject to assessment for the im provement of said Twelfth Street ; and suae nie uuuoraiguea win meet on said Twelfth btreet at its intersection with Madison Street on the 28th day or January, r.ni, at a:uy o'clook P. M., tor.the purpose of viewing said property and estimating the value thereoi andtnis value is to be used bb a basis upon whioh to estimate the proportion 01 the oost of the imnrnva ment on Twelfth Street as the same is now being improved. That J. E. Jack, George L. Story ana o. iu. xvamsoy were Heretofore appointed to make this appraisement auu tney witn tne uity Engineer 'con stituted the committee for that pur pose. That they appraised said prop erty and submitted their report to the Oounoil, except that the City Engi neer took 110 part therein, and the Oity Oounoil, for that reason resub: mitted said report to the committee on Deoember 28th, 1910, but owing to his appointment as oity attorney, George L. Story withdrew from the committee and the Oounoil appointed James Roake to act in his stead. The property opun whioh the value is to be fixed and the owners thereof are as follows, to-wit: Isophena Greenman, Lot 8, Block 18, Oregon City, Oregon. Lewis P. Horton and Rov B. Oox. Lot 4, Block 18, Oregon Oity, Or. Eastern investment Uomnanv. Lot 1, Block 19, Oregon City, Oregon. Eastern Investment Company. Lot 2, Block 19, Oregon City Or. Jane Wilkenson, Lot 8. Block 48. Oregon City. Oregon. Mrs. U. O. Habcook and Charles Baboock, Let 4, Block 48, the North erly half, Oregon City, Oregon. Aurie M. Draper, the Southerly half of Lot 4, Block 48, Oregon City, Ore gon. James Wukensoo. .Lot S. Block 48. Oregon Oity, Oregon. James Wilkenson, Lot 6. Block 48. Oregon Oity, Oregon. Harriet .Cochran, Louise Cochran and JN an Cochran, Lot 1, Block 49. Oregon City, Oregon Stella J. Robinson, .Lot 7. Block 49. Oregon Oity, Oregon. Carrie Richards, Lot 8. Blook 49. Oregon City, Oregon. XhoB. r . Ryan, Lot 1. Blook 68. Or egon City, Oregon. Doris L. Meldrum, Lot 8, Blook 68. Oregon City, Oregon. F. O. Gadke and T. Gadke. Lot 4. Blook 69, Oregon Oity, Oregon. Mary ill. Barlow, Lot 5. Block 69. Oregon Oity, Oregon. Martha M. Howell, Lot 8. Blook 97. Oregon City, Oregon. William Stover, Lot 1. Blook 12S. Oregon Oity, Oregon. Dan Lyons, Lot 4, Blook 124. Ore gon City, Oregon. U. M. Whitemore. Lot 1. Block 44 Oregon Oity, Oregon. O. U. & D. U. Latourette. Lot 2. Block 144, Oregon Oity, Oregon. ueorge ijaugioro, .Lot o, blook 144. Oregon Oity, Oregon. Dan Lyons, Lot 4, Blook 145. Ore gon City, Oregon. Dan Lyons, Lot 6, Blook 145. Ore gon City, Oregon. Dan Lyons, Lot 8, Blook 153, Ore gon City, Oregon. Christian Siebkin, Lot 1, Blook 169, Oregon Oity, Oregon. W. S. U'Ren, Trustee, Lot 4, Block 170. Oreogn Oity, Oregon. Mary Kellogg, Lot 1, Block 1, Beatie's Addition to Oregon Oity, Or. H. J. Hathaway, Lot 8, Blook 1, Beatie's Addition to Oregon Oity, Or. H. J. Hathaway, Lot 1, Block 6, Beatie's Addition to Oregon Oity, Or Jennie B. Harris, Lot 8, Bio k 6, Beatie's Addition to Oregon Oity, Oregon. Bently Realty Company, a tract of land beginning at a point 896 feet North 85 degrees 30 minutes East of a rock monument at the intersection of 9th and VanBuren Streets in Oregon Oity, Oregon, and running thence Sonlh 54 degrees 80 minutes East 270 feet, thence South 85 degrees 80 min utes West 100 feet, thence North 54 degrees, 80 minutes West 270 feet, thence North 85 degrees East 100 feet to the place of beginning. Rosa Marrs, Georgia Marrs, Charles Marrs, Lulu Marrs, Luoinda Smith, Fannie Neppah and Mrs. S. O. Berry, a tract of land beginning at a point 3outh 64 degrees 30 minutes East 80 feet from a point North 85 degrees SO minutes East 956 feet from a stone monnmbut situated at the intersection of 9th street and Harrison street, Ore gon City, Oregon, and running thence North 85 degrees 80 minutes East 66 feet, thence south 64 degrees 80 min utes East 105 feet, thence North 85 degrees 80 minutes East 84 feet, thence South 64 degrees 80 minutes Easi 135 feet, thence South 85 degrees 30 minutes West 100 feet, thenue North 64 degrees 80 minutes, West 240 feet to the .plaoa of beginning. James Marrs, a tract ot land begin ning at a point South 64 degrees 80 minutes East 600 feet from the south east corner of Blook No. 170, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, and running thenoe .North 85 degrees 80 minutes East 100 feet, thence South 64 degrees 80 minutes, East 210 feet. thence South 35 degrees 80 minutes West 100 feet, thence North 64 degrees 30 minutes West 210 feet to the place ot beginning. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 12th, 1911. J. E. JACK S. M. RAMSBY JAMES ROAKE C. S. NOBLE, City Engineer. Advertised Letters List of unclaimed letters at the Or egon City pOHtoffioe for the week end ing January 20, 1911: Woman's Lint Breaker, Fanny, Brown, Mrs. Mary (8); Brundage, Lulu 8.-; Fisher, Mrs. A. D. ; Hum mel, Bertha; Hummel, Dora; Maule, Mrs. Newt; Norton, Mrs. Edith (2); Ray, Mrs. Caleb H. ; Smith, Mrs. Cora; Thomkins, Mrs. Anna; Week, Mrs. Chas. Men's List: Ban, J. ; Daoie'lOD, Mr ; Fisher, O. L ; Game; MateoJS. ; Griner. Casius; Hnllingsnorih, Al fred : Jacobs, Rob (2 1 ; Lee, Rev. R. O. ; Marx, Joe; Orr, Alex; Rogers, T. E. j Street, O. F. ; Wilson, J. K. FOOD TRUST CORNER DEFEATS OWN END Million? of PoundsCold Storage Butter, Poultry and Eggs Held Five Years. umcago. Millions of pounds of cold storage butter, eggs, cheese and poultry, some of it as much as five years old, according to estimates ot dealers, are about to be thrown upon the market and sacrificed at what ever price they will bring as the re sult of the collapse within the last few days of the "food trust," which, by steady aggressions has piled prices of provisions up to their present figures. Although the collapse of the "cor ner" is likely to be felt most keenlj by the cold storage men of Chicago, the pinch will be felt In many of the Eastern and Middle West shipping centers. Chicago, New York, Phila delphia, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louts and Minneapolis are spoken of as the points where most ot the un loading probably would be done. In putting up prices to the high figures attained during the last two years the cold storage men cut the ground from under their own feet. People who could not afford to pay 35 nd 40 cents a dozen for eggs stopped eating them. Just how much food is in storage la and around Chicago there is no means of ascertaining. Only the wholesalers know, and they will not tell. A few days ago one firm con trolling 33 warehouses admitted it had In storage 44,000,000 pounds ot butter that must be disposed of be fore May 1 at the latest. ATTACK MRS. EDDY'S WILL Opinion by Attorneys Declares the 93,000,000 Bequest to Church Void. Concord, N. H. That the gift of 13,000,000 hy : the late Mrs. Mary Baker Q. Eddy to the Christian. Sci ence Church Is invalid Is the sub stance ot an opinion signed by Wil liam E. Chandler and other attorneys. It is said to be the plan of the attor neys for Mrs. Eddy's sons, George W. Glover and Dr. E. J. Foster-Eddy, to attack this clause of the will. The opinion declares the residuary clause void because a statute In New Hamp shire forbids the gift to a church of more than $5,000 annually, and a simi lar Massachusetts law limits the amount to $2,000 annually. . Opposes Deep Waterway Plan. Chicago. The commission appoint ed by President Taft to inquire into the practicability of digging the first section of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway from Lockport to the Mis sissippi River, has prepared the draft of a report to be made to the Presi dent, and It Is said the report will be that a governmental appropriation for the Lakes-to-the-Gulf waterway is im practicable at this time. SHARPERS DUPE BANKERS Whole Northwest Is the Field of Op'eration. Portland,' Ore. After carrying on for more than a year a successful bank swindling scheme through which bankers and business men in various cities on the Pacific Coast were fleec ed of sums ranging from $260 to $2500, Roy R. Thorpe, alias George S. Stlmp son, was arrested by Plnkerton de tectives at Hot Springs, Ark., Satur day night. Thorpe's two accomplices, J. O. Ross and Rose Corelll, are be ing shadowed and, tne detectives say, will be arrested soon. Tacoma Will Try Recall. Tacoma. A movement for the re call of A. V. Fawcett, the first Mayor elected in Tacoma under the com mission plan of government, adopted last year, was started when M. B. Stambaugh, former city council man, filed charges against Mr. Faw cett with the City Clerk and made formal request for blank forms of recall petitions. Gill Invites War. Seattle. Mayor Gill has thrown the gage of battle down to the managers of the Welfare League, which has been conducting a hard fight against the Gill administration, and will fight his opponents at the polls February 7, the date assigned by the city coun cil for an election to decide whether the present executive is to be recalled. Rudkin Yields to Taft. Olympla, Wash. Upon receiving a second message from President Taft, urging him to accept the place, Frank H. Rudkin, of the Washington Su preme Court, announced that he would accede to the wishes of the President and become the successor of the late Edward Whitson on the Federal bench for the district of Eastern Washington. it the only emuIjion'imL I taUd. The reason It plain I it the beat Insist upon I narint- Scot fr-irt .the weritf standard flesh and strength builder. AJXDtUGGBTS A GOOD REASON Oregon City People Can Why It Is So Tell Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the oures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones np the kidneys. helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause back ache, headaohe and distressing kidney and urinary oomplaints. Oregon City people testily to permanent oures. James Wilkinson, 201 Fourteenth St., Orogon City, Ore., says: "I had backaohe and pains in my loins and could not sleep well at night. There was a stiffness iu niylinibs and other symptoms or kidney trouble were in evidence. Being advised to Uy Dean's Kidney Pills, I did so and was gratified by their promptness in relieving me. Although I am in my sevennetn year, l am iiale and hearty and give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit." For Bale by all dealers. Prtoe 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remombur the name Doan's and take no other. "Unclassified" Ads WANTED To rent a farm with about 20 or 25 acres in cultivation. Ad dresB E. , Care Conrier. BIG MONEY We want an agent in every town ; salary and commission ; references required ; for fnll partic ulars address subscription depart ment, National Sportsman, Iuc, 75 Federal St. , Boston, Mass. FOR SALE One registered Poland Chiua boar, 8 years old. Prioed at $25 until Feb. 1. Address Ralph Holman, Mulino, Ore , R. F. D. No. 1. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, all modern conveniences, fireplace, beam oeilings, range, shades, lino leum, oliioken-house and run,. acre. $1150 cash, balanoe long terms. Risley Station, Oregon City ine. This place is beautifully lo cated iu the perttiest spot on the Oregon City carline. Enquire at the Courier offloe. FOR SALE Good strong horse, weight near 1150 pounds- Prioe $75. Call at Courier office for fur ther particulars. FOR SALE Good 7-room house with fine well, pump, cellar, wood shed, barn, Six lots, fruit, nioe garden ; everything in good shape. Price only $1600.00. John Menke, 214 7th Street, near Main. BOYSIGIRLSI FREE COLUMBIA BIOYLCES for a'little easy spare time work for Hampton's Magazine Send postal for wonderful tree bi cycle offer.' Address "Bioyole Club," Room 538, 66 West 85th St., New York. WANTED AT ONOE-Hampton's Magazine wants a reliable man or woman in Oregon Oity to sell the fastest-growing magazine in Amer ica. Earn 11.60 to $5.00 a day. Write immediately for "Salary Plan" and free outfit. Address "VON," Sales Mgr., Hampton's Magazine, 85 West 85th St., New York. WANTED Cosmopolitan Magazine requires the services of a representa tive in Oregon Oity to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by speoial methods whioh have proved unusually successful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable but not essen tial. Whole time or spare time. Address, with references, H. O. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Magazine 818 Fourth Ave., Now York City, COW FOR SALE-Part Jersey and Hollstein. 4 years old. Fresh in April. Address Conrier office, Ore gon Oity, Ore. THE DEMAND FOR EXPERIENC ED auto men is greater every day. We will teaoh you in our own shop, in two weeks, to drive and oare for all makes of cars. Praotical, thorugb oomplote instruction day or evening. AngeluBj Auto Academy. Oflloe 820 Washington . St., Room 415, Portland, Oregon. FOUND White heifer, hornless; red calf. Owner can have same by proving property and paying oharg es. J. L. Hendry, mile south of Holoomb schoolhouse, Route 6, FOR SALE Choice seed. Took prize Best keeper known. Lewis & Clark fair. Clackamas, Oregon. Denvtr onion at state fair. Gold medal at J. Baekman, FOR SALE Clackamas county farm, by owner. 95 acres. H6 per aore. A bargain at $100. All fenoed. Good land. 9 miles east of Oregon Oity. Part oash, Address Ore gon City Route 1, Box 20. FOR RENT A LARGE STORE IN THE WEINHARD BUILDING, ONE OF THE FINEST LOCA TIONS FOR A RETAIL BUSI NESS IN OREGON OITY. STORE IS ABOUT 80X120 AND IS 'IN GOOD CONDITION. FOR FUR THER PARTICULARS APPLY TO ESTATE OF HENRY WEIN HARD, DECEASED, CORNER THIRTEENTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS, PORTLAND, ORE. Comparative Cost of Lights. In few branches of science has greater progress been made than in artificial lighting. That Is why the Illuminating engineer is today a factor in solving the cost and efficiency of labor problems. Roughly estimated, the relative cost of power an hour for a sixteen candle power light Is as follows: Candles, $.08; oil lamp, $.03; incandescent lamp (carbon filament), $.O0C; gas flame, $.003; arc light (carbon), $.003; acety lene, $.0003; incandescent lamp (tung sten filament), $.0024; gas, with man tie, $.002; mercury or filament tubes, $.001 to $.0025. J. P. Morgan's Grandfather. It sounds curious to bear that J. P. Morgnn's grandfather, who wss a Uni tarian clergyman In Boiton, one made a vlgorouH fight In his pulpit as the apostle of ioverty against wealth and was finally placed on trial by an eccle siastical council for "preaching on ex citing topics." Leslie'. Name Your Farms Throughout the United States there are many farms that are not named, and the Courier believes that it is Just as Important that tke farms named. Give your farm a name. Fill out this coupon, and Bend it to the Oregon City Courier, and your farm name will be placed on the Courier Registered list of Farms. The name sent in will be published together with tke name of the proprietor. Use coupon below. . ' . Name of farm Proprietor , '. Address , Phone Farmers 47 R. F. D. No. 3, Oregon City, Oregon LONE OAEi FARM F. M. BLUHM, Manager ' Producer and dealerin all kinds of FIRST CLASS FARM PRODUCTS AND FIR WOOD Hay, Straw, Wheat, Oats and Potatoes always on hand. First class Butter and Eggs a specialty. All Orders Promptly Filled LAND WANTED We have'several clients who want to purchase property in Clackamas County. ' We have a olient who wauts'about 15 acres of land in the'vioinity 'of Mt. 'Pleasant. , 1 '; Another who wants from two to five aores not far from the oar line. Another who wants to sell a Clackamas County ranch of 80 acres and who will take property in or near Portland as part payment. Another who wants 15 to 30 aores on the Willamette River or on some stream like the Clackamas. We are constantly having'calls for good farms. Our Portland agents are calling for all sorts of Clackamas County farms. DO YOU WANT. TO SELL? CROSS & HAMMOND S5S?o5 SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER 1o Our Old And The Daily Oregonian Oregon City Courier Six Wm. A. Rogers Total W' j '?vf it-' fl & i iiifi AH the above maye obtained for $6.00 for a limited time only. Send to the Courier at once D. C LATOURETTE, Preildtnt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor to Commercial Bank) Transact a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p.m Careful attention and prompt serv- ice will be given all Customers Ft&s1i Goods OUR SPECIALTY We Keep Everything You Could Desire From a Crocery Jack ik PHONE MAIN 56 Law Oregon City New Subscribers Tea Spoons $6.00 1.50 2.50 $10.00 for this valuable combination F. J. MEYER, Caaklr AibAgh 911 7th STRUT